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- Top 10 Notorious Psychopaths In Movies
- Top 10 Not-To-Do Things For A Pregnant Woman
- Top 10 Mistakes People Make When Trying To Get In Shape
- Top 10 Fastest Professional Football Players
- Top 10 Devils In Literature
- Top 10 Home Made Tips To Prevent Hair Loss
Top 10 Notorious Psychopaths In Movies Posted: 11 Oct 2013 04:31 AM PDT Hollywood has churned out psychopaths one after another to send chills through the spine of audience, who want to experience the fear over and over again. The psychopaths on screen have made the hearts race in anticipation of their next move only to be shocked with the twist the movie takes. Psychopaths often show unstable emotional state and are caught up with various games their minds plays. It is very difficult to compile a list of just 10 notorious psychopaths of Hollywood as hundreds of them vie for the honor. Anyway, here I try to pick top 10 notorious psychopaths (without any supernatural elements to support them) of Hollywood movies who have given me sleepless nights. 10. Charles Rane (Passenger 56):Bruce Payne's portrayal of sadistic, smooth talking, sleek and ruthless international terrorist who hijacks the jet Passenger 56 is worth the mention for the great performance by the actor. The stunningly dashing Rane, with his blond flowing locks and grammatically perfect sentences sends a chill down the spine of the audience when he throws those armor piercing stares as he sadistically kills people without any remorse. The contrasting characteristics of articulate, charismatic, sleek person combined with the brutal, ruthless killer are what make the character creepily notorious. 9. Leatherface (The Texas Chain Saw Massacre):Leatherface is a scary psychopath with disturbed childhood who loves to wear the torn–off faces of his victims as a mask. The name of the movie is a sure indicator that he wildly wields a chain saw to massacre his victims. The scariest scene is when he forces his victim Sally to attend dinner with his family who are inbred cannibals and no lesser psychos than the Leatherface. 8. Alex Forrest (Fatal Attraction):A career minded high flying publishing executive, Alex Forrest (Glenn Close) has another psychotic side to her. Though the character portrayal did not go down well with the feminists, the performance of Glenn Close is known to have driven many men back to their marriage. When Dan Gallagher indulges in a momentary indulgence with the powerful woman, he does not realize that she would go to great lengths to take him away from his family and have him to herself; which includes a creepy scene of her burning a pet rabbit. 7. Annie Wilkes (Misery):Kathy Bates won an Academy for her amazing performance as a fanatic fan who discovers her favorite author in a car wreck. The badly injured Paul Sheldon is kept locked up in her home, at times being subjected to her fanatic ways. The scene where Annie loses her cool discovering that Sheldon has killed off her favorite character had left a great impact on the audience. 6. The Caller (Phone Booth):An extreme moralist holds an arrogant New York City publicist who has been cheating on his wife with a woman named Pam as a hostage in a phone booth. All through the movie, the psychopath makes everyone sit at the edge of their seat without ever making his appearance. Supported by a powerful performance by Colin Farrell as Stu, who becomes victim of the mind games played by the moral preaching, murderous psychopath. After creating a huge drama and killing many people in public; the killer psychopath finally walks away free after warning Stu to behave. How scarier can it get? 5. Max Cady (Cape Fear):The talented actor he is, Robert De Niro gave a powerful performance as a convicted rapist which had him nominated for both the Academy Award for Best Actor and the Golden Globe for Best Actor – Drama. The cool calculating Max Cady gathers knowledge of law and its numerous loopholes while serving his sentence. He uses this to have his revenge against former public defender as he blames him for his conviction. 4. Norman Bates (Psycho):Backed by genius director Alfred Hitchcock and great performance by Anthony Perkins, the character of original psycho –Norman Bates has left an everlasting impact in the genre of psychological thrillers. Bates is a mentally disturbed owner/manager of the motel who looks completely cool, creating no doubt in the mind of Marion Crane who lands there after embezzling money from her employer. Known for its famous shower scene, the movie is recognized as Hitchcock’s best known film. 3. John Doe (Se7en):John Doe (Kevin Spacey) as the sadistic serial killer who painstakingly plans and kills his victims in the most gruesome manner for surrendering themselves to the 7 deadly sins of gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, pride, lust, and envy is very frightening. The punishment he metes out to the sinners of Sloth and Lust is not just scary but quite sick, though the audience does not get to witness much of it. The scariest thing about John Doe is the way he sermonizes about the sins and justifies his killings without any remorse. 2. Patrick Bateman (American Psycho):Patrick Bateman is a blue blooded, Ivy League pedigree gentleman with elite credentials who appears to be exact opposite of a psychopath. He is a wealthy investment banker whose life revolves around having fun parties. Christian Bale dedicated himself to the movie to bring out a powerful creation of psychopath who looks at the people around him as though they are from another planet. He lives an alternate life of a psychopath, who rapes and kills mercilessly. He is not convicted even when he confesses to his crime which proves how perfect his camouflage is. 1. Hannibal Lecter (Silence of the Lambs):Though many would argue as to who should be rated the second best psychopath of Hollywood movies, there is no doubt that Anthony Hopkin's portrayal of Hannibal Lecter in The Silence of the Lambs, for which he won the Academy Award for Best Actor, is the best. Hannibal Lecter sent shivers through the bravest hearts even when he was locked behind the bars which is quite amazing considering he is quite calm, cool, collected and smart psychologist. You wonder what is freaking you out, which talks a lot about the great performance by Hopkins. The post Top 10 Notorious Psychopaths In Movies appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Not-To-Do Things For A Pregnant Woman Posted: 11 Oct 2013 04:19 AM PDT Pregnancy is the best phase of a woman's life. It's the time she has the full access to her baby and the bond she develops with her little one is priceless. Are you too expecting a child in your life? Do you want to keep him/her safe in every possible way? Well, if the answers to the above questions are a yes, then you have to be very careful for the coming nine months. The main thing you have to keep in your mind is that there are many things which can hamper your baby's growth or give him/her some problem during your pregnancy. It is not just alcohol or tobacco that is prohibited but the normal things like the paint of your house can also cause neurological defects in your child. Women can be allergic to a certain protein and this can cause real problems during pregnancy. The first step is to get yourself thoroughly checked as soon as you conceive. Talk to your doctor about all possible problems and try to find a solution. Scroll down to have a look at the top 10 things which a pregnant woman should never do. 10. No stress:Stress is the most harmful thing for a pregnant woman. It not only hampers the growth of the baby but can also lead to serious defects in the child. If a woman carrying the baby takes stress often, then she is most likely to have preterm labor and the baby is liable to be born with a low birth weight. 9. Alcohol:Though it is often said that alcohol in small consistencies does not harm a woman in pregnancy but lately the studies have proved that alcohol causes the major problems during pregnancy. The point is that when you have a drink it passes through your blood into the placenta and your baby has the same amount of alcohol you have taken. His/her small stomach does not digest the alcohol and can lead to physical and mental defects in your little one. 8. Sauna Baths:You should totally avoid anything that heats up your body during pregnancy. A pregnant woman's body heats up much faster than the normal body because of the additional heat provided to it by the body of her baby. It is has been observed that women who continued sauna baths during pregnancy have had babies with neural defects. 7. Paints:Do you have a habit of stripping the paint from your wall? Well, if yes then you will have to be very careful about not doing it in your pregnancy time. The paints carry chemicals that effect the growth of your baby. If you live in an old house then there are chances that the paint contains lead, which hampers the development of the brain in your little one. 6. Caffeine:Avoid all kinds of tea, coffee and soda that have caffeine in it. Always remember that whatever you eat or drink your baby is also having the same thing. Caffeine increases the heartbeat of your little one, which can lead to heart problems after his birth. Instead drink the caffeine free tea, you will feel more energetic. 5. Pesticides:During the first trimester, your baby is in the initial stages of growing up and pesticides can really harm him/her at this time. Avoid taking any kind of toxic fumes and keep yourself away from the house cleaners and garden sprays. Look for the composition on the house cleaner bottle and chose the one with natural ingredients like vinegar and baking soda in it. 4. Medication:Medication is the most important thing you have to worry about. Don't ever take an unprescribed medicine during the time of your pregnancy. Try and avoid taking useless drugs to cure your acne problem or induce sleep. Always consult your doctor before having any type of tablets. If you take wrong drugs during pregnancy, it can lead to birth defects and even miscarriage. 3. Cat Litter:Do you love your cat a lot? Well, if yes then there is something to take care of. If you are expecting, you have to maintain a safe distance from your cat litter box. There are chances your cat has toxoplasmosis, which causes birth defects in the children. 2. Tobacco:This is the quite obvious one. You are not allowed to smoke when you are pregnant. The reason behind it is that the amount of smoke you drag in is equivalent to the amount that your baby takes in. Another major concern is that when you smoke, the supply of oxygen to your baby falls drastically, which can lead to his/her slow growth and can even be fatal. 1. Vitamin A:Do you know somebody who has a deficiency of Vitamin A in his body? Well, there are very less people who will be having it. The reason is that this particular vitamin is found in most of the foods. Whereas when you are pregnant you have to be careful of not exceeding Vitamin A in your body. Excess of it can lead to birth defects and miscarriage. The post Top 10 Not-To-Do Things For A Pregnant Woman appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Mistakes People Make When Trying To Get In Shape Posted: 11 Oct 2013 04:15 AM PDT In today’s society having a perfect body has become an important self confidence tool. We all want to get in shape and have the perfect lean and muscular body which advertisements show us to be the ideal body image. It is not such a bad thing to try to achieve this as it will help you get fit and stay healthy. But the problem is that a lot of people who try to do this fail miserably. It’s because of one of the following mistakes that most people fail to get in shape and have the body that they dream of. Here are the top 10 mistakes people make when trying to get in shape. 10. Not Working Out Consistently:The biggest mistake first timers make is to not workout consistently. Working out once or twice a week and missing too many days is not a good idea. Your body only starts building muscles when it realizes that you are having to do a lot of work on a consistent basis. Those who fail to be consistent eventually just give up. 9. Not Eating Enough:When people start out they think that by working out they’d build muscles and by dieting they’ll lose fat which will lead to the fastest results. But this is not the right way to go. When you start working out properly you need to eat good amount of food to allow for your muscles to grow. Otherwise the body will breakdown the muscles to make up for its energy needs. If you have to lose weight then do it before you begin to lift weights to build muscles. 8. Working Too Hard:Some people get too motivated and pumped up and end up working too hard. This is a dangerous thing to do. You’ll end up exhausting yourself and break your continuity. You can also seriously injure yourself if you try to do too much too soon. The best idea is to start slow and keep increasing your load steadily. 7. Not Working Hard Enough:On the other end of the spectrum there are people who don’t workout hard enough. These people will workout consistently and will try to remain in their limits but after a few months they’ll see no progress and lose motivation. What they are doing wrong is not increasing their work load steadily. If you don’t push your muscles beyond their limits they won’t grow. 6. Not Sleeping Enough:Another rookie mistake is not getting enough rest. When you sleep, that is the time when your muscles build up. If you workout regularly but don’t get 8 hours of sleep daily then your muscles won’t build up and you’ll get exhausted in a few weeks. Regular sleep and rest is an important part of getting in shape. 5. Comparing Yourself to Others:Never make the mistake of comparing yourself to others, especially those who have been working out a lot longer than you have. Everybody is unique and will see different results so don’t try to compare yourself with others and stick to your own plan. Be patient and persevere and you will start seeing the results you want. 4. Trying to Copy Professionals:When you are working out in the gym don’t try to copy professional body builders and athletes. The exercises they do are not good for beginners. Beginners need to do compound exercises that cover the whole body or a group of muscles while professionals focus on each muscle individually. Trying to copy them will result in slow progress and possible injuries. 3. Looking for Shortcuts:When you are starting out it can be a trap to look for fast ways to get what you want. Don’t believe in advertisements that claim to give you six pack abs in 6 weeks. That’s just not possible and it’s not a good idea to get involved with such unrealistic expectations. It only leads to disappointment or worse. Don’t go for supplements and use normal whole foods for your diet. 2. Not Sticking to a Diet:Exercising and working out is just the half of the process. The rest is controlling your diet. You need to eat healthy and avoid fattening foods. This part is very hard to get used to and a lot of people make the mistake of not sticking to their nutritional plan. This will undo all the good work you have been doing in the gym. 1. Quitting:The worst mistake beginners make is to quit. You might not know how many years it will take to build the body you dream of but you can know for sure that if you quit you will never be able to get there. No matter what happens and no matter how slow your progress, remember to never ever quit. The post Top 10 Mistakes People Make When Trying To Get In Shape appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Fastest Professional Football Players Posted: 11 Oct 2013 04:13 AM PDT Speed is an important skill to have in football. High speed bursts are important in counter attacks and defending counter attacks. There are some players that are so fast that once they break through the defensive line no one can catch them till they reach the goalpost. Whether they are able to score or not depends a lot on the opposition goalkeeper and the particular situation but what matters is that these players create an opportunity out of nowhere because of their speed. Here are the top 10 fastest professional football players. 10. Ignazio Abate, Milan, Italy:Abate is an Italian footballer who is a fullback and known for his quick sprints down the right wing. He plays for Milan in Serie A. His father too was a footballer and goalkeeper for Italy. Wingers are known for their speed and Ignazio Abate is one of the fastest in the world. 9. Aaron Lennon, Spurs, England:Aaron Lennon is another defensive right winger that has got very good speed. He plays for England and Tottenham Hotspur in the English Premier League. He is the son of a Jamaican father and an Irish mother and is known to be one of the fastest players in the Premier League. 8. Arjen Robben, Bayern Munich, Netherlands:Arjen Robben is a Dutch player who is known for his speed. He plays as a forward but is more of a winger. His style of play is all about speed as he routinely bursts through the opposition’s defensive line. He plays for Bayern Munich in Bundesliga and has played for Chelsea and Real Madrid as well. 7. Lucas Moura, Paris Saint-Germain, Brazil:Lucas Moura is another attacking midfielder that relies on speed. He is a Brazilian footballer and used to play for Sao Paulo and then moved to Paris Saint-Germain of the French Ligue 1. He is known for his attacks as a winger that rely on speed and surprise. 6. Victor Ibarbo, Cagliari, Colombia:Victor Ibarbo is a striker and strikers with speed are a dangerous breed of players. They are a headache for the defenders who have to work hard to always stay with such strikers. Victor is Columbian and plays for Cagliari in Serie A. On 11 May 2013, Ibarbo scored a wonder goal against Juventus when he ran all the way from his own half, beating both defenders for speed and then beating the goal keeper. 5. Ryo Miyachi, Arsenal, Japan:Ryo Miyachi is a Japanese footballer who plays for Arsenal in the Premier League. He plays as a winger and is known for high speed and trickery on the ball. With him and Theo Walcott in Arsenal they really can afford to play very fast paced football. Theo Walcott himself has praised Miyachi’s speed. 4. Marvell Wynne, Colorado Rapids, USA:Marvell Wynne is an American soccer player as they call it in USA. He plays for the Colorado Rapids and is a center back player. Having a center back with speed is a great advantage for any side as he’ll be able to control most strikers and forwards of the opposition and so is the case with Wynne. 3. Joffre Guerron, Beijing Guoan, Colombia:Joffre David Guerron Mendez is a footballer from Ecuador and plays for Beijing Guaon, a Chinese Super League club in China. He is a right winger. He is a truly explosive player which is obvious from his nickname “Dinamita” which in Spanish means dynamite. 2. Jonathan Biabiany, Parma, France:Jonathan Biabiany is a French player who plays for Serie A club Parma. He is a striker and winger and is known as one of the fastest footballers in the world. He has great acceleration and very high pace with the ball which make him a dangerous striker. 1. Theo Walcott, Arsenal, England:Theo Walcott is an English footballer who plays for Arsenal. He is a forward with incredible speed. At full acceleration his speed has been measured to be over 22 miles per hour. He is known widely as the fastest footballer in the world and won the BBC Young Sports Personality of the Year Award in 2006. He is the youngest player to score a hat-trick for England. The post Top 10 Fastest Professional Football Players appeared first on TopYaps. |
Posted: 11 Oct 2013 04:09 AM PDT The devil has always been a favored muse for many artists and writers. There is something exciting about reading a story where the devil is one of the main characters. It gives us a chance to explore all that is evil within us and also to push the boundaries of the society in terms of what topics we can talk about. Writers have portrayed the devil in many forms; sometimes as a sexy woman, sometimes as a sly cunning well dressed man and sometimes as a fierce creature that will scare your pants off. So how about knowing them here? 10. The Exorcist:Before becoming a very successful movie, The Exorcist was a novel written by William Peter Blatty in 1971. The devil who possessed the little girl is one of the scariest rendition of demonic possession. It started the trend of little evil girls in both literature and cinema because nothing is scarier than little evil girls. 9. Young Goodman Brown:Nathaniel Hawthorne was an American writer who was haunted by his family’s participation in the Salem witch trials during which his grandfather was a judge who sentenced many men and women to death. His writings have always criticized that era and its limited thinking. In the short story Young Goodman Brown he talks about how a man loses faith from religion when he finds out that everyone in the town is a Satan worshiper. In this story the devil appears to him as an older version of himself. 8. The Master and Margarita:The Master and Margarita is a novel by Mikhail Bulgakov that was published in 1967. In this novel the devil comes to an atheist Soviet Union and finds it amusing to see the people living in a bureaucratic society. It is considered as one of the best works of the 20th century and the sarcastic devil is one of the best portrayals in satire. 7. Paradise Lost:Paradise Lost by John Milton is an epic poem that is considered to be a great piece of literature. In this poem that contains more than 10,000 lines Milton shares the story of the Bible about the Fall of Man. It is the story of Adam and Eve who are tempted by the fallen angel Satan to eat the forbidden fruit and as a result they get banished from the Garden of Eden. 6. The Brothers Karamazov:Fyodor Dostoevsky’s devil is a philosophical devil with a much deeper evil than most other devils in literature. The Brothers Karamazov is a philosophical novel about the existence of God, evil, free will and ethics. The devil in this story is a gentleman of high birth who is down on his luck. 5. The Divine Comedy:The Divine Comedy is Dante Alighieri’s masterpiece epic poem that talks about his travels through hell, purgatory and heaven. Dante’s devil is a very interesting take on the devil as a terrifying but rather impotent being. He’s shown as a being with three faces who is stuck in ice up to his chest and chews on three traitors in each mouth. 4. Faust:Johann Wolfgang von Goethe was a German writer who’s play Faust is considered to be a masterpiece of German literature. The tragic play is based on a German legend about a intelligent man who makes a deal with the devil to get unlimited knowledge and worldly pleasures. The devil appears as Mephistopheles to win a bet placed with God to lure Faust, God’s favorite human, away from the right path. 3. I, Lucifer:I, Lucifer is Glen Duncan’s 2003 novel about the devil who is given another chance by God to redeem himself by living on earth in the body of a writer for a month. At first the devil takes it as a holiday and enjoys sex and drugs but slowly begins to realize things about God and human life. 2. The Witches of Eastwick:This 1984 novel by John Updike is set in 1960′s fictional town of Rhode Island in Eastwick. Four women form a coven of witches and then the devil comes to town. He goes about seducing each woman and tempts them to abuse their powers to create a scandal in the small town. 1. Codex Gigas:Codex Gigas is the largest extant medieval manuscript in the world. It is also known as the bible of the devil because of a very large and scary illustration of the devil inside the manuscript. The legend goes that a monk tried to write the whole manuscript in one night and when he realized he couldn’t do it he made a pact with the devil to help him finish it on time. So it is said that this bible was written by the devil himself. The post Top 10 Devils In Literature appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Home Made Tips To Prevent Hair Loss Posted: 11 Oct 2013 04:06 AM PDT Hair fall is the most common problem in today's generation. Almost everyone loses chunks of hair after taking a head bath. Isn't it disheartening to see your hair all over the drains of your washroom? Well, it can be really awful. Everyone wants to have healthy hair with that beautiful shine in them but it has become more of a luxury these days. The main cause of hair loss is our lifestyle. We keep on having the junk foods that do not provide the nourishment our hair need. Another major concern is the chemicals we keep using on our hair. So, the next time you see a bunch of your precious hair on your brush, don't sulk just change your habits. There are many home remedies to prevent hair loss. Simple things like coconut milk can help in keeping your hair healthy. Scroll down to have a look at the top ten home-made tips that will help in preventing hair loss. Always remember that sooner you start taking care, better nourishment you can give your hair. 10. Green tea and egg:The tried and tested way is the green tea and egg mask for your hair. It not only helps you in preventing the hair fall but also gives your hair that smooth and shiny texture. All you have to do is to take an egg yolk and mix it with 2 tablespoons of hot green tea until it gets a thick consistency. After that apply it on your head and leave it for 30 minutes before rinsing. The antioxidants in the green tea will help in preventing the hair loss and the egg will give your hair a smooth look. 9. Carrot mask:Carrots are a very healthy thing for your hair. Try eating as many carrots as you can in a day and you will notice the change in your hair and skin texture. If you are experiencing hair loss and your hair are dry and almost invisible, try out the carrot mask. For preparing it blend some boiled carrots and add yogurt and 1 egg to it. Apply it on your head and leave it for an hour. Rinse with warm water and you will start noticing the difference. 8. Coconut milk:Coconut milk is the best way to prevent hair fall. It has got all the nutrients in it to give you strong and healthy hair. Grate the coconut and squeeze out the milk. Apply it on your head and leave it for about an hour before rinsing. Do this for 2 weeks and you will observe the change. 7. Head massage:If you make it a practice to give yourself a head massage with warm oil for about 10 minutes each day, then you will find a permanent solution to the problem of hair fall. Head massage helps in increasing the blood circulation, which keeps the hair follicles energetic leading to a good hair growth. You will notice that the texture of your hair will also improve. The recommended oils for the massage are mustard oil, lavender oil, almond oil and jojoba oil. 6. Meditation:Meditating everyday for half an hour can lead to healthy hair and fresh skin. The main reason behind hair fall is stress. If you stop taking tension, you will notice an automatic improvement in your hair. Stress leads to the hormonal imbalance and meditation helps in calming you, leading to a healthier you. 5. Onion juice remedy:Onion is one of the best ingredients that help you in preventing hair fall. It not only helps in giving you healthy hair but also helps in treating the scalp infections with its high sulphur content. Blend the onions and squeeze them to take out the juice. Apply this juice on your scalp and leave it for 30 minutes before rinsing. Do this thrice a week and you will notice the change in your hair loss. 4. Neem:Neem is the best herb for a healthy living. When you use neem you will notice an instant change in the texture and health of your hair. Boil the neem leaves in substantial amount of water till the time the water is halved. Then rinse your hair with the remaining water. Do this once a week and your hair growth will definitely improve. 3. Amla:Amla is the most effective thing for your hair since ages. You can simply drink the amla and shikakai juice everyday in the morning for healthier hair. Another way to use it is by mixing the dried amla in coconut oil till it turns black and massaging your scalp with it. Leave it for about an hour before rinsing and you will notice that your hair fall has drastically reduced. 2. Onion and honey remedy:Onion can be used in various ways to prevent hair loss. If you hate the smell of an onion, all you have to do is to add honey to it. It will take the smell away and do additional benefit for your hair. In about half a cup of onion juice add two tablespoons of honey and mix it well. Apply the mixture on your scalp and rinse it after 30 minutes. If you do this daily you will get better results. 1. Eat healthy:The best natural way to prevent hair loss is by eating healthy. Cut down on all the junk foods and sodas. Try adding the green leafy vegetables to your meals. The unhealthy habits increase the toxins of our body, which result in hair fall. The healthier you eat the better hair you will have! The post Top 10 Home Made Tips To Prevent Hair Loss appeared first on TopYaps. |
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