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- Top 10 looks for Girl’s Night Out
- Top 10 Brain Stimulating Activities
- 7 Jobs That Offer An Active Lifestyle
- Top 10 Weird Psychological Disorders
- Top 10 Movies You Find Difficult To Watch
- 7 Logical Reasons To Delete Your Facebook Account Today
- Top 10 Content Strategies For Bloggers
- 22 Onion Jokes That Make You Laugh (Or Even Cry!)
Top 10 looks for Girl’s Night Out Posted: 31 Aug 2013 09:30 AM PDT 10. Printed Mini Dress9. Animal Instincts8. Max – Out7. Color Blocking6. Jumpsuit5. Little Black Dress4. Classic Black & White3. Tier Love2. Black Magic Woman1. Statement JewelleryThe post Top 10 looks for Girl's Night Out appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Brain Stimulating Activities Posted: 31 Aug 2013 06:50 AM PDT Our brain behaves and responds resembling a child. The more you give it your attention, challenge, playtime and stimulation, the better it gets. Stimulation on regular basis prevents not only cell death, but also increases nerve growth and neuron connectivity in the brain. Different activities like exercises, puzzles, games, reading, writing and working math are known to stimulate different areas of the brain in diverse ways. With little effort you can make your brain achieve optimum fitness, function with alertness and increase its memory retention. These below listed 10 activities will stimulate different parts of the brain, giving it enough exercise, so that it can process information quickly, function efficiently and be able to perform multiple tasks simultaneously. 10. Catch your Brain's Attention:If your brain refuses to remain alert in the workplace, classroom or your study, then most probably it has got accustomed to the surrounding and relaxed into laziness. You can catch the attention of your brain and make it alert by changing the setup to shock it. One of the tricks that work is turning pictures, paintings or photos upside down. Something out of place succeeds in shocking the brain into alert mode. 9. Break Routine:Breaking the routine will require a person to make use of more senses, thus releasing more neutrophins in the brain. Some simple and safe activities that can strengthen neural connections are – writing, brushing teeth, brushing hair or generally working with the hand that you normally do not use for that particular activity. Using the less dominant hand can increase your brain’s creativity levels and stimulate it significantly. Do not try this activity by compromising on safety, when you are driving or using appliances that require optimal skill. 8. Challenge Your Brain Occasionally:You have mastered cycling, swimming, dancing and other such tasks; enough to keep you engaged for the rest of your life. But, you don't realize that without novel tasks to master and skills to learn, there is no challenge for your brain which is required for its healthy functioning. Pick up new activities, skills and hobbies that will challenge your brain once in awhile. 7. Make Use of All Senses:We are used to use our senses to match our activities. Once we try to change the habitual way we work, our other senses get stimulated to a great extent. Try closing your eyes and listening to the sound around the house and guess what is going on instead of looking at it or try identifying the dresses on your cupboard hanger by just feeling them. The blind man's bluff had more behind the blindfold huh? Try smelling deeply different odors, both pleasant and repulsive ones. New odors can prick the brain cells into working with alertness. 6. Visit New Places:Places tend to leave behind great impression on mind. When we come across a beautiful, exotic sight, our brain tries to capture it like a photograph in our memories; hence, travelling to new destinations and meeting new people can be great brain stimulators. Our brain records such events in great details for future retrieval. 5. Exercise Regularly:Not many would know that physical exercises are more than just brawn. Besides, building those muscles, physical exercise protects the brain, especially in later stages of life. People with sedentary lifestyles are more prone to develop Alzheimer's or dementia. 4. Read and Write:You cannot wait to finish off school, so that you do not have to read or write anymore. Unfortunately, nothing flexes the brain muscles more than reading/writing. Learning new language is also a great stimulation for your brain. People who read and write extensively prior to age of 18 have better cognitive functioning in old age. 3. Give It a Thought:The dendrites that connect brain cells increase in number when the brain begins to think. The more and deeply a person thinks, the better becomes the functioning of our brain. Engaging yourself in thought provoking activities or games is not just fun, but it has so much of additional benefits for your brain too. Now you know what to do when you are having free time or waiting in queue. You can stimulate your brain by pondering over things, calculating sums, memorizing names or trying to remember things around you. 2. Use Your Fingers:Let me clarify that I mean using all your fingers and not just one. The nerve endings in the fingers are directly connected to brain, hence activities involving fingers increase circulation in brain. Knitting, using chopsticks, playing musical instrument and other activities which involve lot of finger movements are great exercises for brain. Try playing different games with your fingers when you have your hands free. 1. Laugh out Loud:Laughter is a good medicine not just for your body, but also for your brain. Emotions are often restricted to specific points in the brain, but laughter involves neurons all across the brain. Laughter stimulates the brain to release endorphins, the neurotransmitters responsible for creating a feeling well being in people. It brings about dynamic changes in the brain by triggering and connection different regions with activity. Research conducted by scientists in German has found that there are different networks in our brain which handles a specific context of laughter, thus by laughing for different reasons you can stimulate all the regions in your brain. The post Top 10 Brain Stimulating Activities appeared first on TopYaps. |
7 Jobs That Offer An Active Lifestyle Posted: 31 Aug 2013 05:09 AM PDT Without question, being a husband is the top job that offers an active lifestyle. Add to that being a father and you are at the apex of the hyper-active pyramid. However, in the world of white collars, blue collar and no collars which earn you a livelihood, the top 7 jobs that offer an active lifestyle ignore the husband-father category and throw up these results: 7. Bouncers:They are the real Men in Black. You name the muscle and this army has them toned and ready to tame the wild ones who cannot handle alcohol in their blood. Bouncers live a life full of activity, 8 pm to the wee hours of the morning. Their job requires them to pick-walk out-throw away all men who do not follow the ethical code of pub-hopping or hopping-in-the-pub. And they have to do it no matter what size, shape or status the scoundrel may come in or belong to. Some work! In the day, mind it, there is no time to sleep, as they spend hours in the gym to keep in shape the rocks inside their arms and legs. We wish there were a few dedicatedly cleansing the pubs and clubs of bad dancers and those with cheesy pick-up lines too. Don't you? 6. Tour Guides:One of the most actively difficult jobs in the world is that of a tour guide. Why? Imagine yourself having seen every fort, every road, every tree and every canal of a certain place on Earth. And then, imagine having to wake-up according to the 'package' timings and guide a bunch of eager beavers through the site seeing. All the time, making sure your voice throwing facts and findings at them matches theirs in the degree of excitement. However, shelf not your ambition of becoming one! Being a tour guide is one of the jobs that offer a healthy and active lifestyle. It will keep you walking, hopping, pointing, talking, shooting, climbing, swimming, etc, day-after-day-after-day, and from one group of 20, to the next! And we are sure some novel sights and sounds may come your way too. After all, life is a journey! 5. Sales Representative:Do we need to elaborate? With a bag full of items and a heart full of pleas, those in the department of sales are always actively on the move. While the fellows stuck to a desk-job may envy them, being a sales rep is nothing short of tough work. The job offers an active lifestyle from 8am to 8pm, and sometimes beyond too. Door-to-door and office-to-office all in a day's work, and target waiting to be met! Add to that the gift of the gab which needs to be kept unwrapped most of the time, and there you have it – reasons galore why being a Sales rep has been included in this list. 4. Reporter:You have spotted them on TV, on roads, outside important offices and inside VIP homes. If there is one job which asks you to be on your toes, it is this, literally! They will hang out of bus windows dangling their mikes to collect bites from the passenger sitting ahead or wait for days outside a certain hospital for royalty to be born. They will sprint towards the celebrity with the speed of light to catch the first byte or run after the red beacon hoping the tyres will puncture and they'll take the Minister to task. Reporters are always reporting, and when they are not they are looking for things to report. Quite an active lifestyle! Don't you think? 3. Traffic Cop:Hands up, hands down, palm open, closed or swaying from side-to-side. All this, with feet planted firmly in one place. Add to it office rush-hour, rain and a few conked signals and you have a situation, Watson! The duty of a traffic cop is no less than working a miracle – keeping a mass of impatient drivers streaming smoothly down the intersection. The reflexes and the responsibility to use the right ones make the job of a traffic cop one which offers a very alert and active lifestyle – come hail or storm. And when the signals are doing their job and they do not need to exercise their limbs with all the presence of mind that they are capable of, well, there are chalans to be cut, aren’t there? 2. Gym Instructor:They are nothing if they are not actively hopping from machine to madam to hunk to handlebars, all sweating it out to feel more active and fit in life. The job of a gym instructor is not easy. First, he needs to have it to prove it that he knows the snazzy machines well, we mean muscles. Then, he needs to use his physical and mental power to show and convince the client about the merits of the machine. Finally, he needs to walk around his arena like a guru watching over his pupils with a heavy arm, literally. If being a gym instructor is not a job offering an active lifestyle, what it? 1. Games Coach:The most active of all jobs is that which a coach enjoys. You name the game and see for yourself how the coach has to practice what he teaches, literally. He cannot just stand under the tree and in the shade blowing his whistle and expecting you to score a basket. He runs with you, dribbles with you and scores it with you too. Then, every practice session sees him joining you in your crunches and push-ups and frog-leaps and what not in the name of warm-up. Even on D-day, despite his tie-suit, he is doing everything that you are – kicking, passing, defending, hitting, albeit outside the white line! Phew! Most active, for sure! The post 7 Jobs That Offer An Active Lifestyle appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Weird Psychological Disorders Posted: 31 Aug 2013 05:00 AM PDT When you met Norman Bates in the horror movie Psycho, who developed a split personality to erase the crime of murdering his mother and her lover from his memory, you thought how weird it was! Believe me, there are more weird and bizarre psychotic disorders affecting people in the world which are quite unbelievable. Psychotic disorder affect the mind and thought process of a person, causing confusion, interfering with judgments and changing their behavior, as a result of which they lose touch with reality. Here I am compiling a list of 10 weirdest psychological disorders beginning with a mild and less shocking one so as to not scare you. 10. Kleptomania:The term kleptomania does not sound unusual or weird anymore, what with news flashing about famous personalities caught on CC footage lifting petty things from shop. This psychotic disorder urges people to steal things of little value which they don't have any need for. The act of theft is followed by a sense of release in pressure which was building up in them. Not many kleptomaniacs are even aware that they are stealing. 9. Bibliomania:Next time you visit a friend who has stacks of books; just make sure they do not suffer from an obsessive compulsive disorder called Bibliomania. People suffering from this weird psychotic disorder is so obsessed with book collection, including several copies of the same edition, that their own lives and those of their loved ones are destroyed. Stephen Blumberg is known to have stolen books worth $ 5.3 million, whereas Sir Thomas Phillipps collected 160,000 books. Apart from bibliomania, people are identified with bibliophilia – extreme love of books, Bibliophagy- compulsion to eat books, bibliotaphy- urge to bury books and bibliokleptomania – stealing books. 8. Bigorexia:You are familiar with the term anorexia, but did you know that there exists an exactly opposite of this disorder known as bigorexia? People identified with bigorexia, also known as muscle dysmorphia, are obsessed with their muscles. No matter how well they are built, they feel they are not muscular enough. They keep looking at their body in the mirror, stick to their gym and workout sessions and at times take steroids. Often their obsession with body leads to failure in job and personal relationships. 7. Stendhal Syndrome:The person with Stendhal Syndrome may suffer physical and emotional anxiety, panic attacks, confusion, dissociative experience and hallucinations when they are exposed to something beautiful or artistic, especially a place like art gallery or beauty in natural world. 6. Synesthesia:Synesthesia is a genetic trait that causes confusion in perception of senses which is described as pleasant by synesthetes. In simple words we can say the people with synesthesia can taste shapes and see music where the stimulation of one sense leading to another is involuntary and automatic. For them banana and tastes blue, letter A as red, letter O as white or black and the city skyline tastes like blueberry. The perception may differ from one synesthete to other though there could be underlying similarities between them. 5. Trichotillomania:Everyone goes through the passing phase where they feel like pulling out their hair. Imagine having an urge to pull hairs out from scalp, face, eyelashes, ear, nose or even pubic area all the time, which is what the condition Trichotillomania does to a person. Some people are not just satisfied with pulling hair; they go ahead and consume it, leading to Rapunzel syndrome. 4. Apotemnophilia:In rare conditions, doctors have to remove a diseased body part of a person to save their lives, which is emotionally traumatic experience for a person. For people diagnosed with apotemnophilia, there is an irresistible desire to amputate their healthy limbs or other parts of their body. In extreme cases people are known to amputate their own limbs to satisfy their urge and are happy with their decision. 3. Alien Hand Syndrome:Those with Alien hand syndrome believe that their hand has its own independent life. Creepy, huh? Though they have normal sensations in their hands, they state that one of their hands has a will of its own and it is often errant, disobedient and defiant while the other hand is under their control. 2. Capgras Syndrome:Capgras syndrome causes a delusion that one of their loved one or acquaintance, usually a spouse has been replaced by an identical looking imposter, or several people in some cases. This is not just the case where a woman complains "You are not the person I married anymore", but a serious neurological disorder, in which the delusion primarily results from organic brain lesions or degeneration, identified more often in women than in men. 1. Cotard's Syndrome:Cotard's syndrome also referred to as Walking Corpse Syndrome can be considered as the most weirdest and strange of all psychotic disorders. People who suffer nihilistic delusion from this psychotic disorder are convinced that they are dead, decomposing and they do not exist in the world. They often describe a loss of blood, organs and/or body parts. The syndrome is named after Jules Cotard who recorded the case of his patient who complained she had "no brain, no nerves, no chest, no stomach and no intestines." So strong was her belief that she did not eat since she had no innards and finally died of starvation. The post Top 10 Weird Psychological Disorders appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Movies You Find Difficult To Watch Posted: 31 Aug 2013 04:30 AM PDT Cinema has entertained generations of film buffs and there is no dearth of movies of different genres that have remained timeless and become classics. At the same time, there are some films either so boring in content or so ghastly in horror to watch that one cannot do more than once. While everyone may have a list of must watch films, but here we put together a list of top 10 such films that you would find difficult to watch again and perhaps even for the first time. 10. A Serbian Film (2010):This 2010 Serbian film was intended to be a horror movie but considering the pornographic content it contained, it was not what the audiences could watch much beyond the opening scenes. The movie portrayed several sexual taboos and introduced some stomach churning and perverse subjects such as 'newborn-porn'. Some of the scenes were enough to send you running for the exit door. Barring sexual predators, all found the film too offending with sickening content. 9. Cabin Fever (2002):The movie is surely on the list just for the reason that it was high on content that can take away your night's sleep with no trouble. The thought of flesh eating virus can be discomforting for anyone especially if you are sitting in a cinema hall with a coke in one hand and munching in the other. The cringe-worthy shaving scene was the other turn-off. 8. Euro Trip (2004):One of the comic movies in the American Pi series, Euro Trip was actually low on comic content and nudity ruled the roost. This 2004 comic venture directed by Jeff Shaffer was an American-European teen adventure that failed to tickle the funny bone. Barring some odd sequences, the movie was based on a confused plot with naked bodies compensating for humor. 7. Skyfall (2012):Arguably the most boring Bond movie ever, Skyfall wouldn’t have seen even a single movie goer had Daniel Craig not starred in it. The movie lacked in hidden magic that we usually associate with Bond movies. James Bond himself looked rugged and beaten up in almost all the sequences. The thriller-action-drama was seriously lacking and it demanded a James Bond in real to watch it till the climax, which was of course missing in absolute terms. 6. Pirates (2005):Those who didn’t know about the content in the movie beforehand and unfortunately made their way into cinema theatre with their family must be cursing themselves till this day. The movie was just about real porn and pornography. Almost all the renowned faces in the porn world came together to make this venture a reality. Even if you are alone, I bet you wouldn’t find it easy to get through with the flick without a sense of guilt later. 5. The Girl Next Door (2007):Adaptation from the novel of the same name, the movie directed by Gregory Wilson is one of its kinds. The flick is based on a very depressing plot that is rich in tortures and abuses committed on a young girl during the time she lived in care of her aunt. The movie is so hard-hitting that it can numb your senses completely by the time it ends. The way the girl keeps up with the abuses inflicted on her can make you scream loud in desperation and dejection. 4. The Twilight Saga: New Moon (2009):One of the most boring series of movies Hollywood has ever been a party to, this movie in particular was probably scripted to test the movie goers ability withstand sheer boredom. Meticulously and strenuously boring, it seemed as if zombies were conducting death-march all through the movie and that too in total darkness. The most boring character of Bella played by Kirsten Stewart made the plot appear all the more mundane and motionless. 3. Inception (2010):This 2010 released sci-fi venture was an instant success, the world over. The picture that stars a large ensemble cast including Leonardo DiCaprio is tough to comprehend at one go due to the multi-level or lucid dream sequences. Although, movie has many takers for its bizarre plot, it requires a seriously boring person high on intellectual backing to watch and enjoy it till the end. It's good for people who adore flicks with no-continuity errors but… aren’t such blokes zombies? 2. Martyrs (2008):This 2008 flick based on a retribution plot can terrify you with its challenging sequences. The thriller drama is based around a quest for revenge of a woman who raises a vow to settle scores with her tormentors who inflicted abuse on her during her childhood. The movie unfolds in front of your eyes as a terrifying journey that can make you feel the scare of hell at one point in time during the drama. Better to maintain some distance if you find hard to digest petrifying sequences. 1. Cannibal Holocaust (1980):Directed by Ruggero Deodato, this Italian movie released in 1980 was termed as confused in its plot by many but what it dished out in certain scenes make it truly haunting. The movie was extremely gory and high on red blood featuring cannibals. It was so disturbing in some of the scenes that audience especially females were forced to gag their mouths to abstain from puking in the cinema hall. Even I watched it through the peek in my fingers to make sure I end up with the movie unharmed. The content was really disturbing to be honest. The post Top 10 Movies You Find Difficult To Watch appeared first on TopYaps. |
7 Logical Reasons To Delete Your Facebook Account Today Posted: 31 Aug 2013 02:40 AM PDT Gone are the days when you woke up, trudged lazily into the kitchen for a hot cup of coffee. Now you lie in your bed, reach out for the smart phone and log into facebook first thing in the morning. Your parents told you keep away from many addictions, but not the social media addiction which binds you with a great power from which there is no escape. Today everyone from grannies, teens to busy business people are spending hours surfing their facebook pages. The latest fad may soon lead to a real FAD (facebook addiction syndrome) if you don't apply brakes on it quickly. If you are hesitating to take the plunge, here are 7 good reasons to give you a push. If you intend to fly over to twitter or other social media connection by disconnecting facebook, then don't bother to read further. 7. Causes delusion that everyone is better off than you:Facebook has the power to alter you sense of reality to make you feel that everyone is having amazing life but you. This happens because people tend to post their success stories, happy moments, vacations and enjoying parties, even as they hide their sad moments, fears, failures and boredom. Occasionally facebookers start posting trending pictures of their school day, wedding day, the day they got their first pet and many other silly things. Those who are out of sync with such posting feel lonely and left out. You will find it hard to believe that the lives of people on facebook are their fool's paradise whereas reality sucks at everyone's life like it does at yours. 6. Leads to narcissism:Research has shown that facebook serves as a self promoting platform which encourages obsession with self. Social media has a lot to contribute to the growing levels of narcissism in our society today. Facebook is used by adolescents to gain attention, whereas middle aged people try to win approval for their already set image. The more they want attention, praise or approval the more they post. 5. Destroys recreational and creative activities:Remember the days when you felt bored and went out for a stroll, picked up a hobby, or started to dust away some hidden corners of your home? Now all the recreational activities are happening on the virtual world of facebook, where you posting the pictures with tucked in abs or hour glass figure of the time when you were interested in recreational activities. The likes and praises from your friends all make you feel that you are doing great even now. A cup of coffee with friend or family in a cozy restaurant is replaced by poke on facebook, lunch is exotic restaurant is now taken over by messenger and even the phone calls are now replaced with PMs on facebook. How often we hear, "Leave me a message on facebook if it is urgent". 4. Privacy intruded:With facebook, your life is no more yours only. People can post picture of you caught with food in mouth at a party, trying to regain balance by holding onto a stranger or just looking very fat in a dress you did not wanted to be photographed in. Facebook acquaintances want to know what is happening in your life not just through your status updates, but also with the changes you make. The want of attention on facebook, urges its users to post happenings in their lives, throwing precaution to thin air. They forget that even strangers (who form a major chunk of their friends list) are also reading about their relationships, breakups, divorce and many other personal aspects of their lives. 3. Takes off intimacy from relationships:Every time you reprimand your loved one for not responding to your call which was an emergency, you will hear a common phrase "Why didn't you contact me on facebook?" With the invasion of social media, the intimacy of a relationship is lost forever. Couples argue, breakup, makeup and romance on facebook as their friends leave behind their precious tips and comments. Days are not far off when facebook may become a dirty ground where couple's divorce each other. With facebook, the personal touch, the intimate call and a friendly communication over the phone is pushed to background. 2. Distraction:Facebook is a great distraction, especially for people working on the computer. Without facebook updates and status messages to bother, you will be more focused and complete your task at hand on time. You do not have to miss the gym program, dancing class, evening walk or your homework just because you did not know how time flew when you were on facebook. You will not find it difficult to walk away from computer for an outdoor activity without the temptress facebook beckoning you. 1. Danger of Addiction:More than 1/7 of the world's population faces the danger of internet and social media addiction now. Psychologists are considering it to be similar to other addictions, including the withdrawal symptoms. It is accepted that teens are spending lot of time on facebook and others are not far behind. More preference is given to online life than the real one. Though facebook addiction has not been considered as an addictive disorder, therapists are already seeing and treating patients having problem with frequent use of facebook. The post 7 Logical Reasons To Delete Your Facebook Account Today appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Content Strategies For Bloggers Posted: 31 Aug 2013 02:00 AM PDT Blogging is the most prominent way to have an effective online presence. In fact, blogs are the trendiest platform for online communication today. All big businesses, organizations and amateur bloggers love to operate their work through blogs. If you too are a blogger, or want to become one, you need to generate interesting ideas to blog about. Even more importantly, you need to have a foolproof content strategy. Here are 10 content strategies you can practice to make a difference as a blogger: 10. Know What You Want:A lot has changed about how we used to blog in the past, with newer modifications being introduced every day. In the current scenario, blogs are fairly dedicated to content sharing, which is their main goal. Actually, content sharing is what makes blogging the most effective social media strategy. Know what exactly you want to blog for and how. Once you know your purpose, spend as much time as you can to update yourself with the latest blogging trends. Ultimately, all it takes is unique and quality content, which best describes the product you are dealing in. 9. Compile Ideas:You may have so many ideas coming simultaneously into your mind. You can't write about all of them at once. Make a list by framing ideas in the correct manner. Place them on the basis of priority and importance. When it comes to developing content based on them, you can shuffle them depending upon what a particular situation demands. 8. Regular Interaction and Feedback:After blogging for long, may be you’ve begun to take things for granted. This is the stage when you begin to jargon and lose your customers. Try to engage your audience in regular interactions with you to solve this problem. Develop a habit of regularly checking your emails and comments on your posts. Spend time reverting to them and answer/resolve their doubts and queries through a fresh post. 7. Write Review Content:Study what others say about your industry and product. You can give it a twist to present it in a new and captivating manner. Review a latest industry book and you can choose to be a critic at times. Highlight the points that you know interest your audience the most. 6. Approach Guest Authors:If you are worn-out writing too much and have nothing worthwhile to write about, it would be best to let some experienced author do it for you. You will find people having sufficient knowledge about your area of expertise. Your readers will have a change and besides, you can gather new ideas for your next post as well. 5. Stay Updated:Staying updated is one of the most significant content strategies recommended for bloggers. Pick up a recent event related to your industry in one way or the other, give it your words and publish. Put all exclusive industry announcements together for your next piece. This will boost your readers' trust and interest level and fetch organic traffic for the blog. 4. Study Analytics:As a blogger, you need to know everything about your audience. Use website analytics to collect detailed information about your readers, including location, the platform they use to connect to you and user statics. Once you know every valuable detail about them, you can prepare quality content that targets them well. For example, you can write your next post for audience that span from the area with majority clicks on your log. 3. Graphical Illustration:The most appropriate means to make the information you provide to your readers look precise is well-labeled graphical illustrations. People believe more in numerical data and statistics than simply written statements. Present numerical data through charts and make sure you mention precise stats only. 2. Content in a broader sense:Gone are the times when content referred to text only. Text can't be your blog content always and for long. You can place a video instead of conveying the whole message through words. Or how about publishing an audio interview of a business expert? Welcome your readers with fresh pictures of a webinar that took place recently. 1. Nothing Replaces Quality:Like everybody else, you want to catch the attention of as large an audience as you possibly can through blogging. This is the biggest step toward earning money on the net. But this is possible only if you can provide your target audience the concise information through quality content. If you think you can fool people with wrong information to promote your product, you are mistaken. Even if you succeed initially by doing so, it is a momentary success. Remember that content, only when unique and qualitative, is going to be the king of your blog. The post Top 10 Content Strategies For Bloggers appeared first on TopYaps. |
22 Onion Jokes That Make You Laugh (Or Even Cry!) Posted: 31 Aug 2013 12:46 AM PDT Well, I don’t know about the quantity of annoyingness being expressed by your mom in kitchen or by your father while killing his bank account on thelas. But let’s be honest. The endless stream of razor-sharp wit around onion price……Oh Wait! Onion — the funniest evil of modern India…..has compelled people to shat the comedy bed. Laugh at us, yell at us or damn us for showing previously-seen memes; but before anything, move your finger and scroll the page to get the latest onion jokes!
22.The post 22 Onion Jokes That Make You Laugh (Or Even Cry!) appeared first on TopYaps. |
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