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- Top 10 Most Crowded Galaxies
- 8 Reasons Why Indian Politics Has Become A Mess
- 8 Movies That Nearly Destroyed The Careers Of Promising Actors
- Top 10 Tips To Make Impression At Office Party
- Top 10 Jet Lag Cures That Work Faster Than Jet
Posted: 26 Oct 2013 01:52 AM PDT The universe is the biggest miracle in itself. We are such a small part of the universe that it is really mind boggling. We have been looking at the sky and wondering about the universe probably through our history as humans. Slowly we’ve found that planets revolve around stars and stars too revolve around other massive objects in the sky. A galaxy is a group of stars, planets and interstellar material that are revolving around a galactic center. There are billions of galaxies in the universe and they interact with each other under the force of gravity. Smaller galaxies collide into larger ones to form even larger and more crowded galaxies. 10. Triangulum Galaxy:Triangulum Galaxy is part of the Triangulum constellation and is located 3 million light years away from earth. This spiral galaxy is the third largest object in the local group of galaxies in which our own Milky Way lives as well. It is the most distant permanent object that can be seen with the naked eye. 9. Whirlpool Galaxy:The Whirlpool Galaxy is a grand design spiral galaxy in the constellation Canes Venatici. It is 23 million light years from Milky Way and is a massive object in the universe. It is quite popular with astronomers both amateur and professional as it can be seen even with a binoculars and is easy to find. It’s mass is estimated to be equal to about 160 billion suns. 8. Milky Way Galaxy:Milky Way Galaxy is our home in the infinite universe. Remember that if you ever get lost in space. It is also one of the larger galaxies that have been observed so far. It contains about 100 billion to 400 billion stars and about as many planets. In 3.75 billion years Milky Way and Andromeda will collide to form a super galaxy. 7. Andromeda Galaxy:Andromeda Galaxy is the nearest spiral galaxy to the Milky Way and is our partner in the universe. It appears in the constellation Andromeda and is about 2.5 million light years from earth. Its mass is estimated to be around 710 billion solar masses. It is slightly larger than our own Milky Way galaxy. 6. Condor Galaxy:Located 212 million light years away in the constellation Pavo, Condor Galaxy or NGC 6872, forms along with IC 4970 part of two interacting galaxies. It is famous for being the largest observed spiral galaxy in the universe. Its size is 522,000 light years from one tip to another. 5. Malin 1:Malin 1 is a disk galaxy that is considered to be one of the largest spiral galaxies ever seen. Its size is estimated to be around 650,000 light years in diameter. It is six and a half times the size of our own Milky Way. It is interacting with two other galaxies and its diameter is supposed to be 1000 times that of the Milky Way. 4. ISOHDFS 27:ISOHDFS 27 is the most massive spiral galaxy known so far to us humans. It is located about 6 billion light years from Earth. Its mass is about 4 times the mass of the Milky Way. The mass of this galaxy has been estimated to be around 1040 billion solar masses. 3. IC 1101:IC 1101 is a supergiant elliptical galaxy at the center of Abell 2029 cluster. It is located in the constellation Virgo and is classified as a cD class of galaxy. It is about 1.07 billion light years away. Its diameter is about 6 million light years which makes it the largest galaxy in terms of breadth. It contains about 100 trillion stars. 2. ESO 146-5:ESO 146-5 is a group of giant elliptical interacting galaxies in the center of the Abell 3827 cluster. This group is located 1.4 billion light years from earth. The mass has been calculated to be 30 quadrillion solar masses which makes it the most massive galaxy in the known universe. It is famous for the strong gravitational lensing effect. 1. M60-UCD1:M60-UCD1 stands above all in the list of most crowded galaxies ever observed. It is a dwarf galaxy and not very large but it is the most densely packed galaxy ever. It is located 54 million light years from earth. Its mass is about 200 million solar masses. Half of this mass is located in a central sphere of 160 light years diameter. The post Top 10 Most Crowded Galaxies appeared first on TopYaps. |
8 Reasons Why Indian Politics Has Become A Mess Posted: 26 Oct 2013 12:52 AM PDT Why had Indian politics become a mess? That’s a good question. We can have a long and heated discussion on this topic where I’ll shout out my indignation like that famous news presenter and you all shout your views like the multiple minor personalities that form the critic panel on such shows. In the end no one will be the wiser and we’ll go back to updating our Facebook status. But that happens everyday in India and nothing has changed so maybe it’s not that effective. Let me instead just tell you what I think is going on and you try to read it without much bias. So, here are the 8 reasons that I think are responsible for the abysmal state of Indian politics. 8. All in the Family:We live in a democratic country where anyone has the freedom to get into politics and try to carry out his own version of justice. But like bollywood and business, politics too has become a family affair. We have political dynasties struggling to hold on to the power that their forefathers stole. Heirs are being raised and groomed to one day lead India. Is it good or bad? I don’t know. But I do know that some fresh young blood is needed in Indian politics. 7. Corporate Houses:These dynastic political families are not just into politics anymore. They’ve also become corporate houses in a very real sense. All politicians own multiple businesses that are controlled by their family members and cousins and nephews twice removed. What is happening is an accumulation of power and money in the hands of a few select biological families. It seems more like medieval feudal system than democracy to me. 6. Corruption:And when these rich and powerful families have all the money and power they have nothing to fear. So they go about using their power to grow richer and their money to buy more power. The corruption level in India has a hierarchy. Your status is dependent on how much bribe someone is willing to give to you. Traffic policemen will take even 50 rupees while the bigger fish only deal in thousand crores of rupees. 5. The Lesser of Two Evils:While all this is going on the public has no option but to choose between the lesser of two evils. We choose Congress for one term and then hope that BJP will do better the next time. Now we can’t even choose a single party to govern us and it has to be coalitions. UPA or NDA; either one will always be in power. The lack of choice means that the public is basically powerless. 4. Complacency:The politicians know this fact and have become complacent. They know that if they don’t win this election, they’ll just have to wait for a few years and make a lot of noise when the current government’s scams come to light and that will be enough to ensure their turn at the iron throne the next time. This game of throne is a two horse race and both horses don’t want to run. They know one of them will win each time no matter how slow they run. 3. Where is My Political Ombudsman?There’s no one to check this unparalleled level of corruption. We wanted the jan lokpal bill but now I think we’ll be better off even with a dummy lokpal. Anything, anyone to keep a check on the power of the politicians. But the thing is that once someone has absolute power and once they’ve been corrupted absolutely, it’s not easy to get them to give someone else power over themselves. How will a lokpal ever be formed? I have no idea. 2. Manipulative Media:The big player in manipulating the public is the media. They are not in the news “business” to spread news but to do business. They will shout and cry and make angry faces, claiming to be the voice of India about one topic and then totally forget about it once they’ve been paid off by the politicians. Public attention span is very small in India and the media knows how to distract us. When it sees fit it will make us gather in millions and protest on the streets and then it will move on to the next hottest story of the day. 1. Sleepy Public:And finally the last piece of the puzzle is you and me. We the people of India are sleeping. They said the public had awakened finally during the Anna Hazare drama but what happened to that? We then awakened a year later to protest the Delhi gang rape but I still see tens of rapes being reported everyday. We wake up from time to time when the media wants us to wake up but then we go back to sleep and dream about Bollywood, saas bahu serials, cricket, Facebook, smart phones and food. The post 8 Reasons Why Indian Politics Has Become A Mess appeared first on TopYaps. |
8 Movies That Nearly Destroyed The Careers Of Promising Actors Posted: 26 Oct 2013 12:18 AM PDT Great movies propel the careers of actors, while failed scripts can mar one's chance at acting forever. It's like bad scripts bring along bad luck too. Despite having the zest and the talent, history is witness to the downfall and demise of some tremendously gifted actors, whose careers were nearly destroyed because of signing for one wrong movie. 8. Lindsay Lohan with 'I Know Who Killed Me':What led the career of Lindsay Lohan to doom is still debatable. No one can be sure if it was her tainted bad girl image or her bad choice for scripts that lead to a destroyed acting career for her. The last of her movies including the 2007 horror flick 'I know who killed me' sure paved for her final extinguish from movies and acting. 7. Lorri Petty with 'Tank Girl':Lorri Petty simply made a name for herself in Hollywood on basis of her acting prowess. She was almost a star with three major block-busters namely 'Point Break', 'Free Willy', 'A league of their own'. But then was released a movie that was incompetent adaptation of comic 'Tank Girl'. The movie did tank her career forever. 6. Kevin Costner with ‘Waterworld’:After being part of one of the highest grosser of his time including 'Dances with Wolves', Kevin Costner came up with a suicidal idea of creating $ 200 million sci-fi. His character was of a fishman who happily drank his own urine. This character created confusion beyond comprehension. The movie was a big time flop and also the destroyer of the acting career for Kevin Costner. 5. Mark Hamill with 'Return of the Jedi':The actors whose voice is incomparable, Mark Hamill can be compared to the great Mel Blanc in various capacities. He shares credits for some of the best voiceovers in cinema and in the early 80s he was the most sought out actor in movies as well. But then came 'Return of Jedi' in 1983 and took away all he had earned in his lifetime. Mark Hamill lost his track from then onwards. 4. Elizabeth Berkley with 'Showgirls':Elizabeth Berkley must not have comprehended even in the wildest of her dreams that the 1995 made classic cult in which she featured will bomb so badly at the box-office window. Paul Verhoeven's picture although found critics by its side but audience maintained distance from it and from Elizabeth for a fairly long time. 3. Chris O'Donnell with 'Batman & Robin':Chris O' Donnell, before featuring in this loosely created film by Joel Schumacher named 'Batman & Robin' was considered to be one of the best upcoming talents of the time. However, with the movie his career not only encountered a shrieking halt but failed to pick up momentum once again. This sham from 1997 not only took his flourishing career to ransom, but also killed Batman franchise for nearly ten years. 2. Sean Connery with 'League of Extraordinary Gentleman':Sean Connery is associated with number of wonderful characters and movies in his career. However, 'League of extraordinary gentleman' proved to be the nail on his head and engulfed his career. Sean immediately retired from acting after the movie. The movie not only killed Sean's movie career but forced him to retire from all kinds of acting. 1. Jamie Kennedy with 'Son of Mask':If Jim Carrey was simply irresistible in the comic cult 'The Mask', the sequel named 'Son of Mask' beat you down to boredom. Devoid of laughs or even possibilities of cracking laughter, the movie made Jamie Kennedy the pale shadow of arguably the best comic actor of the modern era. Jamie only lost what he had earned over the years with his hardwork. The post 8 Movies That Nearly Destroyed The Careers Of Promising Actors appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Tips To Make Impression At Office Party Posted: 24 Oct 2013 11:00 PM PDT Office parties are a time most people dread. It’s supposed to be unofficial but everyone knows that it isn’t. You are still being seen in a professional capacity and the impression you make at an office party can make or break your career. Office parties aren’t really meant to have fun. They are meant to mix up with your colleagues and make impressions on your bosses, who will be observing you whether you know it or not. So it becomes very important to make a good impression at such parties. Let’s look at the top 10 tips that will help you make a good impression at your next office party. 10. Arrive on Time:The most important thing in an office party is to arrive on time. It maybe fashionable to arrive late in some parties but office parties are not one of them. Arrive early and let your bosses know that you are a punctual person who values their and others time. 9. Dress Smartly:Office parties usually have a dress code. Stick to that code and dress as smartly as you can. You don’t need to wear something too fancy. It needs to be neat and clean and should fit you well. Take care of your hair and make sure you look a well groomed person. Don’t go over the top with something too flamboyant. 8. Shake Hands Firmly:A handshake says a lot about you. When you meet people at a party, your handshake sets the first impression about your personality so work on it. Your handshake should be firm but not too tight. It shouldn’t be floppy like a dead fish either. Have a neutral handshake style and don’t offer your hand palm down to your boss as that is a dominating style of handshake. 7. Stand Straight:Your posture is going to be what people will see and they’ll make deductions about your professional aptitude based on what they see. If you are a sloucher you need to change that at least during the office party. Stand up straight but not too rigid. Lean in when listening to someone and hold your drink smartly near your waist. 6. Stay Away from Alcohol:Talking of your drink, remember to just have one little drink. If possible avoid that too. Office parties are not for getting drunk and having fun. This is the last setting in which you’d want to lose control over yourself. If you end up passing out or vomiting in front of your boss, that’s not going to set the right impression now is it? 5. Don’t Stuff Yourself with Food:While staying away from alcohol you should also stay away from food. I mean of course you can eat but don’t stuff yourself with too much food. Eat in moderation and don’t eat greedily even if you are hungry. If there is a lot of food, it doesn’t mean that you have to try all of it. 4. Mingle:The purpose of a office party if to mix with your colleagues so do that. Mingle with people and introduce yourself properly. Have small talk and make jokes if you know any. Don’t make inappropriate jokes that your college friend told you. Once you have spent some time with one group, move on. Try to talk to everyone at the party. 3. Be Pleasant:While talking to people, remember to be pleasant and speak softly and politely. Don’t get into heated arguments over any topic. Don’t discuss politics or sports or those type of things that can turn into arguments. Be nice to people and use “please” and “thank you” often. Don’t be rude with anyone, even your juniors. 2. Smile:One of the most important thing is to smile. Smiling makes the other person comfortable and puts them at ease. When you smile, they’ll feel good to talk to you. Smile is contagious and when others smile on seeing your smile, their brain tells them to relate you with happiness. That’s the kind of correlation you want to stimulate. 1. Leave Early:As is clear from the above points, an office party is not fun and might even be considered work. It is tough to put up a good show for a long time. So make sure to leave as soon as you’ve met everybody. Your purpose in the party is to meet everyone and leave them with a fond memory of you. Leave before the night gets old and you do something you’ll regret for a long time. The post Top 10 Tips To Make Impression At Office Party appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Jet Lag Cures That Work Faster Than Jet Posted: 24 Oct 2013 10:26 PM PDT Whenever you fly a long distance and cross many time zones, your body clock gets completely disturbed. You’ll find yourself terribly sleepy during the day and wide awake at night. This is known as jet lag and is something that frequent fliers have to deal with on a regular basis. It can be very annoying and lead to emotional mood swings and frustration during your trip. After a few days your body clocks sets to the new time zone and things get easier but by then it’s time to get on the flight back home. If you are about to travel on a long flight soon then you need to keep the following tips in mind to help you cope with jet lag. Here are the top 10 jet lag cures that work well every time. 10. Change Your Sleeping Routine Before You Travel:A few days before you have to catch that long flight, start preparing your body for the new time zone. If you are travelling east and you’ll lose time then start sleeping half an earlier each day to get used to sleeping at the time of your destination. Wake up a little earlier each day. If you are travelling west then sleep later and wake up a little later. 9. Change Your Eating Routine Before You Travel:Just like your sleep cycle your food cycle also needs to get used to the new time zone you are about to visit. So shift your meal times according to where you are going to travel. Do the shifting in small half an hour steps and do it at least for 3 or 4 days before the travel date. 8. Set Your Watch to Destination Time As Soon As You Enter the Plane:As soon as you board the plane you should set your watch to the time zone of your destination. This is a psychological factor that will help you think in terms of the time zone that you are about to visit. During the flight, try to do things such as eating and sleeping, according to this new time zone. 7. Do not Eat Plane Food:Plane food is rubbish anyways but there is another reason to not eat it. By staying hungry during the flight you fool your body into giving up the light based body clock and shift to hunger based body clock. If you must you can snack a little on the flight and then eat a good meal just after you land. This will set your body clock to the new time zone much faster than letting it set on its own according to sunlight. 6. Drink Lots of Water:Travelling 35,000 feet above the earth’s surface causes dehydration and very few people drink enough water during a flight to stay hydrated. While dehydration doesn’t lead directly to jet lag, it does make the jet lag much worse. So remember to drink lots of water during your flight. Also drink lots of water before your flight and after your flight. 5. Avoid Alcohol and Coffee:Both alcohol and coffee can dehydrate you even more so it’s best to avoid these and instead go for water or fruit juice. Soda too contains caffeine so avoid that too. Another reason to avoid alcohol is that it’s easy to get tipsy at high altitude and when you get back on land you’ll end up with a hangover along with your jet lag. 4. Take Melatonin:Melatonin is the hormone that is related to sleep. It is produced naturally in the body when we are about to fall asleep. Some studies have suggested that taking melatonin in the form of pills can help people sleep. If your jet lag is severe try taking these pills about 2 hours before you want to sleep. The effects of melatonin are not conclusive so consult your doctor before taking it. 3. Do not Sleep During the Day After Arrival:When you arrive at your destination you might find it hard to stay awake even though it is mid day. Avoid sleeping at that time as it will make the jet lag last much longer. If you must, take a short nap no longer than 30 minutes. If you arrive at night and can’t fall asleep don’t force it but stay in bed and rest and wake up at the right time in the morning and then avoid sleeping during the day. 2. Use Light Therapy:Light therapy involves using sunlight or light boxes to trigger your body clock. If you have lost time then get early morning light to wake you up and avoid late afternoon light as it will help you sleep early. If you have travelled west instead then avoid early morning light and take in afternoon light when you are feeling sleepy. 1. Exercise in the Evening and Morning:Exercising is a good way to tire your body and get it ready for sleep. But don’t exercise within 3 hours of sleeping as that will lead to an overactive body and it will be hard to fall asleep. Exercising early in the morning will energize you for the day ahead and help you stay awake. The post Top 10 Jet Lag Cures That Work Faster Than Jet appeared first on TopYaps. |
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