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- 6 Awesome Places For Live Music In Delhi
- 6 Ways To Be More Organized In Your Daily Life
- 8 Nerds Known For Shaping The Field Of Robotics
- Arnab Goswami is God of Journalism Because…
- 7 Mind-Blowing Facts About India That Make Every Countrymen Proud
- 8 Crazy Taxes That Will Blow Your Mind
- CGPA Matters BUT It’s Not That A Big Deal: 7 Arguments
6 Awesome Places For Live Music In Delhi Posted: 03 Jan 2014 05:30 PM PST Live music has a way of connecting with your soul that recorded mp3s just can’t do. When you listen to a live band perform, you get to feel the rhythms being generated and every atom in your body vibrates at that rhythm. You feel the energy and you communicate with the musician your own energy. It’s an experience like no other. In recent years, the number of places that play live music has gone up all over India. And this is not just two guys on synthesizer and guitar, playing old bollywood classics in elevator music style. These are creative and energetic musicians who’ll take you places you didn’t know you could go. Delhi has some really great places to listen to live music. Here are 6 of the most awesome places in Delhi to listen to live music. 6. Downstairs at ZoDownstairs at Zo is a quaint little space underneath the restaurant called Zo in Hauz Khas Village. The restaurant is a Mediterranean style restaurant that is popular for its Italian cuisine. Just below the restaurant is Downstairs at Zo where many great live acts are hosted every week. It’s a small space but they have their own PA and a dedicated stage area which makes it a very intimate show. 5. ZorbaZorba is a unique entertainment space where live music is hosted along with food and drinks to make for a complete party. It is located on MG Road in Sultanpur. They encourage unknown musicians from all parts of the world by giving them a platform. All genres of music are appreciated here from rock, jazz, blues, folk, fusion, sufi and world music. Parikrama, Barefaced Liar etc. are regulars at Zorba. 4. Kitty SuIf electronic and trance music is more up your ally then Kitty Su is a great place to dance the night away. It is located in The LaLit in Connaught Place and hosts some of the best DJs from India and around the world. This is the best place in Delhi for the revival of the electronic dance music genre. It hosts artists such as Pete Tong, Steve Aoki, Zedd, TocaDisco, Omnia etc. Keep in mind that it is only open 3 days a week on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. 3. Out of the BoxOut of the Box has two branches, one at Khan Market and the other at Hauz Khas. Just as their name suggests, go here for some alternative outside the box music and dining experience. They host many local artists, DJs and acoustic bands also. Gravy Train, Reggae Rajahs, Moniker, Ziggy B, Negra Pradera etc. are some of the artists you can hope to find at Out of the Box. The low lighting open air terrace and the alternative music really makes for a unique experience of listening to live music. 2. Hard Rock CaféHard Rock Café is one of the most popular live music clubs in the world. This chain has so many great clubs in many countries of the world. The great thing is that they continue to promote local artists despite being an international chain. Hard Rock Café Delhi is located in the DLF Place in Saket. They even host DJs and promote all kind of music but are best known for head banging heavy rock. The 7500 square foot space can seat 200 guests and have enough room for a stage for the musicians. You can find most of the big bands of India at Hard Rock Café and even international acts show up from time to time. 1. blueFROGblueFROG is India’s answer to Hard Rock Café. It started off in Mumbai and now has more branches including the one in Mehrauli in Delhi. They are known for not preferring any one genre of music and have hosted a wide variety of artists from international big wigs to up and coming local acts. You can get any type of music experience that you want at blueFROG, from DJs to Sufi to rock to jazz. They also serve Asian, Italian, European and Mediterranean cuisine. The post 6 Awesome Places For Live Music In Delhi appeared first on TopYaps. |
6 Ways To Be More Organized In Your Daily Life Posted: 03 Jan 2014 01:30 PM PST Some people cannot believe that they get 24 hours to spend every day. They are often running out of time; since, in their lives, times does not seem to tick, but rather fly at high speed. When people do not have enough time in their lives, they will not have good relationships, money or friends in their lives either. This is often the consequence of being disorganized in their everyday life. Being organized involves clearing both your desk and your mind of the clutter that has collected there in years. Take out some time from your busy schedule to unwind yourself and be more organized in your daily life with following effective ways. 6. Never bite off more than you can chewWhen you try to do too many things at one go, you will end up not doing any of them accurately or appropriately. Prioritizing things and making selective choices as to what you want to do first will be the first step in getting yourself organized. Plan your activities for the day by calculating how much time you will require for them before making any further commitments. It is always good to say no to a person, than failing to turn up or not do the assigned task to later come up with weird excuses. 5. Get yourself a plannerGet yourself a simple planner that will give you an idea of what you need to achieve for the day. Take care to see that the planner will show your schedule and important assignments for the day at a glance. Using graphs or colors to highlight things that need your immediate attention will fetch better results. Take care to see that the planner is compact enough to be carried around everywhere. It will not serve the purpose lying somewhere under the files or under your blanket on bed. 4. Give your day a great startEverything well begun is half done. Start your day on the right foot. This can be done by getting out of your bed on right time. Freshen up by getting under a hot shower. Do not skip on your breakfast, because you need those calories to keep you going for the whole day. Dress to kill and start your work with confidence and a smile. 3. Keep things where you can find themDesignate places for your keys, coat, pens, mobile, and other handy things, so that you will know where to find them. Not finding that important file, keys or other important articles will not only waste your time when you search for them, but will upset and frustrate you, spoiling your mood for the day. Find a tray where you can keep the things you will need when you leave home. That way you will not forget anything. 2. Make list of to do'sMake a list of the things you plan to do for the day, so that you tick them off once done. The list will not just keep you aware about the things that needs to be done but also works as an encouragement when you see those tick marks you have got on it. You can have different lists prepared for the day, the week, month and the year. Preparing a list of to do things will allow you to ponder over your priorities and make your choice. It also helps to concentrate on a single task at hand and then to move on to the next one without them interfering with each other. Do not give up if you cannot accomplish everything you plan to do. Look at what you have achieved in a day, and plan to better it the next day. 1. Stop ProcrastinationProcrastination starts with pushing the alarm into snooze mode when it is time to get out of bed. Stop it there and never allow it creep back in your day if you’re seeking to be more organized in your mundane activities. Nothing messes up your day like procrastinating does. Be one step ahead and finish off tasks on hand before the deadline. If you are planning to stop wasting time on internet, mobile or any other activity that is preventing your productivity, do not postpone it for tomorrow. Start off right away. Once you realize the power of 'Now' you days will begin to get organized automatically. The post 6 Ways To Be More Organized In Your Daily Life appeared first on TopYaps. |
8 Nerds Known For Shaping The Field Of Robotics Posted: 03 Jan 2014 09:30 AM PST The first robots, you maybe surprised to find, were developed centuries ago. Leonardo Da Vinci had designed many automated machines, but long before him, people had been designing machines that could perform a certain action on their own. But the field of robotics as we know it today only started about half a century ago. It has been one of the few gifts of the industrial age to humanity. Many nerdy men have helped the field of robotics to grow and expand rapidly in the last few decades. Here are 8 such men who have made robotics what it is today. 8. Ernst DickmannsErnst Dickmanns is a German roboticist and a pioneer in dynamic computer vision and driverless cars. He started work on a driverless car as far back as 1980, using cameras mounted on a Mercedes-Benz van and controllers for steering, gas and brakes. He later developed the robot car VaMoRs that could drive itself up to speeds of almost 100 km/hr. 7. Mark TildenMark Tilden is a roboticist and physicist from USA but was born in UK and brought up in Canada. He developed BEAM robotics and WowWee Robosapien, which is a humanoid robot that can replicate human movements using simple analogue logic circuits. He has created many other robots that include B.I.O Bugs, Constructobots, Roboraptor, Robopet, Roboreptile, Roboquad, Roboboa, Femisapien and Roomscooper, a floor cleaning robot. 6. Gerd HirzingerGerd Hirzinger is a German engineer who worked for the German Aerospace Center. In 1976 he became the head of the automation and robotics department in the German Aerospace Center. His work has been acknowledged as pioneering in the field of robotics and he has published more than 600 papers on the topics of robot sensing, sensory feedback, mechatronics, man machine interfaces, telerobotics, and space robotics. 5. Kim Jong-HwanKim Jong-Hwan is known as the father of Robot Football. He is a Korean engineer in electronics engineering and computer science and is considered a pioneer in the field of ubiquitous robotics and soccer robotics. He helped create the micro robot world cup soccer tournament. Teaching robots to play soccer on their own helps in learning about artificial intelligence and how machines can be taught to learn from experience. 4. Masahiro MoriMasahiro Mori is a Japanese roboticist who works mainly in the field of human and robot interaction and the emotional response of humans to non human entities. He is also known for his views about religion and robotics. His students have also gone on to do pioneering work in robotics such as designing the ASIMO humanoid robot of Honda. 3. Shigeo HiroseShigeo Hirose is another Japanese engineer and roboticist and a professor at the Tokyo Institute of Technology. He has worked in the field of robot movement and his work is considered very pioneering. He has created robots that can walk, crawl, swim and even slither like a snake. He has also created a robot that can climb buildings and one that can climb mountain slopes and install bolts to prevent land slides. He is also working on a robot that can clear landmines. 2. George DevolGeorge Devol is an American inventor who filed the patent for Unimate which was the first industrial robot. The initial development of robots in 1940s and 50s was to help in increasing industrial output and Devol’s mechanical arm is considered to be the first real step in the direction of robots. It was the first programmable robotic arm and laid the foundation of the robotics industry. 1. Joseph EngelbergerDespite Devol’s groundbreaking product, he’s not considered the father of robotics. That honor goes to Joseph Engelberger, an American physicist, engineer and entrepreneur. He licensed Devol’s patent to develop Unimate and founded Unimation Inc. in 1956. He worked later as an advocate for robotic technology and suggested that it could be used beyond the manufacturing sector and in fields such as health care, service industries and space exploration. He also founded HelpMate Robotics Inc. which built the HelpMate robotic courier to work in hospitals around the world. The post 8 Nerds Known For Shaping The Field Of Robotics appeared first on TopYaps. |
Arnab Goswami is God of Journalism Because… Posted: 03 Jan 2014 07:30 AM PST post Arnab Goswami is God of Journalism Because… appeared first on TopYaps. |
7 Mind-Blowing Facts About India That Make Every Countrymen Proud Posted: 03 Jan 2014 04:30 AM PST Everybody knows about the discovery of Zero and the value of Pi and other such accomplishments from our mother land India. If you think about it, India has existed from the beginning of human civilization in one form or another. So many races and religions conquered India and were absorbed in the nation and in a way were won over by India. Today we are the largest democracy in the world, the 7th largest country, the largest population of English speaking people and one of the most ancient civilizations in the world. But here are 7 facts about India that you might not have known. 7. Highest Number of Post OfficesWe know that Indian Railways is the largest employer in the world but did you know that we also have the highest number of post offices which makes our postal service the largest postal service in the world! We have a total of 154,919 post offices (as of 2001) as compared to just 57,135 of China which is in second place. 6. Carrier PigeonsConsidering we have the largest postal service in the world, it’s a little strange that we still use carrier pigeons to deliver mail in some parts of India. The Cuttack Police has about 1000 pigeons that are used to deliver messages quickly to desolate areas in the hills. The messages are put in little containers tied to the pigeons’ feet. They deliver the message and return the same day with the reply. 5. DiamondsDid you know that diamonds were first mined only in India. From ancient times, diamonds were considered precious gem stones and used in worship rituals and for jewelry. Diamonds were discovered in the Krishna River delta in the 9th century BC. From then on, till the 18th century, India led the diamond trade of the world till it’s stores were exhausted and Brazil took over in 1725. 4. World’s First Granite TempleThe Brihadeeshwarar Temple in Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu is the world’s first granite temple. It is India’s largest temple and today is considered a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is 1003 years old and celebrated it’s 1000th birthday in 2010. It is built by using granite which was mined at Tiruchirappalii. It has been in operation since then to this date with thousands of people coming to visit it everyday. It also has a big statue of Nandi carved out of a single rock which is very famous. It is 16 feet long and 13 feet high. 3. The Art of NavigationThe art of navigation also began from India during the Indus valley civilization when people learned to navigate the Sindhu River. The word navigation comes from Sanskrit ‘Navagatiha’ and even Navy has it’s root in Sanskrit ‘Nau’. In fact Sanskrit is considered to be the mother of all European languages and there is a lot of similarity in many European languages such as German and Sanskrit. 2. SurgeryIf you think plastic surgery is a modern invention of the Americans who never want to get old then you’d be wrong. Just like chess, snakes and ladders, algebra, trigonometry and calculus, surgery and medicine were two fields in which India had made a lot of progress. Sushruta is said to have been the inventor of surgery and he did many operations including cataract, amputation and artificial limbs, treating fractures, Cesarean births, urinary stones, plastic surgery and even brain surgery. Ayurveda was way ahead of any other medicinal science of that time and still cures diseases that modern medicine can’t. Yoga itself is a holistic and all inclusive approach to ultimate health and fitness. 1. One of the Oldest Cities in the WorldVaranasi is one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities of the world. It has been in habited since 1200 BC. That makes it at least 3214 years old. It is definitely the oldest city in India and rightly so is considered one of the holiest sites in India. Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism all three grew and flourished in this city which has been called by many names such as Banaras, Kashi and has been said to have founded by God Shiva himself. The post 7 Mind-Blowing Facts About India That Make Every Countrymen Proud appeared first on TopYaps. |
8 Crazy Taxes That Will Blow Your Mind Posted: 03 Jan 2014 02:20 AM PST To me all taxation seems weird. We earn money by working hard and then we have to pay taxes; which leaves almost nothing to go on a shopping binge! Anyways, there are certain taxes more weird than the others. And they’ve been around as long as tax and money has been around – which is like forever! So here are 8 totally crazy taxes from times past and present. 8. Beard TaxMany rulers have taxed beards in history. Henry VII the King of England in 1535, Elizabeth I after her father and Peter the Great Tsar of Russia in 1705 started a tax on beards. I wonder if there were additional rules to this tax such as the ones with longer beards would have to pay more. And if so, there must have been some poor tax inspector, going from home to home, measuring people’s beards! 7. Window TaxKing Williams III started a tax on windows in 1696. The idea of a permanent tax on people’s income had just started and people found it totally crazy (which it still is!). They found it wrong for the crown to know how much their income was. So the king came with a better plan. He taxed houses based on how many windows they had. The richer a person, the bigger his house and the more windows he had and so he had to pay a higher tax. Consequently people started bricking up their windows to avoid tax and felt that it was a tax on air and sunshine. 6. Pornography TaxIn Italy you have to pay a 25% tax on all hardcore pornography. The porn industry vocalized their objection to this tax as they were already being taxed with the VAT as a service industry. Such a tax also exists in France and is held as a moral tax. 5. Prostitution TaxProstitution is illegal in most countries but in some countries it is legal and even more than that it is taxed! This just shows that governments will tax whatever they can. You do it and the government will find a way to tax it. 4. Freedom TaxSlavery was considered a wonderful little institution in Ancient Rome. But it wasn’t all bad. A slave could buy his own freedom. All he had to do was pay his master whatever he asked. Plus a 10% tax to the government! Can you believe the plight of a lowly slave, who spent whatever little free time he had on working for others and saving money to buy his freedom, only to find out that he matched the owner’s asking price but couldn’t give the 10% tax! 3. Urine TaxEmperor Nero of Rome was totally crazy. Everybody knows this. He used to write direct and act in his own one person plays that lasted for hours and he forced people to watch these shows. If you read about the rest of his crazy ideas, the fact that he taxed urine would not seem that crazy. The wealthy people had their own sewage disposal system and managed to escape this tax (the wealthy have been evading tax ever since) but the rest of the people used chamber pots and had to pay tax on their own urine. 2. Illegal Drugs TaxSome states of USA have a tax on possession of illegal drugs. It sounds crazy because who would report possessing illegal drugs! In order to pay taxes! And then get caught for possession! But the craziest thing about this tax is that you are not required to produce identification while reporting your illegal drugs and the revenue employees can’t rat you out as it is illegal for them to do so! Once you report your drugs, you get a stamp that you can affix on your drugs and in case if you get caught with them, the government will know that you paid your taxes and so aren’t all bad. 1. Cow Fart TaxCows fart when they eat grass. Their farts contain methane, a greenhouse gas which rises into the atmosphere and causes global warming. Many European countries have started to tax anyone who produces greenhouse gases and so they’ve decided to tax farmers who own cows for their farts! The post 8 Crazy Taxes That Will Blow Your Mind appeared first on TopYaps. |
CGPA Matters BUT It’s Not That A Big Deal: 7 Arguments Posted: 03 Jan 2014 02:02 AM PST A great college education is often cited as a mandatory prerequisite for getting a "good job". Many a times with this understanding of the importance of college, a huge ratio of students get wrapped in their grades, as they consider it as the value statement of their own self-worth. Though it's quite easy to assume that only super achievers with exceptionally high cumulative grade point average grades are more likely to get great jobs and make hell lot of money, the reality is quite different. While having a decent CGPA is important, rest assured there are other ways to qualify too. 1. Just How Much Important Is Your CGPA?The importance of CGPA generally depends upon the type of career you intend to pursue. It can be classified into the following types- Research, Corporate (core), Corporate (non-core), Government and NGO. Usually prospective students looking forward to build up their careers in Research tend to require a higher CGPA as compared to the prospective students who are seeking a career at any NGO. 2. Where Does CGPA Really CountMaintaining a good CGPA can play a vital role for your academic success. Similarly, slacking it off could probably land you in academic probation or the university might not just grant you a great scholarship. CGPA plays a crucial role and is the game changer for those students who are dreaming to make it to the top graduate schools like the London Business School, Stanford Business School or the Yale law school, Harvard, etc. 3. Grades Are RelativeWhile your CGPA might just not be sufficient enough to make you a desired candidate for a Harvard degree, your grades still might be attractive to the less selective schools. And who knows, these schools might offer you scholarships and other such aids to motivate students similar to your credential to attend college for a higher degree. 4. The Realities Of The Job MarketFortunately, majority of employers do not entail the same academic standards on their applicants. As per the survey conducted for the Job Outlook 2005 by the National Association of College and Employers, about seventy percent of hiring managers and employers do report the screening of applicants based on their average CGPA grades, but majority of the groups say that they use a 3.0 as a standard for their cutoff. 5. What Do Employers Look For?Though the reputation of the university is a matter of consideration for almost all the employers, but even they understand that involving into extracurricular activities, at times working to pay for your way through school and many such extenuating circumstances can also lead to lowering of your academic marks. However, having a relevant work experience by means of various internships is a key for getting ahead in the cut throat competitive job market today. And thankfully, you are not required to have a superior CGPA from any top ranked university to get an internship. 6. Don't Be DeceptiveThough majority hiring managers may not automatically strike your name off the placement list owing to your low grades, still leaving your CGPA completely off from your resume might do you more harm than good. If you, by any means omit your CGPA from your resume, your employers might just keep wondering about how terrible your grades really are. Generally, if no CGPA is mentioned on a resume, then the employers by default assume it to be below a 3.0 grade. 7. Resume Remedy For All StudentsIf you think your CGPA falls below the minimum standards of your dream employer, you still have plenty of options. Here again, leaving out your CGPA score is certainly not recommended, but you should definitely emphasize and highlight your overall academic strengths and accomplishments as much as possible. There are employers who take keen interest and pay closer attention to your academic achievements that you earned during your time in college, much more than they focus on your average grades. You also have another option of listing out your average grades or your major CGPA for only the classes that you have taken in as your major subjects. The post CGPA Matters BUT It’s Not That A Big Deal: 7 Arguments appeared first on TopYaps. |
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