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- 7 Tips To Be The Smartest Man In The Room
- 8 Celebrities Who Might Be Racists
- 6 Characteristics Of A Bohemian Lifestyle
- 10 Celebrity Getups That Can Make You Puke
- Top 10 Theater Actors Who Made It To Bollywood
- 6 Lesser Known Facts About Anjali Tendulkar
7 Tips To Be The Smartest Man In The Room Posted: 15 Nov 2013 03:22 AM PST If you're part of meetings on a daily basis, then you're surely a successful person. But is success enough to make you the smartest person in the meeting room? Even if you have complete confidence, I can assure you aren’t correct. We have noticed many successful people consider themselves as smartest when sitting in the group. They constantly think and act as if they are the smartest persons in the room but only to the amusement of the others. Read on to know 7 tips to be the smartest man in the room whether you're successful or not. 7. Do not start presuming:Being in the room with people you don't need to be critical. It is wise to be observant to see how each person reacts in the group. But trying to make yourself look superior by assuming the others to be inferior in some way isn’t a good ploy. Do not try and presume who the real players are in the room. If you do so, you will begin to act in order to make that person(s) look lesser. This isn’t something that makes the smartest man. A smart guy would be someone who remains in his own parameters without judging people, doing things required of him instead of doing things irrationally due to someone else decisions. 6. Be a patient listener:Listening is important for observing what the discussion is about, or what the others are trying to convey. You can only make your own opinions once you have heard the others. Being a patient listener makes you a good observer and similarly a good speaker. Once you have all the information (true and false, acquired by listening) you can make true and factual argument on the topic and win some accolades. There is no harm in listening first and speaking second. Actually you are doing yourself a favor by doing so. 5. Respect others ideas:It is really vital to understand that no idea is a bad idea. Each idea is unique in itself, and it only takes an idea to make big money. It is thus important to listen to, value and respect ideas of all the others in the room. You cannot be the smartest man in the room if you give all the ideas and open condemn that of the others. A smart fellow is someone who understands and values the input and ideas from others and makes efforts to understand and add to them. 4. Feedback is important:Being an intelligent guy with lots of knowledge, you will also be hungry for recognition. Just like you the others in the room with you are also eager for suggestions, feedback and appreciation. It therefore becomes important for someone willing to be the smartest guy in the room to be humble, respecting and full of suggestions and feedback at all the times. Good feedback back reflects your understanding and analytical ability and it makes a lot of difference to the other person's morale, who will be willing to accept you as the smartest in the room. 3. Do not act over smart:Being there in the room with other people, you have no chance of trying to act cocky. Being adamant and trying to be pushy makes you someone who demands attention. Such people tend to show others that they are smart (on every possible situation), they do this because they do not get a similar opportunity elsewhere. You must at all costs avoid being that person who wants to show he's smart all the time. 2. Be familiar:The task of being the smartest man in the room starts from outside the room. What happens in the room depends largely on how you prepare to be in that room. You should be aware of the players who will share the room with you before you walk into the room. 1. Be humble and presentable:It isn’t wrong to be the smartest man in the room. Though, trying to be one can get really ugly when someone begins to show off their wit and tries to dominate the others in order to look superior. Being smartest in the room is displaying intelligence by remaining responsible and humble to others. It doesn’t matter whether you're street smart of academically intelligent, if you are presentable and humble, you have one half the battle. The post 7 Tips To Be The Smartest Man In The Room appeared first on TopYaps. |
8 Celebrities Who Might Be Racists Posted: 15 Nov 2013 02:17 AM PST Racism exists and that’s the dirty truth about this world. It is not just something that happens rarely against blacks. Racism occurs everywhere in the world as people always are wary of people who look or behave differently. To overcome racism all you need to do is broaden your mind’s horizon and look at everyone with a color and class blind eye. This is hard to do and sometimes even celebrities forget about it. When a celebrity makes a racist comments there is a huge uproar from their fans and haters alike. While some celebrities just make a booboo other might really be racists. Let’s see if you can make out who out of these 8 celebs are real racists. 8. Prince Harry:Prince Harry’s remark “Our Little Paki Friend” for an Asian member of his platoon was met with a lot of uproar from the crowd. Maybe this was not meant in any bad manner. But then in 2005 it was also Prince Harry who dressed in a Nazi uniform during a fancy dress party, so I’m not sure, you tell me. 7. Paris Hilton:Paris Hilton and her sister Nicky were caught on camera dancing to a Biggie Smalls track that had racist language. The video leaked on the internet as many of Paris’ videos do and caused a little bit of a commotion. But knowing Paris Hilton I think it was just stupidity and not racism. Make your own mind. 6. Amy Winehouse:Amy Winehouse’s video of singing “Blacks, Pakis, Gooks and Nips, Gooks and Nips” to the tune of the children’s song Heads, Shoulder, Knees and Toes got out in 2007. The video was actually shot by her husband Blake Fielder-Civil. Racism or just drunk madness? We’ll never know now. 5. Michael Richards:Michael Richards is an American comedian and actor that was part of the cast of hit show Seinfeld. In 2006 during one of his stand up shows he shouted racial slurs at hecklers. He talked about slavery and used the word “nigger” multiple times. Although later he apologized for his behavior but if you see the video of the incident you might feel he’s a real racist with deep buried hatred towards the African Americans. 4. Charlie Sheen:Charlie Sheen lost it and lost it good. He created so much news so fast that even the media got tired of keeping up. "I hope you rot in fuckin' hell. You're a piece of shit, fuckin' liar. … I hope I never fuckin' talk to you again you f****ng c**t. You're a coward and a liar and a f****ng n*****." That’s a message Charlie left to his ex-wife Denise Richards in 2008. The question here is whether Charlie Sheen is just crazy or racist and crazy? 3. Duane Chapman:Duane Chapman also known as Dog The Bounty Hunter, said this during a phone call to his son; "I don't care if she's a Mexican, a whore or whatever. It's not because she's black, it's because we use the word n****r sometimes here. I'm not gonna take a chance ever in life of losing everything I’ve worked for 30 years because some fucking n****r heard us say n****r and turned us in to the Enquirer magazine." He wanted his son to break up with his African American girlfriend. He didn’t want to be found out as a racist and that’s just what he ended up doing to himself. Do racists understand irony? 2. Mel Gibson:Mel Gibson is racist. Everybody knows it. He’s had his own episodes of rage like Charlie Sheen where he’s used all kind of bad language. He’s been caught using anti-Semitic language. His movies are all about persecution of a race or religion or nation. I don’t think there is any doubt about Mel Gibson’s racist tendencies. 1. John Wayne:John Wayne, the most notorious right wing American actor, was quoted as saying, "I believe in white supremacy until the blacks are educated to a point of responsibility. I don't feel guilty about the fact that five or ten generations ago these people were slaves” in an interview with Playboy magazine in 1971. There’s no secret that John Wayne is a good old American racist. The post 8 Celebrities Who Might Be Racists appeared first on TopYaps. |
6 Characteristics Of A Bohemian Lifestyle Posted: 15 Nov 2013 12:44 AM PST The term 'Bohemian' originated in France sometime back in the 19th century. The termed was coined due to the influx of gypsies traveling from Bohemia in Czech Republic. Bohemian became a generalized identity for the lifestyle of these travelling gypsies more than their nationality. Alcohol and drugs and a more open attitude towards sexual expression became a part of the bohemian lifestyle. The bohemians would reside in the run down areas of the town and that allowed them the freedom of expression, not just because they lacked money, but also because that was how they liked it best. Having understood the bohemian lifestyle ever so faintly, we sat down to find some characteristics of bohemian lifestyle that make them different from others. 6. Bohemians love reside in cheap areas with freedom of expression:It was seen and can still be witnessed that bohemian communities would spring up in areas where the living expenditure is cheap and the members of the locality enjoy freedom of expression. Bohemians don't normally have too much of money and they cannot remain bogged down, the two reason that makes them bohemians. It is therefore easiest for them to live in areas where they pay minimal rent and have the freedom of expression so that they can be what they vision to be. 5. Bohemians live a very no-traditional lifestyle:Thanks to their talent and the drive to be distinctly creative, people consider themselves to be a self-expressive. This act makes these people lead a very non-traditional lifestyle, different to our normal lifestyle, which results in these people being considered as bohemians. Even today if someone leads a non-traditional lifestyle, he/she is often called as a bohemian. This is more so, if a person living aloof l has an extra bent to express through art in some way. 4. Bohemians live irregular careless lives:Bohemians do not have any regular routine in life. Bohemians are wonderers, adventurers, or vagabonds – nomads who are filled with artistic instincts and creativity to the core. Bohemians lead unconventional and irregular lives which are usually artistic. They are least concerned about what others think about them or how they will be accepted in the society. Thus, they do not have a problem living a hap-hazard life without discipline or routine. 3. Bohemians have a very distinct love not war mentality:Generally bohemians are artists or academicians. Bohemians are educated, open minded and are extensive readers. Their lifestyle is highly integrated with music, art and philosophy. People called bohemians are basically poor because they have lived their lives painting, writing or acting, which aren’t really rewarding careers for all. Having in depth knowledge, bohemians are propagators of love, they discard the idea and the concept of war and are critical of people who have a war mentality. 2. Bohemians wear baggy and worn out clothes in bold colors:Bohemians are generally poor, thus, besides living in the cheapest of areas in the town they wear old and second hand clothing, with bold colors that make them distinct. Generally a bohemian style is hippie and gypsy style clothing – girls wear oversized, loose colorfully dresses and skirts with floral prints, men also wear pretty similar rugged shirts, hoodies and jeans with disoriented hairstyles. Bohemian clothing is colorful and eye catching. Bohemians like to accessorize, they wear big bracelets and necklaces and awesome hats. 1. Often Bohemians are vegetarian/vegan:Bohemians have been documented to have healthy lifestyle irrespective of their disoriented lives. Bohemians remained weight conscious for which they adapted vegan diet. The reason for bohemians to remain largely vegetarian wasn’t just because of their healthy lifestyle, but also because they thought it kept them energetic. Vegetarian diet empowered self-esteem and self-love and more importantly love for other living things. The post 6 Characteristics Of A Bohemian Lifestyle appeared first on TopYaps. |
10 Celebrity Getups That Can Make You Puke Posted: 15 Nov 2013 12:08 AM PST There are many ugly celebrities out there. But when you know someone is ugly you get used to it. But sometimes some beautiful celebrities will do something to make themselves look so ugly that it will make you want to vomit. Some try too much plastic surgery that turns them into monsters while others are just having a bad hair day. So here are some ugly vomit inducing pictures of celebrities that you can’t look at for too long. 10. Jocelyn Wildenstein:Look at this picture for a second. Now look at it again. Come back. Now I dare you to look at it the third time. You just can’t. It’s too damn scary. Jocelyn Wildenstein (more like Frankenstein) is famous because of her botch plastic surgery. What people do to stay young! Isn’t it better to be an old human than to be a young monster? 9. Rihanna:I love Rihanna. She sings beautifully and looks gorgeous but what’s happening in this pic? She’s showing her “Thug Life” tattoo and looking strangely ugly while doing so. It’s not just the lack of makeup but the hair the lipstick and those ugly pink nails. It just doesn’t make any sense. 8. Mike Tyson:So Mike Tyson got a face tattoo. It’s not the worst thing he’s done by a long way and that says a lot about the man. But this tattoo does nothing for his already not too handsome face. It doesn’t even make him look more intimidating if that’s what he was going for. It just looks like an insect is sitting on his face. 7. Courtney Love:Okay so I hate Courtney Love and I might be prejudiced about this. Anyone who loved Kurt Cobain hates Courtney but look at this picture and tell me it doesn’t look ugly. What’s going on with her stomach? If she just had a liposuction done, she probably could have stayed away from the beach for a while! Ugly is as stupid does. 6. Quentin Tarantino:Tarantino is a freak. Don’t get me wrong I love this guy and his movies but he is a freak. He loves blood and gore and has a foot fetish. He’s also ugly but that doesn’t usually matter unless you take a look at this picture. The way his hairy belly has grown, it really makes you want to puke. 5. Nicky Minaj:Now Nicky Minaj is not the most beautiful or hottest pop singer out there, even though she thinks she is, but she isn’t that ugly either. If she chooses a proper dress and a sensible hair style she can look good but it’s a hard balance to maintain and she fails from time to time like in this particular picture. 4. Justin Timberlake:Justin Timberlake is one of the coolest dudes around but he wasn’t always cool. Once upon a time he looked like this. But don’t blame past Justin, he hadn’t learned how to be cool yet. Don’t look too long at his hair, get distracted by his earrings, try to make out what his medallion says and move on to number 3 on the list. 3. Britney Spears:Oops she did it again. Britney Spears curses the day she sand that song because now it has become ubiquitous with her personal life in which she goes from making one blunder to another. During this phase of her life she went bald. In her defense she always bounces back and comes back stronger. She’s a celebrity that you hate to love. 2. Kelly Osbourne:Kelly Osbourne is ugly. There’s no way around it. What did she expect being born to Ozzy Osbourne? I mean he’s great and I love him but he’s ugly as hell. In this picture she is not doing herself any favors with the use of scary makeup. Goth hair, glossy black mascara, pink lipstick and pale skin! Really? 1. Lindsay Lohan:Competing with Britney Spears in all areas of music and life is another teen sensation, Lindsay Lohan. She is a beautiful girl but no one really knows what’s gotten into her. I guess she hates her beauty for bringing her all the fame and fortune. In this picture she looks like her grandmother. Either that’s lack of make up or very good special effects make up. I can’t decide. The post 10 Celebrity Getups That Can Make You Puke appeared first on TopYaps. |
Top 10 Theater Actors Who Made It To Bollywood Posted: 14 Nov 2013 11:25 PM PST There is an ever-existent burning debate on what is really better – theater or movies? Both have their own merits and peculiarities and so a comparison is not really justified. Maintaining a balance between the two, there're some talented actors who have moved from theater to the big screen. Not only did they earn fame for themselves in the commercial world (and parallel cinema), but also proved theater artists can be good (and successful) actors on the celluloid. Here are top 10 theater actors who had their own share of struggle and made it to Bollywood. 10. Rajpal Yadav:Born with a funny bone and one of the eminent names in the list of Bollywood comedians, Rajpal Yadav knows perfectly well how to evoke laughter even under the most uninteresting circumstances. The versatile comedian has been connected with Shahjahanpur Theater (in Uttar Pradesh) since a very young age. Thereafter, he joined Bhartendu Natya Academy in Lucknow. It was only after years of active theater, did he graduate to Bollywood movies. 9. Tigmanshu Dhulia:Someone, who is known to double up both as a director and actor effortlessly, Tigmanshu Dhulia took a Master's degree from the National School of Drama and completed his course in 1989. Thereon, he took to active theater and has been a part of many theater plays. He is better known for his direction in the cult movie 'Pan Singh Tomar' that went on to win the National Film Award in the Best Film category in 2012. 8. Ashutosh Rana:No one can beat the guy when it comes at method acting. His spellbinding performance in 'Sangharsh' and 'Dushman' still gives goosebums to one and all. An actor with an impeccable hold over Hindi language, Ashutosh has also worked in the film industry down south. 7. Shabana Azmi:Extensively involved in theater, films and television, Shabana Azmi comes from a very distinguished background. Daughter of renowned poet Kaifi Azmi and wife of veteran song writer in Bollywood Javed Akhtar, Shabana has been actively involved in theater even before completing her course in acting at Film and Television Institute of India (FTII). She is currently a member of the Rajya Sabha. 6. Shahrukh KhanVery few known that 'King Khan' staged theater for a long time during his Delhi days. Manoj Bajpai, another popular Bollywood actor who graduated to cinema from theater, was his batch mate at Barry John's theater learning academy in Delhi. 5. Om Puri:Alumnus of National School of Drama, where Nasseruddin Shah was a co-student, Om Puri has been performing theater plays for over three decades now. Known for unconventional roles, Om Puri has staged many plays alongside Nasseruddin Shah and Shabana Azmi. Winner of Padamshree Award, he has a wide experience in all forms of theater art. 4. Irrfan Khan:The actor known for his versatile talent and captivating eyes, is also a product from National School of Drama (NSD) who took Bollywood (and Hollywood as well) by storm in the last decade. The National Award winning actor forayed into Bollywood through theater and television. 3. Manoj Bajpai:Certainly one of the breed of the most talented actors, Manoj Bajpai is the other shining example of theater actors making Big in Hindi cinema. Rejected four times at the National School of Drama, the 'Sardar Khan' from 'Gangs of Wasseypur' did theater with Barry John at Barry's Drama School for many years alongside Shahrukh Khan. 2. Piyush Mishra:The renowned theater actor, lyricist, music director, singer and script writer, Piyush Mishra also graduated from National School of Drama in 1986. Thereafter, he continued performing Hindi theater. It was only in the year 2002; the gifted actor shifted his base to Mumbai and took on the mettle to establish himself in the Hindi film industry. 1. Nasseruddin Shah:Veteran film actor and director, Nasseruddin Shah is widely considered the finest stage actors of Bollywood. Winner of Padma Bhushan, Padam Shri, three National Awards and numerous Filmfare Awards, Shah had attended National School of Drama in the early 1970s. It was here, he honed his acting skills. He became active in mainstream Bollywood movies in 1980 with a film named 'Hum Panch' although he had done a few previously too. The post Top 10 Theater Actors Who Made It To Bollywood appeared first on TopYaps. |
6 Lesser Known Facts About Anjali Tendulkar Posted: 14 Nov 2013 11:16 PM PST Anjali Tendulkar, wife of the Cricket God, Sachin Tendulkar, has hardly ever appeared for interviews. It's rare to spot her in the public domain, and you won't ever find her presence at the stadium when Sachin Plays. What we all know about the Lady love of Sachin is that she is pediatrician by profession and has been a first class medical student in her own rights. Potentially a very good doctor, Anjali silently did justice to the saying, that "behind every successful man, there is always a woman." She gave up her own career only so that Sachin's career was not interrupted because of family worries. From the very start she was clear about letting Sachin concentrate on his cricket career, while she would take charge of the home and look after his family. It's all thanks to her that Sachin could play his game and never worry about the home, finances, children, and other personal obligations. We salute the contributions Anjali and have tried to compile facts about her life you'd love to know. Take a look! 6. Her Mother is of British Origin:Anjali was born in a typical Gujarati business family based in Mumbai. Her father Anand Mehta was an industrialist and met his British wife at the London School of Economics, where they were both students. Later, Anjali's mother Annabel Mehta ran an NGO by the name Apnalaya. This year, the NGO celebrated its 40th anniversary with Annabel Mehta as one of its Board of Directors. The NGO has contributed greatly to the cause of health, education and women empowerment in Mumbai. 5. Anjali spent her childhood in palatial mansions:Wealth in Anjali's parental family has always remained rock solid. They were industrialists and were rich before and after the partition. Anjali grew up with her parents in a palatial house on the 75 Bhulabhai Desai Road. Also, Anjali's great Grandfather inherited a bungalow that was situated exactly opposite to the American Counslate on Warden Road. Besides, there was a 130 year old mansion in Lonavla, which has been with the family for five generations. Her parents, with their money built another lavish house in Goa. And so Anjali's childhood was spend in the lap of luxury. 4. Anjali did not recognize Sachin the first time they met:Surprisingly Anjali was not able to recognize Sachin when they first spotted each other at the Mumbai International airport in 1990. This was despite the fact that Sachin had already achieved much fame, even though his international cricket career had not yet started. Anjali was present at the airport to receive her mother, when Sachin arrived with the Indian Cricket Team after scoring his maiden test. After this they courted each other for the next five years, before they got married in 1995. 3. She watches only recorded matches of Sachin:Anjali only watches recorded matches of Sachin so that Sachin doesn’t have to worry about making arrangements for the family, and concentrates on his game. The only exception to this rule was made when she appeared at the Eden Garden match and once at Wankhede. And, even she did appear at the Eden Gardens match, she was determined to keep it a secret and only surprise Sachin after the match was over. 2. Anjali, Mentor to Sachin:Although most of you may think it's the age difference between Sachin and Anjali that makes Anjali a mentor, but this is only one part of the picture, if you believe. Sachin has in several interviews admitted that Anjali is in fact his mentor and also a mentor to his kids. She has always motivated him and Sachin has on several occasions agreed (on a lighter note) that he fears his wife's temper. 1. Her Life stops when Sachin Plays:Not attending live matches by Sachin, Anjali Tendulkar still remains as excited about his performance every time he plays. No matter what matter she's doing, it is stopped when he is on the field. She doesn’t take phone calls when Sachin is at the crease. She doesn’t eat, drink, or even more from where she is. No SMS replies, no going to the washroom. Sometimes, when the match is very exciting, she has a spot at home, from where both her TV and Ganpati are visible, so she stands there and waits to see what happens. The post 6 Lesser Known Facts About Anjali Tendulkar appeared first on TopYaps. |
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