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- Top 10 Reasons Behind Violence In The World
- Top 10 Ways To Ask Her For A Date
- Top 10 Best Makeup Brushes To Glam-up Quickly
- Top 10 Lost Natural Heritages
- Top 10 Foods That Lower The Risk Of Heart Disease
Top 10 Reasons Behind Violence In The World Posted: 30 Sep 2013 05:22 AM PDT We all know there is a lot of violence in the world. Countries are fighting with each other, citizens are fighting against governments and neighbors are fighting against each other. In schools children bully other children. There’s violence in the movies and in video games. There’s hatred and anger in songs and books. But why is the world in this condition? There are many reasons behind violence in the world and every fight will have different reasons. But there are a few common factors that lead to violence all around the world. 10. Intolerance:One of the biggest reasons behind violence is that people are becoming increasingly intolerant of each other. There is no sense of brotherhood or camaraderie among people any more and in stead there is a sense of mistrust and hatred. People don’t trust anyone and think that everyone is out to get them. Why we have become intolerant is a question that needs to be answered if we want to decrease all the violence. 9. Drugs:Drugs are a cause of violence in many places. On one level the drug mafia is very violent within itself. They fight with each other to gain more power and also fight with the governments who try to stop them. But on another level drugs also cause violence among its users. Some resort to violence in order to score the next high while others get violent while they are high. 8. Broken Homes:More and more marriages today end up in divorce. People have stopped getting married at all. All these broken homes are no place to raise healthy kids. As a result of this kind of disruption of homes children grow up to be highly untrusting and intolerant individuals who resort to violence easily. 7. Greed:If we think about wars, the biggest reason comes out as greed. Many reasons are given as pretence but the main reason is always greed. Peace, democracy, chemical weapons etc. are all propaganda that the greedy governments and corporations use to justify war. But really what they are after is the oil, land and other natural resources of other countries. Not to mention that war is profitable in itself for the manufacturers of weapons. 6. Media:One reason why violence is spreading is because of media and its principle that good news is no news. Our news is full of negative news and the mainstream media is persistently fooling the masses. We only read about how many rapes, murders and robberies happened on the previous day but we don’t hear about people doing good things. It makes the world look more violent and bad than it is and in turn increases violence and mistrust among people. 5. Lack of Education:Ignorance and lack of awareness is a big cause of violence. This happens when proper education is not provided to people. Proper education is not just schooling but the way the elders of the society teach young people how to act and behave. Ignorance makes people easy to convince and manipulate into hurting each other. 4. Racism:Racism is a big cause for a lot of violence in the world. People like to connect with people that look like them and mistrust anyone who looks or behaves differently. Although apartheid doesn’t exist officially, in most countries, racism still exits. And this racism isn’t just about the color of the skin. People from different regions don’t trust each other and think in stereotypes. 3. Unemployment:Unemployment leads to crime and violence. When young people don’t have a legitimate job they have no choice but to resort to crime to feed themselves and their families. It has been seen all around the world, even in developed countries, that there is a direct correlation between the rate of unemployment and the rate of crimes and violence. 2. Religion:For centuries religion has been the biggest cause of war and violence across the globe. Most religions talk about non violence and compassion in the scriptures but they don’t put it into practice. The religious leaders have always manipulated their religions and the religious scriptures to yield power over the masses. Holy wars have been fought for centuries and are still being fought. 1. Poverty:If there is a reason bigger than religion then it has to be poverty. Poverty leads to hunger, lack of education and drug abuse which all can lead to violence. Even more than poverty, the disproportion distribution of wealth is a bigger cause of violence. It creates a rift between individuals and pits them against each other. The fact that one can get extremely rich leads to greed and the desire to become rich and powerful. The post Top 10 Reasons Behind Violence In The World appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Ways To Ask Her For A Date Posted: 30 Sep 2013 04:20 AM PDT A date is always a very special occasion in any man's life. He is worried and excited at the same time, in short, he is simply confused. He is not able to figure out that one way to ask her out, which will leave her spellbound. Women are quite difficult to understand, which makes all the worries of a man justified. His another major concern is his ego, he has to find that perfect way to ask her out, which will not harm his self-respect and make the evening a memorable experience for both of them. So, if you too are planning for a special night with your special someone and are worried for all the reasons given above, make sure to read on. Below are 10 perfect and creative ways which will make you an undoubted hero in front of your dream girl. And she’ll most probably accept if you’ll ask her fora date. Scroll down to read and make the most of it. 10. Make a bet:This is a tried and tested way of asking a girl out for date. Make a bet with her and make sure that whether you win or lose, you end up on a date with her. There is a very simple way to go about it, just set up a task with end result of loser buying a drink for the winner. This way the question of asking her out won't come to your ego and you will even get that special evening. Great, isn’t it? 9. Write it on her vehicle:If your sweetheart travels in a car or a two-wheeler to office or college, scribble it up on her vehicle, that you want an evening out with her. You can even write on the rear-view mirror or leave a chit on the dashboard. After doing this, be around that area to judge her reaction and your fate. 8. Write a note:Well, this one is an old-school way of asking your dream girl out for a date. Trust me it works most of the time! Write a note to her about your feelings and how much you would love to take her out for a special evening. Ask her to reply in the same manner. If she likes you even a bit, she will never say no to this kind of method. 7. Personalize it:Every girl loves it when things are personalized for her. This way of asking her out will surely leave her enchanted. Do this for that very special someone and not an ordinary date. Get her some personalized cookies or cakes made with the million-dollar question iced on it. You will surely be her hero, if you pamper her this way! 6. Make her a CD:This is another old-school but very effective way of asking a girl out for date. Make her a CD of love songs, try asking her friends about her favorites and add them in the CD. Your CD can start with a voice not, 'just for you' and end with another voice note asking her, 'will you go out with me?' This one will surely not disappoint you. 5. The 'Cheesy' way:If your girl likes pizzas, she is going to love this one for sure. Get a giant pizza delivered at her place and write on it the question you have always wanted to ask her. Scribble the words, 'Will you go out with me?' with the help of tomato ketchup. This 'cheesy' way will surely bring you some good news! 4. Similar interests:Talk to your girl about her favorite film star and express your interest in everything she has an inclination towards. In between your talks casually pop up the question like, 'let's go and see this movie' and add we can have dinner at the mall only. This way it won't hurt your ego and you can easily tell about your feelings to your special someone. 3. Make a t-shirt:Well, guys do this where you know that the answer would be a definite yes. Personalize a t-shirt with a picture of you and your girl, below the photograph; write in a simple language, if she wants to go out with you. Wear the t-shirt when you meet her and you will be able to judge by her expressions whether your creativity was successful or not. 2. Flowers:Flowers do the trick most of the times. Be a little creative and send her flowers all through the day without writing your name on the bouquets. In the evening go with a bunch of roses to her door and on your knees pop up the question, 'will you go out with me?' I bet no girl will ever say no to this kind of a gesture. 1. Rubik's cube trick:Well, this is a cute one! Buy a Rubik's cube and challenge her to solve it. On each color of the cube write similar words like, 'will' on the blue shade and so on. When she will finally complete it, she will see the question you wanted to ask her written all over the Rubik. The post Top 10 Ways To Ask Her For A Date appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Best Makeup Brushes To Glam-up Quickly Posted: 30 Sep 2013 04:07 AM PDT Are you planning to upgrade your make-up collection? Have you bought all the necessary stuff? Well, maybe you have all the lip-colors and powders in your kitty but the most important thing that every girl needs to glam her look up are the brushes. If your make-up brushes are not the right type, all your efforts can go for a toss in seconds. There are so many makeup brushes available in the market that anyone can easily get confused about what to choose and what to leave. However, if you want that right kind of look always, you have to be very clever while choosing your brushes. Light or heavy makeup, a line of brush can make all the difference. Below is a list of top ten makeup brushes you definitely need to have in your makeup arsenal. They will not only make you look glamorous but also add that extra confidence in your personality. 10. Foundation Brush:This is one of the most important ingredients in your kitty. Choose the perfect foundation brush for your face and skin. If you apply foundation with the wrong kind of brush, it can leave patches on your skin and make you look awful. Always look for a foundation brush with bristles tightly compiled in the front, which will help you in applying the fluid with consistency. Additional tip is to dip your brush in warm water and squeeze it on the towel before using it. 9. Powder Brush:A powder brush should always be soft and light in texture. Use this one instead of a puff while applying powder to your face. A puff doesn’t let the powder scatter all over the face and makes it stick at a single place in a thick consistency, which will make your skin look shady. Dip your brush in the powder and tap off the excess, after that apply in circular motions all over your face. 8. Flat Eye Brush:This is the most frequently used brush in your makeup kitty. Choose a flat stiff brush to apply color on your eye-lids. This will help in sticking the color on your eyes and not smudging it. These brushes usually have the stiff bristles, which help them in taking the right amount of color and applying it in symmetry. You can also use it for giving that smudgy look beneath your lashes. 7. Mineral Powder Brush:Have you always wondered about how the celebrities get that glittery mineral look with perfection? If yes, then your answer is the mineral powder brush. This one helps in scattering the mineral on your cheeks with utmost perfection. Use this brush for the high-end parties and trust me, everyone will ask you about your secret. 6. Face contour Brush:The face contour brush is flat and round in shape. It is used for the cheekbones on your face. This brush helps you in applying the right amount of color on your cheekbones. Additional tip is to use it in circular motions with light hands. You can also use this one to apply gels, creams or powder. If you master using this brush, then your face makeup can never go wrong! 5. Eyeliner Brush:This is the most user-friendly brush, which will help you in your routine makeup. The eyeliner brush helps you in giving that perfect line of kajal or color on your eyes. To use it, press it hard on the inner side of your eye and draw a straight line. You can even use this brush to add color on the tips of your eyes. 4. Lip Brush:The lip brush will give you the perfect lip color in symmetry. It can be used for both the liquid and the gel colors. To use this brush, dip it in the lipstick and start applying it from the center of your lips. You can also use this one to give your lips an outline with a darker shade. 3. Dual Eyebrow Brush:The dual eyebrow brush is a perfect buy for your eyebrows. It has a spiral thing on one end and flat bristles on the other end. The spiral one helps in managing the unruly hair in your eyebrows and the flat bristles help in filling up the gaps with color. It is an absolute necessity in your makeup kitty as good and dark eyebrows always help a lot in enhancing your facial beauty. 2. Bent Liner Brush:This one is specially designed for the use of the gel eye-liners. If you want that glossy line in winged shape, you have to have this one in your arsenal. The bent style of this brush helps you in giving those perfect cat eyes. 1. Camouflage Brush:The camouflage brush is used to apply concealer below your eyes. It helps in hiding the dark spots and makes the skin look even-toned. This one is specially used to camouflage the areas with discoloration on your skin. The post Top 10 Best Makeup Brushes To Glam-up Quickly appeared first on TopYaps. |
Posted: 30 Sep 2013 02:52 AM PDT Natural heritages are the elements of biodiversity that are found on earth. They include the plants, animals and ecosystems that exist in nature. Geological structures are also considered a part of our natural heritage. Needless to say that man has always been very disrespectful towards this heritage. The idea of environmental conservation has been considered seriously only recently and for a long time we went from one place to other, destroying the natural heritage of that area and establishing our cancerous civilization. Because of this we have lost a lot of our natural heritage. Some animals, plants and ecosystems have been lost due to natural extinction but most of the recent losses have been due to the activities of man. 10. Pink and White Terraces:The Pink and White Terraces were found in New Zealand and were a great tourist attraction till they were destroyed in 1886 by the eruption of Mt. Tarawera. The terraces were formed by limestone and hot geysers containing large amount of silicic acid and sodium chloride. These wonders were not destroyed by us humans and it's a shame that now we can only read about them in accounts of travelers of old. 9. The Dodo:The Dodo was a flightless bird that lived in the islands of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean. It went extinct 100 years after mankind first learned about it. We eradicated the species in a short time by destroying their habitat and food source and introducing predator species such as dogs to the island. 8. Thismia Americana:Our mindless expansion has also caused many plant species to become extinct. One such plant is the Thismia Americana that was found in the wetlands surrounding Chicago’s Lake Calumet. The plant was discovered in 1910 and went extinct in just 6 years because of rapid industrialization of that area. The plant was very intriguing as it did not have any chlorophyll and instead used fungus found in the wetlands to get nourishment. 7. The Steller Sea Cow:The Steller Sea Cow was named after Georg Steller who discovered the species in the waters around Commander Islands. The giant was a cousin of the smaller manatee and grew up to 9 meters in length and weighed 10 tons. The last specimen died in 1768, just 27 years after Steller had discovered the species. The reason for extinction was excessive hunting by Alaskan fishermen for food, skin (to make boats) and oil (for lamps). 6. The Irish Deer:The Irish Deer was a unique and amazing animal. It was a giant that stood tall at more than 2 meters. The antlers grew up to 3.6 meters wide and for this reason it was hunted as the antlers were considered a good show piece. The last deer died 7000 years ago and now all we have are fossils to remind us of this magnificent beast. 5. The Cave Lion:We hear in stories about the lions living in caves but neither the African nor the Asian lions live in caves. This is because there used to be lions in Europe too. The European lion was very large with length of 2 meters and height of 1.2 meters. It lived in caves in Europe. Its numbers were greatly reduced during the last glacial period 10000 years ago. The rest were driven to extinction because of the spread of humans in Europe. 4. Amazon Rainforest:You might think that the Amazon rainforest has not been lost completely and you’d be right. But when it comes to natural heritages, the Amazon rainforest will never be what it used to be. So much of the forest has been cleared that you can see the clear patches as scars on the earth’s surface from outer space. Deforestation for farming and intensive logging has already destroyed the Amazon rainforest. The conservation efforts are being made to save what’s left of it. 3. Baiji White Dolphin:The Baiji White Dolphin was an intelligent animal that lived in the Yangtze River in China. The unique fresh water dolphin has remarkable intelligence and uses echolocation as it is completely blind. Since the 1950′s, fishing boats and trawlers in the river have increased and with that the population of the dolphin decreased. In 2006 a study was done in the Yangtze to locate how many dolphins were left but not a single one was found even after 6 weeks of searching the river. 2. The Saber Tooth Tiger:The Saber Tooth Tiger went extinct more than 10,000 years ago. Humans were not responsible for the extinction of these amazing animals but still it is one piece of lost natural heritage that would have been cool to still have. The huge awe inspiring canine teeth that it used to tear open prey would have made quite a scene to see for real. 1. The Dinosaurs:Speaking of old extinct species that would have made heads turn today we can’t forget the grandest of them all; the dinosaurs. Although these mighty animals disappeared before humans appeared on earth, it would have been great to have a few of them alive today. These animals have captured our imagination more than any other animal and who knows maybe something like Jurassic Park might be possible one day. The post Top 10 Lost Natural Heritages appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Foods That Lower The Risk Of Heart Disease Posted: 30 Sep 2013 02:05 AM PDT Heart disease kills millions of people every year. One of the reasons of increasing heart diseases among people is the food we eat. While some foods can cause to cholesterol rise and heart problems other foods can lower cholesterol and lower the risk of heart disease. It should be noted that just eating these foods alone will not be enough and you have to maintain a general level of healthiness and fitness to truly stay clear of heart disease. But eating the following foods will definitely help. Here are the top 10 foods that lower the risk of heart disease. 10. Soy:Soy is the favorite of vegetarians as it provides them with the necessary proteins. But even if you are not vegetarian soy can work for you by lowering cholesterol. It is also low in saturated fat and is a healthy food choice. You can get soy in the form of tofu or as soy milk. One point to remember about soy is that some commercial soy products may contain a lot of salt which is not good for your blood pressure. 9. Flaxseed:Flaxseeds are very good source of the good type of fats. Flaxseeds are rich in omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids. They are also very good source of fiber. You don’t have to consume a lot and a sprinkling of flaxseeds over your cereal every morning can work wonders for your heart. 8. Spinach:Eating green vegetables regularly is very good for the health. Any green and leafy vegetable will do but spinach is the best. It contains lutein, folate, potassium, iron, calcium and fiber. There was a reason why Popeye the sailor ate spinach before beating up Brutus and running away with Olive Oyl (she’s down in this list). 7. Kidney Beans:Legumes and pulses of all types are healthy and good for the heart. Kidney beans are particularly good as they are low in fat, high in protein and fiber and vitamins. They are cholesterol free and have a low glycemic index which means that they provide energy for a long time and help you stay full. The dried varieties are better than canned ones as the canning process uses a lot of salt for preservation. 6. Prunes:Prunes or the fresh plums are both good for the heart. They are known for their laxative properties but they are also rich in fiber and iron. They are known to reduce LDL cholesterol in the blood. Prunes are also good against colon cancer. Plums also provide beta-carotene. 5. Walnuts:Nuts contain the good oils and are also rich in proteins and fiber. Walnuts are one of the best nuts to add to your diet. They contain good minerals such as iron, calcium and zinc. They also contain polyunsaturated fats that provide omega 3 fatty acids. Walnuts can be eaten as a snack or added to salads and other dishes. They should be eaten within limits though as too much of fat is not good even if it’s unsaturated. Apart from making your heart healthier, it also increases your sex power. 4. Oatmeal:Oatmeal is the best breakfast to start your day off with a heart healthy meal. They are full of omega 3 fatty acids, folate and potassium. They are rich in fiber and have a low glycemic index. They help lower the LDL cholesterol to keep the arteries clear. The instant oatmeal should be avoided as it contains a lot of sugar. 3. Olive Oil:The best oil for a healthy heart is the olive oil. It contains monounsaturated fats and helps fight LDL cholesterol. It is a very good alternative to butter and other cooking oils as it helps keep your heart healthy. The extra virgin and virgin varieties are the least processed and hence the best to use. 2. Avocado:Avocados are called nature’s butter. They are a great fruit to include in a heart healthy diet. Like olive oil they contain monounsaturated fat which fights LDL cholesterol and helps you keep your heart healthy and your arteries clear. Adding avocado to salads and sandwiches is a great way of ensuring you are eating healthy. 1. Sardines:Sardines have a bad reputation for their strong flavor but they are a very good source of omega 3 fatty acids. They also contain calcium and niacin. You can try them fresh or used the canned version to add in salads, sauces, sandwiches etc. They are also a great trick to add some extra flavor to certain dishes along with making them healthier. The post Top 10 Foods That Lower The Risk Of Heart Disease appeared first on TopYaps. |
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