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- Top 10 Emotional Speeches Ever Given
- Top 10 Puzzling Movies You Can Understand Only In The Last Minutes
- 7 Best Books On Mahatma Gandhi Ever Written
- 8 Amazinag Benefits Of Doing Pranayama
- 6 Ways To Get Rid Of Acne
Top 10 Emotional Speeches Ever Given Posted: 16 Oct 2013 03:59 AM PDT The hallmark of a great leader is his ability to connect with each one of his followers, touch their hearts and inspire their minds. A great speech can have this effect. It can move millions of people to stand against the strongest enemy as one. It can bring tears to the eyes of millions or fill their hearts with the desire to break free from their oppressors. There have been many great leaders who have delivered some of the most honest, emotional and moving speeches ever. Let’s take a look at the top 10 such emotional speeches ever given. 10. The Appeal of 18 June, Charles de Gaulle:In 1940 when Germany invaded France, the leader of the Free French Forces, General Charles de Gaulle, fled to England when he realized that the government was not willing to fight the Germans. In London he gave a speech on BBC radio that implored the French citizens to not give up hope. He talked about the war being a worldwide war and inspired not just the French but the people of the rest of the world to unite and fight against the common enemy. 9. Pearl Harbor Address to the Nation, Franklin D. Roosevelt:On December 7 1941, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, forcing US to join the World War. The next day of the attack, President Franklin D. Roosevelt gave a speech to declare war on Japan. The speech was short but full of emotion and was met by cheers from the congress and from the whole nation as everyone united to defend their country. 8. Freedom or Death, Emmeline Pankhurst:This speech given in Connecticut, USA on November 13, 1913 by Emmeline Pankhurst, who was the leader of the British Suffragette movement. She inspired countless women of USA to claim their own right of equality to men and their right to property and vote. This is an important speech in the global feminist movement. 7. Surrender Speech, Chief Joseph:This is a heart wrenching speech given by a devastated Indian chief in 1877. It depicts the plight of the Native Americans during those years as his tribe was driven off of their land and many people were lost to fighting. Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce tribe surrendered to General Nelson A. Miles on October 5 that year and gave this speech to his fellow men stating that he’s tired and doesn’t want to fight anymore. 6. Quit India Speech, Mahatma Gandhi:In 1942 Mahatma Gandhi decided that it was time for the British Raj to quit India and go back. He gave this speech on 8 August where he encouraged the people to unite and forget about their religious and caste based differences. He also appealed that it was time to either do or die. He started the non violent civil disobedience movement that eventually led to India’s freedom. 5. Fourth of July Speech, Frederick Douglass:Frederick Douglass was an African American former slave who was a very famous orator and spoke for the abolitionist movement in America. He was asked to speak on the Fourth of July in New York in 1852 and he pointed out the hypocrisy of a nation celebrating the values of equality and freedom while half of the country still legally hadn’t abolished slavery. 4. Farewell to Baseball, Lou Gehrig:Lou Gehrig was the beloved Yankee baseball player who was nicknamed the Iron Horse for his longevity and commitment to the game. He played 2,130 consecutive games but at the age of 36 he suffered a rare crippling disease that now bears his name. On 4th of July 1939, he retired from baseball and his farewell speech was one of hope and inspiration despite his medical condition. 3. We Shall Fight on the Beaches, Winston Churchill:Winston Churchill was probably the second best orator of the Second World War after only Hitler, who despite being the most evil person ever, was a very good orator. Churchill’s speeches were able to unite the whole nation and his voice became the voice of the just trying to fight an evil force. This particular speech was given to the parliament on June 4 1940 where he had to announce that Britain was going to war with Germany as France was about to fall and Germany would soon be at their doorstep. 2. Gettysburg Address, Abraham Lincoln:This speech has to be one of the greatest speeches ever. It was just a 3 minute address by Abraham Lincoln at the opening of a cemetery in Gettysburg where more than 8000 men had died in the now famous battle. The 272 word speech is an inspired piece of writing that Lincoln scribbled on the back of an envelop while on the train. It talks about liberty and democracy and contains the famous words “government of the people, by the people and for the people” which now describe what a democracy should be. 1. I Have a Dream, Martin Luther King Jr.:“I have a dream” are words that have become symbolic of Martin Luther King Jr. and the fight against apartheid. He delivered this speech on August 28, 1963 in Washington DC and expressed his hope and his dream that one day there will be real equality in America and whites and blacks will be treated the same. It was one of the greatest moments in the history of humanity. The post Top 10 Emotional Speeches Ever Given appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Puzzling Movies You Can Understand Only In The Last Minutes Posted: 16 Oct 2013 03:53 AM PDT Certain movies just don’t make sense till the ending. When this happens in a thriller, it’s a good thing but if it happens in a romantic comedy then maybe the director needs to change a few things. Good endings can make good movies even better. And bad endings can ruin a perfectly good thriller. The end needs to be something completely unexpected and should blow the mind of the audience. Let’s take a look at some movies that are confusing and puzzling in the beginning but by the time they are over, it all makes sense and you feel amazed and thrilled to the core. Here are the top 10 movies that have a great revealing ending. 10. The Village:M. Night Shyamalan’s The Village starts off as a story set in a small village in olden times. There are monsters in the forest surrounding the village and no one is allowed to go into the forest. For a long time you think there is no surprise coming towards the end but you are proven wrong when at the end we find out that the village is surrounded by a high wall. We later discover that the medieval village was created as an alternate living experiment by some rich people who wanted to create the perfect society. 9. The Usual Suspects:The Usual Suspects is renowned for its ending when Kevin Spacey walks out of the police interrogation room and slowly starts walking straight, gets into a car and drives away. This ending reveals that his character, Verbal, was the main culprit behind it all. The ending of this movie really blows your mind and explains the whole story. 8. Exam:8 candidates come to appear for an exam that is the last step for the selection procedure for a high paying job of a big corporation. They have to answer just one question but the problem is nobody knows what that question is. This is an intriguing movie that captivates you from the beginning as you try to figure out what the question is. By the end 7 people get eliminated and only one remains who has understood the question. 7. 12 Monkeys:12 Monkeys is a science fiction film that seems to be very confusing in the beginning. A criminal is sent back to 1996 from the future to find information about a virus that has led to an apocalypse in the future. He meets a mad eccentric who wants anarchy and forms the 12 monkeys team. Only in the ending do we realize the importance of the flashbacks that Bruce Willis keeps getting of his childhood and the mystery of the 12 monkeys is also solved. 6. Inception:The movie is about dreams and dream worlds and that much is clear pretty early on. But then the movie gets confusing as we enter a dream inside a dream inside a dream inside I don’t know what. There’s a lot of action as Leonardo tries to plant an idea into the mind of a business tycoon’s heir. By the end we are confused if we are in reality or another dream. Leonardo spins a top that wobbles a little seconds before the movie ends, telling us that its all real and explaining the movie. 5. Memento:Christopher Nolan gets another of his movie into this list. Memento begins with the ending where the hero kills the villain. From then on we move back in 15 minute bursts to the past and actually understand the story as it goes back towards the beginning. To complicate things more, there is also a flashback sequence that runs parallel to the main movie. You only understand everything at the end, if at all. 4. Fight Club:Fight club starts out as an interesting story about a guy who’s sick of his mind numbing materialistic life. He meets someone completely different from himself and his life changes dramatically as he learns to live. Then things start going crazy as Tyler forms an army around the members of the fight club to bring anarchy in the world. In the end we find that Tyler is the alternate ego of the Edward Norton. Things make sense only at the end of this movie. 3. The Sixth Sense:The Village wasn’t such a big success for Shyamalan but The Sixth Sense was a big hit and it was a very well made movie. We follow a child psychiatrist who is trying to treat a little boy who claims he can see ghosts. The movie moves on slowly and gets you asking what’s really happening in Bruce Willis’ life. Only in the end we realize that he too is a ghost and the child can talk to him because he can see ghosts. 2. Se7en:Se7en is a superb thriller with brilliant performances by Brad Pitt, Morgan Freeman and Kevin Spacey. The first big shock that you’ll receive is halfway through the movie when you realize that the movie also has Kevin Spacey. The ending is also very revealing as you realize that Kevin Spacey has planned to be the seventh victim of his masterpiece. In the end the apparent bad guy wins and completes his masterpiece. 1. Shutter Island:If there is any movie that won’t make sense till the end, it has to Shutter Island. This is clearly a masterpiece by Martin Scorsese. We follow Leonardo who’s a United States Marshal, working on the case of a missing patient at a mental hospital located on Shutter Island. Strange things happen as we get deeper into the mystery of Leonardo’s identity. Only in the end we realize that he himself is a mental patient at the hospital. To truly enjoy the movie watch it two times. It’s a completely different experience when you know what’s happening. The post Top 10 Puzzling Movies You Can Understand Only In The Last Minutes appeared first on TopYaps. |
7 Best Books On Mahatma Gandhi Ever Written Posted: 16 Oct 2013 12:11 AM PDT Born Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, the great man who fought for the freedom of India by non-violence, is popularly referred to as Mahatma- meaning a great soul. The title of Mahatma was conferred on him by Rabindranath Tagore, of which it is said that he was not comfortable with. He has been the most distinct and unusual leader ever to walk on the face of the earth. He followed and spread the ideals of fasting or satyagraha, non-violence or ahimsa and simplicity among his followers. The man, who had made the whole country respond to his call, has been much talked and written about. For those people who would like to know more about the life of Mahatma Gandhi, here is the list of 7 best books which would provide you enough information from different sources. 7. Mahatma Gandhi the Father of the Nation: Author: Subhadra Sen Gupta Subhadra Sen Gupta has caught the important threads from the life and legacy of the exceptional and unparalleled leader to weave a fabric of vivid colors. She gives us a glimpse of the simple man who wove clothes, ate salt less vegetable and walked 240 miles from Sabramati Ashram to Dandi to break the salt law. She talks about his passion for truth and peace. Though the world has changed a lot from the time of Gandhi, his life and ideals are still quite relevant to today's generation. 6. The Life of Mahatma Gandhi: Author: Louis Fischer In the minor biographic book 'The Life of Mahatma Gandhi' the author Louis Fischer talks about how Gandhi led the whole nation on its epic journey of struggle for freedom. Louis Fischer was a close friend of Mahatma Gandhi, in addition to being a genius historian. He gives us a glimpse of the shrewd and unique strategies employed by Gandhi to bring about the independence of India. He evaluates as to what made Gandhi an inspiring soul for the whole world. The award winning motion picture 'Gandhi' by Richard Attenborough is based on this book. 5. Great Soul: Mahatma Gandhi and his Struggle with India: Author: Joseph Lelyveld Pulitzer prize winning writer for General Non-fiction, Joseph Lelyveld has come up with a moving book on the struggle Mahatma Gandhi faced when fighting for the freedom of people in two different continents. He gives us insight into both the achievements and failures faced by Gandhi. He talks about the disappointments faced by the great soul following his fierce struggle to bring about social change. 4. Mahatma Gandhi: His Life and Ideas: Author: Charles F. Andrews and Arun Gandhi The authors of 'Mahatma Gandhi: His Life and Ideas' have tried to bring out a warm and personal biography of the great social and religious reformer who changed introduced non-violence to fight the oppressors. Though we take the ideal of non-violence very lightly, for Gandhi Ahimsa meant much more to him. Even under harsh situations, Gandhi did not deviate from his ideals. He promoted peace, equality among humans and showed love and compassion to all. If you are interested to know about the beliefs of Gandhi, than this is the perfect book for you. 3. Gandhi: His Life and Message for the World: Author: Louis Fischer Written by a great historian who was a close friend of Gandhi, this book tells the extraordinary story of how the indomitable of the man with a mission changed the destiny of India. A man hailing from middle class family rose to be one of the most powerful leaders the world has seen to triumph over the tyranny of colonial rule. Though Louis Fischer loved Gandhi, he has not tried to meddle with facts or to glorify the leader. This is an unbiased account of the lifestyle and message Gandhi has left for the world. 2. Gandhi: Prisoner of Hope: Author: Judith M. Brown Author Judith Brown has included the recently available information to write the definitive biography of Gandhi. The book gives us a new and surprising view of Gandhi's life where she presents him as powerful man with his own weaknesses. The author also delves deeply into his career as a lawyer in South Africa from 1893 to 1914 and about his struggle against racism in South Africa. Judith Brown writes in length about the inner conflicts faced by Gandhi and his response to the socio-political conflicts.
1. Gandhi An Autobiography: The Story of My Experiments With Truth: Author: M.K. Gandhi When it comes to books written about Gandhi, nothing beats his classic autobiography 'The Story of My Experiments With Truth'. Gandhi recounts the incidences of his life which shaped his beliefs and developed his concept of non-violent resistant to the tyranny of colonial rule. The book covers the life of Gandhi from his childhood through to 1921.
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8 Amazinag Benefits Of Doing Pranayama Posted: 15 Oct 2013 10:52 PM PDT For a common man, pranayama is nothing but a breathing technique which helps in stress relief and relaxation. But for people who know the benefits of pranayama, it is a science of inhalation and exhalation that brings the involuntary action under human control. The word pranayama is derived from two words – Prana and Ayama. According to practitioners of Yoga, prana is the universal energy or life force which is omnipresent. It is also considered to be cosmic energy that connects all the elements of the universe together. Ayama is the technique of guiding, stimulating and giving rhythm to this energy force within our body. Though the benefits of pranayama are limitless, I try to compile here a list of 8 benefits you can get by regularly doing pranayama. 8. Increases life span:It has observed that the life span of an animal is proportional to the rate of their breathing. Tortoise which is known to live for more than 200 years breathes at the rate of 3-4 per minute. Whale which breathes 6-7 times every minute has an average life span of nearly 100 years. In comparison, animals like rabbit or mice which have faster respiratory rate have quite shorter lifespan. Practicing pranayama helps an individual breathe regularly at a systematic pace, thus increasing his/her lifespan. 7. Increased absorption of Oxygen:We do not use the whole of our lungs when breathing normally. Instead of proper deep breaths, we are accustomed to taking rapid shallow breaths to meet our body's requirement of oxygen. With regular practice of pranayama, more and more of the lungs are used, which leads to more pure oxygen entering our blood stream, improving overall good health. Constant practitioners of pranayama are known to utilize nearly 80% of their lungs for breathing. 6. Control of emotions:You must have noticed that your respiration is directly linked to your emotions. The more disturbances you have in your emotional stability, the rapid will be your breathing. In fact rapid breathing gives cues to change of emotion in a person. Thus it is believed that by controlling our breathing, we can have control of our anger, restlessness and other negative emotions. Deep and regulated breathing often helps us to rein and guide our wild emotions to a great extent. 5. Gain control over unnecessary thoughts:Often we fail to control our fearful and negative thoughts ruins our peace of mind. Pranayama helps in gaining control over not just the physical body but also over wandering unnecessary thoughts. Negative, worrisome and fearful thoughts can make a person nervous and stressed. It can interfere with our lives in more ways than we actually realize. Regular pranayama helps us to focus our thoughts. Even in case we have a problem, we can analyze and solve it instead of allowing it play havoc with our minds. 4. Reduces risk of hypertension:Hypertension or high blood pressure is a condition in which the arteries have steadily elevated blood pressure than normally required for the healthy functioning of heart. Hypertension can be a silent killer dwelling in our body, which can be tamed with lifestyle changes and practicing of pranayama regularly. The meditative posture allows the body to relax and be free of stress and tensions. The calm mind also contributes a lot to bringing down hypertension. There have been cases of chronic patients of hypertension, who have kept their blood pressure under control by merely following some life styles changes and doing yoga regularly. In addition it helps in controlling other psychosomatic diseases like diabetes, insomnia, depression and many more. 3. Improve concentration and memory:Regular practice of yoga and pranayama will help you in improving your concentration, recent and remote memory, besides strengthening your will power. If you are wondering how deep can breathe technique improves concentration and memory, than you must remember that pranayama increases oxygen supply to the body, which includes the brain. It relieves distress, calming the mind to function optimally. The deep breaths will ensure that every cell in the brain has enough oxygen. You will the effects of pranayama immediately, as you feel a deep sense of peace and rejuvenation in your mind immediately after doing it. 2. Physical fitness:Yes it is true! Pranayama improves your physical fitness making your body lean, strong and healthy, especially if you practice other asanas of yoga. It balances your digestive system and appetite. The face will have a glow with enough supply of oxygen to the skin tissue. Those who are having problem with their vocal chords can benefit a lot from pranayama. People who practice pranayama tend to become more cheerful and happy. It increases the vigor and vitality of a person to a great extent. 1. General well being:Pranayama is known to purify about 72,000 nerves in our body, in addition to strengthening five pranas and balancing the energy flow in all areas of body evenly. Intellectual development is accelerated and great improvement is seen in cognitive functioning. Medical practitioners recommend pranayama to reduce signs of oxidative stress. It helps in development sound judgment, steady mind and keen sense of perception. Last but not the least; pranayama helps you to travel on the path of soul searching and enlightenment. The post 8 Amazinag Benefits Of Doing Pranayama appeared first on TopYaps. |
Posted: 15 Oct 2013 10:18 PM PDT Acne is one of the heart-breaking problems, which most of the girls experience in their lifetime. Imagine having a pimple on your chin right before the prom or before the most awaited event of your life. It is bound to break you into pieces. Actually acne is a common one and can be cured by a simple method of keeping your skin clean. The skin cells produce oil called sebum and when the production of sebum excesses in your skin that is when you experience pimples. So, if you are also suffering from pimples, worry no more! Scroll down to have a look at the 6 ways to get rid of acne. 6. Ice:Ice is the most useful thing to cure pimples. Whenever you suffer from acne your first resort should be to pamper them with ice. It freezes the pores of the skin and helps in improving the blood circulation around that area. With better blood circulation, new cells are formed removing the dead ones with acne. Ice also helps in removing the dirt and oil from the affected area. The best way to apply ice on your acne is by wrapping the cubes in a cloth and gently rubbing it over them. 5. Honey:As we all know honey is helpful in curing many problems and it is the most helpful in the treatment of your acne. Honey is a natural antibiotic and reduces the swelling around your pimples. It also helps in preventing various infections. Use honey by dipping a cotton swab into it and applying it on the affected area. Leave it for half an hour and wash it with lukewarm water. Another way to use honey is by making a cinnamon-honey paste and applying it on the pimples. Leave it overnight and you will notice the improvement. 4. Salicylic acid:If you continuously use salicylic acid on your skin, you will definitely get rid of your acne pretty fast. Apply it on the pimples and it will remove the dead skin and help in forming new pores with less sebum oil. The thing you have to be careful about is that salicylic acid should not touch the skin with cuts or other allergies. Once you start using this acid, you will have to keep on using it as when you stop, the acne will be back. 3. Steam:If you have acne, the best step to take is to treat your skin with hot steam atleast twice a day. When you take a steam, the dead skin wears off and it also helps in forming new pores allowing your skin to breathe in fresh and healthy air. Steam also prevents the swelling and infections in your pimples. Fill in a large vessel with water and bring it to a boil. Cover your head with a towel on the top of the vessel and take in hot steam. Do this for 5-6 times. After you are done with it, rinse your face with clean water and apply moisturizer with no oils in it. 2. Good skincare routine:Eat a balanced diet with a lot of green vegetables and fruits in it. Avoid eating the greasy stuff as it adds up to the oils in your body leading to pimples. When you apply make-up, be sure that your brushes are clean and free from any dirt. Drink atleast 2.2 liters of water every day, water is the best agent that helps you in keeping your skin clean. Change your bed-sheet and pillow cover every second day. In short adopt a dirt-free atmosphere with a healthy lifestyle and you will never experience the problem of acne in your life. 1. Peppermint:Peppermint is very useful in curing the pimples on your skin. The menthol present in it helps in curing the swelling and redness of the acne. Peppermint is known for its antibacterial properties, which helps in killing the bacteria that is the main cause of pimples. Apply the peppermint herb juice by crushing the leaves and squeezing them. Leave it for 10 minutes and wash your face with cold water. You can even use the peppermint oil available in the market. The post 6 Ways To Get Rid Of Acne appeared first on TopYaps. |
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