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- Top 10 Ways to Look Gorgeous on a Date
- Top 10 Tips To Deal With An Annoying Girlfriend
- Top 10 Cardinal Rules That Exist In Hindi Movies
- Top 10 Security Measures for Webmasters
- 8 Reasons Behind the Huge Media Coverage of Royal Baby
- 6 Badass Indian Females of All Time
- Top 10 Ways to Wear Cobalt Blue
- Best 6 shared-Budget Web Hosting
- Top 10 Movie Scenes That Make Even Joseph Stalin Cry Like A Baby
- Top 10 Ways To Deal With An Egoist
Top 10 Ways to Look Gorgeous on a Date Posted: 29 Jul 2013 08:00 AM PDT 10. Full Skirt:9. Monochrome:8. Boho Chic:7. Peplum:6. Pretty in Peach:5. Corset Crush:4. Leather Love:3. Fishtail Braid:2. Lady in Red:1. Gold All the Way:
The post Top 10 Ways to Look Gorgeous on a Date appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Tips To Deal With An Annoying Girlfriend Posted: 29 Jul 2013 04:35 AM PDT She's never been late, she never nags, or whines, she's not even irrationally jealous and neither is she over-possessive. Well, Nice Fantasy! Because such girlfriends are as common as unicorns! Bet on anything, if you’ve ever got a perfect girl in all the relationships you’ve had. Admit it or not, but no one has ever got a perfect girlfriend and the imperfections often take their toll on you. Of course you love her, but disguising her annoying habits with her so called 'cuteness' is like inviting the bull to attack you. If you don't learn to deal with it now, you are going to get your fair share of 'sulking sessions' very soon. So forgive yourself on hating her for her few annoying habits and follow the tips lined up below. 10. Be Honest:This is the most basic advice anyone can give. Being truthful for every little thing can be tricky but if she is really the one you want for the rest of your life, tell her. Tell her some of her habits are not acceptable and hurting your relationship. She may not know how irrational and irritating she becomes, but your being honest can desist her from repeating. 9. Compliment Her (even if it's not required):It is cute when she shows a little jealousy while you are checking out other women, but it's annoying when she inquires about some nasty things. To avoid all her annoying nasty questions, complement her in the first glance. Tell her that she's unbeatably beautiful. She won't trouble you much after this. For she now knows that every girl you glance at will now be the second best. 8. Talk about News or Sports:Women are generally more verbose and are often accused of being downright garrulous. Excuse me if your girl is an exception, but this is a fact. So the next time she tries to take the lead in chatting, start discussing about the recent news you’ve heard or the current football tournament going on in Italy. I bet she'll not have much to say or do, apart from agreeing with every point you say. 7. Annoy Her Back:This tip works magic in any situation. No matter what particular habit of her is annoying you, this trick never fails. If she's a chronic latecomer or over-possessive or nags a lot, try exactly the same on her. Keep her waiting for long so that she understands the "anger-build up process" while waiting. Annoying her back would be like telling her to wear your shoes. Follow things now and you'll love us later. 6. At Times Ignorance Is Certainly A Bliss:If she is actually draining your energy and taking your peace, nothing can be better than ignoring her. No doubt she'll get mad, but the annoyance wouldn’t continue for long. Of course this can also have certain unlikely outcomes. For instance, she'll know that you're avoiding her and she might find a new way to annoy you. But the time she doesn’t, you can live with peace. 5. Talk Less:Obviously not when you guys are together, but talk less when it's just the two of you. This straightaway means to throw off all your "Free mobile plans". Unless you are in a long distance relationship, there is absolutely no need to talk often on phone. The less you talk, the less you'll get into fights and the less annoyance it will create. 4. Maintain a Breathing Space:It's not always important to tell her everything. It's not about lying; it's about maintaining your breathing space. This doesn’t mean you can cheat on her and get along. Just pen down the things she hates, and refrain yourself from telling her those things. I repeat it's not about cheating; it's about maintaining your space. 3. Help Her in Shopping, Once In A (long) While:This can be highly challenging, but going shopping with her once in a long while is worth it. And for the rest of the time send her with her friends. She'll think it's her space and you'll escape your share of annoyance. 2. Learn To Respectfully Disagree With Her:If she's becoming over-demanding don't defy her rudely, but disagree strictly. If she is wise, she'll respect you more for it. Even on a general note, women don't like men with a submitting attitude, the wiser they appear, the more they're loved. 1. Let Her Deal On Her Own:If you'll solve her problems always she'll get habitual to it. And the next time you don't do it perfectly, she'll complain. So keep it simple from the very beginning. Help her when she needs it, but never become a puppet to everything she demands. The post Top 10 Tips To Deal With An Annoying Girlfriend appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Cardinal Rules That Exist In Hindi Movies Posted: 29 Jul 2013 04:00 AM PDT Where to start on Bollywood? The place is full of clichés, stereotypes and formulas that have been used by uninspired film makers for generations. Every year hundreds of movies come out and most if not all follow certain rules that are sacrosanct in the film industry. Those movies that try to break these rules don’t break any box office records. No matter how much you hate it, the truth is that these rules of commercial cinema exist because they work. Not every producer wants to make a movie that is different or spreads a message in the society. Most of them want to make money and for that you have to stick to the rules. There are many such rules that must be followed to produce a hit but here are some default cardinal rules without which Hindi movies are practically unimaginable. 10. Every Story Is A Love Story:If you want to make a hit Hindi movie then you have to make it romantic. That’s just how it is. If your movie is about something else, it still must have a love story in it. You see, love sells and that is the bottom line. If you don’t have a love story how will you put 15 songs in the movie? You see the necessity of love stories now? 9. The Heroine Must Hate The Hero At The Beginning:This rule must be followed to make a hit movie. The confrontations of the heroine and hero make for great screenplay and provide the opportunity for many, yes you guessed it, songs and dance numbers. Even if the heroine falls in love at first sight she must at least act as if she hates the hero. The hero then has the opportunity to indulge in the favorite pastime of young Indian men; eve teasing and stalking. The more you stalk and tease the girl, the sooner she falls for you. 8. The Helpless Women:The women in the movie must be helpless. If your movie is about strong independent women, even then there has to be a few helpless women. You see, helpless women provide the hero with the opportunity to do his heroic deeds and help these helpless women. They can be the hero’s mother or sister, or a friend of the heroine, or a stranger or even the heroine herself. The more damsels in distress there are, the heroic our hero can be. 7. The Villain Must Have Enough Minions For The Hero To Beat Up:The villain, who is usually a rich guy, must have loads of minions. Not only do they make the villain look dangerous but also provide the hero with enough punching bags to show off his fighting skills. Seriously, our hero can’t be heroic without enough helpless women to save and small time thugs to beat up. The villain can kill one of the minions to prove how scary he is. You can never have enough of these goons and such extras are very cheap in Bollywood so there’s no reason to skimp on them. 6. Cheap Quality Shirts That Rip In Fights:Cheap quality shirts are very important especially for the hero. They must rip off easily during a fight so that you can show the six pack the hero has been working hard to maintain. Consider this a part of the necessary nudity that goes into the making of any hit movie. The heroine can have many reasons to strip but the best reason for a hero is a fight. 5. The Comic Sidekick:It doesn’t matter that your movie is about a really serious topic but you must have a comedian in it. If a movie doesn’t have a comedian then it might not as well follow any other rule given here because it’s going to be a flop. Indians like to get the most for their money and if your movie is about only one or two emotions, you might as well move to Hollywood. The comic sidekick provides comic relief that keeps the audience laughing in between all the drama. 4. Sign A Star:If a movie doesn’t have at least one star it most probably won’t even get made. It’s just not worth it to make a movie that doesn’t have a star. Who will promote the movie? Who will be on the poster? You need at least one big star, that’s just how it is. Every hit movie selects the stars that are going to be in it even before the script is written (copied). 3. Spontaneous Eruptions Of Song And Dance:As mentioned earlier a hit Hindi movie has to have at least 12 to 15 songs. Whatever be the occasion, the complete cast of the movie has to break into song and dance at least a few times. This is where the whole world stops and starts dancing behind the hero and heroine, while showing surprising amount of coordination between themselves. The audience loves it. Don’t think that it is hard to come up with so many songs because there are so many inspirations out there in western music. 2. The Item Number:This is the latest cardinal rule and it is to be followed most strictly. Every hit movie must have an item number. It is no longer acceptable to have a small time item girl either; there must be a big heroine dancing to cheap lyrics, wearing almost nothing, probably at the most inopportune time in the script. All the promotion for the movie is based on this song. The item number is the biggest reason people will go to see the movie (after of course the stars that are in the movie). 1. Always Rip Off Multiple Hollywood Movies:The most important rule for Hindi movies is to rip off multiple Hollywood movies. There is no such thing as original script. If you are only copying one movie, the producers of that movie can sue you. But if you copy multiple movies, they’ll all get confused about who is going to file the lawsuit and even if they do, you can claim that your movie is completely different from all of those movies. Every non Bollywood movie can contribute at least a few fight scenes or comic sketches or dialogues or even songs towards the making of a hit Bollywood movie. The post Top 10 Cardinal Rules That Exist In Hindi Movies appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Security Measures for Webmasters Posted: 29 Jul 2013 01:54 AM PDT Web security is an important aspect of website maintenance that a lot of webmasters don’t give enough attention to. Even though the web hosting service provider does try to provide the best quality of security for its clients, there is a lot that you can do as a webmaster to improve your website’s security. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link and if your website’s internal security is not up to date then it won’t matter how strong your hosting service provider’s security is. Here are top 10 security measures for webmasters. 10. Strong FTP Passwords:Never use simple passwords for your FTP login. Never use personal information such as nick names, date of births, social security number etc. to form a password for your FTP login. If a hacker gets your FTP password then your complete website is compromised and no amount of security from the server host can stop the hacker from misusing your site. Try to use random and strong passwords and remember to change them at least once a month. 9. Keeping Applications Up To Date:The applications and plugins that you use on your website need to be updated regularly. A lot of webmasters install an app and then forget about it. An out of date plugin or app can be the weak link that hackers use to get into your website. Make sure to update all your applications and plugins whenever new updates come along. Stay subscribed to their newsletters so you know whenever a new update is available. 8. Anti-Spam Plugin:Hacking a website is not just about spreading malicious code but can also be about spreading spam. Spam comments are not just nuisance but also link to malicious sites and can give a bad reputation to your website. Anti-spam plugins will help you stay sane as you won’t have to moderate thousands of spam comments daily. 7. SSL Certificate:SSL or Secure Socket Layer certificates are necessary if you are operating an eCommerce website. SSL certificates ensure that your client’s data is encrypted and secured. Without an SSL certificate, not only will you risk losing secure data of your clients and earn a bad reputation but even more likely is that you will lose many potential clients who wouldn’t like to do a transaction that is not secure. 6. Protect .htaccess File:.htaccess file is the most important and most powerful file which can control the complete behavior of your website and if hacked can be used to redirect your entire website to a different one. Hackers will inject a simple redirection code once they get access to the .htaccess file which will redirect your entire website to a malicious website. To protect this file don’t allow complete access to anyone except yourself. 5. Secure Your Personal Device:Your website might be hosted on a server that has all the latest security features provided by the hosting service provider but your own personal computer which you use to access the files on the server can become the gateway for hackers to attack your website. If your antivirus is not up to date a virus that can affect your PC will gather information about your passwords and give control of your website files to the hacker. You might even install the virus to your own website in the form of unknown code. So always keep the security of your personal computer up to date and don’t use public computers to work on your website. 4. Strong Email Passwords:Email accounts are much easier to hack as a lot of people don’t use too strong passwords for these. This can be a potential weak point that can lead to a hacker getting access to other passwords that are stored in the form of emails or they can even request a password change that is verified through email. So protect your email accounts just as strongly as you protect your FTP passwords. 3. IP Restrictions:If you have a static IP at home or work which you use to access your website files, you can set up IP restrictions to certain private parts of your website by adding a simple code to the .htaccess file. This will make sure that only you can access these files from only that particular IP address. This is a great way to deny access to any possible hacking attempts. 2. Frequent Backup:Making backups of your website is important and almost all webmasters know this. But they don’t do it often enough. The rule of thumb is to do it as often as you can. Every time you add new content to your website you should do a backup. You can get plugins that do this automatically after certain periods. Although the hosting service provider will also provide backups to your website as part of their service but it is better to make your own backups as well. 1. Restricted Permissions:A lot of times CMS type applications require 777 permissions to execute few tasks. 777 permissions mean the permission to read, write and execute files of a particular directory to the owner, group and public. You might need to give such permissions temporarily from time to time but if you forget to change them afterwards then it means that your directory or file can be accessed by anyone in the world and they can write malicious code easily. It’s like having a locker for your money but then leaving it unlocked. This is a very common mistake made by webmasters. The recommended permission settings are 755 (owner can read and write and execute while group and public can only read and execute) for directory permissions and 644 (owner can read and write and group and public can only read) for file permissions. The post Top 10 Security Measures for Webmasters appeared first on TopYaps. |
8 Reasons Behind the Huge Media Coverage of Royal Baby Posted: 29 Jul 2013 12:24 AM PDT He's come, finally. After 9 whole months (or maybe a little less) of daily news about morning sickness, sneaky belly pictures clad in designer dresses and enthusiastic debates about how many grams/arm Kate had put on, the Royal Baby arrived. Fanfare was expected. And a huge media coverage, of course! If you are one of those who cannot see any reasonable explanation behind the hullabaloo, join the gang, but do look at our list of 8 reasons behind the huge media coverage of the Royal Baby, in ascending order of importance. 8. Nothing else happening:Sometimes, all else seems like nothing and cameras feel under-employed. The trending news from Britain for that week? Alan Patridge on how he became a national treasure. Yawn! Royalty being born is a much better option!
7. A week, no less:Did you know? The media was stationed outside the hospital for a whole week to catch those first few seconds of the baby's emergence. Sources tell us some even tried to bribe the door keeper to enter the delivery room to cover the event of such massive proportions right from when the curious baby emerges into the inquisitive world. No, it not happen! What did happen? Survival, on cups of coffee and shared food by the road side, sleeping on the pavement and perhaps even tents? When you live like that for a week, you have to cover the event, hugely and hungrily. It's only being fair to your own self, and doing justice to the peanuts you get from your media house for what you like to believe is meaningful work.
6. A town crier:I challenge you to switch from one channel to the other, through all the 4000 that you have subscribed to with your hard-earned money, and find me one with a man dressed in feathers. (No, I do not mean those kind of channels). The huge media coverage was not just for the royal baby, but also for the town-crier, a sight you do not get to see in times we call normal and un-royal. So what if he was not officially given the task to do what he did, and is a master of ceremonies for weddings and parties most times. Imagine what love he must have held for the royals to have worn that and done that. Such dedication and drama is soul food for the media. And certainly had the cameras rolling for those few extra hours.
5. Indian royal baby nowhere in sight:India's evergreen most-eligible bachelor, RG, continues as exactly that, a most-eligible bachelor since times immemorial. The throne, the crown, the media coverage is in place, but he is yet to make-up his mind about who/what he wants to marry – a woman (any nationality) or politics (only Indian). Hence, it is understandable that a major chunk of our population in India was tuned into the channels covering the royal baby in Britain, and lapping up newspapers printing pictures of him with his family. After all, it is going to be a while when our own prince delivers, political results as well as a dynastically royal baby with his wife.
4. 3rd to the throne:George Alexander Louis is not just a big name of a big-sized new born boy. It belongs to none less than the 3rd heir to that gilded bejeweled throne in Buckingham Palace, waiting for him to grow bigger (and for the rest to make way) to take his rightful place on it. Time flies, and just like that, after tries at academic excellence, a comfortable stint in the army and a little volunteer work later Prince George Alexander Louis will wear the crown too. If you ask me, with a name like that in today's times, a crown and a kingdom is the least that I deserve!
3. For the world of fashion:The huge media coverage was also a result of acclaimed designers, beauty bloggers and hole-in-wall tailors who were waiting with bated breath and inch tapes around the necks to see what, not just Kate but the baby too wears for his first public appearance. (What William wears is usually not important to the fashionista's well-being so I exclude him). Trends were waiting to be set, and copied. And with the fashion industry, which sells hankerchiefs studded with Szvarovski, contributing to the world's GDP, it was not a moment to be missed. With needle and thread in hand, and scissors close-by, the very life-breath of the world of fashion depended on the media coverage of the royal baby.
2. Royalty cleaner than Polity:British politics has had its share of sarkari shame and serious scandals. The occupants of the palace, on the other hand, make news too off-and-on, but only Mischievous Misdemeanors of the Majestic Kind, which are better than the grime and dirt that polity comes laden with, anywhere in the world. Okay. So Pippa wrote a cook book on 'How to cut a sandwich into half' and Harry is partying with an exposed behind, when he isn't busy donning Hitler's uniform. But all that, combined, remains cleaner than polity, and forgiven as signature stuff of those spoilt by the silver spoon, perhaps. Hence, preference for all things royal over all things political. 1. What people want to see:You get what you want. And so, we got the coverage that our ever-ready-to-pry eyes wanted to see. And we loved every pixel of what the TV screens flashed, second-to-second. Children skipped school, offices declared it a national holiday and all cricket matches were cancelled. Okay! I'm joking, but it was as bad. If you think your wife knows you most, you are wrong. Your news anchor probably does, or the one sitting and making (up) stories for your favorite features page on your national daily. They know your mind, and mine. And they deliver a dish that we are desperate to consume. They may play it on and on, same princely wave same regal smile with close and closer ups of those cherubin cheeks, but we watch it. Why would the media want to cover the darker side of the moon under the circumstances? The post 8 Reasons Behind the Huge Media Coverage of Royal Baby appeared first on TopYaps. |
6 Badass Indian Females of All Time Posted: 27 Jul 2013 10:40 PM PDT Badass is not bad. Badass is good – especially when it is being used for women in India. It signifies courage to subvert the 'givens', freedom of voicing your mind and demanding your rights. There are many who you have read about, still more you have seen in news discussion panels. But here are 6 lesser known badass Indian females who you did not see enough on prime time but who certainly were made of the same metal that badass is all about: 6. Bhanwari Devi:It is a heart-wrenching story, and one which deserves mention as much as the protagonist. Bhanwari had become a saathin, a grassroots worker employed as part of the Women’s Development Project (WDP) run by the Government of Rajasthan, to take up issues related to land, water, literacy and health, back in 1992. But brewed up controversy when she wanted to stop child marriage. The same year, she was gangraped, and the trial pronounced the accused not guilty. Bhanwari refused monetary compensation to avoid allegations that she had cooked up the rape story to get money. Her only wish? The rapists restore her dignity by accepting that they had raped her, which never happened. Here is a woman who risked her life and showed courage in seeking justice in spite of social boycott. It was for the first time in such a conservative region that a woman was not ashamed of rape and spoke openly about it. Bhanwari Devi’s case shaped the women’s movement in Rajasthan, and emboldened other rape victims to come forward and lodge complains against their rapists. Because of her incredible resistance against the status quo, the Supreme Court of India passed the historical Vishaka Judgement, a law which prohibits lousy instances of physical/verbal conducts with females at workplace. Apart from awards and recognition, the movie 'Bawandar' was inspired by her story. 5. Rukhsana Kausar:Rukhsana's story is inspirational to say the least and absolutely heroic without comparison. She is 10th grade drop-out who (hold your breath!) has been awarded the National Bravery Award for her daring act of killing LET militant leader at her residence using an axe and an AK47 rifle. Yes, you read that right. With the help of her younger brother, Aijaz, she chased the other militants away and contacted the police afterwards. And no, she had never picked up a rifle before this incident. If this act of badass-ness does not deserve awards and felicitations, what does?
4. Irom Chanu Sharmila:Rightly called 'Iron Lady of Manipur', Irom's story is an iconic example of public resistance. On hunger strike since 2000 against AFSPA and asking for its repeal, Irom is force fed through naso-gastric intubation. She has been in and out of trials for attempted suicide, but not many news cameras have reached her house. Irom has won many awards for advocacy of peace, democracy and human rights. Sadly, her dream of a peaceful Manipur continues to evade her.
3. Sampat Pal Devi:This woman not just increased the sales of pink coloured saris by founding the Gulabi Gang in 2006, she gave women from her milieu a comfortable avenue for complaint redressal. Sampat Pal Devi created this all-women brigade in response to widespread domestic abuse of women. What Gulabis do? They visit abusive husbands and beat them up with lathis (believe that!). They have been instrumental in stopping child marriages, protesting dowry and unfair or tardy methods of government functioning. Kim Longinotto made the movie 'Pink Saris' based on their story.
2. Amrita Sher-Gil:For someone known as India's Frida Kahlo, 'badass' is just a very unartistic word to be using. But read on! At the age of nine, she was giving concerts in piano and violin in Shimla. She married her Hungarian 1st cousin (you heard that right!) and moved with him to India from Europe, because she felt her destiny as a painter lay here. Known for her many affairs with men and women, both, Amrita was courage and freedom personified in those times. She died young, but her art, influenced by Mughal and Pahari schools of painitng, continues to influence generations of artists the world over.
1. Kittur Rani Chenamma:History may not be your favourite subject but sit up and take note, please. Kittur Rani was the queen of the princely state of Kittur in Karnataka. In 1824, which is 33 years before the First War of Indian Independence of 1857, she led an armed rebellion against the British in response to the Doctrine of Lapse. She was martyred and is remembered to this day as one of the earliest Indian rulers to have fought for independence. And yes, this was much before Rani of Jhansi picked up her cudgels, the venerated icon of bravery and valor we know about.
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Top 10 Ways to Wear Cobalt Blue Posted: 27 Jul 2013 06:06 AM PDT 10. Lacey Cobalt9. Denim8. Cobalt Sunglasses7. Culottes in Cobalt6. Cobalt & White5. Bikini4. Pop of Colors3. Cobalt Maxi2. Sexy Back1. ShoesThe post Top 10 Ways to Wear Cobalt Blue appeared first on TopYaps. |
Best 6 shared-Budget Web Hosting Posted: 27 Jul 2013 03:04 AM PDT We have listed some coolest Shared/Budget Web Hosting to provide you an exceptional experience through their service. They provide you with various features and tools to help you run your organization beautifully. Have a look at our list exclusively from topyaps :- 6. Hostmonster:Hostmonster offers you a simple package with additional features and tools. It is well built Web Hosting as compared to others but due to some server issues they are currently declining towards its rank.
5. Justhost:Justhost was listed as one of the top web hosting hub but according to the reviews of our audience its ranking has been decreased. There are some issues that went with its support but thanks to its guidance that help in improving its quality.
4. SiteGround:Its is also called as aggressive affiliate hosting program. SiteGround approach you with thousands of hosting options with new developed techniques to make your website run faster.
3. BlueHost:I highly recommend BlueHost for personal and business enterprises either you are a computer guru or not, you can work with BlueHost. They offer one type of hosting service only, focusing on shared web hosting.
2. Web Hosting Hub:I have just one word to say about Web Hosting Hub and that is flawless. It will be a fast move while transferring your WordPress Blog.
1. InMotion Hosting:InMotion Hosting offers the best service to its users. You will experience the best customer support. With lots of patience they will try their best to clear all your questions with best explanations.
The post Best 6 shared-Budget Web Hosting appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Movie Scenes That Make Even Joseph Stalin Cry Like A Baby Posted: 27 Jul 2013 01:00 AM PDT Movies and entertainment amuse as well as touch us emotionally. There are plenty of moments when one is so powerfully hit by emotions during a screening; the only way to release out is burst out crying. It happens to the best of us. Some of us cry out unashamedly whilst other try to put on a brave face to avoid possible embarrassment. But the point that remains is; there are certain performances and scenes that make us bawl out, even the toughest of us. Here we have put together 10 powerful movie scenes that can make anyone cry out loud. 10. Up:For some, this may not be a worthy entry to the list. Up being an animated movie to begin with, it isn’t expected to make one cry. But within the first 10 minutes, the film has gripped you and some can be noticed wiping moist eyes with a tissue-paper. In one scene, the death of Carl's wife is full of pathos, and qualifies as one of the most emotional scenes in any of Pixar's films. Appearing in a film where one is following an old man's zest for adventure as he sails around the globe in a balloon house, his sudden death in the plot hits you unexpectedly and hits you hard, leaving anyone bawling like a baby. 9. Forrest Gump:Many would agree on the point that this is a movie with numerous potential scenes for tear-shedding. It is in the very nature of the story. But there are two separate scenes that leave you emotionally drained. One of it is on the occasion of Jenny's death in the movie and the second one, which is more powerful, is where Forrest, one of the main characters in the film, comes face-to-face with his son for the first time. 8. Rudy:Without picking out one sporting film, list would simply not be complete and 'Rudy' the 1993 award winning film does present a strong portrayal of the many up and downs in a sportsman's life which at times can be nothing short of a tragedy. Though the movie flows along on a positive note, demonstrating the results of hard-work and determination but it is at end, where Rudy is sacked from the team that brings about tears. The sadness only creeps deeper when the caption at the start of the film lets the audience know that the story is an adaption of a real life story. 7. Gladiator:All great tragedies put up with heroic deaths to end the drama. All great actors, acting out the last dying sequences of a heroic figure, do leave much of the audience with moist eyes and in a somber mood. Having felled the Emperor of Rome in an unfair one to one fight in Gladiator, the dying scene of Maximus after freeing the nation state of a tyrannous dictator does make even strongmen weep. 6. The Notebook:This romantic drama film is set in the 1940s and is narrated by a present day old man to a fellow resident in a nursing home. The are several scenes that bring the film watchers to tears but at the point where the lovers Noah and Allie die in each other's arms to end the film leaves the highly emotionally charged audience shattered. 5. Titanic:The epic drama of the world's largest passenger ship of its time, being hit by an iceberg on its maiden trans-Atlantic journey and sinking, resulting in a gross human tragedy has numerous scenes that can make the audience cry. The love story of Jack and Rose played out in the backdrop of Titanic sinking reaches a climax where to save his love from the dark and cold waters; Jack makes superhuman efforts to keep Rose afloat and alive. While the girl survives the ordeal, drowning of her lover is peaking of the romantic tragedy where the cup of sadness overflows, leaving the audience in flowing tears. 4 Hachi: A Dog's Tale:Based on a real life story about a dogs love for his long dead master is high on sentiments that can bring tears to many hardened souls. The tale revolves around an abandoned puppy, found at a train station, brought home by a music professor, whose wife does not take kindly to the animal. With the professor dying of a heart attack one day, the dog, who is abandoned, visits the train station, where he had walked with his master on the last journey, regularly for the next ten years. Spotted by the wife of the professor a day before the animal takes a last journey to the train station to die in a freezing night sequence is a very touching scene. 3. Good Will Hunting:The American drama film of a young labourer, who happens to an inborn but unrecognized genius, is a high tear jerker movie. In one of the sequences where Will, the main character of the film is being confronted by Sean, a psychologist, about a past of sexual abuse something that Sean to has suffered climaxes with the advise that "It's not your fault." Will first reacts by laughing it off, then turns angry and finally breaks down into a pool of tears. The scene is so powerfully depicted it leads to instant welling up. 2. A Beautiful Mind:The film about a brilliant professor fallen victim to bouts of schizophrenia is a tale well filmed. Watching the helplessness of the main protagonist played by Russel Crowe, undergoing a hallucination about fending off a friend and another military guy, before a whole college, without anybody understanding what was going on, leaves many film watchers in tears. The feeling of being helpless at watching a man so brilliant crumbling down almost overpowers the reasoning that this is happening in a movie and being played by an actor. 1. The Shawshank Redemption:A brilliant movie revolving around prison break, The Shawshank Redemption is chock full of emotional content. The sequence where the old librarian of a prison is released, after spending a long time there, can't figure out what to do with his life in a free world. Having got so used the ways of a confined life, the scene where he ultimately commits suicide by hanging himself from the ceiling; leaves you utterly sad and shaken. The post Top 10 Movie Scenes That Make Even Joseph Stalin Cry Like A Baby appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Ways To Deal With An Egoist Posted: 26 Jul 2013 08:49 PM PDT It can be really annoying to have to deal with an egoist at any time or place. If the egoist is you boss or spouse, things get even worse. Egoists are not bad people but you can think of them as faulty people. The fault that they have in their head is that they think that everything they do or say is right. Their world revolves around their own perfect image and they never like to lose an argument. Don’t even try to get them to accept their mistake or apologize. It can be tough but there are ways of dealing with an egoist. Here are the top 10 ways to deal with an egoist. 10. Avoid Having To Deal With An Egoist:The best advice is to avoid having to deal with an egoist in the first place. This is much easier and will save you a lot of headache. To be absolutely clear I am suggesting even finding a new job or a new partner if your boss or spouse is an egoist. If you get into an argument with a stranger who seems an egoist, just avoid the argument because no matter how logical you are you’ll never win the argument. If you are stuck with an egoist boss or spouse or close friend then read on for more ways to deal with an egoist. 9. Stay Calm:This is an important step in dealing with an egoist. You must stay calm. You can’t get angry or emotional because it won’t be good for you and it will only complicate the situation further. When your egoist starts an argument, you must remember that in their eyes they are perfect and you won’t make them see their faults by turning the argument into a fight. 8. Maintain Dignity:At all times maintain your dignity and don’t get abusive or aggressive. If your boss is an egoist always stay professional while dealing with them. If your spouse is an egoist, maintain respectful no matter how wrong they are being. This is again about staying calm and maintaining sanity. 7. Voice Your Opinions:Just because you are with an egoist doesn’t mean you should just stay quiet and let them have their way. You must voice your opinions in a calm manner. Let them know your point of view but don’t try to force it on them. If you tell an egoist to do something in a certain way, they’ll make sure to do it in some other way. Don’t force your opinion on them and let them do things in their own way after having voiced your opinion once. If their way doesn’t work you can calmly remind them that you told them so. 6. Do Not Tolerate Bad Behavior:In no circumstance should you tolerate bad behavior. Egoist spouses have the habit of making their partner feel worthless. Do not tolerate this type of behavior by being submissive just to make the relationship work. Remember that it is better for a relationship to fail than to stay stuck in an abusive relationship. 5. Don’t Force An Apology:Getting angry at bad behavior is okay but don’t expect a big apology from the egoist. They might quiet down if you are angry but they’ll continue to believe that they didn’t do anything wrong. After a time of anger you must forgive them on your own and resume normal behavior. If you force them to apologize they’ll hate you for it. Try to think of them as transactional relations where every action is one transaction. When they make a mistake, get angry but only till the transaction lasts and then start another transaction on a neutral note. 4. Encourage Good Behavior:While you must not tolerate bad behavior you must also encourage good behavior. No matter how egoist a person is, they still do manage to do good things. When this happens make sure to praise them and let them know that you appreciate their good behavior. Egoists are always looking for praises and if you condition them by giving it only when they behave well, things will get a lot easier for you. 3. Praise But Don’t Flatter:While you must praise the egoist’s good behavior, remember to not flatter them. They’ll get too used to your flattery and expect it all the time. They’ll expect you to always flatter them and stay submissive to them. This is not what you want. Praises are the treats you must give judicially to condition their behavior. Too much and they’ll never behave properly with you. 2. Become Independent:Egoists like people who are dependent on them but this doesn’t mean you have to be dependent on them in order for them to like you. In fact the more dependent you are on them, the more they will abuse you. It feeds their ego to have someone tied to them who they can treat badly knowing that they’ll never leave them. They’ll make you feel worthless and tell you how big a favor they do to you by tolerating you. If you don’t want this then become independent. 1. Take Charge Of Your Life:The most important thing while dealing with an egoist is to take charge of your life. Egoists like to take charge of other’s life as this gives them the feeling of power but if you let them, they’ll make your life hell. When you take charge of your life, you let them know that you are your own individual person who needs to be treated with respect. You also create the option of leaving the egoist when you take charge of your life which sometimes is the only course of action left. The post Top 10 Ways To Deal With An Egoist appeared first on TopYaps. |
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