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- Top 10 Tips For A Widowed Mother
- 8 Beautiful Phrases About Love
- Top 10 Cases Of Radioactive Accidents At Nuclear Plants
- Top 10 Best Novels On Travel
Top 10 Tips For A Widowed Mother Posted: 26 Sep 2013 05:20 AM PDT Parenting is a very challenging job, especially being a mother. If you are widowed mother who is bringing up children without support of their father, parenting can be tight rope walk for you, with monkeys scrambling up your shoulders. Dealing with your own loss, grief and loneliness; you have to pick yourself up for the sake of your children. They are dealing with the void left behind by their father, which makes them feel vulnerable and insecure. You have to manage home and fulfill duties of both the parents. No matter how deep in trouble you are, life has to move on with all its ups and downs. Here are 10 tips that would provide some relief and help you deal with your traumatic situation in a better way. 10. You do not have to be alone:Remember those good times when your family had joined you in fun? Now it is time for them to share some part of your sorrow too, because that is what families are for. Do not hesitate to ask for support and help, especially in the initial stages when you are still recovering from the shock. 9. Seek Counseling help:Being unhappy and sad is not going to work out for any of you. You along with your children will have to overcome the grief and continue with your life. Seek counseling support and help for your family. The professionals can guide your family towards emotional and financial stability. Your religious community or social group can take place of the counselors. 8. Identify your emotions:It is natural for as widowed mother for you to feel anger at the loss of your loved one, frustrations at having to deal with life all alone and desperation at not knowing how to handle the situation. Caught unawares in a crisis it is natural for you to vent out your pent up emotions on children, who are already feeling vulnerable. Though it is tough for you, identify your emotions and keep check on them. 7. Get Connected with Single Moms:No one understands your situation better than the women who have been there and done that. Connect with other single moms and learn from their life experiences. Discuss about remarriage and other options, because you have your whole life ahead of you. Children are not always going to be there. 6. Consult your children:At some point after the death of a family member, their possessions have to be disposed off in a proper way. It is also important for the proper closure of the situation. Do not make all the decisions on your own without asking for the opinions of your children, because they may have emotional attachments to few things. Moving ahead without considering their emotions may build unwanted tension in your relationship. 5. Do not overwhelm your children:Your loss and grief is unbearable, but it is not an excuse to pour out to your children and overwhelm them with your own loss, emotions, helplessness, anger or frustrations. You sure need an outlet. Find a friend, relative, support group or a therapist to unburden your feelings. 4. Check your financial situation:With the sudden demise of the spouse, there is going to be a great financial turmoil in the family, especially if the husband was the only bread earner. Check out your financial situation to understand how much resources are at your disposal. If you have to, pull the strings of your purse and stop spending on petty things. Explain to your children that conditions have changed and everyone will have to make some adjustments. 3. Nurture your children:Off course every mother, whether a widow or not will nurture her children, but a widowed mother has the extra responsibility of taking part of father and picking up the things he was doing for the children. If your son enjoyed football sessions with his dad, or your girl went out for long walks with her father, see to it they don't miss it. 2. Concentrate on studies of your children:As a single parent it becomes your duty to see that the children study well and get settled in a career of their choice. Do not neglect their homework and make sure that their notes are up to date. If it is too much of stress for you to handle their study time, then find someone to help you out. 1. Grab that 'ME' time:Remember being a single parent does not make you superwoman. Underneath all the responsibilities, duties and strength, you are still the same woman who has lost her spouse. Take that much needed break and grab that special personal time whenever possible. Do not neglect your own needs. Occasionally, pamper yourself to feel special and cared for. Look for a life beyond the confines of home and family. The post Top 10 Tips For A Widowed Mother appeared first on TopYaps. |
8 Beautiful Phrases About Love Posted: 26 Sep 2013 03:25 AM PDT Let's not call love blind, for if it was, how do you explain the beautiful phrases and rhymes written about it? Did you know, 'love' is searched for more often than 'hate' on the web? Did you know, there are books upon books upon sites full of lovely-little-somethings that have been said by those in love? Time to know more than 'all is fair in love and war'! Here are 8 beautiful phrases about love that we have collected for you, to read and perhaps re-use. (PS – Don't forget to give the credit where it's due. We mean their authors, of course!) 8. “You know you’r in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.”(Dr. Seuss) Yes indeed! Many a man has spent his nights looking at the fan and many a woman has counted the stars shining outside in the middle of the night. The reality of love is so beautiful it seems, it can make you not want to close those eyes, even to sleep. Plus, when your dream girl is your girl and no more a dream alone, the beauty of the waking reality surpasses the stuff that dreams are made of. And who could have put it better than Dr. Seuss himself! 7. “One is loved because one is loved. No reason is needed for loving.”(Paulo Coelho) It's not a mere coincidence that more of us have read Paulo Coelho than our school curriculum books. After all, look at the simple profundity of the above statement. We agree! Your hyperventilating mother and father may not understand this when you suddenly get her home one day and declare your love in just so many words. Well, on second thoughts, neither will your beloved who is looking for some flattery. However, if you really think hard, do you see the need for listing out reasons for loving someone? Coelho does it again! 6. “Love does not begin and end the way we seem to think it does. Love is a battle, love is a war; love is a growing up.”(James Baldwin) Full marks to Baldwin for making this list less mushy and more real, even it was below the belt all too suddenly. So, according to him, love is not what Day 1 makes you feel it is. As you go up the stairs into the pink clouds there are many battles to be fought and wars to be won. The silver lining in the pink cloud? Love makes you grow-up. And we see it that is something most of us are forgetting to do these days. Thank you, Love. May more and more fall in love and grow-up in love too. Hey, that's a filmy tag-line is it not? 5. “Love is a better master than duty.”(Albert Einstein) This is, perhaps, the only formula of Einstein's that we can understand without opening a Champion Guide. Look at us nodding our heads in vigorous unison. The man sending love-filled messages to his new girlfriend at 1 am agrees, even as he tries his best to not sleep. Such dedication for duty at work instead? No, please! And if by any chance we call love 'the master' many a husband will agree, as he sits in the jewellery buying a ring for their 'first-shared-ice cream' anniversary. But then, this is just our interpretation of Einstein's theory, derived from our lives and thus proved. What's yours? 4. “Every heart sings a song, incomplete, until another heart whispers back. Those who wish to sing always find a song. At the touch of a lover, everyone becomes a poet.”(Plato) Isn’t that lovely? Ironic that these are the most poetic lines written by a man who wanted to banish all poets from The Republic. Just like those who wish to sing will always find a song to sing, those who want to love will find someone to fall in love with. And you know as well as we do, how love can create poetry out of the most mute, even Mr. Anonymous sitting on Facebook. However, we do hope we read dear Plato right. 3. “Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, And therefore is winged Cupid painted blind.”(William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night's Dream) Now that makes sense. And gives a whole new meaning to 'Love is blind' doesn't it? Shakespeare, tell us in this lovely quote from one of his plays how falling is love the meeting to two minds and how for that reason alone, Cupid does not need his eyes. Well, since Shakespeare never got it wrong, it is proven beyond doubt that what Bollywood would have you believe – the first look-slow motion phenomenon – is all wrong. Love looks not from the eyes, but from the mind. Mind it! 2. “Never close your lips to those whom you have already opened your heart.”(Charles Dickens) With unsurpassable simplicity of thought and words, Dickens seems to have been taken to heart by most of us here. We just cannot stop talking to those we love. Cellular companies are making gold, android chat apps are a dime-a-dozen and even pigeons were not left alone once upon a time. What he is really trying to say? Communicate your mind – the truth, the lies, the good, the ugly, the sad and the happiest – to those you chose to fall in love with. Now, who can disagree with that! 1. “You are like nobody since I love you.”(Pablo Neruda) Two explanations come to mind. One, you are special, and that's why I love you. Or two, my love for you makes you special and like nobody around. Quite a concoction of words, this! We will leave you to enjoy this on your own. Remember, if quoting it, there will always remain a flip side to it. The post 8 Beautiful Phrases About Love appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Cases Of Radioactive Accidents At Nuclear Plants Posted: 26 Sep 2013 12:00 AM PDT The debate about nuclear power plants has been going on for a long time now. On one hand they provide a cheap and low pollution source of energy but on the other hand they are prone to accidents with disastrous results. There have been many radioactive accidents, meltdowns and leaks over the years in nuclear plants all around the world. Here are top 10 frightening cases. 10. Rajasthan Atomic Power Station, India:The Rajasthan Atomic Power Station is located in the state of Rajasthan in India. It was started in 1963 as a duplicate to the Douglas Point reactor in Canada. Although the power station has received very high safety ratings by the International Atomic Energy Agency in 2012, there was an incident in June of 2012 where 38 workers were exposed to a radioactive substance, tritium, due to a badly executed welding operation inside the protected environment of the reactor. 9. NRX, Canada:NRX was a nuclear research reactor at the Canadian Chalk River Laboratories. It came into operation in 1947 and for some time was the most powerful nuclear reactor in the world. The NRX reactor suffered a partial meltdown on 12 December 1952. The accident occurred due to communication problems and operator mistakes along with mechanical problems in the shut off systems. Water contaminated with radioactive material was dumped in the basement. The accident helped form better safety protocols for nuclear reactors. 8. Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Plant, Japan:Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Plant is located on the coast of the Sea of Japan. It was hit by an earthquake in 2007 which resulted in shutdown for inspection and increase in earthquake proofing before operation could be resumed. As a result of the quake some radioactive water leaked into the Sea of Japan. Furthermore, radioactive waste that was stored in barrels also leaked as a result of the earthquakes. 7. SL-1, USA:The Stationary Low Power Reactor Number One was an experimental nuclear power reactor operated by the United States Army. In 1961 three people were killed in an explosion and meltdown. It was a result of improper withdrawal of the control rods from the core. It is the only known nuclear accident that caused fatalities in USA. The incident released radioactive products into the atmosphere and the surrounding areas. 6. Lucens Reactor, Switzerland:Lucens Reactor was a small pilot nuclear reactor in Switzerland. It was built inside a cavern and became critical in 1966. In 1969 an accident occurred that led to serious contamination of the cavern. The cavern was sealed to prevent contamination outside and later cleaned successfully and the reactor was rebuilt. No irradiation of workers or population occurred due to the sealing of the cavern. 5. Three Mile Island Accident, USA:The Three Mile Island reactors were situated in Dauphin County, Pennsylvania and were operated by General Public Utilities and Metropolitan Edison. It was the largest and worst accident in commercial nuclear power plant history in USA. The accident occurred due to lack of proper training of operators, complexity of control room user interface and oversights in the design of the human computer interface. The partial meltdown resulted in the release of radioactive gases and radioactive iodine into the environment. 4. Windscale Fire, Britain:The Windscale file of 1957 is considered as one of the worst radioactive accidents in world’s history. The nuclear reactors in Windscale had been hurriedly built as part of the British atomic bomb project. On October 10, 1957 an accident occurred in the core of reactor number 1 and a fire started that lasted for 3 days. Massive amounts of radioactive material were released into the atmosphere over the UK and Europe. People from surrounding areas were not evacuated and may have suffered cancer of the thyroid due to the radioactive isotope iodine-131. 3. Kyshtym Disaster, Russia:The Kyshtym disaster of Russia is the third worst disaster in the history of nuclear power plant accidents. It occurred in 1957 and was kept a secret till 1976. It occurred at the Mayak nuclear fuel processing plant near the town of Kyshtym. The disaster occurred when nuclear waste stored inside metal tanks, exploded due to decay heat. A radioactive plume of material was spread over a large area and many people were affected by it. The area known as East Urals Radioactive Tract is still not safe for humans. 2. Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster, Japan:The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear disaster was a part of the overall disaster faced by Japan in 2011. Japan was hit by earthquakes that caused Tsunamis in March 2011. This resulted in a series of equipment failure, meltdowns, and releases of radioactive material at the Fukushima I nuclear power plant. It is the worst disaster to have occurred since the 1986 Chernobyl disaster and shows that natural disasters in the area of a nuclear plant can be very dangerous. 1. Chernobyl Disaster, Ukraine:One of the most dreadful industrial disasters of all time, the Chernobyl disaster of 1986 happened at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in the then Ukrainian SSR. It was under the direct jurisdiction of the central authorities of the Soviet Union. An explosion and fire released large amounts of radioactive material into the atmosphere. The official death count is 31 but it is highly disputed and other medical problems and deformities resulted from the disaster are still being accounted for. The post Top 10 Cases Of Radioactive Accidents At Nuclear Plants appeared first on TopYaps. |
Posted: 25 Sep 2013 10:00 PM PDT Travel writing can be funny, descriptive and beautiful or simply inspiring. Novels on travel usually have a bigger story of an inner journey going parallel with the journey that the writer takes. Some great fictional novels have also been written where the protagonist take on great journeys. These books can inspire us to visit a place or just to start travelling and exploring. They say that if you don’t travel it’s like reading only 1 page of a book. Below, we’ve compiles a list of ten best novels on travel that will motivate you to read more pages of your own life. 10. The Sun Also Rises:The Sun Also Rises is considered as one of the greatest novels of Ernest Hemingway. Written in 1926, it is the tale of a group of American and British expatriates who travel Paris to the festival of San Fermin in Pamplona, Spain to watch the running of the bulls and the bullfights. The book paints a unique picture of Parisian cafes and the festive atmosphere of Spain along with a fishing trip in the Pyrenees. 9. Ghost Rider: Travels on the Healing Road:Now this might not be a fictional novel, but it deserves a mention as one of the only two memoirs on this list of the top travel books. Ghost Rider is a philosophical memoir by Neil Pert, the drummer of Rush as he traveled across North and Central America in the search of a reason to live after the death of his daughter and wife. It is a gripping tale of long distance travel by motorcycle along with the journey of the human soul that always manages to heal itself. 8. On the Road:On the Road is a classic novel about travel by Jack Kerouac. It is based on his travels along with his friends across America as part of the beat generation. It chronicles his travels during the culture of jazz and drugs and poetry. It is described as the most beautiful descriptions of the times of the beat generation in America. 7. Our Man in Havana:Our Man in Havana is written by Graham Greene and set in Cuba. It is a satirical novel that describes Cuba from the point of view British secret service agents of MI6. It shows how the willingness of British agents to believe reports of local informants in Cuba lead to hilarious situations. On a deeper level it is a novel about two cultures and what happens when they try to communicate with each other. 6. The Motorcycle Diaries:Another memoir that makes this list and beats the trend by not being a strict fictional novel is The Motorcycle Diaries of Che Guevara. These diaries were kept by Che during his 9 month long travels of the South American continent along with his friend Alberto Granado. The 23 year old medical student that leaves on this 5000 mile journey on a 1939 Norton 500cc motorcycle returns as a revolutionary dedicated to fighting and even dying for the cause of the poor and the unification of South America. 5. The Dharma Bums:The Dharma Bums is the second book by Jack Kerouac that makes this list. It does so deservedly as it is another great travel novel. It continues on from On the Road and chronicles the time in the life of the author when he was introduced to Buddhism and was fighting a duality in his own life as he shifted between bicycling, hiking, mountaineering and hitchhiking through the West and his city life of jazz, poetry, alcohol and drugs. 4. Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance:It seems that most travel tales are about people travelling on motorcycles. There is a sense of freedom that you just can’t get in any other form except while travelling on motorcycles. Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance is another novel about the journey of a father and son on a motorcycle across America. The book is a philosophical discourse and an autobiographical story of Robert M. Pirsig but at a basic level it is also a tale of travelling across America on a motorcycle. 3. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas:Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas by Hunter S. Thompson is a novel about the adventures of a journalist, Raoul Duke, in Las Vegas during Mint 400 motorcycle race. The novel is more about the culture of America of that time as Duke and his attorney Dr. Gonzo experiment with all sorts of drugs and visit Las Vegas, the city of insanity. The subtitle of the book aptly describes it as ‘a savage journey to the heart of the American dream’. 2. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn:The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is the classic novel by Mark Twain published in 1884. While it is always thought of as an American classic about racism, at the heart of the book is the story of the travels along the Mississippi River. The Mississippi was a major highway for commerce and travel during the 1800′s and helped in the colonization of America. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn explore this world that grew around the river. 1. Don Quixote:Don Quixote was published in 1605 and 1615 in two volumes as The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha in Spanish by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra. It is considered as one of the most important literary works to have ever been written. The story of an idealistic fool, Alonso Quijano, as he takes on the name of Don Quixote to revive chivalry and knighthood is the tale of misguided adventurous travels that have become iconic around the world. The post Top 10 Best Novels On Travel appeared first on TopYaps. |
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