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- 8 Ways To Travel Without Looking Like A Tourist
- Top 10 Jewellery Trends
- Top 6 Ways To Dump Your Boring Girlfriend
- Top 5 Getaways If You Are Bored With Goa
- Top 7 Luxury Airliners For A Business Flier
- Top 10 Best Sniper Rifles For Modern Warfare
8 Ways To Travel Without Looking Like A Tourist Posted: 22 Aug 2013 09:00 AM PDT We have all experienced the joys of travelling some time or the other. The anticipation and the excitement associated with travelling to a new place or even revisiting an old one is a source of great fascination. However the contemporary traveler is a more conscious one, meticulous in his planning and wants to get the best of experiences without raising any eyebrows or falling into a tourist trap. Here are few tips to avoid looking like an obvious tourist while travelling order. 8. Get Local:Part of travelling is not only to see places and monuments but experiencing new cultures, and part of this experience includes accepting the difference in food habits, behavior and traditions. Learn a little about the people of the places you are visiting, maybe the local way of customary greeting. The Japanese are very upbeat about being honorific and polite, and you are expected to behave the same (not like a Texan Red Neck). Likewise in India you don't want to walk into a restaurant and ask them to serve beef (even if it's called "Holy Cow Restaurant"). Also learn a little about the local currency and its denominations. Try as much local cuisine as possible (make sure you do not have food allergies though). Deep fried scorpions and bat soup do not taste half as bad as they sound. Best of all learn about the local music cause nothing unites people more than that. 7. Strictly, no gazing:Now this is going to sound funny, but a sure shot giveaway for a tourist is the gaze of fascination when they see something awesome. Yeah of course if it's awesome it deserves a gaze, but there are more subtle ways of doing that. Also never look up, only tourists do that, I mean you won't find the average New Yorker staring up at the empire state building. 6. Get a little drunk:The best part about alcohol is that it lets you do things you would otherwise not do. It's a little bit of gamble because there's always a chance that you might get carried away and start singing your national anthem piss drunk (now that's a giveaway). But in moderation it would make you more sociable, adventurous and brave. After all confidence is everything and a couple of shots of Vodka can do the trick. 5. Use travel aids more intelligently:While travelling it's almost impossible to avoid the temptation to opening up a map of the locale. Remember that's the quickest giveaway cause if you are lost in your own home city you would not look at a map. The solution is quite simple, use a map, but use it on your phone, there are a host e-maps from Google, Apple etc. If you have to use a paper map then do it inconspicuously by walking into a coffee shop. 4. Choose the right destination:Choosing your destination to travel also plays a significant role in your overall experience. For instance if you have just decided to be a globetrotter and you speak Spanish, it is advisable you start with the Spanish speaking countries like Mexico or Panama. Also what matters is whether you are vacationing or backpacking, whether you are travelling with your family or simply with your new found love. There is a type of destination for every traveler and it's important to recognize that. 3. Plan each day if you want to make the most of it:It is really difficult to plan out an entire tour sitting at home before commencing your journey; especially if it's a country you haven't visited before. So I suggest a two-step planning. One pre-emptive plan which will chalk out the major things you want to see. Let's say you are travelling to France, you should at least know what cities you will be visiting while on your tour. The second step is to plan one day in advance and figure out what all places you want to visit in each city (e.g. Louvre, Eiffel Tower etc. in Paris). Knowing where you want to be and when will almost always ensure your cab driver or tour guide has a higher regard for you and you are less likely to fall into tourist traps. 2. Dress right:This is the second easiest thing to do but probably the most important of all. “When in Rome do as the Romans do,” "the first impression is the last impression" etc. etc. etc. I cannot lay more emphasis on anything more than getting your appearance right when you are visiting a foreign place. Now don't get me wrong, I am not saying you should wear a sarong, coconut shells and a garland of flowers when you enter Hawaii. What I am trying to say is there are certain attires which can be carried off in anyplace without drawing any attention (like a collared shirt in S.E Asia as opposed to a T-shirt/Vest). And then there is the whole bunch of things one should absolutely avoid wearing while abroad, like a fanny pack (instead use a tick pocket or a bag which can be hidden beneath your shirt), too much jewelry or sports shoes. Also dress your age, wear a local accessory (ensure it is subtle) and if you are in Europe wear black/dark grey/brown (go for formals especially in the down and Nordic countries). 1. Documents first:The first thing to do when you land in a foreign country is getting past the immigration. So the least you can do is to get your travel documents right. And by right I mean impeccably right. Verify each countries specific entry requirements. If you have a criminal record or figure in the most wanted list of any country, community or religious body make sure you know where you're headed and what paperwork you need filled out before going there. Overall I would say this is by far the easiest thing to do. It is advisable to keep a backup photocopy of your passport main page just in case you lose it while abroad. The post 8 Ways To Travel Without Looking Like A Tourist appeared first on TopYaps. |
Posted: 22 Aug 2013 07:24 AM PDT 10. Neon & Gold9. Ear Cuffs8. Thin Knuckle Rings7. Gold all the way6. Neon Cuffs5. Neon Earrings4. Statement Necklace3. Statement Rings2. Statement Earrings1. Celeb StatementThe post Top 10 Jewellery Trends appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 6 Ways To Dump Your Boring Girlfriend Posted: 22 Aug 2013 04:13 AM PDT If she is boring then why did I end up with her in the first place, but I did anyways. Could have been anything, maybe I was as boring, socially awkward or plain demented. Regardless I have recently climbed the echelons of awesomeness and am no longer subject to the dictates of ho hum dullard. Now if you are feeling guilty at all, get it out of your system now, guys are naturally poor at dumping girlfriends, let alone under the pretext of boredom. But this always hasn’t been so. I mean you are a Lion and your pride should be a harem of women who have submitted to your awesome mane. Enough pep talks now let's get to the basics. Women don't like to be dumped; they can be a source of great discomfort if you manage to pull it off. She will make a demon out of you, and you stand a great chance of losing friends solely based on hearsay. So basically the trick is to make her do it for you. Here are a few ways how to dump your boring girlfriend. 6. Out and Out Gentleman:This one is not easy, you may have to shell out some cash and deal with some real tears. But it's going to make you leave the table with your dignity and pride. Take your GF for a dinner to the classiest joint in town, order some caviar and pour some Dom Perignon (that's a champagne). Wait for her to ask you "What are we celebrating?" Ask her to wait for the right moment. Get her something nice. Use your judgment to choose the right timing and let her know what you wanted to tell her. It’s going to break her heart, but at least she will have the Champagne to wash her sorrow away. Plus Side: You the Man !!!! Downside: Bloody bottle of Dom is gonna burn a 250$ hole in your pocket, but you don't care cause YOU THE MAN! 5. Lose yourself – Only Temporarily:Now you have to decide how you wanna do this as in at what level. First of all get a ponch, speak with a little beat of lisp and often about arbitrary things, stop dressing sharply, burp and fart more often, stay in with beat up excuses. Well honestly you know what, considering the great bore that she is you might wanna take it a step further. Get a pair of man boobs, dress like a hobo (get Size S if you are an L, XL if you are an S and make sure they are stained with mustard, ketchup etc.), talk with food in your mouth, always have food in your mouth, stop taking a bath and cuddle her only when you smell, most of all be rude and insulting especially towards her family. Plus Side: You get to eat, drink lots of beer, eat some more, not care a squat about how you look and let air pass out of every crevice in your body. Downside: Getting back in shape might be tedious. Looks are important in other fronts like office and at the club so that might be a little difficult to explain as well. 4. Use of Electronic Communication Devices:Well not the most gentlemanly but at least you are being straight up and letting her know what you think. On the low meter texting is the lowest followed by voicemail and last comes calling. Avoid Skype, its as good as calling and you probably don't want to see her in tears only hear them. Plus Side: If she starts to bore you in the dumping process at least you can hang up. Downside: Considering you are not inconsiderate you would not want to hear “At least have the balls to say it my face ASSHOLE.” 3. Go Berserk on her FB Page:Public humiliation is almost a sure shot way to ensure your GF breaks up with you. What better way than to do it on her FB page. Say the nastiest thing possible and all in CAPS, use a lot of exclamation marks (!!!! ) and throw in a couple of " @#$! ". Basically just destroy her online. Make sure you use the cliché words like bitch, whore, ugly, fat etc. etc. All of this without any provocation or warning, will definitely earn you the demented status and she will leave you, then again you were demented anyways for seeing that boring woman. Plus Side: It will be a while before anyone tries to connect to you over FB, so all that time you waste on FB can be used productively elsewhere. Downside: You will have to make a new FB id and probably new friends too. If you are looking for a rebound then a mail ordered East European is your best bet. 2. Cheat:This is number two on the low meter but the most widely prescribed technique. Cheating comes very naturally to men whether it's in the gym or the examination hall. Relationships are no different. No self-respecting woman no matter how boring will cope well with the fact that you had an intercourse with another woman. But is a de facto deal breaker. A gruesome fight with some sledging and even physical violence may ensue but it's all worth it if you can squeeze out of the tedium of being with your boring GF. Plus Side: Sex!! Downside: No woman who knows what you did will get involved with you romantically. Guilt will be a burden. 1. Vanish:This is really low and unmanly but really effective in terms of convenience. You cannot just fade out of a relationship without your partner noticing and thus begin the fireworks (arguments, bickering, finger pointing). The trick is to simply disappear, stop answering her calls, change the house lock, don't hang out at any of the places you usually do, deactivate your FB, and stop all communications with any common friend you have. Hell if possible plan this thing out and get a job in a different city and just make a move overnight. All this sounds impossible but its been done and quite effectively. If she is living in with you then you will definitely have to plan it whenever she goes to her parents or some trip etc. If she has access to your house then you might have to stay someplace else yourself. But you also have to ensure she knows you are avoiding her. Two to three weeks of this and trust me you are out! Plus Side: Effective and hassle free (maybe not logistically but definitely emotionally). Downside: Your reputation will go for a toss, and any chances of a patch up will be very slim. But I guess if she is that boring it's worth it. BONUS METHOD: This is a technique my cousin used to break up with his high school sweetheart (dumb and boring as shit). He called up her father and told him that he was a very poor student who had come to the city to study on scholarship and that his daughter was constantly bothering him for love. The girl's father — a conservative catholic — got her school changed and he never heard from her again.. !!! The post Top 6 Ways To Dump Your Boring Girlfriend appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 5 Getaways If You Are Bored With Goa Posted: 22 Aug 2013 02:44 AM PDT Whenever we think holiday, we think Goa, and I thought with a coastline as big as ours why can't there be more places. Then I discovered that only within a radius of 700 kms of Bombay there were these bunch of other places to explore beaches, temples and wilderness. Scroll down and explore this list to explore other not-in-mainstream places if you’re bored with the interference of Goa. 5. Ratnasagar Lake:An eight hour drive from Mumbai, Ratnasagar Lake lies in the town of Ratnagiri in the heart of the Konkan, India. Famous for its world renowned Alphonso Mangoes, this place also has endless acres of nodding palms and cashew nuts. A short drive away are the beaches of Bhatye, Mandvi and Ganapatipule. Other places to explore are the Purnagad, Ratnadurg and Jaigad forts devoid of jostling crowds or pesky vendors. 4. Bhandardara:With gurgling brooks and giant waterfalls, nature kicks to sheer life in this beautiful town. The Holy towns of Shirdi and Nashik are within a radius of 100 Km of this place. Other checkpoints include the Wilson Dam and the Arthur Lake. Legend has it that the famous sage Agasti meditated here and was rewarded for his penance by the Gods in the form of the holy river Pravara. 3. Gokarna:This drowsy hamlet, about 583 Km from Bangalore and 700 Km from Mumbai, gets its name from the ear shaped confluence of the rivers Gangavali and Aghanashini. This temple town fringed by beaches is quickly rising in popularity amongst young travelers from across the globe. Its entire fabric is enriched by instances of historical architecture. The huge Mahabaleshwar temple merits a special mention. The most popular beaches here include the Kudlee, Half Moon and the Paradise beach. 2. Vengurla:Vengurla is an erstwhile Dutch settlement also in the Sindhudurg district of approximately 550 Km from Mumbai, surrounded by a range of lush green hilly range on one side and the sea on the other. While the hills boast of a rich bounty of cashew, berries, coconut, jackfruit and mango groves the sea offers a myriad of sea fish and other local delicacies. The two most famous beaches there include the Nivti and the Bhogawe. There is also a Burnt Island which is home to the Indian Swiftlet and other species of birds which will tingle your shutterbug senses. There is an ancient Shri Devi Temple and Rameshwar Mandir which demand a visit as well. 1. Tarkali:Tarkali is about 70 Km short of Goa if you are headed there from Mumbai. The location is in the district of Sindhudurg. A ten hour drive from Mumbai gets you to the fine grained white beaches of this bastion of the erstwhile Maratha kingdom. Snorkeling and scuba diving is recommended to experience a splash of marine life in the clear blue Arabian sea. There are scores of beaches to see with a few of them being nesting grounds for female turtles. Food includes fresh seafood and if one is passionate about history then there is a Shivchhatrapati temple nearby for a visit. The post Top 5 Getaways If You Are Bored With Goa appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 7 Luxury Airliners For A Business Flier Posted: 22 Aug 2013 02:43 AM PDT The perks of flying business class have evolved dramatically over the last decade. With some of the world's leading Airliners trying to woo the business flier with the latest developments in technology, ergonomics, designer interiors and gourmet cuisine, we look at the seven most enticing Airways. 7. Singapore Airlines:This Airliner is unrivalled in terms of inflight space for passengers with a unique 1-2-1 cabin layout ensuring every seat has a direct aisle excess. Flat beds are adorned with duvet pillows and fresh linen giving the traveler a homely feel. The flight menu is a brainchild of a panel of culinary experts and the airlines also provides passengers with the facility of opting for a pre ordered gourmet meal with their "Book the Cook" service. 6. Cathay Pacific:Cathay Pacific's new business class design allows one to control the degree of privacy they desire, with the new fully flatbed which has the feature of a bed extension increasing its width by 16.5 cm to provide hip support. It’s 15.4 inch touch screen TV has a rotating entertainment library. The food has also drawn some well-deserved ire from its rivals. 5. Virgin Atlantic:Every time you say Virgin Atlantic you relate it to a luxurious self-indulgence which does not relate to first class but rather the upper class and that too in a more youthful way. No wonder it offers an on-board bar and an on demand meal service. And if that not enough you can demand for an inflight message too. The seats are roomy and the overall experience can be dubbed as pampering. No wonder it has been an edgy rival to its cousin BA. 4. Japan Airlines:When you say JAL, you say comfort. Its seating upholstery is from the sofa manufacturers Poltrona Frau with adjustable headrests, side cushions, down pillows and comforters. Not enough, the seats also have a built in massage feature. JAL offers both Japanese as well as western food, impressive enough to leave a lasting memory. 3. Swiss International Airlines:No other airline has commanded the reputation of courtesy and efficiency as SIA. It offers all the expected services and amenities expected including duty free on board shopping, a treat of Sprungli Chocolates (after all its Swiss) and a dining option from a light snack to a seven course meal. In fact to keep travelers palates satiated, as per its innovative culinary program "SWISS taste of Switzerland", it showcases a rotating menu that highlights cuisines from the various parts of the country changing every three months. 2. British Airways:As royal as the Island itself, this Airline offers a flatbed extending six feet and six inches giving those legs of your supermodel girlfriend some well-deserved room. Not only this, the seats are designed in a "z" bed position giving one the privacy of enjoying a relaxing sleep or viewing the many video options. What's more you can actually make your own dining schedule (not the crews!). Also known is the inflight Club Kitchen where one can help himself to some delicious snacks. 1. KLM:With a scheduled passenger and cargo services to over 90 destinations, KL M is the flag carrier airlines for Netherlands (Holland) and probably the oldest airline to still retain its original name. In its lates,t top designer Hella Jongerius has been roped in to give its interiors a royal Dutch look with the introduction of full flat seats this season. What's more its “meet and seat” feature lets you view other passengers' Facebook or LinkedIn profile details long before the flight takes off. The post Top 7 Luxury Airliners For A Business Flier appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Best Sniper Rifles For Modern Warfare Posted: 22 Aug 2013 02:00 AM PDT Sniper rifles are the best discovery of modern ammunition technology. They are equally impendent and advantageous; meant to carry out abolition on a large scale, they represent the martial influence of a country as well. Let's list 10 sniper rifles with the deadliest impact and matchless fire power: 10. L42 Enfield (British):The L42 Enfield is a bolt-action rifle originated in 1895 in the UK. This magazine-fed, repeating rifle was first used by the military forces of the British Empire in the first half of the 20th century. The rifle was used repeatedly in First World War, Second World War, Second Boer War and Irish War of Independence. The rifle can hit a target at maximum range of 1.829 meters. 9. SR-25 (American):The SR-25 is a semi-automatic rifle manufactured in 1990 in the United Sates. Eugene Stoner designed this sniper rifle and the manufacturer was Knight's Armament Company. It has been in service since 1990. This semi-automatic sniper rifle has a direct impingement gas system and uses a rotating bolt. It was used in Afghanistan War, Iraq War and 2006 East Timorese Crisis. The rifle is 1,118 mm in length, weighs 10 pounds with a barrel length of 610 mm. 8. AS50 (British):The AS50 is an anti-material rifle manufactured by Accuracy International, the British firearms producer. This .50 BMG sniper is capable of engaging targets at a range of 1800 meters. The AS50 uses incendiary ammunition and provides a very high level of accuracy. The rifle was designed in 2007 to facilitate the British Forces. It can fire five rounds in just 1.6 seconds and this is why it has been quite popular. 7. M21 (American):The M21 Sniper Weapon System (SWS) was evolved when the US Army needed a rifle with high accuracy during the Vietnam War. It is basically a semi-automatic sniper rifle adaptation of the M14 rifle. This rifle has been in service since 1969 and uses a 20-round box magazine. It is chambered for the 7.62×51mm NATO cartridge. 6. PSG1 (German):The PSGI is a German sniper rifle designed by Heckler & Koch, the German company. The origin of the rifle has its roots in the horrible memory of the Munich massacre of 1972. This was when Heckler & Koch was given the responsibility of manufacturing a high accuracy, semi-automatic rifle for military and police. Heckler & Koch came up with PSGI in 1972 that has been in use ever since. This is a semi-automatic sniper rifle with a large magazine capacity. 5. Dragunov SVD (Soviet Union):This one is a strong and reliable sniper rifle developed in the Soviet Union. It was initially designed in 1958 and has been in service since 1963. The Dragunov SVD is a semi-automatic, 10-round detachable box sniper rifle with a barrel length of 620 mm. Plus, it has a short-stroke gas-piston system. The Dragunov SVD was originally designed as a squad support weapon. 4. Mosin-Nagant (Russian):The Mosin-Nagant is a Russian bolt-action military rifle. It is probably one of the most powerful internal magazine-fed military rifles with shocking precision level. Developed by the Imperial Russian Army, this unique piece has been in use since 1891. The length of Mosin-Nagant is 1,232 mm and weighs 8.8 lb. The rifle has a long range with powerful firepower and is designed to give accuracy even in tough conditions. 3. L115A3 AWM (British):L115A3 AWM (Arctic Warfare Magnum) is a British sniper rifle that's been in service use since 1996. It is a bolt action rifle designed for magnum rifle cartridge chambering by Accuracy International. The length of the rifle is 1200 mm and weighs 14.3 lb. L115A3 AWM comes with day and night optics and has been used in Afghanistan and Iraq wars. This wonderful sniper rifle uses a 5-round detachable box magazine and has an effective range of 1,400 meters. 2. CheyTac Intervention (American):Not all rifles are perfect in terms of precision, range and firepower. The highly powerful CheyTac Intervention has these three attributes in amazing combination. Interestingly, it is capable of hitting a target at over 2300 meters, that too with utter precision. The CheyTac M200.408 is believed to have the most accurate sniper system in the world, which is doubtless true. It is a custom round from CheyTac to keep their precision level up and they have done it quite successfully! 1. Barrett .50 Cal (American):M82 Barrett .50 Cal is one-rifle-army type of a sniper rifle introduced by the American Barrett Firearms Manufacturing Company. It has been in service since 1989 till date, used by armies and units around the world. This weapon used to have two variants – the original M82A1 and the bullpup M82A2. Now, however, the M82A2 has been replaced by XM500. The sniper rifle has a .50 BMG chambering and is also known as the Light Fifty. This mind-blowing single shot, bolt-action weapon comes with maximum fire range of 2600 meters and can shoot through a wall! The post Top 10 Best Sniper Rifles For Modern Warfare appeared first on TopYaps. |
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