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- Top 10 Alarming Facts About Global Warming
- 7 Harmful Effects Of Vegetable Oils
- 7 Major Differences Between Eastern And Western Cultures
- Top 10 Wedding Anniversary Gifts She’ll Love
- Top 10 Most Common Modes Of Transportation
Top 10 Alarming Facts About Global Warming Posted: 09 Oct 2013 05:14 AM PDT In recent years there has been a lot of debate on the topic of global warming. The initial assessment of most scientists was that uncontrolled human activity is causing the atmosphere of the earth to heat up. But later other scientists proposed that it could be just a natural phenomenon that has nothing to do with humans. Now this debate has taken a political twist and we read a lot of propaganda in the form of studies and research papers. But there are certain facts that can’t be ignored. Here are the top 10 alarming facts about global warming. 10. The Hottest Decade:The decade from 2000 to 2009 has been the hottest decade ever recorded. The U.S. Global Change Research Program has reported that in the U.S. the average temperature has increase by 2 degrees in the last 50 years. The temperature is predicted to increase even more in the coming years which will have devastating results for humans. 9. 1000 Tons/sec of CO2 Released in the Air:In 2011 it was calculated that the rate of release of CO2 in the atmosphere was around 1000 tons per second. While CO2 is also release naturally along with other gases, human activity has increased this release many folds. Greenhouse gases are important for the survival of life but if they increase too much they can also be the cause of the destruction of all life. 8. Highest CO2 Level in 800,000 Years:The CO2 level in the atmosphere has been highest in the last 800,000 years. The atmospheric balance that was delicately maintained by nature for life to evolve for millions of years is now deteriorating rapidly because of all the fossil fuels we burn in the form of petroleum and coal. Deforestation means that there are less trees to clean up the air. 7. Sea Levels Rising Rapidly:The sea levels had not changed for 2000 years but in the last century alone the average sea level has risen by about 7 inches. This has been due to the melting of the polar ice caps due to global warming. If the trend continues a lot of low lying cities and island countries will be submerged completely. 6. China Releases Most CO2:The U.S. and China are the two largest emitters of CO2 in the world. China alone releases 40% more CO2 than U.S. These two countries need to compromise a lot in order to save the planet for everybody. It seems hard because they are in competition with each other to be the economic and military superpower of the world. 5. Melting Ice at the Poles:The rise in the sea level is caused by the melting of the polar ice caps. In recent decades the ice caps have reduced abnormally in size. Each year more and more fresh water enters the seas from the melting ice at the poles which will damage and alter the dynamics of the oceans, harm marine life and also affect humans. 4. Severe Hurricanes:The recent hurricanes have shown that they are getting much severe every year. This is because hurricanes are caused by warm air rising from the oceans and the oceans have been getting warmer every year, making the hurricanes stronger and fiercer. Everything in nature is interrelated in such a complex manner that even a few degrees change of temperature can bring about devastating results for humans. 3. Coral Reef in Danger:Rising water temperature means that coral in the sea has to survive in harsher conditions. Rising sea levels mean that coral gets less sunlight. All this will result in the destruction of coral reefs around the world. The damage to the coral reef will completely change the dynamics of the ocean and destroy most of the marine life. 2. Heat Related Illness and Death:Due to rising temperatures and summers getting severe every year all around the world, there has been a rise in heat related illnesses and deaths. Our bodies can’t tolerate severe heat for long times and even a small rise in the global temperature will cause millions of people to die due to heat related diseases. 1. Humans Have Been Pumping CO2 into the Atmosphere Since 1700′s:All this has been due to the age of industrialization. Ever since the 1700′s we’ve depended more and more on fossil fuels and our technological advancement is completely based on the use of easily available energy in the form of fossil fuels. This doesn’t mean that we have to forgo all technology but rather that we need to develop technology that uses alternative sources of energy and are more environmentally friendly. The post Top 10 Alarming Facts About Global Warming appeared first on TopYaps. |
7 Harmful Effects Of Vegetable Oils Posted: 09 Oct 2013 05:07 AM PDT There has been a dramatic rise in the consumption of vegetable oils and vegetable fats extracted from soybean, sunflower, cottonseed, peanut, palm and many other plants or seeds in recent years. The increased production was followed by the belief that vegetable oil is much healthier food compared to animal fats like butter or ghee. Earlier it was much more difficult to extract vegetable oil, but advancement in technology has made the task easy today. When the labels claimed that the vegetable oils are healthy foods which are friendly for your heart, not many have asked for the substantial proof regarding this claim. Recent studies have shown that vegetable oils have quite some harmful effects on our health, of which some can be quite shocking. Here is the list of 7 most harmful effects of vegetable oils. 7. Double Deadly Effect:Untreated vegetable oils do not have much shelf life, thus they are hydrogenated to increase their shelf life and make them more stable. Hydrogenated oils undergo a huge change in their chemical structure, causing what is known as 'double deadly effect' on the human body. On one hand it raises the level of Low-density lipoprotein (LDL), on the other hand in decreases the level of High-density lipoprotein (HDL) which increases the risk of blood clotting inside the blood vessels. High HDL levels are required to keep the heart healthy as well as to decrease the levels of bad cholesterol from our body. The high level of LDL causes blockages of atherosclerosis by accumulating on walls of blood vessels. 6. Increase in Omega-6 fatty acids:The Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids are not naturally produced by our body. They are essential for our body, so we have to include them in our diet. Our body requires these polyunsaturated fatty acids in proper ratio. The increased consumption of vegetable oils and diet changes has changed the ratio of Omega-3 and Omega-6 as 1:16 where the required ratio is 1:1. The imbalanced ratio of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids will cause fat build up in cell membranes, causing inflammation which in turn leads to diseases like heart problems, cancer, diabetes and many more. 5. Physiological changes in body:Vegetable oils contain high amount of Linoleic Acid which has several negative effects on our health. Research has shown that the vegetable oils which are high in Linoleic acid do not burn for energy like other macronutrients and fats. Vegetable oils are sensitive to chemical reactions so instead of undergoing change and burning up, they get stored in the body and slowly get integrated into body cells. Slowly they cause actual physiological change in the human body. 4. Harmful Additives:Most of the vegetables contain harmful additives due to the chemical processing they undergo before hitting the shelf. Butylated Hydroxyanisole (BHA) and Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT) are the synthetic antioxidants to prevent it from oxidizing and increasing its shelf life. The chemicals are known to increase the risk of cancer, furthermore, they have been linked to kidney damage, infertility, behavioral problems in children and increased levels of cholesterol. The pesticides and chemicals used in growing vegetables enter the body through the oils causing further damage. 3. Genetically Modified Sources:There is no way to identify whether the vegetable oil has been extracted from genetically modified source or not. So far there has been no law requiring the companies who manufacture the oil or genetically modified food to make the information available to consumers. As corn, canola, soybean and cottonseed are ranked top among the genetically modified vegetables, the oil extracted from them can carry many hidden dangers. 2. Increases cardiovascular diseases:Though vegetables oils are promoted as being heart friendly, trails conducted have proven this otherwise. The increased levels of Omega-6 fatty acids amplify the risk of death due to heart problems. In addition, vegetable oils contain high amount of saturated fats, which stimulates the liver to increase its production of cholesterol. When the cholesterol production exceeds the need of it in our body, it leads to various heart ailments. 1. Increased risk to Toxins:Vegetable oils have long –chain fatty acids which are not stable. Remember the stale taste of fried food after a while? What causes the change in taste? When cooked, the fatty acids in vegetable oils become rancid in a short span, even when stored in refrigerators causing the stale taste. The polyunsaturated oils will oxidize faster when they enter the body, due to the favorable temperature of our body, thus causing toxic decomposition in the presence of oxygen and catalysts. Polyunsaturated fatty acids are stored in the body only to be released during stress, fasting or when the person sleeps during night. Vegetable oils are known to damage cognitive thinking, liver, thyroid, kidneys, and heart in particular; and all other parts of the body in general. It is also known to suppress the metabolic rate, apparently by creating hypothyroidism. The post 7 Harmful Effects Of Vegetable Oils appeared first on TopYaps. |
7 Major Differences Between Eastern And Western Cultures Posted: 09 Oct 2013 01:39 AM PDT
7. Egocentricity:When it comes to group versus self, the Eastern culture calls attention to the responsibilities a person shares with his group and community. The attitude has been responsible for the great industrial success seen in the East. In West people are more self oriented and work towards personal success, which has seen more successful billionaires rising from their nations. The Western culture promotes more competition between individuals where as Eastern culture promotes harmony among people. 6. The Existence of Ultimate Truth:The Easterners follow more Holistic approach which emphasizes on the existence of an ultimate truth and life after death. They strive to follow the guiding light, towards the goal of reaching a final stage of liberation from the mortal world. On the other hand, the Westerners are quite rational and analytical in their beliefs. Though they do believe in the judgment day, they do not dedicate much of their time in the pursuance of the enlightenment. 5. Different Cognitive Thinking:Some sociologists believe that the Easterners are cognitively more right brain oriented, whereas the westerners are left brained which makes them more inclined towards science and take an analytical view of the world. When the Eastern people give much importance to the unknowns of the world, the Westerners consider the unknown as a challenge to science which will eventually be analyzed and put out in a theory. The East depend on the Supreme power to solve the mysteries of world, where as the West trusts science to finally answer the questions. 4. Definition of Success:The West sees success in professional achievements and accumulation of wealth. The higher is the GDP and more advanced is the technology and science; the more successful is the nation. Struggle by any person is seen as failure. It strives to make life more satisfactory and comfortable. In East success is seen to be the harmony one achieves with the environment and the nearer to enlightenment a person is. Struggle is seen as an opportunity to learn and gain more experience. 3. Pace of working:In West people often tend to jump into the water, whereas the Easterners can be said to be slowly wading into it. It has been often observed that many people in the West start off at full speed before slowing down and settling with a comfortable pace. Contrary to this, the Easterners often start with all precaution, slowly, and keep increasing the pace steadily until they settle in their comfort zone. 2. Foundation of Beliefs:The sense of self among the people in the West is stronger than among the people of East, though the sense of independence is stronger among the Easterners. The belief system of West has been much influenced by the teachings of Aristotle and other Greek Philosophers and Christianity, whereas the East follows the philosophy of Confucius, Buddha and Hinduism. The Easterners often believe in fate and have strong sense that some things are destined to happen, which allows them freedom from being in control all the time. Contrasting this belief the westerners believe in the world that operates smoothly through rules being followed, which can be analyzed and controlled by people. 1. Way of Expression:The Westerners often do many things before contemplating or thinking over it, whereas in the East people often give a lot thought before embarking on a task. Westerners tend to be more diligent, industrious and assertive with their expressions, and strive to be leaders. The Easterners don't strive to be leaders and often avoid heavy responsibilities. Though the trait is not so obvious anymore, when they are tested they come to the surface. In the East the phrase 'I love you' is not as popular as it is in West. Easterners believe that love should be expressed through actions and felt by another person. Whereas the people in the West marry for romance and love, people in the East consider many other things like social status, educational level and other authentic things before choosing a life partner. The Westerners are more assertive with their emotions and expressions whereas the Easterners tend to hold back their expressions and emotions. The post 7 Major Differences Between Eastern And Western Cultures appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Wedding Anniversary Gifts She’ll Love Posted: 09 Oct 2013 01:03 AM PDT Do you want to make this anniversary a special occasion for your wife? Do you want to give her some special gifts that she will cherish all her life? If yes, then let the creative side of yours do the action. The first step is to think about the things your wife will love to own. Second step would be to jot down your budget and the third one would be to go shopping! Well, if your wife owns a lot of diamonds and bags then do something different, create something for her. If you still haven't figured out the one thing you will want to gift her on your anniversary, then scroll down to have a look at the 10 most appealing ideas for a present on an anniversary. Make your day special and as lovely as your wedding day, let the charm re-return! 10. Simply chocolaty:There is almost no girl in this world who doesn’t like chocolates and if you have a wife /girlfriend who is crazy about them, your best gift option would be to flood her with chocolates of all colors, shapes and sizes. Trust me; she is going to love it! You can also combine the chocolates with roses and present them in a bouquet. Adding sprinklers on the top and a greeting card would be an icing on the cake. Make her feel like a queen and you are definitely going to have a perfect anniversary. 9. Show tickets:Take your wife/girlfriend out for a concert followed by a candle light dinner. This is the safest gift anyone could give his partner on an anniversary. The best point is that by doing this you will be able to have fun and spend quality time together. A general advice is to book into a restaurant that serves the cuisine your girl loves and to make it even more romantic, request the staff to play light music in the background. 8. Hot bubble bath:Well, this is probably one thing that will make your anniversary the most memorable one. Prepare a luxurious bath for the woman of your life. Light up the path leading to the washroom with candles and rose petals. Make her feel extra special while helping her into the tub. Along the side of the tub, put her favorite soaps and lotions. You can also add champagne and a cake to this set up. 7. Memory box:It is ideal to gift things made with a lot of effort and when it's for your partner, you should always try to put in that attempt of creating something original. The best thing to make is a memory box. Carve wood in a box like shape and fill it in with a lot of your memories from the past years. It can include your pictures, sentimental notes, first gifts and any other thing that holds a special place in your relationship. Your partner will surely love this idea and love you more for doing something this special for her. 6. Weekend trip:Plan everything out, starting from her leaves to the place you would like to take her to. Make all the reservations and travel arrangements. Women love when men take out time to plan and make things special for them. Take her to a place that is calm and quiet as it will give both of you a plenty of quality time to spend with each other. A sweet advice is to make every moment of this trip extraordinary for her and she will love you all the more. 5. Party it up:Is your partner always engrossed in work? Does she never have time to really go out and have those fun evenings with her friends? If yes, then let this anniversary be that stress buster evening for her. Plan a surprise party with all her close friends and relatives. Organize a huge anniversary cake with her favorite cuisine. In short, make her feel like a queen! If you are low on budget, you can also plan this party in your house while your spouse is away for work. 4. Pamper her with a day:Pamper your woman with a day for herself. Organize a paid spa, various skin treatments and body massage in a posh beauty parlor for her. After the spa, make her close friends take her to shopping in one of her favorite stores. For the night, organize a candle light dinner and gift her new clothes and jewelry. Well, this is one gift every woman fancies about! 3. Give a theme look to your house:If your partner has always fancied about a place and you were not able to take her there because of budget constraints, then this is your chance to make it happen for her. Yes, you can actually try and create an ambience in your own house. If your wife/girlfriend loves the beaches, then bring in an island look in your house. Decorate it with bright colors and dim lighting. Make her favorite cuisine and combine it with beach cocktails. This is for sure going to make her feel like a princess in the arms of her prince! 2. Do her favorites:Do you hate shopping and your wife loves it? Do you hate watching those silly romantic movies, which your partner fancies? Well, if yes then take a day off and do all the things you always say a no to. Go out shopping with her; help her in choosing the perfect outfit. Eat at a local joint where she hangs out with her friends. Spend a day with her ideas. For the night you can actually bring in a classic romantic movie, which your wife/girlfriend loves. Keep in mind, don't fall asleep during the movie or you are going to ruin all the efforts you made during the day! 1. Jewelry:Made for people with healthy budgets, jewelry is one gift that can never go wrong for women. Buy her a heart shaped diamond pendant with same earrings. If you are high on budget, you can also gift her solitaires, which are for sure going to make you a hero for some days. They say diamonds are a girl's best friend, indeed they are! The post Top 10 Wedding Anniversary Gifts She'll Love appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Most Common Modes Of Transportation Posted: 09 Oct 2013 12:57 AM PDT Ever since the wheel was invented by humans, we have been trying to reach farther and farther places. The urge to explore and travel and to connect with people from the other side of the world has driven a transportation revolution. We use many different forms of transportation to travel and to trade. We are upgrading our modes of transportation all the time to decrease the time of travel but there are still some very old modes of transportation still in use. 10. Human Powered Transport:Cycle rickshaws and human drawn carriages are still used in many places in the world. These along with the most famous mode of transport of all time, the bicycle, form the human powered modes of transport. Bicycles have been used for centuries and it seems that they are the best and most eco-friendly mode of transport we have ever designed. 9. Animal Powered Transport:Bullock carts, horses, horse drawn carriages, donkeys are all forms of animal powered transport. Dogs have also been used to draw carriages and huskies are used to pull sledges in the arctic. Many of these are still in use around the world, either due to being cheap like in the developing countries or as a novelty in the developed countries. 8. Ships:In the old days the only way to travel vast distances was on a ship. Brave sailors faced the harsh seas with wooden sailing ships and traveled to unknown lands. The whole world was explored with the help of the ship and even today shipping is the most common way of trading. Passenger ships and ferries still operate in many parts of the world as a cheaper option to flying. 7. Boats:Just like ships opened up the world of the oceans, boats opened up the rivers and lakes of the world. Boats have been used for personal transport, fishing and trading for thousands of years. They are still widely used in many port cities around the world and along canals that connect the inland areas with the seas. 6. Airplanes:The airplane can be said to be the harbinger of the global age. Airplanes decreased the amount of time required to travel across continents and made the world a smaller place. Airplanes are today widely used for public transport and for carrying goods. Space shuttles are just an evolution of the airplane that allows us to travel in space. 5. Motorbikes:No other form of transport can beat the feeling of riding a motorbike. It is the mode of transport preferred by the lonely explorers of the adventurous types. You can travel large distances on a motorbike or just use it to have a short thrilling ride for fun. Around the world motorbikes are also used to carry goods and even as single person taxis. 4. Three Wheelers:The three wheeler is the trademark of a developing country. It has revolutionized the way people travel in big cities. It is a motorized form of the cycle rickshaw and is called by different names around the world including, tuk tuk, auto rickshaw, tempo, auto, tricycle, mototaxi, lapa etc. It is mostly used for personal transport within cities but can be used to carry goods too. 3. Buses and Trucks:Roads are an important infrastructure of a country and buses and trucks are the main form of transport that unites the country through its road network. Trucks carry goods across the country while buses carry passengers. It is the cheapest form of mass public transport available in any country and allows even the poorest of poor to travel throughout the country. 2. Cars:The mode of transport that we use the most today is the personal vehicle of the car. Henry Ford’s dream of everyone having a personal car has almost come true. Cars have become a status symbol in many society and the more cars you have the richer you appear. From hatchbacks to sedans, saloons, coups, SUVs, MUVs, roadsters, grand tourers, jeeps etc. there are many forms of the car that is used around the world for personal transport. 1. Trains:The most common form of transport in the world has to be the train. Trains are a unique form of transportation because they can travel large distances but are cheaper than airplanes and take less time than ships. This makes the train the ideal form of transport for the masses when they want to travel long distances. Metro rails are also used for quick and cheap travel within cities. Trains are also used for transporting goods and raw materials. The post Top 10 Most Common Modes Of Transportation appeared first on TopYaps. |
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