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- Best 13 Cydia System Tweaks
- Top 10 Real-life Superheroes
- Top 10 Growing Trends in the World
- Top 10 Ways How Companies Attract Customers
Posted: 02 Jul 2013 02:38 AM PDT We have listed some of the best 13 Cydia system tweaks for your iPhone device to add some extra interesting never seen features to make your iPhone look more attractive. If you are exploring yourself and a freak user of iPhone, check this article and enjoy:- 13. Activator:Price: Free Activator is totally awesome and very useful. This Cydia application for all the jailbroken iPhone offers new features for the latest Beta. It allow users to snap an app icon by invoking various customs action. 12. SBSettings:Price: Free Using SBSettings you can easily enable swiping for the toggle buttons. It can easily gets updated with iOS support. You can easily free your system memory without killing any task from SbSettings. It controls all your popular settings and makes it easy for you to use them. 11. iFile:Price: $4, Free Trial iFile is one of the most popular app in Cydia. It provides you totally complete access to your device. It helps you to easily manage your video files, it helps you to access and move your data files to any folders and many more. 10. PlayAwake:Price: $1.99 PlayAwake is just like default alarm clock app. This app is just like youtube which will easily get integrate in to the clock app. It works awesome. Download or choose any songs and make your alarm sing the way you want. 9. Zephyr:Price: $4.99 Zephyr offers you multitasking opportunity to your iOS device. Anytime if you need to switch your apps than Zephyr is the best app for your device. Just by simply swiping up from the bottom of the display you can easily use the multi tasking features provided by this application. 8. xCon:Price: Free XCon is a app that will not allow any jailbroken device to perform. It will bypass every jailbroken detection and will prevent any sort of disturbances coming while you are using your device. 7. PasswordPilot:Price: Free PasswordPilot helps you to download any applications with lots of convenience. It keeps your device secure and will ask for password entry every time you download or update any application. 6. WeeFlashlight for Notification Center:Price: Free WeeFlashlight is updated with notification center and allows you to just tab the button and get the flash light ready to use. Even, you will be able to control your camera directly from the notification center. 5. F.lux:Price: Free F.lux helps you in adjusting the light on your iPhone device according to your room surrounding. Its a very cool app will will adjust itself according to the time of the day. 4. MultiIconMover:Price: Free MulticonMover helps you to move multiple icon at a time. You just need to tap the icon you wish to move to target page. 3. MapsOpener:Price: Free MapsOpener will help you change the default settings of maps with the google maps. It will open maps directly using the google maps browser instead from the default Apple maps. 2. CameraTweak:Price: $0.99 If you are looking for the coolest app for your default camera than CameraTweak si the best application for you. Its features add the capability for your camera with much more extra functions like white balance, exposure, focus etc. 1. PKGBackup:Price: $9.99 Without a single doubt PKGBackup is one of the interesting and popular application from Cydia for your iPhone. It will help you to backup your list and cydia applications using this app.
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Posted: 02 Jul 2013 01:30 AM PDT We all have seen superheroes in movies and have played them on X Box and playstations, from childhood till date. These marvelous heroes have amazed us with their surreal abilities, skills, looks and their unique functional costumes leave us in awe of them. However, have you ever really thought that there could be such superheroes in our real lives too? They look just like us, walk among us, and even perform normal chores of day-to-day. Learning about them, you may try to search one within yourself too. Here are top 10 real life superheroes and their unreal qualities, which will leave you awestruck. 10. Super Echolocation:Famously known as Captain Sonar, Ben Underwood can see with his ears, when he listens to the sounds produced near him. Ben suffered from retinal cancer when he was two and a half. At five, his life completely transformed when he discovered that he can detect things around him by making quick clicking cacophony's with his tongue. It was indeed a 'special' ability. Now, he can play video games, ride a bicycle and amaze the onlookers. 9. Power of Gourmandization:Michael Lotito is another in the list of real-life superheroes, who can eat anything in this world that you name. By anything we mean even an aeroplane. Yes, it sounds a little crazy but he can really do that! His name was added in the Guinness book of world records after he ate his own TV set. Since then Michael Lotito is well-endowed with these special powers and has been shocking us with his bizarre eating pecularities. 8. Knight Warrior:Roger Hayhurst, when he was just 19, took over Manchester's crime scene and solved all Manchester's criminal issues. He is protected with his absolute cogency. Roger conceals his ordinary identity behind a mask and a cape; and he looks like a retro warrior who helps the homeless by offering them food, clothing and shelter. Yeah, all this sounds like a movie script by it is actually true. We need more of such warriors to make this world a better place, no? 7. Dark Guardian:This superhero of Manhattan, New York seems to have walked just right out of an action movie. He saves the world around him from the offenders who want to take law enforcement for a ride. The superhero named Chris Pollak, is a martial arts expert. When on mission, he gets all suited up with his mask to fight dangerous drug trafickers in Washington and other surrounding areas. 6. Captain Australia:If you think wearing a mask and a cape makes you a superhero then you are sadly mistaken. You need warrior's instincts and insight to fight a dangerous crime scene, like this captain. He keeps his name a mystery but unravels and takes up the gauntlet with the criminals to protect the streets of Australia. 5. The Lion Whisperer:Kevin Richardson does not wear a mask or a costume of a superhero. He looks like a boy next door; yet he does things of the caliber of a superhero. He does not fight criminals but does an exhilarating job of talking to Lions and sharing their bereavements, which is no less than an aeroplane heroic deed to cuddle the beastlike whose teeth are sharper than the steel of an axe. 4. Colorful Wheel Clamp Superhero:Ever seen a colorful superhero that helps control the crime by nabbing the criminals? This one dresses in colorful superhero attire and cuts off the wheel clamps of cars which are wrongly parked causing trouble to the locals. He patrols around the city of Perth with his clamping tools and keeps a vigilant eye on the defaulters and other crimes. 3. Flashing Blade:This superhero in his 40's from South Fields (U.K.), busted a gang armed with chains and knives saving two Southfield detectives who were unarmed. This mysterious superhero swung in like Tarzan and salvaged the two detectives from getting killed. He rescued many more after that. He is the guardian savior on a selfless duty in Southfield streets. 2. The Savior of the Poor:This Chinese female superhero from Beijing, China keeps her name and identity a secret, wearing a mask and a robe. She feeds the homeless people on the streets of Beijing by providing them food and clothes. Such superheroes are like godsend angels for poor and needy, who look out for help and shelter all the time. 1. Superhero of California:Famously known as Mr. Extreme, the greatest among real-life superheroes has been working for seven years now. He is a day security guard in San Francisco. He walks all suited up with shin guards, cape and an army helmet around SFO with his eye glares on to make him more observant of all the crimes happening in daylight of the city. Although he performs only what many of you call his mere duty, he does with a zeal and sharpness of a surreal hero. The post Top 10 Real-life Superheroes appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Growing Trends in the World Posted: 02 Jul 2013 01:16 AM PDT Times are changing. Civilizations are going from phase to phase in the face of development and in the process; they have cast aside certain values and trends of yesteryears and adopted some new ones. In this era of technological boom, many indispensable trends have emerged leaving humankind hitched to the technological advancements like never before. Not only technologically, trends are changing in personal and communication standards too. Owing to cyber-spaces and many new arenas, life has changed dramatically, for better or for worse. Here is a compilation of the top 10 growing trends that have tremendously encapsulated the world in the past few decades. 10. Trend of Skyscrapers:One common feature of all the cities, whether big or small, and even some of the rural developments, is Skyscrapers. Wherever you go, you see tall rises that are mostly built in clusters, as if to compete with each other for the top spot. This, I believe, is one of the most common and noticeable growing trends around the world. The past few years have seen a tremendous mushrooming of such towering structures and the trend is not going to die out anytime soon, I believe. 9. Trend of Digital Communications:The face of communication has changed radically over the past few decades. What once used to be a letter is now an email. Phone calls have turned into face-book chats and text messages. Even if there are calls, they are now video-chats over the internet. The advent of Internet has changed our life like no other development of any era. The ease of communication is probably the biggest boon for us (though the same cannot be said about someone fired or dumped over a digital connection; poor guy). What earlier used to take ages to communicate is now just a moment's task and it has allowed us to keep pace with the rush of life today. 8. Trend of Urbanization:The population increasing exponentially has led to a massive urbanization of earth's face. There are townships either developed or being developed all around and there is a mass migration from all parts of the world to these urban areas. Lack of amenities and employment avenues also forces movements of people from suburbs or rural areas to these towns which are built to accommodate large populations and provide means of livelihood and comfort for masses. 7. Trend of Tablets and Smart-Phones:Communications on the go have become so important to us that we feel the need to "stay connected" all the time. We can't be apart from the all important emails and bits of communication for as much as a minute. This has given birth to the trend of a tablet PC or smart-phone in the hands of every other individual. (I am sure you would know at least one individual who loves the smart-phone much more than they love their own partner.) While it is a good thing to be in touch with important communiqué, is it really that important that we can't stay apart from the beloved device for even a moment? 6. Trend of Diminishing Personal Touch:We often complain of the social circles being diminished and the personal touch being lost among the best of buddies or perhaps family members. This is a global phenomenon and is brought about again by the all-mighty internet. We are so busy in the virtual world that we tend to ignore the real one. Add to this the busy schedules and late-night meetings, and we literally seem to be left with no other option but to connect via a webcam. 5. Trend of E-Shopping:Who has the time to go to a real store and buy stuff? All the purchasing now-a-days is done on the omnipotent internet. With literally thousands of virtual stores offering a dazzling array of products, visiting stores is a thing of the past. Everything, from clothes to electronics to drugs to groceries, can now be ordered online and delivered right at your doorstep. And millions world-wide are doing just this. There has been a major trend of e-shopping in the global context which doesn’t seem to be coming to an end ever. 4. Trend of Junk Food:A shortage of time owing to the fast-paced lives we lead has been the major contributing factor to the emergence of the concept of fast-food. Most of the individuals today prefer a quick meal at a restaurant as compared to the healthier and better self-prepared or home-cooked version. Junk-food is doing so well that we can see large fast-food chains all around us, no matter where we go. From the most developed nations to nations lacking even the basic amenities, one thing is binding; presence of a fast-food joint. 3. Trend of Healthy Living:This is a rage that is now consuming the whole world. A trend of healthy living is now being seen in all the corners of the earth and among individuals of all nationalities, casts and creeds. Realizing the fact that our sedentary lifestyles have led us to be susceptible to a wide variety of disorders, masses have chosen to rectify this mistake and adopt a balanced style of living that counterbalances the in-built issues of our lifestyle. The trend includes a healthier lifestyle as well as a conscious diet. 2. Trend of a Single, Globalized Culture:Due to the wave of technologically enhanced communications and extensive migratory movements, people from across the world have now turned into one big global community. There is no longer the divide of countries and areas there used to be. Though the basic psychology is still poles apart, the cultural and technological aspects of it are changing rapidly. This psychological distinction is important in its own walk, as far as it doesn’t give rise to a mutual discord and helps maintain world-peace. 1. Trend of Spiritualism:This is one global trend that has been on the rise since a few decades now. Every single individual, due to some reason or the other, is seen to be turning to spiritualism for peace and comfort. Of late, people have realized the worth of spiritual preaching and there seems to be a massive following of the concept. Be it Europe, Asia, America or any other part of the world, people are embracing pious lifestyles and redirecting their lives towards ultimate peace. The post Top 10 Growing Trends in the World appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Ways How Companies Attract Customers Posted: 01 Jul 2013 10:46 PM PDT The companies are made up of four major functions, namely Finance, HR, Marketing and Operations. All of them are vital and complimentary. One of the major work which marketing department does for a company is to attract customers and sustain sustain the existing ones. So, one has to be serious in attracting new customers because today the customers are skeptical about anything new which is introduced in the market . This area is the one in which the companies trudge with a great deal of care. Some of the ways how companies do so are as follows. 10. Right Product at the right place:This is the easiest way to attract customers because you are designing the product for such a market segment where the need for the same is extremely high. Many companies decide their target markets, but some of them choose the one with never ending demand for their product. Even they don't need to establish agnation with their customers to a large degree. For Eg. – Cut-flower selling companies. 9. Right technique at the right place:The companies who adopt the Market Penetration technique while entering into a new segment, they introduce their product at a low cost initially and slowly and steadily they start increasing their prices. Vice-versa to this technique is the Market Skimming Technique which requires Product Differentiation. Eg. – Ford Motors launched "Ikon" at a Rs. 9 lakh ex-showroom price at the beginning of the previous decade. But, by the end of the decade, it lowered the price of the same model because of the intense competition. 8. Assessing its Access:Many companies are focused on bolstering their distribution networks nowadays. In a far-flung area, a company can influence people by manifesting the timely reach of their product and if in case, the competitors fail to do so, then the people are left with a Hobson's choice in which either they have to take what's being offered or otherwise live without it. It attracts customers, but with compulsion. 7. Kinship kills the Kings of the market:Man is a social animal. Unfortunately, companies also know this fact. Service providers and companies relying mainly on Personal Selling desperately require such people who can easily integrate into the community they are targeting at. Eg. – Leading Banking and Insurance sector companies require agnation with their customers from time to time. 6. Quality and Service at any cost:Be it pre-purchase service or after-sales service, some companies attracts customers by their sincerity and the habit of not compromising with quality at any cost. It isn’t at all ulterior that people will prefer to buy a product under such brand with trust. Eg. – Kirloskar Group, one of the world's largest manufacturers of Pumps, Gen-sets and Oil Engines of different sizes and configurations says, "Our entire business empire is based on Total Quality Management." 5. Entering into Web and maintaining the presence out there:Today, even if it feels annoying when you are not able to skip any advertisement because of the long buffering time taken by the ad itself, then also you'll not carry the same anger when you'll go out to purchase the product of the same company. This was one issue. But many a times, you find the ad to be more interesting than the video which you intended to watch. They spread the message at a lightening speed. Also, they lead to increase in the Turnover of many companies exponentially. 4. Win-win game of cross-networking:Who says mutual benefits are mutually exclusive in Marketing arena? Cross networking is a way by which the companies can promote themselves as well as artists, actors or other company's products. By this way, the company can launch a new product associated with some attribute which, at the same time, may make the other party famous too. For eg. – Sharing the space in a newspaper or website with another party by obtaining an approbation from the latter, making the music composed by an artist as a tone of the company in ads, etc. This is one of the cheapest ways of promotion. 3. We'll like if you click on "Like":Many companies who are there on social networking sites keep a track on the selected users, their hobbies, so on and so forth. Ergo, they then create a specific print media or video ad designed specifically for a particular individual and its obvious that the fellow will click "Like" on it. For eg. – A fan of Tourism will receive more posts on his Facebook timeline from Goodyear, Holiday IQ and many more similar websites. 2. Positioning of the Business Positioning:Positioning of a product means designing the product in such a way that it acquires a distinctive place in the mind-set of the consumers. According to this concept, the brand has its own identity and the company starts encashing from it . For eg. – Volvo is associated with safety as this company was the first one to produce and use seatbelts in their cars. Not only this, they keep on trying how to increase the safety of their cars so that they can live up to the expectations of the people trusting them? 1. What's the difference?:The most difficult approach the companies try to persuade their buyers is to produce a product or render a service which is completely different from those of the competitors or if impossible, then produce/render the same product/service in an entirely different way. Indigo Airlines is the perfect example of Uniqueness. Its supreme combination which attracts millions of people is "Low fare and On time". Even during recession and post-recession period, this was the only profit making company in the Aviation sector. One unique proposition of this company is its bizarre offers such as –"If a person books a ticket at least three hours before the scheduled departure of the flight and there is vacancy too, then he will get a huge discount on booking his seat. Otherwise, it may cost him dear". The post Top 10 Ways How Companies Attract Customers appeared first on TopYaps. |
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