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- Top 10 Deadliest Viruses Known To Science
- Top 10 Interesting Facts About The Solar System
- Top 10 Ways To Find Your Mr. Right Is Fake
- Top 10 Benefits Of Gossiping
- Top 10 Safest Cities In The World
Top 10 Deadliest Viruses Known To Science Posted: 01 Oct 2013 05:06 AM PDT Viruses are an organism that is at the edge of life itself. It’s hard to say if they are living or non living. Some of them can be dead for hundreds of years before entering a host and becoming alive. There are more than 5000 virus species known to man. Some of these have been eradicated by science while others keep evolving into new strains that are harder to fight. And for some we just have no known cure. Here we go with top 10 deadliest viruses known to science. 10. Dengue:Dengue is a virus that has just been discovered a few years ago. It is fast becoming an epidemic in over 100 countries. It has characteristics similar to malaria. It spreads through female Aedes mosquito bites and results in a fever that can last from 2 to 7 days. Dengue fever causes flu like symptoms of high fever, headaches, muscle and joint pain and a rash. There is no vaccine as of yet but there are a few potentials under development. 9. Yellow Fever:Yellow fever has been around for many centuries. There have been major outbreaks of yellow fever in history including during the Haitian revolution of 1802 which killed half of the French army. The virus is transmitted through mosquito bites and travels through the lymphatic system after incubating for a period of 3 to 5 days. It starts attacking the organs such as kidneys, heart, adrenal glands and liver. There is no known cure but there is a vaccine that inoculates for a period of 10 years. 8. Rabies:Rabies virus is transmitted from animals such as dogs, bats, monkeys and foxes. This virus has been eliminated in a few countries but is present in most. It has a varying incubation period that depends on where the patient was bitten. Once the virus reaches the central nervous system it travels to the brain. The initial symptoms are mild such as fever and headache but once the virus kicks in it leads to acute pain, violent movements, depression, uncontrollable excitement and an inability to swallow water. Later it causes mania, coma and finally death. There is a vaccine available for both humans and animals. 7. Hantavirus:Hantavirus is transmitted through rodents and can be transmitted without any direct contact with one. The virus can travel through aerosols of rodent excrement, urine or saliva. Exposure to dust particles encrusted with rodent excrement can lead to infection. It can cause hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) or hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS). The symptoms are flu like initially and then include extreme albuminuria, ecchymosis, scleral injection and bloodshot eyes. HFRS can be treated with ribavirin but there is no cure fore HPS. 6. Measles:Measles virus has been crusading against humans for many centuries. It has destroyed armies and reduced entire population of countries to a fraction. It spreads through direct contact with the infected patient and through aerosol droplets and respiratory secretions. After the incubation period of 14 days the patient suffers cold like symptoms such as runny nose, fever, cough and conjunctivitis. Later inside of the cheeks break into white spots and the whole body is covered with red blotches. Measles is not life threatening unless accompanied with other complications. There are medicines to manage the disease and vaccinations given to children. 5. Hepatitis C:Hepatitis C is a dangerous virus as there are no symptoms of infection and patients sometime don’t find out that they are infected for many years till their liver starts failing due to the virus. The virus is transmitted through contact with blood of an infected person. It can spread through sharing drug needles, tattoos, piercing, blood transfusions, organ transplant or dental exposure. It can also be transferred sexually. There is no vaccine against hepatitis C as of yet. 4. Influenza:Influenza has been around for many centuries. There are pandemic outbreaks about 3 times every century. It is an air borne virus that spreads between birds and mammals through cough and sneezes. It can also spread through blood, bird droppings, saliva and nasal secretions. Symptoms of flu appear in a couple of days and cause runny nose, fever, head and body aches, irritated eyes and fatigue. There are vaccines against flu but they need to be kept updated as the new strains of flu virus keep evolving every year. 3. Hepatitis B:Hepatitis B is a dangerous virus that is transmitted through exposure to infected blood. It can spread through sexual activity, infected needles, and from mother to child during pregnancy. The symptoms include yellowing of skin and urine, vomiting, nausea, fatigue and abdominal pain. There is no known treatment but most adults can survive an attack and develop a natural immunity. Some patients may face liver failure or liver cancer. 2. Rotavirus:Rotavirus causes diarrhea in children and almost everyone on earth is affected by this virus in their childhood at least once. With each infection the immunity builds up but what makes this virus deadly is that in many countries adequate medical facilities aren’t available and millions of children die each year due to rotavirus infection. The infection occurs when contaminated stool is ingested. Water or food contaminated with dried stool remains can also cause infection. The symptoms are watery diarrhea, vomiting, high fever, dehydration, loss of appetite and mucus in stools. If dehydration is not fought with continuous liquid replacement it can lead to death. 1. HIV:The most dangerous virus has to be the Human Immunodeficiency Virus or HIV. It has killed more than 25 million humans since 1981. It spreads mainly through sexual intercourse, exchanging needles, breast feeding or vertical transmission from mother to child. It can pass through any of the human fluids including blood, semen, saliva, tears, milk and vaginal fluid. When a person gets infected the virus takes over the immune system and kills CD4+ T cells that fight infections. The symptoms are sudden weight loss and recurring infections of skin and respiratory system. There are no vaccines or cures available. The post Top 10 Deadliest Viruses Known To Science appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Interesting Facts About The Solar System Posted: 01 Oct 2013 04:47 AM PDT We study the solar system and make models of it from childhood. But there are many facts that most people don’t know about our solar system. Over the years as more and more objects in the solar system are studied with more accuracy we get a clearer picture of the solar system we live in. We’ve even been finding possibilities of water and life out there in the solar system where we never thought life could exist. As out technical capabilities improve we’ll keep learning more about the solar system. For the time being here are the top 10 interesting facts about the solar system. 10. Sun Constitutes 99% of Mass of the Solar System:The sun is the heart of the solar system; literally. It contains 99% of the mass of the solar system. Most of the rest of the mass is contained by Jupiter, the largest planet in the solar system. Everything else, including earth and the other planets, their moons, asteroids, dwarf planets etc. are a miniscule part of the solar system in terms of mass. 9. Mercury is Not the Hottest Planet:A lot of people think that because Mercury is nearest to the sun it must be the hottest planet in the solar system but that’s not true. Mercury has no atmosphere which makes it really easy for Mercury to lose heat back to space. The hottest planet in fact is Venus because it has a very thick atmosphere which traps in all the heat and doesn’t let it escape to space. 8. Saturn is not the Only Planet with Rings:Everybody knows about Saturn’s rings of ice and dust because they are clearly visible from earth. Some people also know that Uranus has rings too and that they are on a vertical axis which makes it feel as if Uranus fell over onto its side. But the truth is that Neptune and Jupiter too have rings. We just can’t see them easily because of their thinness and darkness. 7. There Are 5 Dwarf Planets:Apart from the planets and satellites there are millions of objects in our solar system. A lot of these objects have not even been observed yet. One group of such objects is known as the Dwarf Planets. These are too small to be called planets and too large to be called asteroids. There are thousands of dwarf planet sized objects but only 5 are recognized as dwarf planets yet. These are; Ceres, Pluto, Haumea, Makemake and Eris. 6. There Are Thousands of Minor Planets:Apart from dwarf planets there are also a group of bodies known as the minor planets. These are objects that are in direct orbit of the sun but are neither a dominant planet nor have been classified as a comet. Dwarf planets can also be said to be a type of minor planets along with asteroids, Trojans, Centaurs, Kuiper Belt and Trans Neptunian Objects. 5. The Asteroid Belt is Not What it Seems Like:From science fiction movies we get the feeling that the asteroid belt is a dangerous place for a space ship and it will be hard to cross the asteroid belt. While it is true that the asteroid belt might contain millions of objects, it is so sparsely populated that it will not be difficult to cross it in a space ship without ever coming dangerously close to any asteroid. 4. Liquid Water on Saturn’s Moon:One of Saturn’s moons, Enceladus has a volcano that erupts plumes of water and ice. The gravitational pull of Saturn stretches and compresses Enceladus, causing its core to heat up. This heat is released in the form of eruptions some of which become part of Saturn’s rings and other fall down on Enceladus’ surface in the form of snow. This shows that there is liquid water just below the surface of Enceladus. 3. Jupiter has 67 Moons:Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system. It is said that its gravity acts as a vacuum cleaner in the solar system and it picks up space debris in its orbit. Another interesting fact is that Jupiter has 67 recognized moons. This is just another effect of its strong gravitational field. 2. We Live Inside the Atmosphere of Sun:The sun also has an atmosphere. It releases a continuous stream of charged particles known as the solar wind along with light heat and other radiations. This is known as Heliosphere which stretches out to about 100 AU where the solar wind meets the interstellar wind. This tenuous atmosphere contains most of the solar system within itself. 1. The Magnetic Field of Earth Protects Us from Radiation:Since we live inside the Sun’s atmosphere we are constantly bombarded by radiation and the solar wind tries to strip off earth’s atmosphere. If this were to happen we wouldn’t have an atmosphere to support life. This doesn’t happen because the earth’s magnetic field protects us from the solar wind by deflecting it off. This phenomenon can be observed near the poles in the form of Aurora. The post Top 10 Interesting Facts About The Solar System appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Ways To Find Your Mr. Right Is Fake Posted: 01 Oct 2013 04:01 AM PDT Did you just come across the man of your dreams? Have you just found your Mr. Right? Think again! Many times things are not like we are made to see them. There are times when we get swayed away in a situation. So, before settling in for a guy, look out for certain things in him. Always remember that first impressions can never help you define someone. You can only judge your Mr. Right with time. 10. Cheesy one liners:If the guy you are hanging around with always has some cheesy lines to please you, there are chances that he is not genuine. I mean, think wise, who wants to spend his life with you will do something intelligent when you are around rather than pleasing you with a one liner like, "do you have a map? I just got lost in your eyes." Phew! These lines are usually practiced by such type of guys on many girls in the hope that someone, just someone will fall for them. 9. Abusing his Ex:If your Mr. Right is always bragging about the relationships he had in his past, consider revising his personality. And if he is always trash talking about his Ex's, take the signal and dump him. If he can talk shit about his past girlfriend, he can surely talk the same about you in some other company. This is just so disgusting, how can a person talk bad about someone he has been in a relationship with. Will you ever do it? I mean, he should be more concerned about you rather than what happened in his past. 8. Does not pay the bill:Imagine a guy taking you out for dinner and running to the restroom as soon as the bill arrives! Well, if you have found one such guy, pay the bill and never ever see him again. If a guy is serious about you and plans a future with you, he will never take you out for dinner, if he doesn’t have money. Those are the tricky type of guys who allow their girl to pay for a date. It is not about the money, it is about the mannerisms. 7. Facebook/Twitter addict:If your guy is active on any of these sites and is constantly asking you for pictures to update there, think again about him. Maybe you are just a show-piece for him. Maybe he just wants to brag about you in front of his friends. Any real man will want to have private moments rather than displaying his relationship status. 6. Watch out for his eyes:When you two are walking on the road, watch out for his eyes! If he tends to look at any and every woman passing by, it means that he is just not into you. Seriously, if someone is walking beside the love of his life, why will he care to look around? Will you ever do it? 5. Self-Obsessed:Is your guy always talking about himself? Does he like giving himself nicknames and telling you about his stud stories from college? If yes, then it is the perfect signal to dump him. Someone who is self-obsessed will never have time to talk about you or to know you. Do you want to date someone who thinks of himself as the super-cool human, Nah! 4. Cheating history:Has your guy ever told you a story about how he made a fool of his past girlfriend? If yes, then it is surely an alarming situation! And if he had managed to get away without the girl knowing about it, then it is a double alarming situation! Cheating men never change; they will repeat their behavior one or the other day. 3. No possessiveness:If your guy doesn’t show possessiveness towards you, then he is surely faking this relationship. No man can ever tolerate his girl going around with other men. Test him on this one by telling him about that super cute guy, who has a soft spot for you at your office. If he says that's ok and he is cool about it, Dump him! 2. He hates his family:Does your guy always keep telling you bad things about his family? If yes, think again about him. I mean, how can someone hate one's own family? A guy who cannot love his family can never ever love you. Imagine he doesn’t love his own blood, why will he take care of you! 1. Courtesy:Well, this one is the main point. Is your man courteous enough towards you? There are bound to be fights in a relationship but both the partners have to be courteous towards each other once the fight is over. If your man treats you like a stranger and becomes rude with you or doesn’t even try to resolve things, just walk by him with a decent Goodbye! The post Top 10 Ways To Find Your Mr. Right Is Fake appeared first on TopYaps. |
Posted: 01 Oct 2013 03:02 AM PDT Gossiping doesn’t carry the reputation of being a healthy habit; a gossiper is considered sort of bitching machine, at the base of which lies jealousy ridden hatred. People lose friends, clients and even sugar-coated relationships because of this nasty habit. Dr. Alban, a Nigerian musician says, “Enemies carry gossip, ignorant people spread them, fools take it and accept it, fools! Fools." But, there's more to it. But, before you conceive a belief that it's all evil, take a look at the other side of this coin; the positive side. Yes, there's one. Take a look at 10 benefits of gossiping: 10. Amusing time-killer:It's 'mobile' entertainment; one without gadgets. And, is it not better to gossip instead of killing your time like a boring nut? You'll come across many such occasions like waiting for train, bus, or for a person when you'll find it hard to kill time. Try gossiping. You won't notice how minutes (and even hours) click. 9. Behavioral improvements:Lack of manners and inappropriate reactions at a social gathering are the most loved and catchy subjects for any gossip. For instance, a group of people might find it really amusing to ridicule the manner you sip wine. A gossip with connoisseurs in the art of social grace would tell you such manners that you'd never hear of otherwise; you'll thank God for having learned them without being the victim to the predators feeding on gossips. 8. Social Bonding (Be the person everyone considers as 'charming'):Have you heard of the concept of reciprocal trust in social surroundings? To be brief, gossip with people, even in unknown settings can help nourish mutual trust. Gossiping encourages social bonding. You gossip with the people whom you trust and are comfortable with. A gossip with a stranger at a bar might turn out to be more than temporary. Gossip can help create long term social acquaintances. "Gossip gets a bad rap, but we're finding evidence that it plays a critical role in the maintenance of social order," said UC Berkeley social psychologist Robb Wille. 7. Gossiping is equal to feedback:Gossips are like overflowing tanks of verbosity, which get uncontrollable for chronic gossipers. In such a state, they speak of things your other pals or colleagues at office think and say about you. Even an iota of truth in such statements can really help you carry out some self-analysis. It can be life changing for some people. Many long-standing mess-ups can come to a happy end if you get to know about the 'repelling elements' in your personality. No one would have dared to spit it out on your face directly. 6. Get the message out:Gossiping girls are like a social networking site. If you wish to spread an indirect message to people around you, tell a gossip girl or guy, and tell them not to mention it to anyone; they'll tell it to everyone and also tell them to keep it secret. So, actually no one comes out to take responsibility for the results of a rumor. Your premeditated plan can therefore be executed to perfection. In a way, gossiping is a mind game, which you can control to a great extent in order to make some changes around you. 5. Makes you feel easy when you think the world is coming to an end:A study by psychologists at the University of Amsterdam suggests that encouraging gossiping at workplaces can help relieve the stress on employees, and gossip has the power to force even the laziest of all employees to contribute and perform better. For instance, at a professional level, gossip would relieve you of stress the very moment you realize you aren't the only one who is having trouble dealing with the boss. Suddenly, you'd find yourself in the same boat. Even if the boat is sinking, you'd want to look at it as a fun-ride! That's what gossiping can do, got it? 4. It can save your ass!As I mentioned earlier, gossip is a double-edged sword. It can be malicious or it can benefit you in a variety of ways. All you need to do is to learn the tricks. In many cases, gossips would help you create outline of the environment and people around you. If chit-chats with a colleague or friend indicate a negative impression in gossipers' mind, there must be some rock-solid reason. The bad guys – they are always bitching about others. Save your ass by not telling them any of your secrets. The good guys, well, they can judge YOU to be the bad guy if you bitch about others (even if it's the bad guys!). 3. Tune into the Gossip Information Broadcast:No doubt, it's the quickest way to get details about a particular person, topic or common opinions. Any topic can make a good subject for chattering. You'll be served with a thrilling shake of lies, borrowed opinions and truth. If you aren’t among those who get opinionated easily, a gossip can get you a lot of data you want to collect. How do you think journalists collect NEW news stories every day? Amidst ruthlessly competing employees in a professional world, it'll help you identify your foes and friends. So, you can be better equipped for the competition. Same thing is applicable to social relationships and social status. 2. Automated Catharsis:Sharing is an integral part of many behavioral therapies in psychology. You might have read a lot of stuff about the positive effects of sharing views, opinions, complaints, pains and sorrows, and your pride. When you are bitching about someone, you're actually releasing the pressure built-up over many days due to hate or jealously. A lot of anger on your boss, which you can't otherwise react to on his face, might have got repressed for last couple of years. It needs to be released into the cosmos. Your mind cannot hold tons of that stuff. Gossiping is indeed a sort of catharsis that brings out negativity and helps relieve you of these negative impressions. 1. Reach out to your sub-conscious:If you really wish to know your real face – your weaknesses, desires, causes of jealousies or hatred grooming inside you, then gossiping is the solution I'd recommend. Take halt in between of a really malicious or bitching gossip, and you'll begin to see the loopholes in your perception of the world and people around you. At a subconscious level, every concept is simple and direct. It's the sub-conscious where ego manipulates your real self. Those hidden concepts make way for gossips. The post Top 10 Benefits Of Gossiping appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Safest Cities In The World Posted: 01 Oct 2013 02:15 AM PDT Great cities of the world attract millions of people either to live and work or to just visit and experience the magnificence of living in such great cities. But many tourists who visit the great cities come back with a traumatic experience of crime and violence. Cities are known for being crime hubs. But there are cities in the world that are just as big as many other cities but still manage to have a very low crime rate. Surveys have shown that the following cities are the safest in the world in terms of living and also for travelling. 10. Copenhagen, Denmark:Copenhagen is the capital of Denmark and also the most populous city of Denmark. It is remarkable that even while being such a big city, Copenhagen has managed to keep its crime rate to a minimum. Tourists visiting Copenhagen find it a pleasant place with no complaints of crime or cheating. 9. Munich, Germany:Munich is the third largest city in Germany. It has a population of over 1.42 million and millions of tourists visit this city. Munich has continued to be one of the safest cities in the world. It is also one of the most livable cities in the world with a very high living standard. The city’s motto says it all, “Munich loves you”. 8. Seoul, South Korea:South Korea might not seem like a safe place because of being the arch enemy of neighbor North Korea, but its capital, Seoul, is one of the safest cities in the world. With a population of over 10 million Seoul is one of the largest cities in the developed world. With about 632,000 international residents Seoul receives a lot more tourists and still maintains a very low rate of street crime. 7. Stockholm, Sweden:The capital of Sweden, Stockholm is a role model city in many respects. It is one of the safest cities in the world with the friendliest people. The green transportation system, congestion taxes, city bikes and other green initiatives are an example to be followed for other cities in the world. 6. Dubai, UAE:The Middle East is not considered to be very safe generally and it is a surprise that Dubai has made it to the top 10 of the world’s safest cities. But with more tourists than ever visiting the country it has become clear that it is one of the safest cities in the world and a prime location for tourists to visit. 5. Zurich, Switzerland:Zurich, the capital of the most neutral country in the world, Switzerland, had to be on this list. It has been voted as the safest and nicest city to live in. It boasts of a very low crime rate and safe facilities for tourists. It is one of the biggest tourist destinations in the world and has a very safe and clean public transport system. 4. Vienna, Austria:Vienna has topped the charts for the last few years as the most livable city in the world. It has excellent living conditions and a robust economy which makes it the best place to live and work in the world. It is also very safe and a big tourist destination. The crime rates are very low and tourists seldom have any complaints when the visit this beautiful city. 3. Singapore, Republic of Singapore:Singapore is model city in many respects. It has very low crime rate. It is the cleanest city in the world and has very low corruption as well. Despite being extremely multi ethnic the city manages to be peaceful and everybody lives in harmony with each other. It is also one of the biggest tourist destinations in the world. 2. Dubrovnik, CroatiaCroatia might sound like a dangerous Eastern European country but it is a very safe country and a very big tourist destination in Europe known for its beaches and resorts. Dubrovnik is a very safe city and known for its beaches and sea port that attracts yachts from around Europe. The safety standards of the city are among the best in the world. 1. Tokyo, Japan:Tokyo is the capital of Japan and the seat of the government and the royal family. It is also the biggest tourist destination in the country. It has been decorated as one of the safest and cleanest cities in the world. It is also a great place to live and work and has many international residents. The taxi drivers of Tokyo are known as one of the friendliest taxi drivers in the world. The post Top 10 Safest Cities In The World appeared first on TopYaps. |
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