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- “The Sea, The Sea” – Jose Ivans First And Only Thought As He Joins The Short List Of Castaways Who Survived The Sea
- 7 Of The Best Arts Colleges To Join After 10+2 In Kolkata
- The Generosity Bug Is Infecting More Everyday. Here Is The Proof
- You Can Write A Different Story On Each Of These Amazing Pictures
- 5 Ways To Not Lose Faith In Your Country
- 5 Things Youngsters Do On Saraswati Puja In Kolkata
- ‘Dil To Deewana Hai’ Blessed By Arvind Kejriwal’s Pen, Delhi CM Writes A Song For Bollywood Flick
Posted: When a normal fishing trip goes terrible wrong and becomes an unbelievable story of the human spirit, we all need to sit up and learn a thing or two from it. It's not every day you drift at sea for almost a year, only to be rescued safe and sound in one piece. Here's what you can learn from the story of Jose Ivans, who survived the Pacific Ocean for 16 months. 1.It was similar to a shot from any Hollywood movie, a man in tattered shorts, unruly hair and beard, walking out of the sea onto the beach, out of nowhere. The two female's islanders of reef Ebon, Marshall Island, must not have dreamt of Jose Ivans sight in their wildest dreams. 2.His story is one of mental and physical endurance both. Little did he know in December 2012, that when he would venture out for shark fishing with his companion Ezekiel, aged 15 or 18, he would lay sight on land after a year and alone. 3.The press calls him 'Miracle Man of the Pacific ', and he sure has raised quite a few curious questions, regarding his story, which the critics amongst us refuse to buy. 4.His 24ft boat had started drifting out of control once the propeller engines broke down on 21st December 2012. Their attempts to attract other passer by vessels were futile. The only solution was to stay calm and face what comes their way. 5.Soon the water and food ran out and they had to switch to eating fish that were swimming close to the boat and turtle blood for liquid intake. But, his companion could not keep the raw food down and gave up fighting after four weeks. 6.The enticement for cannibalism must have been the biggest battle for Jose to fight, righteous of him to stick to turtles instead. 7.We can only imagine a fraction of the loneliness, despair and the wait for an inevitable death that he must have felt day after day. No fishing rods were found on the boat, only a knife and a small cover to protect him from the sun. 8.The thought of suicide did cross his mind, but he chose to pray and believed in the mysterious ways of God. He longed to see and talk to his wife and daughter. How desperate and helpless he must have felt, to be not able to tell them that he's ok. 9.A few hours without a mobile signal drives us nuts, here was a man floating alone in the Pacific, without a soul in sight. 10.There was no rain for days together, he started grabbing turtles and drank their blood. Swallowed his own urine, supposedly caught sea gulls, caught fish with a hook and ate them alive. 11.Soon, days and nights merged into one and he started losing grasp over reality and was on the verge of giving up all hope. Scorched by the sun, with every muscles and limb in his body hurting, he hung onto his last thread of hope. 12.He finally hit land and gathered all his inner strength swam ashore, near a reef at Ebon. The two women understood his story somewhat and offered him a lift to the closest largest village. 13.The village folk welcomed this stranger, who had visible evidence of the torture he had bore at sea, with open arms. Fed him, clothed him and took care of him. Ola Fieldstad an anthropology student understood his story somewhat by sign language and drawings, as nobody spoke Spanish there. 14.For all those who have seen Tom Hank's Castaway, will see a striking resemblance between Jose Ivan and his character in the movie. 15.For the less God fearing amongst us, yes he does look in much better health than you would expect someone to be, after such an experience. His original physical condition has more to do with that. 16.The doctors say his body has bloated due to edema, which occurs after prolonged exposure to sun and salt. 17.Steak and eggs loyalists, please note that turtle blood provides the same nutrition as these two favorite dishes. 18.He might get over the physical ordeal, but it sure will take a long time to get over the mental one. We wish him happy reunion with his family in El Salvador, and a quick recovery. He sure has inspired many to achieve the impossible. The post "The Sea, The Sea" – Jose Ivans First And Only Thought As He Joins The Short List Of Castaways Who Survived The Sea appeared first on TopYaps. |
7 Of The Best Arts Colleges To Join After 10+2 In Kolkata Posted: Since time immemorial, Kolkata has been referred to as the seat of modern education and culture in India. Kolkata has always produced creative geniuses, from poets, to writers, film directors and world renowned economists. It still stands tall to its claim and produces some of the finest students who later go on to excel in the field of education. Now that the admission season is on, let's look at some of the best colleges and universities in Kolkata that impart excellent education in the Arts stream— 7. Loreto CollegeSituated in the heart of the city, at Middleton Street, Loreto College is a Christian Minority College which has been imparting quality education to women in Kolkata since 1912. In spite of being a very high-profile college, it has its long list of rules and regulations and anyone flouting these is highly penalized. It's a highly sorted-after college, especially in the field of Arts. Backed by highly qualified and experienced faculty, this college is famous for courses like English Honors and Major in Communicative English (one of its kind in Kolkata). Loreto College also imparts B.Ed and M.Ed degrees. 6. St. Xavier's CollegeAnother Christian Minority College in Kolkata, St. Xaviers is perhaps one of the best colleges in not only Kolkata but also in India. In fact, it was the first institution under University of Calcutta to get an Autonomous Accreditation. This college is famous for all the departments it has and anyone who scores well in +2, dreams of getting through this college. However, since it is a Christian Minority institution, it prefers Christians over people from other religions, and due to its innumerable quotas (sports, acting, dancing, etc.) it stays out of reach of many deserving students. This college was one of the first colleges to be inaugurated in Kolkata (1860) and has had innumerable famous students since then. 5. Ashutosh CollegeFamous for its education as well as its politics, Ashutosh College is one of the prestigious colleges in Kolkata and, unlike the above two colleges, is open for common but brilliant students. Funded by the Government, the college is a co-educational one and is backed by some great faculty. The college has around 10 departments in the Arts stream and is regarded as one of the most populous colleges in Kolkata. If you're to take admission in this college, make sure you arrive at the college gate in the wee hours of the morning to collect admission form; it's only then that you'll be able to collect the forms on the same day—such is the rush! 4. Maulana Azad CollegeThis Muslim Minority College is a Government college and is notable for all the three streams—Arts, Commerce and Science. Backed by some outstanding faculty, the college has also opened 3 post graduate departments—English, Zoology, Microbiology. And, it is one of the few colleges in Kolkata which imparts Bachelor's degrees Urdu, Arabic, Persian, Islamic History and Culture along with the staple other courses. And, although a Muslim Minority college, this college doesn't make any rift between the religions—it's a college where an Iftar Party is celebrated with as much pomp and show as the Saraswati Puja. 3. Lady Brabourne CollegeLocated at Park Circus, Lady Brabourne College is one of the first and best women's colleges in India which has kept up with this caliber even today. It is every girl's wish to be a Brabournite—and if you're doing a Bachelor's degree in English from Brabourne, then you'll be regarded as a connoisseur of the language (this is quite dumb!). However, once you get through this college, don't be under the misconception that you'd be able to pass properly with a nice degree at the end of 3 years—the college holds record in debarring the "not-so-good" students from taking the University examination. 2. Jadavpur UniversityOne of the most sought-after universities in Kolkata, Jadavpur University is essentially a Science and Technology University, though it houses almost all the Arts departments. The English and Film Studies departments of the University are much celebrated, and two of the best respective departments in India. Backed with brilliant and highly celebrated professors, the University of Jadavpur is indeed a University to be looked after if you intend to pursue Arts or Science. They don't have any Commerce department. 1. Presidency CollegeOne of the premier and oldest colleges in India, the Presidency College, now Presidency University, still maintains its record in producing brilliant students. Backed by great and learned professors (the likes of Vidyasagar) since its inception, Presidency University has produced even nobel laureates like Amartya Sen and other dignitaries like Gayatri Chakraborty Spivak. The college is still, perhaps, the best college in Kolkata, which has opened its gate to people of all communities, of all castes and creeds and social backgrounds. The post 7 Of The Best Arts Colleges To Join After 10+2 In Kolkata appeared first on TopYaps. |
The Generosity Bug Is Infecting More Everyday. Here Is The Proof Posted: It appears like a late Christmas generosity season otherwise there is no reason why an anonymous customer would leave a whooping $15K (that's Fifteen Thousand Dollars) tip for three waitresses in a restaurant. Oh wait! Didn't I mention a generosity bug in the headline? Well, there it is! A pest everyone would love to have around. In this case, it appears, the bug bit a woman in Caledonia, Illinois, who left a tip of $5000 each for the three waitresses at a restaurant after overhearing them discussing their financial problems. A few days back, two men had made an inspiring video by helping a hotel cleaner in much the same way. Credit: Huffington Post The post The Generosity Bug Is Infecting More Everyday. Here Is The Proof appeared first on TopYaps. |
You Can Write A Different Story On Each Of These Amazing Pictures Posted:
The post You Can Write A Different Story On Each Of These Amazing Pictures appeared first on TopYaps. |
5 Ways To Not Lose Faith In Your Country Posted: In these days of dirty and selfish politics, it is tough not to lose faith in one's nation. We progress along with our nation. The fall of the country would be the fall of its citizens. Patriotism and love for the nation in the heart of citizens is indispensable for the progress of a nation. But unfortunately patriotism and love cannot exist where there is mistrust. Hence, there is no doubt that we should not lose faith in our country, because losing faith in our country will finally be the cause of our own downfall. How to achieve this Herculean task? We need to have patience and bear in mind that our own country is going through a tough transition period. Once the transition is over, there is going to be a great change in our country. Let us hope and pray that the change is going to be a positive one. Here are 5 ways to look at your country to see if that prevents you from losing faith in your country. 5. We are the NationMore than the rivers, hills, forests or oceans, it is we, the citizens of the country that makes it what it is. When people say, a country is dirty; it means that the citizens of the country are failing in their duty to clean the mess they leave behind. When we say our country is corrupt, it means the people here are accepting bribes. Changing the nation should begin with individuals, and then progress to bigger scale. No matter how powerless we say we are, we still have the power to change ourselves. Gladly, this is where the changing of our country begins. 4. Read History for ProofEvery country has a history of its own, which can have inspirational stories for present generations to strengthen their faith in their country. India, with rich past, strewn with stories of braveries, survivals and spiritual enlightenment, should sow the seeds of faith in the hearts of its citizens. We also learn from history that no matter how much we falter, when time comes the country stands united to emerge victorious from even worst of the crisis. 3. Have faith in our youthWe need to place trust in our youth to take our country beyond the discriminations, superstitions and corruption. Today, India is considered to be a young country, not in terms of her own age, but regarding the average age of Indian citizens. At present every third Indian city dweller is a youth. In less than a decade, the median age of Indian citizen will be 29 years, thus making India the youngest country in the world. We should place trust in the youth to bring about the much awaited change in our country. 2. Progress in Science and TechnologyThough India attained its freedom only in 1947, it has progressed in leaps and bounds in the field of science and technology. It is true that our country is lagging behind developed nations, but a proper survey will show that poverty and brain drain are two major causes of this. Overcoming all of the hurdles thrown in its way, including internal favoritism and corruption, the country has many proud achievements under its belt. 1. The Strongest AssetThe strongest asset of our country is its human resource, and that we do have in plenty. The strongest asset of India has allowed it to emerge as a strong contender for the outsourcing industry. The financial interest shown in India by business conglomerates is due to the potential they see in the country and due to the availability of people resource here. The human capital of India is bound to take it to a bright and progressive future. Let us keep our faith in ourselves and our country. The post 5 Ways To Not Lose Faith In Your Country appeared first on TopYaps. |
5 Things Youngsters Do On Saraswati Puja In Kolkata Posted: There's a famous saying about the festivals of Bengal—"for the Bengalis there are thirteen festivals to be celebrated in twelve months". However, the main festival season in Bengal gears off with Vishwakarma festival (celebrated on 15th of September) and culminates with the Saraswati Puja (celebrated in late January or early February). Well, although Durga Puja is the main festival of Bengal, youth and children of Bengal seem at their gayest best during Saraswati Puja. If you can find one single child seated alone in his/her home, then you can well be the luckiest person on the planet. Let's look at a few things which keep their young adults busy during this day (chronologically)— 5. Drape a Yellow Sari and Offer Prayers at HomeSince it's the festival of learning, Saraswati Puja is held almost at every household of the state. The Bengali children's routine starts with (since, God knows when!) waking up at dawn, taking a super cool bath and draping a cotton yellow sari (since it's the favorite color of the deity) and offering Puja at home. And, if a particular household doesn't hold the particular Puja, their neighbors' door is always welcome—so what's it's at that awkward time? 4. Visit Schools or CollegesYes, you heard it right; it is perhaps the only festival ever when all the schools and colleges remain open for not only their own students but also their parents, their friends—literally, for everyone. Since Saraswati is regarded as the Goddess of Learning, most of the schools and colleges of Bengal make it a point to celebrate this festival with pomp and show. Draped in their favorite saris (for the ladies) and kurta pyajama (for the gentlemen), the students' first stop is always their schools and colleges where they again offer "pushpanjali" before digging into piping hot khichdi and other delectable savories. 3. Going Around Openly With Your ValentineYes, we did use the term "Valentine", though the festival isn't always celebrated on the Valentine's Day—the Saraswati Puja is widely celebrated as the Bengali Valentine's Day! Apparently, even the strictest household doesn't stop their children to spend one whole day out with friends—and, naturally, the "children" takes this advantage. The streets remain filled with lovey-dovey couples on this day—the liaisons which remain within the premises of schools and colleges, breathe the open, fresh air on this day. The parks, streets, restaurants, movie halls, theatres—everywhere seems simply congested on this day. When the whole country forces special but ruthless rules on Valentine's Day, West Bengal glorifies and celebrates not one but two Valentine's Days! 2. Rush Off to the Tutorials or Dance/Singing/Painting ClassesYou can go around the whole day with your friends, but you simply cannot miss out on your "duties". Yes, it's sort of a duty to attend the cultural programs held at the tutorials and other classes providing extra-curricular tuitions. Well, any person residing out of Bengal might find this quite disgusting, but the students in here love to follow all the "regulations" on this "auspicious" day. These cultural programs are much sorted after where the participation of all students is mandatory—making the whole program much more jovial and fun. Besides, there's another level of fun at celebrating some special event at places which prove to be nothing but head-ache for the rest of the year! 1. Cultural Program at HomeWell, the day hasn't yet got over—we've still got another event to go. Basically, the students have to perform multi-tasking on this particular day—and, oh boy! The students of Bengal (Bengalis and other non Bengalis residing in Bengal) are so good at this. After such a tiresome day, you just cannot end up in bed; you have to attend the cultural gathering held at your housing society or your relatives' place or at your own place. After all, there must be something for the adults too, and how can any adult celebrate this day without their children? Does this seem too complex a logic? Well, our children don't seem to bother anything—and make it a point to enjoy this day to the fullest! The post 5 Things Youngsters Do On Saraswati Puja In Kolkata appeared first on TopYaps. |
‘Dil To Deewana Hai’ Blessed By Arvind Kejriwal’s Pen, Delhi CM Writes A Song For Bollywood Flick Posted: 03 Feb 2014 11:00 PM PST Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has turned into lyricist for Dil To Deewana Hai, an upcoming Bollywood movie which marks the debut of Hyder Khan, Aamir Khan’s step-brother. Directed by Raja R. Bundela and produced by Deepak Sharma, this movie comprises none other than Kumar Vishwas as its principal lyricist who will be penning down other songs. Fans of Arvind Kejriwal are eagerly waiting for the release date of music album. And why not? They have seen Delhi’s new Chief Minister singing Manna Dey’s brotherhood song from podium. And now is the time to see what he’ll be pouring down from his pen. Meanwhile, you can enjoy Insan Ka Insan Se Ho Bhaichara sung by Arvind Kejriwal at Ramlila Maidan. Credit: NDTV The post ‘Dil To Deewana Hai’ Blessed By Arvind Kejriwal’s Pen, Delhi CM Writes A Song For Bollywood Flick appeared first on TopYaps. |
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