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- Top 10 Passive-Aggressive Moments Of Walter White
- Top 10 Stunning Images Of Earth Taken From Space
- Top 10 Thrilling Kayaking Destinations In India
- Top 10 Tips To Become A Gentleman
- Top 10 Most Beautiful Bridges Ever Built
- Top 10 Indian TV Ads Of All Time
Top 10 Passive-Aggressive Moments Of Walter White Posted: 17 Oct 2013 09:04 AM PDT Vince Gilligan directed TV series 'Breaking Bad' commenced with showing Walter White as someone high on moral conduct and love for society. But as it is famously said, outcomes can't be prejudged until the fat lady sings. The rationale finds itself justified when Walter takes to disturbing choices in life. The series has many shades of the man perfectly embedded in its womb, which make him the most intriguing figure of the plot. After analyzing his journey from Pilot to Felina, we present to you a list of top 10 passive-aggressive moments of this chemistry genius. 10. My Son! My Bottle! My House!One of the quietest episodes in the whole series that ranges over 5 seasons, Over (season 2, episode 10) is a must watch for Walter's flaccid antics. In one of the scenes where Walter keeps pouring more tequila in his son's glass, Hank tries to stop him, to which Walter replies quite passively "My Son! My Bottle! My House!" 9. Confession of Sins:In 'Fly' (season 3, episode 10) Jesse Pinkman and Walter spend their entire day inside superlab (meth lab) discussing about their life history. It was here that Walter came close to confessing his sins to his partner in crime for the first time. The whole sequence clearly showcased until then unknown 'inert' nature of the protagonist. 8. Shooting of Mike:Mike was one of the dark horses of the underworld. Still, he had a lot in terms of code of honor. But, Walter in a fit of rage shoots him for the supposed disrespect he showed against him. His firing at Mike simply brought forth his unjustified aggressive self. 7. Socially ham-fisted speech of Walter White:After the incident that involved collision of two air planes in mid air, Walter White was asked to deliver a speech so as to buck up downhearted students. All he came up with was a complete trash that must have left most of the gathering confused and uneasy. He seemed unreceptive and burnt out with words as an empty whisky bottle. 6. Destroying the Headquarter of Tuco:The entire first season projected the scientist turned drug dealer as a feeble man high on submissive quotient. But in the episode (Crazy Handful of Nothin') from season one, the man transformed from a zombie walking paralyzed with fear to an aggressive world beater. There is a scene where Walter enters the territory of the drug baron demanding $50,000 in a daredevil approach that changed his existing perception in the mind of an average viewer. 5. Pressurizing For Lab Cleaning:In 'Cornered' (season 4, episode 6), Walter goes against all the wishes of Gus and pressurizes laundry employees to clean his meth lab. Portraying a cruel attitude he sits behind them so as to monitor their cleaning activities. 4. His Passive Dominance over Skyler:If ever any instance of Walter's passive dominance over others found its roots in the TV series 'Breaking Bad' it was in the third episode (I.F.T) of season 3. It was when Walter's wife Skyler learns about his trade secret, she brings her resentment on board. But, Walter for his dictating nature suppresses her revolt with his dominating attitude without even yelling at her. The silence on his dead pan face did the trick for him. 3. Getting hands dirty with strangling of Krazy 8:In the third episode of Season 1 '…and the bag is in the river' Walter White was at his aggressive best strangling Krazy 8 to death. He failed in the same act in the first episode only to sign off with a victory seal in the third. It was the first major violent act of the super scientist where he completely drenched his hands in blood. 2. Threatening Jesse to Cook Meth:The scene is part of Season 1 (episode 1 'Pilot') where Walter White threatens Jesse to cook meth with him. He shouted at the top of his voice and showed his displeasure with his former student openly. The desperation was more pronounced for the reason Walter had just received fresh reports confirming his lung cancer. 1. Walter White Laughing Insane:By far one of the best 'Breaking Bad' moments involving Walter White, the man bursts out in an unusual laughter that was nothing but insane on discovering that all his money has been lost. The scene is part of Season 4 – 'Crawl Space'. When Walter heads home in order to pay Gus, he learns that his money is missing as Skylar had already given it to Ted. The kind of laughter that emerges on his face can only be categorized into aggressive category. The post Top 10 Passive-Aggressive Moments Of Walter White appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Stunning Images Of Earth Taken From Space Posted: 17 Oct 2013 03:30 AM PDT Space has always inspired the human imagination. We’ve always been curious as to what lies out there. We’ve begun to explore the space around our planet by sending out satellites and unmanned missions. We’ve sent men to the moon and are getting ready to send them further away to other planets. But as we explore space we are also learning more about our home planet. Over the years some stunning pictures of earth from space have been taken that have given us a different perspective about our place in the universe. Here are the top 10 stunning images of earth taken from space. 10. Far From Home:This image is of Apollo 17 mission commander Eugene A. Cernan as he adjusts the U.S. Flag on the surface of the moon while the earth can be seen in the background. This picture was taken from the onboard camera of Apollo 17 in 1972 which was the last manned mission to the moon. This is the farthest any human has ever been from our home; the earth. 9. While Chasing a Comet:This picture was taken by Rosetta, a mission of the European Space Agency to chase Comet67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. This photo was captured during the earth flyby of the mission in March 2005. It was used to calibrate the instruments of the mission on a real space object before it went after the comet. 8. Space Beacon:This is a recent picture sent back by the Cassini spacecraft taken from a distance of 898,410,414 miles. The earth looks just like any other star in a distance and the moon can be seen as a pale dot below the earth. It is a remarkable picture as the earth looks like a beacon in the middle of space, connecting the spacecraft to us. 7. Light Show:This image was taken by the Suomi NPP satellite in 2012 over a period of 12 days. It is the image of earth during night and shows bright lights shinning like diamonds on the continental land masses. The lights are strongest in America and Europe and tell the tale of human expansion and the ways in which we have affected the earth. 6. The Blue Marble:The Blue Marble is a composite image constructed by scientists from data collected by many different sources over a long period of time. When it was released in 2002 it was the most detailed true color image of earth taken from space. Most of the data came from the MODIS device on board the Terra satellite. Data from other sources was also used and painstakingly combined to form this seamless picture. 5. Earth and Moon in the Same Frame:This is one of the first images of both the moon and the earth in the same frame. It was taken by the Voyager 1 spacecraft on September 18, 1977 from a distance of 7.25 million miles. Both the earth and moon are seen as crescent shapes with the moon above the earth. Because the earth is much brighter than the moon, it was enhanced digitally to be able to see both moon and earth in the same picture. 4. Earth from Mars:This is the first image of earth ever taken from the surface of another planet. It was taken by Mars Exploration Rover Spirit. The picture looks like sunrise on a very cloudy day. The earth is not visible clearly and has to be zoomed to view the faint image of our home planet. 3. Earth Rise:This image is of the earth as it rises in the background with the moon surface in the foreground. It looks like the earth is rising like we see sunrise here on earth. It was taken by the Apollo 11 mission in 1969. The mission was the first time humans landed on the moon. The first small step was that of Neil Armstrong as he stepped on the surface of the moon. 2. Crescent Earth:This image was taken by the Apollo 15 mission. It shows the earth as a crescent shape in the sky above the surface of the moon. The earth looks like the crescent moon that we are so used to seeing from earth. In this role reversal we get a feel of how earth is just a space object like any other. It allows us to appreciate our home in a different light. 1. Pale Blue Dot:The most famous picture of earth ever taken is the Pale Blue Dot taken by Voyager 1 from a distance of 4 billion miles away. This is a part of the first ever portrait of the solar system formed by 60 frames taken by the spacecraft. Earth from that distance is nothing more than a faint blue dot in the sky. It inspired Carl Sagan’s famous quote about the insignificance of our problems when compared to the size of the universe. The post Top 10 Stunning Images Of Earth Taken From Space appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Thrilling Kayaking Destinations In India Posted: 17 Oct 2013 03:30 AM PDT Kayaking is an adventure sport that will appeal to water lovers. If you want to race down fast flowing rapids and navigate foamy mountain rivers then kayaking is the sport for you. But kayaking can also be done on lakes and out in the ocean. It can be a great way to explore archipelagos or find secluded beaches along the shore. Kayaking can be done as a solo activity or in a group. Whatever type of kayaking you are interested in, you can find a place to do it in India. Some of these places haven’t become popular as international kayaking destinations so you’d be exploring uncharted waters. Here are the top 10 places in India to go for a thrilling kayaking experience. 10. Brahmaputra River:Some of the toughest rapids to be found in India are on the Brahmaputra River. There are trips organized that start from Tuting in Arunachal Pradesh. These trips include stopovers and hikes at different places along the route. You can meet grade 4 to 6 rapids on this trip. This one is definitely for the courageous and more adventurous ones and will thrill you to the bone. 9. Beas River:Beas in Himachal is a popular kayaking and rafting destination for tourists. This river starts from Rohtang Pass and passes through Manali and Kullu. You can get all levels of rapids here. There are tour operators in Manali, Kullu and Aut that provide easy to medium levels of kayaking opportunities. It is a great place to start if you are new to kayaking. 8. Rishikesh:Rishikesh is the most popular destination for kayaking in India. You can get a good mixture of tough and easy rapids. The kayaking experience that starts from Brahmapuri all the way down to Rishikesh will get your adrenalin pumping in short bursts with breaks of calm paddling through the numerous ghats on the Ganges. 7. Kali River:The Kali River enters India from Nepal where it is known as the Mahakali River. The trip starts from Pithorgarh in Uttarakhand and passes through jungles and natural forests. You can enjoy watching wildlife and plants as you tackle the rapids. You’ll find all grades of rapids here from easy to medium. 6. Zanskar River:Ladakh offers great opportunities for kayaking on the Indus and the Zanskar River. Zanskar is an especially exciting place to kayak because it goes through long stretches of challenging rapids. You also get to see great scenes along the way of the natural beauty of Ladakh. 5. Teesta River:Teesta River in Sikkim is an up and coming destination of kayaking in India. It offers something for everyone as the river winds down through the mountains. The Rangit River is another place in Sikkim to try out if you are interested in Kayaking. You can get up to grade 4 rapids here. 4. Tons River:Tons River in Gharwal, Uttarakhand is considered to be among the most challenging destinations for kayaking in India. You can get rapids of grade 3 to 5 here. Tons forms a part of the 4 rivers in Uttarakhand that are great for rafting and kayaking expeditions. 3. Bhagirathi River:Bhagirathi River is another great place in Uttarakhand to do kayaking. This river flows through gorges and cute little villages to meet the Alaknanda at Devprayag to form the ganga. You can get some exciting grade 4 rapids along the way or just camp out on the sandy beaches. 2. Andaman and Nicobar:White water kayaking is not the only option in India as you can also do sea kayaking at Andaman and Nicobar. It is a great way to explore the islands and marine life. Tours are operated that will take you kayaking and scuba diving. This one might not be as thrilling as kayaking rapids but it sure is a great way to explore the sea and the islands. 1. Kerala Backwaters:If you’ve had enough of thrill with the above 9 destinations you can always take a relaxing kayaking trip in the backwaters of Kerala. This is a great location in India to kayak as you explore the backwaters and meet the local fishermen. You can hire a houseboat to stay in and explore the area on kayaks during the day. The post Top 10 Thrilling Kayaking Destinations In India appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Tips To Become A Gentleman Posted: 17 Oct 2013 03:30 AM PDT Chivalry is not dead and the traits of a gentleman are still the same even if nobody expects you to be a knight in shinning armor. The main trait of a gentleman is respect; respect for oneself, for others no matter their class or color, for nature and the environment and respect for all women. Being a gentleman doesn’t mean you have to be a pretentious jerk, it just means to be true to yourself and your principles. It’s simple to be one; if following points are acceptable to you. 10. Be Clean:Basic cleanliness and hygiene is the mark of a thorough gentleman. Take regular showers, clip nails and maintain hair properly. Also remember to wear clean clothes and keep your house clean. It is no longer necessary to always remain clean shaved but you shouldn’t be so scruffy that you look homeless. 9. Dress to Impress:When you think of a gentleman you imagine someone wearing a three piece suit and tie but this dress code is no longer needed. You can wear anything you want as long as you are dressed smartly. Wear adult clothes instead of torn jeans and t-shirts with sideways caps. The semi formal look works well for a modern gentleman. 8. Be Polite:Politeness is the hallmark of a gentleman. Be soft spoken with everyone and talk politely even to those who are being rude to you. While talking to women and children remember to be especially polite. Don’t speak louder than you need to but don’t mumble either. Work on your communication skills and look people in the eye while talking to them. 7. No Foul Language:Being polite also means that you can’t use foul language. That means no more four letter words. It is good to form this habit as soon as you get out into the real world as it makes you look professional and mature. Don’t use foul language even in anger or even if you are with your college friends. 6. Be a Man of Your Word:A gentleman doesn’t make promises if he can’t fulfill them. A gentleman is someone who walks the talk and doesn’t just go around boasting about things he can’t do in real life. A gentleman is humble but confident and always keeps his promises. Remember to never be late for any meeting. 5. Be the Bigger Man:A gentleman doesn’t get sucked into arguments and fights. If someone if making a fool out of himself trying to suck you in, you should just leave. If you get into an argument, be the bigger man and take a step back. But if a gentleman has no option left he doesn’t back down from a fight either. Stand for yourself and your loved ones and defend your honor but fight fair and stop once you’ve made your point. 4. Remember Basic Courtesies:The basic courtesies of smiling and saying thank you, please and sorry are not something that will make you look weak. In fact it shows that you are a gentleman. Be polite to everyone and say thank you even to the waiters and other service providers. Be courteous with women and don’t shy away from complimenting them. 3. Be in Control of Yourself at All Times:A gentleman never loses control over himself. He stays in control even when angry and never blows his top with anger. He never gets so drunk that he doesn’t remember where he is or what he’s saying or doing. To be a gentleman you need to learn to handle your drink and also to drink in moderation. 2. Help Others:A gentleman is like a superhero in many ways and he’s always ready to help anyone in need. If you see a stranger who needs your help, go ahead and offer it. Be kind to everyone and notice the needs of others. Don’t be someone who does whatever they feel like without being considerate to others. Kindness and being considerate shows you are a gentleman. 1. Know Yourself and Be Yourself:The most important part of being a gentleman is to know yourself and be yourself. You should be confident about who you are being a gentleman shouldn’t be an act that you put up but should come from within. A gentleman knows what he wants from life and has passions that he’s pursuing along with being a stable earner of money. The post Top 10 Tips To Become A Gentleman appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Most Beautiful Bridges Ever Built Posted: 17 Oct 2013 03:06 AM PDT Bridges have always been a very important part of our collective history. Be it escaping to new frontiers or intrinsic connection between old and new, bridges are the architectural marvels that have always been captivating. Some bridges defy nature by treacherous waterways and some, human limitations by connecting various cities in conflict over ideology and territory. There are also bridges that are mere symbols of romantic construction, built to pay tribute. Let's check out 10 splendidly beautiful bridges ever built by the mankind: 10. Millau Viaduct Bridge, France:Millau Viaduct Bridge is the world's highest multi-span bridge and also the longest suspended bridge in the world. This is indeed an engineering wonder of the world and is a proud symbol of France. The Millau Bridge was opened to traffic on 16 December 2004, which led to the immediate name and fame of the bridge. 9. The Python Bridge, Amsterdam:Pythonbrug, roughly translated from Doutch as "Python Bridge", was inaugurated in 2001 and is about 300 feet long. The Python Bridge stands out as a landmark structure in Amsterdam, a city best known for its rich culture and traditional architecture. As the name suggests, the bridge is constructed in the shape of a venomous snake, Python and it stands out quite bizarre and peculiar. 8. Howrah Bridge, India:The Howrah Bridge is an engineering marvel and is considered as one of the busiest cantilever bridges in the world. It is also popularly known as the Rabindra Setu Bridge. Howrah Bridge connects Howrah and Kolkata and is built over river Hooghly in India. The construction of the bridge started in 1936. It was completed in 1942. The bridge was opened for public traffic on 3 Feb, 1943. 7. Helix Bridge, Singapore:The Helix Bridge is an engineering feat, one with great precision. It is indeed something that Singaporeans can really be proud of. The bridge design draws inspiration from the helical structure of DNA, depicting "life and connectivity". The canopy of the bridge is constructed with glass and perforated steel mash. It is 280 meters long and was opened for traffic in the year 2010. 6. Chengyang Bridge, China:The Bridge is known by two other names, Panlong bridge and Youngji Bridge. Built in 1912, the Chengyang Bridge is one of the very few covered bridges across the world. The most unique feature of the bridge is it being a Chinese Pavilion, Bridge, corridor and veranda at the same time. With its length being about 64.4 meters, the bridge is completely made up of wood and stone carvings and that too without the use of any nails and bolts. The Chengyang Bridge is an epitome of traditional Chinese architecture and is often termed as the largest Rain and Wind Bridge in the world. 5. Tower Bridge, England:One of the world's most recognizable bridges in the world is the London's Tower Bridge. The Victorian Gothic style of the bridge stems from the law that forced the designers to create a structure that would be in full harmony with the nearby Tower of London. The bridge is a symbol of pride and esteem for the city of London. The Tower Bridge is situated over the Thames River and is a very unique suspension bridge. 4. Sydney Harbour Bridge, Sydney, Australia:One of the most famous landmarks of Sydney, the Sydney Harbour Bridge is also called as the "Coathanger". The bridge was opened on March in 1932, after completing six long years of construction. The Sydney Harbour Bridge is the world's largest steel arch bridge with the top of the bridge being 134 meters above the harbor. This bridge becomes the main centre of attraction in Sydney on New Year's Eve, when magnificent fireworks light up the entire region. Separate provisions have been made for the pedestrians, cyclists and heavy vehicles. 3. Rialto Bridge, Venice, Italy:The Rialto Bridges is one of the most famous bridges in Venice crossing Grand Canal. It is a stone arch that was constructed in 1588-1591 and has a width of about 75.1 feet. For about 300 years, this was the only way to cross the Grand Canal on foot. The bridge is classic, and the boats passing from below leave an unforgettable impression on the tourists. 2. Charles Bridge, Prague, Czech Republic:Prague's most stunning bridge – The Charles Bridge spans 16 arches and is lined with a 30 Baroque religious statues. The 1,700 ft. cobblestone of bridge is used on some specific occasions only. The architecture of the bridge is gothic in style and brims with an old world charm. 1. Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco, United States of America:The beautiful architecture of Golden Gate Bridge is famous worldwide. It is one of the international iconic landmarks in the United States of America. Opened in the year 1937, the length of the bridge is 8,981 feet with a height of about 746 feet. The bridge is Vermillion in color, and it overlooks the mighty Pacific Ocean. Also, according to various surveys conducted by various magazines all over the globe, the Golden Gate is indeed the most photographed bridge in the world. The post Top 10 Most Beautiful Bridges Ever Built appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Indian TV Ads Of All Time Posted: 17 Oct 2013 01:58 AM PDT Do you not hate it when your favorite reality show takes a break at the time of climax? Well, I do. But sometimes, there are advertisements aired that actually make you smile and laugh. A TV commercial can make or break a brand. It has to have all the elements such as humor, sense and creativity in perfect ratio. Scroll down to have a look at the 10 best Indian TV ads of all time: 10. National Anthem ad:Aired in 2007, this advertisement gives us a lot of positive vibes about our nation. It is no doubt the best commercial made to make the youth realize the importance of respecting their country. This ad got a very well-deserved national award. The disabled man standing to the tune of 'Jana Gana Mana' on the radio actually gives you goosebumps. 9. Bajaj bulbs:One of the best advertisements on Indian television, Bajaj Bulbs takes us to the yesteryears. As soon as the jingle starts, "jab main chotta baccha tha… roshini deta bajaj", I bet every Indian starts singing along. The way this ad is picturized is amazing as well. I am very sure each one of you remembers the way the old man opens the refrigerator and his wife suddenly turns on the light. 8. Bajaj scooter:Undoubtedly it is one of the oldest and the cutest commercials of Indian television. In those times when television was a luxury, making advertisements like, Bajaj scooter required a lot of innovation and creativeness. The colors are perfectly placed in this commercial; the famous red Bajaj scooter is a show stopper! I still remember the whole jingle in this ad, do you? 7. Pan parag:Casting mainstream actors in TV commercials was not a common practice in the yesteryears. The Pan parag ad saw two legendary actors, Shammi Kapoor and Ashok Kumar sharing the screen for the promotion of the product. It was the first time that two superstars were seen performing in a TV commercial. The ambience of marriage and the script was all perfectly set for the atmosphere. The advertisement is still known as one of the best pieces on Indian television. 6. Dhara ad:This Dhara commercial starring Parzan Dastur is a favorite among many people from that time. The scrumptious way in which the little kid says, "jaleebbiiii", is super-cute. Parzan has acted really well and so have the other characters. Kids particularly loved this advertisement because of Parzan and their love for jalebis. This advertisement is still one of the most seen on YouTube after so many years. 5. Cadbury chocolates:All Cadbury commercials are innovative and attract the audience towards the melting-in-your-mouth chocolate. But, this particular ad gained the highest popularity. Set around the festive time, a family is shown eating dinner where a little girl refuses to give her chocolate with the cutest possible no. The expressions of the girl in this ad are simply awesome and the way she eats it, makes your mouth water, doesn't it? 4. Flipkart:Flipkart came with a very unusual and cute idea of featuring kids in their campaign. These kids were wonderful actors and the advertisements were real fun to watch. The credit for making this commercial successful, goes to the creative team and the child actors who performed brilliantly. There were a series of ads in this campaign and all were wonderfully set. These commercials surely motivate you for buying stuff from Flipkart, don't they? 3. Airtel:Kyunki har ek friend zaroori hota hai… this advertisement of Airtel was one of the most famous of its time. The jingle became so popular that is was frequently seen as ringtones of many users. Amitabh Bhattacharya wrote the song in a language that the youth easily connected to. The year in which Airtel ran its 'frienship campaign' was one of the most successful years after their downfall. 2. Camlin Marker Ad:This is one of the best advertisements made in India. Promoting Camlin markers, the commercial shows a woman sitting besides her husband who is breathing his last. As soon as the man dies, other women come to wipe off the vermillion dot on the female's head. When the dot doesn't come off (made by a Camlin marker), the man starts breathing again. Well, it happens only in India! 1. Vodafone:Weren't the zoo zoo's your favorite? Well, it is really difficult to hate them. They are super-cute. Vodafone started its campaign with the highest-grossing animated figure known as the zoo zoos. Soon they replaced the cute pug dog and became quite famous among the masses. The post Top 10 Indian TV Ads Of All Time appeared first on TopYaps. |
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