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- Top 10 Wrong Assumptions That People Often Make
- Top 10 Realizations That Make You Feel Insignificant
- Top 10 Myths Revolving Around Great Lakes
- Top 10 Things You Should Do In Your 30s
- Top 10 Easiest Indian Dishes To Cook
- 9 Worst Movies That Won The Best Picture At The Academy Awards
Top 10 Wrong Assumptions That People Often Make Posted: 21 Sep 2013 01:08 AM PDT All of us are very good at making assumptions. It is a necessary evil of living in the world we have created. If were to not make assumptions and try to find out everything about everything we’d be overloaded with information. So everyday when we see something, we correlate it to our previous experiences and we make assumptions. Some assumptions are good and can even save your life. If you see a menacing guy coming towards you in an empty street then you should assume that he might try to rob you. But there are other much subtler assumptions that we make about ourselves and others that we can do without. Here are the top 10 wrong assumptions that people often make. 10. I Am Always Right:One of the wrong assumptions you can make is that you are always right. To you it will always seem that you are right till you find out you are wrong. But people assume that they are more intelligent than others and they know the complete truth while others are just fools. When you make this assumption you close yourself up for learning and growing. Only a fool can think that he knows everything. 9. I Am Always Wrong:On the other end of the spectrum there are people who have no self confidence. They always assume that they are wrong. These are usually shy introverts who won’t say anything even if someone is doing or saying something wrong. They feel that they should say something but just assume that they must be wrong and stay quite. It’s just as bad an assumption to make as to assume that you are always right. 8. I Can Not Do It:The reason why we have so many failures and so few successes is because even before trying most people assume that they can’t do it. “Climb a mountain? I can’t do it, I’m not a mountaineer.” “Write a book? I can’t do it, I don’t know how.” “Start my own business? What do I know about business? I can’t do it.” The thing about such assumptions is that if you think you can’t, you are right coz with that attitude you will never be able to do it. You have to believe that you can do it if you try. There is nothing you can’t learn with practice. 7. The Grass is Greener on the Other Side:We look at our neighbors and our friends and our relatives and think how happy they all are and how simple and uncomplicated their lives are. Nothing can be more wrong. This assumption always drives us to keep up with the joneses and when we reach there and don’t find enough happiness we feel that we must have done something wrong. A better assumption is to make that everyone is struggling or has struggled just as much as you are. 6. I Do Not Have Enough Time:When it comes to chasing dreams one wrong assumption people make is that they just don’t have enough time to do it. Even something as small as losing weight seems impossible when you make this assumption. The truth is that you have just as much time as anyone else on earth; 24 hours per day. It’s about how you use that time. If you don’t want to miss your favorite TV series then obviously you’ll feel you have no time. 5. Everyone is Always Judging My Every Move:We grow up in a world where our parents and teachers are looking at us to see what we are doing and how we are doing it. So when we become adults we assume that everyone is doing the same and watching our every move. You don’t want to do anything out of line because of the fear of being judged. In reality no one cares. No one is interested in what you are doing. So stop living a stifled life and open up to the possibilities. 4. Logical Reasoning Should Be Enough to Persuade Others:This is an assumption everyone makes while getting into an argument or debate. The truth is that rational arguments are the last thing to persuade anyone. When people argue they close their rational brains and argue emotionally. The best leaders were not those who were rational but those who were emotional and could reach the public on an emotional level. Just because you are making a rational point doesn’t mean that everyone will just give up their points and agree with you. 3. I Am a Very Rational Person:Related to the point above is the assumption that we are more rational than others. Everybody assumes that they are more logical than others and are open to others point of views. But the truth is that it is very hard to be completely rational and still be human. Computers are logical, humans are emotional and that’s just a fact. What feels like perfectly good reasoning to you is in fact tainted with your own emotions and prejudices. 2. I Am Not Good Enough:Some people keep assuming that they are not good enough and so never aim high enough. If someone is a guitar player they’ll assume they are not good enough and will never join a band. If someone is interested in a sport they’ll never go to a try out just because they’ve assumed that they are not good enough. Unless you compete with others you’ll never know how good you are. Your own assessment of yourself is never going to be impartial. This assumption is just an excuse to hide from the fear of trying and competing. 1. Everybody is Out to Get Me:One assumption some people make is that the whole world is against them. These people usually think highly of themselves and feel they’ve been victimized by the world which has conspired to keep them down. They are the opposite of those who think they are not good enough. They think they are the best but the world just won’t recognize their genius. They think they haven’t gotten enough opportunities to prove their genius. This is another harmful assumption as the world is a neutral place. If you are not recognized then it’s either because you haven’t tried enough or because you are just not good enough. 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Top 10 Realizations That Make You Feel Insignificant Posted: 21 Sep 2013 12:35 AM PDT Every human being usually lives in his own world. We all are the center of our worlds and it’s easy to get lost in such a world and assume that the world really does revolve around you. But in reality we are just one individual of one species of life on one planet in a lonely little corner of the universe. There are certain facts that make our insignificance in the grand scheme of things pretty obvious. It is quite an overwhelming experience to think about these facts and realize what they imply about us and our life. Here are the top 10 realizations that make you feel insignificant. 10. Success of Others:One small thing that does make us feel a little insignificant sometimes is the success of others. When you read a biography of men such as Steve Jobs or Albert Einstein or any other great man of our times, it forces you to consider your life and how much you are contributing to humanity. When you realize how little your contribution is, it makes you feel insignificant. You realize that if you were to die tomorrow not a lot of people will be affected if at all. 9. Human Population:There are 7,106, 967,290 humans on earth at the time of writing this article. That’s 7.1 billion people. You are just one of these 7.1 billion people. There are about 4 births happening every second in the world! If you want to feel overwhelmed and insignificant click on the link provided below and see how fast the population is growing. 8. Mythology:We tend to believe that mythology is all made up stories and there is no truth to it. The religious people of course believe that it all is true and that it all happened at one time or the other. But even if you don’t believe that mythological stories are true, they can still be a little overwhelming if you think about the deeds of Gods and men of those times. Myths and legends can sometimes make us feel insignificant about the small lives we live today. 7. History:If mythology doesn’t do it for you then history can. Even though a lot of history is also theory based on evidence, we modern scientific rational humans tend to believe that it was all true. And when we read about the lives some of these men lived it can make you feel insignificant. Imagine living as a gladiator or a knight fighting the crusades or as a cave man, struggling to survive on a daily basis and you’ll know what I mean. 6. The Size of the Oceans:If you’ve ever traveled on a ship you’ll know the feeling of insignificance that comes from being all alone out at sea. Once you lose sight of land and all around you there is nothing but water, there are no other ships, no animals and no birds, it can be very overwhelming. You suddenly realize the ratio of your size to the size of the earth and it can make you realize how insignificant you really are. 5. More Successful Species:We tend to think that humans are the pinnacle of evolution. While that is true in a way there are many other species that are much more abundant and better suited for survival than us. The fact is that as a species we are very vulnerable despite of all the progress we’ve made. (Maybe because of the progress we’ve made.) Insects, algae, bacteria etc. are all much better suited to survival than us. In fact there are more bacteria on earth than stars in the whole observable universe! In our own bodies there are more living bacteria than our own cells! Think about that. 4. Diversity of Life:Another thing about life is its diversity. We are just one tiny little branch in the tree of life. There are single celled organisms that have been living on earth ever since life began and will probably go on living long after we are gone. There are animals in deep oceans that can live without any sunlight at all. We don’t even know how many species of life there are on the planet and we keep discovering new species all the time. Life even survives deep inside caves where the air has no oxygen and no sunlight ever enters. This is just another overwhelming fact about our own insignificance. 3. The Power of Nature:Nothing makes us feel insignificant more often than the power of nature. In our ignorance and arrogance we sometimes think that we’ve become the masters of nature but when it strikes all our technology and intelligence is reduced to nothing. Whether it be a flood, tsunami, volcano, tornado, earthquake, snow storms, forest fires or hurricane, nature keeps reminding us time and again that it still is the boss. 2. The Age of the Universe:One fact that can make you feel really insignificant is the age of the universe. Now just saying that the universe is 13.7 billion years old is not enough. To make things clear let’s assume that 1 billion years equal just one year. So the age of the universe is 13.7 years. Out of these 13.7 years, earth was formed only 1 year ago. Life started only 6 months ago and all of human history happened only in the last 6 seconds. In the time scale of the universe humans have existed for just 6 seconds. And our individual life is not even a blink of the universal eye. 1. Pale Blue Dot:Pale blue dot is the most famous picture of our planet as it is the most distant picture taken by the Voyager probe from the outskirts of our solar system. In that picture our planet earth is just one little pixel of blue light and that is just from the edge of our solar system. Our solar system is part of the Milky Way galaxy which contains billions of stars and out galaxy is just part of millions of galaxies in the universe. That is the overwhelming size of the observable universe. What’s beyond that we don’t know because we haven’t observed it. This huge size of the universe can definitely make us puny humans feel insignificant. 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Top 10 Myths Revolving Around Great Lakes Posted: 20 Sep 2013 11:58 PM PDT The Great Lakes are a wonder of nature and a boon for the continent of North America. They provide fresh water to millions of people and connect the interiors with the Atlantic Ocean to increase trade and prosperity. Ships have sailed in the Great Lakes for hundreds of years. As it happens, there are a lot of myths and legends related to the Great Lakes. Some of these have been proved to be nothing more than hoaxes but ‘a lot’ of these are still unexplained. By ‘a lot’, we mean…. 10. Kingstie Monster:Kingstie was a monster of Lake Ontario that was actually a hoax invented in 1934 in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. They used an empty barrel and filled it with empty bottles to give it buoyancy. They attached a head that looked like a dragon and anchored it to the bottom with a rope. On May 16th, 2004 it was spotted underwater by two individuals while fishing and was named Kingstie for being near Kingston. 9. Underwater Panther:Mishipeshu is a mythical monster that looks like an underwater panther that exists in legends and stories of a lot of Indian tribes around the Great Lakes area. Different tribes have different names for it but it is supposed to have the head of a panther and the body of a dragon with scales and dagger like spine. It is supposed to guard the copper that is found in that area and if anyone tries to take away the copper as happened in the 1840′s they face a horrible death through accidents and sinking of ships. 8. Michigan Triangle:The Michigan triangle is like the Bermuda Triangle but lesser known. It is located in Lake Michigan between the towns of Ludington, Benton Harbor and Manitowoc on the other shore of the lake. Unexplained phenomena such as disappearance of ships, appearance of strange creatures and time either slowing down or speeding up have been reported in this area. The famous disappearances have been of Captain George R. Donner from inside his cabin onboard O.S. McFarland, Northwest Orient Airline Flight 2501 and a Soviet trainer jet that disappeared during an air show. 7. The Ghost Fleet of Lake Superior:Lake Superior has seen a lot of ships disappearing without a trace over time and it is said that these ships form the ghost fleet of Lake Superior. Some of the ships that form the ghost fleet are the Adella Shores that disappeared in 1909, The Bannockburn in 1902 and the Hudson in 1901. The Bannockburn has been reported to have been sighted on stormy nights in Lake Superior and so is called the Flying Dutchman of Lake Superior. The Hudson has also been sighted and according to one account even boarded by tug master. 6. Stonehenge under Lake Michigan:While scanning for ship wrecks with a sonar, a team recently discovered a boulder with the carving of a mastodon in Lake Michigan. There were also a series of stones arranged in circles like the Stonehenge. These findings were discovered at about 40 feet depth into Grand Traverse Bay in Lake Michigan. There have been other petroglyphs and Stonehenge formations found in areas nearby the Great Lakes as well. 5. Ontario’s Lake Monsters:Other than the hoax monster Kingstie, there have been many other sightings of monsters in Lake Ontario. Multiple sightings of a snake like monster have been reported for the last 200 years. Other sightings have suggested monsters with short legs, horns and a long tail. There was also a mass sighting in 1881 by the passengers of steam ship Gypsy who saw a creature about 35 to 40 feet in length. 4. The Magician of Lake Huron:The magician of Lake Huron is a legend of the Indians that lived near that area. It is a story about a magician who lives near the lake and is attacked by two spirits. He defeats them and gets great gifts from them. He brings his parents to live with him and brings tobacco for his father from the camps of his enemies across the frozen lake. 3. Demonic Siren of Lake Erie:There is a legend about Lake Erie that there lives a demonic siren called the Storm Hag at the bottom of the lake. She is described as a demon with yellow eyes, green skin and long shark like teeth. Her arms are long and fingernails are pointed like talons and are poisonous. She has green teeth and is sometimes called Jenny Greenteeth. She is said to be behind a lot of mysterious disappearances of ships in Lake Erie. It is said that she first sings a song and when a sailor hear her sing it means that the storm is going to come. When the storm comes she attacks the ship and kills all the sailors and takes the ship down with her. 2. Sleeping Bear Dunes:The legend of the sleeping bear dunes says that long ago there was a mother bear that was driven into Lake Michigan along with her two cubs due a raging forest fire in Wisconsin. She swam across to the other shore but her cubs were weak and were left behind. The mother bear climbed a high bluff to lookout for her cubs but they had drowned. The mother bear didn’t move from her spot for days and died. The Great Spirit created two islands to mark the spot where the cubs had drowned and another dune where the mother had stood waiting for her cubs. 1. Bessie:Bessie or South Bay Bessie is the most famous monster of Lake Erie. It is supposed to be a long snake like creature of length anywhere from 30 to 40 feet. It has gray scales and a large head. It has been sighted multiple times since the 1800′s. In 1992 it was supposed to have attacked and killed three people. The survivor of the attack had described the monster as having a head as big as a car. The post Top 10 Myths Revolving Around Great Lakes appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Things You Should Do In Your 30s Posted: 20 Sep 2013 11:46 PM PDT Your 30s are the best years of your life, since you now have the maturity which comes with age, but yet the youth has not totally deserted you. Remember, your 30s is going to be the most amazing decade of your life. Women claim that they feel more confident about themselves, whereas men see themselves as achievers in their 30s. Make the decade memorable by celebrating it to the fullest, having fun and enjoying your friendships, while achieving success along with it. 10. Embrace your maturity and organize your life:If you are holding on to scraps from your adolescence years and creating clutter around you; this is the time to take the deep breath and get rid of them. Start your life in 30s by being organized. If you feel attached to something, don't worry, you will not miss it once it is gone. That dress you wore to college is never going to be perfect for you again, if it has not been in your 20s. Accept reality and get rid of things you don't use anymore. 9. Get back on track:If you have made some wrong decisions, caught up unhealthy habits or made bad friends; pick yourself up and get back on track. Distance yourself from people who only mean trouble and pain in your life. Kick that bad habit with determination, and learn from your wrong decisions if you cannot correct them. 8. Hit the road:The joy of travelling on the road with nothing to care for must be enjoyed by everyone, at least once in their lifetime. Hit the road and go on a long trip with your family or friends. Get lost in the beauty of nature. Make it a memorable time which will remain etched in your memory forever. It would be great if you can take a road trip once a year through your 30s. 7. Settle with a Style:It is time to quit experimenting with your styles. Short crops to long hairs, beard to clean shaven, tights to baggies should be stopped in their tracks. Jumping from one style to another was good for your youth; be happy that you tried it all. Picking up a style and settling down with it is not just good for your personality, but works to your best advantage in your work place as well. 6. Give back to the society:Don't get lost in having fun and building your career, so much that you tend to ignore to lend your helping hand to those in need. Become a volunteer with organizations that work for educating the poor, entertaining the elderly or protecting animals. Be active member of a social cause that you are passionate about. You will never ever regret being there for someone who needed it the most. 5. Break the ice:Have you been shy talking to strangers all your life? Does water scare you? Have you never gathered enough guts to ride a two wheeler? Take a deep breath, dig your heels and do it anyway. If you do not overcome your fears now, then you will never do it. Do not hesitate to try a dish you said you will never touch. May be you will like it after all! 4. Connect with good friends:Connect with good friends because you will need them in your life. Friends are not meant for just hanging together and having fun, moreover you will need for to lend you support and allow you to be honest with them. There is none better than your best friend to share your fears, anger or secrets with. When the pressures of family and career start bogging you down; friends will be there to lift you up. 3. Make good investment:This is the right time to make wise investment, keeping in mind the future of your family. Buying a house is one of the best investments you can make in your 30s. With proper planning, you can look forward to your retirement when time comes. If you have not got it yet, get your insurance policy now. Pay your debts on time so that you will earn a good reputation with your bank. 2. Give boost to your career:Finally it is time that you settle down with a career and pursue your professional goals at full throttle. With some experience to back you up, you are now able to analyze your potential and set a point where you want to be at the end of the decade. 1. Spend time with your family:Often people think that this resolution belongs to married people. Wrong! Connect with your parent so that you will not regret when they are no more. Keep in touch with your siblings because they are your pillars of support in troubled times. Send a card or write a letter to your beloved aunt or uncle. And finally off course, give time to your spouse and children. If you are parent, than this is the golden growing age of your children which you would not want to miss. The post Top 10 Things You Should Do In Your 30s appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Easiest Indian Dishes To Cook Posted: 20 Sep 2013 11:35 PM PDT The long list of ingredients can scare even food lovers out of kitchen. Fortunately, cooking need not be always time consuming tough task with a messy kitchen to clean up later. For those who are staying away from home, fast food joints is not the only solution to beat their hunger pangs. For students, especially those living as paying guests, eating out often can be unhealthy; moreover, it may be tough on their budget. Some of the dishes can be ready in minutes and are quite delicious to savor. You may not even have to light the stove for few of them. Here is a list of 10 easiest Indian dishes to cook. 10. Lemon rice:This tasty dish can be prepared even with left over rice. Neither grinding of masala nor complicated procedure is required to cook this dish. If the rice ready, the dish can be prepared within 5 minutes. With the tangy taste of lemon, it goes down well even without any side dish. 9. Sweet Vermicelli:Sweet vermicelli is a tasty dish that goes down well for a quick breakfast or as a snack. Roast vermicelli in ghee, add hot water, sugar to taste and simmer until done. Garnish with fried cashew nuts and raisins and lo behold, you have steaming sweet vermicelli which is very nutritious food. 8. Boiled and garnished tapioca:The cleaned and boiled tapioca is a great dish especially when it is garnished with a seasoning of mustard seeds, urad dal (black gram) and curry leaves. Sprinkle some freshly grated coconut on top. It is one of most nutritious quick fix food anyone can serve. 7. Curd Rice:Curd rice is wholesome meal that is easy on the digestive system and easy to prepare anytime. The basic ingredients are curds and cooked rice, with garnishing variants that give it a distinct taste. Pomegranates taste great in curd rice. 6. Oats soup:Oats soup is an easiest way to include the nutritious food in your diet. Oats has a great nutritional value as it is low in saturated fat, and very low in cholesterol and sodium. It is also a good source of dietary fiber, thiamin, magnesium and phosphorus. The dish can be prepared from scratch and goes down well with bread. 5. Thin Poha/Chiwda:The very thin poha which is available in paper thickness is a very popular snack as it not only easy to fix a quick dish, but also because it is low fat food. The thin poha does not require much cooking as it can be just roasted along with the nuts and spices. You can add lots of dry fruits like cashew nuts and raisins which makes it even more delicious. Fennel seeds in the tempering are optional, which can be used for distinct flavor and taste. It makes great chaat dish too. 4. Onion Pakoras:For those who feel hungry between the meals, onions pakoras are the right snacks for tea time. North Indians call this dish as Kanda Bhajia. The crispy pokoras can be prepared in very less time and they taste great with a cup of steaming coffee or tea. 3. Light Mashed Potatoes:The dish is tasty, easy and can be preparation does require many ingredients. Add milk over boiled potatoes and mash it completely smooth. Beat in seasoning along with some olive oil. The dish can be flavored with bay leaf and butter can be added instead of olive oil for those who prefer it. The protein rich dish can be substituted for a whole meal. 2. Noodles:Introduction of instant noodles into market changed cooking forever. No more wondering what to serve when the toddler announces, 'I am hungry'. The instant noodles can be served in less than 5 minutes and it is loved by all. 1. Sandwich:Though not a typical Indian food, sandwich is very popular all over India. Sandwich has been one of the easiest dishes to fix for ages. The filling can be vegetarian, non-vegetarian, spicy or bland according to the required taste. Indians have run wild with their own creation of sandwiches which range from green chutney sandwich, banana sandwich to the tasty chicken sandwich. The post Top 10 Easiest Indian Dishes To Cook appeared first on TopYaps. |
9 Worst Movies That Won The Best Picture At The Academy Awards Posted: 20 Sep 2013 09:34 PM PDT Academy Awards are known to honor the very best in the cinematic world. Only superlatives are known to go back home with coveted trophies, while the lesser ones are limited to celebrate the triumph with claps. But, there are plenteous instances when the very best are left behind for no justified reasons. Here are top 10 worst movies that won the Best Picture at the Academy Awards. 9. The King's Speech:This 2010 release, is surely one of the best ever directed movies in the past 50 years but it seriously lacked treatment that qualifies a movie for the Best Picture at the Academy Awards. A guy overcoming his speech impediment to come out victorious in the end is very satisfying and emotional but tears shouldn’t be the only criteria to win Oscars. 8. The Broadway Melody:The fact that this movie was the first sound film ever to win the most coveted award makes it memorable for historians. However, revisiting the movie will make you realize that the movie was completely unworthy of the recognition bestowed. It's a simple prosaic and entirely monotonous production that doesn’t boast of quality or even a moving music score. Of course, retrospective analysis can change many a things for once and all. 7. Chicago:Rob Marshall's Best Picture, 2002's Chicago seems to be the sure shot byproduct of a bias. The 2002 release starring Catherine Zeta Jones is so much high on musical numbers that extravagance creeps in from nowhere every-time you watch the flick. The movie appears too glossy at times and seems to be flying on hyperkinetic thinking. This overly stylized movie rarely let its characters speak. 6. How Green Was My Valley:Jon Ford walked away with the trophy for the Best Director in the year 1941 for this picture. Known for his landmark work in projects such as 'How the West was Won' (1962) and The Searchers (1956), Jon was expected to coming harder with 'How Green Was My Valley'. More disappointment sets in when one knows the movie defeated classics such as Orson Welles's 'Seminal' and 'Citizen Kane'. 5. Oliver!The movie was released in 1968 and was one of the most undeserving films of the year, and yet it bagged the Academy Award for the best picture. Maybe the jury of the day was more interested in dances and musical scores than some real grasping stuff. 4. The Greatest Show on Earth:The two and half hours long movie is virtually plot less and devoid of any depth to say the least. If organizing a large scale circus disguised as sumptuous spectacle is what qualifies a movie for Academy awards then many other flicks with more pitiable scripts can qualify as well. But, this 1952 movie proffers a lot to the small kids who found overcharged Charlton Heston enthralling. 3. Shakespeare in Love:The movie that can be seriously listed as the most loosely scripted flicks ever to be made, Shakespeare in love bypassed several other deserving movies such as 'Ryan' to grab the honors in the 1998 Academy Awards. But, the Oscars helped Gwyneth Paltrow to emerge as A-lister in Hollywood. 2. Crash:Based around an emotional center and starry cast, the movie made quite a name for itself in the year 2004, but for all the blurred reasons. The movie that won the best picture award in the 78th Academy Awards came on top beating the much better movies in the race –'Brokeback Mountain', 'Good Night, and Good Luck'. While some referred to this as an injustice to real talent, others called it win of evil over good. It paved way for the grossly scripted movies from thereon. 1. Around the World in 80 Days:This predictable comedy movie of 1956 is commonly referred to as the worst Best Picture winner of all time. What makes the movie so awful? Almost everything right from the painful plot length (141 minutes) to overcrowded cast, and not so funny one liners makes the movie a shallow exercise. Even big names such as Frank Sinatra playing cameos, makes the flick look more like a celebrity parade than anything else. Maybe, the jury for the awards in that year felt otherwise. The post 9 Worst Movies That Won The Best Picture At The Academy Awards appeared first on TopYaps. |
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