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- Top 10 Lesser-Known Facts About Bob Marley
- 7 Books Every Psychology Student Should Read
- 6 Most Beneficial Plants Found In Nature
- 6 Indian Celebrities Who Survived Cancer
- Top 10 Ways To Get A Body Like Salman Khan
- Top 10 Prevention Tips For Future Storm
Top 10 Lesser-Known Facts About Bob Marley Posted: 07 Oct 2013 05:09 AM PDT Bob Marley is a legend not just in the music world but in general because of his generosity and activism. Through out his life he was known for being a simple minded and straightforward person who sang about freedom and equality. He’s today famous for his endorsement of marijuana and the large number of wives and children that he had, but this image doesn’t do justice to his legend. Here is an attempt to explore some interesting facts about the musical legend who will live the hearts of music buffs for ages. 10. His Father was a White British Naval Captain:Norval Sinclair Marley was a white British Naval Captain who fathered Bob Marley. Bob’s mother was a young black village girl, Cedella, who lived in a small Jamaican Village. Marley was born on February 6th 1945 as a mixed race child. For this he was often called “white boy” in his childhood. 9. His Original Name was “Nesta”:His original name was Nesta Robert Marley. His father had insisted on this name but it’s not known from where it comes. Later a Jamaican immigration officer suggested using his middle name instead because Nesta sounded like a girl’s name. He gave himself the nickname Tuff Gong. 8. He was a Talented Football Player:Bob Marley wasn’t just a gifted musician but also a talented football player. It is said that he was good enough to have played at the international level had he pursued the sport. He was also a very good table tennis player. Among his other talents, he was also known to have the ability to read palms when he was young. 7. He was a Rastafarian:Bob Marley was a devoted Rastafarian. Rastafarians don’t technically belong to a religion but follow a way of life. It is based on the Old Testament and they view Ethiopia to be the promised land of Zion. They also support marijuana and long hair along with detesting greed and materialism. 6. He Lived in Delaware for Some Time:Bob Marley was known as an ambassador of Jamaica and he openly despised America but when he was young he lived in Delaware for some time with his mother. He even worked at a Chrysler plant and later as a laboratory assistant for DuPont Chemical. 5. He Played a Free Concert One Day after Being Shot:Bob Marley was shot in the arm in 1976 during a politically motivated assassination attempt. Everybody, including his band, wanted to disappear for a while, fearing their security, but Bob decided to play a free concert for 80,000 people the very next day. He famously said, “The people who are trying to make this world worse aren’t taking a day off. How can I?” 4. He Predicted His Own Death:Bob was considered a Rastafarian prophet among his family and friends. He is even known to have prophesized his own death. He had told a friend of his that he would die at the age of 36. When asked why he would say such a thing he said that Jesus had also lived only until he was 36. 3. He Died of Cancer:Bob Marley died of a cancer that is not common among black people but due to his mixed race he suffered from acral lentiginous melanoma, a form of skin cancer. It started on his toe and he might have survived if he had let the doctors amputate the toe. But he refused because of his religious views. 2. He Never Won a Grammy in his Life:Despite being one of the greatest musicians to ever live he never won a Grammy while he was alive. None of his songs or albums won a Grammy which could have been a result of political intervention as his songs were very popular. He was only awarded the lifetime achievement award posthumously in 2001. 1. His Album “Exodus” was Briefly the Best Album of the 20th Century:His not winning a Grammy wouldn’t have affected him much as he wasn’t in it for the fame and money. But there is no doubt that his songs were and still are massively popular. In 1999 Time magazine names his album “Exodus” the greatest album of the century. For some reason in 2006 they changes their mind when they listed the 100 greatest album of the century and Exodus was nowhere on the list. The post Top 10 Lesser-Known Facts About Bob Marley appeared first on TopYaps. |
7 Books Every Psychology Student Should Read Posted: 07 Oct 2013 04:36 AM PDT No matter which university you are studying, the curriculum will not include enough material on the vast researched subject like psychology. Some classic books of psychology can enhance knowledge and provide insight into this complicated subject that deals with human behavior and emotions. Here is a list of 7 books that can help psychology students deepen their knowledge about various aspects of psychology. 7. Introduction to Psychology 7 edition:(Authors: Clifford T. Morgan, John R. Weisz, Richard A. King, John Schopler) The 7th edition of the popular book 'Introduction to psychology' has been rewritten thoroughly to include new vital breakthroughs that have taken place in the field of psychology. For students who are starting their careers in psychology, this book provides empirical views on topics like – what is psychology?, Principles of perception, Biology of behavior, Memory, Thinking, Language, Motivation, Attitudes and many more. It also covers developmental stages of infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood and old age. Another attractive feature of this book is its various case studies. It introduces the readers to topics of inventories and psychological tests for assessment of personality, abnormal behaviors and extremity of emotions. 6. The Road Less Traveled:(Author: Scott Peck) The Road Less traveled published in 1978, shot Peck to fame overnight when it hit the best seller list in 1984; that is six years after its first publication. His work in this book is largely based on his own experience with patients when he practiced psychiatry. Rather than a scientific view, Mr. Peck provides a humanistic view on the case studies. He touches the topics of discipline, healthy development of emotion, spirituality and mentality, delay of gratification, being responsible for ones action, fidelity to truth and the ever ongoing balancing act of human life. He demystifies love and romance in the second section of the book by exposing how people often mistake dependency and other negative characteristics to be love. His explanation about this mysterious emotion people feel is extraordinary. He has dedicated the final section of his book the Grace, a force beyond human consciousness. 5. On Becoming a Person:(Author: Carl R. Rogers, Peter D. Kramer) On Becoming a Person is an amazing book by Carl Rogers, the man who broke the wall between psychotherapy and counseling with his concept of "Client Centered Therapy", where the counselee was put in the driver's seat. The book is not just about psychology, counseling or therapist's relationship with his patients; it covers all the helping relationships of humans. This book guides the budding psychologists to bond with their clients and help them move towards empowerment. The book tries to answer the question asked by every person, "How I can shed the act and become more like myself?" 4. The Interpretations of Dreams:(Author: Sigmund Freud) One of the most criticized and controversial books of the 20th century, 'The Interpretations of Dreams' by Sigmund Freud is considered by many as an audacious work of genius. People had problem accepting the Oedipus and Elektra complex discussed by Freud through dream interpretation and theory of unconscious way back in 1900. The book marks a turning point in psychology; hence it should not be skipped by any psychology student though it is very lengthy and complex. For layman, there is an abridged copy of the same book "On Dreams" which was published by Freud later. 3. The Definitive Book of Body Language:(Author: Allan Pease and Barbara Pease) The Definitive Book of Body Language is an international bestseller which reveals the secrets of non-verbal communication in a humorous way. Though people start to communicate through gestures and body language since infancy, not many can recognize or read it properly. With proper techniques of reading body language we can interpret true intentions of people by watching out for clues given by their gestures and body language. The book has been popular with not just psychology students but everyone in general due to its enthralling insights, humor, uncomplicated strategies and skills to for success in relationships and life. 2. Games People Play:(Author: Eric Berne) People play various games in their interpersonal relationships, some knowingly and some unknowingly. Through his publication of the book 'Games People Play', Eric Berne shocked the world by throwing light on what really goes on during the most basic interactions people have in their relationships with fellow humans. Berne discusses the games people play under categories of marriage, sex, power, competitions and many more in their everyday life. The popularity of the book is due to the fact that people could relate to it and identify the games people play with them, moreover, the games they have play throughout their lives. This is one of the most popular and influential psychology books which is considered to be eye-opener. 1. DSM-5, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition:No student of psychology can skip reading the DSM, which provides standard criteria regarding mental health to help researchers, clinicians and psychologists regarding psychiatric diagnosis. The fifth edition of the book was released by American Psychiatric Association with thorough update in 2013. 100's of international experts conduct research to create concise and specific diagnosis criteria for mental health. The book defines, classifies, and helps in diagnosis, treatment and research in psychology. The study of psychology would be incomplete without the thorough knowledge of DSM for any student. The post 7 Books Every Psychology Student Should Read appeared first on TopYaps. |
6 Most Beneficial Plants Found In Nature Posted: 07 Oct 2013 04:36 AM PDT Many plants species are known for their medicinal properties since ancient times. Not only humans, but also animals are known to identify the beneficial properties of plants found in nature and use them for various health benefits. Even plants like Marijuana have amazing medicinal properties when used in proper proportions for medicinal purposes. The anti-inflammatory, anti-septic, expectorant, anti-pyretic, antihistamine, analgesic and other health benefits of plants have made the scientific world have a look at them to find cures for diseases naturally. Here is the list of 6 most beneficial plants found in nature, the research on which has shocked the medical world. 6. Tulsi (Holy Basil):Considering the amazing health benefits of the plant Tulsi, there is no wonder that many Indians have worshipped it for ages. Holy Basil is known to heal ailments of not just the human body, but it is also known to cure mental illness to a great extent. Tulsi leaves are known to enhance cognitive power and sharpen memory when consumed regularly. Tulsi has the rare property which aids in relieving of stress and anxiety in people. The plant has caught the attention of oncologists as it is proven to be a great adjuvant in minimizing the effects of radiation in cancer treatment. Indians have benefited from the medicinal properties of Tulsi for more than 4000 years. The plant is used to cure the following illnesses:
5. Turmeric:Though initially used as a dye, turmeric later on gained popularity for its health benefits, especially from the practitioners of Ayurveda. The plant is known to be harvested even by the ancient Harappan civilization. Turmeric is used to as a spice in most Indian recipes, as it can fight against the ill effects of heavy oily meals. Even though turmeric is known for its antioxidant and other medicinal value, what caught the attention of the western world was its cosmetic value as a antiseptic and antibacterial medicine. Beneficial properties of turmeric are:
4. Chamomile:Chamomile is a plant which has served as a digestive aid for ages in the western world. It is also known to tackle insomnia effectively, moreover, without any side effects. Chamomile is one the oldest documented plant used for preventive, therapeutic and curative medicinal properties. With its growing popularity after scientific research substantiated its claim as a great anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic and antimicrobial agent, the consumption of chamomile tea has hit more than a million cups a day. Chamomile is used in skin creams for its soothing property and also to enhance the appearance of blond hair color. Beneficial properties of Chamomile are:
3. Sage:The scientific name of the plant Sage – Salvia Officinalis – meaning savior or to be saved says much about the beneficial properties of the plant. It is considered to be the most valuable herb and listed among the world's healthiest foods. The high anti-bacterial property of the plants heals -cuts, burns, inflammations and swellings effectively. The herb is being comprehensively researched as it is known to be effective in treatment of mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease. Sage is used in treatment of:
2. Garlic:Garlic has been used as a spice and medicinal herb since 5000 B.C. Garlic is known as cure all herbs in the scientific world due to its multipurpose healing properties which aids the overall health maintenance of the body with regular consumption. Scientific research has found evidence linking garlic in prevention of cancer, especially cancers of colon and stomach. Indians use garlic effectively as an antidote to snake bites. Garlic is a herb with multipurpose healing properties which is known to cure as many as 100s of illnesses including:
1. Ginger:Ginger is used for its beneficial properties as well as unique flavor all over the world. Ginger is consumed as ginger ale, ginger bread, ginger wine, ginger tea, ginger cookies and candies and many more food stuffs. The herb is well known for its property of aiding digestion as well as controlling nausea and dyspepsia. Indians and Chinese traditional doctors have used this herb as antibacterial, antipyretic and analgesic to treat various illnesses. Ginger is a great anti-oxidant which increases the immunity of the body to fight invading diseases. Some of the beneficial properties of Ginger are:
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6 Indian Celebrities Who Survived Cancer Posted: 07 Oct 2013 02:16 AM PDT No one is prepared to hear those deadly words "You have cancer". With more and more people surviving cancer, though it is not a death sentence anymore, the fear of cancer is still prevalent among the masses. Among the survivors of cancer are some celebrities who have helped in creating awareness in people about the prevalence of cancer and also spread hope about overcoming it. Celebrities have to face the additional burden of being in the public eye and hear comments being passed about their ordeal in media. Here is the list of 6 Indian celebrities who survived cancer and spread hope, in the glaring public eye. 6. Mumtaz:The beloved bollywood beauty of yesteryears, Mumtaz has bravely fought and survived breast cancer of which she was diagnosed at the age of 54. She did not surrender herself to the strenuous sessions of surgery, chemo and radiation but picked herself and fought against the weight gain, fatigue and other side-effects bravely. 11 years down the lane, Mumtaz can still make heads turn around with her charm and beauty which she regained by following strict exercise including swimming, visits to gym, healthy diet and positive attitude. In 2010, Mumtaz featured in the UniGlobe Entertainments documentary on cancer survival '1 a Minute', with other international stars who had fought and survived cancer. 5. Anurag Basu:Most of the people would identify Anurag Basu as the talented director of Barfi. Not many know the brave heart who had fought an acute promyelocytic Leukemia (a type of blood cancer) in the year 2004, the year his first daughter Ishana was born. Doctors gave him two months to live when he was diagnosed during the filming of Tumsa Nahin Dekha. The verdict did not shake the strong man who went ahead as though he was control and even gave instructions for the completion of the film from his hospital bed. He also wrote scripts for 'Life in a Metro' and 'Gangster' during this ordeal. After chemotherapy and medication of three years, Basu went ahead releasing critically acclaimed films that did well on Box Office too. 4. Namrata Singh Gujral:Namrata Singh Gujral is an Indian American actress who is Sikh by faith. In 2008, the 32 year old young woman heard the dreaded words that she had breast cancer. Luckily the cancer was detected in the early stages which gave her an advantage in the fight with the dreaded disease. Namrata is the president of the UniGlobe Entertainment which is renowned for its docu-drama '1 a Minute'. She has taken the initiative to make use of her production company's platform to spread awareness and join hands to fight against breast cancer. The film released in over 600 theatres marked the directorial debut of the young actress. 3. Lisa Ray:The stunningly beautiful actress who shook the nation with the high-cut swimsuit in a commercial was diagnosed with multiple Myeloma in 2009. Lisa fought her battle with cancer away from the peering eyes of media. After winning her battle, Lisa came out with her story and shared her experience with people. In 2010, Lisa bravely announced to the world that she was free of cancer after the successful treatment involving stem cell transplant. Apart from creating awareness, advocating cause of cancer cure, working on her career, Lisa Ray married a management consultant Jason Dehni in Napa Valley in California proving to the world that cancer could not intimidate her nor stop her on the tracks. 2. Manisha Koirala:The beautiful actress with captivating smile who won hearts with her powerful performance in bollywood movies was diagnosed with ovarian cancer at the age of 42 years. She fought bravely against the disease in a New York hospital. She boldly posted her pictures during chemotherapy, not shying from the hair loss she suffered as a side effect. She is moving ahead with positive attitude and has requested her doctors to allow working and shooting for films even when the chemotherapy was going on. She has promised to use her celebrity status and her own struggle with cancer to inspire and spread hope among the people fighting the battle against cancer. 1. Yuvaraj Singh:Yuvaraj Singh treated cancer in no different way than he treats the balls thrown at him by the bowlers. Indians have not mourned the news of cancer as they did when their star all rounder announced he was suffering from a rare type of killer cancer. Amidst prayers from family, friends and fans, Yuvaraj successfully battled serinoma, which had caused tumor growth between his heart and lung. In the book 'The Test of My Life', Yuvaraj writes about his experience dealing with cancer. After receiving Arjuna Award, Yuvaraj made a comeback to cricket by playing Twenty20 match against New Zealand. He has been responsible for many people seeing hope beyond the diagnosis of cancer. The post 6 Indian Celebrities Who Survived Cancer appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Ways To Get A Body Like Salman Khan Posted: 07 Oct 2013 02:00 AM PDT If you want to get a body like Salman Khan, the original Bollywood body builder (remember the one handed push ups from Maine Pyaar Kiya?), then you need to learn the basics about body building. Salman Khan is also an ideal role model to have because he has built his body over a long time. Today stars get into shape for a movie within a few months but since you can’t afford to train all the time taking your time and being patient is the best way to go about building muscles. Here are the top 10 ways to get a body like Salman Khan. 10. Eat Whole Foods:Whole foods mean anything that doesn’t come in well packaged form. All commercial processed foods such as, cereals, oats, pasta, bread, noodles, fruit juices, soda etc. contain a lot of chemicals, unwanted sugar, salt and preservatives that you don’t want to be eating. Fresh fruit, organic vegetables, local meat and unprocessed grains and pulses should form your diet if you want to build muscles. Try to get a protein and carbohydrate rich diet. 9. Eat Often:When you start working out regularly you need to start eating multiple times a day. It is not a good idea to eat three large meals as the body tends to store most of it in the form of fat for later. Instead eat 5 to 6 small meals through out the day. Try to eat once in every 3 hours and remember to load up on carbohydrates otherwise the body will breakdown the muscles to get the necessary glucose. 8. Sleep Like a Baby:Some famous body builder has said that there is nothing as over working, there is only under eating and under sleeping. If you get too tired in the gym then it might be because you are not getting proper sleep. Sleeping at least 8 hours daily is important for your body to get sufficient rest. The muscles grow while you sleep. Some professional bodybuilders take naps during the day as well. 7. Do Full Body Workouts:A lot of amateurs make the mistake of concentrating only on a few muscle groups, especially the biceps. But if you want to build muscles you need to concentrate on your full body at least in the beginning. Only very advance level bodybuilders concentrate on specific muscle groups. For beginners maximum muscle is gained when full body workouts are done. 6. Learn Proper Technique:Learning the proper technique of lifting weight is important to avoid injuries and improve efficiency. You’ll receive the full benefit of an exercise only when you learn the technique properly. Start slowly and at first concentrate on getting it right. If you don’t learn it right when you first start, it will be very hard to change it later on. 5. Do Less Cardio:Cardio is great for fitness and endurance but if you want to build muscles you need to limit your cardio to two 30 minute sessions per week. Doing cardio uses up calories that you can be using to lift weight and build muscles. It is good as a warm up but should be done in limited amounts. 4. Drink Lots of Water:Water is very important for building muscles. When you workout you lose a lot of water and if you don’t replenish it then your body will not recover on time. You should drink 2 to 4 liters of water daily. It depends on your size and the amount of workout you do. 3. Workout Till Fatigue:The simple idea of building muscles is that you need to push them beyond their limits. When you train your muscles till fatigue the fibers start to break. This is important for bodybuilding as only by breaking the fibers you can make sure that they grow back larger and stronger. 2. More Weight Less Reps:One key point to remember is to do fewer reps with heavier weights instead of going for more reps with lighter weights. The first technique helps in building muscles and the latter technique is for toning already built muscles and built endurance. Always remember that your goal is to increase strength and muscles. 1. Use Free Weights:You don’t need to have access to high end machines to build muscles. In fact most bodybuilders agree that free weights are the best for muscle building. Machines balance the weights for you and let you focus on only one particular muscle. But free weights improve technique and balance and help all your muscles to grow. The post Top 10 Ways To Get A Body Like Salman Khan appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Prevention Tips For Future Storm Posted: 07 Oct 2013 01:05 AM PDT Nature can be as furious as it is beautiful. It gives us life but it can easily take it away too. Storms, hurricanes, tornadoes are all nature’s fury in action. It is important to take precautions before and during a storm to ensure proper safety and prevention of damage to property. While major hurricanes can rip apart even the strongest homes, the minor storms can also cause a lot of damage if proper steps are not taken for prevention of loss to property and life. You can’t stop the storm for no one has control over mother nature, but you can mitigate the damages by adopting these prevention tips. 10. Take Photographs of Your Property for Insurance Claims:If you receive warning for a major storm to hit your area, it’s always advised to take photographs of your property before the storm hits as it helps during insurance claims once the storm has passed. Also make sure to find out what kind of cover your insurance provides against damaged caused by storms, lightening and flooding etc. 9. Do not Try to Capture the Storm on Video:Once the storm hits, some people try to capture it on video. It has become our second nature to capture everything on camera. But standing outside with a camera during a storm is dangerous. If you must make a video, make it from indoors. The best is to respect the storm and just buckle in and let the storm pass over. 8. Prepare Your House:Preparing your house for a storm will ensure minimal damage to property. Make sure all items outside the house are fixed to the ground. Bring in chairs, barbeque equipment, umbrellas etc. that are not fixed to the ground and can fly away in strong winds. Bring in any potted plants that aren’t strong enough. Make repairs to drainage systems and fix up any broken windows. If a strong hurricane is expected, you might want to board up the windows with plywood. 7. Prepare an Emergency Kit:Apart from preparing the house you should also prepare an emergency kit in case of the worst case scenario. The kit should include survival equipment such as flash lights, batteries, cash, clothes etc. and also the important papers and documents that you need to protect. If you think you might have to evacuate on a short notice, prepare the bags of every member of the house. Store the kit at an easily accessible place. 6. Do not Drive:It is best not to drive during a hurricane or a storm. Flash floods due to rain or overflowing rivers can be very dangerous if you are in a car. It is not easy to judge how deep a muddy puddle is and you can get stuck on the road. If the car gets swept away in a flood you can drown. If you must evacuate do it before the storm hits. 5. Stay Indoors:If you are going to see the storm through without evacuating then it is best to stay indoors once the storm hits. Make all preparations outside before the storm comes and once it hits, stay indoors. It will help you stay dry and safe and you can patiently let the storm pass. 4. Bring all Pets Inside:If you have pets make sure that they get inside as well. It is irresponsible to keep pets outside the house during a storm or a hurricane. If you have larger animals such as cows and horses make sure their enclosures are properly sealed and that they have adequate food and water so that you don’t have to go outside to feed them. 3. Remove Electrical Equipment from Outside:Before a storm comes, remember to remove all electrical equipment from outside. If you have extension cords or Christmas lights or any other electrical wires leading to the outside, bring them in. Disconnect outside lights from the mains as lightening can strike such electrical equipment. 2. Unplug All Electrical Equipment:It is not enough to switch off all your electrical equipment but you should also disconnect and unplug all wires from the wall sockets. Even if the power is out, still unplug all equipment as it can get fried if lightening strikes an electric pole near your house. Landlines should be used only for emergencies as telephone wires too can carry current. 1. Stay Away from Windows:During a storm, you might be attracted into watching the awesome display of power and lightening but it is best to stay away from windows. High winds can carry objects that can strike the window and break the glass. Windows with metal bars can attract lightening. To stay safe stay away from windows and stay in the innermost rooms of the house. The post Top 10 Prevention Tips For Future Storm appeared first on TopYaps. |
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