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- Top 10 Widely Covered Rape Cases In India
- Top 10 Interesting Facts about Erwin Schrödinger
- Top 10 Oldest Sports Of The World
- Top 10 Popular Pedophiles In History
- Top 10 Hottest Bikini Babes Of Bollywood
- Top 10 Inhabited Cities That Are Historically Significant
Top 10 Widely Covered Rape Cases In India Posted: 12 Oct 2013 03:45 AM PDT Violence against women has been a major issue in the news in recent years ever since the Delhi gang rape case of 2012. That case brought to the fore, the awful condition of Indian women in terms of safety. It also highlighted the misogyny that is inbred in the Indian psyche. One year later, nothing much has changed as countless women are raped everyday all over the country. This problem might have come into international limelight only recently but it definitely is not something new. Here, we’ll try to explore the ten rape cases in Indian that were widely covered by the mainstream media and created rage in people. 10. Aruna Shanbaug Case:One of the oldest cases of rape that was widely covered by the media was the 1973 case of nurse Aruna Shanbaug. She was raped by a contracted sweeper, Sohanlal Bhartha Walmiki while working as a junior nurse at KEM Hospital in Mumbai. As a result of the assault during which Sohanlal choked her with a dog chain, Aruna has been in a vegetative state for the last 40 years. Her euthanasia plea was rejected by the supreme court in 2011 but the landmark judgment was made to allow passive euthanasia in India. 9. Mathura Rape Case:The Mathura rape case is a landmark case in the history of Indian women’s rights movement. In 1972, a tribal girl named Mathura was raped by two policemen in the Chandrapur district of Maharashtra. Initially the policemen were acquitted by the sessions court as the girl was said to have been “habituated to sexual intercourse”. Maharashtra High Court reversed the judgment which was again reversed by the Supreme Court. This shows the inherent patriarchal attitude of the Indian judicial system at that time. Later large protests led to formation of women’s rights group and a subsequent change in the Indian rape law. 8. Priyadarshini Mattoo Rape and Murder Case:Another landmark case is the Priyadarshini Mattoo rape and murder case of 1996. She was a 25 year old law student who was raped and murdered by Santosh Kumar Singh at her house in New Delhi. The trial court had acquitted Santosh but due to media pressure the Delhi High Court made a landmark judgment and sentenced him to death. This was the first time media pressure had helped to accelerate a trial and give justice to the victim. 7. Anjana Mishra Rape Case:The Anjana Mishra rape case was a high profile rape case of 1999. She was the wife of an Indian Forest Services officer had filed a complaint with the CM of Orissa, J.B. Patnaik against the then advocate general of Orrisa, Indrajit Ray, who had attempted to rape her in 1997. Patnaik tried to shield Ray and later in 1999, Anjana was attacked on her way to Bhubaneshwar by three men and was gang raped in front of her journalist friend with whom she was travelling. Indrajit Ray received 3 years imprisonment for attempted rape while two of the three accused were sentenced to life imprisonment after a CBI enquiry. The third accused is still absconding. 6. Soumya Murder Case:Soumya was travelling on a train from Erankulam to Shornur in Kerala when she was attacked by Govindachami in an attempt to rob her. He smashed her head on the wall and then threw her out of the train. He then himself jumped out of the train, went back to find her, carried her to the woods near the track and then brutally raped her. She was badly injured when she was thrown out of the train and later succumbed to her injuries. Govindachami was awarded capital punishment. 5. Mumbai Gang RapeThe latest of the notorious gang rape cases is the Mumbai gang rape of 22 year old photojournalist in a city that was thought to be very safe for women. This case caused a lot of outcry from the public and media alike as questions were raised about the rape epidemic which seems to be getting worse than ever before. While on assignment in a secluded area with her male coworker she was attacked by 5 men who asked the male journalist to join in the rape and when he refused he was tied and beaten up. 4. Bhanwari Devi Gang Rape Case:Bhanwari Devi was a grassroots level worker in Bhateri village under the Women’s Development Project in Rajasthan. In 1992 she was gang raped by 5 high caste men of her village when she got involved in speaking against child marriage. Her case attracted a lot of media coverage once it became clear that she was being denied justice on the basis of her low caste and gender. This case is considered very important in the women’s rights movement in Rajasthan and India. 3. Scarlett Keeling Rape and Murder:The Scarlett Keeling case of 2009 is of importance because it was in the media for all the wrong reasons. Scarlett was a British tourist visiting India with her family. She was 15 years old and was left behind in Goa with her 25 years old Indian boyfriend while her family travelled along the coast. She was brutally raped and then drowned in the sea and murdered. The media covered the story as everybody ganged up against the bohemian lifestyle of her family and blamed her mother for her carelessness. It shows how in India most people still believe that “bad” women deserve getting raped. 2. Imrana Rape Case:The Imrana rape case of 2005 brings to light another problem in India about separate laws for separate religions. Imrana was raped by her father in law in Uttar Pradesh and the village elders treated it as a case of adultery instead of rape and ordered Imrana to leave her husband and consider herself married to her father in law. After a lot of media attention she got justice as her father in law was sentenced to a term of 10 years of imprisonment. 1. Delhi Gang Rape:The most notorious of all rape cases has to be the Delhi gang rape of 2012. A physiotherapy intern was raped by 6 men while she was travelling in a bus with her friend in New Delhi. She was brutally raped and injured by inserting an iron rod in her vagina and later died due to her injuries. The case brought about a lot of public outrage as thousands of people spontaneously gathered in the streets of Delhi to protest against the gang rape. 1 of the accused was treated as a minor and given a sentence of 3 years in a reform facility, the main accused Ram Singh allegedly committed suicide while in police custody and the remaining 4 accused have been sentenced to death by hanging. The post Top 10 Widely Covered Rape Cases In India appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Interesting Facts about Erwin Schrödinger Posted: 12 Oct 2013 03:01 AM PDT Erwin Rudolf Josef Alexander Schrödinger is known as the father of quantum physics. He was born in Austria in 1887 to a family with a scientific background. He showed great intellectual ability from childhood and was good not just in physics and math but also in languages and had an interest in philosophy. When we think of Schrödinger, the Schrödinger’s wave equation and his famous thought experiment, called Schrödinger’s cat, comes to mind. But apart from the cat thing, there are also some lesser-known yet interesting facts about his life such as….. 10. He was Influenced by Schopenhauer:He was born in a religious household and his parents were Protestants but from an early age he was an atheist and a philosopher. He was influenced greatly by the German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer. He read Schopenhauer’s works extensively and believed in the mind over matter philosophy through out his life. 9. He Got His PhD at the Age of 23:He was a brilliant student and was homeschooled till the age of 11. He then studied at Vienna’s Akademisches Gymnasium and later at the University of Vienna. In the university he met and was greatly influenced by another physicist, Fritz Hasenöhrl. He got his PhD in physics 1910 at the age of 23 and subsequently established himself as one of the greatest theoretical physicists of all time. 8. His Cat Was both Alive and Dead at the Same Time:The famous thought experiment called Schrödinger’s cat talks about a cat inside a box with a vile of poison that can be opened by the trigger of a decaying electron. Since we don’t know when, if at all, the electron has decayed, we can’t be sure whether the cat is dead or alive. So in a way we can say that the cat is both alive and dead at the same time. 7. He Wrote His Greatest Work in a Sanatorium:The Schrödinger equation changed the way scientists looked at particles and allowed them to predict the motion of the particles through wave mechanics. He wrote this thesis while recovering from tuberculosis in a sanatorium in Arosa. He suffered from tuberculosis many times in his life but it also gave him the time to write his greatest work. 6. He Was Against the Prosecution of Jews:He was forced to abandon his studies and join the Austrian-Hungarian army during the First World War. After the war he took up many teaching positions in universities such as the University of Stuttgart, University of Jena, University of Breslau, University of Berlin and the University of Zurich. He was against the anti Semitic sentiment rising in the area and eventually left Germany on the rise of Hitler’s Nazi Party. 5. He Won the Nobel Prize in 1933:When he left the University of Berlin to join Oxford he learned that he had won the Nobel Prize for physics of 1933. He shared the Nobel Prize with another physicist, Paul A.M. Dirac. In his speech he mentioned that his friend and mentor Fritz Hasenöhrl would have been accepting the award if he hadn’t died in the First World War. 4. He Had an Irish Passport:Schrödinger had to relocate many times to find a country that would give him a job and be tolerant of his views. In 1939 he was invited to work at the Institute of Advanced Studies in Dublin by the Irish Prime Minister. He stayed in Dublin till the mid 1950′s and had an Irish passport. 3. A Crater on the Moon is Named After Him:He received many accolades during his life time for his contribution to science and to the world in general. Apart from the Nobel Prize he also won the Max Planck Medal in 1937. As a homage to his work a crater on the dark side of the moon is named large crater Schrödinger. 2. He Tried to Unify Physics with Genetics:One of the great works of his later life is the book called “What is Life?” In this book Schrödinger tried to answer the question of where life comes from by looking at it from the perspective of physics. In this book he talked about an “aperiodic crystal” that contained all the genetic information required to reproduce life which later inspired the discovery of the genetic molecule. 1. He Was a Believer in the Vedanta Philosophy:Through out his life his inclination towards philosophy was strong. He understood that the purpose of science is to try to reach the metaphorical godhead. He was particularly interested in the eastern spiritual traditions and believed in the Vedanta philosophy of Hinduism that there was a universal consciousness that gave birth to the individual consciousness. The post Top 10 Interesting Facts about Erwin Schrödinger appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Oldest Sports Of The World Posted: 12 Oct 2013 01:20 AM PDT Sports have been part of the human civilization since times immemorial. In fact depiction of numerous ritual games finds mention in scriptures from the Bronze Age. While some of these sports have got lost in the oblivion, the remaining evolved substantially to come out in the present form. Here, we will be discussing about some oldest sports that are still highly relevant in today’s world. 10. Hockey:A game where players from two opponent teams try to maneuver the ball and push it into each other's goal post with the help of long stock with curved hooked ending is called hockey. The first ever recorded use of word 'hockey' can be found in a proclamation by Edward III of England in 1363. The game also finds a mention in some of the paintings from Ancient Greece that dat back to 600 BC. 9. Horse Riding:Equestrianism or horse riding is another ancient sport that has lived the tests of times and found itself a prominent place amongst modern sports. It was first to be included in the modern Olympic Games in 1900. The sport also holds its individual World Championships every year. 8. Boxing:Boxing is a combat sport that tests speed, stamina and strength of two fighters who throw punches with gloved hands against each other. The sport finds its origin in Greece and dates back to early 687 BC. Subsequently, it evolved in the Great Britain in the later 16th to 18th century. The game is played in bouts (on to three minute intervals) and a referee supervises the contest. 7. Gymnastics:The game requires physical strength, agility, flexibility, coordination, balance and stamina. The game is known to evolve from Greeks who practiced similar kinds of acrobatics to mount or dismount from a horse. The game was included in the modern Olympics Games in 1896. 6. Polo:Polo is considered to be one of the most majestic of all ancient games. Here the participants ride on horseback and score by pushing a small white wooden ball in the opponent's goal using a long-handled mallet. Professionally played in 16 countries, the game is considered to have taken birth in Iran, China and India. There are some evidences of the game being played in the 4th century in the Sassanid dynasty. Since 1936, it's not a part of Olympic Games. 5. Discuss Throw:A popular track and field event, athlete throws a heavy disc (called discuss) to a father distance than his competitor. The sport's origin dates can be traced back to the fifth century BC. It was one of the events of the ancient pentathlon (708 BC). The game was prominently advertised in the fundraising events of the modern Olympic Games as well. 4. Javelin Throw:Javelin throw is a track and field athletics event where a javelin (spear shaped) is thrown by a participant as far as possible, from the take off mark. Finland enjoys the record of holding the most number of medals in the sport since the beginning of modern Olympics. During the time of Mycenaean and Romans, much lighter javelins were used. 3. Long Jump:Formerly known as broad jump, long jump is a sport in which athletes contest for supremacy by attempting to leap farther distances from the take off point. This highly popular game has been part of the Ancient Olympics and even the very first modern Olympics Games in 1896. This is the only known jumping event in the Ancient Greece's original Olympics' pentathlon events. The game also finds its faint mention in Ancient Olympics of 656 BC. 2. Wrestling:Wrestling involves grappling techniques such as clinch fighting, throws and takedowns to name a few, employed by one competitor on the other in order to gain supremacy. It is one of the oldest forms of combat that was included in the ancient Olympics as well. Its origins can be dated back to 15,000 years in the French cave paintings. It features in some popular literary references, among which the most famous is Homer's Iliad (12th or 13th century BC). 1. Running:One of the most popular sporting events in Athletics, running is considered to be a very old sport. During the Greek era there were four kinds of running events that were organized. The stadion was the oldest form of running. Runners sprinted for 1, 2 to 24 stades. A stade was equal to the length of the stadium. Records of competitive racing dates back to 776 BC, the first recorded Olympic Games. The post Top 10 Oldest Sports Of The World appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Popular Pedophiles In History Posted: 11 Oct 2013 06:31 PM PDT Of all the sexual crimes out there pedophilia is the most appalling and hard to understand. Pedophiles are people who are sexually attracted to young children. While some people might control themselves to just fantasizing about this, there are others who resort to watching and making child pornography, abusing young children that they have access to, and the worst of all are those who kidnap, rape, abuse and kill their victims. Psychiatrists still don’t fully understand what drives a person to do such heinous crimes. And specially the following top 10 pedophiles have always been an obnoxious example for the vicious aspect of human psyche. 10. Rodney Alcala:Rodney Alcala, also known as The Dating Game rapist, is a serial killer and child molester. He managed to evade justice for a long time before finally getting a death sentence in 2010. During his life he kidnapped and abused many girls as young as 8 years old. He killed most of his victims and has been convicted on a total of 7 murders but the real count is thought to be much higher. In between his trials he appeared on The Dating Game that led to his moniker. 9. Wayne Williams:Wayne Williams was the main accused in the Atlanta Child Killings in which 29 young black men and children were killed. He was convicted for murder of two men in 1982 but continued to deny killing the children. The Atlanta police claimed that he is responsible for anywhere from 23 to 29 child murders. 8. Nathanial Bar-Jonah:Nathanial Bar-Jonah was a notorious sex offender and child molester, who is known for having tortured, molested, sexually abused, killed and later cannibalized several young children. He was sentenced to 130 years without parole. He died in jail in 2008. 7. Ward Weaver lll:Ward Weaver lll had a troubled childhood and from a very young age had assaulted and sexually abused girls. He killed two teenage girls, Ashley Pond and Miranda Gaddis who were his daughter’s friends. Months earlier Ashley had accused him of attempted rape but the police hadn’t done anything. Later he tried to rape his son’s 19 year old girlfriend. His son called the police and told them that he had admitted to killing the two girls. 6. Pedro Lopez:Pedro Lopez is probably the worst child molester and killer by number of victims. He claims to have killed over 300 children, all girls between the age of 8 to 12 years. He killed girls in Ecuador, Columbia and Peru and is known as the “Monster of the Andes”. 53 young girls were found in a mass grave when a flash flood eroded the top soil. Despite all this he was released in 1998. 5. Dean Corll:Dean Corll kidnapped, tortured, sexually assaulted and murdered at least 28 young boys from 1970 to 1973 in Houston Texas in what is known as the Houston Mass Murders. He had two teenage accomplices who helped him kidnap his victims most of which were their friends. He had a sexual relationship with one of the teenage boys. He is known as the Candy Man as he had a candy factory and also as the Pied Piper. 4. John Couey:John Couey kidnapped, sexually assaulted and murdered a nine year old girl in 2005 in Florida. He kidnapped Jessica Lunsford from her home and held her captive in his mobile home which was less than 150 yards from her home. He repeatedly sexually assaulted her before burying her alive in the porch behind his mobile home. 3. Arthur Gary Bishop:Arthur Gary Bishop was a child molester and serial killer who lured young boys into his room and then sexually assaulted them before killing them by drowning them in his bathtub. In total he killed 5 young boys ranging from 4 years old to 13 years old. He said he enjoyed the act of murder. He received the death penalty and was executed on 10 June 1988. 2. Marc Dutroux:Marc Dutroux is Belgium’s most notorious criminal. He is a child molester and murderer and in 1995 and 1996 he kidnapped, tortured and sexually abused six young girls. The girls were between 8 to 19 years old. He killed 4 of the 6 girls. He is also suspected of having killed his accomplice, Bernard Weinstein. His trial got so much media attention that a lot of Belgians who had the very common surname of Dutroux, had it legally changed. 1. Earl Bradley:Earl Bradley is known as the worst pedophile in American history. He was a pediatrician in Delaware who was facing 471 charges of molesting, raping and exploiting 103 child patients. Some of the children were as young as 3 months old and except for 1 boy all were girls. 24 additional victims also came along once the trials began. He received a sentence of 14 consecutive life terms and an additional 165 years in prison without parole. The post Top 10 Popular Pedophiles In History appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Hottest Bikini Babes Of Bollywood Posted: 11 Oct 2013 06:03 PM PDT When Zeenat Aman wore a bikini on screen, it was mayhem in India but today they say more of a bikini body and the more profit you gross out of a movie. Well, we cannot entirely say that bikinis don't look cool on the big screen but the over-show of body is definitely termed as a publicity stunt. We have almost seen every actress donning a bikini for their movies. Be it Sharmila Tagore from the past or Anushka Sharma in the recent times, the only thing that has changed is the size of their bikini. The main point is that audiences love to watch those sexy Bollywood actresses in a bikini and trust me; some of them look absolutely gorgeous. If you are guy you will not be able to close your mouth and if you are girl you will feel a tinge of jealousy and want to own such a body. In short, this article will interest both the sexes. Scroll down to have a look at the top 10 hottest bikini babes of Bollywood and there is a 100% guarantee that you will not be disappointed! 10. Kareena Kapoor Khan:Kareena Kapoor Khan has a body that can make any woman envy her. Her perfect curves and the bubbly face make her one of the most famous actresses of Bollywood. She got her body to size zero for Tashan and she looked simply wonderful. The seductive walk along the beach in a lime green bikini is something her fans will never forget. The movie must have let you down but Kareena was a sure-shot stunner! 9. Celina Jaitley:Celina Jaitley can be called as the bikini queen of Bollywood. I mean she has at least one scene in each movie where she is seen donning the two piece, revealing her sexy body. Though her movies never do wonders at the box office but Celina definitely gets the limelight! 8. Mugdha Godse:You must have seen Mugdha donning a bikini for the Femina Miss India in 2004 but what makes her one of the hottest Bollywood bodies is her act in Fashion. She debuted in the movie and no one who has watched the movie with a focus can forget the metallic bikini worn by her in a scene where she is walking the ramp. 7. Priyanka Chopra:When we women look at Priyanka Chopra almost all of us wonder about how someone can look so perfect! Those perfect curves with the perfect waistline combined with a gorgeous face, PeeeCeee is definitely the full sensuality package of Bollywood. No one can forget her walk out of the sea in Dostana, where she is seen wearing that absolutely stunning gold bikini. 6. Deepika Padukone:She has the height, the body, and the looks and on top of it, she is the perfect actress. Deepika Padukone is one of the most-desired ladies in India. So, when we are talking about the awesome bikini bodies, we can undoubtedly not leave her out of the list. Her absolute stunner was the red super-shot bikini in Cocktail. She stole all the limelight! 5. Bipasha Basu:A true Bengali beauty, Bipasha Basu makes a deadly combination of tanned skin with perfect curves. With her very first movie, Ajnabee, Bipasha made it clear that she has a body that anyone would love to flaunt. We have seen her donning bikinis in many movies and trust me; she has always managed to look awesome! 4. Anushka Sharma:She started with a 'girl next door' look in Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi but Anushka Sharma simply kept on getting hotter with each passing day. No fan of hers can ever forget the epitome of sexiness she showed when she swam in a pool in her movie, Ladies vs Ricky Behl. That black bikini was simply awesome! 3. Neha Dhupia:We can easily call Neha Dhupia as the second Celina Jaitley as she also has a bikini scene in almost all of her movies. We had to add her to this list because she's got an awesome figure and no matter how bad her movies do at the box office but she still manages to gain some attention, all thanks to the bikinis! 2. Sameera Reddy:Most of you must have forgotten her name also but Sameera Reddy definitely deserves to be here! How can you forget her white bikini in Musafir that she wore for a lengthy scene in the movie? Well, her other clothes were no bigger than a bikini too but we can say Sameera carried it pretty well! 1. Mallika Sherawat:No other actress in Bollywood is as comfortable in a bikini as Mallika Sherawat. The body show comes naturally to her and there is no doubt that she looks super-hot! Be it her sexy red bikini in Murder or her gold bikini in Bach Ke Rehna Re Baba, she has managed to carry them with a lot of sexiness. The post Top 10 Hottest Bikini Babes Of Bollywood appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Inhabited Cities That Are Historically Significant Posted: 11 Oct 2013 05:52 PM PDT Civilizations have come and gone but there are certain cities in the world that have been continuously inhabited for thousands of years. These incredible ancient cities have found a way to survive all the ravages of time such as war, natural disasters and human destruction. Let’s take a look at 10 such historically significant cities that symbolized the culture, values & trade systems prevalent in entire continents around them. 10. Plovdiv:Plovdiv in Bulgaria was formed as Eumolpias in 400 BC. It was a Thracian settlement and later conquered by the Macedonians. The city has survived since then to now be part of modern day Bulgaria. Some ancient architecture is still surviving and it is the second most popular city in Bulgaria after the capital Sofia. 9. Jerusalem:Jerusalem is not only one of the oldest cities in the world that is still inhabited but it is also one of the most fought over cities in human history. It was formed around 2000 BC and is the holy city of Christianity, Islam and Judaism. Today it is the capital of Israel although some countries don’t acknowledge this and the fight over the city is still ongoing. 8. Xi’an:Xi’an was formed in 1100 BC and is one of the oldest cities in China that has survived to this day. Today it is the capital of the Shaanxi province but in ancient times it used to be the capital of China. There are many ancient ruins and monuments still surviving including the famous terracotta army in the tomb of Qin Shi Huang. 7. Cholula:Cholula was formed in 500 BC in Mexico and is one of the oldest and most important cities of the new world. The locals had a great pyramid in the centre of the city which now looks like a hill with a church on top of it. Today the city lies in the state of Puebla but when it started out it was a pre Columbian city. 6. Varanasi:Varanasi is one of the oldest cities in the world that has survived to this day and remains almost unchanged from 1200 BC when it was formed. It is situated on the banks of the Ganges river and is a holy place for Hindus. Many old temples and buildings still survive and the old traditions and rituals have been followed without fail since the beginning of the city. 5. Lisbon:Lisbon in Portugal is the oldest city in the Western Europe. It was formed in 1200 BC and there are monuments and archeological evidence from the Neolithic age as well. In 1755 this city was struck by one of the deadliest earthquakes in history and it is only a miracle that the city survived it despite a tsunami and multiple fires. It has been an important port for centuries. 4. Athens:The capital of Greece, Athens was formed in 1400 BC. It should be considered the birth place of modern Western culture along with democracy, science and reason. The city contains many monuments from centuries ago which make it a famous tourist attraction. The splendid art and culture also attracts people to this city even today. 3. Damascus:Damascus is considered to be the oldest city in the world by some people that is still inhabited. It is today the capital of Syria. It is considered a world heritage site that is in danger of getting destroyed because of the recent civil war in Syria. It seems that the worst time for the city, since it was formed in 1700 BC, might be right now. We’ll have to wait and see if it can survive its current crisis. 2. Rome:Rome is another great ancient city that survives to today. It was founded in 753 BC as a collection of small villages. It later went on to become the capital of the Roman Empire, one of the greatest empires in history. It is a famous tourist attraction as millions of people visit it to see the ruins of the ancient empire and get a sense of its magnificence. 1. Istanbul:Istanbul was founded in 660 BC as Constantinople. Constantinople was a very important city of the Roman Empire which later fell to the Turks of the Ottoman Empire. Many important artifacts of the Roman as well as the Ottoman Empire survive to this day in the city. Hagia Sofia, the church that was later converted into a mosque is one of the biggest tourist attractions of the city. The post Top 10 Inhabited Cities That Are Historically Significant appeared first on TopYaps. |
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