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- Best 11 Photography App For iPad
- Top 10 Reasons Why People Use Drugs
- Top 10 Creatures That Are Bizarre On So Many Levels
- 9 Creepiest Places on Earth You Can Visit to Experience Horror
Best 11 Photography App For iPad Posted: 10 Jul 2013 11:23 AM PDT Its freaky how people spend almost their entire time just to get their perfect beautiful shot by their cellphone.There are lots of applications with superb gestures and effects that have come up to win thousands of hearts for those who love photography. Many powerful photo-editors have given unique way to add more colors in your life. We have listed some cool interesting photography apps below exclusively provided by topyaps, Have a look:- 11. iPhoto:Experience this application and enjoy a unique way to edit, share and browse pictures. Adding new professional tools at your fingertips to offer you wonderful quality effects. 10. Adobe Photoshop Express:An ultimate photo-editor app that will approach you with new features to edit photographs with top editing colors , filters and effects. It is specially packed for iPad with awesome gestures to give you good results. 9. The Guardian Eyewitness:It is one of the intellectual application that provides you some distinct peerless photographs from across the globe. It will give you everyday a beheld experience to see photography from different angle covering all the important events. 8. Photobucket for iPad:It allows you to upload all your alive media from your iPad directly into your photobucket album. Collect and manage your favorite/beloved images and maintain your photobucket album. 7. FlickStackr for Flickr:It gives you a scaffold designed specially for larger screens. It provides you to check over your photographs in the flickr cosmos. It is one of the most unusal app with aweosme functions to explore. 6. Snapseed:Its a fun loving application to transform your photographs with advanced features. Its a powerful application with all the capabilities that comes along with this app. 5. Photogene for iPad:It is one of the most popular upcoming app for iPad. Thousands of users gave their best reviews when this app was landed. Its a wonderful and beautiful experience to edit, decorate and improve your pictures if you are not a professinonal shutterbug. 4. Web Albums HD for Picasa and Google+:It gives you an instant and smooth access to your Picasa and Google+ at your fingertips. You can use it in offline and after that you can access it to you Apple TV va Airplay 3. Pixlr-o-matic:It gives you a cool looking vintage images from your retro effects collection of pictures to give your images an astonishing look. 2. TiltShift Generator for iPad – Fake DSLR:Its an award winning application that got hit due to its milionary downloads and reviews given by users. Its back in action with much bigger and exclusive features that blowed up its audience. 1. Halftone:This app was itself named by Apple as it is one of the best photo-application. More than 2 million users have support this app as an universal app with so much lineaments its features accomodate. The post Best 11 Photography App For iPad appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Reasons Why People Use Drugs Posted: 10 Jul 2013 03:33 AM PDT Humans are born with an inherent instinct of being happy at any cost, but where it disappears as we grow though infancy, childhood, adolescence, and adulthood, one does not know. Ask people why the hell they dope, intoxicate themselves with lethal psychotropic drugs, stimulants, hallucinogens like cocaine, heroin, Methamphetamine, smack, hashish, Amphetamines, Phencyclidine (PCP) and don't know how many types of drugs for which they have developed variety of methods to get them into the blood, the response mostly is to drown prevailing harsh realities with drug induced ecstasies. There got to be reasons for it. A life of taking to drugs is akin to Christopher Marlow's Doctor Faustus, where the scholar Faustus sells his soul to the devil for momentary pleasure. Here, listed out by mental health researchers, we put together top 10 reasons that justify why people use drugs. 10. Low Self Esteem & Social Rebelliousness:Those who feel they are not able to face social-gatherings confidently, suffering from some inferiority complexes, or get nervous at times, do attempt to boost their egos by drug usage. That's because most of the drugs induce numbness. Complexes are all about thinking what others are thinking about you, but when you are stoned, external stimulants from surroundings are less perceived. It's like feeling alone amidst the crowd. Such personality traits are also referred to as a cause behind using drugs. Too much negative feedback does turn one rebelliousness towards society and the best source to take refuge in such instances appears to be drugs. 9. Stress from Peers and Society:Every individual is what he has learned from the society and friends around. We learn to always go for socially excepted norms, from standards and ways to fix in society. As an adolescent, we have a lot of peer pressure, to follow what others are doing to get their support. The curiosity to explore drugs or dopes adds to the pressure from friends and classmates in case of adolescents. It's a most often reported cause of diverting people into drug abuse. People join others just to mix into the crowd in raves, parties etc. 8. Addictive Family History:Prolonged history of substance use by parents is another factor that has been associated with genetic inclination towards drugs shown by their children. Then it's become a hereditary transfer in some cases. 7. Instant Relaxation from Stress:Dopes, cannabis or hashish are reputed to provide instantaneous relaxation even under extremely stressful professional, personal and upwardly fast paced social lifestyle conditions. Cannabis grows naturally and isn’t a geographically limited plant. That makes it easily available. User feels the effect within 3-5 minutes after smoking it. In some cases, opium is used to enhance the physical strength and more concentration. However, the effect is temporary and isn’t a permanent cure. It's starts out with just a little trip to joy land and often ends with harmful addiction. 6. Curiosity and Exposure:Adolescence is a period of much curiosity and teens find pleasure in exploring alien experiences and perceptions. Sexuality is one of the biggest curiosities during adolescence, but drugs comes second on the priority list. Is most Indian films, the villain is the one who mostly is a smoker, drinks, dopes and does crazy stuff to portray the dark character. Easily attracted to dark shade characters, film going kids out of curiosity tend to take up smoking or drinking early in life that becomes a stepping stone to a trying out more powerful mind altering drugs. Early exposure to drugs is one of the main reasons for addiction. 5. To Enhance Sensual Perceptions:As part of rituals among African tribes wild mushrooms are used to connect to spirits and higher powers in some areas and history has recorded the effect drugs on senses. Subjects of various studies have been documented by researchers to have shown a boost or enhancement in the visual and hearing senses. The perception of music or colors achieves higher intensity, which is obviously amazing experience for anyone. The drugs also have an effect of oneness with the people around, and expose individuals to experiences which were otherwise absent in the normal reality. People seek altered state of mind where mediating is an arduous and long route journey that many tend to circumvent by taking psychoactive drugs. 4. Withdrawal Symptoms:People undergoing psychiatric treatments for some mental illness like bipolar mood swings and anxiety, are often prescribed treatment drugs that on a prolonged use tend to become addictive over a period of time usage. In such cases, a person who tries to get rid of pills finds it hard to do without them. Withdrawal symptoms cause physical tensions and bring about a high craving for some drug or its substitute and the victim ends up shifting usage from one substance to other, ending up trapped in cycle. So in a manner, withdrawal symptoms also weaken the will power of any addict person. This is another major reason, why people suffering from disorders need drugs regularly. 3. Stimulants for Fun & Pleasure:This category of users belongs to fun seekers, who want to enhance their senses for more pleasure, which could be physical or subjective. People even experiment with them to get rid of boredom. Once they have experienced a drug induced joyous state of mind, then they begin to chase the mirage again and again to make it permanent, which is not possible without consuming the same substance or any other having same stimulation. That ends in addiction after a prolonged use. 2. Mental Disorders:People suffering from mental disorders, like depression and anxiety, are more often attracted to psychoactive drugs. Stimulants like cocaine, amphetamine and other hallucinogens give a boost to moods and help patients escape the reality in which they do not feel comfortable. The state of euphoria means a lot for a person suffering from acute depression. After all, humans will do anything to run away from sadness and abnormality. 1. Childhood Trauma:A pile load of studies and findings confirms that people with a traumatic childhood are more inclined to take to drugs to overcome the embarrassment and painful memories accumulated as a kid. Sexual abuse, mistreatment, an extremely strict environment, parental divorces, death of loved ones, negligence from parents, are some of the causes associated with childhood trauma and not surprisingly they are one of the major causes behind why people use drugs. The post Top 10 Reasons Why People Use Drugs appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Creatures That Are Bizarre On So Many Levels Posted: 10 Jul 2013 03:09 AM PDT People fall in love with nature. Nature is something that we adore and respect. The reasons for such respect lie within the mystic and bizarre nature of the mother-nature, much of which consists of the variety of flora and fauna abound. On this list, we have put together some of the weirdest creatures inhabiting planet earth with us. So here we go… 10. Honey bees:You would be wondering how come the much busy honeybee has to be on a list of bizarre creatures. But it would surprise you that a honeybee is the only animal in the animal kingdom that never sleeps. Besides, it travels a distance of four times the diameter of Earth at a speed of 15 mph, something that greatly helps to balance flora and fauna on the planet. 9. Hippopotamus (Strawberry Milk Shake):Hippopotamus is a part of the bizarre animal list because strangely the specie produces pink coloured milk. Actually, they have adapted to utilize two unique acid secretions in their skin, i.e. Hipposudoric and Norhipposudoric acids. One is of red colour and another is of white colour. Both of these acids prove detrimental to the growth of harmful bacteria and also protect them from the cell destroying UV rays. 8. War Hero Wolf:Many of us know about the strategy with which a pack of wolves hunt. But few of us know that if in case one of the legs the animal gets caught in a trap, a wolf can chew it off. So, next time you lay a trap, try to fix it for trapping a wolf's neck and not leg. 7. Ants (Evolution or Intelligence?):Ants are our next contenders on the list of 10 weirdest creatures in the world. Actually, the abdomen of an ant has two stomachs, one for storing the food for its own purpose and another oddly enough for sharing the food with other ants in its colony. 6. Tyrannobdella Rex (The tyrant leech king):This 3 inch long worm has got its name from the mighty dinosaur "Tyrannosaurus Rex" because of its large teeth. This bloodsucker was discovered in the Peruvian Amazon forests. This leech attaches itself to the inside of the mouth and noses of the other organisms. So, beware! 5. Pink slugs:This is the rarest of the rare species found on our planet. The population of these carnivorous creatures is confined only to the areas in and around Mount Kaputar in the New South Wales state of Australia. They are fluorescent pink in colour and eat herbivorous snails. 4. Black Widow Spider:Black Widow Spider flaunts of being one of the most poisonous of all spiders. It is found only in hot areas. Many of these spiders have a Red Hour glass-shaped mark on their back. Out of the total bites, more than one percent of the people have died. It is also infamous for its sexual cannibalism as it has three times more venom than its male counterparts. 3. Pea-sized Frog:When this frog was discovered in Borneo (Indonesia), scientists thought that this might be a baby frog. But, soon they came to know that this was an adult Pea-sized Frog which can't grow longer than ½ inch. This is one of the smallest frogs found on this planet. 2. Sea Horse (A Fatherly affection):Sea Horse is the only creature on planet earth where the eggs are laid by the male. During the 8 hour reproduction game, the female deposits more than a thousand eggs inside the pouch of the male who dutifully indeed carries the eggs for more than six weeks until they emerge fully developed. What more could you expect from a doting father? 1. Self Cloning Lizard:What if all males become extinct from this world? "Surely, the world will still move on. We'll evolve and find out some bizarre methods of reproducing." Such would be an answer from the Self-Cloning Lizard even. This is because this lizard specie is an all female one and reproduces through the means of Self-cloning. Its real name is "Parthenogenic Sand Iguana" and was discovered only recently in 2010 in Vietnam. The post Top 10 Creatures That Are Bizarre On So Many Levels appeared first on TopYaps. |
9 Creepiest Places on Earth You Can Visit to Experience Horror Posted: 10 Jul 2013 12:43 AM PDT The world is not short of places that could freeze you with fear. Forts, palaces or hospitals with violent history or decay are strewn all over the world. Some creepier than the other such that they would give you Goosebumps! Sometimes it's just an urban legend associated with a place that could make it eerie while at times it could as well be true. Here's a list of some of the creepiest places on earth. 9. San Zhi Resort:These were constructed in 1978 Taiwan to serve as a resort. The site was however abandoned in 1980 as a result of a number of fatalities in the site. It is believed that the mishaps were due to the act of severing a Chinese dragon sculpture located near the resort gates. Some others believe that the accidents happened as it was the former burial ground of Dutch soldiers and hence haunted. 8. Aokigahara Forest:It is located at the northwest base of Mount Fuji in Japan. The forest is unusually quiet due to wind-blocking density of the trees and an absence of wildlife. It is associated with demons in Japanese mythology and is extremely popular for suicides. The place for some reason has always been associated with death and is supposedly haunted by the YĆ«rei or angry spirits of those left to die. 7. Beechworth Asylum:Lunatic asylums have this uncanny ability to freak out even the boldest of persons, Beechworth Asylum located in Australia is one such place. It was decommissioned after 128 years of functioning as a psychiatric hospital. In fact nightly Ghost tours are conducted these days for it is known for its paranormal activities or ghosts of departed patients. 6. Hellingly Hospital:It is an abandoned building in East Sussex which was formerly a large psychiatric hospital. It was established in 1903 with its own train line. Various paranormal activities have been reported from the hospital which is now just an abandoned building almost in ruins. Infact, orbs and apparitions have been caught by people exploring this place at night. Certainly not a place to visit for the faint hearted. 5. Old Jewish Cemetery Prague:It lies in the Jewish Quarter of Prague. Some believe that this cemetery is over 1000 years older than the accepted date in the first half of the 15th century. About 120000 tombstones are visible today but it is impossible to actually ascertain the exact number considering that as many as 11 cemeteries are stacked on top of each other. Since a single cemetery itself is quite scary, 11 layers if tombs certainly reaches a new level of spookiness. 4. Island of the Dolls:La Isla de lasMunecas is an island situated at the Xochimilco Canals in Mexico. It is believed to be haunted by the ghost of a small girl who drowned in a river near the island. The island's only occupant the late Julian Santana Barrera initially put up a doll to ward of paranormal activities. But to his dismay the activities only increased. To appease the spirit more dolls were placed but to no avail. The island is now a hotbed of ghostly activities and has thousands of decaying dolls all around. 3. Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum:This museum in Cambodia was built on the site of a former high school. It was used as the notorious Security Prison 21 by the Khmer Rouge regime from 1975 to 1979. It was one of the execution centers in the country around that time and it is believed that as many as 20,000 of its prisoners were killed. It is believed that the ghosts of those victims killed still haunt the place. It's not implausible since the torture those 20000 odd prisoners underwent was atrocious. 2. Catacombs of Paris:It comprise a number of abandoned, subterranean mines under Paris connected together by galleries used as an underground Ossuary. When Paris was undergoing expansion due to growing population in the 18th century, several human remains from the cemeteries were moved to a section of these mines which is now the Ossuary. It is believed to hold the remains of about six million people. It is now a tourist attraction but has an uncanny feel. Visitors have heard voices or even had the feeling of being strangled or touched. 1. Borley Rectory:It is believed to be the most creepiest places on planet earth, located in the village of Borley, Essex. Built on the site of an ancient monastery in 1863, the ghost of a nun has often been seen there. It is said that she had fallen in love with a monk from the monastery and was bricked up in the cellars of the monastery as a punishment for eloping with him. A spike in reports of eerie activities in the mansion occurred after paranormal researcher Harry Price's account of a visit to the mansion in 1929. In 1939 it was badly damaged by fire and demolished in 1944. The post 9 Creepiest Places on Earth You Can Visit to Experience Horror appeared first on TopYaps. |
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