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- Top 10 Countries Known For Harsh Anti-Gay Laws
- 6 Common Lies You Tell Yourself Everyday
- Top 10 Street Styles at New York Fashion Week
- Top 10 Looks to Rock The Midi Skirts Trend
- Top 10 Interesting Facts About Orgasm
- Top 10 Things That Make A Child Happy
- Top 10 Most Haunted Cemeteries In The World
Top 10 Countries Known For Harsh Anti-Gay Laws Posted: 17 Sep 2013 04:40 PM PDT If you are familiar with LGBTI (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender or Intersex)) laws, you must have heard some horror stories that these people encounter in many countries. One such story is about Jamil Bangoura, a West Africa resident, who was familiar about his homosexuality since childhood but kept it that a secret till he was 24. News about his sexual leanings spread like wildfire in his office and Jamil suffered being thrown out of his office as well as his home. The next three years he spent hiding in a tiny room. Decriminalization of homosexuality is not just a challenge in West Africa, they are persecuted equally harshly in Russia and several other countries. Homosexuals struggle in many countries to attain a sustainable livelihood. Where countries like US are confronting the issue by legalizing gay marriages, in countries like Senegal they continue to face daily challenges. Here is the list of top 10 countries that continue to face the challenge of decriminalization of homosexuality. All of them are known for harsh anti-gay laws.
10. Russia:Right before hosting the Winter Olympics in February 2014, Russia passed anti-gay propaganda laws. Though these laws were criticized by many liberal societies but President, Vladimir Putin, simply barred gays from participating in Olympics! 9. Jamaica:Recent attacks in Jamaica on gays sent shock waves in the global LGBTI community. Several mob attacks on gay couples led to death of several men. A cross-dressed man was murdered after he was coming out of a female party dressed as women. The laws of the country mandate a penalty of 10 years hard labor for gays. 8. Pakistan:How can a country known for its stringent rules and regulations sit back and watch gay couples living together? In Pakistan gay couples are dumped into jail for being in love with each other. In a country where Muslim fundamentalism is on the rise, penalty imposed on gay couples is to serve 2 years of rigorous imprisonment. 7. Morocco:In Morocco several cases have been recorded in which a lot of people were arrested on suspicion or charges of homosexuality. The country's law provides for a three year jail term to punish gay. Morocco does not allow any public display of gay relationships anywhere in the country. 6. Cameroon:Cameroon's harsh anti-gay laws were applied in a case when a young man was nabbed for sending a love message 'I have fallen in love with you' a few years ago. He was arrested, tried and dumped into prison for three years. The penal actions for homosexuals below 21 years of age are less stringent than those who are older than that. The maximum imprisonment that a gay may have to undergo in Cameroon could be 5 years and six months. 5. Ghana:Like in the other countries in this list, gay relationships in Ghana are considered illegal under law. Any consensual gay activity that the authorities notice in private or public could land the offender in jail for three years. The laws codified are even harsher as they have a provision for handing people of same sex entering into a relationship to penalize them with a maximum of 25 years of imprisonment. 4. Uganda:Uganda is a home to some of the harshest anti-gay laws in the world. The sentences for homosexuality, in Uganda, range from 14 years imprisonment to lifetime imprisonment. Apart from this the political forces have been seeking to pass anti-homosexuality bill, which can probably include death penalty for anyone found in any homosexual act. 3. Somalia:Somalia is a country where gays and lesbians are not facing harsh prosecution but they are straight away put to death. The country has very stringent anti-homosexuals laws. The country laws hold that gays by imitating women, commit indecent acts. 2. Afghanistan:The country with already stringent laws for everything else enforces death penalty to gay couples. Gays are hanged to death if found in any kind of consensual acts. The country laws hold that such people are defying the laws of nature, God and their religion. Even if a person is cross-dressed in public, it is considered a very serious crime in Afghanistan. 1. Iran:Not in any manner less tolerant than Afghanistan, Iran applies anti gay laws in more if not equal measure of harshness than the Taliban country. Every other day gays being put to death in Iran are reported in the media. The post Top 10 Countries Known For Harsh Anti-Gay Laws appeared first on TopYaps. |
6 Common Lies You Tell Yourself Everyday Posted: 17 Sep 2013 11:07 AM PDT I scream you scream we all scream for ice cream. We all also do something else, as loudly. And that's lying. Sacred books by Murphy tell us it's ok to tell lies sometimes, and if you are lying to yourself there's no sinning there at all. After an intensive survey in regions of different population densities and gender ratios, we found the top 6 common lies that we tell ourselves every day: 6. Carpe Diem time:So we wake up every morning and we tell ourselves – I will seize the day. I will be the superman, and I am already the super woman and it's a brand new day to become more super. I will finish my household chores in time, do that pending dusting for sure and certainly mow the over grown lawn. Not be late for work, work harder than ever and pocket that promotion before the other cabin wala does. Sigh! We are lying. After all, we are still horizontal in bed, making plans, moving not a limb, looking at the fan with sleepy eyes and wondering why God made man invent alarm clocks. More like, cease the day, isn't it? 5. I will work hard in office:Is it? Pray, why so suddenly the urge to be diligent, to not spend time at the coffee machine, on your phone, on FB or even in the men's loo discussing the new kid on the block? Mornings have this capacity to make us feel fresh and serious but one step inside office and we know we were lying to ourselves when we were unlocking our car. Yawn! If only I could just lie down on my desk and catch 40 winks. Why, good idea! The boss is out of office; the colleague next door is already asleep and promotion is anyway so elusive. I wonder why? Snore! 4. I am the best:Alright. It's a movie/self-help book propagated idea – of looking in the mirror each passing day and saying – Hey beautiful, you are the best so forget the rest. One minute outside home and the big billboards with bigger actresses take you away from your reality in the mirror, making you feel either too thin or too fat, too dark or unsuccessful, poor or hen-pecked. The man in the SUV suddenly seems smarter than your phone and the guy with the presentation in a shimmery suit so much more impressive. The face in the mirror forgot to see the best of itself all through the day. Or was it lying when it said – I'm the best? 3. I am content in life:Spoken either over drinks-and-dinner at a friend's place or thought of while swaying to your favourite guru ji's morning pravachan. But are you? Even with your momo wala having bought the Accent already and the diamond necklace adorning your distant relative's neck? Do you really have all that you need to belong to a spiritually elevated plane of good things and good relationships, or were you lying to yourself and those around when you pronounced yourself content? Oh well, you know the answer. 2. I will be nice to everyone:It's easy to say that to yourself as you bathe with aloe vera shower gel cooling your cells. Then, you take the maid to task for coming late as usual, you scream at the security guard for not opening the gate in time, you curse the green light for turning red and you take it all out on your junior even if he does not resemble a punching bag. At the end of the day, you 'damn it' kismet itself for making the neighbor get the parking slot before you. But when in bed, you go to sleep feeling a little bad for all the bad language thrown around, only to make an empty promise to yourself that you will be nice to everyone, starting tomorrow. And Bond said 'tomorrow never comes.' 1. I will be dieting from today:Days come and days go and if there is one resolve that either never gets taken or most often gets broken, it is that of diet control. After the elastic of the pajamas snapped last night, you wake up to a new day and promise yourself to do yoga, cut the carbs, not eat another's tiffin and make sure that beer remains where it belongs, in the chiller. But oh dear, by lunch time you wonder why you lied to yourself in the morning and by evening you go 'what resolve?' even as the beer finds its rightful place, in your belly. Hic and burp! The post 6 Common Lies You Tell Yourself Everyday appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Street Styles at New York Fashion Week Posted: 17 Sep 2013 06:08 AM PDT 10. The Power of Red9. Always Black8. Colors of USA7. Studs, Stripes and Checks6. Skirt Much5. Abs Alert4. Purple Hues3. Checks and Chalk2. Eclectic1. Color BlockingThe post Top 10 Street Styles at New York Fashion Week appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Looks to Rock The Midi Skirts Trend Posted: 17 Sep 2013 05:51 AM PDT 10. Celeb Crush9. Hello Yellow8. Nautical Love7. Divine White6. Midi @ Office5. Prints Galore4. Sweat Shirt3. Voila Volume2. All Black1. TartansThe post Top 10 Looks to Rock The Midi Skirts Trend appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Interesting Facts About Orgasm Posted: 17 Sep 2013 03:58 AM PDT Although, this is one of the most explored topics by the humankind, still the phenomenon of orgasm is somewhat abstract and magical, even for the most scientific brains. There isn’t any pleasure that equals to that derived from having a good orgasm. You know that, don't you? The humankind has craved for this pleasure throughout the recorded history of civilization and since animals love sex too, apparently, they like orgasms just as much as we do! In this post, the emphasis is on orgasm, and not just on normal ejaculation. That's right. Watching porn would never tell you anything about orgasm. There are many such interesting facts which you would find really interesting and worth knowing. Here are the best 10 of interesting facts about orgasm: 10. Time Required and Frequency of Having Orgasm:In more than 70% of females, orgasms are the result of direct clitoral stimulation instead of vaginal stimulations. A woman would need about 20 minutes of clitoral or G-spot stimulation to attain the peak of arousal. Also, while women can enjoy it multiple times in period of half an hour, men mostly need interval of several minutes to an hour to get back and attain the aroused state again. Good for women, no? 9. It Can Faint Her:The level of frenzy experienced during orgasm is capable of inducing a heart attack out of ecstasy. Yeah, that's true. But, it's rare. Very rare. So, don't freak out! It is really very rare to hear such a case, but there have been quite a few when women were reported to have fainted after experiencing a powerful nerve-breaking orgasm. 8. Duration Varies in Both Sexes:The duration of orgasm varies for both males and females. For females, the average orgasm lasts between six and 10 seconds. In a lady is lucky, it can last for as long as 20 seconds. Among men, it's much less than that of his female partner. It's a meager four to five seconds. Not so great an orgasm-fact for men, right? 7. Substance Use, Drinking, Smoking Destroys Your Orgasm:While orgasm is like an unmatchable fit of pleasure, about 24 to 37 percent of women, who often indulge in smoking, substance use, drinking, or medications, lose their ability to reach the climax and don't experience orgasm for the rest of their lives. In men, it's somewhat the same, but less frequent. So, if you’ve been having trouble in that respect, stop smoking pot, drinking alcohol and all such things for a week and see the difference. 6. Physical & Psychological Benefits:Researchers have claimed in their studies that people, who often attain orgasm, reportedly experience little or no headaches. They are also known to have less sensitivity to pain in general. Even orgasm attained through masturbation can relieve menstrual cramps, and help you alleviate stress when you are tense. Surge in oxytocin and dopamine post orgasm is believed to be the possible cause behind these physical and psychological after-effects. 5. Orgasm and Ejaculation can be different:Ejaculation is an anatomical term which refers to the mechanism of ejaculating, but orgasm is a subjective experience attained at the moment of ejaculation. It is possible that you ejaculate, but don't experience orgasm. In case of men, it's common to ejaculate post orgasm. Almost every man would experience that. But orgasm, well, that doesn't happen every time. 4. Men Love to Watch Women Experience Orgasm:Did you know that men find it highly pleasing to see their partner craving for an orgasm? To observe a woman's expression and listen to her unstoppable shrieks during an orgasm is like taking a dip in a heavenly ocean for her man. A man blows harder each time he realizes the woman is experiencing the 'real' joy. 3. Men have G-Spot too:Everyone knows that researchers have spent a great deal of time on the mystical G-spot. They say that women have G-Spot, and if a man could hit it, the orgasm for a female can be earth shattering. It's indeed hard to spot it inside the vagina. It was known to be present in women previously but now, researchers claim that men too have the same potential of attaining that blasting ecstasy. According to Dr. Niederberger, in males it's called the frenulum, which is a group of extremely sensitized nerves that lies right under the head of the penis. You better start looking for it now. 2. Orgasm Without Genital Stimulation Possible:Although, it'll be hard to find such cases, but scientists have established the validity of our mind's power to recreate orgasm from previous memories or through its fancies without stimulating genitals physically. Some women reportedly experienced orgasm while getting a massage or some physical therapy. After all, erection is all about flood of blood into the genitals and a massage can do that too. 1. Aged People Enjoy Even Better Orgasms:Often, people relate orgasm to age, physical build-up etc. A 20 year old guy is thought to be more vigorous. However, it's quite opposite according to the scientists. They say that experience of orgasm is qualitatively better at the age 40 than it is at 20. Mostly, the couples, who reach the depths of sexual playfulness with unending explorations, are likely to really know how IT is done. The post Top 10 Interesting Facts About Orgasm appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Things That Make A Child Happy Posted: 17 Sep 2013 03:31 AM PDT Nothing is more rewarding than a smile on your child's face, even when it is smeared with chocolate. The amazing part of childhood is that happiness is not elusive as it is in adulthood. Moreover, it is always the small things we do that mean the most to children, which they will cherish lovingly in their heart. You get what you ask for; hence to have a happy child you should want your child to be happy. Begin by rating their happiness above their success. Let the child have fun, because childhood is short and it is more about happiness than anything else. Here is the list of top 10 things that spreads smile on your child's face. 10. Play for fun:Playtime is fun time. Do not start giving instructions to your child as how they should play a game. Children do not need expensive toys to have fun; even cardboard boxes can entertain them to no end. If the castle your child made with the building block is not straight, do not reprimand her. No one is living there. Do not be fussy with the little scratches or bruises they get. It is all part of growing up. Make sure that the toys children play with are clean and let them enjoy as they want to. 9. Give them a choice:As a parent you have your limitations. Giving a choice does not necessarily mean you give your child whatever they want. Give them a choice with what is available for them. When they ask for a bed time story, don't tell them any story you want to, instead ask them what they want to hear. Is it about the jungle, princess, or funny story? Give them a choice to pick up the clothes they want to wear. Above all, give them the space if they want to be alone. 8. Nurture:When their everyday needs are met, children feel safe, loved and happy. Children who are neglected and uncared for are the unhappiest of all. You don't have to compare yourselves to 'richer than you' parents. Just because you do not provide your child with expensive things doesn’t mean you are not doing your best. Wealth is not equal to happiness, especially for children. 7. Discipline your child:This could be shocking to many parents, but scientific research has proven that being disciplined by the parents make the child happy. It sends a message to the children that you care for them and want them to be safe. Children take pride in following certain rules. 6. Surprise:A little message in the school bag, a delightful meal in lunchbox or a sudden trip to the place your child always wanted to go can make a child feel very cheerful. Children love surprises so much that they look forward to it throughout their childhood subconsciously. Make their dream come true with a bang! 5. Prepare them for the world:Too much of attention on keeping the child happy may prove exactly opposite in the long run. As a parent if you grant every whimsical wish of your child and give in to each of their demands, then they start living in a happy bubble which is not real. The true encounter with real world where they are just one among many other children may end their happiness forever. 4. Be a part of their childhood:Let your hair down and enjoy the growing years of your child by being one with him. Go biking, walking or on camping trips together. Involve them in your cooking, cleaning and decorating the home activities. When parents are a part of their children growing up years, they not only feel happy, but they will appreciate it greatly even in their adulthood. 3. Listen to your child:This is not just important for their happiness, but also for the safety of your child. Don't hear them but listen attentively and understand your child. If the child is between important conversations, do not cut her off in the middle so that you can catch up with the soap opera on time. Children at times need time to come out with the real issue; as a result they often beat around the bush a lot. If you are patient, then the child will finally tell you what has been bothering her. Resolve their issues and bring back happiness in their lives. 2. Give them life skills:Life is as much about failures as it is about success. Teach your child to cope with disappointments, but before that you have to learn to deal with your child's failures yourself. Help them rebuild their self-image and give positive strokes to encourage them. Let your child know that your love is unconditional, and you will be there with him through thick and thin. Give them life skills to deal with the ups and downs that they have to face. 1. Be happy:Happy parents make happy children. Children have keen sense of body language; therefore they pick up on your emotions and will react to them accordingly. Resolve any issues that lead to arguments and fights in the family calmly. Do not expose your child to the problems you may have with your spouse. Both parents mean a lot to the child; hence friction between them will lead to stress and unhappiness. The post Top 10 Things That Make A Child Happy appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Most Haunted Cemeteries In The World Posted: 17 Sep 2013 03:29 AM PDT Cemeteries are the scariest places in the world. With hundreds of people buried, there are bound to be things that are unnatural. It is always said that the spirits are mostly seen around their own graves or around the graves of their loved ones. Priests say that these souls have some unfinished businesses left on the earth and that is the reason they are still here. Well, with all the darkness in the graveyard and no lights, the ambiance is kind of prefect for the ghosts, isn’t it? Scroll down to have a look at the 10 most scary and haunted cemeteries located in different corners of the world. Take a ride, at your own risk! 10. Highgate Cemetery, North London:Famous people like Karl Marx and Douglas Adams have been buried here. Highgate Cemetery is a place where all kind of ghost stories are heard. Some people say that they have spotted a vampire looking man with bloody red eyes and the others believe that they have seen an old woman with gray hair running between the gravestones. There are even stories about a man staring into the space and vanishing when approached. 9. Père Lachaise Cemetery, Paris:With over 300,000 graves, Père Lachaise Cemetery is one of the biggest graveyards of Paris. Famous people like Jim Morrison, Rossini and Oscar Wilde are buried here. Paris being the love city, the ghosts here are also pretty lovable. People have spotted spirits of Marcel Proust and Maurice Ravel getting up from their graves in search of one another as soon as the sun goes down. Morrison's ghost is also seen here. In many photographs there is a skeleton like man with gray hair and no lower body observed sitting on the graves. 8. Stull Cemetery in Stull, Kansas:The Stull cemetery of Kansas is one of the creepiest in the whole world. They call it a devils land. It is believed that Satan comes here every night to talk to his worshipers. People also say that devils own son is buried here and this little boy of about 1o years of age can transform himself into a werewolf as soon as he sees a human. This cemetery is also known as "The Seventh Gate To Hell" and "The Cemetery Of The Damned. 7. Western Burial Ground, Maryland:Western Burial Ground is indeed the scariest cemetery in America. The land was owned by Edgar Allan Poe and people have spotted him roaming there till this date. Another shocking story about this graveyard is that a minister was murdered here and his head was buried in a block of cement. Even after he died the head didn’t stop screaming, to deaden the voices, a big block of cement was kept over the head but if you go close, you can still listen to the screams. It is also believed that whoever hears him screaming goes insane with time. So, beware! 6. Howard Street Cemetery, Salem, Massachusetts:Howard Street Cemetery in Salem is one of the craziest places in U.S. People used to practice witchcraft here. Giles Corey, who dies from the torture of witchcraft, is still seen wandering in this place. Corey was made to lie down and people kept on throwing stones on him, which lead to his death after two days. People of Salem also believe that whenever a tragedy strikes the town, Corey is seen wandering on the streets, the night before. 5. Chestnut Hill Cemetery, Rhode Island:The story behind the Chestnut Hill Cemetery in Rhode Island is pretty scary. They say that a girl aged around 8 died and his father said she visited him everyday asking for food. When the incidences became regular, he decided to take out her body from the grave and drained all of the remaining blood from her organs. Priests of that area believe that this was an unholy act, which led to the ghostly state of the girl. There are supposedly blue lights over her grave and she is seen in a torn black dress, screaming, "Please leave me now, and rest in peace!" 4. Bachelor’s Grove Cemetery, Chicago:Chicago's Bachelor's Grove Cemetery is another creepy place to go. Well, they say that here the ghosts apply the walking dead theory. Yes, according to the local residents, you could see the souls walking around, craving for the life and blood in humans. Another strange thing about this cemetery is the ghost house; a lavish bungalow seen through the fog but as you move nearer, it vanishes in the air. 3. Resurrection Cemetery:The Resurrection Cemetery in Chicago can give you a heart attack if you get to see the paranormal activities there. It is believed that a man will ask you for a ride to the graveyard and will vanish into the thin air as soon as you reach there. You can also spot a couple covered in blood, sitting at the entrance, it is believed that they died in a road accident, after attending a funeral. And the scariest thing is that you will see a bride searching for her head amongst the graves. Creepy Enough! 2. Boothill Cemetery:Boothill Cemetry, located in the town of Tombstone in U.S is one of the haunted cemeteries in the world. Well, the name of the town itself suggests its history! It is believed that several years ago, a gunfight happened here, leaving three men of the same group dead. People say that these men are still seen walking in blood, on the road to take revenge of their deaths. 1. St. Louis Cemetery No. 1:The paranormal experts have called the St. Louis Cemetery No.1 as the most haunted graveyard in the whole wide world. The most famous ghost here is of Marie Laveau, the voodoo princess. People come to her grave and engrave three X's on it, which means that she will grant the wish you make. Visitors have also seen transparent figures moving on top of the graves and shouting children, which disappear as soon as you turn around. The post Top 10 Most Haunted Cemeteries In The World appeared first on TopYaps. |
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