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- That Poignant Moment When Military Veterans Return Homes To Reunite
- 6 Common Problems Foreigners Can Face On A Daily Basis In India
- Historical Facts About Old Monk – Pan India Favorite Rum
- Spiritual Significance Of Maha Shivratri: 6 Interpretations
- This 4-Year-Old ‘Baby Terrorist’ Of Al Qaeda Fires AK-47 In Syrian Civil War
- 8 Most Sought After DJs In India
That Poignant Moment When Military Veterans Return Homes To Reunite Posted: It is an experience that is incredibly difficult to understand and describe. This is a high that can’t really be expressed very accurately how military veterans feels to be back at home and meet their families. When you see your wife, she is still that first crush to you. When you first see her, you get the smell of her hair and her embrace and you can still feel the love at first sight glance, that feeling is out of the world. Have a look:- Credit:- Jcs Jamalovic by Official Youtube video. The post That Poignant Moment When Military Veterans Return Homes To Reunite appeared first on TopYaps. |
6 Common Problems Foreigners Can Face On A Daily Basis In India Posted: Foreigners visiting India do not just get an experience of visiting a new country, but they get the experience of being in a whole diversified new continent itself. India is quite different not just from foreign countries; moreover it is different in every region within itself. Foreigners visiting India get a tremendous cultural shock within 5-10 minutes of landing in the airport. They are not familiar with the ways and means of Indians. What are the common problems faced by foreigners on daily basis when they are in India. Let us check this out. 6. Bargaining by DriversThe first problem a foreigner faces in India is also the most common one. As they try to get to their hotel or place of stay from the airport, they come across cab or auto rickshaw drivers, who demand exorbitant fare. Most of the drivers try to take advantage of the foreigners, assuming they are not familiar with the rates in India. Also they take the longest possible routes to keep the meter running. This happens every time they try to hire a private transport in India. 5. HygieneIf a foreigner is trying to have a peek into real India, without seeking refuge in the make believe 5 star hotel Indian experience, than they have to face the problem of hygiene. Apart from some luxurious places you can count on finger tips, most of the public places in India, like trains, hotels or toilets are considered unhygienic by foreigners. They would have never seen a waiter who carries their food to table with a dirty towel to wipe his hands on if it accidently dipped in their food. This can be a huge problem for people who take special care of cleanliness. 4. FoodThough all major cities of India have come up with McDonalds, Subway, KFC and other international eateries, foreigners still face problem finding the right food for them. Those who prefer to cook their own meals have tough time finding ingredients they use back at home. The problem is similar to the ones Indians face when they visit a foreign country. Indian food is spicier and hot for the bland palates of visitors. They may not even know how to eat many of these Indian delicacies. 3. Language BarrierEnglish is widely spoken and understood language in India. If you assume that it is going to be easy for foreigners speaking English to communicate in India, you couldn't be more wrong. Indians often fail to follow the accent of foreigners and vice versa. There can be a lot of miscommunication, especially when both the parties have strong regional accents. The assumptions and different upbringing makes it only worse. 2. Gender discriminationWomen coming to India from developed countries take time to understand the gender discrimination prevailing in India. When they walk alone on the beach, wear their regular comfortable clothes or visit a pub for a drink, men around them here assume they are looking for sex. People in India are not used to see women having good time all by themselves. Women face the cat calls, the uncomfortable touch, leering and dirty talk just because they do not understand that it is a crime to be yourself in India, especially if you are a woman. 1. Religious sentimentsIndians have very strong religious sentiments, which can be scary to a foreigner. Every now and then someone in India is in news for hurting the sentiments of certain community of people. If this happens to Indians, imagine the plight of naïve foreigners in India. Foreigners do not understand where they cannot wear footwear, who they cannot touch, what pictures they cannot take and also where they cannot be without covering their head. When it comes to religious rituals and culture, Indians can be offended very easily. To make matters worse, people belong to different religions in India, with different rites and rituals for every religion, castes and sub castes. The post 6 Common Problems Foreigners Can Face On A Daily Basis In India appeared first on TopYaps. |
Historical Facts About Old Monk – Pan India Favorite Rum Posted: If there's one drink that the Indians swear by, can anyone guess what might be it? Well, no, not tea or coffee but, our very own, Old Monk Rum—why? If coffee is more famous among the South Indians and the youth, then tea is more famous among the North Indians and generally the post-youth people, so none of these drinks can be rated one above the other. On the other hand, Old monk is the rum that most people in India swear by—be it North or South Indians, youth or aged people, Old Monk is everyone's favorite. So, let's make an attempt to know about our favorite rum better— 7. What is it?This is for those few "pious" souls out there who haven't had the opportunity to savor this rum. Well, Old Monk is vatted Indian dark rum with an underlying vanilla flavor to it. Launched in 1954, this rum contains 42.8% alcohol and is said to be brewed for 7 years (though there are expensive versions of this rum which are brewed across a period of 12 years!). It is produced by Mohan Meakin who is based in Mohan Nagar, Gazhiabad, Uttar Pradesh. 6. Its Inception – Came from Asia's OLDEST BreweryOld Monk is good ol' Indian rum that was first made 158 years ago in 1855 by a person named Edward Dyer in the picturesque quaint Indian town of Kasauli in Himachal Pradesh. And, within a century of its inception, it became the leading rum, not only India, but across the whole world! Today, it has an empire worth 400 crores! In other words, it's not just rum, but a revolution! 5. At the Top, Sans any AdvertisementNowadays numerous alcohol brands advertise their products in the name of "music cds" and "club soda", where everybody is well aware of the real intension. However, we are definitely not against advertisement of products; it's a necessity, especially in this age of neck-deep competition. Take a bow But, Old Monk is something totally exceptional—it's been one of the best and most popular rum in the world sans any advertisement. Now, that's something worth applauding and commending! 4. Biggest BrandRanked 5th among the Indian alcohol brands in the Impact International's list of "Top 100 Brands at Retail Value" in 2008, with a retail value counting over US$ 240 million. In fact, it was also the biggest Indian Made Foreign Liquor Brand in the world until very recently when it lost its position to Mc Dowell's No. 1 Celebration Rum. However, it hasn't failed to maintain its goodwill, and is regarded as the third largest selling rum in the world! Old Monk has also received several gold medals at the Monde World Selections in 1982. 3. International MarketApart from India, retailers in innumerable countries in North America, Asia and Europe sell this rum at retail prices. The list of countries includes UK, USA, Japan, Russia, Finland, Estonia, UAE, Canada and New Zealand among many others. The Old Monk Rum (USA) contains 40% alcohol as against 42.8% in the Indian version. 2. Expensive, is it?Since its inception, Old Monk has prided itself in being one of the best brands of rum at a super bargain price! Yes, it's a brand that sells world class flavored rum at prices as low as Rs. 120 for a 180ml bottle. And, if you go for the Supreme "limited edition" ones, be sure to shell off quite a fortune. In other words, it's a steal! Well, if you look from a different angle, you can very well term it as a revolution that has gone a long way in eradicating social divisions! Food for thought, eh? 1. Can be Doubled-up as a MedicineThis is something that we've heard from our ancestors (it's serious, so please don't smirk!)—if you mix a small quantity of rum, say around 1-2 tsp, with warm water and gulp it, it's going to relieve you from cough and cold which occurs due to sudden weather changes. In some parts of India, it is even given to children to provide relief from biting cold. After all, it's not really just for any simple reason that Old Monk is lovingly regarded by many as the "National Drink of India"! The post Historical Facts About Old Monk – Pan India Favorite Rum appeared first on TopYaps. |
Spiritual Significance Of Maha Shivratri: 6 Interpretations Posted: To the Hindus all across the world, Maha Shivratri remains as one of the major festivals. In fact, it is one amongst the few festivals which people celebrate all over India (no division of South Indians and North Indians). It's a festival when women and girls, of all ages, fast for the whole day—and later, at night, touch food only after devoting their prayers to Lord Shiva. Well, we all do know this detail, but there are a few more details which, unfortunately, most of us aren’t aware of. Let's make an attempt to know them— 6. Significance of the Bilva leavesAccording to the tradition, Lord Shiva must be prayed to with the leaves from Bilva trees. These leaves are indeed quite special as each stalk has not one or two but three leaves. These three leaves are representations of the three nadis: ida, pingala and sushuma, the nexus of which is known as anja chakra. The climb up to the tree signifies the ascent of the kundalini shakti to the anja chakra from the muladhara. Any person who concentrates his/her mind on this point is believed to gain control of his/her senses and go ahead in the path of achieving salvation. 5. Keeping AwakeNo matter how ignorant we are, we all know the fact that people offering prayers to Lord Shiva on this auspicious day ought to remain awake till the wee hours of the morning. This practice, too, isn't without reason. In Hindu mythology (if you'd like to call it that), keeping awake channelizes that kind of awareness and determination that one needs in order to excel in all the worldly activities (a person can never lose the track ever), and give a purpose to his/her "karma". After all, it is only after you do justice to the "karma" that you'll be ahead in our path to enlightenment. 4. TandavaWe all know about tandava, the cosmic dance of lord Shiva, but most of us are unaware of the fact that it is done to attract all of us—the mortal beings—to take refuge in his divinity. The amalgamation of the mortals and the divinity refers to a complete purgation of the soul which heralds a newer outlook, a cleansed soul and a newer determination to face all the worldly challenges anew. It is believed that on this auspicious night, the "Purush" and the "Prakriti" comes together and becomes one. 3. Significance of FastingShiva is regarded as the most knowledgeable Divine Creator—and our fasting is intimately linked with this. Fasting, in Hindu mythology is a means to come closer to the divinity—the term "Jagaran" (or, literally, keeping awake the whole night, or in this case, awakening to a spiritual knowledge) referring to awake someone from the deep slumber powered by greed, lust and all the worldly woes which we all fall prey to. It is to replenish and cleanse ourselves off all the adversities of life and so Shivaratri is celebrated by the Hindus across the oceans. 2. The Significance of NightShivratri is a festival celebrated at the night—it's, hence, related, not to the sun, but to the moon which is symbolic of the mind. Just like the moon, after moving for 16 days, is left sacked with only 1/6th of the power left, similarly, people's minds too gets too much preoccupied by the worldly whims and fancies, that they need to be replenished in order to stay true to their "karma". Hence, on Shivratri, while praying to Lord Almighty with all determination, "bhakti" and discipline, one is revitalized and gets back the control over life all over again. 1. Shiva—the Supreme ConsciousnessLord Shiva, one of the most powerful Gods in Hindu mythology, is known to illuminate all the three stages—deep slumber, waking up and dreaming. Offering water or milk along with the bliva leaves on the Shivlangam uplifts the spirit of the devotee to a whole new level—turiya—which lies beyond the three-fold level of slumber-waking up-dreaming. The dawning of this stage in the individual heralds a spiritual awakening of the person and helps him/her in accomplishing the "karma", thereby making him a complete, pure individual. Happy Shivratri! The post Spiritual Significance Of Maha Shivratri: 6 Interpretations appeared first on TopYaps. |
This 4-Year-Old ‘Baby Terrorist’ Of Al Qaeda Fires AK-47 In Syrian Civil War Posted: Recruited by the terrorist group Al Qaeda to fight in the war-worn Syria, this boy, at tender age of 4, sprays bullet from Kalashnikov to shouts of ‘Allahu Akbar’. With black ski mask and toting AK-47, this kid is said to be the son of an Albanian terrorist who himself is a member of Al Qaeda. Credit: TeKroni
The post This 4-Year-Old ‘Baby Terrorist’ Of Al Qaeda Fires AK-47 In Syrian Civil War appeared first on TopYaps. |
8 Most Sought After DJs In India Posted: 31 Jan 2014 11:15 PM PST DJs or Disc Jockeys are people who churn out different musical renditions of recorded songs. I don't think party-goers need any further explanation on DJs! They are actually the life of a party, people go out there to dance and have fun and that demands not only good but a great musical atmosphere with foot-tapping music! Here is a list of the eight best DJs in India: 8. DJ NyKOne of the best DJs around, DJ NyK or Nikhil Sahni, has not only gained national acclaim but international success as well – touring 25 cities like Hong Kong, Dubai, Malaysia to name a few! All at the tender age of 23! He is known to be a bundle of energy and showing extreme passion toward his art! No wonder only four years in the industry and he's one of the most sought after DJs for remixes in Bollywood! His genres include ambient, chill out, euro trance, house, drum & bass and Breakbeats. His big Bolly debut happened with Shah Rukh Khan's production Billu and continued to 11 more films! Recent remixes by the 'King of Remixes' are Dilli wali girlfriend, Mera Mann, Aao Na! His signature EDM or Electronic Dance Music delivers great numbers now! 7. DJ AqeelThe only DJ from India to have played internationally more than any other is undoubtedly DJ Aqeel aka Aqeel Ali! His 'Shake it Daddy Mix' in 2000 brought him instant fame and made him another most sought after DJ in India. The World Economic Forum in Davos (Switzerland) has seen him play twice with audience comprising Bill Clinton and Kofi Annan! He has his own record label named Power Play Records and is the only one in India to own one. He is also a business tycoon building luxurious night clubs in Mumbai, Delhi, and Goa to name a few! 6. DJ SuketuBased in Mumbai, DJ Suketu started his career as a disc jockey more than 15 years ago with his music album '440' Volts, a chart-topper including hit numbers like 'Pyaar Zindagi Hai', 'Bin Tere Sanam' and 'Bombay In My Soul'. You will also know him as one who remixes popular Bollywood songs like 'Aadat', 'Baras Jaa', 'Beedi', 'Ya Ali' to name just a few! He's also delivered hits for many movies like Awarapan, Race, Zeher, Omkara, Don, Golmaal 3, Garam Masala and Ajab Prem ki Ghazab Kahani to name a few! 5. DJ Akbar SamiDJ Akbar Sami is also one of the most preferred DJs in India and has a huge number of Bollywood remixes to his credit! His first album Jalwa brought him instant fame and success which led him to produce other albums vis-à-vis Jalwa II and Jadoo! He has this amazing talent of mixing peppy beats with traditional music ensuring him a topmost position as a DJ! He is known for incredible passion and energy which are automatically spread out to the crowd! Major remixes of the films done by Salman Khan are delivered by him! 4. DJ Praveen NairA successful DJ, DJ Praveen Nair is actually an engineer! He is also credited by representing the Indian DJ scene internationally! He started his career as a disc jockey in the year 2002 and has eventually turned out to be another one of India's most sought after DJs! His international audience includes a range of countries like Egypt, Hong Kong, Australia, Thailand, Moscow, South Africa, Malaysia, Indonesia and Italy to name a few! Many know him for the famous 'Bhangra mix' of 'Summer of 69', but he too has numerous remixes to his credit! He is also the only DJ to have his own radio show on weekends! One is the 'Saturday Nite Fever with DJ Praveen Nair' on FEVER 104 FM (Delhi and Mumbai) and the other being 'Club HD' on HUMDESIRADIO in the USA! 3. DJ GauravVery passionate about his profession, DJ Gaurav is known to have a fresh approach towards music! He is quite new in the music industry but is surely making his mark and how! He has performed in various international events and in more than 15cities in India! 20 remix albums have been his offer to the industry with peppy numbers! DJ Gaurav is also known to be a terrifically energetic person! 2. DJ RavishDJ Ravish started his music career at the age of 17 after being exposed to music at 15! He is now, at 20, one of the most liked DJs in India! His passion for music grew by leaps and bounds after spinning at a friend's place. He is quite a hotshot on the Electronic Music stage. Banging on the speakers and funky basslines are his USP and it's a sensation now! His Bollywood numbers include 'Dhan te Nan' (Kaminey), 'Twist' (Love Aaj Kal) and 'Om mangalam' (Kambakkht Ishq) to name a few! The star of any party, he is simply any party animal's favorite! 1. DJ NashaRitesh D'Souza aka DJ Nasha is an iconic experimenter of Bollywood and Indian dance music. He too has amazing energy which is transferred to his audience both in India and worldwide! He was the first Indian to feature in the famous album Budhha Bar VII with his remix of 'Flute fantasy'. The 'Commonwealth Games 2000 Closing Ceremony' has seen him perform. He has worked alongside various famous artists like Sonu Nigam and Ismail Darbar to name a few. His famous remixes include 'Yaara sili sili', 'Jawani jane mann' and 'Bagon mein bahar'. He is considered one of the best artists in the industry! The post 8 Most Sought After DJs In India appeared first on TopYaps. |
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