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- Top 10 Signs You’re an Introvert
- Top 10 Fantasy Writers of All Time
- Best 12 News Reading Apps For iPad
- Top 10 Controversial Topics You Love to Discuss
Top 10 Signs You’re an Introvert Posted: 15 Jul 2013 09:02 AM PDT Introverts are not antisocial, as many people might think, but just a little awkward and uncomfortable in strange situations and with strange people. They might seem to be shy and timid but that’s usually just the personality they hide behind, while their real personality can be of a talkative and interesting person. It’s just that they don’t show this side of themselves to everyone. There is nothing wrong in being an introvert. If you’ve ever wondered whether you were an introvert or not, there are a few signs that can help you find the answer. So here are the top 10 signs that show you are an introvert. 10. You Like People, Just Not All The Time:Being an introvert doesn’t mean you don’t like people. You do, but not all the time. You can be social and amiable but you also need to be alone regularly. The problem is – you know when you want a little me-time and others don't! It's possible you find it hard to socialize with people you don't like. You cannot pretend. And, it's a okay to do that. 9. People Often Ask “What Are You Thinking?”:You get asked this question a lot because often you haven’t said anything in a while. Extroverts can’t stand silence and it bothers them if you don’t carry the conversation forward. You on the other hand have no problem with the sound of silence. If not 'what are you thinking,' they might ask why you're so quiet. It's especially easy to observe if you're meeting some people for the 1st or 2nd time. 8. You Have Only A Few Close Friends:It’s not like you don’t have any friends, just not a whole bunch. You might have a lot of acquaintances but there are only a few friends you can call your 'best friends' and you are very close with them. You prefer to have a few deep, close and meaningful relationships instead of a lot of shallow ones. 7. You Don’t Like Meeting New People:As far as the number of people you know in your life, you’re all set. You don’t need or want to meet new people. It’s just that meeting new people and staring new relationships are hard and emotionally straining. At least one of your friend has been with you since school time. 6. You Don’t Like Parties:Parties, especially the surprise kind, make you nervous and you spend days worrying about a party you must go to. You’d spend a lot more energy to come up with an excuse not to go to a party than it would take to just go. At a party, you can never have fun; you spend your time in a corner with a couple of people and keep waiting for the time you can leave. 5. You Like Spending Time On Your Own:The best time is alone time. Others might find it very boring to be on their own but not you. You love your own company and there are a million things you can do alone. You love solo activities such as reading and the your favorite thing to do is sit alone and think. 4. You Think Deeply And Pay Attention To Details That Others Miss:Since you like thinking, you do it a lot and so are much better at it than others. While watching movies and reading books and in daily life, you tend to pay attention to details that no one else seems to notice. You have a wonderful imagination and your inner world is vibrant and alive. You understand things deeply but don’t like to brag about it or give unasked advice. 3. You Are A Good Listener:Since you don’t talk much, you tend to be a good listener. When other’s talk you actually listen and think about what they are saying and engage emotionally with them, instead of just waiting for your turn to speak. You don’t like to comment unless you have something insightful to say. 2. You Get Emotionally Drained Easily And Need Time Alone To Recharge:You connect emotionally and deeply with everyone you talk to and this drains you very soon. That’s why you don’t like being in a crowd or going to parties. The only thing that can recharge you is being alone and spending time with your own thoughts. 1. You Like Creative Work That You Can Do On Your Own:You are creative and like to work alone. You prefer to be self employed and work from the familiar surroundings of your home. You find it hard to work on a project in collaboration with many people as you can’t control how they work and so prefer solo project. The post Top 10 Signs You’re an Introvert appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Fantasy Writers of All Time Posted: 15 Jul 2013 09:00 AM PDT Fantasy is one of the most popular literary genres in the world of fiction writing. And so there is no dearth of top ten lists detailing the best writers and the best fantasy series of all time. Like most lists, this one is based on a mixture of the quality of writing, the commercial success of the books and personal opinion. If you disagree with anything about this list, please remember that this is after all, personal opinion. So here are the top 10 fantasy writers of all time. 10. R. A. Salvatore:R. A. Salvatore has written many fantasy novels starting with his initial series, The Icewind Dale Trilogy. The Drow warrior Drizzt Do’ Urden is one of his most famous characters which continues to take centre stage in The Dark Elf Trilogy. He's read widely. 9. Robin Hobb:Robin Hobb is one of the only two women to feature in this list. Her Farseer and Liveship Traders series are very well written and highly recommended. Assassin’s Apprentice is a particularly good novel from the Farseer series. She knows really well how to arouse the interest of a reader. 8. J. K. Rowling:J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series has been solely responsible for making young kids interested in reading and interested in the fantasy genre. The success of Harry Potter has been unparalleled but she sits at number eight because though her books are wonderfully written, they do tend to be more in the YA class than mature dark fantasy. 7. Terry Pratchett:Terry Pratchett is known for creating Discworld, a fantasy flat world that is balanced on the back of four elephants who stand on the back of a giant turtle. Since The Color of Magic, Pratchett has written more than 35 books in the series. The Discworld itsel had around 40 volumes in total! 6. Neil Gaiman:Neil Gaiman started as a comic book writer and his comic book Sandman for DC has been an iconic series among comic book lovers. He got into fantasy novels and wrote American Gods, a modern fantasy that won a lot of awards. A multi-talented personality, Neil has even authored graphic novels and movies. 5. Margaret Weis & Tracy Hickman:This is the only team of writers to be featured in this list. Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman co-created the world of DragonLance and the world of Krynn. Dragons of Autumn Twilight, Dragons of Winter Night, Dragons of Spring Dawning and Dragons of Summer Flame are four of their most successful novels. They have written many more fantasy series and continue to write in the Dragon Ships series. 4. George R. R. Martin:The curious case of George R. R. Martin is that he is either loved or hated by fantasy fans. His epic fantasy series ‘The Song of Ice & Fire’ has turned into one of the most successful series in modern times especially with the ‘Game of Thrones‘ TV series produced by HBO. His world is detailed and characters well formed and true in their moral ambiguity. But he has been criticized for writing too slow, killing off characters too easily, getting too involved in world descriptions and the lack of proper fantasy magic with ‘the others’ still lingering behind the wall even after 5 books. Fourth position on this list might be a tad too high for him but I had to take into account the commercial success of his novels. 3. Robert E. Howard:Robert E. Howard created Conan, a character that stands tall along with genre defining characters such as James Bond, Dracula and Tarzan. Conan the Barbarian could be considered the book that created the Sword and Sorcery genre. If he hadn’t committed suicide at the young age of 30, the fantasy world would have been a much better place. 2. Robert Jordan:The Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan isn’t just fantasy or just epic fantasy but a mega epic fantasy. The world created by him in The Wheel of Time series is extremely elaborative and descriptive, something that has been used as criticism against him at times. If you read patiently, Robert Jordan will take you right into his world like only few writers can. 1. J. R. R. Tolkein:Despite what many people say about Tolkein he just has to be on the number one position on this list as after all is said and done, he is still the father of fantasy. The Lord of The Rings has been among the most successful books of all time in all genres! The Hobbit and The Silmarillion are no less powerful than The Lord of The Rings. J. R. R. Tolkein is on number one because no fantasy writer today can honestly say that they have not been influenced by Tolkein. The post Top 10 Fantasy Writers of All Time appeared first on TopYaps. |
Best 12 News Reading Apps For iPad Posted: 15 Jul 2013 04:35 AM PDT Here are some of the best selected News Reading Apps for iPad/iPhone that will attract you with its highly astonishing collections for their audience. Have a look and enjoy your time:- 12. BBC News:Get the latest updated news from all across the globe with network of more than 2000 journalist. You can easily watch and listen all the breaking news by push notifications and many features that comes in it. 11. Reeder:Its one of the coolest and awesome feed reader of google made for iPad. With superb services it has become one of the favorite news feed reader for users for their iPhone/iPad. 10. Mobile RSS HD:It is built and designed specially for iPad and iPhone. You will get all the functionality of this application within at your fingertips. You can share and downlaod your interest of content easily. 9. Flipboard:This is your own personal customized magazine to catch and share astonishing things that you have never seen or want to discover for your knowledge. It will give you all the excerpts and headlines to take an instant look at the world around you. 8. Zite:It is one of the unusual amazing magazine that is built to provide you with all the latest discoveries, events, and articles to keep you updated. It covers almost all the unique and different topics to cover all the highlights. 7. Taptu News:They have come up with highly advanced features and exploration with their creations, discoveries and chunk of articles wide across the globe. A social news aggregator that aims at exploring beyond their capabilities. 6. Comics:Comics is one of the top earning app in iPad/iPhone. Have a new experience to read thousands of comics along with their fabulous graphics from their largest digital comic library. 5. Stanza:It is one of the most favorite eBook reader of almost all the users of iPad. You can easily download all the digital publictions of your interest and enjoy this app. 4. Kindle:If you are a book worm and read everything that comes your way than this might be your best suitable application. It offers you high resolution images with thousands of books from Kindle store. 3. Pulse News:Pulse News is a popular newsreader app that will help you to experience different blogs , news, latest trends articles and many more. Experience this app once you will enjoy a lot. 2. iBooks:ibooks offers you to read books from its store and as well as you can buy them. Its gives you a beautiful pleasing way to read books and feel great. 1. Zinio:It brings thousands of digital magazines from all over the world with its attractive collection to win your hearts. The post Best 12 News Reading Apps For iPad appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Controversial Topics You Love to Discuss Posted: 15 Jul 2013 12:33 AM PDT Who doesn’t love a good old fashioned debate? I’m not talking about that boring debate competition held in schools; I’m talking about a passionate loud discussion with your friends over a controversial topic. You know there’s no use in talking about it, you know your talking is not going to solve any problems, but still you talk and shout and argue and jump up and down in frustration, just because it’s fun to do, especially with your friends. It is one of the best ways to pass time. If you can relate to this and are compulsively argumentative then you need to keep a list of controversial topics to bring up on a boring afternoon. Here are top 10 controversial topics that you’ll love to discuss. 10. Is Climate Change Man Made?Climate change and global warming has been the biggest topic of debate for this generation and it’s a great topic to talk about. Are we humans the cause of all these changes or are they natural? And even if humans are responsible, isn’t that part of nature too? There’s a lot to discuss here. 9. Should Cigarettes Be Banned?Cigarettes kill more people than war every year. The only reason cigarettes are still legal is because it’s a multi-billion dollar industry and many people are earning a lot from tobacco sales. This makes the cigarette industry a symbol of immoral capitalism. On the other hand, shouldn’t adults have the freedom to smoke? 8. Should Marijuana Be Legalized?If cigarettes are legal, why shouldn’t marijuana be legal too? It’s far less addictive than tobacco and it’s not anymore harmful. Marijuana might even have some medical benefits. By keeping it illegal isn’t the government just encouraging drug trafficking and making the drug mafia richer? 7. Are CEO’s Paid Too Much?This is another great topic in terms of current events. The whole world went into recession and is still struggling to come out of it, because of the greed of a few corporate hot shots. While most people have lost everything, these people still receive huge bonuses every year. Is that fair or do we need to keep paying them to help us get out of this mess? 6. Are We Living In A Matrix?The Matrix is a great movie to discuss, especially because so few people really understand what happened in it. But the idea of a matrix is interesting. If a computer could really send the appropriate signals to our brains, we could generate a reality that would feel completely real to that individual. What if we are actually already inside a matrix? How can we even know if the reality we perceive is the ultimate reality? There are undertones of spirituality in this discussion. 5. Is An Empty Mind The Devil’s Workshop?This is an ironical topic to discuss when you have nothing to do because the discussion itself is the result of an empty mind! No, the discussion topic is not going to be exactly the same. While some of your friends may actually come up with Devilish ideas, others may choose to object them with all their guts, arguing over whether it's the empty mind forcing them to try something naughty, silly, dangerous or childish. 4. Does Video Game and Rock Music Cause Violence In Society?With increasing number of school children shooting their classmates, this topic has become an important topic to discuss. Has rock music and violent video games had a desensitizing effect on the young generation? Or are there other reasons for the growing violence in our society? 3. Is This Generation Better Than The Previous One?This can be a hot topic especially if you are discussing it with someone from an older or younger generation. Everyone is bound to defend his or her own generation and it can lead to some spirited and fun debating. Yes, old is gold. But, new is better. Hence the controversy! 2. Can Men And Women Ever Be Equal?This is definitely a topic that deserves to be on number two on this list. This has been debated for thousands of years and we still don’t have an answer. With the feminist movement gathering steam, women have shown that they can match men at every step in every field. But it is also true that men and women are fundamentally very different. Is it right for women to try to be more like men? Or should they try to etch out an existence of their own and do things their own way? 1. Does God Exist?The number one topic to be discussed ever since humans began discussing things is the existence and nature of God. This one never gets old and you would love to discuss it with an older generation who had more faith than the present generation. Such topics usually pop up when there's at least one spiritualist, atheist or antagonistic (hard to find, normally) in the group. The post Top 10 Controversial Topics You Love to Discuss appeared first on TopYaps. |
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