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- 7 Ways To Deal With Someone Who Doesn’t Love You
- Top 10 Mind Blowing Science Videos Hidden On YouTube
- Top 10 Benefits Of Being An Introvert
- Top 10 Least Hated Persons In The World
7 Ways To Deal With Someone Who Doesn’t Love You Posted: 12 Aug 2013 07:56 AM PDT Unrequited love can be an emotional hell to go through. It is an experience that a lot of people face in their lifetime. This experience is made worse by the expectations of true love that are created by romantic movies. You start thinking that they are the only person that you could ever love and the future looks bleak at best. Going through this period is tough for everyone but it is important to learn to go through it quickly and smoothly to come out on the other side and continue with your life. The truth is that if a person doesn’t love you back then they are definitely not ‘the one’ for you. To meet ‘the one’ you have to first let go of this failed relationship. Here are 7 ways to deal with someone who doesn’t love you. 7. Accept Rejection:Once you find out that it is real, the next thing is to accept the rejection. It is one of the hardest things to accept that you have been rejected by someone you love. It’s a great blow to the self esteem and a lot of people go into denial. That’s how people end up becoming stalkers and that’s not a path you want to go down so sit down and take time to really accept what it means to be rejected by someone you love. Acceptance is the first step to getting over someone. 6. Flow With The Pain:In order to get to the other side you need to go through the worst of the pain. It’s called flowing with the pain. If you try to avoid the pain and try to distract yourself with other activities you are just delaying the inevitable. Instead let it come at it’s own pace and flow through it. That’s the only way to get to the other side. Once you let yourself really feel the pain you’ll realize that it gets harder to stay sad after a time. You start healing yourself. 5. Try To Move On:Once the mourning period is over, try to move on with your life. Don’t stay stuck on the same track. Don’t spend all your time thinking about the past. If you have gone through a good mourning period then it won’t be hard for you. Focus on the other aspects of your life and try to avoid thinking about love completely. Remember to have fun and enjoy your life. 4. Don’t Try To Force Friendship:One mistake people make at this point is to try and force friendship with the person who didn’t respond to their love. The thinking is that even if that person doesn’t love you, you still do and would like to take whatever you can get. You’d want to be in their life even if only as a friend. This is a big mistake because you can’t be a real friend to them. It’s not fair to you and to them. You just have to accept that the chances of you two ever becoming real friends are slim at best. 3. Talk To Someone:The best way to deal with pain is to share it with someone. Talk to your friends or if needed don’t hesitate to even visit a psychiatrist. It’s a great way to deal with your emotions and feelings. By sharing the pain it gets bearable and you’ll realize that the other person has also gone through the same thing sometime in their life and it makes it a little easier. 2. Don’t Rush Into Another Relationship:A common mistake made by many people is to rush into another relationship. Some do it to take their mind off that person and others do it to make them jealous and take revenge. Neither is a good reason to get into a relationship. You are setting yourself and the new person up for a lot of hurt in the future. Such rebound relationships never work and everyone gets hurt so just avoid this. 1. Focus On Your Own Life:The best way to take revenge is to live an awesome life. Take this as an opportunity to focus on yourself. When you are in love with someone, especially someone who doesn’t love you back, they can become the center of your world. You spend all time thinking about them and neglect your own health, career and life. Use this as an opportunity to reconnect with yourself. You are single so enjoy this period and get your life on track. Being happy is the best way to say to that person that you are over them and besides happy people attract future partners more easily. The post 7 Ways To Deal With Someone Who Doesn’t Love You appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Mind Blowing Science Videos Hidden On YouTube Posted: 12 Aug 2013 02:52 AM PDT If the word science brings terror into your hearts or if it predicts something incredibly boring is about to happen then think again. Our perception of science has been ruined by bad teachers but science is actually very cool. If only our teachers had performed such fun experiments we would have taken a lot more interest in science. But fear not because we can still catch how cool science is with the help of the internet. YouTube is full of science videos where crazy scientists perform crazy experiments. Even if you hate science just watch these videos and let them blow your mind. Here are the top 10 mind blowing science videos hidden on YouTube. 10. How To Make Your Own Glow Sticks:This video comes from NurdRage and explains how to make your own glow sticks. There are many other videos on YouTube that explain the same thing. It’s a really cool experiment to do as you can make liquid that glows in the dark. You can make different colored liquids. You can use them as glow sticks or even as cool nightlights for your bedroom. A really cool chemistry video that is a must watch. 9. Elephant Toothpaste:This is a funny video where these three goofy science students perform an experiment that is pretty famous among science teachers to show off to the students. It’s an exothermic reaction by adding hydrogen peroxide, dial soap and a little bit of sodium iodide. The liquid foams up and bubbles out of the flask like a giant toothpaste. The way the guys laugh is hysterical. 8. German Scientist Spits Flaming Spores:This is a German video of a scientist performing like a flame thrower. He uses some sort of chemical powder and disperses it in the air where he’s holding a Bunsen burner. The chemical powder catches fire instantly. It’s another short cool video even though the explanation is in German and you wouldn’t understand anything unless you speak German. But perhaps it’s a good challenge to figure out this one on your own. Do take precautions while trying this out though as fire is always dangerous. 7. Thermite Vs Liquid Nitrogen:This is one of the most intriguing questions of science. Can liquid nitrogen cool molten iron? Thermite is an iron powder and iron oxide mixture that produces a very high exothermic reaction. It’s known to burn at a very high temperature. Liquid nitrogen is very cold at negative 198 degrees. So who will win this battle between the extremely hot and the extremely cold? Watch and find out for yourself. 6. Superconducting Levitation:Magnetic levitation is a cool effect that can have a dramatic effect on our future technologies. Already it is used in high speed trains all over the world. But imagine a world where all vehicles float just above the surface in a noiseless, frictionless and energy efficient way. This video explains all there is to know about superconductors and how the magnetic levitation works. 5. Fun With Ferrofluid:Ferrofluid is a fluid that contains tiny magnetic particles suspended in a fluid. This video demonstrates what happens when the ferrofluid is subjected to a magnetic field. It’s a really cool video as the liquid in the Petri dish reacts to magnets of different shapes. It’s almost unbelievable that this is a liquid as it forms some magnificent shapes under the effect of the magnets. 4. Sound Waves On Fire:A Ruben’s tube is a classic science experiment with sound waves and fire. The idea is to use sound to manipulate the way gas leaves a tube that has many holes in it. There is a speaker on one end of the tube that vibrates the gas inside the tube according to the frequency of the sound being produced. Watch this really cool video to see what happens when live music is played on the speaker. It’s like a live visualizer that is made up of flames! 3. Helium Superfluid:This is a cool video about a concept that changed science forever. Superfluids are unlike any fluid. They occur at very low temperatures and have some physics defying properties. This video is about helium superfluid and explains some of the interesting properties such as zero viscosity of the superfluid. The video is part of a very old documentary but still something that will fascinate anyone about science. 2. Water Droplets In Zero Gravity:One of the most interesting videos is about how water behaves in zero gravity. This video was made on the international space station by some scientists as they experimented on water. This is a really cool experiment. You might not understand everything the scientist is saying but it’s really interesting to watch as during one of the experiments they have water droplets inside an air bubble inside a sphere of water! 1. Illusions From Bill Nye:Bill Nye the science guy is a program that is made for kids and people who don’t understand science. It’s an amazing program with lots of videos about a lot of different topics of science. It’s a fun way to understand basic science that explains the world around us. A must watch series of videos for anyone interested in science. The post Top 10 Mind Blowing Science Videos Hidden On YouTube appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Benefits Of Being An Introvert Posted: 12 Aug 2013 02:36 AM PDT No! Not the brooding types, always suspected for breeding conspiracies, introverts just by keeping to themselves make a crowded world a quieter place to be in. They may not be good communicators, or just choose not to communicate with colleagues, friends or family, but being an introvert does have its own set of advantages. Here we make a case for you about 10 benefits of being an introvert. 10. More Humane and Morally Correct:In an increasingly wired global community, where actual social contact is on the decline and presence on social media networks is used to define new found statuses, being an introvert is much more humane and beneficial as the need for being networked socially or on social media in minimal. 9. Best Bet for One-To-One Conversations:Often out of place in large groups, one would find introverts very good company in a one-on-one conversations. It's very valuable to interact with such people who are high on reclusive nature for they can bring many out of the box ideas in front of you. Also, they are more inclined by nature to genuinely help a person. They are more empathetic and kind-hearted towards other's cause than what extroverts usually do. 8. Thinking Players with Innovative Choices:With sufficient company to oneself, more introverts turn out to be thinkers as they are able to find time for daring out of box ideas. Rarely will you find an introvert take abrupt decisions at odd hours. This is what makes them truly successful in their lives. If you analyze in detail about all the great men the world has ever seen, more than half might be introverts. 7. Broad Range of Views:Speaking less and thinking more enables introverts to see things and issues from different viewpoints, often with an insight that others are not capable off. Speaking less saves a lot of time and energy for them which they can channelize to more productive works. Their viewpoint is also more inclusive in nature. 6. Better Judge of a Situation:Introverts turn out to be good listeners, which give them the benefit of better reasoning to analyze any given situation. Anyone who has an inherent quality of listening patiently to what others articulate is always rich in ideas and takes better control of a situation than otherwise. 5. Better Acquaintance with Inner Soul:Introverts just by keeping to themselves are self-reflective. This quality gives them the advantage of knowing themselves much better than most others. A person with reclusive touch is known to be more composed even if the circumstances around him are tricky and problematic. He knows his potential well enough and possesses sufficient power to fight against the odds. 4. Increased Efficiency Level:An introvert, who becomes passionate in a particular area of interest to him, often does much better than others, simply because he or she is able to invest more emotional and intellectual energy into the activity. An introvert finds solace in his realm of imagination, which is a source for his relatively better performance than others. 3. Introvert as a Source of New-Fangled Ideas:Given the ability an introvert has to keep to himself and find more time to brood, think and dissect any idea or issue, many of them are capable to coming up with unorthodox perspectives that differ much from the run of the mill ideas. Most of the novel ideas are dished out by people with recluse nature; be it visionary poets or scientists. 2. No Companionship Requirement:Outwardly, at least, appearing to be at peace with one selves, makes introverts better workers at any given job for the need for much company does not distract them. Therefore, employees of a firm with introvert attitude are more at ease working on their own without any companionship. 1. More Inclusive and Thought-Out Ideas:Many may contribute towards any developing idea, but when an introvert sets out one, typically all fall in line for it is often backed by multi-viewpoints that have been considerably thought over. It's healthier for an organization to include introverts in their scheme of things for brighter chances of coming up with inimitable and well researched ideas. The post Top 10 Benefits Of Being An Introvert appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Least Hated Persons In The World Posted: 11 Aug 2013 11:02 PM PDT Rarely does one comes across a public figure that only evokes love and doesn’t generate any kind of ill-will. Though most public figure may have a lively bunch of supporters, but there are bound to be a fair share of haters too. But there are some personalities who are treasured more than despised. The adoration level for them is universal. The reasons for their mass appeal is unique and beyond wordy explanation. In fact, there is nothing 'rational' that makes then so special for they have risen in stature solely because of their talent, actions and contributions towards society at large. Here are top 10 least hated persons in the world. 10. David Beckham:One of the soccer's most famous icons and free kick takers of all times, David Beckham's recognition among his fans is way more than any other athlete. The huge success of the brand named 'David Beckham' speaks for itself. The unique fashion statement that this guy makes turns him into a cynosure in everyone's eyes. 9. Pope Francis:Born as Jorge Mario Bergogilo, Pope Francis is the 266th Pope of the Roman Catholic Church. In the short span that he has been Pope, his imprint of concern for the poor, humble ways and his obligation towards ensuring a dialogue with people from diverse faiths and backgrounds has already marked him out. His simpler and less formal approach is something that puts him in different league from earlier religious heads of Catholic Church. 8. Madonna:This 54 years old pop star, songwriter, actress, author, director, entrepreneur and philanthropist from the US is known for incessantly reinventing both her music songs and image. No one can forget the days when she set the MTV stage on fire with her vibrant music scores. She has to her credit the record of best-selling-female-recording artist of all time. Her outspoken image has won her more hearts than brickbats. 7. Sachin Tendulkar:The God of Cricket who is literally worshiped in many parts of India, Sachin Tendulkar has defiantly earned the respect of the worldwide cricketing community. This humble little master, who took Indian cricket to new heights, wins outrightly in popularity charts when compared to other celebrities in contemporary times. To put it lightheartedly, he must be the only sportsman lawmaker in parliament who is not loathed by general public of India. 6. Stephen Hawkings:Celebrated English theoretical physicist, cosmologist and author, Stephen Hawkings is a live inspiration for people born with deformities. Despite being totally paralyzed due to motor neuron disease he has led path breaking research in the field of science, specially astrophysics. This is what makes him so popular with young and old alike. He uses a speech generating device to communicate. 5. Lionel Messi:Arguably the best soccer player around, Lionel Messi's popularity has no limits among worldwide soccer fans. An icon for almost every budding football player who loves dribbling ball on grassy bases, this Argentine footballer has redefined the game single handedly. Merely 26 years in age, the fan following of this humble super-player can be easily assessed online. Every YouTube video of his carries millions of hits which in itself speaks a lot about the eminence he commands. 4. Angelina Jolie:One of the prettiest woman on the earth, Angelina Jolie is known to don many hats. Other than her famed presence in Hollywood, she has earned huge respect globally for her humanitarian works. She is involved in rehabilitation works in war torn Afghanistan and many of the African countries. Her commitment to noble causes is what makes her so well-liked and congenial. 3. Oprah Winfrey:A person with multi-talents, Oprah Winfrey is an American philanthropist, talk show host, actress, producer and media proprietor. Known for her talk show 'The Oprah Winfrey Show' which is also the highest rated talk show of its kind in history, she is among the most successful business women worldwide. The reason for such a large fan base lies in the way she earned a name for herself rising up to new glories from a poverty stricken childhood background. 2. Nelson Mandela:The celebrated anti-apartheid revolutionary and politician, who challenged South Africa racists policies from 1994-1999 for which he had to undergo 27 years in prison has endeared him to all humanity. Not only did his protests lead to liberation of a great number of black people from a discriminatory regime, following the Gandhian path of non-violence has been instrumental in getting South Africa its independence. Mandela, also known as Madiba or Tata to his followers, is respected worldwide for his noble struggle and the grace with which he bowed out of power, something rare for any African politician. After Gandhi, if anyone used non-violence as a weapon to such an extent it was this great leader. 1. Dalai Lama:Widely admired and followed the Tibetan religious guru Dalai Lama is one such personality for whom no one will have immoral words to share; except of course the Chinese government. The mild-mannered spiritualist who for over half a century has led a struggle to find a homeland for exiled Tibetans works for the cause of diffusion of love and compassion and has redefined the meaning of life for many souls in this world. The post Top 10 Least Hated Persons In The World appeared first on TopYaps. |
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