Thursday, June 6, 2013



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6 Reasons Why Red Wedding in Game of Thrones Was Inevitable

Posted: 06 Jun 2013 02:56 AM PDT

The "Red Wedding" is over and, standing true to its name, it has left behind blood flowing down the Twins. Robb Stark, The King of the North and the eldest son of the slain Ned, was killed by Walder Frey and Stark bannerman Roose Bolton along with Talisa, his pregnant wife, and Catelyn Stark, his mother. In what appears as an "unexpected" treachery, the Freys broke the sacred laws of hospitality and butchered almost all of Stark's men after inviting them to the wedding between Robb's cousin Edmure Tully and Walder’s daughter Roslin Frey. The scene where Catelyn's throat was slit was particularly gruesome. Such was the cruelty that even Robb’s direwolf, Grey Wind, was not spared. The segment in the episode titled 'Rains of Castamere' evoked emotions of shock, anger and disgust from fans of the George R.R. Martin story. Social media was inundated with tweets and posts rebuking the segment. But was this reaction warranted? Why was the treachery "unexpected"? What was so outrageous about the scene that a Twitter account named @RedWeddingTears began to retweet the most anguished responses. Read on to find out why Red Wedding was inevitable.

6. Game of Thrones was getting predictable:

Game of Thrones getting Predictable

True followers of the Game of Thrones would know that the entire story is built to give a shock to the readers or viewers. If you are a true follower, and you understand how a story is built, you shouldn't be surprised by the betrayal. If the last two seasons give any indications, a twist in the tale was right around the corner. From the first season with Eddard getting executed to second season where Theon Greyjoy betrays Robb Stark, why would you think the third season would be any different?

5. Roles of Arya, Bran, Hound, etc., would have ended:

Many characters in Game of Thrones

It is true that even the most ardent fans of Game of Thrones can’t name all of its characters. The beauty of this series lies in the fact that there is no central character hogging all the screen space. With Robb Stark getting too much of screen time, the development of other characters such as Arya Stark, Hound, Stannis Baratheon would have taken a backseat. With him out of the way, you can look forward to these characters playing a more prominent role in the coming series. For instance, Arya has now witnessed the killing of her father, brother and mother.

4. Makes the final victory even sweeter:

The more the tension builds up, the better it will be in the end. The killing of Robb Stark and his mother, and the scene witnessed by Arya Stark makes the plot more interesting. It is obvious that Arya would now be full of the desire for vengeance against the Lannisters having earlier seen her father getting executed, and now her brother and mother, at the hands of Lannisters. But since Game of Thrones is as unpredictable as weather, only Martin knows how things will unfold in the end. Nevertheless, this segment was important for Arya's development because is the only major character to have at least one point-of-view segment in each of the five books written till date.

3. George R.R. Martin:

Scumbag George Martin

George R.R. Martin is a master storyteller and the way he creates the yearning for justice through his story is awesome. At the same time he intentionally disappoints readers and viewers alike when they most expect justice to be delivered. What makes you think then that Martin would show all happy-happy characters in a meeting between two families, one of which refused to marry the other's daughter? This is a medieval fantasy and the rules of the game will obviously be…medieval! Robb and Catelyn had to die to make Arya stronger.

2. Lord Bolton freed Jaime:

Lord Bolton freed Jaime

“The Lannisters send their regards.” —Roose Bolton, handing Robb the worst wedding gift ever. Do you remember when Roose let Jaime Lannister go free earlier in the series? Did you question his motives then? If not, why not? It was obvious that something was brewing under Bolton's skull when he allowed Jaime, a prisoner of the Starks, to go to King's Landing with instructions to explain to Tywin Lannister that Bolton was not responsible for his maiming. At the same time Bolton keeps the Brianne, loyal to the Starks, a prisoner. It takes a little wit to realize Bolton's plot but had those who applied it, wouldn't have been surprised at the betrayal.

1. Robb continued to pass on Catelyn’s advice:

Robb continued to pass on Catelyn's advice

A king must have ears for wise counsel. Robb lacked that and had to pay with his, his wife's and his mother's lives. Catelyn has been the sanest voice so far in the series but also the most ignored. Ned ignored her advice not to go to King's Landing with Robert Baratheon and met with his death. The same applied to Robb who ignored her at every turn. She distrusted Walder Frey and Bolton, too, but Robb couldn't understand to the end.

By: Team TopYaps

The post 6 Reasons Why Red Wedding in Game of Thrones Was Inevitable appeared first on TopYaps.

Top 10 Weirdest Facebook Apps

Posted: 06 Jun 2013 02:37 AM PDT

The blue social media giant is coming with more and more entertaining apps for its users.  Zuckerberg knows how to keep the social media users engaged after they are done playing with old apps. Facebook apps add spice to your social connections, and even help you organizing all the stuff you uploaded through your profile. There is no limit of what a Facebook app can do using your personal data and activities. However, there are many apps which you would find weird and strange. Many of them do not even make sense, but the still enjoy much popularity. No wonder, weirdness has its own fun. We just prepared a list of top 10 weirdest Facebook apps, which you might like to try out for a change.


10. Take This Lollipop:

Started only as a social experiment, 'Take This Lollipop' has turned out to be one of the fastest growing Facebook apps with millions liking it right after it was launched before last Halloween. Put together by video creator Jason Zada, the app gives you the scare of your life – the kind one would get while watching a horror movie where people stumble upon their photos and personal information in the video.

Take This Lollipop - Weirdest Facebook Apps

9. Ask Paul the Octopus!

Taken out of real life Paul the Octopus, who correctly predicted the results of important games at the 2010 Football World Cup, the Octopus on this Facebook App appears on your screen, giving you an opportunity to ask intelligent or stupid questions in the same breath. Don't expect the answer to be straightforward or logical and that is where the fun lies, giving it the popularity it has attained.

Ask Paul the Octopus - Weirdest Facebook Apps

8. Bang with Friends:

Facebook helps you find friends, but what if you are searching for friends who happen to be down for the night? The naughty app claims to keep your identity hidden, and when you log in, a page serves up with profile pictures of the opposite sex or whatever your preference is listed out. Don't ask what criteria to apply at the base of selection.

Bang with Friends - Weirdest Facebook Apps

7. If I Die:

It hit a high road the day it was launched with the download count crossing the 80,000 mark on day one. This app lets you post farewell messages on your wall that will appear for real posthumously. All you have to do is to install the free app and choose three Facebook friends who would verify your eventual death so as to activate the posthumous messaging. Here you can record videos or craft any number of statuses updates that ironically get posted after you are dead.

If I Die - Weirdest Facebook Apps

6. Places I've Pooped:

Sharing scenic places one has visited is common, events held in families, funny moments with friends are loaded on nearly all personal Facebook pages but this one goes out of the way to share places where one has pooped. Interestingly, this very personal nature's call Facebook App is very popular as it gets populated with all the toilet places where one has crapped poop. Surely you could join the tribe.

Places I've Pooped - Weirdest Facebook Apps

5. God Wants You to Know:

May be Saint Mark attempted to use Facebook app instead of deep mediation to talk to God for confiding in Him all sins and seeking forgiveness through prayers. This app leads your voice right into the wall of God and fetches suitable replies. Solace to some, but amusing to many, one actually receives messages of prayers and abiding by the faith as they were coming out directly from God's repertoire.

God Wants You to Know - Weirdest Facebook Apps

4. Pot Farm:

Getting a fix of dope in a god forsaken place where you will not physically get it is what this Facebook app offers to provide a desperate user in emergency situations. No arm of law will catch up and you could live your dream of cultivating the contraband marijuana, smuggle it, smoke it or just trade it. The weird app gets popular by the day.

Pot Farm - Weirdest Facebook Apps

3. Amateur Surgeon Hospital:

It looks like this weird app is just made for vicarious psychopaths. It allows you to conduct surgeries without being a qualified doctor, as being in an illegal hospital with blood splattered all around. You could attempt this bloodshed on your wall, if you like.

Amateur Surgeon Hospital - Weirdest Facebook Apps

2. Kill Switch:

It's a slow killer to eliminate your ex-girlfriend from your Facebook entirely. It sounds like a psychological weapon, designed for vengeance or to assist you when erasing memories isn't easy and you just can’t bring yourself to do it. It was launched a few days before Valentine's Day in 2013. Now, that surely is mischievous.

Kill Switch - Weirdest Facebook Apps

1. Love Percentage:

This app is weird and yet is popular for it was able to fool most of those who used it. It calculates love values, which users thought were analyzed using their Facebook activities and personal profile information. But the real trick was that it showed up a percentage of 90 percent and more for most of users. One finally realizes that you aren't that lovely actually!

Love Percentage - Weirdest Facebook Apps

The post Top 10 Weirdest Facebook Apps appeared first on TopYaps.

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