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- 6 Health Benefits Of Eating Red Meat Regularly
- Top 10 Underwater Volcanoes
- 9 Lessons You Learn From Mr. Walter White
- Top 10 Amazing Benefits Of Oral Sex
- Top 10 Characters Of Breaking Bad
- Top 10 Signs To Know If Someone Is Lying
- Top 10 Sound Effects In Indian Comic Books
6 Health Benefits Of Eating Red Meat Regularly Posted: 14 Oct 2013 01:50 PM PDT Red meat, which had been the staple diet of mankind for ages, fell down in favor in the past two decades when it was claimed to be very unhealthy and cause of many diseases. There was frenzy among magazines and newspapers to flash news making red meat scapegoat for diseases like cardiovascular problems, diabetes, obesity and many types of cancers. Unfortunately, no one tried to base the claims on proper research and substantial proof. Recently there were many unbiased researches conducted to evaluate the effects of including red meat in the diet regularly. This went to prove that it is one of the healthiest foods which provides many essential nutrients to our body. Rather than red meat itself, the negative effects were directly linked to fat content, processing and wrong method of preparing red meat. Choosing the right type of fresh and organic red meat and including it in the weekly diet will supply our body with many essential nutrients which is required for maintenance of good health. Here is the list of 6 health benefits of eating red meat regularly. 6. Meets our Protein Requirement:Less than 100 gm of red meat in our daily diet can meet nearly half of the requirement of protein by our body. Moreover the protein supplied by the red meat is rich in amino acids that help in repairing tissue and building muscle mass. The protein content in the red meat helps in controlling obesity, as it satiates hunger and helps in impeding the craving for snacking in between meals. The muscular body remains active, thus increasing overall good health of the person. Furthermore, regular red meat in diet is known to help in production of enzymes and hormones which prevents infections, diseases and illness affecting our body. 5. Rich Source of Alpha Lipoic Acid:Though there are many misleading claims that red meat causes cancer, the presence of Alpha Lipoic Acid in the red meat, refutes this claim strongly. Red meat is the richest known source of Alpha Lipoic Acid which is an antioxidant that increases our immunity and is also known to inhibit growth of cancer cells. Some studies have also shown that Alpha Lipoic Acid leads to apoptosis, a process in which cancer cells self-destruct. Our body can produce Alpha Lipoic Acid only in small amount; therefore it is necessary to include food rich in Alpha Lipoic Acid in our diet. Red meat also contains conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) which studies have shown to possess ability to inhibit cancer growth in laboratory animals. 4. High Level of Vitamin D in Red Meat:Red meat contains relatively high levels of vitamin D in a extremely absorbable form. Vitamin D is normally produced when the sunlight acts on the skin. For people who cannot get enough exposure to sunlight or eat enough oily fish, a dietary supplement of the vitamin is essential, as it is required to aid in the absorption of calcium in our body. The vitamin D contained in red meat is known to be more effective than other types of vitamin D. 3. Packed with Vitmain B:Red meat helps in the metabolism of our body, increases red blood cells count and keeps our nervous system functioning smoothly as it is richly packed with B vitamins like niacin, riboflavin, folate, panthothenic acid, B6 and thiamin. Vitamin B12, present in red meat is essential for proper functioning of almost every system in our body; the deficiency of which may lead to premature ageing, neurological disorders, infertility and many more illnesses. Including red meat in our regular diet is an easy and resourceful way of ensuring adequate supply of these essential vitamins. 2. Red Meat contains essential minerals:Consumption of red meat supplies our body with most of the essential minerals like iron, zinc, copper, magnesium, chromium, nickel, cobalt, phosphorus and selenium. The heme iron found in red meat is highly absorbable by our body unlike the iron found in plant food. Including red meat in diet can reduce the risk of Iron-deficiency anemia to a great extent. Magnesium is important for proper functioning of brain, heart and nervous system. It also improves bone strength, muscular mass, functions of kidney and liver. Zinc is an essential mineral that triggers the internal enzymes to metabolize food and nutrients; moreover, zinc is essential in regulation of gene expression. Thus, by supplementing these minerals, red meat contributes in a great way to our overall maintenance of good health. 1. Red meat is better than white meat:The red meat gets its dark color due to the presence of Myoglobin in higher quantity. Myoglobin is a compound that enables transportation of oxygen to muscles to fuel physical activities. The leg meat of poultry is darker than their bodies due to the presence of myoglobin but their wings and breast are lighter in color as they do not undergo much physical activities. Consumption of red meat maintains balance between saturated and monounsaturated fats no matter what the animal feeds on, whereas white meat and pork causes imbalance in them when the animals are not fed pastured food. Though there have been high claims about white meat containing less fat and calories than red meat, the difference is insignificant, whereas when it comes to nutrition, red meat clearly has a lead over white meat. The post 6 Health Benefits Of Eating Red Meat Regularly appeared first on TopYaps. |
Posted: 14 Oct 2013 11:01 AM PDT Underwater volcanoes or submarine volcanoes are more active than volcanoes found on earth. They go unnoticed because they erupt below the surface and we rarely hear about these explosions but submarine volcanoes are exploding all the time, creating new islands and restructuring the earth. These volcanoes form ridges that are part of the tallest mountain ranges on earth, dwarfing even the Himalayas. But because most of it is underwater all we see are little volcanic hills. Let’s take a look at the top 10 underwater volcanoes from around the world. 10. Sumatra, Indonesia:Sumatra in Indonesia is the sixth largest island in the world. The western Indonesian area is formed by a long chain of underwater mountains. There are a total of 90 volcanoes there, 15 of which are active. Seismic activity in these volcanoes was responsible for the tsunami of 2004 which hit Asia and devastated land as far as India. 9. Yasur Volacano, Vanuatu:Yasur Volcano forms the Tannu island of Vanuatu. This volcano has been active for the last 800 years and it keeps erupting frequently. The first explosion was recorded in 1774. Volcanic eruption leads to seismic activity followed by clouds of smoke and volcanic ash. At night the orange plumes of lava are clearly visible against the dark. 8. Eldfell Volcano, Iceland:Eldfell Volcano on the Heimaey island of Iceland is located over the Atlantic ridge where the European and American plates meet each other. As a result it has been the location of many volcanic eruptions. This volcano is 600 feet high and the small town sits in its shadow. The sudden volcanic eruption of 1973 caused a lot of destruction in this area. 7. Kick ‘em Jenny, Grenada:In the Caribbean sea, 8 km north of Grenada, there is an active underwater volcano named Kick ‘em Jenny. This is an active volcano and has erupted 12 times between 1939 and 2001. There is a 5 km safety zone that is in place to protect adventurous snorkelers and divers to dive in this area. 6. Brothers Volcano, New Zealand:Brothers Volcano is located 400 km northwest of New Zealand. It is a part of the Kermadec Arc. It lies 1,850 meters below sea level. What’s unique about this particular underwater volcano is its massive size. The crater is 3km wide and the walls around the crater are 300 to 500 meters high. They were formed by the explosion that occurred around 51,000 years ago. 5. Iwo Jima, Japan:Iwo Jima in the Pacific Ocean is part of a volcanic ridge and there are active underwater volcanoes in this area. The Japanese army reported an underwater eruption in 2005 when they noticed a 1 km long column of steam coming out of the water near the island. 4. Molokini Crater, Hawaii:All of Hawaii is formed of underwater volcanoes. The whole area is located on a ridge of underwater volcanoes, some of which are still active and some are dormant. Molokini crater is a crescent shaped island today but used to be a large and powerful volcano at one time. Today it is popular with snorkelers and divers. 3. Kolumbo, Santorini Island:Kolumbo volcano lies 8 km northeast of Cape Kolumbo, Santorini island in the Aegean Sea. It is one of the largest underwater volcanoes in the world that is still active today. Although it is active there hasn’t been a major eruption in recent years. Small releases of gases and lava do occur continuously. 2. Barren Island, Andaman Sea:Barren island is located in the Andaman Sea and is the largest active underwater volcano in South Asia. Most of the volcano lies underwater but the peak rises above the water to form an island and the peak is 354 meters above the sea level. The first recorded eruption took place in 1787 and since then the volcano has erupted 6 times. 1. Coast of Tonga:Hunga Tonga is about 30 km from Falcon island and lies above a very active tectonic region which has resulted in many underwater volcanoes and eruptions. The volcano lies between New Zealand and Fiji. The first ever eruption that was noted here was in 1912. The recent eruption of 2009 was a big one. The post Top 10 Underwater Volcanoes appeared first on TopYaps. |
9 Lessons You Learn From Mr. Walter White Posted: 14 Oct 2013 09:25 AM PDT Breaking Bad has celebrated decadence through its storyline and its script has mystified the audience between good and evil. The protagonist, Walter White teaches us a great many lessons despite his villainous approach towards life and things around. Walter White’s psychological evolution over the period of time, and the skyrocketing of his badassery shouldn’t be enjoyed as wow-so-fantastic moments of a TV show. I said this because Mr. White’s character is a cosmic pool of some valuable life-lessons, and viewers need to understand them rather than watching it like a mindless zombie. 9. Must Keep a Good Lawyer by Your Side:In today's world, where every second person is your critic and ready to sue you up for calling his dog a sheep, legal backing is the most important trick of the game. Hence, good lawyers play imperative role in building up businesses. Walter's lawyer proves the point comprehensively every time he lands up in a sticky situation. 8. Education Earn You Riches:Walter White explained through the drama series how you can earn millions if you possess good understanding of your subject. In Walter's case 'Chemistry' did the trick when he took to producing crystal meth. The series gives out a loud and clear message to youngsters that only education can earn you riches other than basic understanding of the world around you. 7. Herd Mentality Does not Help:Out-of-the-box thinking is what makes you stand out from the league. Only those who know how to kick the 'herd-mentality' emerge as geniuses in the strange walk of life. Walter White created a path for himself utilizing his strong points and made riches. If a financially strapped school teacher could do what Walter did, why can't you? 6. Execution is as important as Planning:Although, Walter White had a full-proof plan on his side, he knew it's just one side of equation. He then roped in his student Jesse Pinkman into his plan. Together they came up with such an execution map that made them successful at every step. This shows unless you are good at executing things, strategic plans rarely succeed. 5. A Company Is As Good As Its Products:Walter always knew that his super potent product, blue sky crystal meth will rake huge moolah for him. So, a company is as good as the product it manufactures/sells. Look back into the contemporary history and find out for yourself what the talk is all about. Bill Gates and Steve Jobs are the finest examples of the universal rule. 4. Chemistry Can Be Put Into Practical Applications:'Breaking Bad' viewers must have learnt by now about the daily life applications of 'Chemistry'. Walter with his super brilliant acumen in chemistry proffered various useful tips to the drama watchers. For instance, it's much easier to decompose body in a plastic container using certain chemicals than in bathtub. 3. Seek Revenge Methodically:Walter's character has always been associated with a strange madness. He did go berserk in his actions, but included a pinch of rationale at all times. His development of crystal meth, followed by the planning to sell it was a genius journey planned and implemented by him. 2. Super Genius Chemistry Professor:Undoubtedly, Walter was a genius, in every respect. He came up with ideas no one would have thought in their wildest dreams. Walter's character tells us to be at the top, no matter what's the nature of your profession. Only geniuses are remembered by the world. 1. Family is the Most Important Part of Life:Walter learnt it the hard way that family is the most important part of life. His entering into drug dealing led to his son and wife deride him and brother in-law killed. It hurts when in spite of making enough riches, there is no one around to be a part of your celebration. Sadly, Walter was late in expressing his love for his family and was not able to justify to them his newly acquired professional ambitions. The post 9 Lessons You Learn From Mr. Walter White appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Amazing Benefits Of Oral Sex Posted: 14 Oct 2013 09:18 AM PDT The best feeling in this world is when we get benefits out of a thing that gives us pleasure. We all know that sex gives us numerous things other than enjoyment and can actually help us in attaining better health. Well, here we are talking about the benefits we have while performing oral sex. I know many women don't like this idea but read on and I am sure you wouldn’t hesitate indulging in oral sex again. Do you know that semen can actually do wonders to your health? It's all about a sperm when you are fighting depression and when you want to get rid of your morning sickness during pregnancy! Trust me, semen not only brings a glow to your face but has all the magical powers to give you a perfect health and can cure many of your problems. So, all you women out there reciprocate your man's gestures with the best gift you could ever give him. Perform oral sex and you will be in a win-win situation. Firstly your guy will be amazingly happy and secondly you will be perfectly healthy. Scroll down to have a look at the top 10 benefits of oral sex. 10. Anti-aging:Are you sick of using the anti-aging creams? Is the glow of your face slowly turning to wrinkles? Well, if the answers are a yes, then please your man with oral sex and you will start noticing the difference in your face. Sperm has a chemical known as Spermidine which helps your cells to age at a slower rate. You do not need to coat it on your face but just take it in. This will help you a lot more than any other anti-aging cream available in the market. 9. Reduces the risk of Breast cancer:Breast cancer is becoming very common in the women after the age of 40. Another very crucial benefit of oral sex is that it actually lowers the risk of breast cancer in a lady. It has been proved that women who indulge in oral sexual activities atleast 2 times a week are at a comparatively lower risk of having breast cancer in later life. The semen has got the chemicals that prevent the growth of this type of cancer. 8. Healthy Pregnancy:When you are pregnant the urge to indulge in sex increases but it is quite unadvisable as the health of both the mother and the baby can be affected. When a man ejaculates inside the vagina of a pregnant woman, there are many chances of catching infections that are harmful for the body. So, the best way to satisfy each other and maintain the closeness during pregnancy is by performing oral sex as it does not affect the health of anyone. 7. Stress buster:It has been proved that women who are exposed to semen are less likely to get into depression. Yes, practicing oral sex can make you a lively and happier. The sperm contains chemicals like cortisol, estrogen and oxytocin that are known to be the best anti-depressants. So, the next time you are feeling low, the best way to enhance your mood is by indulging in oral sex. 6. Helps morning sickness during pregnancy:This is the most relaxing benefit of indulging in oral sex. If you are pregnant and you are having extreme nausea, the best way to stop it is by taking some of your man's semen. Yes, semen has nutrients that help in curbing the morning sickness during pregnancy. It has been proved that the qualities of the sperm mix with the hormones, giving them a balance and helping the woman with nausea. 5. Control blood pressure:Sperm helps in controlling the blood pressure in a woman's body. It also plays a vital role in helping ladies from developing preeclampsia (blood pressure problem during pregnancy). In short, whenever you feel that your body is quite heated up and you wanted to relax, the best way is to indulge in oral sex. 4. Improves your memory:Memory problem is the most common thing in today's generation. We just seem to forget things very easily. So, if you want your mind to be strong and healthy, the easiest way to do this is by performing oral sex on your man. Yes, the semen has got all the nutrients that are needed by your mind to work at a healthy pace. 3. Induces sleep:Are you feeling a lack of sleep lately? Do you plan to pop in some sleeping pills for a sound sleep? Well, if yes, then leave the sleeping pills and pop in some of your man's semen. It will work wonders and you will have a perfect night sleep. Semen contains melatonin that is the best sleep inducing agent ever. 2. Helps relieving pain:Semen contains oxytocin and endorphins that act as the pain killers. Oral sex can actually help you relieve pain with the nutrients present in a man's sperm. Well, a man's sperm is something miraculous, so, the next time you have a body-ache, treat your man with oral sex and you will notice your pain going away! 1. Helps your man from prostate cancer:Enough of health benefits for all you women out there, oral sex can benefit your man too. Yes, the more the man ejaculates in his life, the less are the chances of him developing prostate cancer! So, please your man to oral sex frequently, if you want to avail all the health benefits listed above. The post Top 10 Amazing Benefits Of Oral Sex appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Characters Of Breaking Bad Posted: 14 Oct 2013 09:07 AM PDT One of the best ever and probably the most comprehensively shot crime dramas in recent times; 'Breaking Bad' is the creation of Vince Gilligan. The crime drama is regarded as one of the most watched television series of all times. The series finale was aired on September 29, 2013. Guinness World Records termed it as the highest rated TV series of all time in the same year. Power packed with some of the most exhilarating characters combined with an out-of-the-box storyline is what made Breaking Bad a stellar TV series. Here, we’ll have a look at the ten best characters of this epic series while saluting their thundering performances. 10. Lydia:A single mother raising her daughter among plentiful societal challenges, Lydia makes money supplying methylamine to Gustavo Fring. The smart lady doesn’t mind to dirty her linen in the big bad world of crime and violence and actively participates in the violent adventures of underworld. 9. Marie Schrader:Marie Schrader plays Skyler White's sister and wife of DEA agent Hank Schrader. Her role of a loving and courageous wife has high appeal. Despite a strained marriage, she does everything possible to help her husband recuperate after being shot. Her role lends enough stability to the plot. 8. White Jr.:Probably the only innocent character in the dark world of Breaking Bad, White Jr. plays the role of an ideal kid from an ideal father. However, the character lives into complete oblivion knowing nothing what his father is up to. But, this is what an every dad's darling child is supposed to be like. Isn’t it? 7. Gustavo Fring:Gustavo is a perfectionist to the core. The bad guy with his unflinching desire for more criminal laurels, Fring built around himself an empire of crime, well supported by his violent measures. 6. Saul Goodman:Playing lawyer to Walter and Pinkman, Saul Goodman manages to save both the drug dealers when they got into sticky situations. A character well drafted and executed, this greedy legal representative is side-splittingly annoying at times. But, the scenes where he saves the skin for the protagonist, earns him thunderous applause from the serial watchers. 5. Skyler White:The character of Skyler White can be easily termed as the closest to reality for all the love and warmth it generates. Playing wife of Walter White, the lady who supports her husband all the way through and finally learning that her husband's hands are deeply immersed in red blood – still loves him, knowing the man will never be the same again. 4. Mike:The character played by Mike Ehrmantraut is one of the most intriguing characters of Breaking Bad who works in complete silence. Mike belongs to the dark and shady world of lawlessness. The shroud of mystery that he keeps wrapped around him 24/7 makes him more penetrative in his role of an intelligent killer. 3. Hank Schrader:The notable DEA Agent Hank Schrader is a man to watch out for in the story. The loving husband and astonishing policeman, finds extensive appreciation from the TV series watchers for his allegiance towards capturing criminal masterminds and drug dealers. He was the man on a mission to clean out the floors of the society with his broom. 2. Jesse Pinkman:If Walter White plays the soul, Jesse Pinkman is the heart of the body named Breaking Bad. As Walter builds more and more money with his drug trade, his former student Jesse Pinkman submerges deeper down into the dark dungeons only to remain trapped there forever. The deadly blend of drug and dark money screws up his life everlastingly. 1. Mr. Walter White:The most striking aspect of the television drama is that every character is highly personalized. Watching them makes you feel at ease and deeply connected. One such man who can be referred to as the soul of the plot is Walter White. The story is all about his 'breaking' bad after contacting lung cancer. It's for the first time in the history of Television that a character with negative attributes has so many sympathizers by his side. Living life on your own terms is the message proffered by the man. This is what justifies all his actions. The post Top 10 Characters Of Breaking Bad appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Signs To Know If Someone Is Lying Posted: 14 Oct 2013 08:58 AM PDT Nobody in this world is perfect. Therefore, no one can claim that he/she doesn’t lie at all. Lying gets necessary at some point of time. But a liar is a liar. He can't get away with his lies. Liars tend to reveal their lies through their own expressions, behaviour or body language. Here are the top 10 signs that will help you catch a liar… 10. Anger:You must have heard the common saying, "attack is the best defence strategy." Liars usually follow this saying word to word. Confused? Well, then try and express even the slightest of mistrust or doubt in the concerned liar, he will get nervous and will start pointing his notorious finger towards you. Why? Unlike a liar, a true heart will get furious if wrongfully judged. But he will keep aside his anger and will co-operate and help you find the actual truth. 9. Denial with extra emphasis:This is a very common habit of most of the liars. When interviewed and asked about a certain question which they actually wanted to hide, they, in haste, tend to use a very formal language to deny. They use affirmative sentences and words to make the listener believe in them. Negative words like did not, never ever, etc. are used frequently. This extra emphasis on denial triggers smart interviewers or listeners and they get confirmed of the fact that something is cooking up for sure. 8. Repetition:This is something that almost every liar does. They repeat the entire question before answering it. This gives them time to cook up some lie. They actually buy some time to fool the interrogator. Smart interrogators catch the liars before they even try to lie. 7. Body language and gestures:Truly said, “Body reveals it all.” Body speaks every bit of a truth. A careful observer can catch a liar by just observing his body language. A person lying on the bed when queried about something will sit instantly and start feeling uneasy if he is lying. Gestures assist the body language in unmasking the liars. While telling a lie, the liars get anxious and their anxiety takes the form of unconscious signals, such as tapping one's lap, adjusting oneself, curling hair with fingers, etc. These grooming gestures are enough to know that the concerned person is lying. 6. Unusual behaviour and improper facial expressions:If you know the concerned liar well, you can easily figure out the instantly changed behaviour. Change in behaviour includes the change in degree of calmness and anxiety in any person. Upon being asked about something that the liar doesn’t want to tell, his calm will fly out of the window and he will feel at unease. It has been seen in many surveys that a calm person becomes anxious and an anxious person turns into calm one while being queried. Facial expressions like fake smile and cunning delight that rules the face after deceiving the other person are also revelation signs. Sharp listeners and careful observers hash the truth out of liars. 5. Inconsistency:Liars are usually inconsistent in the fable they narrate to deceive the interrogator. All an interrogator needs to do is interrupt the dear liar at every divergence. Ask him unexpected questions. In no time he will get irked and make everything easy for you to understand. 4. Escape and change the subject:The liars subconsciously step backwards, with their feet towards the exit. This way, they impel to get ready to escape out of the situation. They also try to create a physical bar between them and the interviewers by placing a cup of coffee or water bottle on the desk between them. One smart habit of the liars is changing the subject. Amidst talks or interview, they cleverly divert the topic in some other direction. Well then, you also need to give a smart blow. Keep reverting to the original topic and you will come across their desperation to escape the subject. 3. Voice and tone:While explaining things, a liar's vocal tone often gets altered. Liars with lower pitch start speaking with higher pitch and vice-versa. Their tongue fumbles and they speak in a tone different from usual. Their hesitation to answer also comes into picture at times. 2. A long story:Liars tend to weave a web of lies by telling exaggerated stories. They give a little too much information during this process of story narration. However, once they finish up with their fable; ask them to narrate it back. Yes! Here you nab the liar. Liars will struggle hard to repeat their original performance. 1. Eye Contact:Eyes say it all. A person speaking truth maintains eye contact for around 60% of conversation. On the other hand, a liar will try and have more eye contact than this. However, a few liars do not make eye contact at all or hesitate to face the interviewer. This may also happen when the person is nervous. Therefore, a person engaging in more eye contact than necessary is more likely to be a liar than a person making no eye contact. The post Top 10 Signs To Know If Someone Is Lying appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Sound Effects In Indian Comic Books Posted: 14 Oct 2013 08:36 AM PDT Comic books are usually seen as something written just for kids but over the years it has turned into an art form and a very good form of story telling. The more mature comics are now named graphic novels and are read by adults as well. Indian comic books have not been far behind the international scene and have created some memorable characters that have become an indispensable part of growing up in India. Be it Chacha Chaudhary, Billu, Pinki of Diamond comics or Nagraj, Super Commando Dhruva, Doga etc. of Raj comics, all these characters still remind us of our childhood. The funniest part of these comics is the sound effects used in them. Here are the top 10 sound effects in Indian comic books. 10. Dhapp:This is the sound made by an object or person falling on the ground. It’s a generic sound effect that is used time and again in all Indian comics. Even if someone falls on concrete it still sounds like falling on soft ground. Maybe that’s why the heroes never get hurt. 9. Khanaak:Different variations of Khanaak are used to create the sound of glass shattering. The louder the sound, the longer the word khanaaaaaaak becomes. Just like in Hindi movies, Indian comics always have a lot of glass shattering and this sound effect is seen very frequently in all action comics. It is even used in non action comics such as when Billu breaks someone’s window pain with his ball. 8. Tadaak:Speaking of breaking stuff, if some other object such as an empty box breaks or hits someone, the sound effect of Tadaak is used. Any action scene is incomplete without enough objects breaking so empty boxes are lying around fight scenes just for this reason. If someone hits another person with a small object it is also denoted by using Tadaak. 7. Tring:The phone ring is the most recognizable sound effect of the last century. Now we all have ring tones but earlier the famous tring tring was the only sound that was enough to know that the phone was ringing. It is used appropriately in Indian comics as well. 6. Dhayein:One sound effect that has come directly from bollywood is the sound of gunfire; Dhayein. Whenever any villain or police officer fires his gun we hear this sound. The variation ‘Dhichkiyaun’ is also sometimes used. Not to mention that all this gunfire never hits the hero, just like in bollywood movies. 5. Chapaak:Chapaak is the sound of water splashing. If someone falls into water or dives into it to escape the bullets of the villains we hear Chapaak. If instead water falls on someone, then also we hear the same sound because it doesn’t matter who falls on whom, as long as water is involved Chapaak is the sound to go to. 4. Bhadaam/Dhadaam:A bomb blast is a much louder sound and is usually denoted by Bhadaam or Dhadoom. The words are used in large and bold font to convey the idea of the loud sound of a bomb blast. This is another sound that has been taken directly from bollywood action movies. 3. Aah/Ooh/Ayee:Whenever someone gets hurt, not the hero but someone close to him, we hear painful cries such as ‘aaaahhhh’, ‘oooohhhh’ or ‘aaaayyyeeee’. These sounds are always used with multiple letter to describe the intense pain being felt by the victim. Other variations of the sound also exist as painful shouts can vary from person to person. 2. Phataak:An explosion smaller than a bomb is expressed by the word, Phataak. Usually it denotes a fire cracker. Some of our favorite characters in Chacha Chaudhary, Billu and Pinki are always going to blow up a firecracker or a missile. It is interesting how firecrackers are part of so many of such stories. 1. Dhadaak/Dhishoom:Dhadaak or Dhishoom is one of the most common sounds found in Indian comics. It is the sound of someone getting punched in the face. Usually it’s the hero who does the punching but sometimes our heroes get a small beating too. Dhishoom is the trademark sign of old bollywood action movies and it is not surprising that it found its way into Indian comics as well. The post Top 10 Sound Effects In Indian Comic Books appeared first on TopYaps. |
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