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- Top 10 Quick Centerpiece Ideas
- Top 10 Ways To Get A Natural High
- Top 10 Hacking Groups Known For Their Nerdy Style
- Top 10 Best Sex Positions Couple Enjoy
- Top 10 Coming-Of-Age Movies Ever Made
- Top 10 Strange And Funny Awards
Top 10 Quick Centerpiece Ideas Posted: 28 Sep 2013 04:29 AM PDT Centerpieces are the last thing that comes to anyone's mind and usually the time is too short by then. They help in giving your table a whole new look but we are just so busy making the food that we forget about the centerpieces totally. So, if you are having some big day at your place and you would not like your table to be empty, all you have to do is, open up your mind and thoughts and be creative. Don't just pray secretly that no one notices that empty space on your table instead put your thoughts together and create a centerpiece, which is worthy for the occasion. Below are ten quick and inspiring centerpiece ideas, which can be put on the table and trust me, they will gain you a lot of compliments. 10. Wishing well:Place a large and an empty bowl in the center of the table and keep the strips of the paper ready. As your guests keep on arriving, tell them to write a message for the person in whose honor the party is been given. When all of them finish writing their messages, twirl the papers inside the bowl. Now, make the honoree read all the messages, over the dessert. This idea is going to make you a sure-shot rockstar for adding all the emotions and humor in the party. 9. Fruits in the water:You would have surely heard about the floating candles, so do something innovative and instead of the candles put fresh fruits in the plates or glasses of water. Make sure to have seasonal fruits of different colors as they will lighten up your table. The perfect combination would be of oranges and avocado with a strawberry on the top. 8. The 'sweet' affair:Place a large vertical shaped flower vase in the center of the table and fill it with sweets till the top. This is a very easy and an awesome way to make your table look beautiful. Try putting in sweets wrapped in different colored foil papers. To add to its charm, add sprinklers on the top. 7. Pine cones:Gather pine cones from the driveway and paint them in silver or golden color, now arrange these in glass vessels and place them in the center of the table. This kind of centerpiece idea is a best suited to the festival celebrations. You can also tie ribbons on the rim of the vessels and splash some glitter on the top. 6. Daisies:Take a long wooden plate and place different color daisies with lush green grass in the middle of the table. The daisy centerpiece will give a very cool look and will also fill the atmosphere with freshness. Trust me; this is the quickest and the easiest one to do if you are short in time. 5. Modern art:Now you really have to bring out the creativeness in you to get this centerpiece materialized. Yes, do some modern art in the center of your table. Well, this modern art can be done with anything you have in hand, try using pomegranate and grapes or you can even use bananas combined with oranges and grass. 4. The 'Daisy' candles:Pluck some daisies with strong stems and try placing them on top of oranges or plums, which will make them look like candles. This style is sure to be liked by many. Place your fruits in a tray or a tub in the center of the table. These daisy candles are going to be a sure-shot hit! 3. Pumpkin flowers:Take a big fat pumpkin and cut it from the top making a deep hole inside the circular thing. Take out all the pumpkin from within and instead place beautiful flowers on top. Well, you can even call this one as the real pumpkin flower vase. For the flowers to be put inside the pumpkin, choose those with shades like yellow or you can simply go for white. 2. Pom Poms:Pom poms kept inside huge silver vessels make a beautiful centerpiece. Make the pom poms from different colored papers and sprinkle some glitter on top of each one of them. Choose funky colors like bright pink and florescent green, as they will help in adding light to your party. 1. Kitchen on the table:Bring out your kitchen vessels on the table, well not literally! Ice-cream moulds, cake tins and ice buckets can make really good vases for the centerpieces. Place different flowers in each on them and you can even place them height wise, like the ice bucket first and then the cake tin followed by the ice-cream mould.
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Top 10 Ways To Get A Natural High Posted: 28 Sep 2013 03:42 AM PDT There are ways to get high without taking drugs or falling back to old addictions. For someone fighting addiction these natural highs work as a miracle but even if you are not trying to kick an addiction, getting these natural highs regularly will help in improving motivation and positivity. The release of endorphins in our brains is what causes a natural high state. Drugs try to replicate this in different ways and although drugs can take you very high they are addictive and not safe. These natural highs on the other hand are much safer and can still help you beat the stress and anxiety of daily life. 10. Upbeat Music:Listening to upbeat music is a great way to get pumped up. Loud and heavy music with inspiring lyrics can be a great way to boost motivation and get a natural high. Dancing to an upbeat number can give an even bigger high as the physical exertion of dancing will release endorphins in the brain. 9. Massage:Getting a full body massage is a good way of relaxing and beating stress. Massage will also release endorphins and give you a mellow relaxed feeling that is accompanied with certain drugs. It relieves pain and releases stress and makes you happy. A good long massage can work just as well as the “happy pills” that many people take. 8. Acupuncture:Acupuncture is an oriental technique of using needles to stimulate and relax the nervous system of the body. It is a technique of alternative medicine that many people have found effective. Not only can it relieve pain and heal injuries but it also helps you get relaxed, stress free and happy. 7. Adventure Sports:One way to get high naturally is to go for an adrenalin rush. Adrenalin is a body hormone that is released during the fight or flight response of the body to certain dangerous situations. It increases heart rate, relaxes muscles and improves reflexes which can be the beat any drug induced feeling of getting high. Adventure sports such as sky diving, bungee jumping, rafting, rock climbing etc. will give you this natural high. 6. Contact Sports:If adventure sports are too dangerous for you, you can choose a contact sport such as rugby, football or martial arts to get your dose of adrenalin rush. Such sports are relatively safe and provide you with competition, exercise and an adrenalin rush that gives you a natural high and also helps in releasing stress. 5. Sex:Sex is really great for your overall physical, mental and emotional fitness. It is also a great way to get a natural high. In a way the blissful high of an orgasm is what we are all chasing after through out our life in different forms. Having exciting sex regularly can keep you happy and stress free and healthy while giving you a natural high. 4. Laughing:Laughing can release very good chemicals in the brain that will make you feel genuinely happy. There are people who do a sort of “laughing yoga” and force themselves to laugh in order to beat stress and relax the body and the mind. Laughing till you are rolling on the floor with tears rolling down your cheeks is a great way of getting a natural high. 3. Yoga:Yoga is much more than just physical exercise. It also includes practices of meditation and is a great way of releasing stress and relaxing the mind and the body. Yoga will help you release endorphins in the brain and also help you change your brain wave activity to give you a completely natural high. 2. Pumping Iron:Lifting heavy weights in the gym is good for getting a natural high. When you overwork your muscles you get a feeling that your muscles are going to burst out of your skin. This feeling is known as pumping up and is a great way of feeling a natural high. Other benefits of pumping iron are the release of endorphins and the boost to self confidence with the improvement of the body image. 1. Long Distance Running:A very good way of feeling a natural high is long distance running. Marathon runners often find themselves crying at the end of the race. This is because when we exert physically for a long time and to the limits of our endurance it causes a chemical reaction in our brain which makes us emotional and also releases endorphins that make us happy. Long distance runners and other endurance sportspersons have felt this natural high many times and know that even though they might cry at first, afterwards they feel very good about themselves. The post Top 10 Ways To Get A Natural High appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Hacking Groups Known For Their Nerdy Style Posted: 28 Sep 2013 03:22 AM PDT “Hacking” means to find an ingenious solution to a problem. In the world of computers and the internet hacking has evolved to mean superior programming prowess that can be used for showing off, doing mischief, personal gains or even political activism. Hackers and hacker groups were very notorious in the 80′s and 90′s but have faded out of the limelight in recent years. But still from time to time we keep hearing about hacker groups taking down government websites and networks of big corporations, which prove that the world of hacking is still alive and kicking. FYI, here is a list of 10 super badass hacking groups of all time. 10. Chaos Computer Club:Chaos Computer Club or CCC was formed in 1981 in Germany and now operates across national borders in many countries around the world. This group works to make information free and accessible to everyone. They became news when they hacked the German Bildschirmtext computer network and debited 134,000 Deutsch Marks from a Hamburg bank and returning the money the next day having shows the flaws in the security system. They also hacked the U.S. Government’s computers and sold the source code of its operating system to the KGB in 1989. 9. Global KOS:Global KOS (pronounced chaos) wanted to create chaos in the online world on a global scale. Its members had handles such as AcidAngel, The Assassin and Shadow Hunter. They worked on developing tools for hackers that allowed even newbie hackers to cause a lot of harm without having much technical knowhow. The automated hacking tools created by this group have caused the crash of a lot of websites of politicians, MTV and Ku Klux Klan. 8. Legion of Doom:Legion of Doom or LOD was a hacker group that operated out of Texas. It was founded by a hacker called Lex Luthor (Vincent Louis Gelormine). It operated mostly in the 80′s and early 90′s. It published a technical journal that explained the techniques involved in hacking. They has a notorious rivalry with another hacker group called MOD. 7. Masters of Deception:MOD or Masters of Deception were a hacker group based in New York. It was named as a mockery of its archrivals LOD. It was founded by hackers Acid Phreak, Scorpion and HAC, to fight the massively popular LOD which they thought had become too big and had lost its way. In 1990-91 LOD and MOD launched a series of attacks on each other’s members in what is now known as The Great Hacker War. 6. Red Hacker Alliance:Red Hacker Alliance is one of the largest hacker groups to have ever existed with over 80,000 members. It was started in 1998 by a group of patriotic youths who were against the ethnic riots in Jakarta, Indonesia. The group contains mostly Chinese hackers and recently joined with the Honker Union group of Chinese hackers. They carried out the 2008 attacks on 5. Level Seven:Level Seven was a group of hackers who used hacking for political activism also known as “hacktivism” instead of personal gains. In 1999 they hacked over 60 computer systems such as that of NASA, Sheraton Hotels and The First American National Bank. They also hacked the website of the U.S. embassy in China in protest of the accidental bombing of Chinese embassy by the U.S. in Belagrade. They disbanded in 2000. 4. TeaMp0isoN:TeaMp0isoN was started in 2010 by a 16 year old boy with the online handle of TriCk. The group uses hacking for political activism and works of transparency in government workings. They hacked into the British Anti-Terrorism Hotline to protest against the extradition of suspects to U.S. They’ve also hacked Facebook, the website of NATO and the English Defense League. 3. LulzSec:LulzSec is a hacker group that likes to expose security flaws in websites and networks. Their motto is “laughing at your security since 2011.” They have hacked the websites of Fox, X-factor, Sony, CIA and FBI. In 2012 top members of LulzSec were arrested by the FBI but a mere three months later the group struck again by hacking a dating site for singles in the military. 2. Milw0rm:Milw0rm was a hacktivist group that had anti-nuclear agenda and shot to fame by hacking India’s nuclear research facility, (Bhabha Atomic Research Center), BARC’s servers in 1998 and downloading 5Mb of data related to nuclear tests and destroyed data on 2 servers. This attack led to worldwide debate about the morality of the attack. The group consisted of teenagers from the UK, US, Russia, New Zealand. They’ve also hacked sites such as that of the Saudi Royal Family, Wimbledon, Drew Barrymore and the World Cup. 1. Anonymous:Anonymous is perhaps the most feared of today’s hacker groups. It is an amorphous group and more of an ideology than a technical group. They attacked the Sony PlayStation Network to oppose Sony’s lawsuit against a hacker named Geohot who cracked the PS3 system and uploaded a video on YouTube showing how to do it. This group protests against restrictions on free information, the stop online piracy act, cyber criminals, child porn sites, drug cartels and the church of scientology. The post Top 10 Hacking Groups Known For Their Nerdy Style appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Best Sex Positions Couple Enjoy Posted: 28 Sep 2013 02:42 AM PDT Has your marriage lost the excitement, which was prevalent in the early years? Do you feel that your honeymoon is over? Well, if the answers to the above questions are a yes, then start working towards it. The sexual relationship between partners is something that keeps a marriage alive. It is always said that if you want to have a healthy lifestyle, get laid often! Make those first moves and keep the charm going on for always. Well, another issue is that couples get bored easily, to tackle this one keep trying new positions in bed. You can be a pole dancer one day and a spider the next. Be experimental, there are so many sexual positions that are going to give you guaranteed satisfaction. Scroll down to have a look at 10 best sex positions, which can reignite any relationship. May the spark never die! 10. The cowgirl position:The cowgirl position is where a man lies on the bed and the woman does all the action. This is by far the best loved position by men. Make your man lie down and settle yourself on the top. Start moving up and down with your hands resting on the bed or his chest. The thing you have to keep in mind is the balance, you can easily lose it. The best way to master this position is by practicing it often and nobody minds that! Do you? 9. The scissors:Well, this one is quite exciting as you get to kiss your partner along with having sex. Yes, you lie down face to face and put your leg on his hip, after a bit of foreplay he penetrates inside you. Keep kissing him throughout and you will feel the pleasure all the more. The Scissors position is best suited when you are in that intimate mood to explore each other's body to its full. 8. The spider position:Also known as the position 69, the best time to try it is when you are in a mood for a long night ahead. This is simply not for the rush-rush pleasure. First both the partners sit facing each other and then move positions in which their faces come between the legs of the other. The spider position requires a lot of energy and that perfect mood. Try it when you are just waiting to grab your partner as soon as he comes back home! 7. Fast and the furious:Unlike the spider one, this position is going to give you pleasure in mere minutes. Lie down on the bed with a cushion beneath you and make your man lie on top of you. After feeling each other's body, when your man gets inside you, you will feel the rush of excitement running through your veins. It is the best way to have a quickie when you are running late for an errand. 6. The edge of paradise:The edge of paradise is a position where your man sits on the edge of the bed and you are in his lap with your legs resting on the bed. This is the best sex position for all the women out here. You will experience an orgasm which will take you to cloud nine. Move slowly into your guy and you will feel his penis deep inside you. The thing to keep in mind is that your man has to hold you from the back or you will have a great fall! 5. Spread it out:This position requires a lot of energy from the girl. Make your man lie down on the bed and climb on top of him. Slowly start spreading your legs till the place you can take them. Now, move back and forth allowing deeper penetration inside you. It is known as the best sex position when you want to take over your guy in bed. He is going to love this one for sure! 4. Missionary position:This one is the most used sex positions. The benefits of missionary position must be tried and tested by all of you. In this your man is on the top and you tie your legs around him while he penetrates in and out. This is best suited when you want to have slow sex that will lead you to a cozy sleep. 3. Reverse cowgirl:This can be an exciting position to try. Make your man lie down straight on the bed with legs hanging on the edge, then sit in the reversed position with your hands resting on his knees. Adjust his penis and start moving back and forth. If you master this one, you will surely feel like a sex goddess in front of your guy. 2. Doggy style:This is totally a man's position. He has all the work to do in a doggy style position and they like it as it makes them show their animalistic side. In this one you bend down and your guy penetrates from behind in your vagina. He can hold you by stomach or by your breasts. This is the best position if you are looking for some wild and rough sex. 1. Rock a cradle:In this position both the partners sit facing each other. Both of you will have a lot to do in soft and subtle ways. After a little foreplay, move into the lap of your guy and adjust his penis in your vagina. When you can feel him inside you, start moving back and forth with slow kisses and a lot of touching. The post Top 10 Best Sex Positions Couple Enjoy appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Coming-Of-Age Movies Ever Made Posted: 28 Sep 2013 02:28 AM PDT Growing up is a time of confusion, heartbreaks, misery and pain but it is also a time of excitement and adventure and at the end of it you come out having found yourself. Coming-of-age movies tell this story that everyone goes through once in their lifetime. That’s why coming-of-age movies are so attractive and people feel connected to them. There have been some really great movies made over the years that tell the tale of growing up and becoming an adult. 10. Little Miss Sunshine:Little Miss Sunshine is the story of a dysfunctional family that goes through an adventure while trying to make it to a beauty pageant that the daughter is participating in. Through the adventure they all learn a little about themselves and about life and everyone grows up a little. It teaches us that you don’t stop growing up even after becoming an adult. 9. Moonrise Kingdom:Moonrise Kingdom is the story of a young boy and girl in love who run away from home to be together. The boy is a scout and the girl is just an eccentric little dreamer. The adventure that they start leads to them learning about life and love and about who they are. An unpredictable storyline and some great actors make it a must watch movie. 8. The Breakfast Club:The Breakfast Club is the story of 5 teenagers who study in the same school but are not friends as they belong to different stereotypical cliques. They are forced to spend 8 hours together in detention and slowly find that they are not so different after all. It is considered one of the best coming-of-age movies ever made and deals with teenage issues in a lighthearted but effective manner. 7. Almost Famous:Every teenager dreams of being a rock star and living the rock lifestyle. In Almost Famous a young teenager writer for Rolling Stone magazine gets this opportunity to tag along with a rock band and experience first hand how they live and work. They go through a typical adventure and everybody learns a bit about themselves and about life. 6. The Squid and the Whale:The Squid and the Whale is an award winning coming of age story of two brothers who have to grow up while dealing with the divorce of their parents. The two boys end up taking sides as one supports his mother while the other supports his father. Their angst comes out in different ways and with the help of a therapist they are able to understand what they are going through. 5. The Perks of Being a Wallflower:If Catcher in the Rye is the ultimate coming of age book, then The Perks of Being a Wallflower has to be one of the best coming of age movies as it is based on a novel of the same name which is highly inspired by Catcher in the Rye. This is the story of a shy introvert young boy who is dealing with the death of his best friend, mental illness and sexual abuse suffered during childhood. 4. Empire of the Sun:Empire of the Sun is a masterpiece of talented director Steven Spielberg. It tells the story of a young British boy who forms a friendship with a Japanese teenager while in an internment camp during World War II. It’s one of the best war films ever made and tells the classic tale of ‘loss of innocence’ that happens during a war. 3. Dead Poets Society:This is a classic coming of age movie that everyone has seen and loved. Who hasn’t wished they had a teacher like Keating and who hasn’t felt the helplessness and angst that drove Neil to suicide. It’s a great tale about life and what it means to grow up. It questions the rightness of the adult world and its rules. 2. The 400 Blows:The 400 Blows is a 1959 French film that is known as one of the defining films of the French New Wave Cinema Movement. It is a story of a troubled preteen youth who is tormented by his stepfather and insensitive teacher. He runs away from home and school repeatedly and is sent first to prison and then to a youth facility where a psychiatrist tries to help him. 1. Stand by Me:The best coming of age movie has to be the 1986 classic, Stand by Me. This is a story of four friends who set out on an adventure to find the body of a missing boy. The four friends represent four stereotypical kids with their own set of problems and how during their adventure they learn that each is not what he seems. It’s a great movie about life, childhood and growing up. The post Top 10 Coming-Of-Age Movies Ever Made appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Strange And Funny Awards Posted: 28 Sep 2013 01:46 AM PDT Getting an award is a great achievement in any field. It is a recognition of your hard work, ingenuity, persistence and the resulting achievements. But if you were to receive any of the following awards, you won’t be celebrating. Every year many pseudo awards are given to the worst achievements in a field. You can get such an award by being very bad at your job, being stupid or by spending a lot of time and effort to achieve something that wasn’t worth achieving at all. 10. Stinky Shoe Award:The Stinky Shoe Award is given every year in Vermont in the annual National Odor Eaters Rotten Sneaker Contest. The competition started in 1975 as a marketing stunt by a local shoe store and was taken over by Odor Eaters in 1988. A panel of highly experienced judges assesses the sneakers according to the condition of the sole, tongue, heel, toe, laces or Velcro, eyelets, overall condition and odor. 9. Bad Sex in Fiction Award:The Bad Sex in Fiction Award is handed out each year by British magazine Literary Review. It was started in 1993 by Rhoda Koenig, a critic, and Auberon Waugh, the editor of Literary Review at the time. The award is given to discourage crude sexual descriptions with tasteless metaphors in literature. Some of the famous award winners are Tom Wolfe, Norman Mailer and Nicholas Royle. 8. The Foot in Mouth Award:The British Plain English Campaign awards The Foot in Mouth Award each year to a public figure that has made a baffling remark in public. Famous winners include Richard Gere and Naomi Campbell but the most famous award has to be the 2008 lifetime achievement award given to George W. Bush who said, “I know what I believe. I will continue to articulate what I believe and what I believe – I believe what I believe is right.” 7. The Pigasus Award:The Pigasus Award was started by magician James Randi in 1982 and he has given out the awards unofficially almost every year since then. The award is meant as a way to “honor” the worst of the pseudo-scientists and psychics who claim to have paranormal powers. There are different categories of the awards including worst pseudoscience effort, most fraudulent performer, the organization that funded the most useless study and the media outlet that reported the most outrageous instance of paranormal phenomenon. 6. The Lantern Rouge:The Lantern Rouge is an award that is given to the cyclist who finishes last in the Tour de France. A Red Lantern award is given to the last place in most cycle races but the Tour de France award has become most popular. It has been handed out unofficially since 1903 and it became so prestigious that cyclists fought for it as hard as they fought for the yellow jersey. Belgian cyclist Wim Vansevenant won the award three times in a row from 2006 to 2008. 5. Stella Award:The Stella Award is given each year in U.S.A for the most ridiculous lawsuit of the year. Americans have been known to file silly and frivolous lawsuits in order to become rich and in 1992 Stella Liebeck successfully sued McDonald’s for $2.9 million because she spilled their coffee on herself. Reporter Randy Cassingham started the awards in 2002. Each year more and more ridiculous lawsuits win this award with the most famous being 2005′s winner Christopher Roller who claimed he was God and that illusionists David Blaine and David Copperfield had stolen his supernatural power to perform magic tricks. 4. The Big Brother Awards:The Big Brother Awards are inspired by George Orwell’s dystopian novel 1984. They are given by Privacy International, a nonprofit watchdog group. They award governments, individuals and corporations who violate privacy of normal individuals. The recipients of the awards include, Google, Vladimir Putin and most famously Tony Blair who received the Lifetime Menace award in 2005. 3. Darwin Award:If there is one award you never want to win on this list then it has to be the Darwin Award which is given each year posthumously to the individual who dies in the most idiotic way possible. It is a way of thanking the individual for removing their stupid genes from the gene pool. The award winners include a lawyer who thought it would be a good idea to test the strength of his 24th floor windows by running into them at full speed. To his credit he did find out just before hitting the ground that the windows weren’t strong enough. 2. Ig Nobel Prize:The Ig Nobel Prize is the ignoble cousin of the Nobel Prize. It is given each year to scientists for their seemingly bizarre and inconsequential breakthroughs. The prize is given by the magazine Annals of Improbable Research. While some of the awarded breakthroughs are just silly, others are remarkable even if funny at first look. In 2007 the U.S. Air Force was awarded the prize for their theoretical “Gay Bomb” which was designed to scatter female pheromones over enemy soldiers, causing them to become sexually attracted to each other. 1. Golden Raspberry Award:The Golden Raspberry Awards are the Oscars of the bad actors and filmmakers. Every year on the day before the Oscar these awards, also known as the Razzies, are handed out to the worst performances of the year. Mamma Mia made a sort of a record for being nominated both in the Oscars and in the Razzies. In 2004 Halle Berry received the worst actress award for Catwoman, only two years after receiving the best actress Oscar for Monster’s Ball. She received the award in person and thanked her director and manager to helping her deliver such a bad performance. The post Top 10 Strange And Funny Awards appeared first on TopYaps. |
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