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- 8 Instances Of Laziness That Put A Tortoise To Shame
- The 10 Kickass Female Characters In Movies
- 10 Symbols You Spot In All Parts Of The World
- 7 Effective Ways To Gain Weight Quickly
- 7 Fashion Trends That Are Actually Bullshit
- 7 Most Controversial Celebrities Of Bollywood
8 Instances Of Laziness That Put A Tortoise To Shame Posted: 08 Nov 2013 09:30 AM PST You think you are lazy? Just wait till you read about some of the cases known for laziness to a whole new level. Bill Gates once said that he likes giving hard work to lazy people because they’ll find ways to make it easy. Well, here are 8 interesting instances that crossed the heights of laziness.
8. The Guy Who Took 3 Day Weekends for 20 Years:Howard Dean was the food services director at the Department of Correctional Services in New York. He decided that 2 days off during the weekend weren’t enough for him so he took Friday off every week for almost 17 years! He showed the government that he was working a full week and somehow managed to avoid getting caught for all these years and only got caught after his retirement. 7. The Secretary Who Wrote a 300 Page Book to Avoid Doing Work:Emmalee Bauer was a secretary at Sheraton Hotels in Elkhart, Iowa but she didn’t enjoy her job. To avoid raising suspicion that she wasn’t working she decided to write in a laziness journal on her computer. Everybody thought she was hard at work while she was writing in a document that eventually became a 300 page book called the Laziness Journal. 6. The Japanese Wikipedia Editors:The employees of Japan’s Ministry of Agriculture were so bored at work that they started editing Wikipedia entries. From 2003 to 2007 they edited more than 400 pages on Wikipedia. Most of these pages being about an animated cartoon series called Gundam which is about giant robots. One particular employee contributed 260 times to the Japanese language Wikipedia. 5. The Perpetual Jury Duty:Joseph Winstead was a mailman who was so lazy that he pretended to be on jury duty for a whole year. He got called for jury duty and realized that he was getting paid full pay even on the days when the jury didn’t meet. Once his duty was over he continued to tell his employees that he was still on jury duty and stayed at home to enjoy a fully paid holiday. His stint only ended when he got called for another jury duty and tried to repeat the scam the next year. 4. The Man Cave:Louis Marciano and Gary Pivoda worked for Office of General Services and were supposed to provide on site maintenance in the Empire State Plaza garage but their job description wasn’t clear enough for them so instead they turned a small room in the garage into a man cave and enjoyed 6 years of hanging out there every day playing board games, watching TV and smoking grass. They were caught when they tried to run a marijuana distribution business out of their cave. 3. The Lazy Cremator:Ray Brent Marsh was facing a conundrum when his cremation oven got broken. He procrastinated getting it fixed for too long and meanwhile the people in Noble kept dying and he had to cremate them somehow so he decided to just dump the bodies into the backyard of the cemetery. Later he found that it was much easier to do this than to get the oven fixed so he carried on for 5 years, giving concrete dust in urns to the family members. 2. The CSI Agent Who Could not Care Less:Mariem Maegalla was a CSI agent but she didn’t feel glamorous and sexy like those on TV. Instead she felt lazy and bored at work. She was so careless about the crime scene investigations that she would tamper with the evidence just because it was easier. Like she once marked a crack pipe as positive for drugs even though it was negative just because she would have to go all the way to the other end of the building and fill paperwork for further tests. 1. The Ancient Greeks:If these everyday people aren’t enough to inspire you into laziness then what about the Greeks. The ancient Greeks believed that their gods lived on top of Mount Olympus. It is the highest mountain in Greece but not that high at only 2917 meters. But the ancient Greeks never thought of climbing and meeting their gods! That’s the height of laziness! The post 8 Instances Of Laziness That Put A Tortoise To Shame appeared first on TopYaps. |
The 10 Kickass Female Characters In Movies Posted: 08 Nov 2013 09:07 AM PST Women are generally underplayed in cinema space all across the world. Well, Hollywood is no exception to the universal rule. Still, there are certain characters played by females in Hollywood movies which have left a solid imprint in the minds of movie lovers all around the globe. The characters not only portray the stronger side of the fairer sex but also bring forth the transition of cinema from largely patriarchal to a balanced one (in terms of female partaking). Let’s have a look at some of the most famous ladies around. 10. Julia Roberts (Pretty Women):Julia Roberts played the much admired character of a prostitute named Vivian Ward in the flick 'Pretty Women'. The movie portrays really well how she manages a steady makeover from the brothel girl standing on the roadside waiting for her customers to someone who woos Richard Gere (playing wealthy businessman) finally, at the end. 9. Sigourney Weaver (Aliens):Playing the role of Ripley in 'Aliens', Sigourney Weaver came to be recognized as the best female action here post this release. She played her role to complete aptness in the 1986 release that was the first and the most comprehensive science fiction horror film of the time. The scenes involving her firing a machine gun were fantastic. 8. Helen Mirren (Arthur):In 2011's Arthur (the first one was out in 1981) Helen Mirren in her role of nanny was just stupendous; the kind you'd feel related to instantly. Her dead pan face looks made her so very ideal and close to the role. Seeing her onscreen, I think she lived (and not played) the character in actuality. 7. Sharon Stone (Basic Instinct 1):This 1992 American erotic thriller starring Sharon Stone as beautiful mysterious murder-suspect attracted huge chunks of criticism from all sections of society during that time. The condemnation was for all the wrong reasons but the movie raked enough moolah as negative publicity worked for the picture. Sharon in her role of Catherine Trammel was superb and bold (remember her interrogation scene where she sat cross-legged) to the core. 6. Kate Beckinsale (Underworld):The ultimate chick got the ball rolling for her eventually; it happened with her character of Selene in 'Underworld' – a 2003 release. The blood-thirsty and death-dealing character played by Kate was high on reason and matter. Her tryst with her own destiny is remarkable. 5. Jodie Foster (Fightplan):The character of Kyle played by Jodie Foster in the movie 'Fightplan' is something to watch out for. She played a girl looking out for her father on a plane. The character is still remembered for its fairly balanced emotional treatment. The connection you develop with the character is likely to stay around for a long time to come. 4. Demi Moore (G.I. Jane):The 1997 movie 'G.I. Jane' showcased one of the best female characters ever to take life in Hollywood movies. She played bald headed Lt. Jordon O'Neil who successfully passed through the training program laid down for Navy Seals. The movie was a hit and so was G.I. Jane. 3. Angelina Jolie (Salt):Angelina, the other half of 'Brangelina,' is known for her irresistible beauty (and plushy lips). Although, she had proved her acting prowess before 'Salt' many times too, the character of Evelyn (undercover Russian spy) made her an immortal figure in Hollywood. The character was originally written down for a male lead (Tom Cruise) but with her taking up the role, it became alluring and intrepid at the same time. 2. Julia Roberts (Erin Brockovich):The biographical film of 2000, Erin Brockovich not only won many awards (Academy, Golden Globe, Screen Actor's Guild Award & BAFTA for Best Actress) but millions of hearts too. The challenging role of an unemployed single mother (of 3 kids) was played by Julia Roberts really well. The movie is a gem, especially because Julia Roberts did her part perfectly well. 1. Uma Thurman (Kill Bill):Talented director Quentin Tarantino's classical project 'Kill Bill' showcased Uma Thurman in a whole new avatar. Her character of The Bride in Kill Bill Volume 1 and Kill Bill Volume 2 was indeed KICK-ASS. She plays a former member of an assassination group, later massacred by her own group members. Uma won Best Actress Award at 9th Empire Awards and was also nominated for 57th British Academy Awards. If you have not seen the movie as yet, you really should! The post The 10 Kickass Female Characters In Movies appeared first on TopYaps. |
10 Symbols You Spot In All Parts Of The World Posted: 08 Nov 2013 09:00 AM PST There are certain symbols that are instantly recognizable all around the world. No matter how dilapidated part of the world you are in, certain symbols can be found everywhere and even those who never get any education know what these symbols mean. Most of these symbols are logos of famous brands which is obvious because of the huge marketing budget used by big corporations but there are other symbols that have become popular just because of their ingenuity. Let’s look at the 10 widely popular signs and symbols that are almost as common as Christ's Cross or Om! No kidding. 10. Shell:The yellow and red shell of this oil giant can be seen everywhere you go. Our modern society is so much dependent on oil that it can be found even in the remotest of places. And where there is oil, you’ll find the symbol of the major oil corporations including Shell. One or the other product of Shell is being used in your own neighborhood no matter where you live. 9. Superman:This S of superman inside a diamond pattern has become world famous too. DC comics haven’t intentionally tried to do this but this first superhero has become so popular all over the world that his symbol is today recognized everywhere. Its copyright is violated by toys and t-shirt manufacturers everywhere. 8. Flag of Switzerland:The flag of Switzerland is a white cross on a field of red. This little symbol has become massively popular mostly due to two products of this country; the Swiss army knife and the Swiss chocolate. Now this symbol is used with any Swiss product and sometimes even when the product doesn’t have much to do with Switzerland. It has become a mark of quality for any product. 7. Volkswagen:The brand logos of most car brands are popular in different parts of the world. Every country has one or two major car makers whose brand logo is etched in the brains of its people. But if we look at the international level there are a handful of symbols that are widely spread. Since Volkswagen is one of the biggest companies, it’s not a surprise that their symbol is among the most recognizable symbols in the world. 6. Mercedes:Another very famous car logo is that of Mercedes. It is probably the most famous of car brand logos in the world. I think it has to do something with the very beautiful design of the three point star inside the circle that has made it more popular than other brands. 5. Nike:The tick of Nike is most definitely the most popular apparel, sportswear and shoes brand logo in the world. Nothing else even comes close. This cleverly designed logo is so simple and yet so powerful and it goes very well with the “Just Do It” mantra of the brand. 4. Apple:The apple with a bite is a symbol that has become synonymous with class, quality and luxury. Apple has always had a very special brand feel and the logo is associated with it from the start. Today iPads, iPhones, iPods and Macs all over the world proudly display this symbol. 3. Coca-Cola:Coca Cola written in flowing cursive over a red background is something that even the starving children of some African countries must have seen somewhere. Except for North Korea, I can’t think of any country that Coca Cola doesn’t have a presence in. The secret to their success is the unbelievable margin of profit they have on their products which they use mostly for advertising. If there is any product that highlights the power of advertising then it has to be the sweetened, colored and carbonated water that’s a bottle of coke. 2. McDonalds:McDonalds’ M has also become famous along with the clown but in many places for the wrong reason. This symbol is compared to rampant capitalism that has caused huge damage to the whole world. It has become the symbol of multinational corporations coming in and killing the local traders and businessmen. 1. Red Cross:The red cross of the Red Cross is probably the most well known symbol in the world. The equal sided cross has been used to show medical aid in many countries but the red cross has become a symbol of peace and unity in a world that is trying to rip itself apart. Red cross is a symbol of hope and shows that at least some of us humans are working towards world peace. The post 10 Symbols You Spot In All Parts Of The World appeared first on TopYaps. |
7 Effective Ways To Gain Weight Quickly Posted: 08 Nov 2013 02:18 AM PST Many would agree that gaining weight is not tough, especially if you are talking about unhealthy ways of gaining weight. Slop on your couch with enough soft drinks, fries and chips as you watch one movie after another, and within a week you will have gained enough weight. Ask those millions of obese people who will vouch how easy it is to pile on those pounds, where as it is nearly impossible to shed them. Not every person gains weight naturally. We all have envied that one person who can gulp down all those chocolates, ice-creams, cheese, fries and soft drinks without having to shop for new clothes. It is great challenge for them to gain some weight and put on those extra pounds to make them look healthy. If you walk down the path of gaining weight in an unhealthy manner, it will not be long that you start regretting your decision, as the ill effects are seen on your health and figure. Here are 7 effective ways to gain weight quickly, without adverse effects on your body and health. 7. Eat often:Obese people usually have a strong bond with their refrigerator and kitchen. Does that give you some clue? Eating often, nearly 5-6 meals a day will help you in putting on those elusive pounds. Make it 3 whole meals and 3 in between snacks if you are not comfortable with more than 3 meals a day. Instead of trying to consume more sugar, oil or fatty food, you can stick to healthy food and gain weight, if, you eat enough. Go for a bed time snack. Do not drink water before eating, as it reduces your appetite. Fill your refrigerator and dining table with food that you love munching on. Do not hesitate to reach out for them when you feel the yearning. 6. Include calorie dense food in your diet:Calorie dense food like peanut butter, nuts, oats, cheese, ghee, olive oil, bananas, avocados, meat or yogurt provide you with not just calories for gaining weight, but good vitamins and nutrients to keep you healthy. Count your calories, and consume more than your regular requirement which is needed for maintaining weight. Once you reach your ideal weight, you cut back on those extra calories, and go back to maintaining your weight. 5. Provide enough post- workout fuel to your body:Eating energy rich food after a sweaty workout will provide your body with necessary post-workout fuel which adds more muscles to your body. Working out will help you gain weight in right places, to make you look fit and healthy, but you will need to provide your body with enough fuel immediately after exercises for maximum effect. 4. Exercise to build muscle mass:Though many associate exercises with weight loss programs, it is also considered the best way to gain weight by building muscle mass. Resistance training exercises like pull ups, bench presses, bar dips, squats and many more help you gain weight by adding muscles mass to your body. You have to take precaution to consume enough protein and calorie rich food to benefit fully from your exercises. 3. Keep your body well hydrated:Drink plenty of water, milk shakes, butter milk, tender coconut water, soups and juices throughout the day to stay well hydrated. You have to avoid fluid intake before meals, so that your appetite will not be affected. Intake of sufficient fluids has other health benefits like controlling fatigue, preventing headaches, healing dry skin and improving bowel movements. 2. Sleep well:Sleep has great influence over the weight gain and weight loss. It is not just important to get adequate sleep, but you should also ensure that you get quality sleep if you are planning on gaining weight. Sleep is directly linked to hormones that control our appetite. Disruption of sleep can interfere with your other activities preventing weight gain. 1. Be Happy:If you are stressed out and sad, it is very unlikely that you will succeed in gaining weight. Studies have shown that constant stress can increase metabolism rate and release more adrenalin in our body, thus burning out more calories than usual. No matter what you eat, how much you exercise, you will not succeed in being healthy or gaining weight if you are suffering from stress and worry. Being relaxed and happy is very essential for your health as well for your weight gain. The post 7 Effective Ways To Gain Weight Quickly appeared first on TopYaps. |
7 Fashion Trends That Are Actually Bullshit Posted: 07 Nov 2013 07:50 PM PST Despite the fact that we all say that it's completely punk-rock to not care about what anyone's wearing, the truth is 'Everybody Actually Cares'! There has been a point in our life where we all have taken up some fashion trends only to mess up. Thankfully some of these trends have vanished while the remaining trends still daunt us till date. These trends should however be immediately abandoned. Mentioned below are the trends that have at one point or the other been in limelight as one of the biggest fashion faux pas and therefore should be subjected to complete rejection. Move ahead and say No to some utterly bullshit trends like…. 7. Mesh or Transparent Clothing:What you think looks cool on you, might actually be the biggest turn off for others. There is no sense in wearing clothes that make you look half naked, as there is nothing sexy about that. Especially when you have a terribly unshapely body that deserves to be hidden rather than showing it off. There is a very rare probability that mesh clothing will look good on anybody. 6. Jerseys:All the jerseys look good till the time they are worn around by the athletes or sports persons or till the time they find a place on your bedroom wall. But these jerseys do not however add to your charm, instead they definitely add to your size. Guys supporting this shapeless piece of clothing look as if they've been wrapped in a huge sack. This does not look cool at all, rather gives you an outdated and overweight feeling. 5. Saggy Jeans:The saggy jeans trend is just not ready to fade away. How can one even think that showing off boxers can actually look cool anyway? No matter how punk you consider this trend to be, most people only wriggle at the sight of your boxers popping out of your saggy trousers. Also there certainly is no fun or any sort of enjoyment in pulling up your pants every two minutes to keep them from falling off and creating an embarrassing scene for yourself. 4. Cowboy Hats:As the name suggests, the cowboy hats were precisely invented for the cowboys. A lot of people wear them to hide their baldness and a lot many country singers put them on to keep alive the country spirit. But what exact logic do other people find in wearing the cowboys hats around all the times, is incomprehensible. They need to understand its use and stop creating a fashion faux by thinking it to be a cool fashion statement. 3. Suspenders:Suspenders help to hold your pants up, but wait a minute, belts are meant for the same reason too! Therefore you definitely don't require both. Suspenders are definitely history now. Today they make a very clear case of over killing your outfit as they give an overall rectangle appearance. And one thing is for sure that no one is interested to carry a rectangle look. Try not to go over board by opting for suspenders and simply replace your suspenders by a nice belt the color of which is paired with the color of your footwear. 2. Crocs:Crocs were initially designed for old people and toddlers, but they gained a widespread popularity amongst youngsters too. Though they are tremendously comfortable, but you need to understand that they are hideous to look at. Also they bear a very close resemblance to its reptilian inspiration. You need to get over the fact that they look cool and if possible limit their use as well. 1. Leather Pants:There is a very rare chance for anyone to look good in a leather pants. Even if you consider yourself to be any super model, there is no chance for you to look stunning in leather pants. This is perhaps one of the most terrible creations of mankind. You can easily pair up your attire with a nice pair of leather shoes or a leather jacket and also a leather belt, but do not create another fashion faux by bearing a rock star inspired leather pants for any occasion. The post 7 Fashion Trends That Are Actually Bullshit appeared first on TopYaps. |
7 Most Controversial Celebrities Of Bollywood Posted: 07 Nov 2013 05:16 PM PST Controversies fit Bollywood like hands in a glove. Every year, we get to hear new and more shocking controversies involving mega stars of Bollywood. From bashing up each other, physically or verbally, drunken escapades, cheating on spouses, rapes to casting couches, the list and variety of controversies involving Bollywood celebrities can be mindboggling. I am not dwelling into the trivial controversies like Mallika Sherawat singing Happy Birthday to Modi, scandals of Veena Malik or the entry of porn star Sunny Leone. This is the list of celebrities who were caught up by controversies, rather than those stars who were made by their controversies. 7. Kabir Bedi:Married four times, Kabir Bedi, the outstanding actor of Bollywood has been in middle of controversies involving his wife Protima Bedi, his much talked about affair with Parveen Bhabi, the suicide of his schizophrenic son Siddhart and recently his famous spat with daughter Pooja Bedi. A star, whose career has spanned over 3 continents, Kabir Bedi has always been very much talked about actor in India. 6. Raj Kapoor:The married Raj Kapoor's affair with Nargis was one of the classic controversies of yesteryears. Though today we see every other film actress breaking marriages, it was not accepted so easily back in those days. When Nargis finally broke up with Raj Kapoor to marry Sunil Dutt, he was left heartbroken. He was also involved with actress of south Padmini and Vyjayanthimala. One of the best actors and directors of Bollywood, Raj Kapoor was also famous as the SHOWman whose unwarranted skin show of heroines like Padmini, Mandakini, Zeenat Aman, and Dimple Kapadia, both shocked and thrilled Indian audiences. 5. Zeenat Aman:The love interest of evergreen superstar Dev Anand, Zeenat Aman is known for her seductive presence on screen. Not many know that the actress had won a scholarship to study in California and worked as a journalist before turning to acting and modeling. Though on screen Zeenat portrayed the role of empowered woman, her real life was shrouded in controversies. She was beaten in public party by Sanjay Khan whom she is rumored to have married secretly, due to which she lost vision in one eye. She was also battered by her husband Mazhar Khan. Away from screen, she still manages to churn up controversies. 4. Shiney Ahuja:Shiney Ahuja, the hero of reel life turned villain in real life and raped his 18(20?) year old domestic help. He further threatened her life to prevent her from lodging an FIR against him. Though initially Ahuja denied the charges levied against him, finally he confessed to his crime. Later he was involved in a controversy of sexual harassment by his co-star Sayali Bhagat. His wife strongly defended him during both the controversies. 3. Sanjay Dutt:Though Sanjay Dutt has faced controversies throughout his life, his fans have never given up on him. Starting with drug addiction in his earlier years, due to which he spent 2 years in prison, Sanjay Dutt has success, fans and adversities following him always. Married thrice, Sanjay Dutt is at present serving six years’ rigorous imprisonment under the sentence of TADA court for illegal possession of weapons. 2. Rekha:Rekha is the star child of controversy. Beginning her career with a controversial hot scene with Biswajeet, Rekha has never looked back since. The highlight of controversies still remains her alleged affair with Amitabh Bacchan, and her ongoing efforts to get close to his family. She is famed for crossing the lines of limits both onscreen and off-screen to shock people more too often for her fans to be comfortable with. 1. Salman Khan:When it comes to star power or creating controversies, no one even come close to Salman Khan. From hunting the endangered species Chinkara, involvement in the infamous hit and run case, chasing after Aishwarya Rai to bashing up people (including some famous celebrities) now and then both on and off screen, Salman Khan has added variety to the controversies involving Bollywood. The short tempered, spoilt brat hero is loved by mass and creates hysteria among the fans wherever he goes, even though he has been rumored to mistreat his girlfriends and have connections with the underworld. His spats with SRK, Vivek Oberoi, John Abraham, Priyanka Chopra, and Subhash Ghai make headlines in Bollywood magazines. The post 7 Most Controversial Celebrities Of Bollywood appeared first on TopYaps. |
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