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- 6 Tricks To Kill Laziness Instantly
- 7 Ways You Can Force Introverts To Smile
- 8 Most Popular Stories Of Jaishankar Prasad
- 7 Facts You Probably Don’t Know About Polar Bears
- 6 Simple Ways To Remain Happy Everyday
- 5 Networking Tips For Those Who Hate Social Media
6 Tricks To Kill Laziness Instantly Posted: 28 Nov 2013 03:32 AM PST The disease that follows the bite of lazy bug can be devastating. There is whole wide world to conquer, and all you can do it laze around in some mysterious stupor without doing anything much the whole day. Procrastination will soon befriend you, even as you find solace in sleeping at odd hours, idling away your precious time doing nothing or embark on a journey to the fantasy land where everything is according to your liking. Do not go through guilt if you are lazy, because laziness is a natural trait of humans. It the fast paced world that has risen the bar of performance that makes it absolutely necessary for us to work hard if we wish to be successful members of society. In today's world, if you do not kill laziness quickly, it is sure going to kill your career, life and happiness in days to come. I am compiling a list of 6 tricks that may work in your endeavor to kill laziness. 6. Divide tasks into smaller portions:Imagine a huge stack of books you try to pick up at one go, or a big piece of cake you try to eat with one single bite. Does that give you a clue? When the task at hand is too much, you tend to procrastinate and put it away. Simplify overwhelming tasks at hand to smaller bits, so that you can do one thing at a time. If cleaning the house in on your procrastination list, break the cleaning into, laundry, dusting, mopping and other simple activities so that you can achieve at least few of them in a day. 5. Be Organized:Most of the procrastination time is spent wondering where and when to being the task staring at you. Start by organizing your work place, since clutter can easily kill your motivation to work. Prioritize tasks through a journal, as written words speak more strongly than your mental thoughts. Once your work place is settled, continue organizing other areas like your bedroom, closet, or car. Organized place can help you work more effectively. 4. Stop distractions:Distractions give us a reason to be lazy without feeling much guilt; since the buck is passed on to the distraction easily. TV, social media, gossip and many more distractions serve the purpose of allowing you to be lazy without worrying about the tasks which needs immediate attention. Evaluate your life to find your distractions, so that you can stop them immediately. Make a strict rule that you will NOT attend to the distracting activities until you finish the task at hand. You can rope in someone to monitor and remind you every time you falter. 3. Do not take your accomplishments for granted:Do not hesitate to pat your back even when you have completed just one of the tasks from the list. If you start taking your accomplishments for granted, you will soon run out of motivation to do work. Promise yourself a reward once you tick off everything from the 'To do' list. 2. Remove the tag:Do not brand yourself lazy and surrender to the tag, though it is very easy and tempting. Laziness is not an incurable malady. What you think about yourself makes a lot of difference to the way you perform. Rephrase all your negative sentences to positive and practice saying them over and over again. Slowly cover the journey from 'I can't' to 'I can'. 1. Action not thoughts or words:Do not keep talking or thinking about what you are going to do. Take the first step and stand on your feet, ready for the action. If you are hooked on to one of your distractions then put an end to it NOW. Switch off the TV, disconnect internet or put down the phone immediately without giving it a second thought. If you say just few more minutes, then you have reached the end of road. The minutes will turn into hours and soon the day will end with the work staring at you. Time has wings when you are being lazy. The post 6 Tricks To Kill Laziness Instantly appeared first on TopYaps. |
7 Ways You Can Force Introverts To Smile Posted: 28 Nov 2013 03:26 AM PST It's tough to please introverts and making them laugh even tougher. But, if you are resolute about making them smile, there's actually plenty of ways to do it. Studies reveal that introverts often fall in relationship with extroverts and are happier in their company even when they may not divulge much. The saying that opposites attract fits them quiet well and they often gravitate towards extroverts because through them, introverts get a chance to have some fun and loosen a bit. Like all of us, even introverts like receiving complements, enjoy jokes, are pleased with gifts, and like to smile. You only need to know the ways to make it happen. 7. Jokes Can Help:If you are good at cracking jokes, here is a chance for you. Most people, even introverts like to laugh at idiotic jokes. In fact, laughter evokes automatically if something is really funny. However, it's important to know what can make your introvert friend laugh. They should be comfortable in your company as introverts aren't normally gregarious and avoid company. 6. Say a Polite Hello:In case, you have an introvert companion working at your office, you must always wish him/her a polite 'hello' every morning. This becomes all the more important if it's a girl. Females normally seek attention from guys they like and if you are one of them, here is your chance. It also sends across a signal that you approve of her presence. So, next time, you enter the office in morning; don't forget to wish your introvert friend with a warm 'hello'. 5. Writing a Funny Poem:Introverts love to remain confided in a big balloon, which shields them from the worldly gaze. Mostly, books are their best friends. In case, you come up with a task to force out a laugh from such a friend, write down a funny prose or poem on a paper and let them have it. Introverts love to laugh when they're alone. But, mind it, the prose or poem should be funny and to their taste as it can very easily back-fire and pose a big turn off for them; forcing you to find expensive ways to make him happy. 4. Finding the Right Peer Group:Smile is contagious! And, there is no better way to pick up laughter than hanging out with peers who love laughing their hearts out. An introvert may find it difficult to adjust to a peer group at first, but if at all he does, remember introverts too like to have fun and will smile in the company of people they like. Only with a group of fun loving friends, can an introvert learn to admire the worth of laughter. 3. Facial Expression:Your facial expressions play a key role in making introverts laugh their hearts out. If you still can't comprehend what I mean, then put on the Mr. Bean series on the TV and watch Rowan Atkinson and his bizarre expressions. Since introverts are intuitive and good observers, your facial expressions will impact your intimacy with them. The more sincere your facial expressions, the better are your chances of making them smile. 2. Laughter Clubs:If your introvert friend doesn't mind joining a laughter club situated in the neighborhood park, you could both attend a few sessions together. Watching other people laugh uncontrollably will make them laugh their hearts out as well. Laughter is contagious and can propel all kinds of people, whether introvert or extrovert to loosen up for some time. 1. Introverts Love Surprises:There is nothing better than showering introverts with surprises. Usually, people who feel more comfortable remaining confided in themselves, rather than venting out their emotions in front of others, expect others to make them feel special. Nothing is better than organizing a small party for them at the weekend. It's enough to bring a smile on their face. They love being adored and if a small surprise can make it happen why not. The post 7 Ways You Can Force Introverts To Smile appeared first on TopYaps. |
8 Most Popular Stories Of Jaishankar Prasad Posted: 28 Nov 2013 03:01 AM PST Jaishankar Prasad is one of the most important and famous of Hindi writers of the modern era. His writings played an important role in the development of Hindi literature. He was a poet, playwright, novelist and short story writer. He was also a philosopher and studied the Vedas deeply. His study of language and its evolution and the Vedic philosophy have left a mark on his writing. This post of TopYaps salutes the legendary stalwart of Hindi literature and presents 8 memorable stories penned down by him, though there are countless to go. 8. Ghulam:Ghulam is a famous story of Jaishankar Prasad. It tells the story of Ghulam Quadir who was chosen by the Mughal emperor due to his stunning beauty. He was castrated and raised as a servant of the emperor. Quadir never forgives the emperor for this and rebels against him and blinds him in order to take his revenge against the emperor. The story is based on true events of the life of Mughal emperor Ahmad Shah Bahadur. 7. Sikandar Ki Shapath:This is a story about Alexander the Great and his not so great deeds. It talks about Rajput fighters who fought in Afghanistan against Alexander. Alexander first took the vow to let them go back to India without any problem but then broke it because he didn’t want his enemies to get any reinforcements. He attacked the Rajput soldiers and killed all the men and women and children. 6. Taansen:This is the story of Taansen and how he found his name and his love. The story is of a Sardar under Akbar who found Ramprasad near an oasis and took him to his castle because of his singing. There a slave girl, who also could sing very nicely fell in love with Taansen and he won her in a singing competition. The Sardar of the castle bestowed the name Taansen on him because of his great singing talent. 5. Gram:Gram is a very touching story and shows the beauty of the villages. It is the story of a traveler who is on his way back to his home in a village. He’s someone who hasn’t seen villages for most of his life and is arrogant. But his arrogance is turned into humility when he meets the simple people of the village and find out that an old woman’s troubles were caused due to his own father. 4. Pratidhvani:Pratidhvani means echo and this story is a deeply philosophical one about the passing of time and the echo left by different lives. The beauty of this story is in the emotions it inspires in the readers. On the surface the story is of Tara and Shyama and a small mango orchard but if you go much deeper there are serious philosophical undertones. Pratidhvani was also the name of the anthology of short stories that contained this story. 3. Puraskar:Puraskar is the story of Madhulika, the daughter of Singhmitra, who asks for death as the award for her actions. Her farmland is first chosen for a festival in which the king pays for her land but she refuses to take the amount as the land is of her family. She spends many years in poverty when Arun, the prince of Magdh, comes back to meet her and plans to take over the castle. She first helps him, under the control of her desires to be rich but later realizes her mistake and warns the king. In the end she asks for death as her prize because her love for the rebellious prince is also true. 2. Chota Jadugar:Chota Jadugar is one of the most famous stories of Jaishankar Prasad. It is a very emotional story of a little boy who performs magic tricks on the street to earn money. His mother is old and dying and his father is in jail as he’s a freedom fighter. The narrator meets the little magician and finds it hard to relate to his world. Like many of his stories this one too is full of philosophical topics about life, death and society. 1. Mamta:Mamta is a short story of Jaiprakash Prasad that is very famous. It is the story of a Brahmin lady named Mamta who gave shelter to Humayun even though the Mughals had killed her father. She realized that her duty was to help any man who came to her door asking for help. Later a temple was built there by Akbar but he couldn’t mention Mamta’s name as she died before anyone could find out. This type of historical fiction was Jaishankar Prasad’s favorite writing style. The post 8 Most Popular Stories Of Jaishankar Prasad appeared first on TopYaps. |
7 Facts You Probably Don’t Know About Polar Bears Posted: 28 Nov 2013 02:47 AM PST We often see polar bears appearing in TV commercials, shows and documentaries or being described in fantasy novel-work. This has brought them popularity and made us treat them like celebs and believe them to be all calm and composed creatures. In their wild realm, however, these mammals are the largest and sturdiest carnivores living on the planet! Heading the food chain all around the Arctic, polar bears are the smug hunters of fish and ice-dependent seals. Well, there are many more interesting facts about polar bears that make them truly awesome. Here are 7 facts you probably don't know about them. 7. The Inuit People Respected Polar Bears:Unlike us, the Inuit people believed polar bears to be mystical creatures that should be revered even after death. They killed polar bears and hanged their skin along with some of their hunting tools for so many days. The Inuit people had a perception that polar bears needed those tools in the next birth and that it was rewarding to be 'kind' to these animals! 6. Polar Bears Performed in Ancient Rome:Blood sports were highly prevalent in ancient Rome and dying animals were fun and entertainment for people. They used to organize games in the open wherein a beast would take on another beast or hunters would face groups of wild animals. This was the time when polar bears were employed by the Romans for such full-of-bloodshed sports! They would fill an arena with seals after flooding it and then set starving polar bears to tear each other off! 5. They Are Not White Actually:While polar bears look white and this is how most of us think they are the reality is that their true skin color is black. Only that their guard hairs are transparent and undercoat colorless, causing them to appear white. Actually, these guard hairs have concave pockets inside them that reflect light wavelength back as sunlight falls on the outer coat of a polar bear. Their color may turn yellow or brown depending upon the Sun's position and the time of year, though, too! 4. Infrared Cameras Can not Capture Polar Bears:Polar bears become invisible when spotted by an infrared camera and the only visible parts are the eyes and nose. The reason for this is the radioactive properties polar bears' hairs have. These exceptional properties similar to those of the snow offer these animals invisibility under infrared rays. 3. Polar Bears Can Swim Continuously for Days:Polar bears have big, webbed paws that make it easy to cut through the water at a pace of around 6 mph. Besides being able to swim at a high speed, they can continue swimming for more than a week and cover as many as 60 miles nonstop! They have been recorded to swim about 200 miles maximum from sea shore. 2. Their Liver Can Kill Humans:If eaten, polar bear liver can kill a human being. Your vision may get unclear and the entire body including bones and the head may begin to ache, causing you to slip into coma and die eventually! Excessive vitamin A that polar bear liver contains is responsible for all this. Though vitamin A in accurate concentration is good for vision, reproduction and most bodily functions, too much of it is detrimental for human body. Too much of vitamin A also causes the hair to fall out and skin to peel away. In some cases even your liver and spleen may swell, causing the whole internal system to fail. 1. They are Becoming Cannibal:Although seals are what interest polar bears the most, a drastic change in climate of the Arctic in last couple of years has made them change their taste in a pretty much unnatural manner. Rapidly melting ice is another big factor that is keeping these animals bereaved of seals, their natural food. The consequences are showing up in the form of cannibalism emerging as a culture among polar bears! Though it is true that a female polar bear will feed on her sick cubs, increasing cannibalistic activities among polar bears experts believe is a matter of concern. Now, you can see cannibalistic activities taking place as a normal, natural phenomenon, especially where a group or two of polar bears have landed a dry region. The post 7 Facts You Probably Don’t Know About Polar Bears appeared first on TopYaps. |
6 Simple Ways To Remain Happy Everyday Posted: 28 Nov 2013 02:46 AM PST We all feel rustic and tragic at various points in our life, for one reason or another. Happiness is a subjective matter and varies from person to person, each having a different standard for its measurement. For one it may include possession of wealth or a fat bank account, while for another, a pleasant weather may do the trick. But, getting bogged down by the vagaries of life is not an attribute associated with the brave souls. Life is too short to lament the lemons. Leading a happy life is all about discovering ways, which can keep you joyful and elated. There are various ways to transform worries into happiness and you must learn how to achieve it. Remember, it involves fewer muscles to laugh than to cry. 6. Concentrate on the present moment:Slipping into the past memories is similar to inviting lost troubles in your present life. There is no point worrying about disturbing and infuriating events from the past. Unless, you mend your ways in the present, your past will keep coming back, haunting you always. So, in order to make your future truly rosy and eventful, leading your present life with a million dollar smile is imperative. Life is full on uncertainties and hence, every second must be lived with high energy. A man who knows importance of concentrating on the present moment is more contended and successful than his counterparts. 5. Anger is your worst enemy:Laughing out loud is considered the best way to keep you in the high spirits. Not only does it assist in secretion of endorphins and other kinds of pleasures, inducing hormones and reduction in stress inducing chemicals in the body. And, anger does the exact opposite. It acts as a catalyst in creating tiffs between people and also harms your health to a great extent. The best way to lead a happy life is through taming of your anger and this can be easily accomplished through yoga and other forms of physical exercise. 4. Do not care what others think:It's tough to please everyone, all the time. Stressing up yourself thinking about what opinions others hold for you, will leave you more stressed. You are the single owner of your life who can decide the way it should be lived. It's good to take suggestions from people around you, but, they should not overpower your decisions about life. Clear funda to live happy is- don't care what others think. 3. Honor the needs of your soul:What's most important is to honor your own soul and do the needful to keep it happy. The real contentment of the soul can't be achieved through modern materialistic pleasures, but empowering your soul in different ways. It's the enlightenment that your soul requires to remain satisfied. In case, you inner-self asks for solitary confinement, then it is your duty to respect its orders. If this can keep you happy, so be it. 2. Your company decides your happiness:It's important that you hang out and keep company with people who always see glass half-full. Such people radiate positive vibes and hence, everyone wants to remain in their company. Getting a clear view of the complex world is only possible if you spend time with these people. Living optimistic is the real mantra, if you want to lead a happy and content life. 1. Music is the best therapy:Soothing your nerves with music you like is one of the best ways to keep your face brimming with smile. Music is a therapy in itself that can calm down your senses and radiate creative ideas. It helps in instilling positive feelings and burning down reasons that keep you worrying. While listening to music to improve mooed is important, what's also important is to remember that music can also pull you down. So when you're sad and lonely, never listen to sad songs, try something instrumental that helps to make you feel calm. The post 6 Simple Ways To Remain Happy Everyday appeared first on TopYaps. |
5 Networking Tips For Those Who Hate Social Media Posted: 27 Nov 2013 07:53 PM PST In times when people spend hours interacting even with strangers on many of social media websites; it may come as a surprise to many to know that there are people who hate networking on social media. Love it or hate it, we have to agree that social media is fast becoming the future communication tool. The transparency of social media websites is one of the reasons why people place more trust in messages placed on these sites. Through proper manipulation, many businesses have established meaningful, lasting, mutually beneficial connections, one person at a time, to build a huge database of customers. So how can you manage effective networking if you hate social media? Identifying the reason for your hatred and working towards clearing those issues is the first step. Here is the list of 5 networking tips for the people who hate social media networking which will help them take that problematic first step. 5. Do not change yourself to fit into social media:Many people assume that social media networking requires you make changes to your presentation styles. Not many adapt well to changes. You do not have to change yourself to fit into social media, but change your networking to suite your own style of working. Discard rules that do not match your outlook. Be yourself while networking on social media, making prominent your strengths and assets. Build up rapport with your connections according to your preferences. Instead of following the pack, stand out and do what you are best qualified to do. 4. Keep your personal space:Social media networking is infamous for being too intrusive in your life. The truth is that you always have a choice with social media like any other part of your life. Keep track of time when you are on social media, so that you do not waste more time on unwanted activities online, then end up hating social media for wasting your time. Do not try to be everywhere with all information at one time. Pick the best social media network that is best for your requirement. Share only that information which you intend to; protecting your own personal space. 3. Learn to filter communication:Social media networking is bombarded with lot of useless information which can confuse you. They can mislead you, especially the intentional misinformation targeting specific group of people. Try to filter out what you want to learn, while not spending time on unwanted topics. Use good judgment about what you read and learn from social media. You will have to develop skill of filtering out misinformation, to overcome your hatred for social media networking. 2. Do not give up your old marketing strategies:Just because social media is free and new marketing strategy, you do not have to give up on your old marketing strategy that has worked for you so far; especially, if you are a person who is not comfortable on social media. Take casual steps in the new area, while keeping strong foothold on your old networking strategies which keeps running as usual. If you are uncomfortable even after some efforts with social media networking, you will still have your old skills to fall back on. Take slow and steady steps towards establishing a good network in time. 1. Be goal oriented:When you are on social media, be focused on what you want to achieve there. Go in with a strategy that you need in order to reach your goal. Once you are focused on your achievements, the hatred you have towards social media itself will not count as it becomes a tool for your success. If you are not comfortable with people who ask for likes, comments or promotions; keep away from them. You are not obliged to do anyone's bidding. Keep social media networking at a distance you are comfortable with, not allowing it to smother you. The post 5 Networking Tips For Those Who Hate Social Media appeared first on TopYaps. |
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