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- Here is an interesting way to learn European history
- These 21 Memes Will Help You Discover Happiness
- 8 Badass Naval Forces In The World
- The Jerky Photographers You Don’t Want In Your Facebook News Feed Anymore
- 7 Inglorious Stats That Would Force Any Sane Indian To Hang His Head In Shame
- 10 Reasons Why Traditional Warfare Will Soon Be Obsolete
- 6 Absurd Psychological Experiments Ever Tried On Humans
- 5 Renowned National Parks In India That Are Worth Visiting
- What happens when nuns do not pick a call from Pope Francis?
Here is an interesting way to learn European history Posted: 06 Jan 2014 06:30 PM PST You'd admit it – history lessons are boring. With all those dates, periods, wars, kings, kingdoms, fiefdoms et al, the history of Europe, especially, can become quite confusing for anyone who is not a history buff. So, here is a unique way to understand, and perhaps memorise, 1012 years of a part of European history in as little as 3 minutes and 46 seconds. Watch the video below and see the ages roll by: Video credit: Lucas Girondi The post Here is an interesting way to learn European history appeared first on TopYaps. |
These 21 Memes Will Help You Discover Happiness Posted: 06 Jan 2014 04:30 PM PST |
8 Badass Naval Forces In The World Posted: 06 Jan 2014 01:30 PM PST Navy or the Maritime force is a branch of a country's armed forces specifically designated for naval warfare. After the terrestrial forces, this is perhaps the oldest form of warfare in the history. Although earlier this mode of warfare was restricted to the technologically superior countries, nowadays, even the third world countries have separate and quite efficient maritime forces. Let's look at the countries that are in possession of the world's best Naval forces — 8. The Indian Naval ForceIndian Navy or the Bharatiya Nau Sena was formed in the year 1947, after the country's independence from British rule. However, before 1947, India did have the Royal Indian Navy but it wasn't an official branch like the Indian Navy. Since India has a huge coastline, the Indian Navy indeed plays an important role in securing the border areas and maintaining peace and sanctity. Apart from this, it plays an important role in maintaining good terms with the neighboring countries as well by regularly visiting the ports and offering their aids during moments of crisis. The Indian Navy has about 155 warships in total. 7. The Republic of Korea NavyAlthough named "Republic of Korea Navy", it is actually a part of South Korean Military Forces. Founded way back in 1945, the naval part of the Korean Navy is the oldest branch of the Korean Armed Forces. With over 170 custom-built ships, the Korean Navy's main objectives are to create a sound naval force to fight wars and protecting the National interests by securing diligently the maritime activities. 6. French NavyOne of the oldest and most important naval forces in the world, the official French Navy was formed in 1624 and, needless to say, played a major role in establishing the mammoth French empire. With 98 warships, the French Navy's main roles are: controlling any impending maritime dangers and to forge good relationship with the neighboring countries, thereby maintaining peace and sanctity. 5. The Royal NavyThe arch rival of the French Navy, the Royal Navy of Britain is yet another very old and historical naval force in the world. Its origin can be traced back to the 16th century when it would be in constant tug-of-war with the neighboring countries and pirates. From its inception to the 20th century is was regarded as the best and most powerful naval force in the world, in spite of being reduced to a meager amount during the First World War. It has now got 97 ships in possession. 4. The Japan Maritime Self-Defense ForceBuilt in 1952, the main motive of the Japan Maritime Self Defense Force is to maintain peace of the land by protecting the Nation's sea-lanes and the regional water bodies. The maritime force of Japan, a branch of Japan Self Defense Force, constitutes a total of 114 ships and around 45,800 ships. 3. The Chinese NavyThe Chinese Navy, referred to as the People's Liberation Army Navy, is the second naval squad of China. Although formed in 1950, the People's Liberation Army Navy now has five separate branches, namely, People's Liberation Army Submarine Force, People's Liberation Army Surface Force, People's Liberation Army Navy Coastal Defense Force, People's Liberation Army Marine Corps and People's Liberation Army Naval Air Force. Besides, this giant power has over 515 warships and over 290,000 army personnel. 2. The Russian NavyOver 140,000 personnel and over 282 modern and efficient ships make the powerful Russian Navy. The Russian Navy is said to be the oldest naval army in the world with its inception period being as early as 6th century! However, it is only after a lot of hassles, dilemma and hard work, in 1992, that the Russian Navy got its official status. But, nevertheless, this has been a boon in disguise since they were able to make and mould all their equipments in the most modern fashion. 1. The United States NavyThe maritime force of the United States of America, the United States Navy is widely regarded and accepted as the most powerful and bravest naval warfare force in the whole wide world. With over 317,054 personnel and around 186 ships, the United States Navy is undoubtedly the most powerful and efficient one in business. The post 8 Badass Naval Forces In The World appeared first on TopYaps. |
The Jerky Photographers You Don’t Want In Your Facebook News Feed Anymore Posted: 06 Jan 2014 09:30 AM PST With the passage of time, newer and more innovative talents come into the world. Now, what is talent? Is it something inherent in a person or is it something that needs to be inculcated and "learned"? Well, while most of the people would choose the former, there's a group who would go for the latter. For example, there is a new category of photographers who are intelligent enough to give lectures on photography and talented enough to begin nude-art photoshoots! Let's look at some of the distinctions which they possess— 5. You have to have a DSLR—the latest oneWhether or not you have real talent is absolutely secondary to your possession of a brilliant camera. Yes, if you're a "photographer" you got to possess a good, professional DSLR (for the beginners, Canon EOS 60D or Nikon D7000 is a must). You might even not be well aware of all the technicalities of your priced possession and might as well shoot in the "Auto" mode, but your camera must speak for you. In addition to that, you have to possess a wide-angle lens and a prime lens along with the general lens that comes with the kit, and must use each and everything. It's more like a trend that you've to follow if you want to be in the league—otherwise, even with great talent, you'll be nothing but a loser. 4. You have to have "brilliant" photographer-friendsIf you're a photographer, make sure you have fellow photographers as your friends with whom you can engage in some meaningful talks. You have to talk about the angles, the lightings and even about the make-up of the models in details and with confidence (since, most of the times they would talk utter crap) as if the others, the stupid non-photographers, are but mere fools and not worth talking to. 3. Criticism on others' work is mandatory but not on yoursIf there's any truth about art, it is the subjectivity of the same. But sadly, these people fail to understand this simple truth. While in any exhibition, they would invariably criticize each and every photograph they see (and seldom acknowledge) in such a manner as if he's the grandson of Henry Cartier Bresson or Raghu Rai, but when they themselves are thrown in the face of criticism, they just erupt like volcanoes. All they want to convey is their subjective motive with which the photograph was taken, but friend, photography, a superior form of art, is subjective too. And, if you're criticized, you should be proud of it! 2. Walk around the city as a part of photo-walksYou can be a doctor and miss out on a critical patient; you can be a student and miss out on an important lecture; but if you're a photographer, you can never afford to miss out on the photo-walks. The photo-walks would invariably be around the old lanes and by-lanes of city, where the photographers would literally fight with each other to get a single (but, perfect!) frame. But brother, if you're really in need of a picture-perfect frame, why bother fighting with others for a single frame? Go out alone, or with a friend, and try to capture some nascent subject, instead of mass gheraoing some person or some flower or some animal—or even a gutter. We know, it sounds quite silly, but it is the truth. 1. Shoot nude-photographsNude photography is considered among the best photographers around the world as one of the most superior form of the art, and this is something that these "new talents" have got by heart. So, whether you're interested in some other form of photography, or are new in this arena, you have to turn into a nude photographer as soon as possible. We genuinely understand the art in nude photography and thereby know that only good talents can make it to the top. So, our advice is to take this form of photography up only if you're sure, and don't go by flow just for the sake of it. And, if you’ve got the talent, inculcate it, practice and then jump headlong into the ocean! The post The Jerky Photographers You Don't Want In Your Facebook News Feed Anymore appeared first on TopYaps. |
7 Inglorious Stats That Would Force Any Sane Indian To Hang His Head In Shame Posted: 06 Jan 2014 06:30 AM PST While watching any cricket match, we all seem to belong to only one race, culture and society—India. Even the daily commercials, like the Hero Honda "desh ki dhadkan" provide a similar utopic picture of the country. But sadly, we have to admit that even after 66 years of Independence, India isn't really a free country. Freedom doesn't only mean an escape from foreign rule; it means an escape from all the invisible shackles of capitalism, tortures on women, child labor that have crippled millions of us completely. Let's look at some facts, figures and statistics that would force any sane Indian to hang his head in shame: 7. Disownment of HIV Positive People (India has 2.4m HIV positive citizens)We are in the twenty-first century, and still we are a long way to call ourselves civilized. The way we, and that includes "educated" people too, express our disgust and trauma after even knowing about a HIV positive person is simply shattering. It's high time that people get to know about the disease, and if not anything, show a tiny bit of respect for the 2.4 million sufferers. And, if you know about any way to escape such trauma, why not enlighten others? 6. Child Labor (12.6m Child laborers, age group 5-14)This is quite old an issue but nevertheless, something that demand's a closer eye. The intellectuals and the celebrities of the big cities are always on the streets demanding an abolition of child labor in India but it is in these cities itself that child laborers are found the most. Instead of walking down the streets, crying out slogans, it's time to educate ourselves, to be able to stand up and speak out as and when required. 5. Superiority Given to Male Child (stats? look around yourself!)We always speak of equality but it is us who always choose a male child over a female one. In matters of education, it is most often seen. If there are two children in a poverty-stricken family, the female child is invariably forced to stay back home and learn how to cook! The reason: "the boy can grow up, do some job and earn money; but the girl is to go to someone else's home so why waste money on her"! We wonder why they are not able to get a simple truth: the girl can also get educated and "earn money" for her parents, if that's what bothers them day and night! 4. Child Mortality Rate (5 out of 1000 live births)In a country where some of the world's best doctors, physicians and engineers come from, the heath care system seems to be an utter failure, to say the least. The deficiency of proper drinking water, lack of a proper sewage system and the deficiency of required nutrients in every day diet have kept the national child mortality rate at a steady shameful rate. At an age when India seems to be competing with the first world countries, the child mortality rate (at a recent survey) was recorded around 1.5 million. And, this survey was done across only 597 districts. 3. Wife-Slaughters (1 woman dies every hour)"Vadhu Hatya" or Wife Slaughter (or killing of wives) is a common syndrome that inflicts otherwise educated and seemingly religious people of different societies and backgrounds in India. After marriage, the Indians have a notion that the woman is now the property of the husband and the in-laws and they can do anything and everything with her. Mostly, the wives are killed for the want of dowry, no matter how poor the wife is, or how much dowry she has already paid to be a wife, a lifelong devotee, an unconditional servant and what-not. Besides, the women are also slaughtered like pigs if they fail to provide a son! Burning down the wife is the most common way of slaughtering wives! 2. Female Infanticide (3m babies a year)In a country where Mother Goddess is regarded as the supreme form of Energy, vitality and spirit, girl child is mercilessly killed even before she could see the light of the world. It is to address this inhuman practice that sex determination was declared to be a criminal offence in India. But, this step too couldn't be enough to put an end to this crime. Haryana and Rajasthan and parts of UP see the maximum cases of female infanticide in the country. 1. Rapes (a new rape case registered every 22 minutes)Rapes and gang rapes seem to be the National Crime of India. No matter where you go, such events follow you like a spy. We surely don't want to comment on how these sad and grievous incidents are politicized but of course, no one can be provoked by someone's way of talking or someone's way of smiling or way of dressing to such an extent that he would have to salvage the girl/woman's dignity? Besides, we wonder how a 5 year old or a 75 year old can provoke anyone lasciviously. Does it signal the end of human race? The post 7 Inglorious Stats That Would Force Any Sane Indian To Hang His Head In Shame appeared first on TopYaps. |
10 Reasons Why Traditional Warfare Will Soon Be Obsolete Posted: 06 Jan 2014 04:30 AM PST Men, since time immemorial, had to fight wars and battles for survival. Afterwards, this fight for survival began to change in tune with a growing need for establishing empires and dominion. And, with changing times, the world too has seen different and more innovative modes of warfare and modern weapons. Let's have a look at some of the reasons why with every passing age, newer modes of warfare have to be introduce — 10. Guerrilla WarfareThe oldest known mode of warfare, the guerrilla warfare required the least amount of professionalism and expertise. Basically, it would be fought in small groups by men, women and even children who would work as guerillas. Of course, this had to become obsolete, especially in this modern age since this mode of warfare used daily implements and utensils as weapons. 9. The Conventional Mode of WarfareWith the notion of nation-state dominating the scenario, the warfare too changed to a massive scale (around the 17th century). There would be expert battalions on each side, and they would fight battles on a predestined field or something. But with the modern nuclear armaments and technical expertise advancing-in, this mode too had to become obsolete. Besides, who has so much space in these days to conduct this traditional mode of warfare, thanks to the concrete jungle that the world has become! 8. Nuclear WeaponsWhen the nuclear weapons were first made and implemented, it was a macabre hit. But then, with the passage of time, the formula of nuclear armament spread among all the countries, making it quite a common weapon. Besides, the vast disaster created by it is absolutely shattering and disastrous for humanity. 7. Ultra modern weapons of the USAThe USA spends heavily on developing modern and innovative weapons. However, the main problem resides in the fact that these nuclear armaments have been kept a secret by the Big Boss, USA. Weapons like MQ9 Reaper Drone, the Laser Avengers, etc. can provide advantage to any troops across the world in any kind of wars. It is always a darn requirement of all the countries to continue modernizing their warfare techniques. The age of traditional warfare is nearly over. 6. Risk of Getting into a Brawl with a Major PowerWith the world becoming a capitalistic market, it is always a danger to get into brawls with other countries—be it a small third world country or a massive nuclear power. A traditional war would not only hamper the country's reputation (which might eventually lead to the formation of small groups and allies including the big guys) but also harm them economically (sanctions, for example). 5. Salient Economic Warfare Seems More UsefulWith the world bowing to capitalism and consumerism, any clever world power would use the tactics of economic warfare than the elaborate and expensive (and more obvious) conventional warfare. Likewise, they wouldn't be making any fiends either! Economic warfare is clean and the best part – no one knows that it has been going on quietly for quite a long time already. 4. The technique implemented by the terroristsHere we are talking about the Hit and Run techniques a la the terrorists. Yes, you might point this out to be absolutely preposterous and even unethical, but then, everything is fair in war, right? Besides, who knows, the terrorists might also be sent by some country or the other!
Terrorists wage a war on a very small level to further or oppose propaganda. Interestingly, media too is one of their weapons. Higher the media coverage, greater is the intensity of a bomb blast, for example. 3. War under the Disguise of World PeaceBehind every long dialogue and lecture on world peace, there lies a motive of suppression and control as we have indeed seen in the cases of Iran, Egypt and Libya. In the name of providing independence to the countries under dictators, the nuclear powers are themselves spreading their Empire—and all these sans any form of traditional warfare. 2. The Coca-colanizationThis is a name given by the post-colonialists to the economic invasion of the new powers over the rest of the world. It works almost the same way that the bygone empires used to spread their kingdom, but sans the use of any traditional mode of warfare. Economic invasion is a reality that only a tiny fraction of human populace on earth is aware of. 1. WesternizationNow this is a mode of "warfare" where the powerful country doesn't have to do anything to establish control over others.
The television, radio and other forms of mass media are enough to spread and inculcate the "modern, western" thoughts among people as a result of which, they become busy in emulating the West, and likewise end up being their slaves. Media is the finest tool for waging a war against the masses. The best part – victims feel entertained. The post 10 Reasons Why Traditional Warfare Will Soon Be Obsolete appeared first on TopYaps. |
6 Absurd Psychological Experiments Ever Tried On Humans Posted: 06 Jan 2014 01:30 AM PST Not many can bring themselves to believe that there are many unethical and absurd psychological experiments tried on human subjects, in the name of scientific research. Even a developed country like USA has received government funding for psychological experiments to develop more effective torture and interrogation techniques for their military and intelligence agencies. Psychology is fairly a new science, which came into limelight just a century ago. In their enthusiasm and excitement of studying human mind and behavior, scientists have gone overboard in few studies. 'The pit of despair', 'Learned Helplessness' and 'The Monkey drug trials of 1969' saw cruel treatment of helpless animals in name of scientific study. They did not spare people either. Here is the list of 6 most absurd psychological experiments ever tried on humans, which threw principles, ethics, and humanity into thin air. 6. Project ARTICHOKEProject ARTICHOKE came from none other than the CIA, and is known to be funded by the government of USA. Human subjects were exposed to hypnosis, forceful morphine addiction and withdrawals, chemical experiments to make them vulnerable and helpless. The highly controversial experiment aimed at offensive mind control techniques and attempts to induce amnesia, where the mind would be under total control to the bidding of the authority, even against their own will. 5. The Monster StudyNot until 2001 when the Iowa University apologized for the study referred to as Monster study did people realize the horror behind the experiment conducted on 22 helpless orphan children. In 1939, Wendell Johnson from University of Iowa, Davenport, allowed Mary Tudor, a graduate student to conduct experiment on the children using positive and negative speech therapy. The orphans who received negative speech therapy in form of ridicule, belittling and calling them stutterers, suffered permanent psychological impairment which could not be reversed. With no parental support, you can imagine the plight of these children who suffered the consequences of unethical psychological experiment. 4. Little AlbertIn 1920, the world renowned psychologist used an 11 month old infant, to prove that fear was a learned behavior in humans. The infant who was an underling's son later became popular as Little Albert. The child who did not show any aversion to furry animals, started showing fear after a loud noise was made by banging a claw hammer against a piece of metal right behind his head every time he played with the furry animal. The playful child started crying at the sight of furry animals after some time and hiding under the table. At present no one knows what happened to Little Albert after the experiment. 3. The Stanford Prison ExperimentA mock prison was created in 1971, in the basement of Stanford psychology building, to find out the cause of abusive behavior in prisons. What began as a simple experiment went out of hand within a short period of 5 days. As chaos broke out in the mock prison,the experiment had to be abruptly stopped on the 6th day. Philip Zimbardo and his team were funded by the US office of Naval Research to aid in understanding the causes of conflicts between military guards and prisoners. The participants got so engrossed in their roles that prisoners were subjected to psychological torture by authoritarian guards and in turn the prisoners passively accepted the abuse. Zimbardo himself was assimilated by the role of superintendent and allowed the abuse to continue until two prisoner students quit bringing the wrong doings to light. 2. David Reimer CaseWhen the argument was going on among the psychologists whether gender was inborn or was it is all about nurture, John Money found a perfect victim to try his experiment on. David Reimer was an unfortunate sufferer of medical blotch up. When the doctor burnt up his entire penis, David's parents were advised by John Money to have his sex reassigned and change him into a girl named Brenda. After the sex change surgery, he was given hormonal and psychological therapies to adjust into the new role. Unfortunately, David did not adapt to the role of girl and started to live as a male after the age of 15 years. He went public with his story to discourage such practices. At the age of 38, after a lot of emotional suffering, David committed suicide in the parking lot by shooting himself in the head. 1. The Milgram ExperimentStanley Milgram, a psychologist was interested in finding out what led the entire German nation to take part in the Genocide during WWII. A hired actor was tied to a chair, who was allowed to be questioned by subjects. For each wrong answer the man tied to the chair would receive fake electrical shocks but the subjects were made to believe that the shocks were real. To the horror it was found that all the people who participated in the experiment obeyed the commands of the experimenter and continued to electrocute their victim even as the man screamed in apparent agony begging for mercy. The experiment exposed the dark side of humans which is present in every one of us. The post 6 Absurd Psychological Experiments Ever Tried On Humans appeared first on TopYaps. |
5 Renowned National Parks In India That Are Worth Visiting Posted: 06 Jan 2014 12:30 AM PST Before the inventions of hunting guns and modern hunting methods, the threat to animals was not very high. Even though they were hunted quite often, many animals survived and flourished in Indian jungles. In 1936, when it became necessary to provide protected areas for animals to prevent their extinction, the first National Park of India, Hailey National Park was established. It was later renamed as Jim Corbett National Park. By 2012 the number of national parks has increased to 102, with more upcoming projects that will take it to 166. Though all of them beckon to nature loves with equal fervors, here is the list of 5 National Parks in India that are worth visiting more than once. 5. Kanha National ParkCreated in 1955, Kanha National Park and Kanha tiger reserve is considered to be the largest National Park of central India. The scenic beauty of the area with lush saal and bamboo forests, lakes, streams and open grasslands can be breathtaking. Besides Tigers, the park is famous for Barasingha, deer, Blackbuck, wild pig, gaur, leopards, sloth bear, and more than 1000 species of flowering plants. Munna is one of the very famous tiger of Kanha, known for the formation of word CAT clearly visible on his huge head. 4. Kaziranga National ParkSituated on the Eastern Himalayan region, on the banks of Brahmaputra, Kaziranga National Park is a paradise for wildlife lovers. Created to protect the endangered species of Great One-horned Rhinoceroses, today the Kaziranga National Park of Assam boasts highest density of tiger population among protected areas. It is also safe home for elephants, barasingha, Indian bison, sloth bears, hog deer, jackals, wild water buffalo and numerous migrating birds. In 1985, Kaziranga was declared a 'World Heritage Site' by UNESCO and it was given the status of 'Tiger Reserve' in 2006. It is also identified as an 'Important Bird Area' since a large number of migratory birds visit the marshy areas during winters. 3. Ranthambore National ParkRathambore National Park has seen a lot of bloodshed of animals, as it was the hunting grounds for the Maharajas and Royals in the past. Today, the protected area of 1,334 sq km is shelter home for wide range of animals. It is also known for a huge ruined fort of Rathambore which gave the park its name. Rathambore is the best place for tiger sighting, because the tigers here are not scared of people and can be easily captured on camera. Machali, the legendary tigress who fought a 14 foot long crocodile, her daughter Sundari, Dollar and many other tigers and tigresses of Rathambore have become celebrities in their own way. The luxuriant greenery, an array of chirpy birds and many other species of animals makes this National Park worth enough to be explored at least once in a lifetime. 2. Keoladeo Ghana National ParkKeoladeo Ghana National Park, popularly called Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary in Rajasthan, is avifauna sanctuary that sees thousands of rare and highly endangered birds such as the Siberian Crane. It is an ornithologist's dream come true. This National Park is known to be home for more than 230 different species of birds; besides the swamp is home to 50 species of fish, 13 species of snakes, 5 species of lizards, 7 amphibian species,7 turtle species, and many other animals. Many ornithologists consider this to be the best bird area in the world. The park was declared a World Heritage Site in 1985. 1. Jim Corbett National ParkSituated in the sprawling lush green land of Uttarkhand, Jim Corbett National Park has the distinction of being the first recognized national park in Asia. The park with its diverse wildlife and breathtaking landscapes is named after the famous Jim Corbett who played important role in its establishment. Since 1936, the National Park has come a long way. Today, the Corbett Tiger Reserve covers over 1288 sq. km and is one of the most renowned wildlife sanctuaries all around the world. Besides the he Bengal Tiger and the Asiatic Elephant, the Jim Corbett National Park is home to 110 species of trees, 50 species of mammals, 580 bird species and 25 species of reptiles. The post 5 Renowned National Parks In India That Are Worth Visiting appeared first on TopYaps. |
What happens when nuns do not pick a call from Pope Francis? Posted: 05 Jan 2014 10:21 PM PST A dwindling community of Carmelite nuns of Luccena in Cordoba, Spain, got a call from Pope Francis at 11:45 am on New Year's Eve. Perhaps not knowing who the caller was, they fail to pick up the phone. A surprised Pope then leaves a voicemail in Spanish before getting back in touch with them at 7:15 pm to convey his good wishes. The voicemail was interesting. Listen to it here. Scroll down for the translation.
The post What happens when nuns do not pick a call from Pope Francis? appeared first on TopYaps. |
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