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- 7 Tribes That Live A Really Crazy Life
- 6 Things To Do On A Day Without Internet
- 6 Things A Man Can Never Guess About An Average Woman
- 7 Amazingly Beautiful Alaskan Peaks
- 8 Health Tips For Mega-Travelers
- 6 Females Who Are The Face Of Modern India
7 Tribes That Live A Really Crazy Life Posted: 09 Nov 2013 12:25 AM PST We all used to live in tribes of hunter gatherers at one time. While most of humanity has moved on and has seen incredible development, there are a few tribes that still live the way we used to live in the beginning of the human story. Their lifestyle and culture is so primitive that to us, it seems weird and crazy. Let’s look at 7 such tribal people who live a bizarre life. 7. Bushmen:The Bushmen of Southern Africa are probably the most famous of all tribes. They became famous as one of the oldest tribes in the world. We all were probably once Bushmen. The movie, The Gods Must Be Crazy, showed their culture very beautifully about how an empty bottle of coca cola wrecks havoc in a tribe that has never known personal possessions and greed. They used to live the same hunter gatherer lifestyle with all their strange rituals but now have started farming as per the mandate of the government. 6. Twa:Twa are the oldest surviving tribe of the Great Lakes area in Central Africa. They belong to the pygmy people and today live as a caste of the Bantu people with whom they have a codependent relationship. They provide the Bantu with game in exchange for agricultural products. They used to live in the mountains but were driven off their land when it was declared a World Heritage Site for the endangered Mountain Gorilla. Today they live in poverty and face discrimination. The primary occupation among them is begging. 5. Chagga:The Chagga people live on the slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro and Mount Meru. They migrated to these mountains in the 11th century and since then they’ve lived here. They are agricultural people who speak Bantu and their main crop is banana. They still live in traditional huts and follow traditional agricultural practices. Their completely organic farming has survived for thousands of years and is much better than modern pesticide based farming practices. They have maintained their traditions while also opening up to new experiences and changes of the modern world. 4. Hamar:The Hamar people are a tribe of Ethiopia. Their main occupation is animal husbandry. Animals and cattle play an important part of their culture. So when a boy grows up to be a man he has to go through a weird initiation ritual in which he has to jump over the cattle. The cattle must be castrated and the man should be naked. Once he completes this ceremony he becomes a “maza” and is ready to get married. These people have continued to live the same way that they have lived for most of their life. 3. Sentinelese:The Sentinelese are one of the most isolated tribes in the world. They are one of the many Andamanese tribes found in the Andaman islands of India. They are Negroites and represent a much older race of South Asia. They belong to the first humans who came from Africa to settle in India, South East Asia and Australasia. They have not had much contact with the modern world and actively discourage people from coming to their island by shooting arrows at them. Their culture is so primitive that they even know how to survive natural disasters and survived the 2004 tsunami without much damage whereas more modern civilizations in the area were completely destroyed. 2. WaYao:WaYao or Yao are a tribe of the Eastern Africa that are predominantly Muslim. They live in Malawi, Mozambique and Tanzania and their cultural identity is so strong that they don’t care about the arbitrary national borders created by the modern man. They continue to live in their primitive ways which might seem unusual to us. One such weird ritual is the initiation of young boys which have to go through a circumcision ritual which is brutal and dangerous. They wear a strange attire made of straw when going through this ritual. 1. Surma:The Surma people belong to three tribes with similar culture and rituals. These are the Suri, Mursi and Me’en. These people are mostly agricultural and still follow most of their age old rituals and traditions. One such crazy ritual is that of lip piercing and extension. Women have their bottom teeth removed and insert clay plates in their bottom lips with gradually increasing size. The larger the plate a woman has the more beautiful she is considered. Apart from this ritual they also use scars to beautify their body and introduce their children to blood, pain and the hard life that is ahead of them. The post 7 Tribes That Live A Really Crazy Life appeared first on TopYaps. |
6 Things To Do On A Day Without Internet Posted: 08 Nov 2013 10:35 PM PST We all live with one common addiction and that is web addiction. We have internet access on your computers, laptops, tablets and even our mobile phones. We have access to the web at home, office, car, bus, and everywhere we go. So, what happens if one day you wake up to discover there is no internet signal at the place where you're present? We're sure the first reaction is going to be terrifying. Your mails, your clients, your friends, all of them are there on the internet. With this, your shopping carts, your games, and even your food, your TV, YouTube and everything imaginable is all on the internet. So, if the worse is here to stay – A day without internet, here're the 6 most interesting things that you can use to compensate the absence of the World Wide Web. 6. Read a Book:Whether you like the same old Hard Cover Novels, or prefer reading on the Kindle, if there's no internet, and there's a book you’ve been meaning to read for long time this is the day for it. Just grab the book, take a nice open corner by the window and prepare a mug full of coffee and be seated. We're so sure since there is no internet there is nothing to disturb you at all. You won't look at your phone often to check for messages, you won't open your inbox for mails, or even get distracted by something more interesting on the internet. 5. Write a Blog:We're all writers today, and we all lead such diverse lives, there's no shortage of stories we can tell others. You can write about your interests, your work, your personal life, or even write about ways to spend a day without the internet. Moreover, we’ve become so dependent on the internet; it's difficult for us to pen down a single word without consulting it. But, in its absence, we're sure the colors of your creativity will shine brighter. 4. Try a New Coffee Shop:If you like food great and even when you don't like food, it's great to try a new Coffee Shop to spend time. For once you won't be looking for a coffee shop to serve the web, but for actually enjoying a cup of coffee with some nice cake and cookies. Moreover, the winters are here, and there isn’t a better time to go exploring your own town and sipping some great freshly brewed coffee. Take your friend along or just go alone, the point is to stay away from internet and spend some meaningful time. 3. Go Out for a Walk:When was the last time you ever went out for a walk? We're not talking about a power walk to stretch your muscles, but a long walk across new paths. If there's no internet around, you know you have all the time in the world to go loitering around the town, or even moving some distance away from the town. Internet the biggest distraction that doesn’t let you relax for even a minute is not going to be there to disturb you. So, put on your walking shoes, take your dog along, or call your friends and go walking. Who knows nature might amaze you like never before. 2. Cook a Meal:How long has it been since you cooked a meal for the family or yourself. Not having the internet means you have plenty of time through the day, which you may not know how to use. So, get to the kitchen, look up for ingredients you may need for preparing an entire meal and get started. Cook a variety of dishes; spend time reading recipes if there are any lying around the house. Remember, there is no internet where you can look up recipes, all your help is your own creativity and imagination. 1. Play a real sport:NFS, GTA , FIFA if this is how you’ve been spending short breaks in office or at home, this one day when the internet is not there, try going out into the field with a basketball, football, volleyball, or try your hand at the sport of your choice. If you have kids around, take them cycling around new offbeat roads, or go running with them. Boost your physical energy for once. When the internet is not there, and you it won't return for the rest of the day, there's nothing to call you back from your game. The post 6 Things To Do On A Day Without Internet appeared first on TopYaps. |
6 Things A Man Can Never Guess About An Average Woman Posted: 08 Nov 2013 10:33 PM PST Men have been trying to understand women from quite some time now, but to no effect. As the saying goes that 'Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus,' stands correct as there is still a long way for men to truly understand what an average women really wants. This is true especially when it comes to the routine interactions involving topics such as clothing, eating menus, household chores, etc. And despite the fact that sometimes the signals get crossed between women and men, it's probably going to remain the same forever. So here is a list depicting 6 things a man can never guess about any women! 6. They say "they have no expectations," when they have great expectations:Men just want to go with the flow and do not really spend their time thinking much. They're ok with almost anything; they do not want to get involved with all the complaining part and do not even ponder over the smallest of discussions. This makes women feel that men are not interested in their talk and say that they (women) expect least out of them (men). However, the reality is that women actually have great expectations from you, which if not met on time will lead to their ultimate reason of being disappointed. You have been warned. Ponder a little on what she might possibly be expecting from you. 5. Often ask "am I looking pretty?" and expect you to repeat a thousand times "you look perfect":This topic can perhaps take an entire article. However, it is actually the time and effort that a girl puts into dressing herself up and all that for a simple compliment and all men need to do is understand that. Just like any other human, they want to listen it from their man that they look good. It's easy. Whether you find her the most beautiful woman in the world or not, is a different story. If she is not that sexy, she probably knows that. But, dare you make feel like she is not the hottest, sexiest and most beautiful woman on the planet. 4. "I can do a thousand things at once, why can't you?":This aspect of women is by far no less than a mystery for men to understand. They fail to understand how women manage to perform multiple tasks at the same time. The definition of multi tasking for men involves eating popcorn while watching a match or a move, that's all. It is very uncommon for men to juggle along with five tasks all at the same time. What amuses men is how women manage to perform so many tasks at one time that too with utter perfection. 3. Despite a closet full of clothes they always proclaim "I have nothing to wear":Any woman does not literally mean that they do not have anything to wear, but what they mean is that they do not have anything good to wear at that moment. Women are very fond of dressing up, especially when it comes to celebrating occasions. If they do not find an outfit complimenting the occasion, it is then that they say that they do not have anything to wear. There is indeed a very subtle, but a very important and valid difference. 2. Put on high heels, only to complain all night "My Feet Hurt So Bad":Women all over the world are mad over heels. They purchase heels because they not only look good, but also because heels compliment their dress undoubtedly. Though heels look good, they also hurt terribly. Men need to understand that women can never compromise their looks even if it hurts them and therefore should silently extend their support to them. 1. They Say "I'm Fine," when in reality they are not:There are certain situations when women get upset because of you. They want you to realize your mistake without having them pin point it at you. It's just as simple as that, but men don't even understand this simple logic. After any argument, every woman wants to sit down and ponder over the entire situation, and explain what is actually bothering them making them upset. It's only her expectation to make you realize your fault which often turns the other way round. The post 6 Things A Man Can Never Guess About An Average Woman appeared first on TopYaps. |
7 Amazingly Beautiful Alaskan Peaks Posted: 08 Nov 2013 10:25 PM PST Alaska is a treasure of natural beauty. This piece of land that the USA bought from Russia is one of most scenic states of the USA. There are many glaciers, volcanoes and mountains in Alaska. All these add to the beauty of Alaska, especially the mountains which are some of the highest peaks in America. Here are 7 beautiful Alaskan peaks that if climbed, present the Mother Nature in all its glory to you: 7. Mount Marcus Baker:Mount Marcus Baker is located 75 miles from Anchorage. This peak is very near to the sea and is ranked highly in terms of topographic prominence. It is the highest peak of the Chugach Mountains. It was initially called Mount Saint Agnes by James W. Bagley who named it after his wife and added the saint in the hope that it will help the name stick. But later the name was changed to honor Marcus Baker who was a geologist and cartographer. It is a tough peak to summit because of unpredictable weather and the remoteness of location. 6. Mount Hayes:Mount Hayes is one of the largest peaks in the United States because of the way it rises suddenly above the local terrain. The Northeast Face rises more than 8,000 feet in just 2 miles. It is the highest mountain in the Eastern Alaskan Range and is not climbed frequently because of the difficult approach and relative remoteness. It was climbed for the first time by Bradford Washburn in 1941. The remoteness of this peak makes it a breathtaking place to visit. 5. Mount Bear:Mount Bear is a lesser known peak of the Saint Elias Mountains of Alaska. It is situated about 4 miles from the Yukon border in the Wrangell-Saint Elias National Park. It is one of the top 20 highest peaks in the USA but it is still not visited very often due to more popular peaks in its neighborhood. There are glaciers on both sides and the peak rises impressively on both sides. It’s another scenic spot because of its relative unfamiliarity. 4. Mount Bona:Mount Bona is the highest volcano in the United States and the 4th highest in North America. It is a dormant volcano covered by ice which feeds ice to the Klutlan Glacier which ends up in the Yukon Territory of Canada. It is one of the highest mountains of Saint Elias Mountain Range. It is about 80 miles from Mount Saint Elias, while climbing which Prince Luigi Amedeo sighted it for the first time in 1897. He named it Bona after his racing Yacht. 3. Mount Fairweather:One of the most beautiful Alaskan peaks, Mount Fairweather was named apparently for unusually fair weather but since it’s naming it has come to be known for harsh weather. It is located just 20 miles from the Pacific Ocean and is located at the border of Alaska with Canada. It is also sometimes called Boundary Peak 164. It is among the highest coastal mountains in the world at 4,671 meters. The coast and the awe inspiring peak next to it is a grand view that very few people have enjoyed because of the not so fair weather at the top. 2. Mount Blackburn:Mount Blackburn is located in the Wrangell-Saint Elias National Park and is the highest peak in the Wrangell Mountains in Alaska. It was named in 1885 after Joseph Clay Stiles Blackburn, a Senator from Kentucky. It is the 5th highest peak in the USA and the 12th highest in North America. It is a dormant volcano and the second highest volcano in United States. It gives birth to many glaciers on all sides. It is a very splendid view because of the sudden rise from the icefields and is the 50th most prominent mountain in the world. 1. Mount McKinley:Mount McKinley is the highest mountain in North America at an elevation of 6,168 meters. It is the third most prominent peak in the world after Mount Everest and Aconcagua in Argentina. This mountain is also called Denali which means “The High One” and sits in the center of Denali National Park and Preserve. It was first sighted in 1794 and the first successful summit ascent was in 1913 although Frederick Cook unsuccessfully claimed the first ascent in 1906. It is a truly majestic peak and part of the most gorgeous national parks in the USA. The post 7 Amazingly Beautiful Alaskan Peaks appeared first on TopYaps. |
8 Health Tips For Mega-Travelers Posted: 08 Nov 2013 07:20 PM PST You do not get time to exercise when traveling, and lengthy flights and unhealthy food do the rest to affect your health. And nothing can be as wearisome and disappointing as being ill away from home on your holiday trip! So, if you belong to the category of mega-travelers, there're various health issues you might have to cope up with, especially if you are not aware of what to do to stay healthy. 8. Travel Light:Traveling light and smart is probably the best way to go hassle-free and besides, it'll save you a lot of energy that you can utilize for other, more important activities later. With multiple and heavy bags you spend more time worrying and less time enjoying! The worst, with too much of luggage on your mind, you are not able to recall your best and memorable moments out of the trip. 7. Get Out Protected:It's important to practice standard health guidelines during and after your travel. Don't forget to wear sunscreen with an SPF of around 30 for protection against both UVA and UVB radiations. Be attentive enough to prevent mosquito and insect bites and use a quality insect repellent on exposed skin, especially when outside during day time. 6. Pack Some Snacks with You:Traveling hungry is equally detrimental to your health, and most airline foods are excessively oily and filled with fats. Make sure you have various healthy snacks with you, preferably nut seeds, dry fruits, herbal tea, nut buttes and crackers. Don't forget to take fresh water and green juice along to stay filled and hydrated! 5. Take Supplements:Another good idea is to take a few supplements that can be highly helpful during your travel. You can take magnesium supplements to prevent stress and excess of fatigue that you can always expect during a trip. You can also take safe and prescribed supplements for jet lag prevention, especially if your trip includes lengthy flights, tiring train rides and a lot of work. After all, it's not too easy to travel through several time zones and still dodge fatigue (physical and mental, both!) and sleep distraction! 4. Drink More and More Water:If you feel completely dehydrated and lifeless after a lengthy flight, you are not alone for it happens with all of us. And of course, this is the worst part with traveling! Well, best you can do about it is carry a water bottle and drink plenty of water to make sure that you can stay energized and hydrated throughout your trip. It would be even better to increase your water intake a few days before your flight and afterward as well. 3. Proper Rest and Sleep:Since traveling is both mentally and physically exhausting, it becomes vital to care for your body. If you have been able to choose your seat wisely, the next step would be to get a sound and undisturbed sleep. Keep an eye mask to block out light and a neck pillow with you. Consider wearing loose and comfortable clothes for a relaxed journey. If nothing else is working, stick in your ear plugs, take a deep breath and go to sleep thinking about nothing at all! 2. Learn to Improvise:If there's no gym around where you are staying, you'll have to make the most of what's just available. You can do some brisk push-ups in your hotel room, using things like bed, chair and your suitcase for different activities. It is simply about how determined you're toward your fitness and what innovative you can do to utilize what's around as temporary workout equipment. For instance, you can do chin-ups on exposed water pipes or go jogging in the parking area. 1. Choose Foods carefully!Heavy-luxury or junk foods often become the first choice for travelers. Though there may be less or no availability of fresh and healthy food when traveling, you can at least handle the situation by making less bad food selection. You can choose to skip breads and chips, and go for the fish instead. Limit your intake of alcohol and make sure you wash hands before eating. Avoid tap water and too much of cold drinks and if possible, only drink bottled water. The post 8 Health Tips For Mega-Travelers appeared first on TopYaps. |
6 Females Who Are The Face Of Modern India Posted: 08 Nov 2013 07:07 PM PST The hypothetical Indian society worships women as Goddesses on one hand, while on the other they suppress their women subjecting them to humiliation, insults and violence. In India Goddesses are not consorts of Gods, as you would normally find in other regions, but they possess immense power ruling the world of wealth, knowledge and power. Unfortunately though, women in India suffer from lack of education, financial independence and empowerment. There have been few women who rose beyond the boundaries set by society, carving a niche for themselves in arenas ruled by men. Indian history has seen women like Rani Padmini, Rani Lakshmi Bai, Razia Sultana, Kittur Rani Chennamma, Sarojini Naidu, Indira Gandhi and many more who have left an inedible mark on the progress of India. Today we see innumerable women breaking barriers and making a mark for themselves in the patriarchal society. The list of such women would be unending, but I am picking 6 females who are the face of modern India. 6. Simone Tata:French by birth, today Simone Tata has become the face of modern India by transforming a small subsidiary branch of Tata Oil Mills into a leading cosmetic firm – Lakme. She is the wife of late Naval Jahangir Tata. Referred to as Cosmetic Czarina of India; she is one of the most impressive businesswomen India has seen. At present she is heading Trend Limited, another auxiliary of Tata group of companies. She is respected all over the world for her business acumen and leadership qualities. 5. Medha Patkar:Medha Patkar has shown other women, what can be accomplished if they have perseverance and determination on their side. One of very prominent social activist, Medha Patkar has taken up the cause of people who would be affected by the Sardar Sarovar dam being constructed on River Narmada. The pioneer of Narmada Bachao Aandolan, she has fought against the government through protest marches and hunger strikes; not being stopped by physical and verbal assaults from her oppressors. 4. Punita Arora:The male dominated Indian Armed Services did not deter Punita Arora from achieving her dreams. She became the first Indian Woman to don the rank of Lieutant General of Indian Armed Forces and later went on to become the first woman Vice Admiral of Indian Navy. Known as a General in a Sari, she humbly says, "”I never felt that I am a woman and I’ve reached this position, so I’ve done something very great.” She is the winner of Vishisht Seva Medal, Sena Medal and Param Vishisht Seva medal. 3. Kiran Mazumdar Shaw:Kiran Mazumdar Shaw has risen from a woman facing financial challenges to start her dream project, into being one of the richest women in India. The fairy tale story of her success began with her job as a trainee brewer at Carlton and United Beverages in Australia. After leaving her job, she faced innumerable challenges before starting her pet project Biocon in the garage of her rented house with a fund of just Rs.10000/- . Today her net worth is US$ 900 million as estimated in 2010. She has made it to the Forbes lists of World's 100 most powerful women and also the Financial Times -Top 50 women in business. 2. MC Mary Kom:The Magnificent Mary, as she is lovingly called, Mary Kom is an Olympic Bronze medalist in flyweight boxing category. Apart from the Olympic medal, Mary Kom has five World Boxing championships and also a record of being the only woman boxer to have won a medal in each one of the six world championships. What is amazing is that Mary Kom manages a demanding career in boxing while not ignoring her family of husband and two children. She is an inspiration to those women, who often given up their ambitions and careers once they get married and have children to care for. She has received Padma Bhushan, Padma Shri, Ajuna Award, Khel Ratna Award and named People of the year-Limca Book of Records 2007. 1. Kiran Bedi:The first woman officer in IPS, Kiran Bedi has innumerable other achievements credited to her. After her voluntary retirement from IPS in 2007, Kiran Bedi took up social activities to bring about revolutionary changes in India by setting up Navjyoti India Foundation for welfare and preventive policing and India Vision Foundation for prison reformation. She is known for towing then PM Indira Gandhi's car for parking violation. Besides a long list of medals and awards, Kiran Bedi was awarded a UN Medal for her work as the Civilian Police Advisor in United Nations peacekeeping operations. The post 6 Females Who Are The Face Of Modern India appeared first on TopYaps. |
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