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- Top 10 ways to wear Print on Print
- Top 10 Signs It’s Time To Get Married
- 8 Loveliest Russian Movies You Must Watch
- Best 5 Linux Distros Generally Used
- 8 Things Which Are Apparently Impossible For Science
- Top 10 Patriotic Songs To Listen On 15th August
Top 10 ways to wear Print on Print Posted: 06 Aug 2013 06:53 AM PDT 10. Tailored Look9. Abstract print8. Monochrome7. Stripes and Florals6. Print Riot5. Boho Magic4. Max Print3. Matching Prints2. Print on White1. Aztec BohoThe post Top 10 ways to wear Print on Print appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Signs It’s Time To Get Married Posted: 06 Aug 2013 06:35 AM PDT It's said marriages are made in heaven and celebrated on earth, but how do you know who was your marriage fixed with up there up or when you are going to celebrate it here? Are you in a frenzy seeing all your peers gearing up for that waltz down the aisle? Have you begun to think on marriage – or not just yet? Well, the whole issue isn’t as complicated. We all will have signs in life to indicate when we are ready to get married. To generalize things, we have listed below top 10 signs of when you're ready to get married. Make sure you check these before you set on that long walk down the aisle. 10. You share the bond outside the bed:One of the most vital sign to know when you are ready to get married is a feeling of happiness and connectivity with the partner with clothes on as it is with clothes off. When you think you share a great physical relation with your partner even outside the bed you are good to get married. 9. You have a full life:It is your life surely, but it is important to have family and friends around. Do not sideline just about everyone for you partner. There will be a few people (that matter) who may not be in favor of your relationship, but then you cannot please everyone. But for a good married life, you need friends, family and good cheers so try and keep all that intact. 8. You bring out the best in each other:Marriage is about two souls coming together to spend the rest of their lives with each other. Thus, it is important that you are each other's support and you are someone who brings out the best in your partner and also the worst. If you can do that, then you're ready to get married. 7. You're thinking beyond marriage:Marriage isn’t only about a grand party, a puffy white gown and all the attraction; it is what happens after that big day. If you are all good to live life as happily (after the big day) like on the big day, then you are surly good to get married. 6. Ability to resolve conflicts:It is important that both partners are prepared to disagree on things from time to time; all rosy between couples isn’t really healthy for relationships all the time. When you are in a relationship you must learn to resolve conflicts fairly at your own level without ill treating one who is pissed. When you inculcate conflict resolving skills, you are good to get married. 5. If you understand marriage is commitment:We are bound to act differently when we know our futures are tied together therefore being committed to the other person is very important. Commitment isn't a very sexy word to hear but we think it has a lot more to do in making marriages work than anything else. Commitment is a choice of giving up choices, if you are prepared to do so, you are good to get married. 4. You stand to gain:Relationships are all about trust, forgiveness and endless commitment. If you are getting all this from your partner and you are really confident that the relationship will continue the same way – then you are going to gain more than loosing. This is the time when you can think of getting married.
3. Change isn’t necessary:You don't have to like everything in your partner, and there are chances that he/she may have a few annoying qualities, thus make sure you get hocked only if you can take the annoyance. This because, you cannot change someone (you can tweak) but in majority, you cannot change a person. You are ready for marriage only when you can be with your partner without getting frustrated with his/her annoying qualities. 2. Being on the same page:Long term relationship will make you more decisive and understanding and to an extent compromising as well, but when it comes to marriage you don't want to compromise because that isn’t how lifelong relationships work. If you are not on the same page with you partner and share separate mindsets, then you need to prioritize things before you tie the knot. You are ready to get married only when you and you partner are on the same page on fundamentals like money, children, and values etc. 1. Living long term relations:Being together for a while, in a long term relations, you tend to understand you strengths and weaknesses. Long term relationships let you figure out you qualities and make you ready for a lifelong relation with someone. When you have understood what you want from life and what you can do and how you can make a relationship work, you are almost ready to get married. The post Top 10 Signs It’s Time To Get Married appeared first on TopYaps. |
8 Loveliest Russian Movies You Must Watch Posted: 06 Aug 2013 03:14 AM PDT The roots of Russian Cinema go back to the times of the Russian Empire, when films traversed many themes – from events told in popular folk songs to anti-German nationalistic ideas during World War I. With the Russian Revolution came a new sentiment in the films – an anti-tsarist one. For much of Soviet Union's history, film content was heavily subject to censorship and state control. Despite this, Soviet films achieved significant critical success. Even in the years following its dissolution, the Russian film industry remained internationally recognized. New Russian Cinema has found audience in wider shores and has gained much international acclaim. The 8 Russian movies that we recommend as must-watch are: 8. The Cranes are Flying (1957):This is a Soviet film about World War II. It depicts not just the cruelty contained in the idea of war but also the damage it wrought on the Soviet psyche. Directed by Mikhail Kalatozov, the portrayal of the protagonist, Veronika, was instrumental in shaping the post-Stalinist Soviet movies by heralding more complicated, multi-dimensional celluloid heroines. And it was not only Soviet audiences that accepted and sympathized with Veronika's story, but those in European and other countries too. She helped give a face to the war-ravaged psychology where only a mask existed till now. 7. Russian Ark (2002):This is a historical drama film directed by, again, Alexander Sokurov. The film is shot in the Winter Palace of the Russian State Hermitage Museum. An unnamed narrator wanders through the Palace and implies that he died in some horrible accident and is a ghost drifting through it. In each room, he encounters various real and fictional people from various periods in the city’s 300-year history. He is accompanied by “the European". Critics point out to the effect of the unbroken flow of images as something different and uncanny – an effect which past directors like Hitchcock made use of. The movie spins a daydream around its audience as if to transport them to another era and life. And interestingly, the movie was filmed using a single 96-minute "steadicam" sequence shot! 6. Man with a Movie Camera (1929):This is a very interesting film, both for its theme as well as for the range of cinematic techniques invented by Dziga Vertov, the director of the movie. It is a silent documentary film, with no story and no actors. Man with a Movie Camera presents the urban life in the Ukrainian cities of Odessa, Kharkiv and Kiev. It shows Soviet citizens at work and at play, and interacting with the machinery of modern everyday life over the span of a day. True to his Marxist ideology, Vertov strove to create a futuristic city that would serve as a commentary on existing ideals in the Soviet world. This artificial city's purpose was to awaken the Soviet citizen through truth and to ultimately bring about understanding and action. New techniques of film-making and portrayal of modern ideas make this film one of the earliest to touch upon the idea of Modernism. For those who love to know the nitty-gritty of movie making, this is a must watch! 5. Dersu Uzala (1975):Also called The Hunter is a Soviet-Japanese co-production film directed by Akira Kurosawa. This is Akira's first non-Japanese language film. The film is based on the 1923 memoir 'Dersu Uzala' by Russian explorer Vladimir Arsenyev and is about his exploration of the Russian Far East, over the course of multiple expeditions in the early 20th century. Hence, the film is almost entirely shot outdoors in the Russian Far East wilderness. The film explores the theme of a native of the forests who is fully integrated into his environment, leading a style of life that will inevitably be destroyed by the advance of civilization. It is also about the growth of respect and deep friendship between two men of profoundly different backgrounds, and about the difficulty of coping with the loss of strength and ability that comes with old age. A beautiful movie that will make you wear your thinking caps. 4. Mother and Son (1997):Directed by Alexander Sokurov, Mother and Son portrays the relationship between an old and dying mother and her young son. It is the first volume of a trilogy whose subject matter is the study of drama in human relationships. This became Sokurov's first internationally acclaimed feature film, and was followed by Father and Son (2003) and Two Brothers and a Sister as the final installment. Mother and Son is a beautiful film about love – the very essence that binds a mother to her child. On many levels, it surpasses what Romeo-Juliet love stories are all about. And this movie will touch an emotional chord with you, to linger in the minds for a long time to come. 3. Come and See (1985):Directed by Elem Klimov, Come and See is a Soviet war drama and a psychological thriller. The movie occurs during the Nazi German occupation of the Byelorussian SSR. This is considered as one of the best and most disturbing Russian War movies ever made. The screenplay by Klimov had to wait for 8 long years for approval, for it was seen as propaganda for the “aesthetics of dirtiness” and “naturalism”. The film was shot in chronological order over a period of nine months only. Its name was changed from Kill Hitler to Come and See. It was finally produced to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Soviet victory in WW II and was a large box office hit. And, believe it or faint, the guns used for the movie were loaded with real ammunition, for a realistic effect. 2. Alexander Nevskiy (1938):Directed by Sergei Eisenstein, this is a historical drama film which circles around the attempted invasion of Novgorod in the 13th century by the Teutonic knights of the Holy Roman Empire and their defeat at the hands of Prince Alexander, popularly called Alexander Nevsky. This was the first and most popular of Eisenstein’s three sound films. Its popularity rested on one of the commonly used central themes in that period – the importance of the common people in saving Russia, while portraying the nobles and merchants as “bourgeoisie” and foes of the people. There is a scene in the movie which depicts the Battle of Lake Peipus. Now, this scene has been a strong "inspiration" behind numerous scenes in films ranging from Doctor Zhivago to King Arthur. You must watch it! 1. The Mirror (1975):This is a Russian art film directed by Andrei Tarkovsky, one of the best Russian film directors of all times. The Mirror is somewhat autobiographical, and features Andrei's wife and mother. It enjoys a very unconventional structure and incorporates poems composed and read by the director's father. The movie will present you with no apparent linear plot, but is a compendium of complex layers of structure which shuffle between childhood memories and contemporary scenes, and even dreams – something like the literary technique called 'streams of consciousness' used by well-known authors like Virginia Woolf. Even the cinematography slips from black and white to colored. Yes, it is one of Tarkovsky's most difficult film, as well as his most personal. The post 8 Loveliest Russian Movies You Must Watch appeared first on TopYaps. |
Best 5 Linux Distros Generally Used Posted: 06 Aug 2013 02:09 AM PDT This Article provides you helpful list of various Linux Distros generally used. They have the capability to cement your confidence in them by providing fully advanced features. With their top class structure and professionalism, Topyaps is presenting Best 5 Linux Distros. Have a look:- 5. Fedora:Fedora has finally included its new feature GRUB 2 after getting driven by its primal instincts towards its aim. It also comes with the latest Kernel from 3.1 series to provide you different experience. 4. Linux Mint:Its Contribution as well as distribution has brought Linux Mint with so much popularity in this world. It includes softwares like Linux kernel 3.0, GNOME 3.2, Ubuntu 11.10. After curbing all its minor leaps and bounds, it now comes with an updated new fresh visual. 3. OpenSUSE:After grabbing all the attention of people for good reasons OpenSUSE has become famous for all the positive reasons. It is associated with best features that includes Installer and Yast Control Centre. It provides you an easy installation graphical wizard to ease your access. 2. Debian:As you apparently look down towards the useful features of various Linux Distros, here comes the Debian with a hallmark that offers you an excessive features that takes you up to another level. Due to its availability in large numbers it has come up with FreeBSD Kernel rather then Linux Kernel. 1. Ubuntu:Ubuntu is one of the most famous general used Linux Distros that comes with fully advanced features to roll you up with unique experience.
The post Best 5 Linux Distros Generally Used appeared first on TopYaps. |
8 Things Which Are Apparently Impossible For Science Posted: 06 Aug 2013 12:54 AM PDT It was around 4,000 years ago that societies on this planet began to live 'more' sophisticated lives. They built colonies, developed pictorial languages to store and transfer knowledge and slowly, trade networks and nations were formed. Development of mathematical and scientific knowledge, as empirical evidence would suggest, began nearly at the same time (you can never be 100% sure; the story is freaking 4,000 years old). Scientists, some of them seemingly insane, outlaws and even social outcasts, over the centuries discovered principles that govern the world we live in and invented new (or should be say 'magical') devices on the basis of various physical, chemical and mathematical laws. Science as a field of knowledge has traversed great distance over the centuries. But, there're things which are apparently impossible for science too. Listed below are 8 such things: 8. Explain why 90% people in the world are Right Handed:Okay, that's a tricky one. But, scientific knowledge does not explain the reason why it is so. Like this simple fact, there're hundreds of others that are just 'accepted' and never 'questioned.' You got it. Apparently, science cannot explain why 9 out of 10 people in the world are habitual to use their right hands for all things from writing and eating to fighting and sex. You might have some theories but that's not science, right? 7. Identify the Spirit:There've been a number of bizarre afterlife experiments but hardly any of them can lend any support to the claim that spirits do not exist or otherwise. It's a mystery that science is yet to explain whether death of the body puts an end to the 'being' or it's just a transitory phase. Experiments carried out by psychics, chemists, medical practitioners and physicists so far have just gathered hints that prove or disprove 'nothing.' 6. Observe something without changing it:This problem has become more of a scientific principle now. The moment scientists try to 'see' an ultra small particle, it changes its behavior. Explaining why the act of 'seeing' something changes its behavior has been a challenge for Quantum Physicists and perhaps, it's going to be that way. Why? Well, if they could manage to solve this problem, we'd enter a whole new world of science. It would be almost like having traversed the last 200 years of speedy scientific growth in one go. Too sweet a prediction to be true, no? That's why we've listed it here. 5. Travel to the other Side of the Universe:Farthest known corners of the Universe (not in a spiritual sense, okay?) are hundreds of light years away and as astronomical research indicates, it's impossible for humans to ever to touch and see the other side of the Universe. How many lifetimes do you think it would take even a ray of light (light, not you) to travel from one galaxy to another? And guess what, there're millions of such galaxies. 4. Make You an Immortal:Okay, there are no Elves, Orcs or White Wizards on this planet. Compared to the rate at which noticeable changes in the Universe take place, human life span is very small. It seems, science can never discover (or make some) ways to extend the lifespan of humans to few hundred years, let alone being immortal. May be there're saints, yogis, vampires, werewolves and what-not – but, you've not seen any of that, did you? If there's no empirical evidence to support the belief, what's the point! 3. Make babies from scratch:Okay, they made test-tube babies. Good job. But, can anyone, produce a test tube baby with just chemical experiments. What if they do not borrow anything from the established order of things (a sperm and an egg, for example) and create a baby in a test tube or any other environment? That's not going to work, right? 2. Decode Nature's Love of Mathematics:Why the Universe favors some patterns? Scientists have found certain patterns (or order in the chaos?) in how plants grow, how food chain works and how animals reproduce. These patters apply to almost everything in the Universe, including your own body. Scientists have so far been unable to find out why certain numbers and patterns are favored in the grand scheme of the universe. 1. Fully Prove or Disprove Existence of God:Does God exist? That's a classic question. Scientists (who really believe in the philosophy of science) cannot fully accept or deny the existence of God and it's unlikely they will have any definite answer in future. They cannot accept the existence of God because they’ve not seen Him. They cannot fully deny His existence because 'God' invariably stands for all answers scientist don't have. Tricky, isn’t it? The post 8 Things Which Are Apparently Impossible For Science appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Patriotic Songs To Listen On 15th August Posted: 05 Aug 2013 08:07 PM PDT With Independence Day round the corner, patriotism seems to be the favour of the season. Ofcourse, it would be better if this nationalistic sentiment stayed uniform throughout. But nevertheless, the important fact to note here is it is a day to reminisce of the extremely hard struggle for freedom, a time to recall the sacrifices of the freedom fighters and if possible try not to ruin the India they fought for. Perhaps the below songs would help in evoking these feelings in one and all! 10. Zindagi Maut Na Ban Jaye:In the 1999 film Sarfarosh, starring Aamir Khan, Sonali Bendre and Naseeruddin Shah was released at the helm of the Kargil conflict when tensions between India and Pakistan. It went on to become a success and the song 'Zindagi Maut Na Ban Jaye' sung by Sonu Nigam and Roop Kumar Rathod earned accolades for being a hearth touching number. This is certainly by all means a pick for this list. 9. Aye Watan Tere Liye:This song features in the 1986 film Karma. Directed by Subhash Ghai, this film starred Dilip Kumar, Nutan, Anil Kapoor, Jackie Shroff and Naseeruddin Shah in prominent roles. The song 'Aye Watan Tere Liye' is a wonderful ode to the country. It is a definite pick in this list. It is one of the best compositions by the Indian composer duo Laxmikant-Pyarelal. 8. Yeh Jo Des Hai Tera:This is one of the master pieces by A. R. Rahman. It's hard to listen to this song and not feel atleast a certain degree of loyalty towards your nation. It appeared in the film written, produced and directed by Ashutosh Gowariker starring Shah Rukh Khan. It is certainly one of the songs worth mentioning in this list with widely acclaimed vocals by the music maestro A. R. Rahman. 7. Main jahan rahu:The 2007 Hindi Romantic comedy film Namastey London featured the song 'Main jahan rahu'. The song has a very earthy feel and connects instantly to people living in foreign countries, often missing and longing for their mother land. Sung by Rahat Fateh Ali Khan and Krishna Beurathis is an excellent song. So without a doubt this song lands up in this list. 6. Bharat ka rehne wala hoon, Bharat ki baat sunaata hoon:This song features in a Manoj Kumar classic Purab Aur Pachhim. Produced and directed by the actor himself, the film starred Manoj Kumar, Saira Banu, Ashok Kumar, Pran and Prem Chopra in lead roles.The music was composed by Kalyanji Anandji who gave us this beautiful song. Sung by Mahendra Kapoor it is one of the songs that inevitably come to mind when patriotic songs are the topic. 5. Aye mere pyare watan:This melodious song which featured in the 1961 movie 'Kabuliwala' is another gem in the collection of patriotic songs. 'Aye mere pyare watan' has a mesmerizing tone to it which is impossible to ignore. It was sung by Manna Dey and the song was written by Prem Dhawan. The music of Salil Choudhury made this composition unforgettable. It is said that the song was written and composed on the eve of the Indo-China war; perhaps the reason for it being so heart rendering. 4. Aye watan, aye watan:In 1965, when the quintessential villains in the Indian society were still the British, 'Shaheed' a movie based on Bhagat Singh’s life was made. Starring Manoj Kumar , this movie went on to win Best Feature Film in Hindi at the 13th National Film Awards. The movie had many patriotic songs, Aye watan, aye watan is just one of them but a great at that. It was sung by Mohammad Rafi and is surely a fantastic song in all respects. 3. Kar chale humfida:This is another great song which evokes a deep sense of devotion to the nation. In 1964 a Hindi war film named Haqeeqatwas made; directed by Chetan Anand it was based on the Sino-Indian War of 1962. The film went on to win the National Film Award for Second Best Feature Film in 1965. 'Kar chale humfida' sung by Mohammed Rafi,written by Kaifi Azmiand composed by Madan Mohan has become one of the anthems of patriotism for this country. 2. De Di Hamein Azaadi:The song 'De Di Hamein Azaadi' featured in the 1954 film 'Jagriti' based on a Bengali film Paribartan. Sung by Asha Bhonsle, this is another great patriotic song that graced the screens of Indian Cinema. The song talks about the magic of Gandhi who helped India cross the threshold of Independence through his principles of ahimsa or non-violence. It was and still is a great song; hence a must have in this list. 1. Aye Mere Watan Ke Logo:This is perhaps the most touching patriotic song ever written and sung. It was written by Kavi Pradeep and composed by C. Ramchandra. It was composed as a tribute to the Indian soldiers who had laid down their lives for protecting the country in the Sino-Indian War. It was performed by Lata Mangeshkar on 27th January 1963 in presence of the erstwhile Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru on account of Republic Day, just a few months after the war. It is said that this song had moved the Prime Minister to tears. The post Top 10 Patriotic Songs To Listen On 15th August appeared first on TopYaps. |
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