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- 7 Inexcusable Acts Committed By Jawaharlal Nehru
- 7 Boring Movies In IMDB Top 250
- 6 Silly Habits That Make You A Bad Person
- 6 Careers That Allow You To Travel The World
- 7 Bollywood Stars Who Look Even Better With Beard
- 8 Smoking Hot Ladies Of Yore
7 Inexcusable Acts Committed By Jawaharlal Nehru Posted: 26 Nov 2013 02:45 AM PST The first Prime Minister of India, also known as 'Chacha Nehru' for his fondness for children, laid foundation of a real democratic republic named India. Among the first ones to sail the country through tough times, Jawaharlal Nehru had been at the helm in many important incidents recorded in the Indian history. Despite his coming up with various constructive ideas, which were implemented to benefit the nation, some inexcusable acts were also committed by him, which still broil anger in the hearts of many. 7. Nehru inspired Linguistic Divisions:Although, Jawaharlal Nehru wasn’t directly responsible for carrying out linguistic divisions in the country, it all happened under his rule. Right after giving in to the demands of Potti Sreeramulu, who sat on a hunger strike demanding separate Telugu speaking state, many others including Shiv Sena and Telnagana supporters emerged from nowhere. Had he dealt with them with a strict hand, many of the linguistic division demands wouldn’t have arrived at all. 6. The lost story of Aksai Chin:Aksai Chin formed a part of princely state of Kashmir under Maharaja Hari Singh. However, right after that, China came charging into the territory without India knowing for years. China had by then captured around 45,000 square kilometers of area, which it hasn't resigned as yet. When confronted in the Parliament by the opposition, Nehru spoke the words – "Not a single blade of grass grows there." Had he been a bit more vigilant back then, many issues with China wouldn't have dragged so far. 5. Accession of Kashmir:The whole confusion around accession of the princely state of Kashmir right after partition in 1947 is well known to all Indians. During the time of partition, Britishers had prepared a treaty of accession where princely states had the right to join the dominion of their choice (India or Pakistan). However, right after partition tribals attacked Kashmir, which was ruled by Raja Hari Singh at that time. In retaliation, Indian troops chased the enemy to Muzzafarabad. When India could have used the treaty of accession to fight on behalf of Kashmir, Nehru has openly promised in the UN that only referendum will decide, with whom Kashmiris wants to side. 4. Article 370 in Constitution:Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah wanted to carry out compete Islamisation of Kashmir. He openly acted as the Prime Minister of the state. The National Conference flag was hoisted as the flag of a separate nation. However, his separatist ideas couldn't work so long as Sardar Patel was alive. So, he took Nehru for a ride and got Article 370 incorporated in the Constitution. These lent Shiekh's idea of separatism more strength and provided the state of J & K with special status. Only after this, major problems related to Kashmir evolved and are yet to be solved. 3. Over-Reliance of Socialistic Policies:It's a well known fact that Nehru was a Socialist at heart. His over reliance on Socialistic economic policies led India to the brink of economic crisis in 1960s. The worst was his beliefs that public sector should always be dominated by the government and exports are necessary evils called a doomsday for India in those times. Due to this mindset of the first Prime Minister of the country, India could not grow more than 3.5% to 4% (Hindu rate of growth) during his time and a lot late too. Even agriculture sector remained highly constrained. 2. Indulgence with Lady Mountbatten:Both Jinnah and Nehru shared extreme proximity with Lady Mountbatten. One such incident, which brought lots of shame to the country, was when he was clicked on camera late at night standing against the door of Lord Mountbatten's house in London. Edwina Mountbatten is seen opening the door with Nehru standing outside in the late hours at night. Although, both defined their relation as platonic, these incidents suggested otherwise. 1. The China Debacle:Many policies followed by Nehru have been termed as militarily unwise by senior Army officers of the time. His ordering of establishment of check posts all along the McMohan Line, moving border patrols towards Tibet was considered foolish, even though Nehru named the move as 'Forward Policy'. Nehru always believed that the Chinese didn’t have mettle enough to stand up to India as it received backing from both the US and the USSR, but this clearly an understatement. The post 7 Inexcusable Acts Committed By Jawaharlal Nehru appeared first on TopYaps. |
7 Boring Movies In IMDB Top 250 Posted: 26 Nov 2013 01:35 AM PST There are some great movies in the IMDB top 250 list and some overrated ones as well. Since users can vote and rate the movies along with experts it is the closest we’ll ever come to getting a universal list of best movies. Shawshank Redemption is at number one (while the list was being compiled) and Godfather at number two. I agree with a lot of the movies on the list, but I also have to say that there are some extremely boring movies in the list too. I don’t mean that all these movies are bad, but even some good movies can be boring. Here are 7 movies from the IMDB top 250 list that are very boring. 7. Black Swan:Black Swan is at number 199 and I appreciated the movie the first time I saw it. Natalie Portman has acted well and has lost a lot of weight to look like a real belle dancer. But let’s face it, the movie is slow paced and can get boring at times. There are some interesting scenes in between but most of the movie is slow and boring. 6. Gandhi:Gandhi at 191 is another boring movie. It is a good movie and Sir Ben Kingsley has shown his brilliance once again. But movies about the life of any person can be a little on the boring side. No disrespect to Mahatma Gandhi or Ben Kingsley but after a while the movie can feel like a history lesson and as far as I remember history used to be boring. 5. Lawrence of Arabia:Lawrence of Arabia narrates the story of Thomas Edward Lawrence, an inordinately complex man who has many sides to him. He is a hero, he's a charlatan, and sometimes he's a sadist. Although the story opens with a thrilling note – when Lawrence has just had an accident in Dorset and dies at the age of 46, the flashback that germinates from that point moves sluggishly through his time in Cairo and how he investigates the Arab Revolt against the Turks in WWI. 4. The Sixth Sense:The Sixth Sense is Shyamalan’s masterpiece and is ranked at 144 in the IMDB top 250. Like most psychological thrillers the first time you watch it, your interest is held on by the need to know what’s going on. But once you know the story, it becomes a pretty boring movie. Bruce Willis’ acting is not very exciting either. It’s not a criticism of the movie as it is a great movie but all I’m saying is that you can’t watch it again and again and get the same enjoyment. But I guess that happens with all thrillers. 3. Up:Up at 118 is really baffling. This is one movie on this list that I did not like at all. It got a lot of hype and a lot was expected but it’s nowhere as good as Toy Story or Finding Nemo or WALL-E. The story is not very tight and halfway through the movie it loses its way completely when the dogs start talking. It’s one movie that hopefully will disappear out of the top 250 list with time. If you haven’t seen it already you can give it a try but don’t blame me if you feel cheated by the end. 2. Citizen Kane:Citizen Kane is one of the best movies of all time. It is ranked right now at 48 but arguments can be made about it being higher. It is technically very good and innovative. But as a movie on it’s own it’s very boring and long. Such type of movies that follow a character from birth to death tend to be boring. The only respite is that we know from the first seen that the character finally dies and the movie does end. I found watching it with commentary was much more enjoyable experience as I found out about the technical and directorial innovations used in the movie. 1. 12 Angry Men:12 Angry men is at number 7 and definitely the most boring movie in the top 10. Again I’m not saying that it is a bad movie. But the concept of 12 men sitting in a closed room, arguing with each other is boring on the outset. The direction and acting and interesting dialogue makes it not as boring as it could have been but even that isn’t enough. The post 7 Boring Movies In IMDB Top 250 appeared first on TopYaps. |
6 Silly Habits That Make You A Bad Person Posted: 26 Nov 2013 01:30 AM PST Bad habits are born to stress and boredom. Coming from such parents, you can be sure that they are not going to do any good to you or your life. Most of the bad habits you acquire over the time may make you appear like a bad person even to those who love you, as the tinted glasses of love do not last forever. There are no actions without consequences, and the consequences of bad habits are never good. Quit these 6 silly habits that make you a bad person before they start to distance you from the people you care about. 6. Lack of good manners:Good manners are one of the most underrated things of the world. Though good manners can make a lot of difference in your life, making it easier and dignified; not many give much thought to it. Realize the value of golden words like, please, excuse me, thank you and you are welcome. Bad manners like touching people while talking to them, interrupting their sentences, staring, pushing to get ahead and many others will clearly put you down as a bad person.
5. Extravagancy:Living within your means is one of the greatest life skills you can develop. It is never too early to teach children the value of money management, no matter what you economical status is. If you are extravagant and selfish with your own pleasures, it may lead to pain and suffering for everyone around you. Extravagancy will lead to debts which becomes a vicious cycle where you take more loans to pay-off older debts. The mounting interest rate will slowly gobble up a large portion of profits. Extravagancy is never alone; it is accompanied by lies, cheating, unpaid debts and sleepless nights.
4. Ignoring Social Etiquettes:Nothing can be grosser than a person scratching in public, though talking with mouthful of food comes close. Many people observe what they say through their words, while they are totally unaware that their bad body language is giving wrong messages. Learn your people manners and use them effectively, because you owe it not only to yourself, but to the community you are living in. Ignoring social etiquettes can make others believe you are not just a bad person but also someone who they should not be seen with. 3. Drinking more than you can manage:Social drinking is acceptable in many cultures, but when drinking gets out of hand, it leads to lot of economic, legal and relationship problems. Under the influence of alcohol, many people lose touch with their perception, thinking, and emotionality; hence, they do not realize they are hurting people, especially those who are close to them. Though the party life and alcohol could be very tempting, the cost is never worth it. Eventually, heavy drinking can break your body and mind to an extent from where there is no turning back. 2. Tardiness:Tardiness, if left unchecked can turn into a chronic disease. An attitude of carelessness and complacency is not taking you anywhere but into the bad books of people involved with you. You have to know that many people value their time, so never waste it unnecessarily. Keeping people waiting is a way of showing disrespect to them. Professionally, tardiness can put your career on line. Though initially people are willing to listen why you are late, in course of time even your genuine reasons like meeting with an accident will be ignored.
1. Lying:The small lie told by you as a child in fear of punishment, may grow into the most irritating habit you can ever develop. Once you start down the road of lying there is no stopping, as one lie leads to another. The addiction of lying is much stronger than drugs or alcohol, because it is always available to you for free. The comfort of escaping from the consequences of telling truth can be very luring; so much that it may finally turn into a fallback mechanism you adopt quite often. Though it may appear not harmful, lies are deceptions and breaking of trust of people. Be honest, as truth cannot be hidden forever. The post 6 Silly Habits That Make You A Bad Person appeared first on TopYaps. |
6 Careers That Allow You To Travel The World Posted: 26 Nov 2013 12:54 AM PST The notion of traveling around the globe is fascinating to most people, but their jobs and homes often keep them stuck in one place. At the most traveling means going to the other side of the town, or planning an annual holiday with the family, but there is hardly any chance for traveling around the globe, unless you're not a pilot or a flight attendant. Since all of us cannot be pilots, we think there is no other way out, but fortunately there are some not-so-obvious career options that can take you around the world. In the list compiled below, we’ve found for you 6 best careers for people who love to travel the world. Read on. 6. Travel nurse:Good nurses are hard to find and those willing to travel even harder. But, if you are willing and in the position to handle the responsibilities of a travelling nurse, there are always temporary positions wherever they're needed. Sometimes you might just have to be the nurse mending a broken leg in LA, while at other times you may be assigned for nursing labor and delivery. Besides you can also be hired as an air cab nurse, and may have to go to the most unimaginable destinations. General rule for travel nurses is that companies hiring them also provide accommodation and travel stipend in addition to the salaries they earn, so there is money, service and travel. 5. Roadies:Road crew members are affectionately known as roadies. These guys handle everything related with stage production for a touring band or other performers. From managing light, sound, it's their job to set the stage right. The most apt people to hire as roadies thus include engineers, stagehands, riggers and instrument technicians. The road ahead is not easy, you'll have to start by lugging around the light and sound equipment at smaller theaters or work for lesser known personalities, and only gradually can you work your way up to becoming the roadie you’ve always wanted to be. 4. Tour Guide:One of the most fascinating and obvious career choices if you love to travel is to become a tour guide. Imagine yourself exploring cities like Rome and London- while also getting paid for the work you do. Tour guides can work in different profiles, while some of them can work at museum; others can get appointed at ghost parks or even get hired for bus tours. What's best is that as you spend more time and gain more experience, you also have the option to someday run your own tour company. 3. International aid worker:International aid workers are people who extend help to countries that are economically down trodden or the ones that are struggling to recover from natural disaster, war or famine. Depending on their field of specialty, aid workers can be teachers, doctors, nurses, engineers, agriculturists, etc. It not only fulfills your desire to see the world, but it also rewards them for serving the needy with their skills and knowledge. Moreover, you can also earn your travel expense from the services, as most of the international workers get paid for their work and contribution. 2. Archaeologist:If travelling and making discoveries is your purpose, there is nothing better than joining the league of archaeologists. Imagine unearthing skeletons, or discovering ancient tools, or tumbling upon a hidden treasures. It's your chance to glimpse thousands of or even millions of years into the past – something most people can only do through history books, if at all. There is also a false perception about archaeologists – they keep digging. Sometimes, archaeologists don't have to dig at all. They may have to conduct research for museums or government universities. 1. English Teacher:The world's most vastly spoken language is English and fortunately there is high demand of English teachers in places where its use is missing. It connects diverse cultures, and also helps in bridging the gap between countries that wish to enjoy foreign trade relations. People in the non-English speaking countries often yearn for help from people who are well versed with the language. So, here is also a chance for you to travel to these countries, explore them, while also adding value to the language skills of its people by teaching them English. The post 6 Careers That Allow You To Travel The World appeared first on TopYaps. |
7 Bollywood Stars Who Look Even Better With Beard Posted: 25 Nov 2013 11:46 PM PST It’s no secret that women generally prefer clean shaven men, but some men can pull off a beard in a way that makes them look even sexier. Top stars of Bollywood try to maintain a clean shaven face most of the time, but sometimes they do try to experiment with their looks. Not everyone can pull off a beard. Some stars like Salman Khan look better without any hair on their face. Let’s take a look at some bollywood celebrities that actually look better with a beard. 7. Abhishek Bachchan:Abhishek Bachchan came on the scene with a clean shaven face in his earlier movies. They were all flops. Now he always supports at least a light stubble and for good reason. It makes him look much better than the clean shaven look. He’s one guy on this list that has no choice because he looks really odd without a beard so he must always support it or risk alienating the audience. 6. Arjun Kapoor:Bonny Kapoor’s son who made his bollywood debut recently looked good with a short beard in Ishaqzaade. He is a good looking guy and I’m sure he will look good without a beard too but right now a stubble is going for him. It gives him a cool mature and slightly villainous look that suits him a lot. He should continue with the beard but of course that is his choice and I’m sure not all girls would mind if he shaves it off. 5. Shahrukh Khan:Shahrukh Khan is ugly. There I said it! Everybody knows this and this actually is a compliment for his cunning and charm with which he has become a super star despite being so ugly. Now the audience has gotten used to his face and don’t find it that revolting. And when he supports a beard he looks much better. And by much better I mean not-vomit-inducing. His French beard in Chak De India was much appreciated. Or maybe it was his acting. 4. Aamir Khan:Aamir Khan, the perfectionist, will do whatever it is humanly possible to suit his character. Then he’ll do some things that aren’t humanly possible too. His mustache in Talaash was really cool and the few times he’s grown a beard he’s looked good. Maybe with him finally starting to look a little older we’ll see more roles where he’ll support a beard. Whatever he does we can be sure that he’ll do it right and look great while doing it. 3. Saif Ali Khan:Saif Ali Khan is one guy who can really pull off a beard. For a long time he stayed away from the beard and didn’t show us his rough wild west side which now has become a sort of a trademark. We all remember the guy from Main Khiladi Tu Anari but it’s hard to think that he’s the same guy who was in Race with a beard and hair combed back to look like a gangster. The rough look suits him a lot more than the innocent charming young boy looks. And he’s making the right decision to sticking to such roles now. 2. Hrithik Roshan:Hrithik Roshan is probably the most handsome guy out there. He’s naturally handsome and even the word beautiful comes to mind. So it doesn’t matter what style he’s carrying, he can pull it off with ease. A beard suits him just as much as a clean shaven face. He likes supporting a beard and has been seen with one in many movies and offstage as well. Now if only he’d stop spending 5 years to make silly movies like Krrish 3. (Where’s Krrish 2 by the way?) 1. Amitabh Bachchan:The granddaddy of bollywood (literally) is also the granddaddy of beards. Amitabh Bachchan hasn’t parted with his French beard for many decades now. It is a good decision as he looks really cool with that thing. It’s probably the coolest beard in B-town. It makes him look mature and sophisticated. And thankfully no one’s offering him the main lead anymore so he hasn’t had to shave it off. The post 7 Bollywood Stars Who Look Even Better With Beard appeared first on TopYaps. |
Posted: 25 Nov 2013 11:11 PM PST Hot ladies have ruled the screens in Hollywood along with many bedroom walls of young men around the world. This trend is not something new and beauty has always been appreciated in the film industry. Some of the beauties of yore can give a run for their money even to actresses of today. They oozed sex appeal, charm, wit and beauty in the days when photoshop couldn’t be used to make you look perfect. 8. Raquel Welch:Raquel Welch became a sex symbol in America after starring in One Million Years B.C. in 1966. She didn’t have much to say in the movie but her poster in deer skin bikini became an outrage among the men. It is the same poster that is used by Andy Dufresne in The Shawshank Redemption to hide the tunnel right before he escapes. Welch went on to act in many notable films and had a good career as one of the hottest women of Hollywood. 7. Ginger Rogers:Ginger Rogers was as talented as she was beautiful. In her long career she made 73 movies, she sang and danced, she performed on stage and on radio and also performed on television. She and Fred Astaire revolutionized the musical film genre on their own. She had a very successful career and was recognized as a true American beauty. 6. Jane Russell:Jane Russell was one of Howard Hughes’ protégés. She started her career with The Outlaw in 1943. She was very beautiful and had a lot of sex appeal. She talked about sex appeal being artistic and didn’t like vulgarity in the name of sex appeal. She had a good acting career and a short music career as well. One of her most famous role is as Dorothy Shaw along with Marilyn Monroe in the hit film Gentlemen Prefer Blondes. 5. Jane Fonda:Jane Fonda is the daughter of actor Henry Fonda but she didn’t always knew that she could be an actress. She began her career as a fashion model, appearing twice on the cover of Vogue. In late 50′s she got interested in acting and did some theatre before getting into the movies in the 1960s. Not only did she have a successful career as a hot actress of Hollywood she was also always very vocal about her political sentiments. She participated in the campaign against the Vietnam War and has been a vocal activist for women’s rights. 4. Audrey Hepburn:Audrey Hepburn was one of the most iconic beauties of Hollywood. She was a British actress and known for her distinctive style sense. She is known as one of the best dressed and most naturally beautiful women to have worked in Hollywood ever. Hers wasn’t an obvious sort of sex appeal and she was more about natural beauty and charm. Her role in Breakfast at Tiffany’s is still remembered by one and all because of her unquestionable beauty. 3. Rita Hayworth:Rita Hayworth was a gorgeous Hollywood actress and dancer and one of the biggest pin up stars of the 1940s. She appeared in a total of 61 films and is one of the 100 greatest stars of all time in Hollywood. She was voted to have the best lips in the world and her voluptuous body drove men crazy. She could have had a longer career if not for her addiction to alcohol caused by the stress of fame that ruined her beauty in her later days. 2. Elizabeth Taylor:The most beautiful eyes in the world belonged to Elizabeth Taylor. She is one of the biggest icons of beauty in the world. She was a true star and was known for her glamorous lifestyle and a long list of husbands. She aged very well and remained beautiful for a very long time. Her career symbolizes the golden age of Hollywood. 1. Marilyn Monroe:When it comes to reminiscing about hot ladies of olden times, Marilyn Monroe can’t be left out. She was the hottest women ever and is the symbol of beauty even today. She was also a singer and a model and acted in many successful movies in her career. She is the quintessential American sex symbol and has been voted as film’s sexiest women of all time. The post 8 Smoking Hot Ladies Of Yore appeared first on TopYaps. |
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