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- Top 10 Romantic Movies That Actually Suck
- Top 10 Mind-Blowing Articles On
- Top 10 Foods That Increase Sperm Count
- Top 7 Signs You Are A Stupid Girl
- 6 Ways Internet Is Destroying Kids
Top 10 Romantic Movies That Actually Suck Posted: 23 Aug 2013 06:00 AM PDT Romance evokes intense feelings. This is something that probably won't go out of fashion; not any time soon. For someone searching for a perfect dating location, a movie hall playing a romantic flick is an ideal place to be in. However, when you meet the unexpected in the movie theater just after you have invested your hard earned dollars in the picture ticket, you die a stone cold death in a matter of few minutes. There are some romantic movies which can make you bleed dry, really! And they are known as…. 10. From Justin to Kelly:What was set out to be a romantic comedy ended up in a gross torture for you and me alike and all the innocent brothers and sisters. The 2003 trash featured the winner and runner-up of the first season of American Idol. The movie was adjudged the worst ever romantic film ever made on the planet. Amusingly, the director even wanted to add comic touches to it. God Knows who the initial brain behind the project was; it was the worst thing that could ever happen to movie goers. The protagonists are still booed for collaborating in such a ghastly act over mankind. 9. The Last Song:It won't be an exaggeration by any level if we say romantic movies are Valentine Day's deadliest weapon. Envisaged to be a teen romantic drama, this 2010 movie was an adaptation from the novel by the same name. The movie was as numbing as a numbing cream and many of the spectators came out of the movie theatres with bald patches on scalp for the reason they were busy pulling out their hair stands in sheer glumness. Julie Robinson's directorial debut acted as a trigger to end the movie watching passion for many blameless movie enthusiasts. 8. Love Mein Gum:Only the most unfortunate must have watched the movie outside Pakistan but the ones who managed to steal a glance or two feel they’ve been cursed forever. The Lollywood production directed by Altaf Hussain and starring Mohammar Rana (the reigning superstar of the nation) was a perfect example that showcased how easily a romantic script could be shaped up into a horror drama. Packed by thoughtless scenes, the CD's of the Urdu flick should be seized at the earliest if Lollywood guys have some shame left. 7. I'm a Cyborg, But that's OK:Much talked about Korean movie directed by Chan-Wook-Park, this 2006 movie was all about a combat cyborg falling in love for a man in a mental asylum. The movie was destined to develop a new genre of 'cyborg romance' but ended up as a fatal-fall for the movie goers. Until the last scene, no one was able to make out what the movie was all about. The flick that involved psychotic characters, ultimately forced many, including the sturdiest minds, to evolve as psychotics by the time picture ended. 6. Kitzur Toldot Haohavim:Most sucking of the romantic movies I ever happen to encounter in the past 20 years of my life; this 1997 Israeli flick could successfully compete in challenging boredom for supremacy. 40 years olds living with unhappy marriages and extra-marital affairs is what the movie was all about. The projection of plot was in the most mundane taste and the movie was proficient in casting wrong aspersions in the minds of non-Israelis about the concept of Israeli romance. 5. New Year's Eve:"Forgive me but I can't take it any further – also I have only few years left in my life" – a movie-goer came out screaming, pleading for his life. This is when the people waiting out for the show realized what the hell this flick is hell bent on doing to the humanity. Grossly misdirected by Gary Marshall, the movie features a long cast of boring characters who were themselves clueless about the significance of their roles in the movie in the first place. It was more of a flick running on haunted background than romance. Actually, the movie should have been banned and director given one hundred vodka shots in one go for spoiling 'New Year's Eve' in 2011. 4. Glitter:The first time my friend wasted his eyes and also precious penny on the flick, he was out of his mind for a long time to come. Not because he hated the movie to such level but he felt sorry to have been born in the first place – to watch the movie, one fine morning. Almost every hunky dude in the town felt sorry for their existence after the outlandish that this movie presented to them. This 2001 romantic musical nightmare featuring musical diva Mariah Carey was the worst ever made in the given genre. The movie boasted a story for grownups but ended up being geared for 10-year olds. All that glitters is not gold! 3. The Pillow Book:Japanese mostly come out with well brushed tales that usually leave a long lasting effect on minds. This is what lead people to watch this 1996 release. Staring Vivian Wu and Yoshi Oida, the movie easily destroyed the perfect image of Japanse film industry set up in the past by classics such as 'Hachiko'. The slow pace and disturbing characters were proffered a perfect nightmare to the audience in the movie theatre. It would've been better had a pillow was provided at the ticket window by the cinema hall management just to complement the title of the flick. 2. The Notebook:If anything terrible happened to the world, it began with this movie – it's called 'The Notebook'. Those who count the flick high on romantic feed are either emotionally stunted or low on emotional quotient. This 2004 released American drama based on the novel of same name pinched spectators more than striking their romantic chords. It actually opened their diarrhea-strings. No kidding! The same boring and age along story of rich girl dating a poor guy is too – whoop whoop to digest; at least without any beer. Long Live Evil – Long Live 'The Notebook'! 1. Jab Tak Hai Jaan:If someone offers you a birthday cake with toppings of potatoes and jellies made out of chewing gums then 'offended' is the word that you will use for yourself. And, surprisingly if your aunt mistakes it for some delicacy then 'foolish' is the word to describe her. But, the movie that was loose on tale and treatment performed commercially superior to others in its league. The movie starring so called 'King of Bollywood' Shahrukh Khan and beauties Katrina Kaif and Anushka Shankar, was the perfect reminder for everyone – romance is the ugliest word on this planet! God Bless All! The post Top 10 Romantic Movies That Actually Suck appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Mind-Blowing Articles On Posted: 23 Aug 2013 05:10 AM PDT is one of the most successful websites in the world and it has built its reputation by providing great content over the years. The articles are always either funny or enlightening or mind blowing and more often than not all three. And no matter what they are always entertaining. The site has become one stop to get your daily dose of entertainment. Over the years there have been many mind-blowing articles posted on the site and it’s hard to choose the top 10 but here is my own attempt. Here are the top 10 mind-blowing articles on 10. 5 Insane Scams That Should Have Failed (But Didn’t):This is an article about 5 ridiculous scams that actually worked. A butcher pretends to be someone’s dead son while a prankster pretends to be a serial killer. A very interesting read that makes the point of how gullible all of us humans really are. Also if you are lucky you can get away with anything. Well, at least for a while. 9. 7 Basic Things You Won’t Believe You’re All Doing Wrong:You wouldn’t think that you there was a right way of taking a dump, but as it turns out there is, and on top of that, most of us are pooping wrong. Read this article to find out how things we take for granted aren’t always right. Besides taking a shit you’ll learn how to breathe, sleep, bathe, brush, sit and have a baby in the right way. 8. 6 Freaky Things Your Body Does (Explained by Science):This is a great article that explains some of the mysterious things that we all have wondered about but never stopped to find out why. Well now we don’t have to do much research because someone has done it for us. The article explains, among other things, how we get brain freeze after eating cold stuff and why orange juice tastes weird after brushing your teeth. Great mysteries of life finally explained. 7. 5 Reasons Immortality Would be Worse than Death:Have you ever day dreamed about being immortal? Do you think it would be cool to live forever? Well think again. Immortality wouldn’t be as wonderful as we think and you can understand that if you think about it a little seriously. Or you can just read this article that explains why immortality would be even worse than death. 6. The 6 Most Mind-Blowing Ways Your Brain Can Malfunction:In this article some of the craziest mental disorders are discussed. These are serious disorders and it would be horrible to suffer any of them but still it’s hard to not be amused with what our brain can do to us. It can make everybody look familiar or make even family look like strangers. It can even make your own hand feel like someone else’s. 5. 5 Ways Modern Men Are Trained to Hate Women:A great article by David Wong, who’s the senior editor at He talks about how misogyny is built into the male psyche. As all articles on it’s not too serious but through it’s wit and humor does make a serious point in the end. But you can read it just for the entertainment as well if you don’t want to see the truth in the arguments. 4. 6 Depraved Sexual Fetishes That Are Older Than You Think:There is a common view that we have been getting sexually depraved over the years. We think that this is because of the modern culture but we couldn’t be more wrong. This article talks about 6 sexual fetishes that are positively depraved and have existed much longer than you’d think. From foot fetish to BDSM and necrophilia, these fetishes have been with us from the beginning of civilization. 3. 5 Ridiculous Sex Myths Everyone Believes:This is an interesting and educational article but don’t take that to mean it’s boring. It’s important to get rid of these myths because chances are you believe some or all of them too. So read this article to find out the truth about pregnancy, sexual maturity and casual sex. 2. 8 Simple Questions You Won’t Believe Science Can’t Answer:People tend to think that science has or is about to find all the answers. We have developed a faith in science. But science is far from solving the biggest mysteries of the universe. Forget about the biggest mysteries, science has yet to solve some of the smaller questions of everyday life. This article lists 8 simple questions such as, why do we sleep, why ice is slippery, how the bicycle works or even how to beat solitaire. 1. 5 Logical Fallacies That Make You Wrong More Than You Think:We might not be as logical as Mr. Spock but we do think we are rational and logical people. The truth is that most humans are anything but logical. This article lists 5 logical reasons that prove how illogical we all are. We don’t care about fact, we can’t understand probability and statistics and we never argue with an open mind. Read this article so that you can be aware the next time you are arguing with someone that you might be wrong and that even if you are right the other person won’t necessarily accept this. The post Top 10 Mind-Blowing Articles On appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Foods That Increase Sperm Count Posted: 23 Aug 2013 12:02 AM PDT As per medical research conducted worldwide, almost 90% of the infertility related problems in males are caused by malfunction to produce adequate number of sperms in the body. The problem can worsen further if the regular food intake of such a person lacks adequate minerals and nutrients. Therefore, males should select foods not only on the basis of their nutritional value but also consider their role in boosting sperm count. Here are top 10 foods that increase sperm count. 10. Oysters:As widely known, oysters are the most preferred aphrodisiac, courtesy their miraculous properties. They have been projected in the role of testosterone producing foods and aphrodisiac quite openly in the Western world since ages. Sperm cells consist of zinc and oysters are abundantly rich in the mineral. A person who consumes diet rich in oysters has relatively increased sperm count than others but they don't come cheap. 9. Maca:Researchers have found that men who consume around 1,500 to 3,000 milligrams of maca extract a day are blessed with an increased seminal volume. In addition, their sperm count and sperm motility fares well than others. And, the quality of sperm is much better. The plant finds great number of takers for its chemical properties that aid in augmentation of sperm count. 8. Ginseng:Ginseng is known to improve the virility of person and it's been a part of regular diet in Asia for long. Ginseng helps increase libido and augments blood flow to the testicles. The food item also aids in building up of sperm cells and their protection. Those suffering from erectile dysfunction can add ginseng to their daily diet. 7. Pumpkin Seeds:Pumpkin seeds contain compounds known as phytosterols which are beneficial in stimulating natural and quick testosterone production. Also, they contain omega-3 fatty acids which can boost the blood flow to the reproductive organs. They are pleasant in taste and possess properties which can protect sperm cells. And rest assured, there're plenty of pumpkin dishes you can try out. 6. Chocolate:Dark chocolates are also known to work as an effective aphrodisiac. Also, the seductive taste that chocolate leaves on palate is what makes it all the more admired among males and females alike. Most importantly, chocolates consist of L-Arginine HCL; it is one of the essential requirements for increasing sperm count in a male. Who wouldn't want to eat chocolates that are sperm-boosters and aphrodisiacs both? 5. Goji Berries:These red colored berries are often recommended by physicians to patients. They play an important role in improving circulation of blood in the body and fight damages resulting from oxidation. One of the most common causes for lower sperm count is overheating of testicles and Goji Berries keep reproductive organs at optimum temperature levels. 4. Garlic:Garlic is a wonderful food ingredient that can increase blood flow to the heart arteries to an effective degree if consumed on a regular basis. The food consists of allicin that helps in clearing off accumulated plaque from the arteries and also aids in increasing blood flow to the genital organs. In addition, Selenium and vitamin B6 help in prevention of sperm damage and regulation of hormones. 3. Walnuts:If anything that can help in increasing the volume of semen in the body radically, then walnuts would probably offer one of the best solutions. They contain arganine which helps in generating more sperm cells in the testicles. Other than that, walnuts also consist of Omega-3 fatty acids which lead to better flow of blood to penis and testicles. To top it all, they help in keeping the blood cholesterol level in check. 2. Bananas:Bananas have been long known to produce magical effects in patients suffering from low sperm count. The fruit is also very useful in improving the sperm quality. The fruit consists of an enzyme named Bromelain which has properties of regulating sex hormones in the body. Also, bananas are rich in vitamin B1, A and C which help greatly in boosting body's ability to biologically manufacture new sperm cells. 1. Asparagus:This plant is a wonderful solution for anyone looking to improve his sperm count and quality. The vitamin C content in this green vegetable helps greatly in eliminating the possibility of sperm oxidation. It also helps protect testicle tissues. Something that is known to boost sperm count even in a sick person, asparagus holds great importance in the field of medical science. An ancient discipline related to medicine, Ayurveda too recommends the use of Asparagus. The post Top 10 Foods That Increase Sperm Count appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 7 Signs You Are A Stupid Girl Posted: 22 Aug 2013 11:23 PM PDT Carlo Maria Cipolla, an economic historian, in his easy, “The Basic Laws of Human Stupidity”, mentions some laws of stupidity. These laws warn people against the underestimated harm stupid can cause. Talking about stupidity in girls – how would you actually define it? It's a relevant issue, which must not be ignored. Perhaps, stupid girls lack intelligence, logic, reason, wit, and above all common sense. Stupidity can assumed many forms – while some girls are innately stupid, others adopt stupidity as a defense against harsh reality. There are those rare cases too, where girls in their sense of avoiding guilt act stupid. So, if you are a girl and reading this, do check yourself for the signs of stupidity. Here is some help; 7 signs that confirms that you’re a stupid girl. 7. Obsessed to appear different:When you become obsessed with the belief that uniqueness must be maintained through behaving differently to even most common situations, regardless of right and wrong, then take it as a hint that you are heading towards a stupid future. Being common begins to haunt you and you think by being different you can compensate for your inferiority complex. In a way, it's similar to voluntarily living with multiple personalities. In nutshell, you initiate an illusion to convince you of your individual identity. It's stupid because each one of us is already unique. It can work for a while, but not in long term. 6. Hungry for attention:You never had a stable friend group and now, out of deficiency of positive feedback, you have started altering your behavior and reactions to seek attention among your newly formed friend club. You want attention from each one of them and most of the times all of it for yourself. You want to be the center of attention all the time. It hurts you if no one is noticing even when you are trying to grab their attention through indirect hints. You have even stared to schedule fake phone calls and pretend talking on intellectual or important topics like politics, economics, sociology and what not. If you sense any of these signs, surely you are heading towards stupidity. 5. You tell same story twenty times:While your friends entertain themselves by gossiping about the latest prank they played to their younger brother or sister or having a line of cool dudes after them, you try to come up with something similar to make everyone believe that your life is also full of fun and adventure. To grab the attention and for being entertaining, you even start cooking stories out of thin air. To impress people, you keep telling them the some stories, of course the same story to a new group of people. That's because it worked a couple of times. 4. Access pre-occupied exclamations:You are always presuming likes and dislikes of your friends, especially your crush. Their likings are already your favorite and there is hardly any opinion with which you don't agree with them. You are using some exclamation phrases as a reaction to every word your friend is speaking out like OMG, don't tell me, really? you must be kidding me and so on. If you friend says, "I like movies", then you'll display expressions of wondrous attention like you never hear people liking movies. At this point, you need to put a full stop to your exaggerated exclamations and presumptions. 3. Emotional bully and a universal victim:No matter what it takes, but stupidity transforms you into an emotional bully and you try to appear as an unfortunate victim. You tell it to everyone you wish to make friends with. Even a negligibly small disagreement of your boyfriend with you is an opportunity to announce an emotional world war. It doesn’t take more than a couple of seconds to fire tears like crying is a mini Gatling gun and fake suicide warnings are nuclear weapons. You find it an effective way to get all the attention by emotionally bullying or blackmailing your friends or boyfriend. 2. Lifestyle magazines decide what you want:Wise quotes, from seers and holy books, advice us to concentrate on our inner calling, to find ourselves, our purpose, desires, and our true identity. You are following the advice, but instead of contemplating inside your head, you are looking at Oprah or Hilary. You think you must want what these celebrities always say is worth having, and instead of your heart, you spend hours on Internet searching top 10 tips to impress people around you. Lifestyle magazines become your holy guides for living a perfect life. 1. Stalking and jealousy:While you think you are following Darwin's theory of 'survival of the fittest', you indulged yourself in a very lethal practice; comparison with those around you. Your jealousy has led you to stalking on your boyfriend or your presumed rival chicks. You stalk and make unnecessary comments on Facebook walls even when you have nothing of value to say. After all this, you think others are responsible for all your anxiety, anger, loneliness, hate, and fears. It matches perfectly with the role play of a victim. The post Top 7 Signs You Are A Stupid Girl appeared first on TopYaps. |
6 Ways Internet Is Destroying Kids Posted: 22 Aug 2013 11:16 PM PDT Being one of the most revolutionary inventions, internet has forever changed the communication modes as more and more people shift to the virtual world and experience more comfort and power in a globally connected environment. Internet has proved nothing less than a boon and a magic box that we have only begun to explore. Great power also brings more responsibility. Declining social contacts and increasing online presence has governments and health researchers worried with some even holding that 'Internet addiction' to be a psychological disorder. The young users are the most vulnerable to digital technologies. A Consumer Report survey found many disturbing trends among children addicted to the internet, Facebook and other social media sites. They findings were that there are about 20 million children active on the internet since 2011, of which 7.5 million are less than 13 years of age, 5 million were 10 or less than that. Children surfing the internet went largely unsupervised by parents. Kids aren’t supposed to access Internet without parental guidance for where it is a treasure house of knowledge but at the same time it can be lethal. Internet is destroying the young minds due to Open access and much exposure to explicit, violent and disturbing content at a young age is damaging young minds fast whereas parents are left struggling to find a way out as their kids display far more knowledge of PC and Internet usage than they do. To discuss major negative influences, we have a priority list of 6 ways Internet is destroying the kids. 6. Virtual world addiction:Addiction to a virtual world is cutting out children from the real world and turning them more and more withdrawn into closed and sit-in environments. The long term effects as kids turn more and more to the web for meeting the needs of a good education, entertainment, and social contact are yet to studied but the kind of violent and brutal behavior noticed in some American children who have gone on killing rampages is an indicator about the latent dangers of being addicted to a virtual world. 5. Sexually-deviant or sexually-addictive:It's a natural for sexual curiosities to grow with age of kids. An early exposure to explicit pornography over the internet, a study showed, alters children's natural perception of sexuality in one way or other. Kids turning sexually-deviant or sexually-addictive and unsafe sex among adolescents leading to rise in sexually transmitted diseases have been attributed to long internet exposures. 4. Physical and creative inactiveness:Sitting for long hours before computers, staring at screens is making children dull and inactive, depriving them of opportunities of exploring their creative abilities and leading a healthy lifestyle. Obesity is one of the results of deficiency of physical activity. Eyes, shoulders and neck regions have become vulnerable to early body ailments. Lack of physical activity is hindering natural strengthening of body muscles. Scientists have always linked healthy bodies to healthy minds but in the age of internet, this age old tested dictum is being defied as internet addiction among children increases. 3. Concentration, weak memory and short attention span:Recent studies have shown that availability of easy study material and a wide range of educational applications are revolutionizing the way kids acquire advanced knowledge data bases, but it's disturbing the way they store this information. Children nowadays do not write down relevant textual material, but bookmark the sites or copy-paste onto word docs. With the need to store information diminishing, the children's memory powers are getting weaker. Easy access to exaggerated content on internet not only distracts children but teachers are noticing reduced attention spans in students. Kids find it hard to concentrate as they deal with multiple tabs where they constantly hop to Gmail, Twitter, Facebook, Google, gaming sites etc. A prolonged exposure to the same concept has kids start losing their concentrating abilities, which directly influence their productivity in academics and social life. 2. Exposure to cyber crimes & effects of anonymity:The Consumer Report survey revealed that over one million kids faced harassment, threats or were exposed to cyber bullying in the year 2011. Number of 13 year olds or younger accessing the internet, since then has gone. Inexperienced young minds are an easy target on Internet and social media sites. A survey found that over 80 million Facebook accounts are fake and socially anxious children find it a more comfortable way to communicate that way as it does not involve face to face interaction. Instead of an additional aid, it becomes an unnecessary wheelchair for kids. It lets them escape from reality and thus entertain their abnormal social behavior. 1. Social, emotional and cognitive development:Childhood friendships last a lifetime. But the generation now spending more and more hours on the internet and not interacting socially is depriving them of building many bonds of friendship in the real world. Social behavior in the real world gets little share of attention due the overuse of social media websites leading to false notion of friendships or just virtual friendships. Reduced outdoor activities and with not enough social bonding, resulting in isolating upbringings because of excessive usage of internet is causing emotional imbalances in children often leading to deviant and anti-social behaviors. The post 6 Ways Internet Is Destroying Kids appeared first on TopYaps. |
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