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- Top 10 Things You Should Do To Advance Your Career
- Top 10 Relationship Tips That Ruin Your Love Life
- 6 Best Travel Destinations In India To Visit In Your 20s
- Top 10 Popular Sitcoms on Indian Television
- Best 6 Dedicated Web Hosting
- Top 10 Memorable Catches in ODI History
Top 10 Things You Should Do To Advance Your Career Posted: 30 Jul 2013 11:53 AM PDT Look around yourself. 5 years from now, most people you know will stay right where they're today. Only a select few will advance their careers in a direction they want. These are the people who really understand how to attract wealth, professional success and prosperity into their lives. They do certain things that most others don't. Listed below are 10 things you should do to advance your career: 10. Create a Balance:Life is not all about making money or assuming senior positions in big-confusing companies. It's about living in a manner that you feel grateful at the end of each day. Work, relationships, family members, recreation – all of these should be given their due importance. Growing as a professional has much to do with how good your personal life is, especially because relationships, recreation and family determine your energy levels, attitude towards work and most importantly, overall outlook towards the life. 9. Have Patience:Don't be in a hurry to climb up the career ladder. If you're working with a small company at the moment, be patient and learn everything you need before you plan to secure a great job. Often, people switch jobs, become unproductive or stop learning when they find themselves undervalued by employers. Always remember – your time will come. Just don't make any haste. 8. Take Initiatives:Try and be the first one in your team to take initiatives (don't compete though). Before your project manager asks you about the work status, make it a point to update him. Do not wait for others to make or execute plans. Take the lead. See the big picture, you're training yourself for a better position each day. 7. Say 'No' when You Have to:Most people hesitate to disagree with their bosses or even their colleagues. Being a 'yes man' all through your career span can sure keep you safe from a possible layoff in future but it certainly won't help you advance in your career. Yes, teamwork is a recipe for success but disagreements too are productive. If don't really want to take up an assignment, just say 'No.' 6. Offer Solutions:Regardless of who you're reporting to, try to offer solutions and suggestions to your manager or boss. Don't overdo it though. If you think you know few ways to refine sales or recruitment process, for example, don't hesitate to speak to your seniors. Whether they reject or accept your ideas is a different story – what's important is to get noticed. That said – go prepared to meetings and conferences, ask questions, offer suggestions and try to engage your colleagues in meaningful discussions. 5. Be Loyal to your Employer:No matter what your current job profile or salary package is, make it a point to exhibit loyalty to your employer each time you get an opportunity to do so. When you're genuinely interested in aligning yourself to organizational goals, senior management WILL notice it and rest assured, you'd either be rewarded in monetary terms or assigned more important tasks. 4. Get to know People in Your Industry:Who can help you find a better job when you switch after a year or two? Who can introduce you to some bigwigs in the industry that might consider hiring you? It's people in your network (including those on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and Blogosphere) who can provide that 'job opening information' at the right time or better, forward your resume to a senior HR executive. 3. Focus on Selling Personal Service:Do NOT send across half baked resumes or portfolios to prospective employers irrespective of whether you're fresh college grad or someone with years of relevant work experience. It pays to spend time and money on preparing flawless documents that help you sell a personal service. Get second opinions, hire a professional copywriter, study resumes of successful people in the field and do not hesitate to spend a week or more on preparing a really good CV and/or portfolio. 2. Learn Everyday:Vast majority of professionals continue with their day jobs without trying to learn anything new on a daily basis. If you're a software developer, for example, it's important that you continue to learn new technologies & frameworks. A florist, on the other hand, may develop a habit of learning about newer floral designs, apps, social media marketing techniques etc. to grow in his profession. 1. Dream Big:What could you possibly do without having dreams that serve as constant source of inspiration? Career growth path is best defined by dreams. It's the 'desire to realize a dream' that can help you transcend all difficulties & mental barriers to success. If you're an entry level manager at a company, does it hurt to 'see' yourself as project manager (for example) 5 years from now? 'Big Dreams' will keep you energized; they'll keep you positive even when things aren't going great. The post Top 10 Things You Should Do To Advance Your Career appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Relationship Tips That Ruin Your Love Life Posted: 30 Jul 2013 05:16 AM PDT It is often said that love gets better with time – true for some cases but it isn’t always the case. Sometimes what we do, how we react or how we express can be reasons that ruin our love life. People often say you need to be experienced to be a good lover. But we believe that isn’t the case. All you need to be a good lover is the willingness to see things from your lover's prospective. Like you feel happy with small things, so does your lover. Like you love surprises so does your lover. Like you seek undivided attention so does your lover. So, simply learn to see things from your lover's perspective and you will see how easy it is to understand one another and make the love life more wonderful. No matter how efficient you may become, there will be times when you will seek relationship tips, and the first people you will seek help from will be you close friends. But have you wondered whether this advice actually does any good or is it just ruining the relationship? Friends will ideally advice you from their personal experiences in life, which may not be true in all real world situations. So remember, relationship tips are great for romance and love life, but not from everyone and not all the time. Here we have listed for your knowledge 10 common relationship tips that ruin your love life. 10. You shouldn’t change for someone:When two people fall in love they bring two lives together, and the two lives may not fit well all the time. Though you don't need to change for anyone, but you should be ready to make a few compromises to be able to fit into each other's lives like a jigsaw puzzle. 9. You won't find anyone other than your partner attractive:People often say you cannot feel physically attracted to someone else when you are in true love, but we don't believe physical attraction has anything to do with love. It is natural to find good looking people physically attractive. 8. Relationship counseling is bad:Visiting a relationship counselor doesn’t mean you don't have a healthy relationship. A counselor can be a good help in allowing partners understand each other better. Therefore, visiting a counselor shouldn’t be seen in a negative light. 7. Things will sort out by themselves:You may convince yourself by saying that things will change. But things will never change until you make efforts. There should be no ego in a true relationship, so as much as possible strive to change things and don't leave them to change by themselves. 6. Passion will always stay amid partners:Passion needs constant efforts to stay alive. We all lead busy lives, so if we leave the passion to live by itself – it will be the biggest blunder. Partners need to make constant efforts to love each other to keep the passion running. 5. You shouldn’t have arguments with your partner:Advisers will tell you that arguments are not healthy amid partners. Yes they can be stressful and hurt the partners, but arguments are a good thing. It helps bring partners together and helps them understand each other better, provided the partners learn from the arguments and change for each other. 4. Having a child doesn’t ruin relationships:Having a child together is just a way of sweeping the problems under the blanket. Unless you make efforts to understand each other and don't show willingness to be with one another, having a child will in no way help you dented relationship. Having a child will also not spoil your love life, until you make constant efforts to see things from your partner's perspective. 3. Perfect relationship is not possible:Nothing is perfect until you want to make it perfect. Remember good thing in life don't happen accidentally and perfect relations don't develop without effort. Make sure you give enough time to understand each other and perfect relationship isn't far away then. 2. Giving space in relationship will end up things:Most people advocate the fact that for a healthy relationship, partners need to be only dependent on each other. True, partners need to be interdependent, but it is important that they have enough amount of space away for one another. In a relationship partners need to love each other, but it is very vital that they grow individually too, and giving space to each other doesn’t ruin relationships it strengthens them. 1. Lover makes your life complete:The worst relationship tip that you can get is that having a partner completes your love live. Remember, no way in the world do you need a partner to complete your life. Most people get into relationship only because of this catch phrase "a partner makes your life complete" and after a while look out for ways to break up. Therefore please don't create relationships just to complete yourself, it all bullshit. The post Top 10 Relationship Tips That Ruin Your Love Life appeared first on TopYaps. |
6 Best Travel Destinations In India To Visit In Your 20s Posted: 30 Jul 2013 12:24 AM PDT Now, being in your 20s can mean a lot many things. It is that decade from our lifetime which is packed with events and emotions at a speed that the young-and-restless are famous for. In the pre-25 phase, the late-teen hormones are settled but the roller-coaster ride has not stopped fully. We are still kids, man! Post-25 is a different ball game, albeit a slightly confused one. Not as grown up as 30, but certainly sailing in older seas expected to be, if not already, settled, package-d, married and perhaps with one bundle in the arms too. The 6 Indian travel destinations I recommend to both pre- and post- varieties are as follows - 6. Fishing in Cauvery Fishing Camp, Bheemeshwari:This extremely beautiful camp located on the banks of the River Cauvery, about 100 kilometers from Bangalore, will help you relax, and learn a new skill. Far enough from the maddening crowds yet easily accessible for weekend tourists looking for a change, the camp is a perfect place to unwind, do nothing in the form of fishing and perhaps catch up on some reading too. Local fishermen guide you as you try your hand at fly-fishing, bait-fishing and spinning. Mahseer, carp and cat fish are the most popular fish to catch here (No, no matter how hungry you are after all the patience that fishing demands, you have to cook it first!). In case you are vegetarian, well, go and see others baiting around and enjoy the natural beauty side-by-side. A good holiday, especially for those with babies. 5. Kila Raipur for Rural Olympics:This annual sporting event in Ludhiana district is a one-of-its-kind experience, brought to us by the Grewal Sports Committee, and racing on since the last 63 years. If you thought you can ride a horse, think again. Your 20 something sporting skills will be put to shame by the team of 6-year-olds to 70-year-olds with physical stamina that will make you cancel your hefty gym membership fee. Villagers from different areas have their own competitions, which include – kabaddi, kho-kho, cock fighting, cart races and even dog races. (Yes, stick to the stands, unless you want a free ride down the ground or a painful peck on the cheek!) Tent pegging is another famous competition here. Punjabi folk music and langar style lunch mark the event. And it continues to be quite a cross-cultural experience, with participants coming from USA, Canada, Malaysia, Singapore and England. 4. Bhangarh, the haunted city:This is stuff that real horror is made of. One of the spookiest ruins ever, near Alwar in Rajasthan, the town of Bhangarh with its haunted status is quite a place to visit when young and kicking (the latter may come in handy in case of encounters of the supernatural kind!). Myth has it that due to the curse of Guru Bala Nath, the whole town was vacated over night. The tomb of Guru Bala Nath is still found amongst the ruins. The lost city is open only during the hours of daylight and is strictly prohibited after sunset. (This is one rule nobody will dare to break.) Trivia – The ASI doesn't have an official office here, though government regulations state that every historical site must. I wonder why? 3. Vihigaon Falls for water-rappelling:The Western Ghats have many waterfalls and flowing rivulets. Vihigaon falls, in Kasara Mumbai is a unique adventure holiday that includes rappelling, down-climbing and river tracing in the midst of the thick forest. It's the best way to overcome Acrophobia – The Fear for Heights, and get a little philosophical about your life. After all, being suspended at a height of about 100 ft with the only way down being one through a waterfall can make anyone re-examine their role and relevance of being alive, apart from making you practice some real sphincter control for most part of the descent. 2. Meghalaya for exploring caves:You thought 'Final Destination' was the epitome of thrill? Well, pull up those falling pants, young man, and charge those torches. Some of the longest and deepest caves in the world are waiting to be explored in Khasi, Jaintia and Garo hills. Krem Mawmluh is one of the more popular caves located near Cherrapunjee. It stands tall at 4503 meters and 5 rivers make their way through it. And what luck, just a month back, 19 news caves got added to the collection of 1350 existing ones. Resolution and courage you surely need, and GPS you do not because it won't help. It's a perfect thing to do in your college vacations. Advisory – keep the volumes low, no matter how excited or lost you are. And resist the urge to etch that heart with your beloved's initials inside. 1. Motor-Biking in the Ladakh Range:Get those helmets out (no, not the Rs. 100 ones, please) and rev up your bikes. It is time for some mountain biking over the highest passes in the world, including Rohtang La, Baralacha La, Lachlung La and Tanglang La and the boss of them all, the Khardung La, standing proud at 18,380 ft. This is one 'enroute' that will keep you praying to the Almighty even as the best motorcycling road in the world tests your might. When you get a moment from balancing the bike, the surroundings will make you heart skip the remaining beats. The ride is treacherous and the route unforgiving. You better trust the bike as well as the rider. But many hair pin bends and slippery snowy crossings later, you will reach a high – not just the high altitude that the place promises you, but a high of the attitude-nal kind too. (Yes, you can take that helmet off now, it's over, really! And stop shaking. You are indeed alive!) The post 6 Best Travel Destinations In India To Visit In Your 20s appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Popular Sitcoms on Indian Television Posted: 29 Jul 2013 11:38 PM PDT The cable TV movement and further its digitization owe our sincere thanks as we became choosy as far as television viewing is concerned. Remembering pre-cable days is never a good idea but going down the memory lane, one can relive some of the shows that ruled the Indian television before the cable days like "Dekh Bhai Dekh,"and "Sriman-Srimati," as a great comic timing. Entering into the world of Hindi sitcoms, we find ten desirable TV series making it to our list. 10. Tu-Tu Main Main:The popular sitcom, "Tu-Tu Main Main," was directed by Sachin Pilgaonkar which aired on DD Metro channel and later shifted on Star Plus in 1996. Thereafter the series ran for next 11 years. The storyline was based on usual arguments and bickering between a mother-in-law and her daughter-in-law. 9. Shrimaan-Shrimati:It was a popular sitcom that first aired on Doordarshan in 1995. It starred Rakesh Bedi, Jatin Kankania, Reema Lagoo and Archana Puran Singh. The series was produced by Adhikari brothers. To an extent, Shrimaan Shrimati's philosophy resembled with that of “love thy neighbor’s wife." 8. Chidiya Ghar:It is a comedy show which is telecasted on SAB TV on weekdays in the prime time slot. The show is centered at Narayan family of Varanasi. The interesting thing is that each family member has an animal’s quality and so is the name of their house, Chidiya Ghar, where Koyal, Gadha Prasad, Gotak, Naagin etc live happily. 7. Khichdi:The show was produced by UTV, which started its telecast on Star Plus in 2002. It was the first show, which adapted Western model of appearing in Seasons. The second Season was aired on Star One. The story line of Khichdi revolves around a Gujarati joint family, which faces typical Indian problems. Here funny bunch of people join a movement to get separated from the present household. Khichdi tries to exhibit the lighter side of an Indian joint family. 6. FIR:It is a popular sitcom aired on SAB TV. The story depicts a robust Haryanvi female cop, Chandramukhi Chautala and her two funny subordinates, head constable Gopi and constable Billu. The show showcases their funny acts, as they try to solve every case which arrives at Imaan Chowki, with several fun elements in it. 5. Tarak Mehta Ka Oolta Chasma:This show is being telecasted on SAB TV. The serial's background is set in a fictitious “Gokuldham Co-Operative Housing Society” in Mumbai, where multicultural people from different social backgrounds live together. The series is so much popular that in November last year it completed its 1000th episode, which is the record for any sitcom in the world. The story is primarily aimed at Jethalal Champaklal Gada and his family. This serial captures the drama happening in his everyday life and his interactions with other members of the society. 4. Zabaan Sambhal Ke:This Hindi sitcom was set in 1990s, when the country was facing high unemployment problem. It is the Indian version of the Britain's popular show "Mind Your Language," which ran successfully for two seasons. The show featured veteran actors like Pankaj Kapoor, Viju Khote, Shobha Khote and Tom Alter. 3. Sarabhai Vs Sarabhai:The show is about the life of an upper class Gujarati family, the Sarabhais of South Mumbai. The head of the family was Indravadan Sarabhai, who along with his wife Maya, played by Ratna Pathakand, and younger son Rosesh lives in an apartment while their older son Sahil and his wife Monisha used to live in a nearby apartment. The show received well-applauded response from the critics and public alike with great TRPs. The show is a poke at middle class and upper class. 2. Office-Office:It is a popular sitcom that premiered on SAB TV. The series starred veteran actor Pankaj Kapoor in the lead role of Mussadilal. The plot highlights the rampant corruption and bribery practice in government offices. The story basically is aimed at Mussadilal, or you can say, a common man, who falls prey at the hands of corrupt officials. 1. Dekh Bhai Dekh:The greatest ever Hindi sitcom "Dekh Bhai Dekh,"was one of the most popular and original comedy, which was created by Aanand Mahendru and produced by Jaya Bachchan. It starred Shekhar Suman, Sushma Seth, Farida Jalal, Bhavna Balsawar etc in lead roles. The story revolves around the joint family of the Diwans. The characters speak volumes with their acting and their fighting spirit overcome the day-to-day troubles of a family. The post Top 10 Popular Sitcoms on Indian Television appeared first on TopYaps. |
Posted: 29 Jul 2013 10:58 PM PDT We have all heard of how to make our website more productive while choosing the best Web Hosting Server. And I think if you are working with the great technologies, it provide you an enormous amount of energy and focus in your work. So, with this article I have come up with list of dedicated Web Hosting Servers to boost you up with your creativity and productivity. Lets have a look:- 6. SingleHop:SingleHop has an awesome experience in solving numbers of errors of its users with expert support. They are dedicated and focus towards their aim to offer you and approach you to build your strong infrastructure 5. Hostmonster:Hostmonster comes with an advanced Xeon quad processor server technologies with superb synchronous optical networking. Its costing is totally affordable which comes with an unlimited space and bandwidth. 4. JustHost:JustHost is becoming very famous since last few years for people who are looking for online business. JustHost comes with various features and cheap price to provide you the best in the industry. 3. Media Temple:Media Temple is amazing and works so beautifully. Its VPS hosting products is extremely fast and reliable. I would recommend this to everybody to experience this server and gain awful expeirence. 2. Rackspace:Rackspace has an ability to fulfill all your demands to make your website productivity faster then before. You will gradually see an increasing traffic if you are using this dedicated web hosting server. 1. InMotion Hosting:InMotion Hosting comes with an excessive fast and strong server. They provide you a 24/7 support service with expert knowledgeable people.
The post Best 6 Dedicated Web Hosting appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Memorable Catches in ODI History Posted: 29 Jul 2013 09:58 PM PDT There have been many great fielders in the history of cricket. Fielders that defied gravity to take catches that really do win matches. And while winning matches for their team and man of the match for themselves, these fielders also make for some exciting viewing. There are no words to explain how it feels to see someone who flies off into the air to take an amazing catch. No matter how many times you see the replay it’s never enough. That’s why there are hundreds of best catch compilation videos available on the net. I try to choose the best among these catches and present them here for your pleasure. To keep things a little simple I’ll be talking about only ODI catches and leaving out some great test match fielding. I’ll also be leaving out some spectacular fielding been done in T20 matches all the time now. So without any delay here are the top 10 memorable catches in ODI history. 10. Yuvraj Singh Vs Bangladesh:This is a great timing catch by Yuvraj Singh. The left handed Bangladeshi opener tries to slice a wide delivery over the top of point. Unluckily for him it was Yuvraj Singh fielding at that position. He jumps straight up, stretching to the maximum and extends his left hand over his head. At the time of catching the ball he is easily 1 meter off the ground. The timing had to be perfect for this catch to stick and it was. A little earlier or a little later and he would have just gotten his fingertips to it. It was one of those catches that turn a good shot into a wicket. 9. Kapil Dev Vs West Indies:This is probably the most famous catch by an Indian captain because it happened at the 1983 World Cup final. Defending a low total the Indians had bowled reasonably well when Viv Richards came in and got about his own style of batting. He would have taken West Indies all the way to victory when he hit a pull shot that got a slight top edge. Kapil Dev was at mid on and ran sideways to catch the ball just about 10 meters from the boundary. It was a great catch because of the difficulty of running backwards and also because of the occasion and the moment. Kapil Dev remained cool as ever and probably won the World Cup for India with this catch. 8. Brett Lee Vs New Zealand:Brett Lee bowls so well that sometimes it is forgotten that he is a decent fielder as well. He’s one of those guys who give you full commitment no matter what. This is a catch from the early phase of his career against New Zealand. Chris Cairns tries to pull Glen McGrath and gets a top edge that loops behind above the keeper’s head. Brett Lee, who is fielding at fine leg, runs around at full speed, overshoots the ball, slips and fall but while falling he leans back and takes a wonderful catch close to the ground with his left hand. This is a great catch because most bowlers fielding at that position might not even have tried to catch it at all. 7. Yuvraj Singh Vs South Africa:This is Yuvraj Singh showing how good a fielder he really is once again. It was Jonty Rhodes, the best fielder himself, who was batting and he tried to play his trademark sweep shot off Harbhajan Singh. He gets a top edge that hardly gets off the ground and flies right behind the keeper. Yuvraj Singh runs in from short fine leg and does a full stretch dive to his right and takes a one handed catch just inches off the ground. This is just another one of the amazing catches that Yuvraj has taken throughout his career. 6. Paul Collingwood Vs Australia:Paul Collingwood is a batting all-rounder and a brilliant fielder. He has taken some brilliant catches at all positions on the field but a few of his catches at point are simple amazing and reminiscent of Jonty Rhodes. One such catch is versus Australia where Mathew Hayden cuts one off deliberately into the air over the head of point. Paul Collingwood make a high jump record and also bends backwards in mid air to take the catch up over and behind his head with both hands. Hayden’s reaction says it all about how brilliant that catch was. 5. Yuvraj Singh Vs South Africa:Yuvraj Singh comes once again in this list. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not a die hard fan or anything, it’s just that he’s taken so many brilliant catches that he ends up featuring the most number of time in this list. It might be debatable but he probably is the second best fielder after Jonty Rhodes. This particular catch is also against South Africa where he gets Graeme Smith out by jumping high and towards his right and plucking the ball out of the air. If there was any other fielder at that position, that shot was going for a four. 4. Kieron Pollard Vs Australia:Kieron Pollard had to feature in this list as well. He’s an amazing athlete and a complete cricketer. This is a recent catch versus Australia in Australia at the square leg boundary. Maxwell hits a six that Pollard turns into a wicket. The height reached by Pollard to take this catch is unbelievable and then he managed to fall inside the ropes as well. Bad luck Maxwell! 3. Jonty Rhodes Vs Australia:Featuring twice in the top three is the best fielder ever, Jonty Rhodes. It can’t be debated coz no one has ever come close to his level of fielding. It was not just great catches and run outs but his consistency at stopping everything hit towards him that makes him the best fielder ever. Mathew Hayden had the bad luck of getting out to another brilliant catch from a brilliant point fielder. He cuts the ball a little to the right of Jonty who was initially going left but in typical Jonty style he changes direction and jumps up and sideways to the right to take a brilliant catch. 2. Rahul Dravid Vs Pakistan:At number two we have “The Wall”, Rahul Dravid. Dravid was a very good fielder and a very safe pair of hands but this particular catch of Moin Khan was so brilliant that even hardcore Dravid fans were surprised he managed to take that. I’m not trying to belittle Dravid, but this is a catch that no one would be expected to take. Dravid is asked to field at a strange position just in front of the square leg umpire and a little to the left. Moin Khan pulls the ball with a lot of ferocity. It is a good pull shot that should go for a four but Dravid is standing at such close range that the ball gets to him while still in the air. It happens too quickly and the ball is too far towards the right of Dravid. If he had just stood there and watched it go, no one would have said that he missed a catch. But Dravid showed brilliant reactions and dived to his right to take a brilliant one handed catch. It is among the greatest catch ever because it wasn’t a catch at all. This is the best example of catches winning matches. 1. Jonty Rhodes Vs England:The number one position could easily have been given to that Rahul Dravid catch but it just didn’t seem fair to displace the kind of good fielding, Jonty Rhodes. This is one of the most memorable catches from my childhood. It’s in the 99 World Cup against England. Robert Croft tries to hit one up and over the point fielder. Jonty Rhodes jumps up higher than any other catch on this list and realizes that he won’t be able to catch it so he palms the ball like a goal keeper. The ball loops over him and starts falling behind him. He turns in mid air and catches the ball. Simply the best whenever talking about memorable catches in the history of cricket. The post Top 10 Memorable Catches in ODI History appeared first on TopYaps. |
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