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- 7 Horror Video Games That Will Scare Your Pants Off
- 6 Reasons Your Dog Is More Loyal Than Your Friends
- 6 Bollywood Celebrities Who Still Live With Their Parents
- 5 Simple Things That Make Your Family Wonderful
- 6 Lifestyle Changes That Control Blood Sugar
- 7 Benefits Of Aging You Should Know
7 Horror Video Games That Will Scare Your Pants Off Posted: 21 Nov 2013 03:03 AM PST Horror video games are the best way to scare yourself. They are better than movies and novels because you actually have to be the protagonist and face all the monsters and demons on your own. With better graphics, improved game engines and professionally written suspense stories, horror video games have gotten very good at scaring people. If you are looking for some thrill, you should try some of the horror video games on this list. 7. Doom 3:Doom 3 was a reboot of the Doom franchise and they moved from a simple first person shooter to a survival horror shooter. Doom 3 was released in 2004 by Activision. You play as an unnamed space marine working on a research facility on Mars where a teleportation experiment has gone wrong and demons from hell have taken over the facility. You need to fight the scary monsters that jump out from nowhere and stop them from making their way to earth. 6. Fatal Frame:Fatal Frame is one of the best survival horror video games out there. It was unique at the time of its launch because the players had to take photographs of the ghosts to defeat them. It is very well written and all the games in the series are pretty scary. Fatal Frame 2 is probably the best. It was known as Project Zero in Europe. There are exorcisms, ghosts and Japanese Shinto rituals that will scare the hell out of you. 5. Dead Space:The Dead Space series started in 2008 and 2 more games have been launched till now. All the games are positively scary and you play as an engineer onboard a mining space ship, USG Ishimura. You have to fight Necromorphs who are zombie like undead corpses. The great thing about this game is that unlike other shooter games you can’t defeat the zombies by shooting off their head. Instead you have to cut off their limbs to stop them. 4. Resident Evil:Resident Evil is one of the most famous horror franchise. There have been so many adaptations of this game, from movies to comic books and sound plays. It was created by Shinji Mikami and the first game came out in 1996. Since then many versions have come out with the latest being Resident Evil 6. The earlier games were more horror and puzzle solving type of games but the latest ones have become more action oriented with more focus on weapons and shooting dead people. 3. Condemned: Criminal Origins:Sega came out with Condemned: Criminal Origins in 2005. It is a psychological horror video game and focuses on puzzle solving along with melee combat. You play as a detective solving cases and chasing an insane serial killer. The game has been inspired by Silence of the Lambs and Seven so you should expect a good scare accordingly. This is more of a psychological horror game and not just a shoot ‘em up. 2. F.E.A.R.:F.E.A.R. stands for First Encounter Assault Recon and in this game you play a member of a Special Forces unit that deals with paranormal phenomenon. The game was launched in 2005 by Vivendi Universal. There have been two more installments and a few expansion packs in this series. In the first series you fight a little girl and we all know that there is nothing more scary than little girl ghosts. Your character also has some superhuman reflexes that helps you to deal with the ghosts. It is a first person shooter later and a psychological horror game first. 1. Silent Hill:Silent Hill is a very scary survival horror video game series. There have been 10 versions launched and each one is pretty scary. The movies Silent Hill and Silent Hill: Revelation 3D was based on this series. It is one of the most successful horror games ever, competing with Resident Evil series. The scary thing about the game is the use of great sound effects to induce specific emotions in the players. For example in most games of the series, the player carries a device that alerts the presence of nearby creatures with static. So every time you hear that sound your heart starts pumping and you get ready to face some very creepy monsters.
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6 Reasons Your Dog Is More Loyal Than Your Friends Posted: 21 Nov 2013 02:01 AM PST Dogs are man’s best friend for a reason. They are better companions than humans and this is a fact any dog owner will vouch for. Their loyalty is unquestionable and there have been many famous stories of dogs acting selflessly and loyally to their owners and even their animal friends. If you are skeptic and don’t believe that dogs can be better friends than humans or if you think that the only reason dogs are loyal is because they get food from humans then read on to know some reasons why dogs are better than humans at friendship. 6. Your Dog will never betray you:Your friends can betray you many times over and you might not even know it. As humans they have the capacity to lie and deceive and manipulate to get their own way. But dogs are constitutionally incapable of doing all this. They don’t have their personal motives in mind and even if they do their motives are simply to get fed and loved. You can rest assured that your dog will never cheat on you or betray you to anyone else. You can count on your dog. 5. Your Dog will never lie to you:Another human trait that dogs don’t have is lying. Your friends might be very close to you but you can rest assured that they don’t tell you everything. We humans have created something known as white lie and we think that withholding information is not lying. So even your best friend might not always be telling the truth to you. But your dog will always be honest and never lie or pretend to be something it’s not. Your dog will always try to show you how much it loves you and you can believe it’s the truth. 4. Your Dog will Never Judge You:Dogs don’t judge you for your success and failures. They don’t care whether you are rich or poor, fat or thin, ugly or beautiful. But humans care about these things and as much as they try to be non judgmental, everyone has prejudices. Your dog is the only one who loves you for who you are. You can be totally yourself with your dog without any fears of being ridiculed. 3. Your Dog will Always Forgive You:If you hurt your dog, unknowingly or deliberately, it will always forgive you. Dogs don’t hold grudges while your friends might say they have forgiven you but they’ll always remember your mistakes and hold it against you. Your dog has a short term memory and it will forget about your mistakes in just a few minutes. If you are angry at your dog and screaming at it, it might hide away in a corner but it will come back to you the moment your mood changes. As a side note, this doesn’t mean that you can treat your dog in whatever way you like. Such a trusting and honest creature should be treated with respect and unconditional love. 2. Your Dog will Always Depend on You:The fact is that when someone depends on you they have to be loyal to you. Your friends will never depend on you and you truly don’t want friends that depend on you too much as it is not good for either party. But dogs are happily dependent on their owners and it’s natural for them. This is one reason that skeptics think that dogs are faithful for. But instead of taking it as a negative point you should take it as a guarantee that your dog will always be loyal to you. Sadly humans don’t come with such guarantees. 1. You will Always be the Best Friend of Your Dog:One thing that differentiates your friends from your dog is that your friends might find new friends and forget about you but your dog will always have only you as its friend. Even your best friend might have his own best friend but your dog’s best friend is you and it will always be that way. Even if your dog gets friendly with other animals or humans, it will always love you more than everybody else. You can count on a dog in all these ways that you can’t do with your friends. That’s why dogs are man’s best friends. The post 6 Reasons Your Dog Is More Loyal Than Your Friends appeared first on TopYaps. |
6 Bollywood Celebrities Who Still Live With Their Parents Posted: 20 Nov 2013 11:52 PM PST Living with your parents well after growing up didn’t use to be such a big deal in India. Our culture expected every boy to live with their parents and take care of them while girls lived with their in laws. But the westernization of Indian culture has brought the attitude that it is not cool to live with your parents after a certain age. While I accept modern ideas as much as the other guy, there are some things that our old culture got right and the Americans got wrong. In big cities, it has become common for boys to move out of their parent’s house once they get a job and start earning. Taking up jobs in different cities or countries also means that most children move out of their parent’s home. It has become a social norm now to move out and as always celebrities have to face the pressure of being cool. A lot of bollywood celebrities don’t care about this norm and still live with their parents. In one way it is good that they want to live with their parents while for some it’s time to grow up and move out. 6. Sonam Kapoor:Anil Kapoor’s daughter Sonam still lives with her father even though she has established herself as a good actress on the young upcoming generation. She’s a talented actress and has received good acting skills through her genes. Not only does her living with her parents show her love for them but it is also actually a very wise financial decision as it saves on rent which she happily spends on designer dresses and other stuff. 5. Ranbir Kapoor:Ranbir Kapoor still lives with his parents, Rishi Kapoor and Neetu Singh. He says he does so because of how close he is to them. This super talented and cute family stays together and that’s… well cute. But I wonder how he goes about his dating business with all those girls under his father’s roof. I guess if you have a father like Rishi Kapoor you can manage to pull it off. I bet he helps Ranbir from time to time as well. 4. Dev Patel:Dev Patel might have become the slumdog millionaire but he still lives with his parents. And rightly so as he’s still a kid. Apparently he loves to fight with his sister. We’ll have to see if he continues to stay with his parents once he grows up. Or will he move out to Hollywood? 3. Alia Bhatt:Alia Bhatt is still a child and so still lives with her parents. She says she loves her mom and never wants to leave her and move out. Let’s see what happens when she grows up. But for now that’s great and there shouldn’t be anything wrong with that. Living with your parents should be the new cool. It’s one part of our culture that actually makes sense and isn’t something to be ashamed of. 2. Rani Mukherjee:Rani Mukherjee is the oldest bollywood star on this list and she still lives with her parents. She likes to stay true to her Bengali roots and follows all the traditions wholeheartedly. That’s the kind of stars we need more, who help us maintain our traditions while adapting them to suit the modern age. I wonder how she’ll feel when she has to move out when Aditya Chopra finally accepts that they are married to each other. 1. Vivek Oberoi:Vivek Oberoi is a desperate star. He’s always been desperate to be a star. Or we can say that he’s the star of desperation. He still lives with his parents but the interesting thing is that his parents have tried twice to throw him out but he keeps coming back! Now we can expect that from Vivek. He says he comes back because he misses his parents too much. But we all know that that’s just an excuse. The post 6 Bollywood Celebrities Who Still Live With Their Parents appeared first on TopYaps. |
5 Simple Things That Make Your Family Wonderful Posted: 20 Nov 2013 09:34 PM PST Our family and relationships is what changes a simple bricked dwelling into a beautiful home. George Bernard Shaw said, "A happy family is but an earlier heaven", unfortunately, conflicts can turn into a hell in no time. Family is our emotional support system; be it in times of happiness or crisis. There are no big secrets that make your family wonderful and your home a place you yearn to be. In fact it is the simple things that make a difference between family that is happy and a family that is at conflicts. The family that enjoys each company and spend amazing time together will always follow 5 simple things in their life. 5. Acceptance:We often expect people from a family to be similar. The saying, 'Like father like son', is quite far from truth. Every individual in a family have their own personality and unique traits, beliefs, interests, passions and emotions that define them. Family is all about accepting the individual differences without expecting change. If we try to fit others into our own dreams and ambitions, it will certainly lead to conflict. Acceptance of your family for who they are is a big step towards forming a strong bond. Realize the truth that the only person you can change is yourself. Acceptance curbs the main menace of family conflicts – expectation. 4. Understanding:How often do we hear the phrase ‘you don't understand how I feel' during a family conflict. It is important to know that every family member has different priorities, interests and thought process. If we cannot step out of our own closed mindset, it will be difficult to understand people who are close to our hearts. Keep yourself open to new ventures, ideas and values which your family member may bring in. Be sensitive to the hurt, fear and pain of your family. Without understanding how a person is feeling, you will not be able to lend your emotional support. Family misunderstanding can not only lead to fights, moreover it can create mistrust and distance. Spend time together enjoying activities, where guards are dropped and understanding becomes easier. Keep the communication channel unbiased and open to developed insight into relationships. 3. Love:Never ever make your love conditional, because family love can only be unconditional love. Do not confuse love with a feeling you keep deep in your heart. It is important not only to love your family, what is more important is to let them know and feel your love. Show them you care by giving them your undivided attention and time. Love also means that you do not put your interest ahead of your family. Love is the bond that holds family together, especially in times of crisis. Love is not what you feel about your family, it is about generating a feeling of happiness, contentment and satiation in others. Love and affection for each other can never be enough in a family; the more the better. 2. Trust:Trust is the strong foundation on which family relationships stand. Without trust, you will never be able to get close enough to another person to form an intimate relationship. Trust not only is important for warm relationship shared by husband and wife, but also for their children. Trust creates a caring and secure environment for children to develop believing that home is a good place to live in. As they venture out, the feeling extends to society. Broken promises and trust can cause much hurt to people involved, breaking the family into separate parts. Relationships based on trust are more secure, strong and deep. Hidden agendas, deceptions and broken promises can spoil the happy family environment. 1. Respect:Mutual respect among family members is a must for a wonderful family. Though we often preach our children to respect us, we do not show respect to them when they come to us with an opinion or suggestion. No matter what the age of the individual is, know that he/she is person with dignity and show them the respect they deserve. Nothing causes more pain than the belittling comments we pass towards our loved ones. Mutual respect and equality, does not allow ridicule or belittling of others. Respect creates a system of family where rules are respected by everyone, chores are shared, open communication is allowed and everyone is involved in decision making and consequences. The post 5 Simple Things That Make Your Family Wonderful appeared first on TopYaps. |
6 Lifestyle Changes That Control Blood Sugar Posted: 20 Nov 2013 09:32 PM PST High blood sugar is a lifestyle disease caused due to lack of exercise, obesity and unhealthy diet. High blood sugar initially leads to Hyperglycemia, and when it exceeds 126 mg/dl is considered to be diabetes. Rise in blood sugar is seen either when insulin production is inadequate, or when the body’s cells do not respond properly to insulin. At times both the conditions are present leading to chronic illness. You need not become desperate due to increased sugar levels, since it can be controlled by making few changes to your everyday habits. Here is the list of 6 lifestyle change you can make to control blood sugar and improve your overall health. 6. Manage your weight:Weight and high blood sugar levels play a game of vicious cycle which can be very dangerous. Overweight leads to diabetes where as high blood sugar leads to polyphagia (hunger pangs) and polydipsia (extreme thirst) which makes them consume more food than typically required by their bodies, in turn making them overweight. It is very important to have a good weight management program to keep blood sugar levels low. Fortunately, losing even 7-10 pounds of weight can do wonders for diabetes management. 5. Avoid Stress and Anxiety:Stress affects blood sugar levels both directly and indirectly. With stress and anxiety bogging you down, you will skip exercises and either overeat or skip meals to shoot up the blood sugar levels. Stress directly affects blood sugar levels by causing the body to produce hormones which prevents the insulin from functioning properly. Learn relaxation techniques like meditation, guided imagery biofeedback, reading, or outdoor activities, in addition to being organized to handle stress. If the level of stress and anxiety is high, seek professional help to manage them. 4. Stay away from unhealthy habits:If you have been procrastinating about quitting smoking or cutting down alcohol consumption, then the rising blood sugar level should motivate you to do it now. Alcohol when used in excess can lead to pancreatitis which further hinders insulin secretion. Smoking can increase blood sugar, in addition to causing insulin resistance. Giving up on alcohol and smoking can bring down blood sugar levels to a great extent, especially if it is combined with other healthy lifestyle changes. 3. Follow advice of your doctor:Doctors have excellent plans to manage high blood sugar with medications combined with changes in everyday routine. Ask your doctor about the dose and timing of your medications to follow them religiously. Always inform your doctor about any other medications you are taking, and also of the effects the medications are having on your body. If you believe in alternative or herbal medicine, make sure you discuss this with your doctor before opting for them. Some of them may not be compatible with the prescribed medicines you are taking. 2. Develop healthy eating habits:Blood sugar is highly affected by your eating habit. How much you eat, what you eat and how often you eat decides your blood sugar level. Following a proper routine helps in keeping the blood sugar stable. Eat a nutritious and balanced diet that will supplement your body with all essential nutrients in proper proportions. Keep an eye on your portions. Do not take insulin on empty stomach as it may lower your blood sugar to dangerous levels. Keep your body well hydrated. 1. Work out those lazy muscles:Exercise not only uses glucose for energy, moreover it keeps your body fit and active. Walking, jogging, cycling, gardening or even housework can control blood sugar to surprising extents. Do not embark on an exercise program which your body cannot tolerate. Be slow and steady with your progress. Coordinate your medicines and meals rightly with your exercising schedule. Since exercise can reduce blood sugar levels all of a sudden, it is highly important that you plan it with your health care team to determine the right amount of activity and timing for insulin. The post 6 Lifestyle Changes That Control Blood Sugar appeared first on TopYaps. |
7 Benefits Of Aging You Should Know Posted: 20 Nov 2013 09:28 PM PST Everyone is afraid of getting old and eventually dying. We try our best to stay young and hold on to our youth but as sure as the sun sets in the west, we all have to age and eventually die. That’s the normal circle of life. Instead of focusing on the negative or trying to ignore it and stay in denial the best way to move forward is to accept what’s inevitable and focus on the positives. In fact there are many great benefits of aging that we tend to forget. 7. Reduced Stress:Studies have shown that stress starts reducing after 50 and falls off a cliff after retirement. Anger reduces with age too. As we get older it becomes easier to handle the ups and downs of life. We learn to enjoy the moment and not worry too much about the past and future. But of course this can only happen when you let go and accept old age. If you try to hold on to your diminishing youth, it can get even more stressful. 6. Retirement:One of the best things about getting old is retirement. You no longer have to work. It’s like becoming a child again. Others have to take care of you and you can finally stop working. You can pick up pension and other retirement benefits. You also get senior citizen discounts. Yes, if the economy is bad, it can be hard to be a retired senior citizen but if you learn to let go you won’t stress too much about it. 5. Respect:When you get old you get a certain amount of respect by default. You can even get away with many things. Just pretend you don’t remember or don’t understand and you can even get away with shoplifting! All your life you try to earn respect of others and fail. It turns out all you need to do to earn respect is become old. People will come to you for guidance and respect your opinions. 4. Happiness:People are scared of memory loss that accompanies old age but look at it in a positive light and it’s a great boon. Memory loss means you don’t remember the trivial things. It’s a great recipe for happiness. Studies have shown that as we get old our mind automatically removes the negative memories and keeps the good ones. Memory loss forces us to forget our worries away and leads to genuine happiness in the small things of day to day life. Again this depends on your outlook and you have to be able to laugh at yourself to find happiness with old age. 3. Emotional Maturity:As you grow old you learn how to handle your emotions better. It’s a skill that takes a lifetime to master. You don’t get too angry or too sad or too regretful about anything. When you know you have to face death in a few years, the trivial things of life don’t matter that much. You begin to truly live. And with the emotional maturity that you get with old age, life can be really good. 2. Free Time:People dread retirement and old age and can’t imagine how they’d spend their day but actually they should be grateful that they finally have all the free time they could want. Old age doesn’t mean it’s time to sit back and just wait for death. You can use this free time to do all the things you’ve always wanted to do. Growing old doesn’t mean you have to stop growing so use this free time to learn a new skill and improve yourself and chase your dreams. 1. Wisdom:The best thing about growing old is the resulting wisdom. It comes when you accept death and old age and let go of youth. All the points above come together to give you wisdom and you get better at living life. You can teach this to other young people and give genuine advice to others. It is also a great time to build great relationships with others. Your partner, family and friends will all become very close to you when you get old and wise. The post 7 Benefits Of Aging You Should Know appeared first on TopYaps. |
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