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- Top 10 Post-Apocalyptic Scenarios
- Top 10 Most Popular Meme Characters
- Top 10 Benefits Of Ayurveda You Were Unaware Of
- Top 10 Tips To Handle Rejection
- Top 10 Mind-Blowing Quotes From Literature
Top 10 Post-Apocalyptic Scenarios Posted: 09 Sep 2013 07:01 AM PDT We live in the age where every next second is filled with uncertainty. Where every other rumor drops us into a huge pit of ambiguity and hesitation! But no matter what, our mind never stops fantasizing about all those post-apocalyptic scenarios that we would probably have to live. And since the bottom line is castle in the sky, there are many post-apocalyptic scenarios that many fictional movies and novels have displayed so far. So, here we bring forth some of the appropriate cinematic examples of the top 10 post-apocalyptic scenarios that could lead to dire consequences. 10. The World's End:This was a science fiction film representing five friends who discover an alien invasion during an epic pub crawl in their homeland. The aliens started to invade the entire planet by killing the natives. These four friends were the humankind's only hope for survival. So, anyone who believes that world would be invaded by aliens one day; this could be the most dreaded post-apocalyptic scenario for them. 9. Mad Max, Water World: The World Without LawsThe film displays a loner trying to build the civilization after the break down of the entire society. Whenever such thing happens, either due to a natural disaster or due to manmade disaster, the world turns lawless. And there starts a fight where strong repress the weak and dictatorships rule.
8. I robot: The World Turns AutomaticThere is no dearth of people amongst us who dream of creating a robot for everything we do. Without any doubts, the advent of such a thing would bring a scenario where machines would replace humans and start destroying them. Such systematic destruction of the very beings who created them, do make the sci-fi nerds realize the importance of humans. 7. Dawn of the Dead: The ZombiesNo scenario can be more hopeless than this one, where zombies are formed and can easily replicate themselves. They can't survive without eating human bodies. A bullet in the head or somewhere else could work but temporarily. How would you live in a scenario where dead corpuses walk to you saying "Hey! Can I eat that brain?" 6. I am Legend: But What About The Rest…!How do you choose to survive amongst some weird creatures who find humans too terrible to deal with and need a good supply of vein blood to survive? Of course, you don't choose it, in fact nobody could choose to live in such a post-apocalyptic scenario. Demons, vampires and fiends; the world with no human but just them. 5. Dredd, Equilibrium: Excess Of Everything Is Indeed BadOur governments make laws and implement them. But not many of us are able to stick to them well. The rules change suddenly and we start fearing the things that should serve and protect us. Too many laws on the planet can end up suffocating us to death. Many believe that we are very close to this horrifying scenario. 4. The Planet Of ApesThe concept was actually taken from Pierre Boulle's novel, where the advent of terrifying and haunting apes creates the horror of post-apocalyptic world. A world where humans live under dominance of the apes. The concept was truly classic but such a scenario would not be a cake walk to live in. 3. On The BeachA nuclear attack and desolate world thereafter—what could be worse than this? Of course the idea of living in a post-nuclear attack world horrifies everyone on earth. And when you are the only one left after the attack, it just seems like you are on the other side of life. 2. The Quiet EarthThe name says it all! The movie features a man who woke up to a world with himself as the last creature present. He is the only human survivor left on earth and all this is the result of the experiments he's been carrying out since long. A post apocalyptic scenario could not get worse. 1. The TerminatorsAccording to Raymond Kurzweil, this movie represented the era of 2045. This could actually happen in the future years when the world becomes all too mechanical. We will soon have to live in an era where our singularity would be completely lost. The post Top 10 Post-Apocalyptic Scenarios appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Most Popular Meme Characters Posted: 09 Sep 2013 04:18 AM PDT There have been some pretty crazy memes doing the rounds of the internet. A lot of the most popular memes have now encapsulated the broad landscape of funny portals over the internet. A lot of these memes are still going and probably will continue to do so for a long time. It’s hard to choose the best memes as there are so many brilliant ones. Here’s a look at some of the better ones. 10. Overly Attached Girlfriend:The overly attached girlfriend is a meme featuring the picture of a girl with a big smile and fake eyes with captions that portray the stereotype image of an overprotective and clingy girlfriend. The meme started with a YouTube video made by Laina Morris and uploaded on June 6th 2012. The video was a parody of Justin Bieber’s song Boyfriend. It got very popular because of the lyrics about a cloying stalking girlfriend. From the very next day advice animal style memes started appearing of the overly attached girlfriend. Click the link below for the best of the overly attached girlfriend meme. 9. Forever Alone:Forever alone meme is a part of the rage comics series. It is the second character spinoff after the rage guy from this series. It started in May 2010 and slowly morphed into an advice animal style meme portraying disappointment with life and loneliness. By September 2010 there were more than 50,000 images on Tumblr related to forever alone meme. It is mostly used in four pane comic strips about being alone and sad. 8. Like a Boss:Like a boss is a phrase that is used with images of people being nonchalant about doing something big. It is used to portray authority and finesse, sometimes sarcastically. It started in April 2009 with an SNL video parody of the Slim Thug song titled ‘Like a Boss’. The parody song starts normally describing the duties of a boss and then goes crazy about cutting balls off, turning into a jet plane and bombing Russia and then crashing into the sun and dying, all like a boss. 7. Bitch Please:Bitch please or dumb bitch or fuck that guy are all a rage comic contour drawing of Yao Ming’s face. Yao Ming is a professional basketball player and this face was captured from a post match press conference. It is used to show the reaction of disdain towards someone’s point. The meme started in 2010 and since then has been used frequently in rage comics and other memes. 6. Matrix Morpheus:The Matrix Morpheus meme is an advice animal type of meme with a screen capture image of Morpheus from the Matrix movie and a two line advice which starts with “What if I told you” and then reveals something similar to the way Morpheus revealed to Neo that he was living inside a computer simulation. The meme started in 2012 with the image saying, “What if I told you/command+control+shift+4, then space, then clicking a window took a screenshot” and was entitled Morpheus uses a Mac. 5. Most Interesting Man in the World:The most interesting man in the world is an advice animal meme that started with a video of the 2007 ad of Dos Equis Beer starring American actor Jonathan Goldsmith in which he states that “I don’t always drink beer but when I do I prefer Dos Equis.” The meme follows the structure, I don’t always do X but when I do I Y. The meme started in 2010 with the phrase, “I don’t always masturbate, but when I do I use women.” 4. Socially Awesome Awkward Penguin:The socially awesome awkward penguin meme started as the socially awkward penguin meme. It started in 2009 as part of the advice animal series. It portrayed those social situations where you do or say something that is awkward. Many spinoffs were formed from this meme like the socially awesome penguin and the socially average penguin. A hybrid was formed in 2011 with top half being socially awesome and bottom half socially awkward. This was called the socially awesome awkward penguin and had phrases that seemed awesome at first but turned out to be awkward later. 3. Good Guy Greg:Good Guy Greg started as the opposite of Scumbag Steve. It features the image of a man smoking a joint and contains phrases that usually are things that a good guy would do or quips at what would happen to a good guy. It started in 2011 in its present form but before 2011 there were other pictures that were used to depict good guy behavior. 2. Unhelpful Teacher:The unhelpful teacher or the unhelpful high school teacher meme started in 2011. It is a stock photo of a teacher standing in front of a chalkboard and a map of the world. The phrases usually are quips at bad teaching methods or stereotypical things that teachers say to their students. 1. Boromir:The Boromir meme is also known as the “one does not simply….” meme. Boromir is a character from The Lord of The Rings who says during the first movie that, ‘one does not simply walk into mordor’. The screen capture image is used with different phrases. It started as a meme about different ways you could not use to go to Mordor. Then quickly became about things that one simply can’t do. The post Top 10 Most Popular Meme Characters appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Benefits Of Ayurveda You Were Unaware Of Posted: 09 Sep 2013 03:00 AM PDT Ayurveda is quite astonishing. For those who think specialization is gift of modern medicine, here is an amazing fact. Ayurveda had 8 specializations nearly 5000 years ago which were categorized as
Hence, we need to stop thinking of Ayurveda as any other herbal medicine, but look at it as a whole health care system in itself. Here I make a list of 10 health benefits of Ayurveda you may not know; which will further strengthen the claim. 10. Is Ayurveda answer to cancer treatment?Though cancer is a recent malady, the ayurvedic books carry descriptions matching the present cancer; moreover they have even mentioned cures for them. The descriptions of maladies like Granthi (minor neoplasm) or Arbuda (major neoplasm) matches mostly the inflammatory and non-inflammatory cancers. With proper research, Ayurveda may provide answers scientists have been looking for in medical science. 9. Plastic Surgery:The nose jobs sought after by celebrities is described in details in the Ayurvedic books. There is step by step instruction written to reconstruct the nose of person who may have lost it in unfortunate situation like war from the skin and muscles of his hip or thigh. It is said that surgeries were successfully preformed in ancient India. Think twice before considering Ayurveda as just herbs and concoctions. 8. Iron Prosthetics:The record of first functioning artificial limb in medical history is mentioned in the book of Ayurveda which must have been written between 3,500 and 1,800 B.C. When the warrior Queen Vishpla lost her leg in the battle, she was fitted with an iron leg so that she could defend her kingdom once more. A prosthetic iron leg has been discovered from the area, though there is no proof that it belonged to the queen. Ayurveda can handle any medical emergencies with proper support. 7. Dental care:Forget the toothpaste commercials. Ayurveda has answer for all the oral problems like tooth decay, extreme sensitivity and gum diseases. The ayurvedic oil prepared with specific medicinal herbs is allowed to be retained in mouth for certain time. The oil is known to address all the tooth and gum problems without any invasive procedures. The problem of halitosis can be treated completely by ayurveda. 6. Handle PMS effectively:When the symptoms of PMS had the medical world baffled, Ayurveda had answer for it for ages. Ayurvedic medicines have known to help women deal with the extreme discomfort of PMS like serious mood swings, depression, irritability, anger and anxiety effectively through a purifying treatment known as panchkarma. 5. Treating skin and blood related diseases:Though it may sound scary, the Raktamokshan or bloodletting done in Ayurveda through the use of either needles or leeches is known to be the best remedy for certain skin and blood related diseases. Many people have found success in getting rid of acnes, skin blemishes, eczema, scabies, psoriasis and other skin problems through this ayurvedic method. 4. Mental Health:Though modern medicine can treat mental illness, the side effects of the medicine are quite scary. Ayurveda can treat anxiety, depression, stress and other mental illness with their therapy Swedana, without any side effects. The therapy involves massage and various types of baths which relaxes both the body and mind. 3. Higher Consciousness:Shirodhara is a form of therapy which involves the steady stream of medicated oil flowing from the forehead. The therapy is known to improve mental ability, calm and restore stressed out nerves and purify the mind. The scholars use this therapy to attain higher state of consciousness. Many people suffering from psychotic and neurotic disorder respond positively to this therapy. 2. Be one with nature:Ayurveda treats even chronic illness like diabetes, cardiovascular diseases or arthritis with medicines prepared from herbs, plants, flowers, fruits leaves or other natural available products, hence there is minimal side-effects with ayurvedic medicines. Ayurveda does not just treat the symptoms but treat the cause of the symptoms and also works towards prevention of diseases. 1. Acceptance in scientific world:Ayurveda has now gained global acceptance and is given place in mainstream medicine as an adjuvant therapy, because the patients are known to respond more positively to treatment if applied along with ayurvedic therapies. The ancient knowledge of sages has proven to be the best way of preventing illness, rejuvenating the body and curing diseases; moreover, it improves social, emotional and overall well-being. Ayurveda is a holistic form of medicine that treats the whole person including the body, mind and soul. The post Top 10 Benefits Of Ayurveda You Were Unaware Of appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Tips To Handle Rejection Posted: 09 Sep 2013 01:00 AM PDT Low self-esteem or too much pride, both mark extreme behavior. Life is not all sunshine and rainbows, and there will be times when you'll be turned down by something or someone. Taking it positively or too negatively is just a matter of perspective. Rejection never feels great, true; but it shouldn’t be something that stops you from keep going. In such situations, it is essential to develop a healthy attitude to deal with rejection and extract all the positivity out of it. To help you with this, here are top 10 tips to handle rejection. 10. Acknowledge Rejection:Always remember that whatever is happening to you is happening to million other in this world, so you are not alone. A lot of people are rebuffed every day, but life doesn’t stop. By the end of the day you'll have to accept the fact that in one or the other way, rejection will come to you and you can't do anything about it. Learn your lessons from every rejection and don't let it hamper your life. 9. Accept the Emotional Setback:If you are feeling too bad about being rejected, don't worry. Who doesn’t? But make sure you don't let that sadness take its toll over you. Don't bottle up your sadness. Cry, shout, get angry, but don't bottle up your emotions. This is because bottling piles them up and you'll feel disturbed till you’ve not vented out everything. 8. Think of the Good Things:Okay, we understand that you are hopped into a sea of tears and humiliation, but to get out of it you'll have to think of the good things. Think about the things that make you strong and feel better about yourself! How many times you’ve been genuinely appreciated for your work? How many times you’ve been rewarded for your great work? Many times, right! So get going. 7. Never say Never:Many people firmly believe that such phrases are just meant for stories. But, the truth is – implementing them in our lives can actually make life easier and happier. No matter how many times you have been rejected, if life exists and so do you, there is plenty of room for new, better things to be part of it. Never sit back and hope things to get better on their own. 6. Analyze Rejection:It is indeed very important to pay attention to the cause of rejection. It might not help you feel great, but will eliminate the chances of committing the same mistakes again. Never leave a place without knowing the reason behind your rejection. This will make you find an alternative way of doing the same thing. 5. Focus on the Next part:Whatever has happened, has happened, you can't change even a bit of it. But what you can have control over is what is going to happen in the future. It is better to concentrate on the things that you can actually control. You can be sad about the past, mourn over it, but that won't help anything. It will just make you incapable of concentrating on your future. 4. Re-evaluate Your Expectations:Were your expectations realistic? The amount of pain you feel after being rejected is directly proportional to the levels of your expectations. So many times, we make unrealistic expectations that are really hard to achieve. So make sure you are up against something achievable and realistic. 3. Deviate Yourself from It:Believe it or not, but not thinking too much about rejection can help relax your mind. With a relaxed mind you can think clearly and rationally. Engage yourself in your favorite games, eat your favorite foods or go out with friends. All this can divert your mind to shut down against rejection for the time being. 2. Be More Focused On the Process:For instance, your goal is to get your job and it's the second time you’ve been rejected. Thinking about the end result alone will only make you feel anxious and disappointed. However, if you focus more on the process of getting your work done, you'll remain more focused on doing things right. 1. Build A Constructive Attitude:People, who handle rejection positively, have a healthy attitude towards it. It's not always 'the you' who is reflected in a rejection, it can be other person's bad mood or any other reasons too. You just have to be positive about everything that comes by. The post Top 10 Tips To Handle Rejection appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Mind-Blowing Quotes From Literature Posted: 08 Sep 2013 05:08 AM PDT Our team was divided down the middle debating whether Chetan Bhagat's "Shakespeare was the Ekta Kapoor of his times" is a mind-blowing quote or a quote that a mind blown off by the winds can produce. We let it be from adorning this list. We bring to you top 10 great phrases from literature and its keepers – which hold relevance, value and even wit within their words. 10. “We have, as human beings, a story-telling problem. We're a bit too quick to come up with explanations for things we don't really have an explanation for.” (Malcolm Gladwell, Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking) Gladwell seems to have worn the cloak of invisibility and entered our homes to have collected data for this one. Look close. From self-composed (un)scientific explanations for our aching joints to the nitty-gritty of economic crisis, or even just wondering why the neighbor became so rich overnight – human beings are in a constant state of coming up with explanations for things they really have no real explanation for, whether it is to avoid going to the doctor, feeling wise at a party or plain and simple envy. 9. “It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.” (Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice) The first line of this classic, and ringing true to this day even may years after it was written. Marriage continues to be the next logical step for men who are "settled", or whose fathers are. Most Eligible Bachelor List is the name of the most popular directory, and online research too (or so we think). Plus, the matrimonial pull-out of your favourite daily is only getting thicker by the day. Alas! If only 'good fortune' ensured a good match too. 8. ”If a man has to make a woman the center of his love, then why does he have to enter animality into it? Can love not be complete without it? Is love just the name of physical exercise?” (Saadat Hasan Manto) You may nod your head in agreement if you are a fan of all things Platonic. Or, you may wonder why Manto calls it 'animality', even if you understand why he calls it 'physical exercise.' But if you really give this quote a thought, you will understand what profundity the lies within, and the level at which Manto wants you to think. It may even make you wonder to yourself what love actually means to you. Quite a thought-provoking quote! 7. “If you would stand well with a great mind, leave him with a favourable impression of yourself; if with a little mind, leave him with a favourable impression of himself.” (Samuel Taylor Coleridge) You may have read this twice before really understanding the meaning. We did. What Coleridge is trying to say? In the company of a great mind, make sure you give him reasons enough to get impressed by you. But in case you are made to suffer a fool's company, just flatter him no end, for that is all that matter to a 'little' mind – 'a favourable impression of himself.' 6. “Literature is strewn with the wreckage of those who have minded beyond reason the opinion of others.” (Virginia Woolf, A Room of One's Own): If there is a woman author who knew how to say it, it's Virginia Woolf. With one sweeping statement she has reduced to a wreck all those who chose to tow the lines of literary (and social) norms and heed the opinions that others carried. Is this a wonderful way of saying follow your own mind and have your own opinions? Yes, as is visible in all of Woolf's works! 5. “It was love at first sight, at last sight, at ever and ever sight.” (Vladimir Nabokov, Lolita) Now, this is what love is all about, is it not? Beautifully expressive of an everlasting first love, this quote from Lolita is a wonderful thing to write on cards and gift tags, or use as an inspiration to pen an ode to your beloved. Short, sweet, and full of eternity! 4. “The secret of attraction is to love yourself. Attractive people judge neither themselves nor others.” (Deepak Chopra) Profound spirituality, but not so deep that it goes over our heads. Deepak Chopra is asking you to love yourself, perhaps embrace all aspects that make you 'you'. When that is done, you automatically seem attractive to others. Shed that judgemental frown, whether for yourself or for another, and see how charming your personality becomes. A holistic love that encompasses all is what we need. 3. “The only way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it.” (Oscar Wilde, Picture of Dorian Gray) Now now! We did not say that, and even though we endorse it don't you take the plunge and blame it on us. Wilde could just have been joking, and if serious was in his own context. If not, well, remember to bear the consequences. Each bar of chocolate has a million calories and that lady sitting next to you in class might not be very fond of cheesy pick-up lines. But then, some of the wisest phrases came out Wilde's mouth. And some of the wildest too! It's in his name after all, isn’t it? 2. “Lo, what huge heaps of littleness around.” (Alexander Pope, Moral Essays; Epistle to Richard Boyle) Few have been able to match Pope's satirical sword, or blunt it with their own wits. You would be surprised how many quotes that we use so often are all courtesy Pope. (Google and see) We like this the most. And although Deepak Chopra, just a few points above told us not to be judgemental, it does not dull Pope's sharp, and perhaps honest, observation of his milieu. Have to say, the observation seems topical to our surroundings too! 1. ”The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.” (Plato, The Republic) Alright, there is much written by Plato which you may want to reject outright. Say, his idea of banishing from The Republic all poets and painters. (Even though some countries successfully manage to do just that with their intolerance of difference of opinion and religion) However, after much hard work we came across this sentence that rung true and nothing but true about what besets us in our political lives. Let's exit our air-conditioned rooms, and vote responsibly. Or else, let's not be surprised at the evil that rules us! The post Top 10 Mind-Blowing Quotes From Literature appeared first on TopYaps. |
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