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- 7 Badass Geeks Who Ever lived
- 8 Twenty Something Looking Hotties Who Are Actually 40 Plus
- 6 Deadly Effects Of Smoking On Your Sex Life
- 6 Ways To Unplug From Social Media
- 8 Amazing Facts About Nalanda University
- 6 Ways To Overcome Sleep Disorder
Posted: 03 Dec 2013 03:06 AM PST There have been people in history who kept themselves bereaved of worldly luxuries, dared to chase their dreams and contributed successfully to the fields of science, technology or the areas of works they were interested in. What is special about most of them is that they gave more weightage to their inner voice and aspirations than what their parents or the world had to impose on them. Exceptional traits like dead determination and utter conviction made them globally recognized as badass geeks! Here are top 7 badass geeks to have ever walked the earth and enlightened millions like me and you! 7. Marie Curie:The only person awarded with Nobel Prize in two diverse sciences ever to live, Marie Curie was a chemist and physicist from Poland. She pioneered the area of radioactivity and was honored for being the first lady professor at Paris University. One of the most significant achievements of Marie's life is the theory of radioactivity. Also, she discovered two elements known as polonium and radium and gave techniques related to the isolation of radioactive isotopes. One of the greatest female scientists of all time, she directed many studies that were carried out to treat cancer with help of radioactive isotopes. 6. Julian Assange:Julian Assange is founder and editor-in-chief of WikiLeaks, the controversial website that provides secret information and news leaks from around the world. He is an editor, journalist, publisher and social activist from Australia. As a teenager, Julian started working as a hacker and switched to computer programming later on. He became internationally popular after starting Wikileaks in 2006. He made public appearances worldwide and spoke about investigative journalism, freedom of press and censorship. 5. Ludwig Wittgenstein:Ludwig Wittgenstein was an Austrian philosopher who chose 'Logic' to be his primary area of study. He also contributed to the philosophy of mind, the philosophy of mathematics and the philosophy of language. He taught at Cambridge University for some years and got few works published in life. Though Ludwig was born in one of the richest families in Europe, he didn't accept his heritage. Leaving academics so many times, he served in World War 1 and got recognized for his bravery. Later, he taught at schools in Austria but created controversies for hitting his students. Ultimately, he described philosophy as the work that gave him true satisfaction in life. 4. Hedy Lamarr:An actress from Austria, Hedy Lamarr was regarded as the most beautiful woman in Europe by her contemporary co-stars. She earned name and fame during the golden age of MGM and starred in several hit Hollywood films. Though she was already widely popular as an actor, the world got a chance to know her as a scientist when she discovered Secret Communications System in 1942. Experimenting something totally different from acting, she and George Antheil successfully introduced a radio signaling device. Later, the technique was used to make it impossible for enemies to decode messages. 3. Paul Dirac:Well-recognized for early and profound development of quantum electrodynamics and quantum mechanics, Paul Dirac was a physicist from England. He contributed to the field of Physics by spreading his knowledge at various internationally admired centers of education including Cambridge University, University of Miami and Florida State University. He also gave Dirac equation and studies the existence of antimatter. Paul was given the Nobel Prize in the year 1933 (shared with Erwin Schrodinger) for discovering new productive forms related to atomic theory. He had exceptional mathematical skills that helped him become one of the greatest physicists of all time. 2. Jonas Salk:Jonas Salk was a virologist and medical researcher from America and is known to develop the first successful vaccine for polio. Born to Jewish parents in the city of New York, Jonas dodged the lucrative profession of a practicing profession and chose to get into medical research against his parents' will. Why his invention (polio vaccine) was regarded as highly significant and timely discovery because it came right when polio had emerged as a frightening epidemic in the US after the war. He devoted more than seven years of his life for introducing polio vaccine after undertaking a funded project in 1948. He never looked back until 1955, the year when the project came about successfully. 1. Nikola Tesla:Nikola Tesla, all of us know, is widely popular as the greatest geek ever or "The Geek Madness Champ." It is just because of Tesla's broad vision that today we know him for his mind-blowing accomplishments. We still remember him for various revolutionary contributions in the field of science and technology, magnetism and electricity especially. Remarkably, theories and patents maintained by Tesla led modern scientists to discover electric power systems based on alternating current (AC). He founded the basis of technologies and sciences that eventually proved to be hi-tech in modern world, including remote control system, computer science, radar, nuclear and theoretical physics and electromechanical engineering. And this is why he is regarded as the father of physics and the inventor of the twentieth century.
The post 7 Badass Geeks Who Ever lived appeared first on TopYaps. |
8 Twenty Something Looking Hotties Who Are Actually 40 Plus Posted: 03 Dec 2013 02:59 AM PST We hardly observe that we are actually living in a youth obsessed culture. More surprisingly this culture has been greatly influenced by the Tinsel town, where many famous faces look apparently frozen with time. But, thankfully not every celeb succumbs to this prevailing youth look pressures. In fact certain celebs are actually reaching out and setting examples of women who are gracefully wrapping their arms around the aging process and embracing the truth with svelte and complete grace. Here are 8 twenty something looking hotties who are actually 40 plus and who are truly acing the ageing process. The reasons contributing for their peerless good looks could be many such as maintaining a positive attitude, a specific diet plan, a particular healthy habit or even wearing wrinkles with pride. Read along to find out! 8. Laura Linney, Age 47:Laura Linney is an American actress and singer and is best known for her Showtime series "The Big C." The series is about a woman with terminal melanoma and it jibes exactly with the three times Oscar Nominated actress's mantra of making the most of your life. Laura believes in living her life actively and with much awareness. She completely believes in taking chances and gives the same advice to other women too. 7. Monica Bellucci, Age 49:A fashion model and well-known actress, this Italian damsel doesn't look like she's 49! No, not at all! If you check some of her old photographs, having a gap of around 4 or 5 years, you'd be amazed to see that she has just got sexier and more beautiful with age. Now, that's quite rare. Her beauty mantra, as she told a Daily Mail journalist during an interview is to just Eat, Love and Live. Men must be thinking – is that all? We refuse to believe that! 6. Gwen Stefani, Age 41:The "Hollaback Girl", Gwen Stefani was undoubtedly a classical beauty, but her look today completely keeps us awestruck and amazed. No mom has ever looked like the way Stefani does and she gracefully manages to redefine expectations of what a woman in her midlife is supposed to look like. She strongly believes that motherhood is not at all dull and it doesn't stifle a women's creativity at all. 5. Catherine Zeta-Jones, Age 42:Zeta Jones believes that regular moisturizing helps her keep her skin to maintain its radiance and youthful tone. She accepted that for many years she believed that too much moisturizing helps prevents your makeup to stay on for too long, but now she believes that it is a complete fallacy. 4. Salma Hayek, Age 44:Hayek with her "I am What I am" attitude has actually become a role model for many women. A strong activist against domestic violence, she supports various issues related to women and has no problems speaking it out loud that Hollywood just doesn't want to see Latina women in lead roles. She bluntly accepts the fact that she was a bit intimidated by ageing and now she's no more afraid of it. She today runs her own range of beauty products known as Nuance by Salma Hayek, which are inspired by her grandmother's beauty secrets. 3. Demi Moore, Age 48:Moore believes that the secret to her youthful look is to keep it simple. She moisturizes on regular basis and no matter what time she reaches home, she always takes out time to cleanse and moisturize her face. Moore strongly believes in the fact that if you focus on good skin care, then you really won't require putting on a lot of makeup. 2. Halle Berry, Age 45:According to Berry's longtime trainer, no 20-year old can compete Berry as she completely defies her age. And we all can rightly agree to that! The Oscar winning star just doesn't want to settle down with this, she wants to explore every aspect of physical exercises to see how that works for her. The actress also believes in exfoliating her skin and she also rubs pure Vitamin C on her face before putting on moisturizer. 1. Jennifer Aniston, Age 42:It seems every time you look at a picture of the former 'Friends' star, she's keeps looking better and better. She looks much fitter and confident than ever before. She gives credits to her regular yoga sessions and consistent exercises for her enviable body and her anti-ageing effects. The post 8 Twenty Something Looking Hotties Who Are Actually 40 Plus appeared first on TopYaps. |
6 Deadly Effects Of Smoking On Your Sex Life Posted: 03 Dec 2013 02:52 AM PST Smoking has been long known to be associated with producing certain kinds of adverse impacts on the human body. Despite cigarette packs carrying warnings, people rarely act upon them. Media and advertising can be hold accountable for glamorizing the fagging culture and making it appear cool to youngsters. Yes, the deadly effects of smoking are curbed in the media just only to promote brands. Smokers actually don't realize that cigarette smoking not only kills your lungs but also damages sexual functioning of the body, and later can be a subject of interest especially for males. Let's talk about 6 ways smoking can screw your sex life in near future or few years down the line: 6. Faster Climax:Smoking can affect your sexual response adversely. Various medical researchers conducted the world over indicate that the average time an individual (male and female) requires for that heavenly ejaculation decreases rapidly among smokers. Additionally, males are bound to ejaculate faster in the sexual act, because of weakening of muscles in the genital region. Female smokers may be unable to track the sensation in their genital region and hence, can't feel the need to climax at appropriate time interval. Excessive abuse of cigarette can also hamper your sexual arousal process. 5. No Mood to have Sex:Are you losing your interest in sex? Do you find sex less pleasing with your partner despite being new in your marriage? If this is what's bothering you for long, the smoking habit most certainly is the culprit. Smoking affects the testosterone levels in both males and females. The hormone is responsible for promoting muscle growth; it also helps maintain libido in both men and women. On lighting up you cigarette, testosterone levels in the body rise up temporarily. But, it doesn't last long, and drops down after some time. Cigarette smoking increases carbon monoxide levels in the body ultimately leading to inhibited production of testosterone, bringing down libido. 4. Reduced Blood Flow to Genitals:In males, sexual arousal has to do with the blood flow to the genital region. This is how errection or hardening of penis is achieved. But, as a person continues to smoke one pack after another over many years, he fails to achieve required rush of blood flow to the penis, resulting in erectile dysfunction. Nicotine also clogs arteries with fatty acids, restricting blood flow to genital region. This can even result in improper lubrication of vulva regions in females making sexual intercourse a difficult process. Those who claim smoking a cigarette before sexual intercourse can enhance your sexual potential are but deluded souls. 3. Less Chances of Becoming a Mother:Smoking can cause a variety of sex related problems in women including early menopause, increase in chances of cervical cancer, menstrual irregularities and probability of stroke or heart attack. In case you are already consuming contraceptive pills, smoking can be double worse for you. Cigarettes plus oral contraceptives is a deadly combo. Cigarette smoking can damage your fallopian tube, causing blockage, which can prevent sperm from meeting egg. There are also cases of miscarriages reported along with damage to developing fetus. 2. Inflammation of Clitoris:Clitoris in women, that is comparable to penis in males, is the most sensitive region in a female body and plays a major part in achieving orgasm. However, doctors have found that smoking causes painful inflammation in the clitoris, making it lose all its sensitivity. Swelling in clitoris can result from many causes with cigarette smoking being one of the top reasons. Women suffering from the problem can lose interest in sex and this can also cause instability in marriage. 1. Sexual Performance:Habitual smokers who love describing them as 'chain smokers' are less effective when it comes at staying long enough in bed along with your partner. The prime reason is that these men, in particular, lose stamina with time. Their body muscles, especially muscles of groin and pubic region can't remain stretched for long, hence making them ineffective in sexual act. Also, their lungs find difficult to inhale and exhale at fast rates, making them slow in their activity. This can infuriate any partner, causing a drastic drop in their confidence level. Smoking looks cool when on celluloid screen. Otherwise, it can make you the butt of jokes in the town. So, better beware and drop the habit before it's too late. The post 6 Deadly Effects Of Smoking On Your Sex Life appeared first on TopYaps. |
6 Ways To Unplug From Social Media Posted: 03 Dec 2013 01:58 AM PST We are living in a terrible world where we have made it binding to use smartphones and stay connected on social media. Since we're always busy chatting, tweeting or reverting emails, the experience of every activity from conversation and dining has changed! We're at a point where unplugging from social media is the only way out. Here are top 6 ways to help you unplug from social media and get-some-life: 6. Spend Time Practicing Yoga:Spend some time doing yoga everyday and it would be more effective to join yoga classes. You can increase your practice time day by day to stay away from social media. You can't cheat while practicing yoga with your instructor, for you would never want to be caught tweeting or checking your Facebook! This will help you develop a habit of giving a definite amount of time to yoga each day. With time, you'll be able to eliminate excessive contemplation of online communication. 5. Get Back to Nature and Create an Offline Zone:If nowhere, you can always expect to find some relaxing moments in the lap of Mother Nature. Develop a routine of waking up early in the morning so you can take a walk, walk on the green grass and inhale some fresh air. Forbid use of social media during breakfast, dinner and in your bedroom. With time, you'll notice that phantom vibrations of your smartphone have stopped to haunt you! 4. Develop a Reading Habit:A reading habit will sure divert your mind from social media networking, from excess of it at least. But this time you've got to get a book with real pages that you can turn but not tap! Yes, buy you a real book written by your favorite author and make sure it's based on an engaging topic that you know will interest you. Once you have developed a reading habit, you would tend to read more books with more interesting stuff. Remember, any matter you get to skim through in a book will always be better than most posts or stories on your Facebook! 3. Sport Activities:Any type of sport will serve the purpose, which obviously is to engage in more and more activities, stay away from social media for as long as you at your best can and clear your laden mind. In the beginning, you can go for calm and solitary sports, for you want to concentrate and control yourself from going online. You can try sitting games including chess and carom board. Eventually, move toward vigorous activities that ask for fluidity of movement. Indulge in activities like swimming and hiking or play games such as badminton and volleyball. Tired and exhausted, you would want to have rest and refresh your mind, and not get back to social media. 2. Take a Break:Unplug from social media, go offline and take a break for some time. Though it may not be that easy, as well as logical, to take a break all of a sudden and disconnect from your friends and colleagues, take some time to do it. Start with giving social media lesser time than usual day after day. Set specific timings when you will be checking your notifications and social feeds on LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter. Decide when you will check and respond to your emails every day. Once you are habitual of spending lesser time on social media, you can deactivate your chat and notifications and spend more time doing other activities. 1. Be More Creative:Art is synonymous to creativity and has always been a way of rekindling one's inner potential and skills. While Smartphones and social media are taking us far away from art and creativity, you can capitalize on this chance to make a comeback. All you have to do is get creative and work in your own way. Even though you may not have an artistic hand or mind, you can try to paint any random thoughts that come into your mind on canvas. Another wonderful way to divert your mind from social media can be amateur photography. Or how about doodling and taking time to draw sketches of nature around you! Keep giving anything that is connected to creativity in any way a try until it becomes a habit, authoritative enough to replace social media successfully. The post 6 Ways To Unplug From Social Media appeared first on TopYaps. |
8 Amazing Facts About Nalanda University Posted: 03 Dec 2013 12:36 AM PST Nalanda University, founded by the Buddhist monks around 2,500 years ago, was an extraordinary centre of excellence for art and learning. It remained so for a period of about 700 years beginning from the 6th century till the 13th century A.D. The trem 'Nalanda' was derived by a combination of three Sanskrit words -Na+Alam+Daa, which meant 'no stopping of the gift of knowledge'. That's exactly what scholars practiced here at Nalanda until 700 year ago when it was destroyed. When Nalanda was at its peak, it hosted about 10,000 glorious students and world renowned faculty of fifteen hundred teachers. The students pursuing their studies were not just Buddhists; they comprised of various other cultures and religious beliefs. The education was completely free here and this is the main purpose of naming the place as Nalanda, as the word 'Daa' at the end of Nalanda was the short form for 'Daana' which meant 'gift'. Nalanda University no doubt was something that Indians were, are and will be proud of for generations to come. But, do you think you need enough about Nalanda University? Read on to learn about 8 really amazing facts about this university. 8. Create a Breed of Intellectual and Spiritual Rockstars:The main aim of Nalanda University was to create a prodigy of most intellectual and spiritually matured individuals, who would qualify and contribute to various aspects of the society as a whole. Today, we own only ten percent of the information about the massive university and we ought to be primarily indebted to the Chinese pilgrims Fa-Hien from the 5th Century A.D., Hiuen Tsang from 7th Century A.D. and I-Tsing again from the 7th Century A.D. Their recordings of the various events they witnessed during their stay here in Nalanda provides us an estimable character of Nalanda during its sublime epoch. 7. Buddhist Monks First Established a Learning Center There:Nalanda was founded by the Buddhist monks with the basic purpose of creating a place fit for meditation. It is described that Gautama Buddha stayed at Nalanda several times and as such his various educational centers were erected here in order to provide the monks with a conducive and congenital learning and meditating environment. 6. Founding of Nalanda University during the Gupta Dynasty:The historical studies and evidences indicate that the renowned University of Nalanda was established during the reign of the Kumaragupta, the famous Gupta emperor. Prajñavarman and Xuanzang, both of them cite him as the laying founder of the university, which is also proved by the seal discovered at the site. 5. The MIGHTY Library that Burnt for 3-6 Months:The mighty library of the Nalanda University was called as Dharma Gunj which meant the Mountain of Truth. It was by far the most prestigious and renowned repository of the Buddhist knowledge throughout the world, at that time. The library is said to be composed of hundreds and thousands of volumes of books. This is quite evident from the fact that it took about 3-6 months for it to burn down completely, at the time when it was set aflame by the Muslim invaders. The library at Nalanda University constituted of three main buildings, which rose to about nine stories. The three library buildings were called upon by their respective names that included Ratnasagara-The Sea of Jewels, Ratnarañjaka-Delighter of Jewels and Ratnodadhi-The Ocean of Jewels. 4. Curriculum:According to the Tibetan tradition, the University held "four doxographies", that were taught in Nalanda. These included:
3. Administration:According to the writings of Yijing, the matters of administration and discussion at the Nalanda University would require assembly of everybody, including the residing monks and the consensus on decision was reached jointly by everyone present in the assembly. Administrative system of the University, in a way, was democratic. 2. Influence on Buddhism:Majority of students comprised of the Tibetan Buddhism cultures of the Vajrayana and Mahayana cultures, which even included the teachers at Nalanda. The great scholar Dharmakirti, known as one of the primary theorists of Buddhist atomism and also one of the Bhuddist founders of the Indian philosophical logic, is said to have taught here. 1. Ruins:Till today, a number of ruined structures survive here at the Nalanda University. The excavated ruins are known to extend over an area of about 150,000 square foot meters. It is believed that 90% of the remains at Nalanda University still remain unexcavated. The post 8 Amazing Facts About Nalanda University appeared first on TopYaps. |
6 Ways To Overcome Sleep Disorder Posted: 02 Dec 2013 11:02 PM PST After a hectic day, our worn out body deserves a peaceful, refreshing sleep to help us rejuvenate and revitalize ourselves. Unfortunately, for some people sleep is elusive even after counting thousands of sheep every night. If the condition is temporary, then it can be ignored as a passing phase of some disrupted routine. But if sleeplessness continues, than you better take care of it immediately; because insomnia or sleeping disorder can turn into a debilitating illness. You will wake up feeling dull, unmotivated, physically weak and emotionally disturbed day after day. If you are one of those unlucky people who is struggling to overcome sleep disorder, here is 6 ways to achieve your goal effectively without resorting to pills. 6. Pay attention to your bedroom:No other place in your room has as much effect on moods and health as your bedroom. Pay some attention to your bedroom, so that you can sleep peacefully without disturbance. If you are being disturbed by some noise or light, try to cancel them out by some means, so that it will not interfere with your sleep. Also keep your bedroom cool, because no one can sleep peacefully when they all sweaty and hot. Use proper repellents that will keep mosquitoes and others insects away. 5. Watch your intake after sunset:Caffeine and nicotine can drive away your sleep; hence, avoid taking them after sunset. Heavy meals can cause acidity and reflux which will never allow you to sleep peacefully. Eat whatever you like for breakfast or lunch, but watch out your last meal. Though alcohol does not stop you from falling asleep, it will not allow you to have quality sleep. 4. Do not carry anything to your bed:If you’re struggling to overcome sleep disorder, you need to keep your laptop, tablet, phone and worries away from your bed. Once you start using your bed for other activities apart from having sex and sleeping, it will start disturbing your sleep. Do not hit bed when you are in pain. Take care of your headache, backache or sprains before you go to sleep. If you are in pain, you may not be able to sleep; and even if you do, the quality of sleep will be very poor. 3. Stick to a sleep pattern:Go to sleep and wake up at the same time everyday to build a sleep pattern. Sticking to a regular sleeping schedule will support your biological clock to adjust to a rhythm. Do not change the timing even during weekends when you want to sleep longer into the day. Once you sleep late into the day, you will have trouble falling asleep in the night and the whole scenario of sleepless nights and dull days will start repeating itself. 2. Regulate melatonin:Not many people are aware that they can regulate the production of the hormone melatonin which is responsible for sleep-wake cycle in our body. It is quite simple. Daytime is for you to be in light and night is for dark; you have the clue from nature staring at you. If you are not exposed to bright light during day, you may start feeling sleepy, similarly, if you are exposed to bright lights in the night you may find yourself wide awake. 1. Relax:Stop all activities like work, watching television or eating at least an hour before you go to sleep. Have a hot shower and feel fresh. Spend some time relaxing through meditation, breathing exercises or light music at night. Drink warm milk which is known to induce sleep, but never add sugar to it. If you want to read, try a book which will not excite you. Do not lie down on an unkempt bed. Shut down your brain from wandering off and doze off to happy sleep. Falling asleep in a state of relaxation will help you keep the nightmares away as well. The post 6 Ways To Overcome Sleep Disorder appeared first on TopYaps. |
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