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- 6 Badass Bharatiya Kings Still Remembered For Their Badassery
- This Might Be The Cutest Video of January 2014
- 18 Things You Better Avoid Doing In Mumbai
- 8 Qualities You Want to See in a Hostel Warden
- 6 Genetically Engineered Viruses You Never Knew About
- 6 Ways You Can Make 2014 The Best Year Of Your Life (Hitherto)
6 Badass Bharatiya Kings Still Remembered For Their Badassery Posted: Whenever we think of wars and battles, inevitable the World Wars come to our minds, and with the thoughts of valiant kings, the story of Napoleon and the likes are remembered. However, it is a true, and err, known fact that the Indian kings were one of the most valiant and noble warriors ever! Yes, sometimes we even deny their existence (thanks to the western mask that we chose to adorn). Well here's a list of some great badass Bharatiya kings who should always be remembered for their badassery. 6. Baji Rao:He was one of the greatest kings India has ever seen though he isn't very well known person in the history books of India. He was one of the noted generals of Maharastra's Chhatrapati Shahu. In the writings of General Montogomery, it has been found that in his lifetime, Baji Rao fought nearly 41 battles—winning all and losing none. Yes, he was that great a warrior, but sadly, we don't find it fitting enough to be taught to our kids in schools! 5. Sher Shah Suri:Apparently Shah Suri got his name "Sher" after he had killed a tiger with bare hands—quite a bit of a hero, eh? That he was a great warrior can be seen from the testimonials which provide enough examples of his repeated triumphs over the mighty Mughal warriors. In fact, he was the one to initiate the Sur dynasty in Bengal. He was not only a gifted general but also a generous ruler. Although he died prematurely in an accident, he did rebuild the Grand Trunk Road of India and extended it till Calcutta. 4. Ashoka:One of most well known and valiant kings ever, Ashoka was also known as Chandal Ashok before taking up Buddhism. Ashoka's life can be divided into two phases—both of which are equally important. The young Ashok was a frivolous ruler whose only passion to was to extend his empire and nothing else. But the next, and the more important part, is the one post-Kalinga war where he understood his mistakes and cruelty and changed into a devoted Buddhist ruler. Later he built hospitals for not only the human beings but also for the animals, and send the word of peace through his children to Ceylon, Cambodia and other places—such were the ways of this mighty and hearty ruler. 3. Samudragupta:Successor to the founder of the Gupta Dynasty, Chandra Gupta I, the Napoleon of India, Samudragupta is widely regarded as one of the most courageous and mighty warrior in the history of India. It was Samudragupta's passion for wars and battles that made him the chosen descendent of the Gupta dynasty ahead of his seven brothers. According to a famed historian, if Ashoka was drawn to wars and battles for the passion of conquering new lands, Samudragupta did it to satiate his thirst for winning battles and wars. Before him, the Gupta Kingdom was limited to Uttar Pradesh only; it was he who took the kingdom much further down south and even defeated 12 south Indian kings! He, too, never lost a single battle. 2. Shivaji:Widely known as Chhatrapati Shivaji, he was one of the greatest and most celebrated rulers in India—someone who's literally worshipped even now, and rightly so. At a time when the mighty Mughals were ruling literally the whole of India, he singlehandedly fought and saved his Maratha from becoming their slaves. It is known that he fought not only with his strength but also with his brains. His Great War strategies (like, the guerilla warfare) and the war planning along with an equally brilliant knowledge of geography made it impossible for the Mughals to establish their superiority and control over the Marathas. Inevitably, every year, the students from 3rd to 8th standards would read at least one chapter on this legend religiously. 1. Siraj ud Daullah:Although not much is known about him, except for the Battle of Plassey and the Battle of Buxar, Siraj ud Daullah yet remains one of the greatest fighters in the history of India who the British managed to kill only with the help of Siraj's treacherous minister, Mir Jafar. In fact, he was one of the last persons who had refused to give up his territory to the foreigners and Lord Canning had to go through really a lot to get rid of him. The Bengalis still feel blessed to have a ruler like Siraj. The post 6 Badass Bharatiya Kings Still Remembered For Their Badassery appeared first on TopYaps. |
This Might Be The Cutest Video of January 2014 Posted: 11 Jan 2014 04:49 AM PST Is it a boy? No my dear, it is a bear! Polar Bears are definitely not those you mess around with. Even environmentalists and wildlife enthusiasts prefer to stay a safe distance away from a Polar Bear while capturing, or documenting it, on camera. But here at the Toronto Zoo, is a cute little baby polar bear which is taking its first steps. Cute, did I say? Indeed! Toronto Zoo posted this video urging people to donate to the Wildlife Health Centre which supports over 500 species annually. Why should you help? Because Polar Bears are a declining species. Credit: Toronto Zoo via its official YouTube channel. This cub was born on November 9, 2013, and is currently residing in the Wildlife Health Centre. The Wildlife Health Centre is in the process of undergoing a much needed modernization. If you wish to donate, you can do so via The post This Might Be The Cutest Video of January 2014 appeared first on TopYaps. |
18 Things You Better Avoid Doing In Mumbai Posted: 11 Jan 2014 04:30 AM PST Here are some things that you must NOT do in Mumbai if you want to survive the city of dreams. 1. Buy a car:The traffic of Mumbai will make you get out of your car and start beating your head on the bonnet. So don’t get a car and instead use the awesome public transport services of Mumbai. 2. Get inside a female compartment in a local train:Never ever get inside a female compartment of a local train, even by mistake. Women will ask questions after beating you up. They’ll hand you over to the station master or even the police. You’ll be bruised, beaten and humiliated even before the police get their hands on you. 3. Carry your wallet in the back pocket:There are pickpockets everywhere in Mumbai. They like to call themselves opportunists. Don’t give them the opportunity by carrying your wallet in the back pocket especially in crowded areas. 4. Argue with a fisherwoman:Never argue with the local Koli fisherwomen. You’ll regret it. Don’t argue with auto wallahs either. Also don’t argue with taxi wallahs, bus conductors and basically any locals. 5. Call a Marathi guy “Bhaiya”:Never address a Marathi guy as bhaiya. That’s the term reserved for the men of UP and Bihar and we all know how much love has been lost between the two groups in Mumbai. 6. Call a cop “Pandu”:This is fairly obvious. You want to avoid the cops on principle as it is. Don’t go ahead and take them on by calling someone Pandu. 7. Look smart while visiting Chor Bazaar:If you want to get a bargain you should visit Chor Bazaar, but don’t go there wearing fancy clothes or the whole purpose will be defeated. 8. Tease a Hijra:Never ever tease or argue with a hijra in a train or on the street. They travel in groups and are not embarrassed to do anything. You don’t want to take them on. 9. Listen to anyone’s sob story:In Mumbai many people will want to tell you their sob story. Taxi drivers, auto wallahs, random people on the street, all will try to get some money out of you by telling you about their problems. It’s a new way of begging/conning. Don’t fall for it. 10. Hang out of a train:Don’t think of hanging on the side of the train just because it is full. You can die by hitting a pole on the way. Instead wait for the next train. 11. Try to hang out at an Irani Café:The Irani café’s are not like Barista and CCD where you can order one coffee and then chill out for a few hours. Try staying for a little while extra after your tea is consumed and the Bawa will shout at you till you leave. 12. Wear fancy footwear to SiddhiVinayak or Mahalaxmi Temple:Unless you want to donate your footwear, don’t go to the crowded temples. If you go, wear simple slippers that you won’t miss if they are stolen (which they probably will). 13. Try to violate a Shiv Sena Bandh:Never try to go out during a Shiv Sena bandh unless you want to get beaten up. 14. Give 100 Rupees to a bus conductor:Always keep change ready for travelling in the bus. If you give a 100 rupees note, the conductor won’t return your balance till the last stop. You’ll have to literally beg him to give your money back. 15. Gamble on cards on the sidewalk:The card games on the sidewalks are all tricked so you can never win. Those who win are just for show and are part of the whole con. 16. Stand in front of a superstar’s house:You won’t see anyone and instead just look like a fool yourself. If you see someone, it will be disappointing to see how they look in real life. 17. Call Mumbai Bombay:The name’s changed back to the original name and no body likes to hear the old name anymore. 18. Be nice to people while getting off a train:While getting off a train, if you are nice and gentle then people coming in will push you back and won’t let you get off. The right of way is yours and you’ll have to claim it so don’t be afraid to push, shove or even punch people till you get off the train. The post 18 Things You Better Avoid Doing In Mumbai appeared first on TopYaps. |
8 Qualities You Want to See in a Hostel Warden Posted: Why are all the hostel wardens the same? All of them are grumpy old men or women who have nothing better to do, but to think of new ways of making the life of students worse. Why can’t hostel wardens be cool? It would be great to have a new breed of hostel wardens that the students can actually get along with. But what would such a warden be like? Here are a few qualities that the new type of warden should have. 8. Young Wardens – no more generation gaps:He/She should be young. That is the first rule. No matter how cool you are, if you are old then there’s always going to be a generation gap between you and the students. Hostel wardens should be young and savvy so that they can relate to the students and their generation. 7. Cool Warden – someone who doesn't make a big deal out of everything:Hostel wardens should be cool. No more uptight wardens that seem to have a stick up their backside. We want wardens that are relaxed and chilled out and just basically cool. We want wardens who don’t stress out too much over small things and like to take things nice and slow. 6. Friendly Wardens – genuine friendship and back biting:We also want our wardens to be friendly for a change. But not the sneaky friendly types who pretend to be sweet only to backstab later. We want genuine friendly wardens who are interested in getting to know the students and understand them. Those images of strict old wardens that were supposed to be like the father away from home have to change. 5. Lenient – wardens are requested to redefine their concept of punishment:The warden should also be more lenient. I mean students will make mistakes. That’s what they do. That’s how they learn. We need wardens who won’t punish or complain the students for every little mistake. We need more relaxed wardens that have a different view about mistakes and punishment. 4. Easy to Bribe – but with chips and drinks:One very important quality a warden should have is that they should be easy to bribe. Students can’t afford much so the wardens should not be too greedy. They should settle for a few drinks or a packet of chips. And we all know that we have to bribe the warden from time to time to get some things done. There’s just no other way. So it would be nice to have wardens that are easy to bribe. 3. Party Savvy Wardens – we'll party together:How about a warden that himself likes to party? That would be awesome! Imagine having a party in the hostel and not having to hide and be quiet because of the fear of the warden. Instead you could invite the warden and have as much fun as you want. Now that would be a really cool warden. 2. Listen to Reasons – being stubborn is old school:Also we would like wardens to be rational and intelligent. Grumpy old men don’t listen to reason and just stick to what they know stubbornly. Sometimes you need to do something that might break a rule or two and if it doesn’t harm anyone then the warden should be rational enough to allow it. Otherwise students are going to have to lie and hide which isn’t best for anyone. 1. Get a Life – students are not punching bags to ward off your frustration:Most of all, the warden should have a life of their own, maybe a girlfriend or boyfriend, which ever the case. That would keep them busy and they wouldn’t be too concerned about what everyone else is doing. The biggest reason wardens are such a pain in the neck (I mean another body part) is because they don’t have a life of their own. They are married to wives who don’t want to see them and their children are all grown up and left home. We’d like some wardens who have a life and don’t have the time to conjure up new ways to torture the students. The post 8 Qualities You Want to See in a Hostel Warden appeared first on TopYaps. |
6 Genetically Engineered Viruses You Never Knew About Posted: 10 Jan 2014 11:18 PM PST The great breakthroughs in the field of genetic science have seen the emergence of genetic engineering as a formidable field in modern world. Through genetic engineering, scientists have been able to add new DNA to an organism, thus changing its original traits. Though playing God and interfering in creation is risky, people have taken full advantage of the new findings to alter food products, plants, and also create vaccines. Though many scientists predict that the genetically modified (GM) viruses and genetically engineered virus-vector vaccines possess significant unpredictability and a number of inherent harmful potential hazards, no one has been able to stop its usage. May be you have never heard about these 6 genetically engineered viruses, but they are here to stay. 6. Enhancing lithium-air battery performance:Genetically engineered viruses have been able to greatly enhance the performance of lithium-air battery by creating nano-wires. The nano-wires, which approximately match the size of RBCs, can function as electrodes with much larger surface areas than that of normally used electrodes. The virus built nano-wires have a rough and spiky surface that dramatically increases their surface area thus improving the rate of charging and discharging. In addition they are cross linked, providing greater stability to the electrode. 5. AIDS Virus to the rescue:You can marvel at the way scientists have maneuvered the AIDS virus which has been responsible for more than 30 million deaths, to cure metachromatic leukodystrophy and Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome in children. After 16 years of research, scientists genetically modified the HIV virus to be a carrier for a therapeutic gene which allows the cells to restore the missing protein, the deficiency of which causes these genetic disorders. The combination of modified virus and stem cells are directly inserted into the patient's bone marrow, which facilitates further production. 4. Gene VI:The viral Gene VI was found in most of the genetically modified food crops. People who are unaware of this lurking danger in the attractive, modified food products will be more susceptible to viral infections, including colds, hepatitis, cancer and even AIDS after consumption. Though the biotech industry has ignored the warnings, saying that their genetically modified products are harmless, you might notice that Gene VI has shown dangerous effects in recently conducted animal studies. The Gene VI has shown effects of organ damage, sterility, infant mortality, tumors and accelerated aging in rats. 3. Pexa-Vec or JX-594:Scientists have partially disabled cowpox virus to create a genetically engineered virus known as Pexa-vec or JX-594 to target and destroy cancer cells. Further, the virus is known to initiate and anti-tumor immune response in the body. Pexa-Vec is an oncolytic and immunotherapeutic vaccnia virus that helps in control of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in addition to activating a patient’s own immune defense against the cancer. 2. Source of energy:It could be quite shocking (pun intended) to know that researchers have come up with a device that can generate energy by harnessing the electro-mechanical properties of genetically engineered viruses. The sheets of viruses generate enough electricity to light up a small LCD when pressure is applied to squish them. At present the current produced is small because only a thin layer of the virus deforms is used; yet they can be useful for small scale applications like pacemakers. 1. Pain killers:A genetically modified virus is used to carry the prepro-beta-endorphin gene into the nerve cells to tackle chronic pain which can debilitate people causing a lot of trauma. The Endorphin gene activates the opiate receptors in the never cells, imitating painkillers like morphine, minus their side-effects. The virus is injected directly into the spinal fluid for maximum effects. In the tests conducted on rats suffering from neuropathic pain, the therapy worked for 3 months keeping them pain free. This could be a blessing to those people who are suffering chronic pain throughout their lives. The post 6 Genetically Engineered Viruses You Never Knew About appeared first on TopYaps. |
6 Ways You Can Make 2014 The Best Year Of Your Life (Hitherto) Posted: 10 Jan 2014 10:10 PM PST You have started your journey into the year 2014 with many resolutions and promises. Though the year 2014 is like any other year, with few plans and changes, you can make this year very special and best year of your life. Nothing better than starting off now, because, procrastination is something you should do away with if you wish to meet success. No matter how bad your past has been, you can make a new beginning from today towards your future. Do not let 2014 slip away like any other year, but add some purpose and resolve to your life, so that you can pat your back by the year end. Here are the 6 best ways that can make 2014 the best year of your life. 6. Conduct self evaluation:Check out where you stand in your life. Evaluate yourself regarding your financial status, relationships, social connections, career and health. Be honest with yourself as to where you have gone wrong, and what can be done differently. Forgive yourself but do not forget your mistakes. Make priorities regarding what is the first thing you wish to change in your present life. Write down a list to do things that you wish to achieve with deadlines. 5. Consider your assets:Once you have finished self evaluation and decided upon the changes, you will have to check your opportunities and assets that will help you in achieving your goal. Do not set unrealistic goals which will lead to disappointment and bitterness later on. Instead, set goals that are within your reach. If it is the relationship issue, do not say that I am never going to be angry with my spouse or child ever again, because you are going to lose your temper once in a while, and then go through the guilt and shame of not being able to keep your resolution. Instead, make it simple. Promise yourself that you are going to try more self control, and not let off your steam often. 4. Love your family:Be it is your parents, siblings, spouse or children; family matters and they make you complete. Add friends to the list because they are the family you choose. Make note to spend some quality time with your family. If you are living far from your loved ones, make sure you take advantage of technology to keep in touch with them through call and phones. Tell them not by your words, but by action, how much they mean to you. Make effort to resolve and clear out past relationship issues that may interfere with your present. Love and be loved. 3. Take care of your health:The advancement of medical and health science will ensure that you will remain healthy, if you take out some time from your busy schedule to go for the required tests. Keep in mind your family history, age and other physical conditions to decide what help you may need. A problem detected early can be nipped in bud. Give up unhealthy habits and sedentary lifestyle. Change your diet and stick to an exercise routine. Keep track of the changes taking place in your body. Never ignore any warning signs. 2. Give your best:No matter what task is on hand, do it with enthusiasm, giving it your best. Do not compare yourself with the results others get, but improve on your past achievements. You don't have to beat someone else; you only have to beat your past record. Doing your best may not be enough many a time, but you will know in your heart that nothing else could have been done. Accepting the results and consequences becomes much easier in such situation. Never live in regret that you should have taken that one extra step. 1. Appreciate self:When you evaluate yourself, look for your positive qualities so that you can respect and appreciate yourself. Unless you love, respect and appreciate yourself, no one else is going to do it either. Do not allow the advertisements or what others say about you to corrupt your belief in self. Do not hesitate to accept appreciation from others. Work on building your self-esteem. Make use of positive phrases like 'I can do it', 'I am competent', 'I deserve it' that will boost your confidence. The post 6 Ways You Can Make 2014 The Best Year Of Your Life (Hitherto) appeared first on TopYaps. |
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