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- Top 10 Color Blocking Looks
- Top 10 Ways To Prevent Yourself From Falling In Love
- 22 Movies You Must Watch in the Last Quarter of 2013 in India
- Top 10 Ways To Impress Your Boss At Work
- Top 10 Bizarre Medical Conditions
- Top 10 Tech Breakthroughs That Led To Immense Wealth
- Top 10 Worst Books To Have Reached The Best Seller List
- Top 10 Favorite Burger Toppings
Posted: 05 Sep 2013 12:45 PM PDT 10. Leather Skirt9. Yellow Magic8. Three Way Color7. Casual Blocking6. Geometric Color Blocking5. Wine Lovers4. Formal Look3. Very Vibrant2. Navy & Beige1. Red & PinkThe post Top 10 Color Blocking Looks appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Ways To Prevent Yourself From Falling In Love Posted: 05 Sep 2013 10:49 AM PDT Who would want to read an article that prevents you from falling in love? Love is what makes life beautiful; moreover you do not want to avoid falling in love for anything in the world. Think it over once again. What is the real meaning of falling in love? The warning alarm should be set off by the word 'FALL'. Falling is described as an inevitable condition over which you have no control, often has drastic effects, cannot be reversed half way and makes you feel vulnerable. The English dictionary describes falling as coming down from a higher position to a lower one. Often the word fall is associated is disastrous happenings like, falling into a trap, falling ill or just the simple falling down. So, thread with precaution and be in a healthy relationship, love your partner and create a lovely life together based on mutual trust and respect. Don't be in a hurry to find your ideal romantic dream and fall in love because in the wise words of Taylor Swift – “We should love, not fall in love, because everything that falls, gets broken.” Here are the top ten ways that may succeed in preventing you from falling in love though I do not promise it. 10. Identify the Emotion:Misled by an ideal state of romance created in your mind by books and movies, you may consider the emotions of being infatuated, physically attracted to another person or even sexual attraction to an ideal mate as falling in love. Identifying the emotion for what it is may take you away from falsely believing that you are falling in love. 9. Breathe and be calm:When you see a person and all of a sudden your heart starts pounding, blood circulation goes berserk, you feel giddy and nervous; calm yourself down and breathe. Don't jump into conclusion that you have fallen in love. Off course it does mean that you like the person and prefer him/her as life partner. But it need not be that you have fallen in love and lost control over your emotions. 8. Stop the Obsession:Once you like a person and feel the pressure of emailing or texting him/her obsessively, stop yourself. Remember that obsessive pursuit of a person makes you lose your own dignity. Keep yourself engaged with activities to prevent someone invading your thoughts all the time. 7. Confess your feelings:No! I do not mean that you should run to the person and confess that you have fallen madly in love with him/her. I mean that you should talk about your feelings to someone you trust, who can be there for you if things go wrong. When you talk about your feelings, often you see the truth that the situation is under your control and you can do what you want, unlike what you believed earlier. 6. Don't look for it:If you are a hopeless romantic and live just to fall in love, then you will keep looking around for opportunities to fall in love and even fall for strangers without knowing them well. Constantly thinking about love and romance creates an ideal love character in your mind, and you find it in the first most likely person you see. Don't look for love, it will find you when the time is right. 5. It is about you:Often you tend to build parameters of an ideal lover and fall for those who meet those guidelines. Love and relationship in the long run is nothing about the other person at all. It is not about how they look, how much they earn or how romantic they are, but it is about how they make you feel about yourself. 4. Check out if you feel hurt:If it is love than you should have a pleasant feeling in your heart and not pain. Love does not hurt, but most often falling in love does. It could be consuming all your liveliness, focus, time and also your thinking power. 3. Ask yourself 'do you want it?'Remind yourself that falling in love will turn you into an obsessed, infatuated, insecure and deprived person which you may not want to be. Though thinking positively is good for you, check out the pros and cons truthfully when you think you may fall in love. 2. Fantasy and Reality:Riding on the wave that leads to the fantasy land of romance, may shut your eyes to reality. The high hormonal levels may force you to let your defense down, cross your boundaries and behave differently. Be aware and be awake. Distinguish your fantasy from reality which may give you a foothold, preventing the fall. 1. Agony and fear of losing a loved one:Know that once you fall in love you feel desperate attachment to another person which brings about the fear of losing the other person. You start going to through emotions of possessiveness, jealousy and as though you belong to the other person. Take control of yourself and remind yourself this is a passing phase of your life and this is not who you are. The post Top 10 Ways To Prevent Yourself From Falling In Love appeared first on TopYaps. |
22 Movies You Must Watch in the Last Quarter of 2013 in India Posted: 05 Sep 2013 06:57 AM PDT 1. Grand Masti (13 September)2. Grown Ups 2 (13 September)3. John Day (13 September)4. 2 Guns (20 September)5. Prisoners (20 September)6. This is the end (20 September)7. Don Jon (27 September)8. Elysium (27 September)9. Prague (27 September)10. Ip Man – The Final Fight (30 September)11. Tarzan (3 October)12. Gravity (11 October)13. Insidious: Chapter 2 (25 October)14. Ender’s Game (1 November)15. Krrish 3 (4 November)16. Thor: The Dark World (8 November)17. The Wolf of Wall Street (15 November)18. The Hunger Games: Catching Fire (22 November)19. Bullet Raja (29 November)20. The Hobbit: Desolation of the Smaug (13 December)21. Anchorman: The Legend Continues (20 December)22. Dhoom 3 (20 December)The post 22 Movies You Must Watch in the Last Quarter of 2013 in India appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Ways To Impress Your Boss At Work Posted: 05 Sep 2013 06:30 AM PDT The two most important people who can propel your career to where you want it are you and your boss. No matter how good you are, there is no way moving ahead without impressing your boss who is crucial in improving your career and work life. Your boss pulls the strings which can improve your current job by giving you the best assignments and also makes the decision when you need to be transferred to a better department. So there is no doubt that you have to impress your boss and here are 10 ways that you can do it. 10. Dress appropriately:A shabbily clad employee is pain in the neck for the boss. The way the employees groom themselves and dress in the working environment makes a lot of difference to institution. Dressing appropriately and in accordance with your profession for the office will definitely get you the attention of your boss. 9. Avoid being late:Punctuality is one of the most impressive qualities you can possess. Being late to the office will make you come up with excuses, often, which a boss can see through, thus makes you lose his/her trust. The early bird not only catches the boss's attention in the office but will also be able to settle down calmly before the humdrum begins. 8. Learn to communicate:Be precise with your communication, while keeping your message short and sensible. Your boss, who is busy managing important tasks on hand, does not want his time to be wasted on useless jibber jabber. Make your presence felt in the office meetings by giving feedback, presenting your ideas and making useful suggestions. 7. Listen attentively:The worst thing you can do to spoil your relationship with your boss is by asking the question "What did you just say?" in between an important discussion; because you weren’t paying attention to what your boss was saying. Practice being a good listener and be attentive to what is being said. When in doubt do not hesitate to ask questions. There are times when your boss may want to vent out the work frustrations, when all you have to do is listen to impress. Is there any other easier way? 6. Think out of box:This is something you have heard so often, that is because it is quite an important asset to your personality. Often people like to walk around the pothole and avoid it, but you can take it as an opportunity to make your mark. Be creative and find solutions for the problems that have been sidelined in the office. 5. Avoid excuses:To err is human. There is no way you can avoid mistakes all together at your work place. Take responsibility for your actions. Be honest and admit to your mistakes instead of giving excuses and justifying them; in addition let your boss know that you are available to rectify your mistake. This will not only impress your boss, but you will be respected for your honesty. 4. Be Loyal:Be loyal to your company, your colleagues and your boss. If your co-workers enjoy backbiting against your boss, don't join the flow. Avoid such people who spread negativity in the working place. Support your boss and have his/her back when they are mentioned during office conversations. Speaking negatively about your boss and the office is sure way to get into the bad books. 3. Be organized and systematic:Don't let your desk look like there was a stationary war going on there. Keep your desk, mails, files and emails well organized so that they not only look neat, but you can find them when they are needed. When your boss asks for an important file and you spend hours looking for it, you are sure to do exactly opposite of impressing your boss. 2. Avoid clumsiness:An inkblot on important papers, spelling mistakes or grammatical errors in presentations can be easily avoided. It is very important to proofread your work before submitting it to your boss. With little help from technology, it is not difficult to spell check your documents anymore. A great presentation can lose its worth if it is loaded with grammatical and spellings errors. 1. Carry yourself with a positive attitude:A person walking with a spring in her/his feet, smile on her/his lips and giving the best to the job day after day, no matter how the situation is, definitely impresses the boss and everyone in the office without fail. A positive attitude towards your work will keep you motivated to inspire others to do better. The post Top 10 Ways To Impress Your Boss At Work appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Bizarre Medical Conditions Posted: 05 Sep 2013 05:00 AM PDT Very often, doctors from all over the world encounter weird and strange medical cases. They publish case reports regarding the unusual problems they witness. Researchers and live sciences experts take a sneak peek into such cases and illuminate the world with the symptoms and remedies of the very same strange medical condition. From hairy-eyeballs, star shaped cataracts to some weird delusions and irresistible urge to eat anything, that's in front of you; there are uncountable cases that can leave you in shock for a couple of days. Here are some of the most bizarre medical conditions that are very uncommon but seriously have a long lasting impact over you. 10. Cotard's syndrome (Walking Corpse Syndrome):Traumatized head and brain and certain psychological afflictions lead the sufferers of this syndrome to believe that they are dead or dying from within. That's why certain researchers call it 'Walking Corpse Syndrome'. Cotard's syndrome comes under the category of 'mental disorder'. People who suffer from this disorder hold many delusions like that of being putrefied, or having lost their internal organs. Sometimes they even have delusions of immortality. 9. Arnold-Chiari malformation (Brain malformation):Chiari malformation is the condition wherein the size of the brain is more than what it should actually be. The brain grows abnormally in this case, causing the obstruction in the outflow of 'cerebrospinal fluid', which otherwise is known as 'brain's cushion' and protects the brain from injury due to sudden jolt or hit. In normal cases, the cerebellum and other parts of brain stem rest in a space at the lower end of the skull, just above the 'foramen magnum'. However, the cerebellum of the sufferer of this disease extends abnormally and is usually located below the opening to the spinal cord (foramen magnum). Brain malformation may cause severe headaches, dizziness, and fatigue, difficulty in swallowing and even paralysis. 8. Periodic Paralysis (Temporary paralysis):Periodic paralysis is one of the most horrific genetic diseases, which targets the already paralysed areas or even the entire body, for temporary period. It may stay for a few hours to a few days. This disease easily gets triggered by common sources like cold, heat, stress, high carbohydrate diet, physical activities etcetera. This causes weakness and inactivity of muscles in the affected regions. It is caused by the failure of brain to pass signals due to malfunctions in the ion channels in the striated muscle cells which have a control over our nervous system. Periodic paralysis can't be cured completely, however following a tight exercise schedule and decreasing the amount of potassium intake can help in avoiding these paralytic attacks. 7. Body Integrity Identity Disorder (Desperation to get that limb off):BIID comes under the category of psychological disorder in which sufferers have a strong urge to live as an 'amputee'. Amputation is the removal of limbs of a human body by constriction or surgery. Sufferers, who are actually totally sane, get desperate to get rid of one of their body parts. Limb seems as extraneous to them and they can put a mark at the place where they gravely want to have it eliminated. The reason for this disorder is yet unknown but studies by neuroscientist Vilayanur S. Ramachandran suggest that the sufferers of this disorder miss extracts of their body image map on their brains. The limb, which makes them feel horrifically uncomfortable, is not properly mapped on the corresponding regions of the brain. There is no known cure for this weird disorder. The only way out, that's generally followed, is the removal of the unwanted limb and sufferers feel at the top of the world once it is done. 6. Congenital Insensitivity to Pain (What's Pain???):Yes! The people born with this genetic mutation generally ask people 'what the hell is this pain?' CIP is one of the strange medical conditions in which the affected person has never felt and can't ever feel pain. People with this rare mutation die at an early age because of various treatable injuries that they don't even notice. In infancy, babies break their bones, cut their hands and do many such activities without any hesitation. They develop this habit of showing off among their peers, which lead to serious injuries and sometimes may even lead to death or complete damage of some parts. 5. Human Seminal Plasma Hypersensitivity (Allergy by semen):HSPH is a complicated way of telling the sufferers that they are allergic of sex, or to be more precise, semen. Horrendous, isn’t it? It's more likely to be diagnosed in women, however many men are also allergic to their own semen. The sufferers experience genital itching, blisters and even problems in breathing within 30 minutes after intercourse. But just like 'every cloud has a silver linings', this strange condition has a remedy. You need to spend more and more time in bed with your partner (3 to 4 times a week). This will help female sufferers to build up endurance to their partners' semen. 4. Pica (Eat whatever you get):This strange disorder forces the sufferers to eat anything that's actually not sanctioned to be eaten. People eat a lot of non-food stuff, due to an undeniable craving. People crave for substances that lack nutrition and even destroy the internal organs. Some of these substances are faeces, chalk, mucus, hair, paint, glass, wood, iron, urine and even body parts. The main reasons of this strange urge to eat are: iron and mineral deficiencies, pregnancy, and stress. Consuming these non-nutritious things lead to both physical and mental impairment of the sufferers. Record 1,446 metal items were surgically removed from the abdomen of a woman in Missouri, America. She was a pica patient and she died later due to various internal injuries and excessive loss of blood. 3. Methemoglobinemia (Look! He's got a blue skin):This broadly hereditary disorder is very rare. In this, blood of the person turns blue due to deficiency of an enzyme. Due to this, the skin of the sufferer appears blue. This complete disorder is actually due to increased level of 'methemoglobin' in blood, which contains ferric iron. This more than normal level of methemoglobin causes dramatic change in the complexion of the sufferer. Symptoms of this strange condition include fatigue, weakness, headache and shortness of breath. 'Fugate Family' of Kentucky is the most illustrious example of this hereditary disorder. This 'Fugate family' were famously known as 'the blue men of Kentucky'. 2. Parry-Romberg Syndrome (Shrinks the face):Parry-Romberg Syndrome, commonly known as 'progressive hemi facial atrophy' is an acquired syndrome in which the sufferer's facial skin and tissues start shrinking and deteriorating. Usually one side of the face is affected, however, in some cases; it extends to other parts of the body too. Females of ages 5-15 are more likely to get affected by this syndrome. This syndrome leaves the patient look ugly as it gives rise to a non-symmetrical appearance. No authentic mechanism for this pity situation has been deduced so far. It has been studied and researched that different people (sufferers) have different reasons involved. Doctors fail to treat this strange and weird disease. 1. Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber Syndrome (Uneven enlargement of body parts):KTS is a very rare congenital disorder is characterised by three main effects. They are: port-wine stain on the skin (nevus flammeus), lymphatic malformations (varicose veins), and unsymmetrical enlargement of limbs. Many-a-times, a part of person's body is enlarged, person's single buttock grows more than the other, fingers of one hand are under (or over) sized than the other, even the head enlarges or diminishes in size. Causes of KTS are still unknown. However, various theories have thrown some light on the causes of this strange disorder. One theory suggests that KTS may be caused by some malformations of blood cells. Another theory counts the abnormal pressures that affect the womb of the sufferer. Both of these theories may be correct, however, these are not proved practically so far. The post Top 10 Bizarre Medical Conditions appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Tech Breakthroughs That Led To Immense Wealth Posted: 05 Sep 2013 04:21 AM PDT Technology has changed the world and how we live in it. Over the years many scientists, inventors and entrepreneurs have made a fortune by innovating and inventing technological breakthroughs. These innovations did not only make our life easier but also made their inventors very wealthy. Here are the top 10 tech breakthroughs that led to immense wealth. 10. Bloom Box:Bloom Box or Bloom Energy Server is a solid oxide fuel cell made by Bloom Energy, which uses different inputs to generate electricity on site from various sources including biological hydrocarbons. It is a tough and rugged unit of fuel cell that can withstand harsh conditions without much maintenance. The founder and CEO K. R. Sridhar raised $400 million in start up funding to form Ion America which was later renamed to Bloom Energy. 9. Computer Mouse:Douglas Engelbart invented the computer mouse which we all use everyday. He was an American engineer and inventor and while working for SRI International he did pioneering work in human-computer interaction. His work also led to the development of hypertext, networked computers and the graphical user interface. The mouse has ruled the information technology world and has only started losing ground after the use of touch screens in laptops and desktops. 8. LED:The Light Emitting Diode was invented by Nick Holonyak, an American scientist while working for the General Electric Company. The LED has revolutionized not just television and monitor technology but the whole semiconductor world. He also has 41 other patents to his name, including semiconductor laser or laser diode that is used in CD players. 7. Microwave Oven:Microwave ovens are one of the most influential inventions of our times. It was invented by Percy Spencer after World War II using the radar technology developed during the war. Although the initial microwaves were bulky and expensive and were horribly named “Radarange”, pretty soon the countertop versions were introduced and since then have gone on to find a place in every home and kitchen. 6. Digital Camera:Digital cameras have become such a big part of our life that billions of photos are uploaded on the internet everyday. All this became possible because of Steven Sasson, an American electrical engineer who invented the digital camera while working for Eastman Kodak. Because of his work we now have a camera in every device. 5. Cell phone:The shrinking of the world and the rise of globalization can be credited at least partially to the cell phone. It made instant communication with anyone in any part of the world possible. It was to the telephone what the telephone was to the telegram. It was invented by American Martin Cooper while working for Motorola. He’s called the father of the cell phone and is the first person to make a call in public using his own invention. Cooper left Motorola to form Cellular Business Systems which later he sold for $23 million and formed Dyna LLC. 4. Hard Disk Drive:The hard disk drive was invented by IBM and it has become a standard part of every computer and electronic device. IBM has in fact invented many technologies such as the ATM, floppy disk, magnetic strip card, universal product code (UPC) and recently the Watson artificial intelligence system. IBM started as a collection of various technologies of the 1880s. These technologies included the computing scale, dial recorder and the electric tabulating machine among others. Today IBM is a multinational technology and consulting corporation that builds hardware and software and provides infrastructure, hosting and consulting services to its clients. 3. Windows:Among stories of tech breakthroughs leading to immense wealth, Microsoft Windows has to be among the top 3. Bill Gates and Paul Allen created Microsoft in 1975 to develop and sell BASIC interpreters for the Altair 8800 system. It then created the MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows operating systems. Windows has evolved over the years and is one of most commonly used OS in the world. Microsoft is one of the largest software manufacturers in the world and one of the biggest companies. Bill Gates went on to become the richest man in the world. 2. The Search Engine:Google has revolutionized the online search engine and has changed the way the internet works. Before Google came along, search engines were dull and predictive as they only counted the number of times the keyword was used in a webpage to rank their results. In 1996, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, two PhD students at Stanford University started researching a way to make internet search better. When they came up with their PageRank algorithm, Google was born and the rest, as they say, is history. Today Google is one of leading multinational corporations in information technology. 1. MAC:The Mackintosh personal computer is probably one of the biggest tech breakthroughs that has revolutionized the world of computers and generated great wealth. Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne wanted to build personal computers and that’s how Apple was born. The first computers were hand built by Wozniak. Apple 1 was sold in 1976 and in 1977 Apple was incorporated with Ronald Wayne selling his share back to Jobs and Wozniak for $800. Today Apple is a multinational corporation that designs, develops and sells consumer electronics of all kinds. The iPad, iPod, iPhone and MAC have all become the leaders in their own segments. In 2012 the worldwide annual revenue of Apple was totaled at $156 billion. The post Top 10 Tech Breakthroughs That Led To Immense Wealth appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Worst Books To Have Reached The Best Seller List Posted: 05 Sep 2013 04:07 AM PDT It is well known that “literature” and “best sellers” are two categories that rarely ever come together in a book. Most of the stuff that sells is pulp fiction fluff. It’s written to be sold and not to be a great piece of writing. But despite that, some of the popular fiction books that make it to the best seller lists are still good enough books. They might not be literature but they are well written with a tight storyline and good characterization. But sometimes a book comes along that is so rubbish that you want to throw it at the writer for wasting valuable hours of your life. Here are such top 10 worst books to have reached the best seller list. 10. The Partner:The Partner is a novel by John Grisham who tends to write only about lawyers. While some of his early works were pretty good and helped him get famous, his later works started getting to derivative of the earlier novels. The Partner is a novel where the writer is trying desperately to write like himself so as to make a hit and what boggles the mind is that it worked. 9. The Celestine Prophecy:The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield is neither a good novel nor a good philosophical treatise. It’s an attempt by the author to spread his new age spirituality through the medium of story telling. Unfortunately he fails in both. The book however did very well and spent 165 weeks on the New York Times Best Sellers List. 8. Jonathon Livingston Seagull:Jonathon Livingston Seagull is another spiritual/philosophical book. It was written by Richard Bach in 1970 as a novella and went on to become a best seller. But the book is very poorly written and the story itself is not very good. The spiritual ideas are the same as the New Age positivity stuff that you can find in The Secret and the rest of them. 7. Nimitz Class:Patrick Robinson published this naval thriller in 1997. It went on to become a best seller. The book is a copy of Tom Clancy’s writing style which is sad because Clancy is not known as a great writer himself. He in fact just missed being on this list as he’s also one of those writers who produce best sellers that are not even worth reading. 6. The Twilight Saga:The Twilight Saga novels are better than the movies, which is to say that the movies are even worse than the novels. The worst thing about this chick lit romance is the story which revolves around this pathetic girl who just wants to get a boyfriend. Stephenie Meyer has even found a way to make werewolves and vampires uncool. 5. The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari:Robin Sharma’s pseudo spiritual novel is full of crap. The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari fails at every level as a novel and as advice to those who are seeking fulfillment in life. All these self help books try to offer advice that is generic and can’t help anyone in their specific problems. It’s really sad because such books just use people’s desperation as a market. 4. 50 Shades of Grey:The 50 Shades books are all very badly written. This is a case of popularity leading to more popularity. For some reason the first book which was a self published eBook got famous which led to a publishing contract and even more sales of a crappy book. At best it can be described as cheap erotica but it definitely didn’t deserve to be a best seller. 3. The Secret:The king of the new age spiritual self help books has to be The Secret. The secret is that positive thinking will solve all your problems. The book is based on the concept of Law of Attraction and teaches you how to think your problems away and how to manifest the future that you want. Apart from being total crap as advice it also fails as a book. 2. Sidney Sheldon:Instead of choosing a book we have two writers in the top two positions on this list. This is because everything these writers wrote was full of crap. Incidentally these are also two of the most selling authors in the world. Sidney Sheldon, may his soul rest in piece, wrote chick lit fiction with bad prose and poor characters that always followed the same plot. Everybody is filthy rich and super gorgeous and has sex with anyone they want all the time in his world. This combination of sex, wealth and amoral characters helped him become the seventh best selling fiction writer of all time. 1. Danielle Steel:Giving company to Sidney Sheldon at the top of the worst best selling authors is Danielle Steel, who is the best selling author alive right now and the fourth best selling author of all time. You can imagine the quality of her books from the fact that she writes multiple books every year and sometimes is handling up to five different projects at the same time. She follows the same formula as Sidney Sheldon and writes about rich, gorgeous, amoral people having sex with each other and screwing each other in other ways as well. The post Top 10 Worst Books To Have Reached The Best Seller List appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Favorite Burger Toppings Posted: 05 Sep 2013 02:01 AM PDT If your burger treats are confined to ketchup and tomato toppings, which you don't usually ask for as a specialty, then you have been keeping your taste buds devoid of other marvelous combinations. Toppings add an extra brilliance to any burger. A burger is nothing more a wheat bun stuffed with veggies, turkey or beef if it doesn’t have a special topping over it. A topping is like a smile on the face. A whiff of its aroma and one can insanely want the burger in their mouth. From the best of recommendations and reviews, we have a list of top 10 favorite burger toppings, which you must not miss. 10. Ketchup:Ketchup is the first thing any burger lover would look for, no matter what type of stuffing it has. Ketchup takes away the dryness of bacons and cheese. There is no limit to the combination that ketchup can create with a variety of other stuffing. Rather, it's more like a universal norm to pour ketchup on the top of a burger. 9. Tomato:There can't be a burger without tomato. You need not to ask for a special topping. Most likely, tomato is going to make its way into burger in one way or other. Perhaps, it's one of the best rated candidates for a burger topping. The characteristics and adaptability of tomato matches much like to that of lettuce. There isn’t a limit to the list of combinations which could be used with tomato. It goes from lying on the top with bacon to mozzarella cheese with heirloom tomato slices to basil leaves. 8. Barbecue sauce:Try to notice the fans of Barbecue sauce while you have your snacks. It might not be the most wanted, but it has a great number of loyal lovers, who would never replace it with anything for a burger topping. A barbecue bacon burger has same chances of winning the trust of your taste buds as any other topping has. One of the best ways to try it would be a burger topped with bbq sauce with cheddar and bacon beneath it. It's better if you add some onion strings with ketchup. 7. Bacon:You can't miss the crispness and dilute saltiness that your burger gets with bacon toppings. Especially if your taste buds are crazy for the pig meat, having bacon as a topping is a must. For adding more taste to the bacon combined it with lettuce and tomato and a few natural herbs, and taste a transformation. 6. Onion:Well, Onion fits well with almost any recipe around the globe. No wonder, it gets a special priority in case of big burger brands as well. To suggest an appropriate combo, fried onions or caramelized red onions with barbecue sauce, Swiss cheese, and bacon makes a damn good topping for your big treat. You can also use it with apple cider vinegar, and remember not to use it with white wine vinegar. Still more, onion toppings sound yummy with mozzarella cheese, lettuce, and mayonnaise. 5. Mustard:If you think mustard isn’t good enough to find a place in this list, then ask McDonald’s, who seems to have perfected using it as a burger topping. It's a very different experience and it's quite a tough job to choose suitable ingredients with which mustard could be used. Like onion or tomato, it doesn’t go with anything; rather, it's awesome with some specific stuffing, while horrible with the wrong ones. The best combination would be honey mustard with cheese and thin slices of Granny Smith apples. 4. Mushroom:Yuri’s popular Mushroom Burger has claimed a good rank for Mushrooms as toppings. There is no chance that you won't love a burger smothered in sautéed mushrooms. Make it better with the sour cream, provolone, and sour cream on a wheat bun. 3. Cheese:You might have been guessing it. Well, here is one of the most favorite toppings for pizza as well as burgers. What do you think of your burger topped with cheddar cheese, tomato, and avocado? Don't think about it. It's a must try topping. Taste isn't meant to be understood, it's meant to be relished. 2. Pickles:Frankly speaking, topping burgers with pickles is like inevitable, not matter what other combos lay at the base. Pickle is always mouth watering. The very sight of a pickle topping would pull you towards it. Hero Burgers and Harvey's Burger are the most favorite for they have cheese with lots of pickle calling you on the top of them. 1. Avocado:Did you ever try Acapulco Burger? If not then, you must try the fine Avocado toppings, perhaps with salsa, Swiss cheese, and sprouts for the best experience. Some would argue that an avocado is topped with bacon and Monterey jack cheese, but the secret is that it has Avocado more than any of these. Other combinations to try would include provolone cheese, tomato, and lettuce with some nicely sliced cucumber. The post Top 10 Favorite Burger Toppings appeared first on TopYaps. |
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