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- Top 10 People Who Might Win A Nobel Peace Prize
- Top 10 Most Popular Indian Spices
- Top 10 Medical Breakthroughs Of The 21st Century
- Top 8 Ways Technology Is Making You Dumb
- Top 6 Dangerous Parenting Trends
- Top 10 Prank Based Shows In The World
Top 10 People Who Might Win A Nobel Peace Prize Posted: 27 Aug 2013 06:45 AM PDT It is not easy to predict who’ll win the Nobel Peace Prize. For one thing, the list of contenders that are nominated is kept secret and even the contenders don’t know that they have been nominated. And when Barack Obama and the European Union can win this award, it gets really hard to predict who will be chosen. 2013 has also seen a record number of nominations coming to a total of 259 nominations. Although the nominees are not disclosed, already people have started speculating that the Malala Yousafzai has a great chance to win the Nobel Peace Prize this year. Some people are claiming that Julian Assange, Bradley Manning or Edward Snowden should win the award. But here’s a more serious speculation not just about who’ll win this year but about who can win the award sometime in the future. So here are the top 10 current public figures who might win a future Nobel Peace Prize. 10. Alyn Ware:Alyn Ware is a peace activist from New Zealand. He’s active in the areas of peace, non violence, nuclear disarmament, women’s rights, children’s rights, environment protection and international law. He’s the Global Coordinator for the group Parliamentarians for Nuclear Nonproliferation and Disarmament. He’s received various peace awards and is a strong contender to win the Nobel someday. 9. Lawrence S. Wittner:Lawrence S. Wittner is an American historian and author. He’s written many books on peace movements and foreign policy. He’s also been an active political activist in the racial equality and labor movements. His books, articles and speeches have won various awards and he’s given many lectures all around the world on the topic of world peace. He could win the Nobel Peace Prize one day. 8. Widad Akrawi:Widad Akrawi is a Danish citizen of Kurdish ancestry who has advocated for human rights and peace movements for many years now. She is a health expert, author, lecturer, lobbyist and the president of Defend International. She protested against torture of Kurds by the Iraqis and formed a secret group that tried to record evidence of torture being carried out by the Iraqis. On moving to Denmark she began working with Amnesty International in 1994. 7. Alfred Maurice de Zayas:Alfred de Zayas is an American lawyer, writer and historian. He’s been working in the field of human rights and international law for many years. He’s a retired UN official and was appointed as the United Nations Independent Expert on the Promotion of a Democratic and Equitable International Order by the United Nations Human Rights Council in 2012. 6. Mel Duncan:Mel Duncan is an American peace activist who helped form the Nonviolent Peaceforce (NP), which is a civilian peacekeeping organization based in Brussels. NP is based on Gandhi’s concept of Shanti Sena and uses trained, unarmed civilian peacekeepers to create space for nonviolent conflict resolution. NP has conducted civilian peacekeeping operations in Sri Lanka, Philippines, Sudan and Guatemala. He was nominated one of the “50 visionaries who are changing your world” by Utne Reader, an American political magazine. 5. Malala Yousafzai:Malala Yousafzai, the Pakistani education activist who was shot in the head in an assassination attempt by the Taliban in 2012, is the clear public favorite to win the Nobel Peace Prize in 2013. Her courage in protesting against the Taliban, before and after being shot, and her commitment towards peace definitely make her a good candidate to win the Nobel Peace Prize. 4. Daniel Ellsberg:Daniel Ellsberg is a former United States military analyst who released confidential Pentagon papers in 1971 to The New York Times which discussed the U.S. government’s decision making in relation to the Vietnam War. Since then he’s been an active political and anti war activist. He’s won the Gandhi Peace Award in 1978 and the Right Livelihood Award (also known as the Alternative Nobel Prize) in 2006. 3. Kathy Kelly:Kathy Kelly is an American peace activist. She’s a pacifist and an author and the founding member of Voices in the Wilderness. Currently she is the co-coordinator of Voices for Creative Nonviolence. She’s protested against both Iraq wars and has been arrested more than 60 times for her protests. She was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002 but didn’t win. She could win one in the future. 2. Mordechai Vanunu:Mordechai Vanunu also know as John Crossman, is a former Israeli nuclear technician who revealed the details of Israel’s secret nuclear weapons program to British media in 1986. He did this to show his opposition to weapons of mass destruction. He was kidnapped and brought back to Israel where he was tried and sentenced to 18 years in prison. He’s spent 11 years in solitary confinement and even after his release he’s been detained many times for parole violation. He’s not allowed to take to any foreigners or use a cell phone or leave Israel. He’s been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, every year since 1987. He also won the Right Livelihood Award in 1987. 1. Gene Sharp:Gene Sharp is an American political activist and writer. He’s the founder of The Albert Einstein Institution which is dedicated to the study of nonviolent action. His writings on nonviolent struggle have influenced several anti-government resistance movements around the world. He’s been nominated for the Nobel three times, including this year for the 2013 prize. He won the Right Livelihood Award in 2012. The post Top 10 People Who Might Win A Nobel Peace Prize appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Most Popular Indian Spices Posted: 27 Aug 2013 05:02 AM PDT Indians are very passionate about their spices and use nearly a dozen of different spices in some of their dishes. Garnishing a curry with a set of specific spices gives it a special flavor and taste. Most of spices used for medical and culinary purposes all over the world is native to Indian subcontinent, whereas some of the spices have been imported from foreign land and grown locally for centuries. Though the list of Indian spices would be unending, here is the list of top 10 most popular spices of India. 10. Mustard Seeds:Mustard is one of the oldest cultivated crops, of which both the small pungent flavored seeds and leaves are edible. In western world, mustard is often used in preparation of condiments, pickles and marinades. Indian vegetarian dishes seem incomplete without the music of the mustard seeds bursting in oil during tempering. Along with curry leaves and few other spices they give out a distinct aroma to the gravy or vegetable. 9. Saffron:Considered to be the most expensive of all spices in the world, saffron has been sought after by Indians to garnish their sweets, kheer, biryani and other recipes. The spice originated in Greece and today nearly 90% of the saffron in grown in Iran; but none can equal the flavor, color or taste of the Kashmiri Saffron, where it has been cultivated for 2500 years. 8. Fennel Seeds:The fruit of fennel plants have been dried and used as spice by Indians for centuries. The sweet and pungent flavor of fennel seeds, commonly known as saunf has made it very popular garnish and also a mouth freshener. Though used as a seed, they are also roasted and powered for some special dishes. It is a first-rate digestive aid. Ayurveda refers to fennel seeds as Mishi and uses it to treat various ailments. 7. Black pepper:Black pepper nicknamed as black gold, was used as currency in the past. It is the most widely traded spice in the world. Native to the Malabar coast, it often said that the trade of this exclusive spice had forced the Europeans to find a trade route to Indian and China. A pinch of black pepper has been added to almost every Indian spicy dish to enhance its taste since 2 BCE. It was initially used for medicinal purposes in treatment of tooth decay, cardiac diseases, constipation, hernia, diarrhea, insomnia, abscess and many others. 6. Ginger:Ginger, a magical herb is widely used all over the world in the form of fresh or dried root, powder, extract and oil. To meet the great demand for the herb all over the world, ginger is now made available in candied, crystallized and preservative forms. The western world uses ginger in preparations of sweets, whereas in India, ginger is used to spice up curries and many vegetarian recipes. Ginger/garlic paste is a must for all meat recipes cooked in Indian subcontinent. The ginger halwa known as Katlu is given to pregnant and nursing women for health benefits. Ginger chai and ginger coffee are among the favorite beverages in India, especially for the health conscious people. 5. Garlic:Keeping aside the old wives tales which has given garlic super powers to ward off evils and vampires, the spice is yet amazing with its health benefits which is the result of its anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-oxidant properties. Indians use garlic for tempering the dishes along with mustard, curry leaves and other spices, spreading mouth watering aroma. The unique and intense flavor of garlic has seen its extensive use many cuisines around the world. 4. Fenugreek:Research has shown evidence of Fenugreek consumption nearly 4000 years ago. Indians use the leaves (both dried and fresh), seeds and sprouts of the herb for culinary and therapeutic purposes. A substance sotolon gives fenugreek a distinct flavor which is craved by many. Known as methi in local dialect, fenugreek is considered to be one of the oldest and healthiest spices found in Indian kitchens. Fenugreek seeds are excellent remedy for throat congestion and constipation. It is also used in treatment of dandruff, acne and diabetes. 3. Cumin:The fact that Egyptians used cumin for mummification should say much about its importance. Indians use cumin to temper or spice up their rice, vegetables and many non-vegetarian recipes. Cumin with buttermilk is considered an excellent healthy and cooling drink on a hot summer day. Cumin has laxative, carminative and antifungal property. It is used to treatment of common colds, indigestion, anemia, piles and menstrual problems. 2. Cardamom:Cardamom, the queen of spices, has been used to enhance the flavor and taste, of both sweets as well as spicy Indian dishes alike. It is an important part of garam masala used to cook non-vegetarian dishes. The elaichi chai is one of the most desired beverages of Indians. It is ranked third among the most expensive spices of the world. The spice is rich in antioxidants which boosts the immune system. It is known to aid digestion, heal stomach cramps and treat halitosis. 1. Turmeric:Turmeric ranks high among Indian spices today, since scientific research has proven its anti-carcinogenic property as well as other health benefits. The spice is used for its bright yellow color and distinct flavor all over India. In earlier days, turmeric was used as a medicinal herb in Ayurveda. It is mostly used in powdered form, though some people use fresh turmeric root and leaves for specific recipe. The post Top 10 Most Popular Indian Spices appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Medical Breakthroughs Of The 21st Century Posted: 27 Aug 2013 05:00 AM PDT Medical science has come a long way since the days when doctors used to diagnose, treat or prevent diseases through certain clinical procedures. Today, medical technology has advanced to a stage where organs are being created in laboratories; almost every malady being controlled if not cured and the patient/doctor have upper hand over most of the situations which were considered deadly earlier. 21st century has seen advancement in technology in such a way that even the most intelligent mind would not have thought it possible a few decades ago. The list of top ten medical breakthroughs of the 21st century is listed here, though they are not all. 10. Artificial liver/kidney grown in Laboratories:In 2013, Japanese researchers succeeded in creating a functional human liver from stem cells, adding latest feather in the cap of medical achievements of 21st century. With the amazing breakthrough, the hopes of manufacturing artificial organs to save lives have risen high. The induced iPS cells (pluripotent stem) were grown into working human liver in the body of a mouse. On 14 April 2013, BBC carried a report about a kidney grown in a laboratory in USA, which was successfully producing urine. 9. Advancement in HIV treatment:AIDS still stands to be one of the deadliest diseases of modern times. Fortunately, the survival rate for those tested positive for HIV has increased a great deal with the latest combination therapy which involves multiple antiretroviral active drugs. The Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy maintains the function of immune system and prevents opportunistic infections that cause death in a patient. 8. Functional MRI:Functional MRI has made mind reading possible without the help of tarot cards or crystal ball reading. By using the sophisticated imaging techniques, the mapping of the brain has revealed the way it functions. Through functional MRI scientists have been able to peer inside the mind by tracking changes in the brain cells, oxygen levels, blood circulation and functioning of neurons. 7. Controlling Heart Disease:Death due to cardiovascular diseases has fallen down by a huge margin in the last decade. If the patient suffering an heart attack is taken to the hospital quick enough, the doctors will be successful in busting the blockage stopping blood circulation with genetically engineered tissue plasminogen activator, commonly known as t-PA. Plaque in the blood vessel can be opened by a stent guided to it through an artery. A new vessel is replaced for the damaged artery through bypass surgery thus increasing the survival rate of heart patients. 6. Targeted therapy in Cancer Treatment:Healthy tissue damage was one of the greatest concerns of cancer treatment. Earlier treating breast cancer meant removal of the whole breast and limp nodes, but today molecularly targeted therapy has made it possible to attack only the cancer cells, arresting the growth of tumor, while leaving the healthy cells intact. Moreover, doctors claim that through targeted therapy, it is possible in near future to reverse the malignant mutations of the cells. 5. Cyber Knife:The robots have arrived with a mission. Unlike the terminators, these knife wielding robots have revolutionized Radio surgery system with minimal invasive alternative to surgery. It has proven more successful than conventional surgical methods in treating both cancerous and non-cancerous tumors. Killing tumors with a dose of high radiation with intense precision, it has given hope to millions of patients around the world. 4. Face Transplants:At one time the favorite theme of science fiction, face transplants are not elusive anymore. Face is the most important anatomy of human body, hence when disfigurement occurs due to burns, accidents or diseases, emotionally it is very traumatizing. Partial face transplant was carried out first in France in 2005; whereas the full replacement of person's face was carried out by 30 surgeons in Spain in 2010. 3. Bionic Prosthetics:The fast pace at which Biotechnology has been growing in the last decade is nothing but a blessing to the people who have lost use of one or other organ or limb of their body. Bionic arm, brain port, Bionic vision and Genium prosthetics have allowed people live life normally as nearly as possible. Replacing biological process through engineering system is not impractical, but a reality today. 2. Nanomedicine:One of the most innovative fields that is thriving in the 21st century is the application of nanotechnology in medicines. The new term Nanomedicine refers to the utilization of nanomaterials, nano, electronic biosensors and nanoparticles to start the corrective procedure at molecular level. With fast progress, there are nearly 130 drugs based on nanotechnology being developed in different parts of the world today. 1. Completion of Human Genome Draft:One of the most outstanding medical breakthroughs of the 21st century came on 26th June 2000 when the Human Genome draft was completed, laying success stones for the project which was declared complete in April 14, 2003. The project succeeded sequencing and mapping of human genome with a 99.99% which was within well within the intended goal. More than a breakthrough, this is a door that opens venue to more medical breakthroughs. The post Top 10 Medical Breakthroughs Of The 21st Century appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 8 Ways Technology Is Making You Dumb Posted: 27 Aug 2013 04:38 AM PDT Can you imagine a day without internet, smartphone, tablet and various apps you use on them? You will probably not remember your to-do list, your girl friend's birthday or may not even find the way to your office. Yes, this is the extent to which we have become dependent on technology. Can you imagine how limited your knowledge had been before Google and Wikipedia, or how fluent you were in writing applications in school before the MS Word? Well on one hand technology has made our lives really efficient, simpler and smarter but the irony is that over dependence on technology is only making us dumb by the day. Over the years technology has provided us all we need and has helped us connect, entertain and go where we intend to. In the current scenario however, technology can start our cars, do our laundry and dishes, and heat our homes on the click of a button – technology has taken over everything in life and we are left to do nothing more than run our thumb over the screen of our handheld devices. Technology has steadily become an extension of who we are. Here for our understanding we have listed below 8 ways technology is making you dumb – more stupid than smart. 8. Easy access to everything:In addition to instant access to vast amounts of information and an easy access to all of it, technology in the form of smartphones and smart handheld devices has made everything readily available for us, leaving nothing for us to do. Today you grocery store is only a call away, you light bulb is at your Smartphone's command, morning coffee is only a machine's distance from your bed and your dinner table is ready before you can think thanks to the service robot at home. With all this technology you have left with nothing to do, which makes you a useless fellow, who is nothing without technology. 7. Decrease in attention:With everything now only a click away from you, there is no doubt that it is affecting how you retain information. Because your phone will beep for everything you have to do at the right time, you don't have to remember anything, which is only making your brain a futile organ in the body. 6. Lazy couch potatoes:As discussed, technology has made everything easily available for us, which is contributing tremendously in making us lazy. The video gaming industry was the only industry that made profits in world economic meltdown. Video games have made us couch potatoes, we don't want to get out of our – unless to participate in a LAN party in the neighborhood. This is minimized the culture for outdoor sports and recreation. 5. Affects on memory and spatial orientation:Increasing dependence on GPS devices and Google maps etc, may be affecting our brains. Studies suggest that how a person navigates can have serious affects on the brain function. If the brain isn’t used frequently more navigation and thinking, the person can have adverse affects in the brain with age. 4. Loss of memory and brain's processing speed:As gadgets become ubiquitous, we tend to rely on them more and more to manage our daily lives, which keep the most part of the brain unused. Memory and processing speed of the brain naturally declines when it is not being used (with age). 3. Bad spellers and troubled handwriting:Advancement in technology has made us proficient in keyboarding, but we have become strugglers with our handwriting. Software like MS word with the auto correct and spell check features may seem like a good idea, because you don't have to use your analytic brain but it is in no way helping us in the long run, we are only becoming bad spellers.
2. Decrease in IQ levels:Whether you have to write a piece, complete a project or simple do your homework, the first thing we all do is search the topic on a search engine to see what others have to say about it. For everything, without even applying our brains, we rush to the internet simply killing our own IQ levels. 1. Superficial thinkers:The World Wide Web has been up and running for over 20 years now, yet it is hard for any of us to imagine life without it. It gives us an instant access to endless amount of information and helps us stay connected better than ever before. But this excessive dependence on internet is only transforming us into superficial thinkers. The post Top 8 Ways Technology Is Making You Dumb appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 6 Dangerous Parenting Trends Posted: 27 Aug 2013 02:30 AM PDT You thought going under the knife to get that nose (or some bit else) of yours fixed was a dangerous trend? If you did, you are probably not a parent yet, because the most dangerous kinds of fads are streaking around in the Department of Parenting. And there is no stopping them or their wild goose chasers! Here are 6 trends in parenting that deserve the skull-and-bones symbol: 6. CCTVs and herd mentality:No, we do not mean those white show pieces high up on the poles in public spaces. We mean those women next door who are your "friends" but who carry every word of your parenting techniques to those who are not your friends. What happens next? Blind following of stranger's ideas. So, she plans to send her son to Starry Playschool for Toddlers … and what do you have? A school-bus full of tots going to the same school from the same block – all in a day's work! Why, if some could have their ways, they would even copy the bedroom manual of the 'how' of having children apart from the 'how to' of bringing them up. What may suit one may not the other, as the poor children become objects of experiment that too in the next-door neighbour's test-tube! Dangerous, this copy-cat mentality! 5. Play-School Push:Disregarding all child psychology studies and even the doctor's recommendations, parents are in a hurry to send their wards to play-school. Babies as young as 18 months are spotted in dangerously driving vans shuttling them from home to school to back – all for a couple of hours of play-doh. While the child is still learning to unlearn the gaga-googoo and make sense of his/her surrounding, we push them into stranger climes for which they may not be so ready as yet. And about which they may not even be able to express themselves. But then, do as the neighbor does, especially if moolah is growing on trees enough to afford not just 5-star playschool facilities but a private Honda Accent pick-and-drop facility. With radio, that is! 4. Application supplication:As parents continue to get more and more dependent on the applications running in their phones, tablets, etc, the kids are following suit. So we need an iPotty to make them poop, a lullaby one to make them snooze, an ABC app to get them into a school and Einstein's reincarnation in the app that makes them remember their physics formulae till the exam hall. Role of parents? Certainly no longer about making 'hissss' sounds to trigger the trickle in the baby seat, or help solve complex Maths problems over lazy Sunday afternoons. Can over dependence on applications be good for the child? N.O. no – whether across the Atlantic, on the Swiss Alps or closer home! And it isn’t just us saying this to you. 3. Ignoring the adolescent:We tend to forget that apart from the difficult 'T' of the two-three year age group, the 'T' of teens is equally tough, and requiring our full attention. However, we just let the adolescents be – to figure out the world on their own, and their sexualities. No sex education in schools, birds and bees and home, and we have a 10 year old asking Mr. Google to help him out. And then the over-indulgent side of yours bought your underage driver a car for his birthday and pocket money the size of a continent. But what about talking to them and lending them your adult ears? More harm than good, this dangerous trend of concentrating all our energies on babies and younger children and ignoring those on the verge of adulthood, were major clouds of confusion usually loom large. Youngsters going astray is news from all parts of the globe. And it doesn’t seem to be their fault. 2. Maid for Each other:This is not the Maid in Manhattan that we are talking about. It's the one we welcome into our homes and expect to become a foster sister, play-mate, feeder, cleaner and even a foster-parent to our children. The idea of nannies and house-maids taking care of our young ones as we go grab the latest sale, or work, or movies is spreading like wild-fire. A huge chunk of the precious time of growing up is being spent with these care-givers and not parents. And while others may have a trustworthy maid, you may end up with one with questionable intentions or unforgivable habits. Nopes, not to make you paranoid, but reminding you of horror tales these maids are capable of, making this one of the top dangerous trends in Parenting circles. 1. Love for Myth-making:Alright, we can keep the younger parents out of this one. But oh dear Lord, the battalion of elderly "well-wishers" asking us to do weird things in the name of superstition at its best and at its worst too, refuses to ebb even though man had landed on the Moon many times over. While we will not give examples, suffice it to say that anything that reads – don't bathe, don't sleep, don't eat, don't speak, don't photograph and don't breathe under blah-blah baby circumstances cannot be rooted in the love of science, or sense for that matter. More in a certain country, less in the other but epidemically spread, this love for myth-making and perpetuating it with a rolling pin in hand, literally! Perhaps that is why God gave us 2 ears – for the Garbage in Garbage out convenience. The post Top 6 Dangerous Parenting Trends appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Prank Based Shows In The World Posted: 27 Aug 2013 02:21 AM PDT A prank is a mischievous trick or a practical joke played on people to make them feel confused, shocked, embarrassed or discomforted. It is different from those tricks in which the victims find out that they’re being fooled. These jokes are temporary and lighthearted in which the victim feel foolish or victimized to an extent. Sometimes it seems that the person is being bullied by someone if not performed with finesse. A harmless prank is always good to have fun with your friends if it's not causing any damage to someone. If you are looking forward to play pranks on your friends, these shows will give you some great ideas to start with. Here are the top ten pranks based shows of all times. 10. Crank Yankers:A reality television show of America created by Daniel Kellison, Adam Carolla and Jimmy Kimmel. The show featured actual crank calls made by hosts and celebrity guests, re-enacted by puppets on screen to present the viewer what is actually going on during the call. Many of the comedians like Sarah Silverman, Jimmy Florentine and Tracy Morgan lend their voices to puppets like Special Ed, Spoonie Luv and Hadassah Guberman. The telephone numbers are selected form a list of targets known as 'marks'. So, if you love to listen to crank calls and watch puppets, Crank Yankers is a viable option for you. 9. The Jamie Kennedy Experiment:A hidden camera reality TV series of America broadcasted on The WB. The show was produced and hosted by a comedian, Jamie Kennedy. It was different from other prank based television series as it was a combination of both hidden camera pranks as well as sketch comedy. Jamie used to travel across the US and disguise himself assuming a character of his own creation to be part of the prank. One of the noticeable characters in the show was a rapper who made every attempt to convince people that he was raised up and struggled all thorough his life in the streets of Malibu. 8. Trigger Happy TV:It was a hidden camera prank based reality TV series which originally broadcasted on the British television for two series. The show was produced and hosted by Dom Joly along with his cameraman Sam Cadman. The show revolves around Joly, who puts himself into impossible and embarrassing situations. Unlike other hidden camera prank based shows, he makes fun of himself other than people on the streets. Passers-by stop and either wonder what was going on or simply laugh. Many a times, Joly was seen answering a gigantic cell phone and shouting in public places like libraries, cinemas or parks. 7. Fonejacker:A British prank TV series created and hosted by Kavyan Novak. Fonejacker features a masked prank caller, usually Novak himself, making prank phone calls to random people or sometimes businessman. He mislead people by speaking in many accents while making these prank calls. He used to make people confused or mislead them thorough these prank calls. Fonejacker won the BAFTA award in 2008 for the "Best Comedy Programme". 6. The Tom Green Show:A prank based TV series of North America hosted by Tom Green that first aired on Canadian television and later moved to MTV in US. The show was also co-hosted by his close friends Glenn Humplik, who takes a seat on the couch and Phil Giroux, who is always found at the back of the set behind a window with a cup of coffee in his hand. The show became a hit with young audiences and noticeable for Green's outrageous stunts and practical jokes. He interviewed people on the street with dog feces on his microphone. On several occasions, he used to dress up in women's clothing with makeup and a wig and parades around the street. 5. Candid Camera:A hidden camera reality television series of America created by Allen Funt and hosted by Funt himself. Earlier in 1948, it was known as Candid Microphone. The show played pranks on ordinary citizens in unusual circumstances and also sometimes on celebrities as well. It involves trick props like drawer of a desk gets pop open when it is closed or an extra hidden gas tank in the car. When the joke was revealed to the victims by Allen Funt, they were requested to "Smile, you're on Candid Camera". Allen Funt was followed by his son Peter Funt, who later started hosting the show in eighties. 4. Scare Tactics:A hidden camera pranks based TV show created by Kevin Healey and Scott Hallock. If you don't know what the show is all about, think what will happen when Fear Factor is mixed with Candid Camera. Yes, this show is synthesis of both where victims are put to some terrifying situations at a specific location recommended by their friends. There, they encounter a strange monster, a mass murderer or even aliens. After all the crying and begging for mercy, the frightened victims were told by the actors that it was nothing more than a prank. 3. Punk'd:A hidden camera reality television show of America produced by Ashton Kutcher and Jason Goldberg and hosted by Ashton himself. Being punk'd means to be the victim of pranks. This TV show mainly targets celebrities. The first prank of the show was played at Justin Timberlake's home, where he almost broke down in tears when he found that the government agents are seizing his home for not paying income taxes. Many other celebrities were also punk'd later like Kanye West, Helly Berry. 2. Da Ali G Show:A reality TV series characterized by satire was created by Sacha Baron Cohen featuring the character of Ali G. Out of the two series, first one was telecasted on Channel 4 (UK) and the second one on HBO (US). In the series, Cohen plays the role of three unsuspected journalists-Ali G, a Kazakhstani reporter named Baron Sagdiyev, and a homosexual man from Austria named Bruno Gehard. The trio played pranks by conducting interviews on unsuspected politicians, celebrities and other well known persons. They ask ridiculous and unreasonable questions from these persons making them feel embarrass or even angry at times. 1. Just For Laugh Gags:A hidden camera reality television show of Canada that is similar to Candid Camera. It plays silly pranks on unsuspecting people walking on the streets or in public places where hidden cameras are placed to catch their responses. The show doesn’t contain any sound or dialogue other than music playing in the background. The pranks include actors playing role of police officers, drivers or pedestrians with their insane behavior. For example, a traffic police stops drivers to check their licenses. Two hot chicks pass by and the officer blows the horn in such a way that it appears that the drivers horned at them. The post Top 10 Prank Based Shows In The World appeared first on TopYaps. |
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