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- Top 10 Secretly Executed Military Operations
- Top 10 Genuine Issues In India Which Need More Media Attention
- Top 10 Tips To Follow While Dating Your Boss
- Top 10 Reasons Why Hitler Hated The Jews
Top 10 Secretly Executed Military Operations Posted: 04 Aug 2013 06:35 AM PDT "If you have to keep a secret it’s because you shouldn’t be doing it in the first place" – David Nicholls. Well, that may or may not apply to military organizations. They need first mover's advantage to get enemies in their pants. While some fierce battles in the recent past were fought head-on, many others were planned and executed quietly. As their masterminds might have hoped, some secretly executed military operations did succeed in rocking the world. 10 Attack on Pearl Harbor:Perhaps the most striking military operation carried out in utter secrecy, the Imperial Japanese Navy struck the scenic US Naval base at Hawai islands in the middle of Pacific Ocean on 7th December, 1941. The large scale military operation devastated the military base completely in which 8 US naval battleships and 188 aircrafts were destroyed. The surprise attack killed 2402 and left 1247 armed personnel and dragged America into World War II. 9. Operation Neptune Spear:In the dead of the night on 2 May, 2011, Navy SEALs of United States armed forces violated Pakistan's sovereignty, crossed the border, to conduct a daring raid in which Osama Bin Laden, the world's most wanted man, was gunned down in a operation that last just a few hours. The killing, by the way, lasted only about 15 seconds. 8. Operation Wrath of God:Carried out in the aftermath of the 1972 massacre of 11 Israeli Olympic team members at Munich, Operation Bayonet also code named Wrath of Gods was authorized by Golda Meir, the Prime Minister of Israel. Spanning over 20 years, the covert operation by Israel are said to have located and assassinated about 25 to 30 members of Black September and Palestine Liberation Organisation, who were considered responsible for executing the 1972 massacre. 7. Operation Thunderbolt, Entebbe:Executed in high secrecy, it was one of the most daring rescue operation ever carried out by the Israeli military, where a crack team flying at tree level, stormed a hijacked Air France plane parked at Entebbe in Uganda and rescued 102 hostages. The Tel Aviv-Athens-Paris flight was hijacked soon after leaving Athens on 27 June, 1976 with 268 passengers on board and diverted to Entebbe. In the week long stand-off, the hijackers belonging to Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine had released all non-Israeli passengers before the hijacked plane was stormed at night and the remaining passengers released. 6. Operation Olympic Games:Changing tract from conventional military operations to cyber attacks, United States and Israel in 2006 unleashed offensive cyber weapons, particularly the Stutnext virus, to damage and slowdown Iran's nuclear program. The secretly executed operation is the first of its kind used by one country against another. 5. Trojan Horse:To end a ten year fruitless siege of Troy with the historical Trojan War, the Greeks in 1300 BC are said to have used a huge wooden horse in which 30 soldiers were hidden in the belly and two spies in the mouth. The Trojans unaware of the covert operation pulled the 'abandoned' horse into the besieged city only to regret doing so, for not only did it provide entry for the Greeks into Troy but the city was destroyed putting an end to the war. Since then 'Trojan Horse' has come to mean any trick or stratagem used to invite an enemy into an secured space. 4. Operation Fortitude and Invasion of Normandy:To keep Hitler's German forces attention away from Normandy beach, allied forces successfully carried out Operation Fortitude in the summer of 1944. Invasion of Normandy that began on 6th June, 1944 was the first successful landing of armed forces across the English Channel in over 8 centuries and ultimately led to the defeat of Nazi Germany. 3. Kargil Conflict:Transgressing the Line of Control in the high altitude zone of Kashmir, the intrusion of Pakistani armed forces into Indian side in Kargil between May and July 1999 was carried out is such secrecy that the Indian armed forces woke up to a rude shock to launch Operation Vijay. The heightened tension between India and Pakistan, did not escalate into a full-fledged war among the two nuclear armed countries but it was a close call. 2. Cuban Missile Crisis:At the height of the Cold War, the Cuban Missile Crisis in the early 1960 had brought the two superpower USA and Soviet Union in a dangerous face-off over the Soviets installing nuclear tipped missiles on communist Cuba, a nation that lived in fear of being invaded by USA. Though the Soviets eventually pulled back and withdrew the missiles but a hundred odd missiles went undetected. On realizing the danger these missiles posed the Russians convinced Cuba to surrender them an avert another confrontation with the US. 1. Operation Eagle Claw:The failed operation to rescue 52 American hostages held in the US Tehran embassy was carried out on 24 April, 1980 as an attempt to end the Iran hostage crisis. Not only did it damage American prestige around the world but also paved the way for Ronald Regan to win the 1980 presidential election over Jimmy Carter. The post Top 10 Secretly Executed Military Operations appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Genuine Issues In India Which Need More Media Attention Posted: 04 Aug 2013 05:00 AM PDT Contemporary media, be it in print or digital form is often accused to be under-reporting some of the legitimate issues which can also be categorized as social concerns. It's in conflict with the role of a watchdog that media is asked to perform by our constitution. For the very raison d’être that many problematic issues in our society go unnoticed, India is finding cumbersome to evolve into a developed society even after 60 years of sovereign rule. Here are top 10 genuine issues in India which need more media attention: 10. Climate Change:One of the most concerning topics that media should extensively cover is that of climate change. The subject in itself is commanding enough to plant noticeable effects on day-to-day lives of billions of people worldwide. The underlying reason for the troubling scenario can be attributed to the human-induced emissions of greenhouse gases. Bulk of public comprehends little about the issue of climate change/global warming and gets embroiled in factual (and narrative) distortions released by the non-committal parties. Hence, to refute the off beam planted by the wrong-doers, media needs to take hold of the situation and raise restrained claims of alarmism. 9. Corruption:For the media's selective coverage of many of the corruption related issues, the credibility of the fourth pillar of democracy has taken a hit off late. Though, it's to the credit of media houses (involving digital and print) that issues such as 2G spectrum and coal-gate came in public domain but for its softening stand against many of the incumbent ministers and political leaders of high stature, many other corruption related issues were swept under the carpet for perpetuity. Our media needs to be more pre-emptive and outspoken on corruption issues and learn to take stand against the high-ranking corrupt. 8. Domestic Violence:To encourage victims of domestic violence to report such heinous crimes to the police, media has to empower every citizen with its awareness campaigns. It's highly saddening to find under-reporting of such incidents in newspapers and digital media. For the perpetrators of crime to be booked under the penal code, media needs to share responsibility. 7. Cleanliness:Dissimilar to other countries, Indians keep hygiene related issues at bay. Keeping streets and our ambiance clean and tidy should be the prime-motto of ours and media in particular can make it happen in reality through its campaigns on cleanliness. Already, news channels under Information & Broadcasting Ministry do it regularly but media in the private control should also share the responsibility. 6. Caste-Away:Untouchability and caste based discriminations are deeply rooted in our culture. Although, national constitution legally abolished the rampant social evil, the prejudice is far from having left the national shores. The problem is all the more widespread in rural regions where dominant castes use it as a medium to maintain their strong hold on the society. It is one of the most genuine issues that should be addressed by media so that the caste based bigotry can be cast out completely. 5. Paid News:The fourth pillar of Indian democracy that was established as a watchdog to keep track of the activities of legislature and executive should also fearlessly bring forth the issues where the people in its own fraternity are involved in paid journalism or creating paid-propagandas for their masters. Not only it's the duty of media to corner such system-crashers but also make general public aware of such incongruities existing in the fraternity of watchdogs, so that people could think twice before following manufactured opinions. 4. Harassment At Workplace:The subsequent issue goes most under-mentioned in our media despite such cases being reported almost every day in the police registers. Most of the women (even educated) in the country are still unaware about the fact that Sexual Harassment at Workplace Bill has become a law this year. Therefore, media should raise awareness about the issue so that they can approach right authority to report their grievances and protect themselves from further harassment. Bringing right information to the doorstep of each and every woman regarding the matter can solve thousands of problems which otherwise go unreported with culprits remaining off the hook. 3. Start-Ups:There are numerous start-ups which are taking full-fledged shapes in the different corners of the country. It's the duty of media to provide them proper recognition in the society as they can generate a lot of employment for the considerable set of unemployed youth in the country. For the sick employment numbers proffered by National Sample Survey and Planning Commission at regular intervals, to hope that the public sector units which are themselves under huge economic anxiety will employ every unemployed youth in the country is a full-size fallacy. Media should provide such startups a platform, where they can tap in seeding funds through Private Equity or Venture Capital route and employ youth of the country. 2. Female Infanticide:Deliberate killing of the female babies has shaped up as a malaise that has gone unchecked for years to take up a draconian form now. This has grown more on the backing of illegal pre-natal determination tests provided by corrupt medics. It's for our media to sincerely work on the issue as time is not far when the sex ratio of the nation would be imbalanced completely beyond any immediate repair. Media should expose such incidents more and make fraudulent medics accountable. Also, to kill the disturbing behavior and patriarchal cultural context, media should carry out awareness programs. Parents who believe in investing only on the best bet (son) and ignore the rest (daughters) only add to population of the nation, even if they aren’t killing the innocent girl child. 1. Dowry:Dissemination of awareness against the repercussions of dowry is a big time social evil for India. Been in place for decades now, it resists against its uprooting with complete authority that it has gained over the years for our timid response towards the iniquity. It's for the media in particular to organize and mobilize students against the problem. Media can raise its voice for bringing about requisite reforms by lobbying at various levels of government. And, it can only be affected if media pays more heed. The post Top 10 Genuine Issues In India Which Need More Media Attention appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Tips To Follow While Dating Your Boss Posted: 04 Aug 2013 03:13 AM PDT Stats Career Builder study states that 39% of employees they surveyed accepted dating a co-worker at least once in their career, while 17% dated co-workers at least twice, and 30% of those people said they had gone on to marry the person. Dating co-workers isn't a petty issue anymore. Rather, companies have special policies and guidelines to prohibit relationships in their offices. But, the toughest decision to make is when you are planning to hit on your boss. Dating your boss could get you into a hell of mental mess. Dating your boss is a no-win-situation in any way. Consequences of a break-up could be nightmare. Especially, when you are in the same place and report directly as a subordinate to your boss. Listed below are top 10 tips to keep in mind while dating your boss: 10. Keep it a secret:It's practically impossible to keep it a secret that you are dating your boss, unless you don't have 007 skills. It's like you try to cover a fish with grass to hide it from your cat. However, it's the first and foremost advice that you should try to keep it a secret, at least, as long as you can. It'll keep the stress away that can otherwise disrupt your office life due to special attention you'll receive from co-workers after they know about it. 9. Don't be discreet, be diligent:Your intimacy should never add to your ego. Never seek favors from your boss as a complement for dating him. Handle your competition at your own level, like you would have done otherwise. Cut down the amount of extra time you try to spend at boss’s desk. 8. Limit the favors:Don't accept incentives that are not in accordance with your performance. You'll become a villain for your co-workers within no time if you do. Your success and promotions will easily be associated with your personal services to the boss. You efforts are ignored and it loots you of all your credits. It's a bad idea to expect favors from anyone in reporting structure, whether they report to you or vice-versa. 7. Psychological stress, jealousy:It's almost inevitable that the office would not come to know about your dating. So, keep it in mind that you must be prepared for hurricanes of psychological stress, jealousy and a great damage to self-esteem. Your jealousy would know no bounds when your boss is equally entertaining your rivals as well. Keep it in mind that you must prepare psychologically. 6. Maintain Respect and equality:Unless you aren't a vamp, it's advisable to maintain respect and required distances. Outside office, you aren't a subordinate practically. That's at a personal level and you should behave in accordance with it. Don't let it turn into dominance games. It'll toughen your time under that person as your boss in office hours. 5. Draw a line:You must draw a line between the two aspects of your professional and personal life. You would have to limit your boss's lust to recreate fun fancies inside office. It can be harder than it sounds when your boss is only seeking fun. Whether you are flirting or intending to be in a serious relationship, never try to recreate the romantic drama of hidden kissing, mysterious glances and gestures & erotic touches. People aren't idiots, but they would pretend as ignorant like they don't know anything. Affair with the boss is the spiciest treat people enjoy at workplaces, and they can literally smell it. 4. Female bosses and power:One thing about most of the female bosses is true: they let the power of positions take over their minds. Jealousy can inspire them to disrupt anything or anyone who comes in their way. So, don't flirt with everyone in the office, and put a full stop to all that lurking around the corner with other female co-workers. The treat of embarrassment from female is worst possible situation any employee can imagine. 3. No sex on the job:Forget about the sex against desk fantasy, totally. Never do that. You aren't a paid bitch or a playboy. Those hot steamy sex scenes between the boss and secretary in a cabin aren't secret or great in real life. Got it? Even if someone gets the slightest clue about it, you'll become a helpless target of jokes from your co-workers. The aftermath could be even worse. How do you think office MMS scandals are executed? Only insiders can do that. You've been warned. 2. Evidences:What's your strategy if you break-up very soon on egoistic issues or any differences? You won't love the idea of getting blackmailed, no? In such a case, everything, from your personal romantic emails, dirty chatting, intimate photos and everything posted on a social media becomes proof of the original sin (as most people would like to call it). So, you better try to keep it clean. All evidences that you create would lead to your grave (not in literally term). 1. Infatuation, flirt or Love:Variation in the rules and suggestions for dating your boss depend upon the nature of relationship. Is it just infatuation and all you are looking for is some fun? It's a fortune to date your boss if you are single and fell in sacred love with your unmarried boss. You don't need to worry about any tips. Otherwise, you have a lot to worry about. So, try to confirm the nature of your relation. It'll keep things less complicated. The post Top 10 Tips To Follow While Dating Your Boss appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Reasons Why Hitler Hated The Jews Posted: 04 Aug 2013 02:04 AM PDT Hitler's obsessive hate for Jews still remains a popular debatable topic among the historians. Evil like the one Hitler stood for is inexplicable. His anti-Semitism, ill opinion about Jews and many other reasons clearly suggest that he was insane and an abnormal man (if you'd like to call him that). Hitler's hatred for Jews brought about the holocaust post WW I. Millions were slaughtered whom he considered infected people; whom he held responsible for every evil there ever was. It's not easy to confirm the reasons behind his compulsive hate. You would require reading a pile of books before you realize that there was not even a single good reason. But, there were reasons in Hitler's mind. Here are the 10 reasons that historians believe why Hitler hated Jews: 10. Jew and communists influences:Most of the Germans were second-rate thinkers at Hitler's time. Hitler was against the class war principles of communist ideology, which were highly influenced from Marx and Engels. Hitler associated every Jew with people who supported Marxist class-war theory. The division among Germans in the anarchic conditions after World War I fueled Hitler's hate for Jews. 9. Great economical recession:Hitler held Jews responsible for the great depression in Germany as they controlled many important merchandises and expert fields. He successfully incited the fellow Germans, making it a dramatic issue. Jews weren’t hit hard by recession as they were wealthy. To Hitler, it appeared as gross injustice that had to be revenged. 8. Jews as the reason of defeat in World War I:According to a newly published book titled “November 9: How World War One Led to the Holocaust,” core reason for Hitler's hatred was the defeat of Germany in World War I. Author Joachim Riecker claimed in the book that Hitler blamed the Jews for shameful defeat of the country. He also held Jews responsible for the collapse of the monarchy and ruination in Germany. Hitler believed they were poisoning the nation from inside. 7. Early Influence of anti-Semitic literature:Hitler wasn’t a very educated man. But, his intentions & actions were stimulated by inspiration drawn from the traditional anti-Semitic literature, which at that time preached that Jews were responsible for 'every' evil. Under the influence of some leaders and literature, he conceived many stereotypic beliefs such as – Jews are disloyal, untrustworthy, and not capable of being true Germans citizens. A page from an antisemitic children’s book entitled ‘The Poisonous Mushroom’, published by Julius Streicher, the publisher of Der Stürmer (The Attacker). 6. Hitler's childhood:Historians and other sources collide on the question of Hitler's childhood and family background. Historians claim Hitler to be a Jew himself, which his mother never told him about. One such claim mentions that the hatred started taking shape after Hitler's grandmother died. The doctor, Eduard Bloch, treating her for breast cancer, was a Jew. Some sources hint at his illegitimate identity as his mother worked at the house of a wealthy Jew family. Hitler is also said to have experienced mistreatment while working for Jew families. 5. Brain damage as a soldier:Sources claim that before Hitler became the Chancellor of Germany, he moved to Munich and joined German army to become a soldier. While in battlefield during WWI, he is said to have received serious head injuries. Thereafter, he had to quit army and his mental health got worse. Many believe that Hitler was mentally afflicted for having no guilt or humanly emotions at all. 4. Master Race Theory:Hitler had created a master race theory that preached a doctrine of “purity.” According to him, only white people or people having Nordic features, were worthy of living in Germany. It was his depiction of "Aryans”, which he considered the ‘pure race’ of Germans. Jews were nothing more than a bunch of insects for Hitler. He lashed and eliminated everyone who did not confirm with Nazi policy. He wanted to eliminate the impure races to sustain only the pure race. 3. He believed in Jew conspiracy:Hitler had a bizarre belief that Jews were conspiring to dominate the world. The clue originated form widely published ‘secret Jewish handbook’ called, “The Protocols of The Elders of Zion”. The book trained the readers to run the Jewish conspiracy. The book is said have false origin and was aimed at completely to create an anti-Jewish propaganda. Hitler did succeed in making his followers believe the Jews had to be killed for they would create a new world order. In actuality, Hitler wanted to create his own version of new world order. 2. He Envied Rich Jews:Majority of the merchants were Jewish. They hold all major profitable business entities. Jews claimed respect. They could be found doing 'only' white color jobs. Whether Hitler was indeed jealous of the prosperity one community i.e. Jews enjoyed in Germany or not is somewhat controversial but he used it all to his own advantage. 1. Politics and Nationalism:Exploitation of sentiments of Germans on the basis of reviving nationalism was a part of effective politics during the time Hitler prevailed. He had witnessed that politicians utilized the Jews for political gain. He imitated the policy to empower his own political career. Jews made up less than 1% of the German population at that time. However, despite smaller share in population, they had dominated certain relevant fields such as scientific research where Jews even got Noble Prizes; they controlled the finance, arts and literature. Hitler exploited traditional religious antipathy toward the Jews and used them as perfect scapegoat for all of Germany’s problems. The Nazis used propaganda to build an image of Hitler as a great leader. Hitler was shown as a man with a great vision. He used his own skills of oratory to appeal to the patriotism of the German people The post Top 10 Reasons Why Hitler Hated The Jews appeared first on TopYaps. |
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