Monday, June 24, 2013



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Top 5 Rising Nanotechnologies

Posted: 24 Jun 2013 10:49 AM PDT

In almost every unshakable industries nano-technology has been entered along with its wide spread technological goals. This technology is used with the help of atoms and molecules and also referred to as molecular nanotechnology. Here are some of the assembled rising nanotechnologies which is in greater demand these days while some of the technologies still need to expand its impact towards industries. Have a look:-

5. Quantum Computing:

  • Field: Nano-electronics
  • Availability: Near future/distant future

Quantum Computing is consider best to complete task such as cryptography, modeling, and indexing large databases. It totally depends on quantum physics concepts using properties of atoms and nuclei to work together as quantum bits or qubits. They can actually perform and behave faster than ‘conventional computers’. Most of today’s computers rely on electrons and electricity that fly around surface in bits and chunks but Quantum Computing is all about subatomic particles that do number crunching far much better than those machines that runs in bits.


4. Regeneration Of Human Tissue:

  • Field: Nanomedicine
  • Availability: Distant future

A research done on  May 7, 2007 revealed that if you combine nano-technology with biology, you can heal damage tissues and organs. Once our cells of our nervous system become fully mature, they are not able to exhilarate themselves in anyway. There are some researches who have discovered that there is one gel which can activate these cells again and can also help these cells in their fast growth, thanks to nano-technology.

Rising Top 5 Rising Nano-technologies

3. Effective Drug Delivery Systems:

  • Field: Nanomedicine/Bionanotechnology
  • Availability: Distant future

The drug delivery system into central nervous system is a very challenging task in treating any neurological disorders. Due to the advanced nanotechnology possibility of inducing the drug delivery into CNS has been improved. Various approach has been used to open blood brain barriers using the best transport and carrier systems.  Drugs are wrapped up in nano structures and by attacking they get dissolved in germs and release the medicine.

rising nano-technologies

2. Energy Harvesting:

  • Field: Nanomaterials
  • Availability: Distant future

To extend the life span and the performance of products built is all about the potential of Energy Harvesting. Lets just suppose, if you are going home or anywhere and suddenly your cellphone ran out of battery, how would you react if it automatically gets recharged on your way home while walking ? Interesting, isn’t?. With nano-technology such systems can be built with so flexibility and smoothness.


Rising nano-technologies

1. Military Applications:

  • Field: Nanoelectronics/nanomaterials/bionanotechnology
  • Availability: Distant future

Nano-Technology can help our soldiers in military applications during war. It can enhance all the lighter weight equipment’s of soldiers with more durablity. We can also fix nano sensors in soldiers uniform and in body to help them provide all the controls they can handle at their best.


Rising  Nano-technologies


The post Top 5 Rising Nanotechnologies appeared first on TopYaps.

Top 10 Most Amazing Logos of Famous Companies

Posted: 24 Jun 2013 01:33 AM PDT

Any where you go you can see lot of logos in different styles and types. The word logo is not a contemporary development but it is in our surroundings since thousands of years as a face of any company. Stamps were used earlier but now logos are used which are far more jaded, refined and attractive. A company puts in lot of labour in making an amazing logo which is an identity and reputation of that company. Although logo is not the only thing for a firm but it is a huge part for its identification. It involves an art of expression, a style of uniqueness which thus expands its audiences. We can say that it is a particular element for a company's progress and connection with the world. Logo contains naturalness, specialness and stability which help them to have a special place in this crowded emporium. Let us see the list of those amazing logos which are distinctly ahead and have created a meaningful change in the advertising industry. These are the top 10 most amazing logos of some of the most famous companies.

10. Mozilla Firefox:

Mozilla Firefox is a registered logo and no one is allowed to produce a similar one. There were lot of discussions before deciding this amazing logo and it was important to create something that is retentive and impressive. The Mozilla Firefox was created by Dave Hyatt and Blake Ross which was an experimental branch of the Mozilla browser. Since then it went lot of changes and earlier it was called as Phoenix. The name Phoenix was kept until 2003 but later it was changed to "Firefox". The Mozilla foundation decided on Firefox which is a familiar name for the red panda. A panda covered in fire and holding a globe is truly an amazing creation.

Mozilla Firefox - Top 10 Most Amazing Logos of Famous Companies

9. Pizza Hut:

Pizza Hut is a famous American restaurant chain offering delicious and varieties of pizza in the world. It is the branch of Yum! Brands, Inc the largest food company in the world. Dan and Frank Carney designed in the year 1967 a logo for Pizza Hut featuring a red roof image with Pizza Hut written below it and this particular logo was used until the year 1999. After 1999 there was a different font used for Pizza Hut with a green dot on 'i' and a yellow underline. Pizza Hut's red colour epitomizes freshness and the yellow colour delineates the taste, richness and joy. Few restaurant chains still use the previous version of the symbol but most of them prefer the new, innovated and stylish Pizza Hut logo.

Pizza Hut

8. Mercedes:

As the name Mercedes appears, we get an image of a very stylish, sophisticated and a complicated vehicle. Mercedes-Benz vehicles first came in 1926 with the merger of Karl Benz and Gottlieb Daimler's company, the Daimler-Benz Company. The amazing logo of Mercedes is a salient impression of class, purity and excellence created by Gottlieb Daimler. It is one of the most popular and eye catching logos in the world. The three pointed star enclosed in a metallic gray orbit defines the logo of the company. Though the symbol is very simple but it does portray a status with simplicity and firmness.

Mercedes - Top 10 Most Amazing Logos of Famous Companies

7. Mc Donald's:

Another fast food chain popular for selling hamburger, French fries and soft drinks, the Mc Donald was started in 1940 by Richard and Maurice Mc Donald in California. Mc Donald's trademark used a clown shaped man having puffed leg who is seen sitting just outside the restaurant on a bench. The kids are really fascinated with this clown like man. The Golden Arches is the logo of Mc Donald's which is similar to M for Mc Donald's in 1968. The symbol that is used now a days has a golden arch along with "i'm lovin' it" written below in black.

Mc Donald's

6. NIKE:

NIKE Inc. is an Oregon based renowned brand of sportswear and sports accessories. It rules the sports industry and undoubtedly has a very effective logo. Blue Ribbon Sports was a predecessor of Nike started by Bill Bowerman and Phil Knight in 1964 and later named as NIKE. 'Swoosh' is the symbol for this famous company and it was designed by a Carolyn Davidson in 1971 who was a graphic student at Portland State University. Throughout its operations Nike has conceptualized and revolutionized the amazing logo with the simple black colour that is used for Swoosh. It is the combination of elegance, brilliance and power of the logo.

NIKE - Top 10 Most Amazing Logos of Famous Companies


Royal Dutch Shell which is commonly known as SHELL is a multinational oil and gas company. It is the world's second largest company and has its registered office in London. Its first logo was designed in 1990 and since it has changed providing it a distinctive and a realistic shape. In 1915, the logo was re-designed as a colourful one with powerful red and yellow colours shaped as a mollusc. These colours later helped Shell to be different and a fascinating logo. The hard cover represents the company's reputation, strength and power. And the fonts delineate the quality and high class position in the corporate world.


4. IBM:

International Business Machine commonly known as IBM is an American multinational technology and consulting company. It was founded in 1911 as Computing Tabulating Recording Company. The logo was designed by Paul Rand who is one of the renowned graphic designers. As time passed the logo faced lot of changes and it was modified a number of times. The logo is simple yet captivating and attractive reflecting the uniqueness and quality the company holds in the Information Technology market. The logo has a very sophisticated and decent font highlighted as IBM in blue colour. The logo is attractive and has an unforgettable, beautiful font style.

IBM - Top 10 Most Amazing Logos of Famous Companies

3. Apple:

Apple is formerly referred as Apple Computer, Inc. an innovative identity in the world of electronics. Apple’s headquarter is in California and it has one of the best hardware and software line of electronics in the world. Apple is very high in brand value and geniuses are involved in designing its logo. In 1976 Apple had a very stylish and a complicated logo. Its first logo was designed by Ron Wayne which illustrated Sir Isaac Newton sitting under an Apple tree. Later it went through lot of changes and till 1998 it had an apple with multicolour stripes in it. Steve Job appreciated the second version of the logo but he never wanted that people should confuse it with a cherry. So the current logo was made with a bite in 1998. Now the logo is simple and delivers more about its refine and quality standard.


2. Adidas:

Adidas AG is a German based sports clothing and accessories manufacturer. Adidas produces largest sportswear in Germany and Europe and is the second biggest in the world. Adidas logo was first used on footwear in 1949. The logo had three stripes designed by Adi Dassler. Then the second logo emerged as trefoil with the stripes still prominent on it. The latest logo has three bars which is quite simulated with a mountain. This logo was chosen because the company is famous for three stripes. Adidas has a powerful logo and is recognised worldwide making it a clothing design for sports for many more years to come.

Adidas - Top 10 Most Amazing Logos of Famous Companies

1. Harley Davidson:

Harley Davidson is one of the most influential, enormous and oldest name in producing two wheelers since 1903 in Wisconsin. Harley Davidson is a large brand and its logo accounted $40 million of the company’s net revenue in 2010. Harley Davidson is famous for its ‘bar and shield’ logo, which is the most memorable and greatest logo ever created in the history. The logo comprises of two colours orange and black. Orange is for energy and pride and black is for excellence and elegance. The definition of Harley Davidson's logo is the strength and eminence which has gained many awards over the years.

Harley Davidson

The post Top 10 Most Amazing Logos of Famous Companies appeared first on TopYaps.

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