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- Top 10 Interesting Facts About Government Shutdown
- 8 Ways To Overcome The Fear Of Death
- Top 10 Songs To Cheer You Up While Boozing
- Top 10 Benefits Of Space Technology
- 6 Thrilling Run Chases In ODI Cricket History
- Top 10 Sources Of Air Pollution
Top 10 Interesting Facts About Government Shutdown Posted: 21 Oct 2013 11:00 AM PDT The US has witnessed government shutdown at least 17 times in its history. In such a situation, government departments are officially closed for business till the time shutdown lasts. The situation results when the Congressmen belonging to both the parties are unable to reach some sort of consensus over finalizing of spending bill for each year. Such a situation affects all the non-essential employees of federal government and services. The people are rendered unemployed till the time the log jam gets resolved. Government Shutdown is an interesting term in itself and you should really check out what it means for the American Citizens! Listed below are top 10 interesting facts about government shutdown that might not have heard about: 10. Food Chain Unchecked:The Food and Drug Administration Department (FDA) sends most of its food inspectors on leave. Bulk of the food products in the country, therefore, will remain unchecked. This means that most of the food products are not overseen properly and almost always carry some health risks. That's not the worst implication. There's more. Read on. 9. Be Exposed To Flu:As government shutdown continues, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention won't see any activity happening in the near future. This simply means that you need to be a little more careful with your health as flu season is just around the corner. This can lead to increase in healthcare related costs. Flu exposure can be really worrisome for the already cash strapped citizens of the country who almost certainly would feel more pressurized. 8. No Federal/Home Loans:People are unable to draw federal loans when shutdown persists and hence, families would not be able to purchase homes or finance small time businesses. The only way out for homeowners and businesses is to deal with private players during this time. 7. National Parks Are Closed:Those who were planning for vacations must cut on their plans as government shutdown calls for closing of national parks. And, they are everywhere. This affects the tourism industry extensively. Millions of dollars are lost each day due to the prolonged economic logjam. As per economists, 3 to 4 week long shutdown amounts to around $55 billion of revenue loss. Almost 750,000 people will cancel their trips to national parks each day. 6. Forget About Purchase of Gun:Everyone across the world clearly knows about the hard grown fact how much Americans love their guns. This can be reasoned out from the recent shooting incidents. However, they need to put some brake on the shooting spree for at least the time shutdown remains intact as federal gun permits are not processed during shutdown. 5. Legislators Will Be Paid Still:Neither the President nor 535 members of the US Congress will have a hard time as 'Federal employees' (essential employees). They will get their paychecks, as usual. Strange, sad and weird, but true. When most of the federal employees are unpaid during this hour of shutdown for being part of non-essential employee category, why are the legislators left free to enjoy? In actuality, they are the ones responsible for the shutdown. 4. Suspension of Pays of Federal Employees:The shutdown mostly results in suspension of pay cheques to federal employees which are considered non-essential. Only those which are categorized as essential employees are fit to draw salaries during this hour of fiscal tightening – these are the only government employees who continue to work during government shutdown in the US. 3. All the Parole Hearings on Hold:The government shutdown implies delay in parole hearing. This can substantially affect the people seeking parole and their near and dear ones. Additionally, the proceedings of the lawsuits too are delayed by a great margin. 2. Decline of Stock Markets:Usually stock markets are hit upon by the shutdown. In almost all the previous 17 incidents of shutdown, the stock market has slumped badly. On an average, stock markets fell down by 0.5% to 1%. If the talks regarding spending bill and raising the limit of debt ceiling doesn’t reach some sort of consensus, Dow Jones for instance can experience a further fall. 1. GDP Loss:The most important fact associated with government shutdown is that it accounts for a loss of around 0.15% point of quarterly GDP; at least this is what figures state for the American economy. If the shutdown lasts longer, the losses can accumulate to a bigger number of people. The economy may take some time to get back on track post government shutdown. The post Top 10 Interesting Facts About Government Shutdown appeared first on TopYaps. |
8 Ways To Overcome The Fear Of Death Posted: 21 Oct 2013 05:05 AM PDT Even as more than a million people world over embrace death through suicide every year, there are other millions who suffer from fear of death or an extreme form of it known as Thanatophobia. Most of the people live their life day by day without bothering much about the inevitable happening that awaits everyone. Sigmund Freud found that the human behavior is driven by two instincts – ethos, the life instinct and Thanathos, the death instinct. He is also said that naturally people hold an unconscious desire to die, furthermore elaborating that the goal of life death; but in some people there is an opposite reaction to the thought of dying and death. Fear of death emerges from our knowledge of its finality, not having control over it and our cognitive ability to think, assume and imagine what may happen during dying or after death. A reasonable fear of our own death or the death of our loved ones is expected, it is when this fear turns into phobia, hindering normal functioning of the individual that steps should be taken to control it. Here is the list of 8 ways which may help you to overcome fear of death. 8. Interrupt anxiety when it starts:If you do not put stop on the thoughts that cause anxiety immediately, then it starts to grow. It may reach frenzy when everything blows into dramatic proportions causing undue fear about death which may at times lead to a panic attack. When you find yourself thinking on the terms of "What if death………." pull yourself together immediately and put stop to it then and there. Easier said than done, but with practice you can start to identify the course your thoughts are taking to manage them. 7. Do not dwell on unpleasant memories associated with death:If your fear stems from some unpleasant memories you have associated with death then try to avoid dwelling on them constantly. Be it your grandparent's struggle with illness in his/her last days, the horrific accident killing many or any other event that causes fear in your heart about death should be kept away. Instead of the chaos of death, think about how people said that they were at peace finally. 6. Do not try to hide your fears:Do not hide your fear of death, because it is nothing to be ashamed of, but be cautious to whom you speak. Talking to a counselor or a wise person, can help you deal with your fear and finally overcome it. If you try to avoid talking about death because you fear it, then there are chances that it will always be something to fear about. Knowing how other people deal with the fact that everyone dies in the end may give you an insight to deal with your own fears. As you speak about your fears, you may come to terms with the fact that you have your own limitations as a human and there are things which should be accepted gracefully. 5. Accept its necessity:Even though you fear death, do you really want to live forever? Imagine how life would be without an end to it. When you think about death now, it may seem a terrible thing; but at the time it happens it may be what a person needs to end the misery of living or it can be a perfect end to a perfect life lived. Death helps the wheel of nature run smoothly. Without death the greed and chaos will be limitless. 4. Use thoughts of death as a springboard:Use the thoughts of death as a springboard to dive into life with full enthusiasm, because you are not going to live forever to enjoy life. Don't unnecessarily worry about death, but allow it make you realize how precious your life is. Promise yourself that you are going to make the most of the days you spend on this earth and leave it a better place than you found it. 3. Make right plans:If your fear of death stems from the fact that your loved ones are dependent on you and you are not sure what will happen to them after your death, than make plans and preparations for it. Being worried and stressed you are not going to leave them any better off, but your mental agony may show the way for you to leave them sooner. 2. Identify your triggers:Often fear of death is based on some other fears. It could be fear of being alone, fear of pain, fear of losing control, fear of unknown or fear of life in hell after death. Instead of handling the whole fear of death, identify what triggers it and take one step at a time to deal with the triggers and specific fears independently. 1. Focus on your quality of life:Remember the quote of Hilary Cooper who said – Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away. The more you focus on life and live the moment to the fullest, the less will be the fear of death haunting you. Find peace and be relaxed through whatever method that suits you, be it meditation, religious pursuance, spirituality, sports, relationship, music, dance, work or fun activities. Every person has different ways of deriving courage to deal with different challenges of life. Know that the inevitability of death cannot be changed, but the quality of life can be. The post 8 Ways To Overcome The Fear Of Death appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Songs To Cheer You Up While Boozing Posted: 21 Oct 2013 03:51 AM PDT Drinking and music goes really well together. Maybe because when people get drunk they think that they turn into great singers. If everyone is drunk then everyone will agree that you are a great singer. There are some songs that just go really well with drinking. These songs usually have a catchy chorus that everyone can sing along to. They also have a recognizable beginning so that everyone knows which song is coming up as they search for the song’s lyrics in their alcohol soaked brain. 10. Burn it to the Ground, Nickelback:Burn it to the Ground by Nickelback is about drinking. It’s a very loud and heavy song with a rhythmic beat that will get you head banging in seconds. It’s a perfect song to play when the night gets young and the bartender starts talking about the last call. Just play this song with lyrics like, “get your hands off of this glass. Last call, my ass!” 9. Rehab, Amy Winehouse:Rehab by Amy Winehouse might not be considered cheerful by some people but it always cheers me up. It is an anthem of rebellion as she refuses to go to rehab. It might be about drugs but it feels great to sing this song while boozing too. This is one of the best songs by Amy Winehouse and makes a great drinking song. 8. Paradise, Coldplay:Paradise by Coldplay is a very cheerful song. It has a catchy chorus that everyone will remember and sing along when this song comes up on the jukebox. It’s a great boozing song and if you listen to it too deeply while drunk you might get up to dance to the tune as well. 7. Alive, Pearl Jam:Alive is the most recognizable anthem by this grunge heavy weight band, Pearl Jam. The riff will get everybody exited as soon as the song starts. The chorus too is singable and people will be shouting along about how they are still alive. This is one Pearl Jam song that should be in your boozing playlist at all costs. 6. Snow, Red Hot Chilly Peppers:Red Hot Chilly Peppers is a unique band that mixes funk with rock and blues. They have a lot of great songs that will cheer you up and have you dancing in no time. Snow is one such song that is really great to listen while drinking. The song is about cocaine but it goes well with alcohol too. 5. Keep Away, Godsmack:Keep Away by Godsmack is a song about rebellion and freedom. It is a heavy song with a catchy chorus and great drumming that is the hallmark of Godsmack. This song will feel great while drinking as it will get the heart beating and your head banging. Just remember not to band your head too hard or everything that has been going down may come up. 4. The Lazy Song, Bruno Mars:If you are sitting at home and drinking on a Sunday and feeling lazy then The Lazy Song by Bruno Mars is a great song to listen to. It has a really cheerful feel and great rebellious lyrics that basically tell people to go to hell while we do what we want. That’s the kind of spirit that goes well with boozing. 3. Summer of ’69, Bryan Adams:Summer of ’69 makes this list because it is the quintessential song of this era. Everybody knows it as soon as the riff comes on and everybody knows the full lyrics. It will make a great song to sing while you party with your friends and think about your own great summers of old and the best days of your own life. 2. It’s My Life, Bon Jovi:If Bryan Adams makes it to number 3 then Bon Jovi has to be nearby as well. These two artists are two of the most popular artists on recent times. It’s My Life is an anthem for every young man and woman. It also is a great song to listen to while drinking that will cheer you up and get the party going. 1. Here Comes the Sun, The Beatles:The Beatles are truly legendary. Here Comes the Sun is a very positive and cheerful song by The Beatles that is the perfect song to end this list. You can listen to this song at anytime, drunk or not and get cheered up. It appeals to the little darling that everybody really wants to be in one way or the other. The post Top 10 Songs To Cheer You Up While Boozing appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Benefits Of Space Technology Posted: 20 Oct 2013 08:35 PM PDT The modern world is driven by technology and space technology doubtless is at the cutting edge. Ever since man has been aware of the vast expanse of stars and outer space, a desire to reach them, explore the universe has excited scientists and thinkers alike. Many space craft missions are today only broadening the space horizon, more and more. It is in the quest for developing scientific instruments, technologies and gadgets for space craft missions that many of the scientific discoveries made have been applied to everyday use for us. Some of them have been truly revolutionary that have spurred the global economy and transformed our lives. It is actually out of the ordinary to know how every bit of advancement done by space science has a lot to do with almost every aspect of our daily life. Here are ten most significant benefits drawn out of space technology: 10. Mobile Phone Camera:A camera on a cell phone has become a integral part of the everyday use gadget. And the world owes it to National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the US space exploration agency, for this amazing feature that has revolutionized both telephony and photography. The concept of the digital camera was first developed by engineers at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in the year 1960. It was later in 1990s that a team at the JPL began to work on small cameras that could fit on spacecrafts. Today, 1/3 of mobile phone cameras use the technology pioneered by this research years ago! 9. Scratch-resistant Lenses:The Lewis Research Center contributed to preparing sunglass lenses that are highly resistant to spotting and scratches. Actually the research was for finding a material to find a diamond hard coating for aerospace systems. Later in 1980, Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. got the license to use the patented technique for creating that diamond-hard coatings. Such a coating when applied to lenses has resulted in having scratch resistant lenses for the common man. 8. Water Purification:It is NASA again that has contributed to the development of modern water filtration system and development of new water purification technologies. For manned long space exploration missions, the scientist were confronted with the problem of filtering used water, in order to replenish the limited supplies a space craft could carry. The water filtration technology developed has been used to treat impure water and if applied on a larger scale, could help to meet the growing global populations drinking water needs. 7. Clean Energy Technology:Space technology has at times proved very useful in development of technologies for non-space use, some of which have been exploited by the private sector. A case in example is the company that developed the Space Shuttle Main Engine. The very same company is now using the technology to create clean energy consumptive devices. This technology minimizes the emission of carbon. 6. CAT Scans:NASAs Jet Propulsion Laboratory, which developed the digital imaging technology, which use computer processed numerical representation for physical images, were actually required to locate objects during a space program. Later the technology proved to be helpful for development of a number of medical technologies, which include Computer Axial Tomography (CAT) scanners in radiography. 5. Chemical Detection:NASA made a contract with Intelligent Optical Systems (IOS) to develop pH and moisture sensitive sensors to get rid of dangerous conditions in aircrafts. These sensors use optical fibers that are sensitive to chemicals. They change their color on coming into contact with its targets. The very same sensors have now been applied to detect chemicals, some which are very dangerous, for civil use. 4. Freeze Drying Technology:NASA carried out extensive research into space food while planning for long-period Apollo missions. This was when the technique of freeze drying was discovered. In this technique, food was immediately frozen after cooking and then heated slowly in a vacuum chamber so the ice crystals got removed. The end product retained 98 percent of its nutritional elements! 3. Video Enhancing System:NASA's Video Image Stabilization and Registration (VISAR) technique was used by Intergraph Government Solutions to develop its Video Analyst System. Later this technique was used by FBI to analyze video footages. Now VAS is also being used by military to deploy weapons and for mission debriefing. 2. Highway Safety:The technique that is used to cut grooves in concrete in order to increase traction and avoid injuries was first introduced to reduce aircraft accidents on wet runways. The technique was originally developed at Langley Research Center and helped to test the grooving at airports and highways. Applied on roads it has helped to reduce skidding and improved a vehicle's cornering ability on curves. 1. Artificial Limbs:This is only because of NASA's regular funding and innovative approach toward robotics and shock-absorption materials that entrepreneurs have been able to obtain satisfactory solutions for human and animal prostheses. Achievements such as artificial muscle system with robotic sensing introduced by Environmental Robots Inc. have been used to create highly effective artificial limbs. The temper foam technology developed by NASA has also enabled to develop custom-moldable materials which give the feel and look of human flesh. The same technique is helpful in preventing friction between living skin and the prosthesis. The post Top 10 Benefits Of Space Technology appeared first on TopYaps. |
6 Thrilling Run Chases In ODI Cricket History Posted: 18 Oct 2013 09:06 PM PDT There is nothing better than watching a team chase down a big total in a one day international of 50 overs. Believe me, T20 has its own charm but a 50 over run chase is a completely different ball game altogether. You need to save wickets but keep the required run rate in check as well. Things can change quickly if a few wickets fall and the batsmen have to really apply themselves to successfully manage the pressure of chasing down a big total. Over the years there have been some thrilling run chases in ODI history and teams have gotten better and better at chasing down huge totals. Let’s take a look at 6 of such run chases in which teams have chased down seemingly impossible totals. 6. 332/8, New Zealand Vs Australia:New Zealand pulled off a miraculous chase in 2005′s final match of the tri series in Christchurch. New Zealand had lost the first two matches and had to save face by winning the last match. Australia scored 331/7 after being 2 down for just 7 in the beginning. Ricky Ponting, Michael Clarke, Brad Hodge and Mike Hussey made 50′s. New Zealand had a bad start but when Brandon McCullum and Jacob Oram came together they gave the innings a much need impetus. Scott Styris hit a century and New Zealand chased the target down by scoring 20 runs of the second last over and had one over to spare. This was the highest run chase by any team at that time. 5. 334/8, Australia Vs England:In the 6th ODI in Sydney in 2011, Australia chased down 334 set by England to take a 5-1 lead in the 7 match series. This was an epic chase and the highest ever by Australia who’ll you notice has been on the receiving end of these big chases most of the time. Jonathon Trott scored a century in the first innings. Michael Clarke’s 82 and Shane Watson’s 51 helped Australia get over the fence with 4 balls to spare. 4. 340/5, New Zealand Vs Australia:New Zealand have foiled Australia’s plans many times and this case happened in 2007 during the Chappell-Hadlee Trophy. These two neighbors were again at it when Michael Hussey made a century to take Australia to 336 but Taylor and Fulton had other plans as they helped New Zealand chase down the total with 8 balls to spare. Taylor made 117 while Peter Fulton scored 76 not out. Craig McMillan scored 52 as well. 3. 350/9, New Zealand Vs Australia:Sometimes flukes happen in cricket but New Zealand proved that their 340 run chase wasn’t a fluke just 2 days later in the same series when they chased down 346 set by Australia and made 350/9. Matthew Hayden scored 181 in the first innings and then watched as Craig McMillan hit 117 and Brandan McCullum scored a quick fire 86 not out to get to the target with 3 deliveries remaining. No need to say that Australia returned home bitter after this series. 2. 362/1, India Vs Australia:The second highest run chase in history took place recently on October 16, 2013 when India chased down Australia’s total of 359 in with more than 6 overs remaining. India lost just one wicket, that of Shikher Dhawan who made 95. Rohit Sharma made 141 not out and Virat Kohli made the seventh fastest hundred in ODI history in 52 balls. It is the fastest century by an Indian and the fastest century by any batsman against Australia. Towards the end Australians looked dejected as they wondered why no total they set is ever enough! 1. 438/9, South Africa Vs Australia:Poor Australia thought that 434 would be a big enough target to guarantee victory but Herschelle Gibbs had other ideas. In 2006 in Johannesburg on a small ground and shinning wicket, Ricky Ponting scored 164 and helped Australia score the mammoth total of 434. Then came Gibbs who scored 175 off 142 balls. Mark Boucher finished off the innings with a half century and set the record for the highest successful run chase of all time. Australia has never felt confident defending high totals ever since. The post 6 Thrilling Run Chases In ODI Cricket History appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Sources Of Air Pollution Posted: 18 Oct 2013 08:42 PM PDT Air pollution is causing irreparable damage to the environment and will eventually lead to destruction of most of the life on earth if nothing is done. The technological advances that have led to a better life for humans have also endangered the survival of all life on earth. Many things that we take for granted contribute to air pollution. If we could all recognize these sources of air pollution we could start to control our usage of these technologies to save the planet and ourselves. 10. Paint:Paint and warmish that we use inside our homes and on our furniture is a source of air pollution. The fumes released by these substances are harmful for humans and can cause many types of diseases such as lung disease, heart disease etc. These fumes also add to the overall air pollution present in the cities and areas of dense population. 9. Radiation:Radiation from nuclear sources causes the most dangerous type of air pollution. Release of radioactive material, due to an accident or through improper storage of radioactive waste, results in the dispersant of harmful heavy metals into the air. This radiation leaks into all parts of the atmosphere and is harmful for all life. 8. Power Lines:Most people only relate smoke to air pollution but as we’ve seen from the above two points, air pollution can be invisible as well. High power lines also cause such invisible air pollution. They ionize the air around the wires and charge it up. When we inhale charged up air, the amount of free radicals in our body increases and it leads to tissue damage, aging and cancer. 7. Chemical Pesticides:Pesticides are used by farmers to increase their yield and protect their crops. But chemical pesticides are very harmful substances that can get dispersed in the air and stored in the soil and water. All these pesticides ultimately find their way to us through the food chain and cause diseases and cancers. 6. Fertilizer:Fertilizer is another source of air pollution in the form the dust that is accumulated by the use of fertilizer and is rich in ammonia and nitrous oxide. These chemicals cause acid rain and global warming when present in the air. They also result in the release of high amounts of methane which is a greenhouse gas and results in global warming. 5. Factories:All factories produce a lot of waste products that result in all types of pollution. Toxic waste released into the water causes water pollution and harmful gases and smoke released into the air causes air pollution. This is evident if you go to any industrial area and see the smog that is present in such areas. Factories release chemicals such as ammonia, sulfur oxide, hydrogen chloride and hydrogen sulfide etc. 4. Mining:The activity of mining is synonymous with industrialization and development but mining causes a lot of air pollution. Open air mines release a lot of dust into the air. Other mines use heavy machinery which releases smoke and other chemicals into the air. Gold mines release a lot of harmful mercury into the air which can cause muscle deterioration, respiratory problems, cancer and even death. 3. Petroleum:Petroleum is the fuel that drives the world today. We depend a lot on petroleum for everything from plastics to clothes to food. Our whole economy is based on petroleum but petroleum is also the biggest source of air pollution. It releases carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide into the air which cause global warming. 2. Coal and Fossil Fuels:Power plants, industries and even some homes use coal or other fossil fuels to generate electricity. This is a very harmful way of generating electricity as it harms the environment in many ways. The smoke created causes air pollution along with the carbon dioxide released which is a greenhouse gas and results in global warming. 1. Internal Combustion Engines:The biggest direct source of air pollution is the internal combustion engine. If we trace the history of industrialization, it all started first with the steam engine and then later with the internal combustion engine that is used in all forms of transport today. We can’t imagine our life without cars, trains, buses, planes and ships but the truth is that all this transport is causing a lot of air pollution and leading the world towards an Armageddon. The post Top 10 Sources Of Air Pollution appeared first on TopYaps. |
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